
Defines functions plotVolcano plotHeatmap plotStackedBars plotPathway

Documented in plotHeatmap plotPathway plotStackedBars plotVolcano

#' Make an informative volcano plot using edgeR/DESeq2 output
#' @param DEoutput Tab-seperated edgeR/DESeq2 output file, using \code{\link{EdgeR_wrapper}} or
#'                      \code{\link{DESeq_wrapper}}
#' @param fdr FDR cutoff for plotting
#' @param foldChangeLine Where to place a line for a fold change cutoff. Needs two values
#'                      (for positive andnegative fold change). Default is to plot no line
#' @param markGenes geneIDs for the genes to mark (a circle with gene name will be added)
#' @param colorGenes geneIDs for the genes to color
#' @param useGeneNames Use gene names instead of default geneIDs. only works if the input
#'                      has been annotated by \code{\link{annotate_DEoutput}} function.
#' @param outFile Name of output pdf file
#' @return A pdf file with volcano plot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' deout <- system.file("extdata", "edgeR_output_annotated.tsv", package="vivlib")
#' plotVolcano(deout, fdr = 0.05, foldChangeLine = NULL, markGenes = NULL,
#'              colorGenes = NULL, useGeneNames = TRUE, outFile = "volcano.pdf")

plotVolcano <- function(DEoutput, fdr = 0.05, foldChangeLine = NULL, markGenes = NULL,
                        colorGenes = NULL, useGeneNames = TRUE, outFile = NULL) {

        # get data and format
        res_obj <- read.delim(DEoutput,header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)

                geneID <- res_obj$external_gene_name
        } else {
                geneID <- res_obj$Row.names

        plotdata <- data.frame(geneID = geneID, log2FoldChange = res_obj$log2FoldChange,
                               padj = res_obj$padj )
        # color genes
        if (!(is.null(colorGenes))) {
                plotdata$marked <- ifelse(plotdata$geneID %in% colorGenes, TRUE, FALSE)
        plotdata = plotdata[!is.na(plotdata$padj),]

        # set colors
        xlim = c(-3,3)
        ylim = c(0,30)
        cex = c(0.3,0.5)

        plotdata$cex = cex[1]
        plotdata$pch = 16
        plotdata$col = "#525252"
        plotdata$col[plotdata$padj < fdr] = "#cd0000"

        if (!(is.null(colorGenes))) {
                plotdata$col[plotdata$marked] = "#006400"

        # set limits
        plotdata$pch[plotdata$log2FoldChange < xlim[1] ] = 5
        plotdata$cex[plotdata$log2FoldChange < xlim[1] ] = cex[2]
        plotdata$log2FoldChange[plotdata$log2FoldChange < xlim[1] ] = xlim[1]

        plotdata$pch[plotdata$log2FoldChange > xlim[2] ] = 5
        plotdata$cex[plotdata$log2FoldChange > xlim[2] ] = cex[2]
        plotdata$log2FoldChange[plotdata$log2FoldChange > xlim[2] ] = xlim[2]

        plotdata$pch[-log10(plotdata$padj) > ylim[2] ] = 2
        plotdata$cex[-log10(plotdata$padj) > ylim[2] ] = cex[2]
        plotdata$padj[-log10(plotdata$padj) > ylim[2] ] = 10^ - ylim[2]

        de_up <- length(which(res_obj$log2FoldChange > 0 & res_obj$padj < fdr ))
        de_down <- length(which(res_obj$log2FoldChange < 0 & res_obj$padj < fdr ))

        # plot and save
        if(!is.null(outFile)) {

        plot(plotdata$log2FoldChange, -log10(plotdata$padj),
             main=sprintf("Volcano plot\n(FDR: %.2f, up: %d, down: %d)",fdr,de_up,de_down),
             xlab="log2-fold change",
             ylab="-log10 adjusted-pvalue",
             cex=plotdata$cex, pch=plotdata$pch,

        abline(h=-log10(fdr), col=rgb(0,0,1,0.5), lwd=4)
        #abline(v=0, col=rgb(0,0,1,0.5), lwd=4)
        abline(v=0, col= "grey40", lwd=4)

        if(!(is.null(foldChangeLine))) {
                abline(v = log2(foldChangeLine[1]), col=rgb(1,0,1,0.5), lwd=3)
                abline(v = -log2(abs(foldChangeLine[2])), col=rgb(1,0,1,0.5), lwd=3)

