
Defines functions customMeasureSql dashboardLabValueAsConceptID dashboardLabThresholds customMeasure .fetchAchillesAnalysisDistResults doSelectiveExport doTree executeDQ

Documented in customMeasure customMeasureSql dashboardLabThresholds dashboardLabValueAsConceptID doSelectiveExport doTree executeDQ

#' Execute all components of the DataQuality study (resultsDatabaseSchema is where Achilles results are)
#' @param connectionDetails connection
#' @param cdmDatabaseSchema schema
#' @param resultsDatabaseSchema result schema
#' @param oracleTempSchema oracle specific
#' @param cdmVersion version
#' @param workFolder where to work

#' @export
executeDQ <- function(connectionDetails,
                    resultsDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
                    oracleTempSchema = resultsDatabaseSchema,
                    cdmVersion = 5,
                    workFolder ='output'){
  #create export folder
  #create export subfolder in workFolder
  exportFolder <- file.path(workFolder, "export")
  if (!file.exists(exportFolder))
  #add readme file
  file.copy(system.file("readme.txt",package="DataQuality"), exportFolder)
  #multiple steps here exporting to export folder
         resultsDatabaseSchema = resultsDatabaseSchema,
         oracleTempSchema = resultsDatabaseSchema,
         cdmVersion = cdmVersion,
         workFolder = workFolder)
                    resultsDatabaseSchema = resultsDatabaseSchema,
                    oracleTempSchema = resultsDatabaseSchema,
                    cdmVersion = cdmVersion,
                    workFolder = workFolder)
  #export of data
  #done separately for now, may be included later
  #final cleanup
  writeLines("Done with executeDQ")

#' experimental funtion with graphic output
#' @param connectionDetails connection
#' @param cdmDatabaseSchema schema
#' @param resultsDatabaseSchema result schema
#' @param oracleTempSchema oracle specific
#' @param cdmVersion version
#' @param workFolder where to work

#' @export
doTree <- function(connectionDetails,
                   resultsDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
                   oracleTempSchema = resultsDatabaseSchema,
                   cdmVersion = 5,
                   workFolder) {
  if (cdmVersion == 4) {
    stop("CDM version 4 not supported")
  writeLines("Looking at population size data")
  if (!file.exists(exportFolder))

  conn <- DatabaseConnector::connect(connectionDetails)
  #get query
  sql <- "select stratum_1,
  100.0*count_value/(select count_value as total_pts from @results_database_schema.achilles_results r where analysis_id =1) as statistic_value,
  'ach_'+CAST(analysis_id as VARCHAR) + ':Percentage' as measure_id
  from @results_database_schema.achilles_results
  where analysis_id in (3)
  sql <- SqlRender::render(sql,results_database_schema = resultsDatabaseSchema)
  sql <- SqlRender::translate(sql, targetDialect = connectionDetails$dbms)
  data <- DatabaseConnector::querySql(conn, sql)
  #render tree
  names(data) <- tolower(names(data))
  cyear=as.numeric(format(Sys.Date(), "%Y"))
  ggplot2::ggplot(data=data, ggplot2::aes(x=age, y=statistic_value)) + ggplot2::geom_bar(stat="identity") + ggplot2::coord_flip()
  ggplot2::ggsave(file.path(exportFolder, "DemogrPyramidFigure.png"), width = 9, height = 9, dpi= 200)
  write.csv(data,file = file.path(exportFolder,'DemogrPyramidData.csv'),row.names = F)
  # Clean up
  writeLines("Done (doTree)")

