
Defines functions GSCstatBatch

GSCstatBatch <- function(statistics, statType, gsc, method, signMethod, gseaParam, signs, nPerm) {
  # Create result list object:
  res <- list()
  res$statsAll <- vector()
  res$statsAllTestUp <- vector()
  res$statsAllTestDn <- vector()
  res$statsAbs <- vector()
  res$statsUp <- vector()
  res$statsDn <- vector()
  res$nGenes <- vector()
  res$nGenesUp <- vector()
  res$nGenesDn <- vector()
  res$pValuesAll <- vector()
  res$pValuesAllUp <- vector()
  res$pValuesAllDn <- vector()
  res$pValuesAbs <- vector()
  res$pValuesUp <- vector()
  res$pValuesDn <- vector()
  iContrast <- 1 # Remnant from when multiple contrast were allowed
  # Preallocate:
  gsStatsAll <- rep(NA,length(gsc))
  gsStatsAllTestUp <- rep(NA,length(gsc))
  gsStatsAllTestDn <- rep(NA,length(gsc))
  gsStatsAbs <- rep(NA,length(gsc))
  gsStatsUp <- rep(NA,length(gsc))
  gsStatsDn <- rep(NA,length(gsc))
  nGenes <- rep(0,length(gsc))
  nGenesUp <- rep(0,length(gsc))
  nGenesDn <- rep(0,length(gsc))
  pValuesAll <- rep(NA,length(gsc))
  pValuesAllUp <- rep(NA,length(gsc))
  pValuesAllDn <- rep(NA,length(gsc))
  pValuesAbs <- rep(NA,length(gsc))
  pValuesUp <- rep(NA,length(gsc))
  pValuesDn <- rep(NA,length(gsc))
  # Get statistics for current contrast:
  statsContrast <- statistics[,iContrast]
  if(statType %in% c("p-signed","F-signed")) {
    signsContrast <- signs[,iContrast]
  if(statType == "t") {
    signsContrast <- sign(statsContrast)
  # If possible, calculate "directional p-values":
  if(method %in% c("stouffer","reporter","tailStrength","wilcoxon","wilcoxon_fast","mean","median","sum") & statType == "p-signed") {
    statsContrastTestUp <- abs(statsContrast)
    statsContrastTestUp[signsContrast > 0] <- statsContrastTestUp[signsContrast > 0]/2
    statsContrastTestUp[signsContrast < 0] <- 1 - statsContrastTestUp[signsContrast < 0]/2
    statsContrastTestUp[signsContrast == 0] <- NA
    statsContrastTestDn <- 1 - statsContrastTestUp
    # Fix zeros and ones in directional p-values:
    statsContrastTestUp[statsContrastTestUp < 1e-100] <- 1e-100
    statsContrastTestUp[statsContrastTestUp > 0.9999999999999999] <- 0.9999999999999999
    statsContrastTestDn[statsContrastTestDn < 1e-100] <- 1e-100
    statsContrastTestDn[statsContrastTestDn > 0.9999999999999999] <- 0.9999999999999999
  # Loop through the gene-sets and calculate gene-set statistics (except from FGSEA which does its own looping, further down):
  for(iGeneSet in 1:length(gsc)) {
    # Fisher:
    if(method == "fisher") {
      # Get statistics for gene-set:
      indGenesInSet <- names(statsContrast) %in% gsc[[iGeneSet]]
      statsGenesInSet <- statsContrast[indGenesInSet]
      nGenes[iGeneSet] <- length(statsGenesInSet)
      if(nGenes[iGeneSet] > 0) {
        # Genes up/dn (partly redundant code added later as a fix):
        if(exists("signsContrast")) {
          nGenesUp[iGeneSet] <- sum(signsContrast[indGenesInSet]>0)
          nGenesDn[iGeneSet] <- sum(signsContrast[indGenesInSet]<0)
        # "Mixed" gene-set statistic:
        gsStatsAbs[iGeneSet] <- calcGeneSetStat(abs(statsGenesInSet), method)
        # "Subset-up" gene-set statistic:
        if(statType == "p-signed" & signMethod != "sampleperm") {
          signsGenesInSet <- signsContrast[indGenesInSet]
          sel <- statsGenesInSet[signsGenesInSet > 0]
          nGenesUp[iGeneSet] <- length(sel)
          if(nGenesUp[iGeneSet] > 0) {
            gsStatsUp[iGeneSet] <- calcGeneSetStat(sel, method)
          # "Subset-dn" gene-set statistic:
          sel <- abs(statsGenesInSet[signsGenesInSet < 0])
