
Defines functions runGSA

Documented in runGSA

#' Gene set analysis
#' Performs gene set analysis (GSA) based on a given number of gene-level
#' statistics and a gene set collection, using a variety of available methods,
#' returning the gene set statistics and p-values of different directionality
#' classes.
#' The rownames of \code{geneLevelStats} and \code{directions} should be
#' identical and match the names of the members of the gene sets in \code{gsc}.
#' If \code{geneSetStat} is set to \code{"fisher"}, \code{"stouffer"},
#' \code{"reporter"} or \code{"tailStrength"} only p-values are allowed as
#' \code{geneLevelStats}. If \code{geneSetStat} is set to \code{"maxmean"},
#' \code{"gsea"}, \code{"fgsea"} or \code{"page"} only t-like
#' \code{geneLevelStats} are allowed (e.g. t-values, fold-changes).
#' For \code{geneSetStat} set to \code{"fisher"}, \code{"stouffer"},
#' \code{"reporter"}, \code{"wilcoxon"} or \code{"page"}, the gene set p-values
#' can be calculated from a theoretical null-distribution, in this case, set
#' \code{signifMethod="nullDist"}. For all methods
#' \code{signifMethod="geneSampling"} or
#' \code{signifMethod="samplePermutation"} can be used, except for
#' \code{"fgsea"} where only \code{signifMethod="geneSampling"} is allowed. If
#' \code{signifMethod="geneSampling"} gene sampling is used, meaning that the
#' gene labels are randomized \code{nPerm} times and the gene set statistics
#' are recalculated so that a background distribution for each original gene
#' set is acquired. The gene set p-values are calculated based on this
#' background distribution. Similarly if
#' \code{signifMethod="samplePermutation"} sample permutation is used. In this
#' case the argument \code{permStats} (and optionally \code{permDirections})
#' has to be supplied.
#' The \code{runGSA} function returns p-values for each gene set. Depending on
#' the choice of methods and gene statistics up to three classes of p-values
#' can be calculated, describing different aspects of regulation
#' directionality. The three directionality classes are Distinct-directional,
#' Mixed-directional and Non-directional. The non-directional p-values
#' (\code{pNonDirectional}) are calculated based on absolute values of the gene
#' statistics (or p-values without sign information), meaning that gene sets
#' containing a high portion of significant genes, independent of direction,
#' will turn up significant. That is, gene-sets with a low
#' \code{pNonDirectional} should be interpreted to be significantly affected by
#' gene regulation, but there can be a mix of both up and down regulation
#' involved. The mixed-directional p-values (\code{pMixedDirUp} and
#' \code{pMixedDirDn}) are calculated using the subset of the gene statistics
#' that are up-regulated and down-regulated, respectively. This means that a
#' gene set with a low \code{pMixedDirUp} will have a component of
#' significantly up-regulated genes, disregardful of the extent of
#' down-regulated genes, and the reverse for \code{pMixedDirDn}. This also
#' means that one can get gene sets that are both significantly affected by
#' down-regulation and significantly affected by up-regulation at the same
#' time. Note that sample permutation cannot be used to calculate
#' \code{pMixedDirUp} and \code{pMixedDirDn} since the subset sizes will
#' differ. Finally, the distinct-directional p-values (\code{pDistinctDirup}
#' and \code{pDistinctDirDn}) are calculated from statistics with sign
#' information (e.g. t-statistics). In this case, if a gene set contains both
#' up- and down-regulated genes, they will cancel out each other. A gene-set
#' with a low \code{pDistinctDirUp} will be significantly affected by
#' up-regulation, but not a mix of up- and down-regulation (as in the case of
#' the mixed-directional and non-directional p-values). In order to be able to
#' calculate distinct-directional gene set p-values while using p-values as
#' gene-level statistics, the gene-level p-values are transformed as follows:
#' The up-regulated portion of the p-values are divided by 2 (scaled to range
#' between 0-0.5) and the down-regulated portion of p-values are set to 1-p/2
#' (scaled to range between 1-0.5). This means that a significantly
#' down-regulated gene will get a p-value close to 1. These new p-values are
#' used as input to the gene-set analysis procedure to get
#' \code{pDistinctDirUp}. Similarly, the opposite is done, so that the
#' up-regulated portion is scaled between 1-0.5 and the down-regulated between
#' 0-0.5 to get the \code{pDistinctDirDn}.
#' @param geneLevelStats a vector or a one-column data.frame or matrix,
#' containing the gene level statistics. Gene level statistics can be e.g.
#' p-values, t-values or F-values.