        # finally, mark genes
        if (!(is.null(markGenes))) {
                markedata <- plotdata[which(plotdata$geneID %in% markGenes),]
                points(markedata$log2FoldChange,-log10(markedata$padj), pch = 1, lwd = 3, col = "black")
                calibrate::textxy(markedata$log2FoldChange, -log10(markedata$padj),markedata$geneID, cex = 0.6)

        if(!is.null(outFile)) {

#' Plot heatmap of raw counts for top DEgenes using edgeR/DESeq2 output
#' @param DEoutput A tab-seperated edgeR/DESeq2 output file, using \code{\link{EdgeR_wrapper}} or
#'                      \code{\link{DESeq_wrapper}}
#' @param fdr FDR cutoff for DE genes
#' @param fcountOutput Featurecounts output (for raw counts)
#' @param sampleNames samplenames for heatmap column label (must be the same order as in featurecounts file)
#' @param topNgenes How many genes to plot. Type NULL for all genes (might take long time)
#' @param clusterbyCorr Whether to cluster row/columns by correlations. Default is eucledian distances.
#' @param useGeneNames Use gene names to plot instead of default geneIDs. only works if the input
#'                      has been annotated by \code{\link{annotate_DEoutput}} function.
#' @param markGenes Genes to mark in bold on heatmap.
#' @param outFile File name to save the output. NULL prints heatmap on screen.
#' @return A heatmap.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' deout <- system.file("extdata", "edgeR_output_annotated.tsv", package="vivlib")
#' fc <- system.file("extdata", "fcount_mouse.tsv", package="vivlib")
#' plotHeatmap(DEoutput = deout, fcountOutput = fc, sampleNames = rep(c("cnt","KD"), each = 3))

plotHeatmap <- function(DEoutput, fdr = 0.05, fcountOutput, sampleNames, topNgenes = 100,
                        clusterbyCorr = FALSE, useGeneNames = TRUE, markGenes = NULL,
                        outFile = NA) {

        ## read the data and subset it
        deseqRes <- read.delim(DEoutput,header = TRUE)
        deseqRes <- deseqRes[which(deseqRes$padj < fdr),]
        deseqRes <- deseqRes[order(deseqRes$padj),]
        deseqRes <- deseqRes[!duplicated(deseqRes$Row.names),]
        if(!is.null(topNgenes)) {
                deseqRes <- deseqRes[1:topNgenes,]

        ## read and subset fcountoutput
        fcout <- read.delim(fcountOutput,skip = 1, header = TRUE, row.names = 1)
        fcout <- fcout[which(rownames(fcout) %in% deseqRes$Row.names), 6:ncol(fcout)]
        fcout <- fcout[order(deseqRes$padj),]
        colnames(fcout) <- sampleNames

        ## make heatmap
        # NOTE : Scaling is not done before clustering, therefore the output looks shitty!

        # cluster rows by pearson and cols by spearman
                hr <- as.dist(1-cor(t(as.matrix(fcout)), method="pearson"))
                hc <- as.dist(1-cor(as.matrix(fcout), method="spearman"))
        } else {
                hr <- "euclidean"
                hc <- "euclidean"
        # use gene names
                rowlab = deseqRes$external_gene_name
        } else rowlab = NULL

        pheatmap::pheatmap(fcout, clustering_distance_rows = hr,
                           clustering_distance_cols = hc, labels_row = rowlab,fontsize_row = 5,
                           main = sprintf("Raw counts: Top %d DE genes",topNgenes), filename = outFile)
        # splitting clusters (not implemented)
        if(!is.null(markGenes)) print("marking genes not implemented yet!")

#' Plot Stacked barchart of DE genes using edgeR/DESeq2 output
#' @param DEoutput A tab-seperated edgeR/DESeq2 output file, using \code{\link{EdgeR_wrapper}} or
#'                      \code{\link{DESeq_wrapper}}
#' @param fdr FDR cutoff for DE genes
#' @param foldCh Which scale of fold-change to plot. Choose from "abs" (absolute)
#'                      and "log2" (log2).
#' @param sampleName Samplename to print on the plot.
#' @param outFile Output pdf file name. If not, plot will be printed on screen.
#' @return Stacked bar chart of DE gene counts.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' deout <- system.file("extdata", "edgeR_output_annotated.tsv", package="vivlib")
#' plotStackedBars <- function(DEoutput = deout)

plotStackedBars <- function(DEoutput, fdr = 0.05, foldCh = "abs", sampleName = NULL, outFile = NULL) {

        deseqRes <- read.delim(DEoutput,header = TRUE)

