# FireCloud
# FireCloud API
# The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.1
# Generated by: https://openapi-generator.tech
#' @docType class
#' @title Submissions operations
#' @description openapi.Submissions
#' @format An \code{R6Class} generator object
#' @field apiClient Handles the client-server communication.
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#' \strong{ AbortSubmission } \emph{ abort a submission }
#' \itemize{
#' \item \emph{ @param } workspace.namespace character
#' \item \emph{ @param } workspace.name character
#' \item \emph{ @param } submission.id character
#' \item status code : 204 | Aborted successfully
#' \item response headers :
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' }
#' \item status code : 404 | Submission not found
#' \item response headers :
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' }
#' \item status code : 500 | Internal Error
#' \item response headers :
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' }
#' }
#' \strong{ CountSubmissions } \emph{ Count submissions by status }
#' Counts all submissions run in the workspace, grouped by status. Returns a map of status:count.
#' \itemize{
#' \item \emph{ @param } workspace.namespace character
#' \item \emph{ @param } workspace.name character
#' \item \emph{ @returnType } \link{SubmissionsCountResponse} \cr
#' \item status code : 200 | Successful Request
#' \item return type : SubmissionsCountResponse
#' \item response headers :
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' }
#' \item status code : 404 | Workspace not found
#' \item return type : ErrorReport
#' \item response headers :
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' }
#' \item status code : 500 | Internal Error
#' \item return type : ErrorReport
#' \item response headers :
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' }
#' }
#' \strong{ CreateSubmission } \emph{ Create a submission. }
#' \itemize{
#' \item \emph{ @param } workspace.namespace character
#' \item \emph{ @param } workspace.name character
#' \item \emph{ @param } submission \link{SubmissionRequest}
#' \item status code : 201 | Successful Request
#' \item response headers :
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' }
#' \item status code : 400 | Expression eval failed or entities are not of type required by method config
#' \item response headers :
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' }
#' \item status code : 404 | Method Configuration or Entity not found
#' \item response headers :
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' }
#' \item status code : 409 | Method Configuration failed to resolve input expressions with the supplied Entity
#' \item response headers :
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' }
#' \item status code : 500 | Internal Error
#' \item response headers :
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' }
#' }
#' \strong{ ListSubmissions } \emph{ List submissions. }
#' \itemize{
#' \item \emph{ @param } workspace.namespace character
#' \item \emph{ @param } workspace.name character
#' \item status code : 200 | List of submissions
#' \item response headers :
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' }
#' \item status code : 404 | Workspace not found
#' \item response headers :
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' }
#' \item status code : 500 | Internal Error
#' \item response headers :
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' }
#' }
#' \strong{ MonitorSubmission } \emph{ Monitor submission status }
#' \itemize{
#' \item \emph{ @param } workspace.namespace character
#' \item \emph{ @param } workspace.name character
#' \item \emph{ @param } submission.id character
#' \item \emph{ @returnType } \link{Submission} \cr
#' \item status code : 200 | Successful Request
#' \item return type : Submission
#' \item response headers :
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' }
#' \item status code : 404 | Submission not found
#' \item return type : ErrorReport
#' \item response headers :
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' }
#' \item status code : 500 | Internal Error
#' \item return type : ErrorReport
#' \item response headers :
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' }
#' }
#' \strong{ ValidateSubmission } \emph{ Validate submission }
#' Validate expression syntax for a submission
#' \itemize{
#' \item \emph{ @param } workspace.namespace character
#' \item \emph{ @param } workspace.name character
#' \item \emph{ @param } submission \link{SubmissionRequest}
#' \item \emph{ @returnType } \link{SubmissionValidationReport} \cr
#' \item status code : 200 | Validation Response
#' \item return type : SubmissionValidationReport
#' \item response headers :
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' }
#' \item status code : 400 | Expression evaluation failed or entities are not of type required by method config
#' \item return type : ErrorReport
#' \item response headers :
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' }
#' \item status code : 404 | Workspace, Method Configuration or Entity not found
#' \item return type : ErrorReport
#' \item response headers :
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' }
#' \item status code : 500 | Rawls Internal Error
#' \item return type : ErrorReport
#' \item response headers :
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' }
#' \item status code : 502 | Trouble talking to Agora
#' \item return type : ErrorReport