#' selected Achilles Measures

#' @param connectionDetails connection
#' @param cdmDatabaseSchema schema
#' @param resultsDatabaseSchema result schema
#' @param oracleTempSchema oracle specific
#' @param cdmVersion version
#' @param workFolder where to work

doSelectiveExport <- function(connectionDetails,
                   resultsDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
                   oracleTempSchema = resultsDatabaseSchema,
                   cdmVersion = 5,
                   workFolder) {
  if (cdmVersion == 4) {
    stop("CDM version 4 not supported")
  if (!file.exists(exportFolder))
  writeLines('Inspecting Achilles pre-computations data')
  conn <- DatabaseConnector::connect(connectionDetails)
  #1 derived measures 
  sql <- "select * from @results_database_schema.achilles_results_derived where measure_id not like '%PersonCnt%' order by measure_id,stratum_1"
  #old query (smaller was)
  # select * from @results_database_schema.achilles_results_derived r where measure_id in ('ach_2000:Percentage',
  #                                      'ach_2001:Percentage','ach_2002:Percentage','ach_2003:Percentage')
  sql <- SqlRender::render(sql,results_database_schema = resultsDatabaseSchema)
  sql <- SqlRender::translate(sql, targetDialect = connectionDetails$dbms)
  dataDerived <- DatabaseConnector::querySql(conn, sql)
  #process the data 
  #make sure the names are the same case accross different DB engines
  names(dataDerived) <- tolower(names(dataDerived))
  dataDerived$analysis_id <- NULL
  #get names of the derived measures from Achilles package  (getting the file may generate errors)
      # derived <- read.csv(system.file("csv", "derived_analysis_details.csv", package = "Achilles"))
      # derivedSmall<-derived[,1:2]
      # data2<-merge(data,derivedSmall,by='measure_id',all.x=T)
  write.csv(dataDerived,file = file.path(exportFolder,'SelectedDerivedMeasures.csv'),row.names = F)
  #2 ------dist results table section