#' @param directions a vector or a one-column data.frame or matrix, containing
#' fold-change like values for the related gene-level statistics. This is
#' mainly used if statistics are p-values or F-values, but not required. The
#' values should be positive or negative, but only the sign information will be
#' used, so the actual value will not matter.
#' @param geneSetStat the statistical GSA method to use. Can be one of
#' \code{"fisher"}, \code{"stouffer"}, \code{"reporter"},
#' \code{"tailStrength"}, \code{"wilcoxon"}, \code{"mean"}, \code{"median"},
#' \code{"sum"}, \code{"maxmean"}, \code{"gsea"}, \code{"fgsea"} or
#' \code{"page"}. See below for details.
#' @param signifMethod the method for significance assessment of gene sets,
#' i.e. p-value calculation. Can be one of \code{"geneSampling"},
#' \code{"samplePermutation"} or \code{"nullDist"}
#' @param adjMethod the method for adjusting for multiple testing. Can be any
#' of the methods supported by \code{p.adjust}, i.e. \code{"holm"},
#' \code{"hochberg"}, \code{"hommel"}, \code{"bonferroni"}, \code{"BH"},
#' \code{"BY"}, \code{"fdr"} or \code{"none"}. The exception is for
#' \code{geneSetStat="gsea"}, where only the options \code{"fdr"} and
#' \code{"none"} can be used.
#' @param gsc a gene set collection given as an object of class \code{GSC} as
#' returned by the \code{\link{loadGSC}} function.
#' @param gsSizeLim a vector of length two, giving the minimum and maximum gene
#' set size (number of member genes) to be kept for the analysis. Defaults to
#' \code{c(1,Inf)}.
#' @param permStats a matrix with permutated gene-level statistics (columns)
#' for each gene (rows). This should be calculated by the user by randomizing
#' the sample labels in the original data, and recalculating the gene level
#' statistics for each comparison a large number of times, thus generating a
#' vector (rows in the matrix) of background statistics for each gene. This
#' argument is required and only used if
#' \code{signifMethod="samplePermutation"}.
#' @param permDirections similar to \code{permStats}, but should instead
#' contain fold-change like values for the related permutated statistics. This
#' is mainly used if the statistics are p-values or F-values, but not required.
#' The values should be positive or negative, but only the sign information
#' will be used, so the actual value will not matter. This argument is only
#' used if \code{signifMethod="samplePermutation"}, but not required. Note
#' however, that if \code{directions} is give then also \code{permDirections}
#' is required, and vice versa.
#' @param nPerm the number of permutations to use for gene sampling, i.e. if
#' \code{signifMethod="geneSampling"}. The original Reporter features algorithm
#' (\code{geneSetStat="reporter"} and \code{signifMethod="nullDist"}) also uses
#' a permutation step which is controlled by \code{nPerm}.
#' @param gseaParam the exponent parameter of the GSEA and FGSEA approach. This
#' defaults to 1, as recommended by the GSEA authors.
#' @param ncpus the number of cpus to use. If larger than 1, the gene
#' permutation part will be run in parallel and thus decrease runtime. Requires
#' R package \pkg{snowfall} to be installed. Should be set so that
#' \code{nPerm/ncpus} is a positive integer. (Not used by FGSEA.)
#' @param verbose a logical. Whether or not to display progress messages during
#' the analysis.