#' \item response headers :
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' }
#' }
#' \strong{ WorkflowCostInSubmission } \emph{ Retrieve workflow cost, if available. }
#' \itemize{
#' \item \emph{ @param } workspace.namespace character
#' \item \emph{ @param } workspace.name character
#' \item \emph{ @param } submission.id character
#' \item \emph{ @param } workflow.id character
#' \item \emph{ @returnType } \link{WorkflowCost} \cr
#' \item status code : 200 | Successful Request
#' \item return type : WorkflowCost
#' \item response headers :
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' }
#' \item status code : 404 | Workspace, Submission or Workflow not found
#' \item return type : ErrorReport
#' \item response headers :
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' }
#' \item status code : 500 | Internal Error
#' \item return type : ErrorReport
#' \item response headers :
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' }
#' }
#' \strong{ WorkflowMetadata } \emph{ Get call-level metadata for workflow }
#' Get call-level metadata for workflow
#' \itemize{
#' \item \emph{ @param } workspace.namespace character
#' \item \emph{ @param } workspace.name character
#' \item \emph{ @param } submission.id character
#' \item \emph{ @param } workflow.id character
#' \item \emph{ @param } include.key list( character )
#' \item \emph{ @param } exclude.key list( character )
#' \item \emph{ @param } expand.sub.workflows character
#' \item status code : 200 | Successful Request
#' \item response headers :
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' }
#' \item status code : 404 | Workspace, Submission or Workflow not found
#' \item return type : ErrorReport
#' \item response headers :
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' }
#' \item status code : 500 | Rawls Internal Error
#' \item return type : ErrorReport
#' \item response headers :
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' }
#' }
#' \strong{ WorkflowOutputsInSubmission } \emph{ Get workflow outputs. }
#' \itemize{
#' \item \emph{ @param } workspace.namespace character
#' \item \emph{ @param } workspace.name character
#' \item \emph{ @param } submission.id character
#' \item \emph{ @param } workflow.id character
#' \item status code : 200 | Get workflow outputs
#' \item response headers :
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' }
#' \item status code : 404 | Workspace, Submission or Workflow not found
#' \item response headers :
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' }
#' \item status code : 500 | Internal Error
#' \item response headers :
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' }
#' }
#' \strong{ WorkflowQueueStatus } \emph{ workflow queue status }
#' List workflow counts by queueing state
#' \itemize{
#' \item \emph{ @returnType } \link{WorkflowQueueStatusResponse} \cr
#' \item status code : 200 | Successful Request
#' \item return type : WorkflowQueueStatusResponse
#' \item response headers :
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' }
#' \item status code : 500 | Rawls Internal Error
#' \item return type : ErrorReport
#' \item response headers :
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' }
#' }
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #################### AbortSubmission ####################
#' library(openapi)
#' var.workspace.namespace <- 'workspace.namespace_example' # character | Workspace Namespace
#' var.workspace.name <- 'workspace.name_example' # character | Workspace Name
#' var.submission.id <- 'submission.id_example' # character | Submission ID
#' #abort a submission
#' api.instance <- SubmissionsApi$new()
#' # Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: googleoauth
#' api.instance$apiClient$accessToken <- 'TODO_YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';
#' result <- api.instance$AbortSubmission(var.workspace.namespace, var.workspace.name, var.submission.id)
#' #################### CountSubmissions ####################
#' library(openapi)
#' var.workspace.namespace <- 'workspace.namespace_example' # character | Workspace Namespace
#' var.workspace.name <- 'workspace.name_example' # character | Workspace Name
#' #Count submissions by status
#' api.instance <- SubmissionsApi$new()
#' # Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: googleoauth
#' api.instance$apiClient$accessToken <- 'TODO_YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';
#' result <- api.instance$CountSubmissions(var.workspace.namespace, var.workspace.name)
#' #################### CreateSubmission ####################
#' library(openapi)
#' var.workspace.namespace <- 'workspace.namespace_example' # character | Workspace Namespace
#' var.workspace.name <- 'workspace.name_example' # character | Workspace Name
#' var.submission <- SubmissionRequest$new() # SubmissionRequest | Post Submission
#' #Create a submission.
#' api.instance <- SubmissionsApi$new()
#' # Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: googleoauth
#' api.instance$apiClient$accessToken <- 'TODO_YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';
#' result <- api.instance$CreateSubmission(var.workspace.namespace, var.workspace.name, var.submission)
#' #################### ListSubmissions ####################
#' library(openapi)
#' var.workspace.namespace <- 'workspace.namespace_example' # character | Workspace Namespace
#' var.workspace.name <- 'workspace.name_example' # character | Workspace Name
#' #List submissions.