          nGenesDn[iGeneSet] <- length(sel)
          if(nGenesDn[iGeneSet] > 0) {
            gsStatsDn[iGeneSet] <- calcGeneSetStat(sel, method)  
      # Stouffer:
      # Reporter:
      # Tail strength:
    } else if(method %in% c("stouffer","reporter","tailStrength")) {
      # Get statistics for gene-set:
      indGenesInSet <- names(statsContrast) %in% gsc[[iGeneSet]]
      statsGenesInSet <- statsContrast[indGenesInSet]
      nGenes[iGeneSet] <- length(statsGenesInSet)
      if(nGenes[iGeneSet] > 0) {
        # Genes up/dn (partly redundant code added later as a fix):
        if(exists("signsContrast")) {
          nGenesUp[iGeneSet] <- sum(signsContrast[indGenesInSet]>0)
          nGenesDn[iGeneSet] <- sum(signsContrast[indGenesInSet]<0)
        # "Directional" gene-set statistics:
        if(statType == "p-signed") {
          statsGenesInSetTestUp <- statsContrastTestUp[indGenesInSet]
          statsGenesInSetTestDn <- statsContrastTestDn[indGenesInSet]
          statsGenesInSetTestUp <- statsGenesInSetTestUp[!is.na(statsGenesInSetTestUp)]
          statsGenesInSetTestDn <- statsGenesInSetTestDn[!is.na(statsGenesInSetTestDn)]
          gsStatsAllTestUp[iGeneSet] <- calcGeneSetStat(statsGenesInSetTestUp, method)
          gsStatsAllTestDn[iGeneSet] <- calcGeneSetStat(statsGenesInSetTestDn, method)
        # "Mixed" gene-set statistic:
        gsStatsAbs[iGeneSet] <- calcGeneSetStat(abs(statsGenesInSet), method)
        # "Subset-up" gene-set statistic:
        if(statType == "p-signed" & signMethod != "sampleperm") {
          signsGenesInSet <- signsContrast[indGenesInSet]
          sel <- statsGenesInSet[signsGenesInSet > 0]
          nGenesUp[iGeneSet] <- length(sel)
          if(nGenesUp[iGeneSet] > 0) {
            gsStatsUp[iGeneSet] <- calcGeneSetStat(sel, method)
          # "Subset-dn" gene-set statistic:
          sel <- abs(statsGenesInSet[signsGenesInSet < 0])
          nGenesDn[iGeneSet] <- length(sel)
          if(nGenesDn[iGeneSet] > 0) {
            gsStatsDn[iGeneSet] <- calcGeneSetStat(sel, method)  
      # Wilcoxon:
    } else if(method == "wilcoxon") {
      # Get statistics for gene-set:
      indGenesInSet <- names(statsContrast) %in% gsc[[iGeneSet]]
      statsGenesInSet <- statsContrast[indGenesInSet]
      statsNotInSet <- statsContrast[!indGenesInSet]
      if(statType %in% c("p-signed","F-signed")) {
        signsGenesInSet <- signsContrast[indGenesInSet]
        signsNotInSet <- signsContrast[!indGenesInSet]
      nGenes[iGeneSet] <- length(statsGenesInSet)
      if(nGenes[iGeneSet] > 0) {
        # Genes up/dn (partly redundant code added later as a fix):
        if(exists("signsContrast")) {
          nGenesUp[iGeneSet] <- sum(signsContrast[indGenesInSet]>0)
          nGenesDn[iGeneSet] <- sum(signsContrast[indGenesInSet]<0)
        # "Directional" gene-set statistics:
        if(statType == "p-signed") {
          statsGenesInSetTestUp <- statsContrastTestUp[indGenesInSet]
          statsGenesInSetTestDn <- statsContrastTestDn[indGenesInSet]
          statsGenesInSetTestUp <- statsGenesInSetTestUp[!is.na(statsGenesInSetTestUp)]
          statsGenesInSetTestDn <- statsGenesInSetTestDn[!is.na(statsGenesInSetTestDn)]
          statsNotInSetTestUp <- statsContrastTestUp[!indGenesInSet]
          statsNotInSetTestDn <- statsContrastTestDn[!indGenesInSet]
          statsNotInSetTestUp <- statsNotInSetTestUp[!is.na(statsNotInSetTestUp)]
          statsNotInSetTestDn <- statsNotInSetTestDn[!is.na(statsNotInSetTestDn)]
