Defines functions SES

Documented in SES

#' @title Estimate standardized effect size (SES) and p-value
#' @param obs Single value of the observed statistics
#' @param sim Numeric vector of simulated values (null distribution)
#' @param alternative Character string specifying the alternative hypothesis; "greater", "less", or "two-sided" (default)
#' @return Data frame with the effect size estimate (SES) and p-value (Pval).
#' @export
#' @details
#' Standardized effect size (SES) represents Z-score, and is calculated as
#' (observed - mean_simulated) / standard_deviation_simulated.
#' SES values more extreme than +/-1.96 belong to the outer 5% of the null distribution
#' and thus are significant at alpha=0.05 with two-sided hypothesis test.
#' @examples
#' SES(2, 1:10)
SES <- function(obs, sim, alternative = "two-sided"){

  ## Check fo NA values in sim
    warning("Warning: NA values in `sim` were removed.\n")
    sim <- na.omit(sim)

  ## Function to estimate skewness of null-distribution
  skewness <- function(x){
    n <- length(x)
    m <- mean(x)
    res <- (sum((x-m)^3)/n)/(sum((x-m)^2)/n)^(3/2)

  ## Estimate SES and simulation summary
  res <- data.frame(
    Obs = obs,
    SES = (obs - mean(sim)) / sd(sim),
    Sim.Mean = mean(sim),
    Sim.Q1 = stats::quantile(sim, probs = 0.25),
    Sim.Median = median(sim),
    Sim.Q3 = stats::quantile(sim, probs = 0.75),
    Sim.Var = var(sim),
    Sim.Skewness = skewness(sim)

  if(abs(res$Sim.Skewness) > 0.8){
    warning("Warning: null-distribution is asymmetric (skewed), SES value could be misleading.\n")

  ## Estimate P-value (based on ade4::as.randtest)
  if(alternative == "greater"){
    res$Pvalue <- (sum(sim >= obs) + 1)/(length(sim) + 1)
  else if(alternative == "less"){
    res$Pvalue <- (sum(sim <= obs) + 1)/(length(sim) + 1)
  else if(alternative == "two-sided") {
    sim0 <- abs(sim - mean(sim))
    obs0 <- abs(obs - mean(sim))
    res$Pvalue <- (sum(sim0 >= obs0) + 1)/(length(sim) +1)

  rownames(res) <- NULL
vmikk/metagMisc documentation built on June 20, 2024, 7:20 a.m.