#' api.instance <- SubmissionsApi$new()
#' # Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: googleoauth
#' api.instance$apiClient$accessToken <- 'TODO_YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';
#' result <- api.instance$ListSubmissions(var.workspace.namespace, var.workspace.name)
#' #################### MonitorSubmission ####################
#' library(openapi)
#' var.workspace.namespace <- 'workspace.namespace_example' # character | Workspace Namespace
#' var.workspace.name <- 'workspace.name_example' # character | Workspace Name
#' var.submission.id <- 'submission.id_example' # character | Submission ID
#' #Monitor submission status
#' api.instance <- SubmissionsApi$new()
#' # Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: googleoauth
#' api.instance$apiClient$accessToken <- 'TODO_YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';
#' result <- api.instance$MonitorSubmission(var.workspace.namespace, var.workspace.name, var.submission.id)
#' #################### ValidateSubmission ####################
#' library(openapi)
#' var.workspace.namespace <- 'workspace.namespace_example' # character | Workspace Namespace
#' var.workspace.name <- 'workspace.name_example' # character | Workspace Name
#' var.submission <- SubmissionRequest$new() # SubmissionRequest | Description of a submission.
#' #Validate submission
#' api.instance <- SubmissionsApi$new()
#' # Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: googleoauth
#' api.instance$apiClient$accessToken <- 'TODO_YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';
#' result <- api.instance$ValidateSubmission(var.workspace.namespace, var.workspace.name, var.submission)
#' #################### WorkflowCostInSubmission ####################
#' library(openapi)
#' var.workspace.namespace <- 'workspace.namespace_example' # character | Workspace Namespace
#' var.workspace.name <- 'workspace.name_example' # character | Workspace Name
#' var.submission.id <- 'submission.id_example' # character | Submission ID
#' var.workflow.id <- 'workflow.id_example' # character | Workflow ID
#' #Retrieve workflow cost, if available.
#' api.instance <- SubmissionsApi$new()
#' # Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: googleoauth
#' api.instance$apiClient$accessToken <- 'TODO_YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';
#' result <- api.instance$WorkflowCostInSubmission(var.workspace.namespace, var.workspace.name, var.submission.id, var.workflow.id)
#' #################### WorkflowMetadata ####################
#' library(openapi)
#' var.workspace.namespace <- 'workspace.namespace_example' # character | Workspace Namespace
#' var.workspace.name <- 'workspace.name_example' # character | Workspace Name
#' var.submission.id <- 'submission.id_example' # character | Submission ID
#' var.workflow.id <- 'workflow.id_example' # character | Workflow ID
#' var.include.key <- ['include.key_example'] # array[character] | When specified, return only these keys in the response. Matches any key in the response, including within nested blocks. May not be used with excludeKey.
#' var.exclude.key <- ['exclude.key_example'] # array[character] | When specified, omit these keys from the response. Matches any key in the response, including within nested blocks. May not be used with includeKey.
#' var.expand.sub.workflows <- FALSE # character | When true, metadata for sub workflows will be fetched and inserted automatically in the metadata response.
#' #Get call-level metadata for workflow
#' api.instance <- SubmissionsApi$new()
#' # Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: googleoauth
#' api.instance$apiClient$accessToken <- 'TODO_YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';
#' result <- api.instance$WorkflowMetadata(var.workspace.namespace, var.workspace.name, var.submission.id, var.workflow.id, include.key=var.include.key, exclude.key=var.exclude.key, expand.sub.workflows=var.expand.sub.workflows)
#' #################### WorkflowOutputsInSubmission ####################
#' library(openapi)
#' var.workspace.namespace <- 'workspace.namespace_example' # character | Workspace Namespace
#' var.workspace.name <- 'workspace.name_example' # character | Workspace Name
#' var.submission.id <- 'submission.id_example' # character | Submission ID
#' var.workflow.id <- 'workflow.id_example' # character | Workflow ID
#' #Get workflow outputs.