#' @return A list-like object of class \code{GSAres} containing the following
#' elements:
#' \item{geneStatType}{The interpretated type of gene-level statistics}
#' \item{geneSetStat}{The method for gene set statistic calculation}
#' \item{signifMethod}{The method for significance estimation}
#' \item{adjMethod}{The method of adjustment for multiple testing}
#' \item{info}{A list object with detailed info number of genes and gene sets}
#' \item{gsSizeLim}{The selected gene set size limits} \item{gsStatName}{The
#' name of the gene set statistic type} \item{nPerm}{The number of
#' permutations} \item{gseaParam}{The GSEA parameter}
#' \item{geneLevelStats}{The input gene-level statistics} \item{directions}{The
#' input directions}
#' \item{gsc}{The input gene set collection} \item{nGenesTot}{The total number
#' of genes in each gene set} \item{nGenesUp}{The number of up-regulated genes
#' in each gene set} \item{nGenesDn}{The number of down-regulated genes in each
#' gene set}
#' \item{statDistinctDir}{Gene set statistics of the distinct-directional
#' class} \item{statDistinctDirUp}{Gene set statistics of the
#' distinct-directional class} \item{statDistinctDirDn}{Gene set statistics of
#' the distinct-directional class} \item{statNonDirectional}{Gene set
#' statistics of the non-directional class} \item{statMixedDirUp}{Gene set
#' statistics of the mixed-directional class} \item{statMixedDirDn}{Gene set
#' statistics of the mixed-directional class}
#' \item{pDistinctDirUp}{Gene set p-values of the distinct-directional class}
#' \item{pDistinctDirDn}{Gene set p-values of the distinct-directional class}
#' \item{pNonDirectional}{Gene set p-values of the non-directional class}
#' \item{pMixedDirUp}{Gene set p-values of the mixed-directional class}
#' \item{pMixedDirDn}{Gene set p-values of the mixed-directional class}
#' \item{pAdjDistinctDirUp}{Adjusted gene set p-values of the
#' distinct-directional class} \item{pAdjDistinctDirDn}{Adjusted gene set
#' p-values of the distinct-directional class}
#' \item{pAdjNonDirectional}{Adjusted gene set p-values of the non-directional
#' class} \item{pAdjMixedDirUp}{Adjusted gene set p-values of the
#' mixed-directional class} \item{pAdjMixedDirDn}{Adjusted gene set p-values of
#' the mixed-directional class}
#' \item{runtime}{The execution time in seconds}
#' @author Leif Varemo \email{piano.rpkg@@gmail.com} and Intawat Nookaew
#' \email{piano.rpkg@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso \pkg{\link{piano}}, \code{\link{loadGSC}},
#' \code{\link{GSAsummaryTable}}, \code{\link{geneSetSummary}},
#' \code{\link{networkPlot2}}, \code{\link{exploreGSAres}}, \pkg{\link[samr]{samr}},
#' \pkg{\link[limma:01Introduction]{limma}}, \pkg{\link[GSA]{GSA}}, \pkg{\link[fgsea]{fgsea}}
#' @references Fisher, R. Statistical methods for research workers. Oliver and
#' Boyd, Edinburgh, (1932).
#' Stouffer, S., Suchman, E., Devinney, L., Star, S., and Williams Jr, R. The
#' American soldier: adjustment during army life. Princeton University Press,
#' Oxford, England, (1949).
#' Patil, K. and Nielsen, J. Uncovering transcriptional regulation of
#' metabolism by using metabolic network topology. Proceedings of the National
#' Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 102(8), 2685 (2005).
#' Oliveira, A., Patil, K., and Nielsen, J. Architecture of transcriptional
#' regulatory circuits is knitted over the topology of bio-molecular
#' interaction networks. BMC Systems Biology 2(1), 17 (2008).
#' Kim, S. and Volsky, D. Page: parametric analysis of gene set enrichment. BMC
#' bioinformatics 6(1), 144 (2005).
#' Taylor, J. and Tibshirani, R. A tail strength measure for assessing the
#' overall univariate significance in a dataset. Biostatistics 7(2), 167-181
#' (2006).
#' Mootha, V., Lindgren, C., Eriksson, K., Subramanian, A., Sihag, S., Lehar,
#' J., Puigserver, P., Carlsson, E., Ridderstrale, M., Laurila, E., et al.
#' Pgc-1-alpha-responsive genes involved in oxidative phosphorylation are
#' coordinately downregulated in human diabetes. Nature genetics 34(3), 267-273
#' (2003).
#' Subramanian, A., Tamayo, P., Mootha, V., Mukherjee, S., Ebert, B., Gillette,
#' M., Paulovich, A., Pomeroy, S., Golub, T., Lander, E., et al. Gene set
#' enrichment analysis: a knowledgebased approach for interpreting genom-wide
#' expression profiles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the
#' United States of America 102(43), 15545-15550 (2005).
#' Efron, B. and Tibshirani, R. On testing the significance of sets of genes.
#' The Annals of Applied Statistics 1, 107-129 (2007).
#' @examples
#'    # Load example input data to GSA:
#'    data("gsa_input")
#'    # Load gene set collection:
#'    gsc <- loadGSC(gsa_input$gsc)
#'    # Run gene set analysis:
#'    gsares <- runGSA(geneLevelStats=gsa_input$pvals , directions=gsa_input$directions, 
#'                     gsc=gsc, nPerm=500)
runGSA <- function(geneLevelStats,
                   verbose=TRUE) {

   #  Check arguments and load data

   # Start timing:
   startTime <- proc.time()
   if(verbose==TRUE)  {
      message("Running gene set analysis:")
      cat("Checking arguments...")