          tmp <- calcGeneSetStat(statsGenesInSetTestUp, "wilcoxon_less", statsNotInSetTestUp)
          gsStatsAllTestUp[iGeneSet] <- tmp[1]
          pValuesAllUp[iGeneSet] <- tmp[2]
          tmp <- calcGeneSetStat(statsGenesInSetTestDn, "wilcoxon_less", statsNotInSetTestDn)
          gsStatsAllTestDn[iGeneSet] <- tmp[1]
          pValuesAllDn[iGeneSet] <- tmp[2]
        } else if(statType == "t") {
          tmp <- calcGeneSetStat(statsGenesInSet, "wilcoxon_two.sided", statsNotInSet)
          gsStatsAll[iGeneSet] <- tmp[1]
          #pValuesAll[iGeneSet] <- tmp[2]
          tmp <- calcGeneSetStat(statsGenesInSet, "wilcoxon_greater", statsNotInSet)
          pValuesAllUp[iGeneSet] <- tmp[2]
          tmp <- calcGeneSetStat(statsGenesInSet, "wilcoxon_less", statsNotInSet)
          pValuesAllDn[iGeneSet] <- tmp[2]   
        # "Mixed" gene-set statistic:
        if(statType %in% c("p","p-signed")) {
          tmp <- calcGeneSetStat(abs(statsGenesInSet), "wilcoxon_less", abs(statsNotInSet))
          gsStatsAbs[iGeneSet] <- tmp[1]
          pValuesAbs[iGeneSet] <- tmp[2]
        } else if(statType %in% c("t","F","F-signed")) {
          tmp <- calcGeneSetStat(abs(statsGenesInSet), "wilcoxon_greater", abs(statsNotInSet))
          gsStatsAbs[iGeneSet] <- tmp[1]
          pValuesAbs[iGeneSet] <- tmp[2]
        # "Subset-up" gene-set statistic:
        if(statType %in% c("t","p-signed","F-signed") & signMethod != "sampleperm") {
          if(statType == "t") {
            sel <- statsGenesInSet[statsGenesInSet > 0]
          } else {
            sel <- statsGenesInSet[signsGenesInSet > 0]
          nGenesUp[iGeneSet] <- length(sel)
          if(nGenesUp[iGeneSet] > 0) {
            if(statType == "p-signed") {
              tmp <- calcGeneSetStat(sel, "wilcoxon_less", statsNotInSet[signsNotInSet > 0])
              gsStatsUp[iGeneSet] <- tmp[1]
              pValuesUp[iGeneSet] <- tmp[2]
            } else if(statType == "t") {
              tmp <- calcGeneSetStat(sel, "wilcoxon_greater",  statsNotInSet[statsNotInSet > 0])
              gsStatsUp[iGeneSet] <- tmp[1]
              pValuesUp[iGeneSet] <- tmp[2] 
            } else if(statType == "F-signed") {
              tmp <- calcGeneSetStat(sel, "wilcoxon_greater",  statsNotInSet[signsNotInSet > 0])
              gsStatsUp[iGeneSet] <- tmp[1]
              pValuesUp[iGeneSet] <- tmp[2] 
          # "Subset-dn" gene-set statistic:
          if(statType == "t") {
            sel <- abs(statsGenesInSet[statsGenesInSet < 0])
          } else {
            sel <- abs(statsGenesInSet[signsGenesInSet < 0])
          nGenesDn[iGeneSet] <- length(sel)
          if(nGenesDn[iGeneSet] > 0) {
            if(statType == "p-signed") {
              tmp <- calcGeneSetStat(sel, "wilcoxon_less", abs(statsNotInSet[signsNotInSet < 0]))
              gsStatsDn[iGeneSet] <- tmp[1]
              pValuesDn[iGeneSet] <- tmp[2]
            } else if(statType == "t") {
              tmp <- calcGeneSetStat(sel, "wilcoxon_greater",  abs(statsNotInSet[statsNotInSet < 0]))
              gsStatsDn[iGeneSet] <- tmp[1]
              pValuesDn[iGeneSet] <- tmp[2] 
            } else if(statType == "F-signed") {
              tmp <- calcGeneSetStat(sel, "wilcoxon_greater",  abs(statsNotInSet[signsNotInSet < 0]))
              gsStatsDn[iGeneSet] <- tmp[1]
              pValuesDn[iGeneSet] <- tmp[2] 
      # Wilcoxon, fast (only used by GSCstatSamplePerm):
    } else if(method == "wilcoxon_fast") {
      # Get statistics for gene-set:
      indGenesInSet <- names(statsContrast) %in% gsc[[iGeneSet]]
      statsGenesInSet <- statsContrast[indGenesInSet]