#' api.instance <- SubmissionsApi$new()
#' # Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: googleoauth
#' api.instance$apiClient$accessToken <- 'TODO_YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';
#' result <- api.instance$WorkflowOutputsInSubmission(var.workspace.namespace, var.workspace.name, var.submission.id, var.workflow.id)
#' #################### WorkflowQueueStatus ####################
#' library(openapi)
#' #workflow queue status
#' api.instance <- SubmissionsApi$new()
#' # Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: googleoauth
#' api.instance$apiClient$accessToken <- 'TODO_YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';
#' result <- api.instance$WorkflowQueueStatus()
#' }
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @importFrom base64enc base64encode
#' @export
SubmissionsApi <- R6::R6Class(
public = list(
apiClient = NULL,
initialize = function(apiClient){
if (!missing(apiClient)) {
self$apiClient <- apiClient
else {
self$apiClient <- ApiClient$new()
AbortSubmission = function(workspace.namespace, workspace.name, submission.id, ...){
apiResponse <- self$AbortSubmissionWithHttpInfo(workspace.namespace, workspace.name, submission.id, ...)
resp <- apiResponse$response
if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 200 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 299) {
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 300 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 399) {
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 400 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 499) {
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 500 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 599) {
AbortSubmissionWithHttpInfo = function(workspace.namespace, workspace.name, submission.id, ...){
args <- list(...)
queryParams <- list()
headerParams <- c()
if (missing(`workspace.namespace`)) {
stop("Missing required parameter `workspace.namespace`.")
if (missing(`workspace.name`)) {
stop("Missing required parameter `workspace.name`.")
if (missing(`submission.id`)) {
stop("Missing required parameter `submission.id`.")
body <- NULL
urlPath <- "/api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/submissions/{submissionId}"
if (!missing(`workspace.namespace`)) {
urlPath <- gsub(paste0("\\{", "workspaceNamespace", "\\}"), URLencode(as.character(`workspace.namespace`), reserved = TRUE), urlPath)
if (!missing(`workspace.name`)) {
urlPath <- gsub(paste0("\\{", "workspaceName", "\\}"), URLencode(as.character(`workspace.name`), reserved = TRUE), urlPath)
if (!missing(`submission.id`)) {
urlPath <- gsub(paste0("\\{", "submissionId", "\\}"), URLencode(as.character(`submission.id`), reserved = TRUE), urlPath)
# OAuth token
headerParams['Authorization'] <- paste("Bearer", self$apiClient$accessToken, sep=" ")
resp <- self$apiClient$CallApi(url = paste0(self$apiClient$basePath, urlPath),
method = "DELETE",
queryParams = queryParams,
headerParams = headerParams,
body = body,
if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 200 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 299) {
ApiResponse$new(NULL, resp)
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 300 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 399) {
ApiResponse$new(paste("Server returned " , httr::status_code(resp) , " response status code."), resp)
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 400 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 499) {
ApiResponse$new("API client error", resp)
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 500 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 599) {
ApiResponse$new("API server error", resp)
CountSubmissions = function(workspace.namespace, workspace.name, ...){
apiResponse <- self$CountSubmissionsWithHttpInfo(workspace.namespace, workspace.name, ...)
resp <- apiResponse$response
if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 200 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 299) {
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 300 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 399) {
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 400 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 499) {
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 500 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 599) {
CountSubmissionsWithHttpInfo = function(workspace.namespace, workspace.name, ...){
args <- list(...)
queryParams <- list()
headerParams <- c()
if (missing(`workspace.namespace`)) {
stop("Missing required parameter `workspace.namespace`.")
if (missing(`workspace.name`)) {
stop("Missing required parameter `workspace.name`.")
body <- NULL
urlPath <- "/api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/submissionsCount"
if (!missing(`workspace.namespace`)) {
urlPath <- gsub(paste0("\\{", "workspaceNamespace", "\\}"), URLencode(as.character(`workspace.namespace`), reserved = TRUE), urlPath)
if (!missing(`workspace.name`)) {
urlPath <- gsub(paste0("\\{", "workspaceName", "\\}"), URLencode(as.character(`workspace.name`), reserved = TRUE), urlPath)
# OAuth token
headerParams['Authorization'] <- paste("Bearer", self$apiClient$accessToken, sep=" ")
resp <- self$apiClient$CallApi(url = paste0(self$apiClient$basePath, urlPath),
method = "GET",
queryParams = queryParams,
headerParams = headerParams,
body = body,
if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 200 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 299) {
deserializedRespObj <- tryCatch(
self$apiClient$deserialize(resp, "SubmissionsCountResponse", loadNamespace("openapi")),
error = function(e){
stop("Failed to deserialize response")
ApiResponse$new(deserializedRespObj, resp)
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 300 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 399) {
ApiResponse$new(paste("Server returned " , httr::status_code(resp) , " response status code."), resp)
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 400 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 499) {
ApiResponse$new("API client error", resp)
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 500 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 599) {
ApiResponse$new("API server error", resp)
CreateSubmission = function(workspace.namespace, workspace.name, submission, ...){
apiResponse <- self$CreateSubmissionWithHttpInfo(workspace.namespace, workspace.name, submission, ...)