  sql <- "select d.analysis_id, stratum_1, stratum_2,count_value,avg_value, median_value, a.analysis_name,
  a.stratum_1_name,stratum_2_name, stdev_value,p10_value,p25_value,p75_value,p90_value from @results_database_schema.achilles_results_dist d 
  join @results_database_schema.achilles_analysis a on d.analysis_id = a.analysis_id
  where d.analysis_id 
  in (103,104,105,106,107,203,206,211,403,506,511,512,513,514,515,603,703,803,903,1003,1803) order by analysis_id"
  sql <- SqlRender::render(sql,results_database_schema = resultsDatabaseSchema)
  sql <- SqlRender::translate(sql, targetDialect = connectionDetails$dbms)
  dataDist <- DatabaseConnector::querySql(conn, sql)
  #process the data 
  #make sure the names are the same case accross different DB engines
  names(dataDist) <- tolower(names(dataDist))
  write.csv(dataDist,file = file.path(exportFolder,'SelectedAchillesResultsDistMeasures.csv'),row.names = F)
  #3 ------Heel results  table section
  sql <- "select * from  @results_database_schema.achilles_heel_results a"
  sql <- SqlRender::render(sql,results_database_schema = resultsDatabaseSchema)
  sql <- SqlRender::translate(sql, targetDialect = connectionDetails$dbms)
  dataHeel <- DatabaseConnector::querySql(conn, sql)
  #process the data 
  #make sure the names are the same case accross different DB engines
  names(dataHeel) <- tolower(names(dataHeel))
  #mask rows that have <10 pts  
  # dplyr incorrect approach dataHeel2<- dataHeel %>% dplyr::filter(rule_id %in% c(12,14,23)) %>%  dplyr::filter(record_count < 2) %>%   dplyr::mutate(record_count=NA)
  # dataHeel3<-dataHeel
  # dataHeel3[(dataHeel3$rule_id %in% c(6,12,14,23) & dataHeel3$record_count < 10),"record_count"]<-NA
  #TODO some of them are just named badly, they do not represent patient count
  # one db fails here
  # dplyr::mutate(record_count=dplyr::replace(record_count=NA))
  write.csv(dataHeel,file = file.path(exportFolder,'HeelOutput.csv'),row.names = F)
  #4 ------Achilles  results  table section (selected measures) (recomputed as percentages of all patients)
  #treshold on patient count was added (in addition to achilles default filtering)
  sql <- "select analysis_id,stratum_1,stratum_2,stratum_3,count_value from @results_database_schema.achilles_results a 
    where analysis_id in (0,1,2,4,5,10,11,12,109,113,212,200,505)
    and count_value >10
  sql <- SqlRender::render(sql,results_database_schema = resultsDatabaseSchema)
  sql <- SqlRender::translate(sql, targetDialect = connectionDetails$dbms)
  data <- DatabaseConnector::querySql(conn, sql)
  # ok so I will use upper case all the time  names(data) <- tolower(names(data))
  #get person count
  persons<-data$COUNT_VALUE[data$ANALYSIS_ID == 1]
  #create fuzzy count
  if (persons > 100000000) personsFuzzy<-'>100M'  
  if (persons < 100000000) personsFuzzy<-'40-100M'  
  if (persons < 40000000) personsFuzzy<-'20-40M'  
  if (persons < 20000000) personsFuzzy<-'10-20M'  
  if (persons < 10000000) personsFuzzy<-'5-10M'  
  if (persons < 50000000) personsFuzzy<-'1-5M'  
  if (persons < 1000000) personsFuzzy<-'100k-1M'
  if (persons < 100000) personsFuzzy<-'10-100k'
  if (persons < 10000)  personsFuzzy<-'<10k'
  newrow<-data.frame(ANALYSIS_ID = 99,STRATUM_1='',STRATUM_2='',STRATUM_3='',COUNT_VALUE=0,VALUE=as.character(personsFuzzy))
  data$PCT_VALUE <- data$COUNT_VALUE/persons
  #drop actual counts
  write.csv(data,file = file.path(exportFolder,'SelectedAchillesResultsMeasuresPerc.csv'),row.names = F)
  #generate graph for 212
  visits<-data[data$ANALYSIS_ID == 212,] #only analysis 212
  #eliminate the gender stratum from the graph
  if (nrow(visits) >0) {
    # temp<-dplyr::summarize(dplyr::group_by(visits,STRATUM_1,STRATUM_3),PCT_VALUE=sum(PCT_VALUE))
    temp<-visits %>% dplyr::group_by(STRATUM_1,STRATUM_3) %>% dplyr::summarise(PCT_VALUE=sum(PCT_VALUE))
    ggplot2::ggplot(data=temp, ggplot2::aes(x=STRATUM_1, y=STRATUM_3,size=PCT_VALUE)) + ggplot2::geom_point() + 
    ggplot2::ggsave(file.path(exportFolder, "VisitsByDecileDotPlot.png"), width = 9, height = 9, dpi= 200)
  #5 ------Achilles  results  table section (not person dependent)
  sql <- "select analysis_id,stratum_1,count_value from @results_database_schema.achilles_results a where analysis_id in (201)"
  sql <- SqlRender::render(sql,results_database_schema = resultsDatabaseSchema)
  sql <- SqlRender::translate(sql, targetDialect = connectionDetails$dbms)
  data <- DatabaseConnector::querySql(conn, sql)
  # ok so I will use upper case all the time  names(data) <- tolower(names(data))

  write.csv(data,file = file.path(exportFolder,'SelectedAchillesResultsMeasuresOther.csv'),row.names = F)
  writeLines("Done with core part of DQ study. Export files were generated.")
  #-------------empiric rules -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  #currently using only dataDerived
  #goal join dataDist
  writeLines('Applying empiric rules')
  tta<-dataDist %>% dplyr::mutate(measure_id=paste0(analysis_id)) %>% dplyr::select(stratum_1,stratum_2,statistic_value=median_value,measure_id)
  #read reference values
  pathToCsv <- system.file("csv", "empiric_reference.csv", package = "DataQuality")
  e <- read.csv(pathToCsv,as.is=T)
  #read rules
  r <- read.csv(system.file("csv", "empiric_rule.csv", package = "DataQuality"),as.is=T)