      statsNotInSet <- statsContrast[!indGenesInSet]
      if(statType %in% c("p-signed","F-signed")) {
        signsGenesInSet <- signsContrast[indGenesInSet]
        signsNotInSet <- signsContrast[!indGenesInSet]
      nGenes[iGeneSet] <- length(statsGenesInSet)
      if(nGenes[iGeneSet] > 0) {
        # Genes up/dn (partly redundant code added later as a fix):
        if(exists("signsContrast")) {
          nGenesUp[iGeneSet] <- sum(signsContrast[indGenesInSet]>0)
          nGenesDn[iGeneSet] <- sum(signsContrast[indGenesInSet]<0)
        # "Directional" gene-set statistics:
        if(statType == "p-signed") {
          statsGenesInSetTestUp <- statsContrastTestUp[indGenesInSet]
          statsGenesInSetTestDn <- statsContrastTestDn[indGenesInSet]
          statsGenesInSetTestUp <- statsGenesInSetTestUp[!is.na(statsGenesInSetTestUp)]
          statsGenesInSetTestDn <- statsGenesInSetTestDn[!is.na(statsGenesInSetTestDn)]
          statsNotInSetTestUp <- statsContrastTestUp[!indGenesInSet]
          statsNotInSetTestDn <- statsContrastTestDn[!indGenesInSet]
          statsNotInSetTestUp <- statsNotInSetTestUp[!is.na(statsNotInSetTestUp)]
          statsNotInSetTestDn <- statsNotInSetTestDn[!is.na(statsNotInSetTestDn)]
          gsStatsAllTestUp[iGeneSet] <- calcGeneSetStat(statsGenesInSetTestUp, "wilcoxon_fast", statsNotInSetTestUp)                              
          gsStatsAllTestDn[iGeneSet] <- calcGeneSetStat(statsGenesInSetTestDn, "wilcoxon_fast", statsNotInSetTestDn)                                    
        } else if(statType == "t") {
          gsStatsAll[iGeneSet] <- calcGeneSetStat(statsGenesInSet, "wilcoxon_fast", statsNotInSet)                   
        # "Mixed" gene-set statistic:
        if(statType %in% c("p","p-signed")) {
          gsStatsAbs[iGeneSet] <- calcGeneSetStat(abs(statsGenesInSet), "wilcoxon_fast", abs(statsNotInSet))                                     
        } else if(statType %in% c("t","F","F-signed")) {
          gsStatsAbs[iGeneSet] <- calcGeneSetStat(abs(statsGenesInSet), "wilcoxon_fast", abs(statsNotInSet))                              
        # "Subset-up" gene-set statistic:
        if(statType %in% c("t","p-signed","F-signed") & signMethod != "sampleperm") {
          if(statType == "t") {
            sel <- statsGenesInSet[statsGenesInSet > 0]
          } else {
            sel <- statsGenesInSet[signsGenesInSet > 0]
          nGenesUp[iGeneSet] <- length(sel)
          if(nGenesUp[iGeneSet] > 0) {
            if(statType == "p-signed") {
              gsStatsUp[iGeneSet] <- calcGeneSetStat(sel, "wilcoxon_fast", statsNotInSet[signsNotInSet > 0])                     
            } else if(statType == "t") {
              gsStatsUp[iGeneSet] <- calcGeneSetStat(sel, "wilcoxon_fast",  statsNotInSet[statsNotInSet > 0])                                                
            } else if(statType == "F-signed") {
              gsStatsUp[iGeneSet] <- calcGeneSetStat(sel, "wilcoxon_fast",  statsNotInSet[signsNotInSet > 0])                        
          # "Subset-dn" gene-set statistic:
          if(statType == "t") {
            sel <- abs(statsGenesInSet[statsGenesInSet < 0])
          } else {
            sel <- abs(statsGenesInSet[signsGenesInSet < 0])
          nGenesDn[iGeneSet] <- length(sel)
          if(nGenesDn[iGeneSet] > 0) {
            if(statType == "p-signed") {
              gsStatsDn[iGeneSet] <- calcGeneSetStat(sel, "wilcoxon_fast", abs(statsNotInSet[signsNotInSet < 0]))                                              
            } else if(statType == "t") {