resp <- apiResponse$response
if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 200 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 299) {
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 300 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 399) {
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 400 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 499) {
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 500 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 599) {
CreateSubmissionWithHttpInfo = function(workspace.namespace, workspace.name, submission, ...){
args <- list(...)
queryParams <- list()
headerParams <- c()
if (missing(`workspace.namespace`)) {
stop("Missing required parameter `workspace.namespace`.")
if (missing(`workspace.name`)) {
stop("Missing required parameter `workspace.name`.")
if (missing(`submission`)) {
stop("Missing required parameter `submission`.")
if (!missing(`submission`)) {
body <- `submission`$toJSONString()
} else {
body <- NULL
urlPath <- "/api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/submissions"
if (!missing(`workspace.namespace`)) {
urlPath <- gsub(paste0("\\{", "workspaceNamespace", "\\}"), URLencode(as.character(`workspace.namespace`), reserved = TRUE), urlPath)
if (!missing(`workspace.name`)) {
urlPath <- gsub(paste0("\\{", "workspaceName", "\\}"), URLencode(as.character(`workspace.name`), reserved = TRUE), urlPath)
# OAuth token
headerParams['Authorization'] <- paste("Bearer", self$apiClient$accessToken, sep=" ")
resp <- self$apiClient$CallApi(url = paste0(self$apiClient$basePath, urlPath),
method = "POST",
queryParams = queryParams,
headerParams = headerParams,
body = body,
if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 200 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 299) {
ApiResponse$new(NULL, resp)
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 300 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 399) {
ApiResponse$new(paste("Server returned " , httr::status_code(resp) , " response status code."), resp)
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 400 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 499) {
ApiResponse$new("API client error", resp)
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 500 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 599) {
ApiResponse$new("API server error", resp)
ListSubmissions = function(workspace.namespace, workspace.name, ...){
apiResponse <- self$ListSubmissionsWithHttpInfo(workspace.namespace, workspace.name, ...)
resp <- apiResponse$response
if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 200 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 299) {
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 300 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 399) {
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 400 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 499) {
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 500 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 599) {
ListSubmissionsWithHttpInfo = function(workspace.namespace, workspace.name, ...){
args <- list(...)
queryParams <- list()
headerParams <- c()
if (missing(`workspace.namespace`)) {
stop("Missing required parameter `workspace.namespace`.")
if (missing(`workspace.name`)) {
stop("Missing required parameter `workspace.name`.")
body <- NULL
urlPath <- "/api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/submissions"
if (!missing(`workspace.namespace`)) {
urlPath <- gsub(paste0("\\{", "workspaceNamespace", "\\}"), URLencode(as.character(`workspace.namespace`), reserved = TRUE), urlPath)
if (!missing(`workspace.name`)) {
urlPath <- gsub(paste0("\\{", "workspaceName", "\\}"), URLencode(as.character(`workspace.name`), reserved = TRUE), urlPath)
# OAuth token
headerParams['Authorization'] <- paste("Bearer", self$apiClient$accessToken, sep=" ")
resp <- self$apiClient$CallApi(url = paste0(self$apiClient$basePath, urlPath),
method = "GET",
queryParams = queryParams,
headerParams = headerParams,
body = body,
if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 200 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 299) {
ApiResponse$new(NULL, resp)
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 300 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 399) {
ApiResponse$new(paste("Server returned " , httr::status_code(resp) , " response status code."), resp)
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 400 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 499) {
ApiResponse$new("API client error", resp)
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 500 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 599) {
ApiResponse$new("API server error", resp)
MonitorSubmission = function(workspace.namespace, workspace.name, submission.id, ...){
apiResponse <- self$MonitorSubmissionWithHttpInfo(workspace.namespace, workspace.name, submission.id, ...)
resp <- apiResponse$response
if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 200 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 299) {
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 300 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 399) {
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 400 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 499) {
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 500 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 599) {
MonitorSubmissionWithHttpInfo = function(workspace.namespace, workspace.name, submission.id, ...){
args <- list(...)
queryParams <- list()
headerParams <- c()
if (missing(`workspace.namespace`)) {
stop("Missing required parameter `workspace.namespace`.")
if (missing(`workspace.name`)) {
stop("Missing required parameter `workspace.name`.")