   tmp <- checkLoadArg(geneLevelStats, directions, geneSetStat, signifMethod, 
                       adjMethod, gsc, gsSizeLim, permStats, permDirections, nPerm, gseaParam, ncpus, verbose)
   # Get the output (revert back to original variable names):
   statistics      <- tmp$statistics
   statType        <- tmp$statType 
   statMethod      <- tmp$statMethod 
   signMethod      <- tmp$signMethod 
   adjMethod       <- tmp$adjMethod
   gsc             <- tmp$gsc
   permStatistics  <- tmp$permStatistics
   permSigns       <- tmp$permSigns
   addInfo         <- tmp$addInfo
   info            <- tmp$info
   nPerm           <- tmp$nPerm
   signs           <- tmp$signs
   permSigns       <- tmp$permSigns
   if(verbose==TRUE) {
      if(statMethod=="gsea") message("*** Please note that running the GSEA-method may take a substantial amount of time! ***")
      if(statMethod=="wilcoxon") message("*** Please note that running the Wilcoxon-method may take a substantial amount of time! ***")
      message(paste("Final gene/gene-set association:",info$nGenesGSC,"genes and",info$nGeneSets,"gene sets"))
      message("  Details:")
      message(paste("  Calculating gene set statistics from ",info$nGenesGSC," out of ",info$nGenesStatistics," gene-level statistics",sep=""))
      if(signMethod %in% c("geneperm","sampleperm")) message(paste("  Using all ",info$nGenesStatistics," gene-level statistics for significance estimation",sep=""))
      #message(paste("  Removed",info$redundantGSCrows,"redundant gene/gene-set associations"))
      message(paste("  Removed",info$removedGenesGSC,"genes from GSC due to lack of matching gene statistics"))
      message(paste("  Removed",info$removedGSnoGenes,"gene sets containing no genes after gene removal"))
      message(paste("  Removed additionally",info$removedGSsizeLimit,"gene sets not matching the size limits"))
      message(paste("  Loaded additional information for",info$nGeneSetsWithAddInfo,"gene sets"))
   #  Calc gs stat
   if(verbose==TRUE) cat("Calculating gene set statistics...")
   tmp <- GSCstatBatch(statistics, statType, gsc, statMethod, signMethod, gseaParam, signs, nPerm)
   # Get number of genes in each gene set:
   nGenes   <- tmp$nGenes
   nGenesUp <- tmp$nGenesUp
   nGenesDn <- tmp$nGenesDn
   # Get the gene set statistics:
   gsStatsAll <- tmp$statsAll
   gsStatsAllTestUp <- tmp$statsAllTestUp
   gsStatsAllTestDn <- tmp$statsAllTestDn
   gsStatsAbs <- tmp$statsAbs
   gsStatsUp  <- tmp$statsUp
   gsStatsDn  <- tmp$statsDn
   # Get gene-set stat name:
   gsStatName <- tmp$statName
   if(verbose==TRUE) cat("done!\n")
   #  Calc gs significance
   if(verbose==TRUE) cat("Calculating gene set significance...")
   if(!(statMethod == "wilcoxon" & signMethod == "distribution") & statMethod != "fgsea") {
     # If running Wilcoxon with null distribution or FGSEA, this section is not run! p-values are then calculated already
     # in the previous section (GSCstatBatch) and stored in the tmp variable, and extracted below (Get the p-values).
     tmp <- GSCsignificanceBatch(statistics, statType, signs, gsc, statMethod, signMethod, permStatistics, permSigns,
                                 nGenes, nGenesUp, nGenesDn, gsStatsAll, gsStatsAllTestUp, gsStatsAllTestDn, gsStatsAbs, 
                                 gsStatsUp, gsStatsDn, nPerm, gseaParam, ncpus)
   if(verbose==TRUE) cat("done!\n")
   # Get the p-values:
   pValuesAll   <- tmp$pValuesAll # not used...
   pValuesAllUp <- tmp$pValuesAllUp
   pValuesAllDn <- tmp$pValuesAllDn
   pValuesAbs   <- tmp$pValuesAbs
   pValuesUp    <- tmp$pValuesUp
   pValuesDn    <- tmp$pValuesDn
   # For GSEA:
   gsStatsAllPerm <- tmp$gsStatsAllPerm
   #  Adj. for multiple testing
   if(verbose==TRUE & adjMethod != "none") cat("Adjusting for multiple testing...")