        # subset by fdr
        deseqRes <- deseqRes[which(deseqRes$padj < fdr),]
        deseqRes <- na.omit(deseqRes[!duplicated(deseqRes$Row.names),])
        deseqRes$Status <- ifelse(deseqRes$log2FoldChange < 0, "Down", "Up")
        deseqRes$absfoldch <- 2^abs(deseqRes$log2FoldChange)

        # make fold ch category
        if(foldCh == "abs") {
                deseqRes$category <- ifelse(deseqRes$absfoldch < 2, "< 2 fold",
                                            ifelse(deseqRes$absfoldch < 6, "2 to 6 fold",
                                                   ifelse(deseqRes$absfoldch < 10, "6 to 10 fold", "> 10 fold")
                deseqRes$category <- factor(deseqRes$category,
                                            levels = c("< 2 fold", "2 to 6 fold","6 to 10 fold", "> 10 fold"))
        } else {
                deseqRes$category <- ifelse(abs(deseqRes$log2FoldChange) < 2, "< 2 fold",
                                            ifelse(abs(deseqRes$log2FoldChange) < 4, "2 to 4 fold",
                                                   ifelse(abs(deseqRes$log2FoldChange) < 8, "4 to 8 fold", "> 8 fold")
                deseqRes$category <- factor(deseqRes$category,
                                            levels = c("< 2 fold", "2 to 4 fold", "4 to 8 fold", "> 8 fold"))

        # plot
        p <- ggplot(deseqRes,aes(Status, fill = Status, alpha = category)) +
                geom_bar(colour = "black") + theme_grey(base_size = 16) +
                scale_y_continuous(breaks = round(seq(0, nrow(deseqRes) + 500, by = 500)) ) +
                scale_fill_manual(values = c("darkred","darkgreen")) +
                labs(y = "No. of Genes", fill = "Level",
                     title = paste0(sampleName, " DE genes (divided by fold change)" ))

        if(!is.null(outFile)) {
        } else {

#' Plot DE output on a selected KEGG pathway map
#' @param DEoutput A tab-seperated edgeR/DESeq2 output file, using \code{\link{EdgeR_wrapper}} or
#'                      \code{\link{DESeq_wrapper}}
#' @param fdr FDR cutoff for Diff-Exp genes.
#' @param pathway_IDs KEGG ids for the pathways to plot
#' @param genome Select from hg38, mm10, dm6. (although it's agnostic to genome versions in general).
#' @return KEGG plot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' deout <- system.file("extdata", "edgeR_output_annotated.tsv", package="vivlib")
#' plotPathway(DEoutput = deout, fdr = 0.05, pathway_IDs = "05200", genome = "mm10")

plotPathway <- function(DEoutput, fdr = 0.05, pathway_IDs = c("05200","04110"), genome = "hg38"){

        deOut <- read.delim(DEoutput)
        # subset DEgenes and get kegg names for the genes
        deOut <- deOut[which(deOut$padj < fdr), c("Row.names","log2FoldChange","external_gene_name")]

        # get entrez IDs
        genomes = data.frame(id = c("hg38","mm10","dm6"),
                             path = c("hsapiens_gene_ensembl",
                             keggname = c("hsa","mmu","dmel"),
                             stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

        assertthat::assert_that(genome %in% genomes$id)

        message("fetching annotation")
        tofetch <- dplyr::filter(genomes,id == genome)$path
        ensembl <- biomaRt::useMart("ensembl",tofetch)

        ext.data <- biomaRt::getBM(attributes = c("ensembl_gene_id","entrezgene"),filters = "ensembl_gene_id",
                                   values = deOut$Row.names, mart = ensembl)
        deOut <- merge(deOut,ext.data, by = 1, all.x = TRUE)
        deOut <- deOut[!(duplicated(deOut$entrezgene)),]
        deOut <- na.omit(deOut)
        deOut <- as.data.frame(deOut[,2], row.names = as.character(deOut$entrezgene))
        colnames(deOut) <- "logFC"

        ## plot selected pathways
        org <- dplyr::filter(genomes,id == genome)$keggname
        print(paste0("colorScale saved as : ",getwd(),"/colorScale.pdf") )
        col <- KEGGprofile::col_by_value(deOut, col = colorRampPalette(c("red", "grey50", "navyblue"))(1024),
                                         range = c(-6, 6))

        pv.out <- lapply(pathway_IDs,function(x) {
                KEGGprofile::plot_pathway(gene_expr = deOut, pathway_id = x, bg_col = col, type = "bg",
                                          text_col = "white",magnify = 1.2, species = org)

vivekbhr/vivlib documentation built on May 3, 2019, 6:13 p.m.