if (missing(`submission.id`)) {
stop("Missing required parameter `submission.id`.")
body <- NULL
urlPath <- "/api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/submissions/{submissionId}"
if (!missing(`workspace.namespace`)) {
urlPath <- gsub(paste0("\\{", "workspaceNamespace", "\\}"), URLencode(as.character(`workspace.namespace`), reserved = TRUE), urlPath)
if (!missing(`workspace.name`)) {
urlPath <- gsub(paste0("\\{", "workspaceName", "\\}"), URLencode(as.character(`workspace.name`), reserved = TRUE), urlPath)
if (!missing(`submission.id`)) {
urlPath <- gsub(paste0("\\{", "submissionId", "\\}"), URLencode(as.character(`submission.id`), reserved = TRUE), urlPath)
# OAuth token
headerParams['Authorization'] <- paste("Bearer", self$apiClient$accessToken, sep=" ")
resp <- self$apiClient$CallApi(url = paste0(self$apiClient$basePath, urlPath),
method = "GET",
queryParams = queryParams,
headerParams = headerParams,
body = body,
if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 200 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 299) {
deserializedRespObj <- tryCatch(
self$apiClient$deserialize(resp, "Submission", loadNamespace("openapi")),
error = function(e){
stop("Failed to deserialize response")
ApiResponse$new(deserializedRespObj, resp)
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 300 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 399) {
ApiResponse$new(paste("Server returned " , httr::status_code(resp) , " response status code."), resp)
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 400 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 499) {
ApiResponse$new("API client error", resp)
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 500 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 599) {
ApiResponse$new("API server error", resp)
ValidateSubmission = function(workspace.namespace, workspace.name, submission, ...){
apiResponse <- self$ValidateSubmissionWithHttpInfo(workspace.namespace, workspace.name, submission, ...)
resp <- apiResponse$response
if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 200 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 299) {
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 300 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 399) {
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 400 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 499) {
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 500 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 599) {
ValidateSubmissionWithHttpInfo = function(workspace.namespace, workspace.name, submission, ...){
args <- list(...)
queryParams <- list()
headerParams <- c()
if (missing(`workspace.namespace`)) {
stop("Missing required parameter `workspace.namespace`.")
if (missing(`workspace.name`)) {
stop("Missing required parameter `workspace.name`.")
if (missing(`submission`)) {
stop("Missing required parameter `submission`.")
if (!missing(`submission`)) {
body <- `submission`$toJSONString()
} else {
body <- NULL
urlPath <- "/api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/submissions/validate"
if (!missing(`workspace.namespace`)) {
urlPath <- gsub(paste0("\\{", "workspaceNamespace", "\\}"), URLencode(as.character(`workspace.namespace`), reserved = TRUE), urlPath)
if (!missing(`workspace.name`)) {
urlPath <- gsub(paste0("\\{", "workspaceName", "\\}"), URLencode(as.character(`workspace.name`), reserved = TRUE), urlPath)
# OAuth token
headerParams['Authorization'] <- paste("Bearer", self$apiClient$accessToken, sep=" ")
resp <- self$apiClient$CallApi(url = paste0(self$apiClient$basePath, urlPath),
method = "POST",
queryParams = queryParams,
headerParams = headerParams,
body = body,
if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 200 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 299) {
deserializedRespObj <- tryCatch(
self$apiClient$deserialize(resp, "SubmissionValidationReport", loadNamespace("openapi")),
error = function(e){
stop("Failed to deserialize response")
ApiResponse$new(deserializedRespObj, resp)
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 300 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 399) {
ApiResponse$new(paste("Server returned " , httr::status_code(resp) , " response status code."), resp)
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 400 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 499) {
ApiResponse$new("API client error", resp)
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 500 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 599) {
ApiResponse$new("API server error", resp)
WorkflowCostInSubmission = function(workspace.namespace, workspace.name, submission.id, workflow.id, ...){
apiResponse <- self$WorkflowCostInSubmissionWithHttpInfo(workspace.namespace, workspace.name, submission.id, workflow.id, ...)
resp <- apiResponse$response
if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 200 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 299) {
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 300 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 399) {
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 400 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 499) {
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 500 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 599) {
WorkflowCostInSubmissionWithHttpInfo = function(workspace.namespace, workspace.name, submission.id, workflow.id, ...){
args <- list(...)
queryParams <- list()
headerParams <- c()
if (missing(`workspace.namespace`)) {
stop("Missing required parameter `workspace.namespace`.")