  #do empiric Rules only
        #decide emiric threshold
        for (i in 1:nrow(ruleData)){
          if (ruleData$empiric_threshold_value[i] == 'perc10') ruleData$threshold[i] <- ruleData$perc10[i]
          if (ruleData$empiric_threshold_value[i] == 'perc50') ruleData$threshold[i] <- ruleData$perc50[i]
  #add actual data
   ruleData <- dplyr::inner_join(ruleData,dataInput,by='measure_id')
  # ruleData2 <- dplyr::inner_join(ruleData,dataDerived)
   # i=9
  #check what rules fire
  for (i in 1:nrow(ruleData)){
     if (trimws(ruleData$direction[i]) == '>') {
       if (ruleData$statistic_value[i] > ruleData$threshold[i] ) {
     } #greater
     if (trimws(ruleData$direction[i]) == '<') {
       if (ruleData$statistic_value[i] < ruleData$threshold[i] ) {
     } #less
  #join with data
  # ruleData<-dplyr::inner_join(dataDerived,er)
  # ruleData<-dplyr::left_join(e2,r)

  # str(ruleData)
  # i=1


  #final fired rules are here  
  # View(dplyr::filter(ruleData,fulfilled==1))  
  score <-sum(dplyr::filter(ruleData,fulfilled==1)$score_weight)
  ruleDataOutput <- ruleData %>%  dplyr::filter(fulfilled==1) %>%  
    dplyr::select(measure_id,measure_name,message_grade,statistic_value,direction,threshold) %>% 
  write.csv(ruleDataOutput,file = file.path(exportFolder,'DataQuality.csv'),row.names = F)

  # Clean up
  writeLines("Done (selectiveExport)")

# assessFeasibility(connectionDetails = connectionDetails,
#                   cdmDatabaseSchema = "cdm_data",
#                   workDatabaseSchema = "results",
#                   studyCohortTable = "ohdsi_alendronate_raloxifene",
#                   oracleTempSchema = NULL,
#                   outputFolder = "c:/temp/study_results")

#simpler function not translating the strata into names

.fetchAchillesAnalysisDistResults<-function(connectionDetails, resultsDatabaseSchema, AnalysesAsSqlInCode){ 
  connection <- DatabaseConnector::connect(connectionDetails = connectionDetails)
  on.exit(DatabaseConnector::disconnect(connection = connection))
  sql <- "select * from @resultsDatabaseSchema.achilles_results_dist where analysis_id in ( @analysisId );"
  sql <- SqlRender::render(sql = sql, resultsDatabaseSchema = resultsDatabaseSchema,analysisId = AnalysesAsSqlInCode)
  sql <- SqlRender::translate(sql = sql, targetDialect = connectionDetails$dbms)
  analysisResults <- DatabaseConnector::querySql(connection = connection,sql = sql)

#' do a custom measure
#' @param connectionDetails connection
#' @param connectionDetails2 more study parameters

