
Defines functions orderly_use_edit_array orderly_use_gitignore orderly_use_package orderly_use_source orderly_use_resource

Documented in orderly_use_gitignore orderly_use_package orderly_use_resource orderly_use_source

##' Add one or more resources to an `orderly.yml` file.
##' The `orderly_use_gitignore` configures a basic
##' `.gitignore` file at the root of your orderly project that
##' will prevent files from being added to git.  This is only really
##' useful if you are using (or will use) git, but it is harmless at
##' worst.
##' @title Add a resource to orderly.yml
##' @param resources,sources Character vector of resources or sources
##'   to add.  These must be filenames relative to the report
##'   directory, must exist, and must not already be present in the
##'   orderly.yml
##' @param name Name of the report to modify.  Like
##'   [orderly::orderly_develop_start()] this can be `NULL` if
##'   you have already set the working directory to be the source
##'   directory.
##' @inheritParams orderly_run
##' @param show Logical, indicating if we should print the proposed
##'   changes to screen
##' @param edit Logical, indicating if we should actually edit the
##'   `orderly.yml` file.
##' @param prompt Logical, indicating if we should prompt before
##'   editing the orderly.yml file.  Only has an effect if `edit`
##'   is `TRUE`.
##' @return Invisibly, this function returns information about the
##'   file it would edit.  This information is primarily for debugging
##'   purposes and the format is subject to change.
##' @export
##' @rdname orderly_use
##' @examples
##' path <- orderly::orderly_example("minimal")
##' # Suppose we wanted to use the mtcars data within our report.
##' # First, the file must exist:
##' write.csv(mtcars, file.path(path, "src", "example", "mtcars.csv"),
##'           row.names = FALSE)
##' # Preview expected changes
##' orderly::orderly_use_resource("mtcars.csv", "example", path, edit = FALSE)
##' # Modify the orderly.yml file within src/example:
##' orderly::orderly_use_resource("mtcars.csv", "example", path, prompt = FALSE)
##' # The result is a file that now has a 'resources' section
##' # containing our new file
##' writeLines(readLines(file.path(path, "src", "example", "orderly.yml")))
##' # (of course, we'd still need to modify the script to use it).
orderly_use_resource <- function(resources, name = NULL, root = NULL,
                                 locate = TRUE, show = TRUE, edit = TRUE,
                                 prompt = TRUE) {
  loc <- orderly_develop_location(name, root, locate)
  assert_character(resources, name = "Resource")
  assert_file_exists(resources, workdir = loc$path, name = "Resource")
  orderly_use_edit_array(resources, "Resource", "resources",
                         loc, show, edit, prompt)

##' @export
##' @rdname orderly_use
orderly_use_source <- function(sources, name = NULL, root = NULL,
                               locate = TRUE, show = TRUE, edit = TRUE,
                               prompt = TRUE) {
  loc <- orderly_develop_location(name, root, locate)
  assert_character(sources, name = "Source")
  assert_file_exists(sources, workdir = loc$path, name = "Source")
  orderly_use_edit_array(sources, "Source", "sources",
                         loc, show, edit, prompt)

##' @param packages Character vector of package names to add.  These
##'   must not already exist in the orderly.yml
##' @export
##' @rdname orderly_use
orderly_use_package <- function(packages, name = NULL, root= NULL,
                                locate = TRUE, show = TRUE, edit = TRUE,
                                prompt = TRUE) {
  loc <- orderly_develop_location(name, root, locate)
  orderly_use_edit_array(packages, "Package", "packages",
                         loc, show, edit, prompt)

##' @export
##' @rdname orderly_use
orderly_use_gitignore <- function(root = NULL, locate = TRUE,
                                  show = TRUE, edit = TRUE, prompt = TRUE) {
  config <- orderly_config(root, locate)
  root <- config$root

  ## Do we check that the project here already has git?  We can do
  ## that with runner_has_git(), which looks for both the git
  ## executable and the .git directory in the root.  But of course the
  ## .git directory could be above this point.
  included <- readLines(orderly_file("init/gitignore"))
  dest <- file.path(root, ".gitignore")

  ## There are two options for adding the lines here: we could look
  ## to see what is _already_ included and filter on that, or we can
  ## ask git what it is going to ignore and add.  We can use
  ## git check-ignore --non-matching --no-index --verbose
  ## to test that, which could be nicer than using a basic match
  ## But for now, let's do the simplest thing (which has the advantage
  ## of not requiring any system calls)
  if (file.exists(dest)) {
    prev <- readLines(dest)
    to_add <- setdiff(included[grepl("^[^#[:space:]]", included)], prev)
    where <- length(prev)
  } else {
    prev <- NULL
    where <- NA
    to_add <- included

    insert_into_file(prev, where, to_add, dest, show, edit, prompt))

## Basically the same thing for packages, source, resources
orderly_use_edit_array <- function(entries, name_friendly, name_block, loc,
                                   show = TRUE, edit = TRUE, prompt = TRUE) {
  config <- loc$config
  name <- loc$name
  path <- loc$path

  info <- orderly_recipe$new(name, config, TRUE)

  err <- intersect(info[[name_block]], entries)
  if (length(err) > 0L) {
      "%s already declared: %s", name_friendly,
      paste(squote(err), collapse = ", ")),
      call. = FALSE)

  err <- unique(entries[duplicated(entries)])
  if (length(err) > 0L) {
      "%s duplicated: %s", name_friendly,
      paste(squote(err), collapse = ", ")),
      call. = FALSE)

  path_yml <- file.path("src", name, "orderly.yml")
  yml <- readLines(file.path(config$root, path_yml))

  dat <- yaml_block_info(name_block, yml)

  if (!dat$exists) {
    ## TODO: could add a more extensive help here - ideally syncing up
    ## with the help that exists in the orderly template.
    to_add <-
        sprintf("%s:", name_block),
        sprintf("  - %s", entries))
    where <- length(yml)
  } else if (dat$block) {
    to_add <- sprintf("%s- %s", dat$indent, entries)
    where <- dat$end
  } else {
    where <- dat$start
    prev <- yaml_load(yml[[where]])[[name_block]]
    yml[[where]] <- sprintf("%s:", name_block)
    to_add <- sprintf("  - %s", c(prev, entries))

    insert_into_file(yml, where, to_add, path_yml, show, edit, prompt))
vimc/orderly documentation built on July 8, 2023, 2:31 a.m.