   if(statMethod == "gsea" & adjMethod != "none") {
      tmp <- fdrGSEA(gsStatsAll,gsStatsAllPerm,nGenes,signMethod)
      pValuesAllUpAdj <- tmp$pValuesAllUpAdj
      pValuesAllDnAdj <- tmp$pValuesAllDnAdj
      pValuesAllAdj <- pValuesAllUpAdj*NA
      pValuesAbsAdj <- pValuesAllUpAdj*NA
      pValuesUpAdj <- pValuesAllUpAdj*NA
      pValuesDnAdj <- pValuesAllUpAdj*NA
   } else {
      pValuesAllAdj <- apply(pValuesAll,2,p.adjust,method=adjMethod)
      pValuesAllUpAdj <- apply(pValuesAllUp,2,p.adjust,method=adjMethod)
      pValuesAllDnAdj <- apply(pValuesAllDn,2,p.adjust,method=adjMethod)
      pValuesAbsAdj <- apply(pValuesAbs,2,p.adjust,method=adjMethod)
      pValuesUpAdj <- apply(pValuesUp,2,p.adjust,method=adjMethod)
      pValuesDnAdj <- apply(pValuesDn,2,p.adjust,method=adjMethod)
   if(verbose==TRUE & adjMethod != "none") cat("done!\n")
   #  Return results
   res <- list()
   # General info:
   res$geneStatType  <- statType 
   res$geneSetStat    <- statMethod 
   if(signMethod == "geneperm") res$signifMethod <- "geneSampling"
   if(signMethod == "sampleperm") res$signifMethod <- "samplePermutation"
   if(signMethod == "distribution") res$signifMethod <- "nullDist"
   res$adjMethod     <- adjMethod
   res$info          <- info
   #res$dataSubsets  <- dataSubsets
   res$gsSizeLim     <- gsSizeLim
   res$gsStatName    <- gsStatName
   res$nPerm         <- nPerm
   res$gseaParam     <- gseaParam
   #res$contrastName  <- colnames(statistics)
   # Gene-level statistics and signs:
   res$geneLevelStats <- statistics
   res$directions <- signs
   # GSC info:
   res$gsc        <- gsc
   res$nGenesTot  <- nGenes
   res$nGenesUp   <- nGenesUp
   res$nGenesDn   <- nGenesDn
   # Gene set statistics:
   colnames(gsStatsAll)       <- colnames(statistics)
   colnames(gsStatsAllTestUp) <- colnames(statistics)
   colnames(gsStatsAllTestDn) <- colnames(statistics)
   colnames(gsStatsAbs)       <- colnames(statistics)
   colnames(gsStatsUp)        <- colnames(statistics)
   colnames(gsStatsDn)        <- colnames(statistics)
   res$statDistinctDir   <- signif(gsStatsAll,5)
   res$statDistinctDirUp <- signif(gsStatsAllTestUp,5)
   res$statDistinctDirDn <- signif(gsStatsAllTestDn,5)
   res$statNonDirectional   <- signif(gsStatsAbs,5)
   res$statMixedDirUp <- signif(gsStatsUp,5)
   res$statMixedDirDn <- signif(gsStatsDn,5)
   # Gene set p-values:
   #colnames(pValuesAll)   <- colnames(statistics)
   colnames(pValuesAllUp) <- colnames(statistics)
   colnames(pValuesAllDn) <- colnames(statistics)
   colnames(pValuesAbs)   <- colnames(statistics)
   colnames(pValuesUp)    <- colnames(statistics)
   colnames(pValuesDn)    <- colnames(statistics)
   #res$pValuesAll   <- pValuesAll
   res$pDistinctDirUp <- signif(pValuesAllUp,5)
   res$pDistinctDirDn <- signif(pValuesAllDn,5)
   res$pNonDirectional   <- signif(pValuesAbs,5)
   res$pMixedDirUp <- signif(pValuesUp,5)
   res$pMixedDirDn <- signif(pValuesDn,5)
   # Gene set adjusted p-values:
   #colnames(pValuesAllAdj)   <- colnames(statistics)  
   colnames(pValuesAllUpAdj) <- colnames(statistics)
   colnames(pValuesAllDnAdj) <- colnames(statistics)
   colnames(pValuesAbsAdj)   <- colnames(statistics)
   colnames(pValuesUpAdj)    <- colnames(statistics)
   colnames(pValuesDnAdj)    <- colnames(statistics)
   #res$pValuesAllAdj   <- pValuesAllAdj
   res$pAdjDistinctDirUp <- signif(pValuesAllUpAdj,5)
   res$pAdjDistinctDirDn <- signif(pValuesAllDnAdj,5)
   res$pAdjNonDirectional  <- signif(pValuesAbsAdj,5)
   res$pAdjMixedDirUp <- signif(pValuesUpAdj,5)
   res$pAdjMixedDirDn <- signif(pValuesDnAdj,5)
   # Add time info:
   res$runtime <- proc.time() - startTime
   class(res) <- "GSAres"
varemo/piano documentation built on Sept. 19, 2022, 12:01 p.m.