              gsStatsDn[iGeneSet] <- calcGeneSetStat(sel, "wilcoxon_fast",  abs(statsNotInSet[statsNotInSet < 0]))                                                 
            } else if(statType == "F-signed") {
              gsStatsDn[iGeneSet] <- calcGeneSetStat(sel, "wilcoxon_fast",  abs(statsNotInSet[signsNotInSet < 0]))                        
      # Mean:
      # Median:
      # Sum:
    } else if(method %in% c("mean","median","sum")) {
      # Get statistics for gene-set:
      indGenesInSet <- names(statsContrast) %in% gsc[[iGeneSet]]
      statsGenesInSet <- statsContrast[indGenesInSet]
      if(statType %in% c("p-signed","F-signed")) {
        signsGenesInSet <- signsContrast[indGenesInSet]
      nGenes[iGeneSet] <- length(statsGenesInSet)
      if(nGenes[iGeneSet] > 0) {
        # Genes up/dn (partly redundant code added later as a fix):
        if(exists("signsContrast")) {
          nGenesUp[iGeneSet] <- sum(signsContrast[indGenesInSet]>0)
          nGenesDn[iGeneSet] <- sum(signsContrast[indGenesInSet]<0)
        # "Directional" gene-set statistics:
        if(statType == "p-signed") {
          statsGenesInSetTestUp <- statsContrastTestUp[indGenesInSet]
          statsGenesInSetTestDn <- statsContrastTestDn[indGenesInSet]
          statsGenesInSetTestUp <- statsGenesInSetTestUp[!is.na(statsGenesInSetTestUp)]
          statsGenesInSetTestDn <- statsGenesInSetTestDn[!is.na(statsGenesInSetTestDn)]
          gsStatsAllTestUp[iGeneSet] <- calcGeneSetStat(statsGenesInSetTestUp, method)
          gsStatsAllTestDn[iGeneSet] <- calcGeneSetStat(statsGenesInSetTestDn, method)
        } else if(statType == "t") {
          gsStatsAll[iGeneSet] <- calcGeneSetStat(statsGenesInSet, method)  
        # "Mixed" gene-set statistic:
        gsStatsAbs[iGeneSet] <- calcGeneSetStat(abs(statsGenesInSet), method)
        # "Subset-up" gene-set statistic:
        if(statType %in% c("p-signed","t","F-signed") & signMethod != "sampleperm") {
          if(statType == "t") {
            sel <- statsGenesInSet[statsGenesInSet > 0]
          } else {
            sel <- statsGenesInSet[signsGenesInSet > 0]
          nGenesUp[iGeneSet] <- length(sel)
          if(nGenesUp[iGeneSet] > 0) {
            gsStatsUp[iGeneSet] <- calcGeneSetStat(sel, method)
          # "Subset-dn" gene-set statistic:
          if(statType == "t") {
            sel <- abs(statsGenesInSet[statsGenesInSet < 0])
          } else {
            sel <- abs(statsGenesInSet[signsGenesInSet < 0])
          nGenesDn[iGeneSet] <- length(sel)
          if(nGenesDn[iGeneSet] > 0) {
            gsStatsDn[iGeneSet] <- calcGeneSetStat(sel, method)  
      # Maxmean:
    } else if(method == "maxmean") {
      # Get statistics for gene-set:
      indGenesInSet <- names(statsContrast) %in% gsc[[iGeneSet]]
      statsGenesInSet <- statsContrast[indGenesInSet]
      nGenes[iGeneSet] <- length(statsGenesInSet)
      if(nGenes[iGeneSet] > 0) {
        # Genes up/dn (partly redundant code added later as a fix):
        if(exists("signsContrast")) {
          nGenesUp[iGeneSet] <- sum(signsContrast[indGenesInSet]>0)
          nGenesDn[iGeneSet] <- sum(signsContrast[indGenesInSet]<0)
        # "Mixed" gene-set statistic:
        gsStatsAbs[iGeneSet] <- calcGeneSetStat(statsGenesInSet, method)
      # GSEA:
    } else if(method == "gsea") {
      # Get statistics for gene-set:
      statsContrastSorted <- sort(statsContrast,decreasing=TRUE)
      indGenesInSet <- which(names(statsContrastSorted) %in% gsc[[iGeneSet]])
      nGenes[iGeneSet] <- length(indGenesInSet)