if (missing(`workspace.name`)) {
stop("Missing required parameter `workspace.name`.")
if (missing(`submission.id`)) {
stop("Missing required parameter `submission.id`.")
if (missing(`workflow.id`)) {
stop("Missing required parameter `workflow.id`.")
body <- NULL
urlPath <- "/api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/submissions/{submissionId}/workflows/{workflowId}/cost"
if (!missing(`workspace.namespace`)) {
urlPath <- gsub(paste0("\\{", "workspaceNamespace", "\\}"), URLencode(as.character(`workspace.namespace`), reserved = TRUE), urlPath)
if (!missing(`workspace.name`)) {
urlPath <- gsub(paste0("\\{", "workspaceName", "\\}"), URLencode(as.character(`workspace.name`), reserved = TRUE), urlPath)
if (!missing(`submission.id`)) {
urlPath <- gsub(paste0("\\{", "submissionId", "\\}"), URLencode(as.character(`submission.id`), reserved = TRUE), urlPath)
if (!missing(`workflow.id`)) {
urlPath <- gsub(paste0("\\{", "workflowId", "\\}"), URLencode(as.character(`workflow.id`), reserved = TRUE), urlPath)
# OAuth token
headerParams['Authorization'] <- paste("Bearer", self$apiClient$accessToken, sep=" ")
resp <- self$apiClient$CallApi(url = paste0(self$apiClient$basePath, urlPath),
method = "GET",
queryParams = queryParams,
headerParams = headerParams,
body = body,
if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 200 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 299) {
deserializedRespObj <- tryCatch(
self$apiClient$deserialize(resp, "WorkflowCost", loadNamespace("openapi")),
error = function(e){
stop("Failed to deserialize response")
ApiResponse$new(deserializedRespObj, resp)
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 300 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 399) {
ApiResponse$new(paste("Server returned " , httr::status_code(resp) , " response status code."), resp)
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 400 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 499) {
ApiResponse$new("API client error", resp)
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 500 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 599) {
ApiResponse$new("API server error", resp)
WorkflowMetadata = function(workspace.namespace, workspace.name, submission.id, workflow.id, include.key=NULL, exclude.key=NULL, expand.sub.workflows=FALSE, ...){
apiResponse <- self$WorkflowMetadataWithHttpInfo(workspace.namespace, workspace.name, submission.id, workflow.id, include.key, exclude.key, expand.sub.workflows, ...)
resp <- apiResponse$response
if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 200 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 299) {
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 300 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 399) {
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 400 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 499) {
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 500 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 599) {
WorkflowMetadataWithHttpInfo = function(workspace.namespace, workspace.name, submission.id, workflow.id, include.key=NULL, exclude.key=NULL, expand.sub.workflows=FALSE, ...){
args <- list(...)
queryParams <- list()
headerParams <- c()
if (missing(`workspace.namespace`)) {
stop("Missing required parameter `workspace.namespace`.")
if (missing(`workspace.name`)) {
stop("Missing required parameter `workspace.name`.")
if (missing(`submission.id`)) {
stop("Missing required parameter `submission.id`.")
if (missing(`workflow.id`)) {
stop("Missing required parameter `workflow.id`.")
queryParams['includeKey'] <- include.key
queryParams['excludeKey'] <- exclude.key
queryParams['expandSubWorkflows'] <- expand.sub.workflows
body <- NULL
urlPath <- "/api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/submissions/{submissionId}/workflows/{workflowId}"
if (!missing(`workspace.namespace`)) {
urlPath <- gsub(paste0("\\{", "workspaceNamespace", "\\}"), URLencode(as.character(`workspace.namespace`), reserved = TRUE), urlPath)
if (!missing(`workspace.name`)) {
urlPath <- gsub(paste0("\\{", "workspaceName", "\\}"), URLencode(as.character(`workspace.name`), reserved = TRUE), urlPath)
if (!missing(`submission.id`)) {
urlPath <- gsub(paste0("\\{", "submissionId", "\\}"), URLencode(as.character(`submission.id`), reserved = TRUE), urlPath)
if (!missing(`workflow.id`)) {
urlPath <- gsub(paste0("\\{", "workflowId", "\\}"), URLencode(as.character(`workflow.id`), reserved = TRUE), urlPath)
# OAuth token
headerParams['Authorization'] <- paste("Bearer", self$apiClient$accessToken, sep=" ")
resp <- self$apiClient$CallApi(url = paste0(self$apiClient$basePath, urlPath),
method = "GET",
queryParams = queryParams,
headerParams = headerParams,
body = body,
if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 200 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 299) {
ApiResponse$new(NULL, resp)
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 300 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 399) {
ApiResponse$new(paste("Server returned " , httr::status_code(resp) , " response status code."), resp)
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 400 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 499) {
ApiResponse$new("API client error", resp)
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 500 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 599) {
ApiResponse$new("API server error", resp)
WorkflowOutputsInSubmission = function(workspace.namespace, workspace.name, submission.id, workflow.id, ...){
apiResponse <- self$WorkflowOutputsInSubmissionWithHttpInfo(workspace.namespace, workspace.name, submission.id, workflow.id, ...)
