
Defines functions eig_perc

Documented in eig_perc

#' @title Estimate the proportion of explained variance from the eigenvalues.
#' @param eig Numeric vector of eigenvalues (e.g., from PCA or PCoA)
#' @param positive Logical, preserve only positive eigenvalues (if TRUE negative eigenvalues will be removed)
#' @param percentage Logical, convert proportions (0-1) to percentages (0-100)
#' @param digits Integer indicating the number of decimal places to be used (NULL for no rounding)
#' @param plot Logical, show a scree plot
#' @param ... Additinal arguments will be passed to a plot function
#' @details
#' Negative eigenvalue could be generated in the analysis of semi- or non-metric dissimilarity measures.
#' @return Numeric vector of the amounts of total variance captured by principal components or principal coordinates.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pco <- cmdscale(d = eurodist, k = 10, eig = TRUE)
#' eig_perc(pco$eig, positive = T, plot = T)
eig_perc <- function(eig, positive = T, percentage = TRUE, digits = 2, plot = F, ...){

  ## Extract only positive eigenvalues
  if(positive == T) { eig <- eig[eig > 0] }

  ## Estimate proportion of explained variance
  res <- eig / sum(eig)

  ## Convert to percetages
  if(percentage == TRUE){ res <- res * 100 }

  ## Round values
  if(!is.null(digits)){ res <- round(res, digits) }

  ## Make a plot
  if(plot == T) {
    plot(res, type="b", pch=16, ylab = "Variance explained", las = 1, ...)
vmikk/metagMisc documentation built on June 20, 2024, 7:20 a.m.