
Defines functions gui_lb_met_edi

Documented in gui_lb_met_edi

#' Metier Editing GUI
#' The \code{gui_lb_met_edi} function implements the graphical user interface for the
#'  editing of a LogBook Metier file
#' In this gui, with a LogBook Metier file, the user can change the simple discovery
#'  ordering of the clusters to a corresponding international metier code.
#' @return This function does not return a value.
#' After the execution, the edited names will be added to the LogBook Metier file.
#' @usage gui_lb_met_edi()

gui_lb_met_edi <- function() {
  lb_CLA <- log_Cla$new()

  cla_file <- gfile(
    text = "Select Metier file",
    type = "open",
    filter = list("Metier data" = list(patterns = c("*.rData")))

  lb_CLA <- readRDS(cla_file)

  # temp_med <- as.data.frame(lb_CLA$data$medoids[, -which(apply(lb_CLA$data$medoids ,2,sum)==0)])
  temp_med <- as.data.frame(lb_CLA$data$medoids)
  num_clu <- nrow(temp_med)

  if (length(lb_CLA$options) == 1) {
    temp_med <- cbind(1:num_clu, 1:num_clu, temp_med)
  } else {
    temp_med <- cbind(1:num_clu, lb_CLA$options, temp_med)
  colnames(temp_med)[1] <- "Cluster"
  colnames(temp_med)[2] <- "Metier"
  col_zer <- as.numeric(which(apply(temp_med[, 3:ncol(temp_med)], 2, sum) == 0)) + 2
  temp_med <- temp_med[, -col_zer]
  fao_spe <- sub("FAO_", "", colnames(temp_med))

  sta_met <- read.table(
    file = system.file("extdata/EU_CODES_MET.csv", package = "vmsbase"),
    header = FALSE

  met_edi_win <- gwindow("Metier Editing Tool",
    width = 700, height = 500,
    horizontal = FALSE,
    visible = FALSE

  big_g <- ggroup(
    horizontal = FALSE,
    use.scrollwindow = TRUE,
    container = met_edi_win,
    expand = TRUE

  g_top <- ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container = big_g, expand = TRUE)
  g_bot <- ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container = big_g)
  g_bot_t <- ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container = g_bot)
  g_bot_u <- ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container = g_bot)

  tab_dat <- gtable(
    items = temp_med,
    name = "Metier data",
    filter.column = NULL,
    expand = TRUE,
    container = g_top

  # font(tab_dat) <- list(size = 14)
  colnames(tab_dat) <- fao_spe

  e1 <- environment()
  gbutton(text = "\n\tLoad Metier List\t\t\n", container = g_bot_t, handler = function(h, ...) {
    cus_met_file <- gfile(
      text = "Select Custom Metier List file",
      type = "open",
      filter = list("Metier Names List" = list(patterns = c("*.csv")))
    # new_dro <- vector(mode = "integer", length = num_clu)
    sta_met <- read.table(
      file = cus_met_file,
      header = FALSE
    delete(g_bot, g_bot_u)
    g_bot_u <<- ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container = g_bot)
    for (i in 1:num_clu)
      if (((i - 1) %% 4) == 0) {
        new_gr <- paste("g_met_", i, sep = "")
        assign(new_gr, ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container = g_bot_u), envir = e1)
      glabel(text = paste("Group ", i, sep = ""), container = get(new_gr))
      new_dro <- paste("d_met_", i, sep = "")
      #     gr_met_nam[i] <- new_dro
        gdroplist(as.character(sta_met[, 1]),
          horizontal = TRUE,
          container = get(new_gr)
        envir = e1

      if (length(lb_CLA$options) != 1) {
        aho <- get(new_dro, envir = e1)
        svalue(aho) <- lb_CLA$options[i]


  new_name <- array(1:nrow(temp_med))

  gbutton(text = "\n\tAssign New Names\t\t\n", container = g_bot_t, handler = function(h, ...) {
    #     for(k in 1:num_clu)
    #     {
    #       new_name[k] <<- as.character(svalue(get(paste("d_met_", k, sep = ""), envir = e1)))
    #       temp_med[k,2] <<- new_name[k]
    #       tab_dat[] <- temp_med
    #     }
    th_nene <- mget(paste("d_met_", 1:num_clu, sep = ""), envir = e1)
    new_name <<- as.character(lapply(th_nene, FUN = svalue))
    temp_med[, 2] <<- new_name
    tab_dat[] <- temp_med

  gbutton(text = "\n\tSave Editing\t\t\n", container = g_bot_t, handler = function(h, ...) {
    #     new_name <<- as.character(lapply(mget(paste("d_met_", 1:num_clu, sep = ""), envir = e1), FUN = svalue))
    lb_CLA$options <- new_name

    res_file <- gfile(
      text = "Save Metier Names Editing",
      type = "save"

    saveRDS(lb_CLA, file = paste(res_file, "_ed.rData", sep = ""))

    gconfirm("Metier Name Editing saved",
      title = "Confirm",
      parent = met_edi_win,
      handler = function(h, ...) {

  # new_dro <- vector(mode = "integer", length = num_clu)
  #   gr_met_nam <- character(length = num_clu)
  if (is.numeric(temp_med[, 2]) == TRUE) {
    for (i in 1:num_clu)
      if (((i - 1) %% 4) == 0) {
        new_gr <- paste("g_met_", i, sep = "")
        assign(new_gr, ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container = g_bot_u), envir = e1)
      glabel(text = paste("Group ", i, sep = ""), container = get(new_gr))
      new_dro <- paste("d_met_", i, sep = "")
      #     gr_met_nam[i] <- new_dro
        gdroplist(as.character(sta_met[, 1]),
          horizontal = TRUE,
          container = get(new_gr)
        envir = e1
      if (length(lb_CLA$options) != 1) {
        aho <- get(new_dro, envir = e1)
        svalue(aho) <- lb_CLA$options[i]
  } else {
    for (i in 1:num_clu)
      if (((i - 1) %% 4) == 0) {
        new_gr <- paste("g_met_", i, sep = "")
        assign(new_gr, ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container = g_bot_u), envir = e1)
      glabel(text = paste("Group ", i, sep = ""), container = get(new_gr))
      new_dro <- paste("d_met_", i, sep = "")
      #     gr_met_nam[i] <- new_dro
        gdroplist(as.character(unique(temp_med[, 2])),
          horizontal = TRUE,
          container = get(new_gr)
        envir = e1
      if (length(lb_CLA$options) != 1) {
        aho <- get(new_dro, envir = e1)
        svalue(aho) <- lb_CLA$options[i]
  visible(met_edi_win) <- TRUE
vmsbase/R-vmsbase documentation built on May 21, 2020, 9:54 a.m.