      if(nGenes[iGeneSet] > 0) {
        # Genes up/dn (partly redundant code added later as a fix):
        if(exists("signsContrast")) {
          #nGenesUp[iGeneSet] <- sum(signsContrast[indGenesInSet]>0)
          #nGenesDn[iGeneSet] <- sum(signsContrast[indGenesInSet]<0)
          nGenesUp[iGeneSet] <- sum(statsContrastSorted[indGenesInSet]>0)
          nGenesDn[iGeneSet] <- sum(statsContrastSorted[indGenesInSet]<0)
        # "Directional" gene-set statistic:
        gsStatsAll[iGeneSet] <- calcGeneSetStat(indGenesInSet, method, statsContrastSorted, gseaParam)            
      # Page:
    } else if(method == "page") {
      # Get statistic for gene-set:
      indGenesInSet <- names(statsContrast) %in% gsc[[iGeneSet]]
      statsGenesInSet <- statsContrast[indGenesInSet]
      nGenes[iGeneSet] <- length(statsGenesInSet)
      if(nGenes[iGeneSet] > 0) {
        # Genes up/dn (partly redundant code added later as a fix):
        if(exists("signsContrast")) {
          nGenesUp[iGeneSet] <- sum(signsContrast[indGenesInSet]>0)
          nGenesDn[iGeneSet] <- sum(signsContrast[indGenesInSet]<0)
        # "Directional" gene-set statistics:
        gsStatsAll[iGeneSet] <- calcGeneSetStat(statsGenesInSet, method, statsContrast)
  # FGSEA:
  if(method == "fgsea") {
    # Run FGSEA using the fgsea package:
    tmp <- fgsea(gsc, statsContrast, nperm=nPerm, minSize=1, maxSize=Inf, nproc=0, gseaParam=gseaParam)
    # Sort the result table so it matches the original gene-set order:
    tmp <- tmp[match(tmp$pathway, names(gsc)),]
    # Extract the results:
    gsStatsAll <- tmp$ES
    pValuesAllUp <- rep(NA, length(tmp$pval))
    pValuesAllDn <- pValuesAllUp
    pValuesAllUp[gsStatsAll>=0] <- tmp$pval[gsStatsAll>=0]
    pValuesAllDn[gsStatsAll<0] <- tmp$pval[gsStatsAll<0]
    # Calculate number of genes:
    nGenes <- unlist(lapply(gsc, length))
    nGenesUp <- unlist(lapply(gsc, function(x) sum(signsContrast[x]>0)))
    nGenesDn <- unlist(lapply(gsc, function(x) sum(signsContrast[x]<0)))
  # Save results:
  res$statsAll <- cbind(res$statsAll, gsStatsAll)
  res$statsAllTestUp <- cbind(res$statsAllTestUp, gsStatsAllTestUp)
  res$statsAllTestDn <- cbind(res$statsAllTestDn, gsStatsAllTestDn)
  res$statsAbs <- cbind(res$statsAbs, gsStatsAbs)
  res$statsUp <- cbind(res$statsUp, gsStatsUp)
  res$statsDn <- cbind(res$statsDn, gsStatsDn)
  res$nGenes <- cbind(res$nGenes, nGenes)
  res$nGenesUp <- cbind(res$nGenesUp, nGenesUp)
  res$nGenesDn <- cbind(res$nGenesDn, nGenesDn)
  res$pValuesAll <- cbind(res$pValuesAll, pValuesAll)
  res$pValuesAllUp <- cbind(res$pValuesAllUp, pValuesAllUp)
  res$pValuesAllDn <- cbind(res$pValuesAllDn, pValuesAllDn)
  res$pValuesAbs <- cbind(res$pValuesAbs, pValuesAbs)
  res$pValuesUp <- cbind(res$pValuesUp, pValuesUp)
  res$pValuesDn <- cbind(res$pValuesDn, pValuesDn)
  if(method == "fisher") res$statName = "X2"
  else if(method == "stouffer") res$statName = "Z"
  else if(method == "tailStrength") res$statName = "TS"
  else if(method == "reporter") res$statName = "Z" # This is the raw Z-score.
  else if(method == "wilcoxon") res$statName = "W"
  else if(method == "wilcoxon_fast") res$statName = "W"
  else if(method == "mean") res$statName = "mean"
  else if(method == "median") res$statName = "median"
  else if(method == "sum") res$statName = "sum"
  else if(method == "maxmean") res$statName = "maxmean"
  else if(method == "gsea") res$statName = "ES"
  else if(method == "fgsea") res$statName = "ES"
  else if(method == "page") res$statName = "Z"
varemo/piano documentation built on Sept. 19, 2022, 12:01 p.m.