resp <- apiResponse$response
if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 200 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 299) {
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 300 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 399) {
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 400 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 499) {
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 500 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 599) {
WorkflowOutputsInSubmissionWithHttpInfo = function(workspace.namespace, workspace.name, submission.id, workflow.id, ...){
args <- list(...)
queryParams <- list()
headerParams <- c()
if (missing(`workspace.namespace`)) {
stop("Missing required parameter `workspace.namespace`.")
if (missing(`workspace.name`)) {
stop("Missing required parameter `workspace.name`.")
if (missing(`submission.id`)) {
stop("Missing required parameter `submission.id`.")
if (missing(`workflow.id`)) {
stop("Missing required parameter `workflow.id`.")
body <- NULL
urlPath <- "/api/workspaces/{workspaceNamespace}/{workspaceName}/submissions/{submissionId}/workflows/{workflowId}/outputs"
if (!missing(`workspace.namespace`)) {
urlPath <- gsub(paste0("\\{", "workspaceNamespace", "\\}"), URLencode(as.character(`workspace.namespace`), reserved = TRUE), urlPath)
if (!missing(`workspace.name`)) {
urlPath <- gsub(paste0("\\{", "workspaceName", "\\}"), URLencode(as.character(`workspace.name`), reserved = TRUE), urlPath)
if (!missing(`submission.id`)) {
urlPath <- gsub(paste0("\\{", "submissionId", "\\}"), URLencode(as.character(`submission.id`), reserved = TRUE), urlPath)
if (!missing(`workflow.id`)) {
urlPath <- gsub(paste0("\\{", "workflowId", "\\}"), URLencode(as.character(`workflow.id`), reserved = TRUE), urlPath)
# OAuth token
headerParams['Authorization'] <- paste("Bearer", self$apiClient$accessToken, sep=" ")
resp <- self$apiClient$CallApi(url = paste0(self$apiClient$basePath, urlPath),
method = "GET",
queryParams = queryParams,
headerParams = headerParams,
body = body,
if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 200 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 299) {
ApiResponse$new(NULL, resp)
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 300 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 399) {
ApiResponse$new(paste("Server returned " , httr::status_code(resp) , " response status code."), resp)
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 400 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 499) {
ApiResponse$new("API client error", resp)
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 500 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 599) {
ApiResponse$new("API server error", resp)
WorkflowQueueStatus = function(...){
apiResponse <- self$WorkflowQueueStatusWithHttpInfo(...)
resp <- apiResponse$response
if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 200 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 299) {
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 300 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 399) {
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 400 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 499) {
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 500 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 599) {
WorkflowQueueStatusWithHttpInfo = function(...){
args <- list(...)
queryParams <- list()
headerParams <- c()
body <- NULL
urlPath <- "/api/submissions/queueStatus"
# OAuth token
headerParams['Authorization'] <- paste("Bearer", self$apiClient$accessToken, sep=" ")
resp <- self$apiClient$CallApi(url = paste0(self$apiClient$basePath, urlPath),
method = "GET",
queryParams = queryParams,
headerParams = headerParams,
body = body,
if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 200 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 299) {
deserializedRespObj <- tryCatch(
self$apiClient$deserialize(resp, "WorkflowQueueStatusResponse", loadNamespace("openapi")),
error = function(e){
stop("Failed to deserialize response")
ApiResponse$new(deserializedRespObj, resp)
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 300 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 399) {
ApiResponse$new(paste("Server returned " , httr::status_code(resp) , " response status code."), resp)
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 400 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 499) {
ApiResponse$new("API client error", resp)
} else if (httr::status_code(resp) >= 500 && httr::status_code(resp) <= 599) {
ApiResponse$new("API server error", resp)
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