#' @export
customMeasure <- function(connectionDetails,
  with statsView_1815 as
  select subject_id as stratum1_id, unit_concept_id as stratum2_id, count_value, count_big(*) as total, row_number() over (partition by subject_id, unit_concept_id order by count_value) as rn
    select measurement_concept_id as subject_id, 
  	CAST(value_as_number AS FLOAT) as count_value
    from @cdmDatabaseSchema.MEASUREMENT m
    where m.unit_concept_id is not null
  	and m.value_as_number is not null
  ) A
  group by subject_id, unit_concept_id, count_value
select 1890 as analysis_id,
  CAST(o.stratum1_id AS VARCHAR(255)) AS stratum1_id,
  CAST(o.stratum2_id AS VARCHAR(255)) AS stratum2_id,
  o.total as count_value,
	MIN(case when p.accumulated >= .50 * o.total then count_value else o.max_value end) as median_value,
	MIN(case when p.accumulated >= .01 * o.total then count_value else o.max_value end) as p01_value,
	MIN(case when p.accumulated >= .02 * o.total then count_value else o.max_value end) as p02_value,
	MIN(case when p.accumulated >= .03 * o.total then count_value else o.max_value end) as p03_value,
	MIN(case when p.accumulated >= .05 * o.total then count_value else o.max_value end) as p05_value,
	MIN(case when p.accumulated >= .10 * o.total then count_value else o.max_value end) as p10_value,
	MIN(case when p.accumulated >= .25 * o.total then count_value else o.max_value end) as p25_value,
	MIN(case when p.accumulated >= .75 * o.total then count_value else o.max_value end) as p75_value,
	MIN(case when p.accumulated >= .95 * o.total then count_value else o.max_value end) as p95_value,
	MIN(case when p.accumulated >= .97 * o.total then count_value else o.max_value end) as p97_value,
	MIN(case when p.accumulated >= .98 * o.total then count_value else o.max_value end) as p98_value,
	MIN(case when p.accumulated >= .99 * o.total then count_value else o.max_value end) as p99_value
  select s.stratum1_id, s.stratum2_id, s.count_value, s.total, sum(p.total) as accumulated
  from statsView_1815 s
  join statsView_1815 p on s.stratum1_id = p.stratum1_id and s.stratum2_id = p.stratum2_id and p.rn <= s.rn
  group by s.stratum1_id, s.stratum2_id, s.count_value, s.total, s.rn
) p
	select subject_id as stratum1_id,
	  unit_concept_id as stratum2_id,
	  CAST(avg(1.0 * count_value) AS FLOAT) as avg_value,
	  CAST(stdev(count_value) AS FLOAT) as stdev_value,
	  min(count_value) as min_value,
	  max(count_value) as max_value,
	  count_big(*) as total
	  select measurement_concept_id as subject_id, 
		CAST(value_as_number AS FLOAT) as count_value
	  from @cdmDatabaseSchema.MEASUREMENT m
	  where m.unit_concept_id is not null
		and m.value_as_number is not null
	) A
	group by subject_id, unit_concept_id
) o on p.stratum1_id = o.stratum1_id and p.stratum2_id = o.stratum2_id 
GROUP BY o.stratum1_id, o.stratum2_id, o.total, o.min_value, o.max_value, o.avg_value, o.stdev_value
  sql <- SqlRender::render(sql,cdmDatabaseSchema=connectionDetails2$cdmDatabaseSchema)
  sql <- SqlRender::translate(sql,targetDialect = connectionDetails$dbms)

  conn <- DatabaseConnector::connect(connectionDetails)
  data <- DatabaseConnector::querySql(conn, sql)
#' Execute all components of the DataQuality study (resultsDatabaseSchema is where Achilles results are)
#' @param connectionDetails connection
#' @param connectionDetails2 more study parameters
#' @param runViaAchilles flag that runs legacy analysis using Achilles measure (analysis)
#' @param exportThreshold removes rows that have fewer than specified events (default is 11)

#' @export
dashboardLabThresholds <- function(connectionDetails,
  #create export folder
  #create export subfolder in workFolder
  exportFolder <- file.path(connectionDetails2$workFolder, "export")
  if (!file.exists(exportFolder))
  #add readme file
  file.copy(system.file("dqd/readme.txt",package="DataQuality"), exportFolder)
  #multiple steps here exporting to export folder
  if (runViaAchilles) {
  writeLines("----Running some Achilles Measures")
  Achilles::achilles(connectionDetails = connectionDetails
                     ,cdmDatabaseSchema = connectionDetails2$cdmDatabaseSchema
                     ,resultsDatabaseSchema = connectionDetails2$resultsDatabaseSchema
                     ,cdmVersion = connectionDetails2$cdmVersion
                     ,analysisIds = c(1807,1815) #,1816,1817)
                     ,runHeel = FALSE
                     ,createIndices = FALSE
                     ,verboseMode = TRUE)
  units<-Achilles::fetchAchillesAnalysisResults(connectionDetails = connectionDetails,resultsDatabaseSchema = connectionDetails2$resultsDatabaseSchema
                                         ,analysisId = 1807)
  names(units2) <- tolower(names(units2))
  #take those that have both defined
  units2$measurement_concept_id <-as.integer(units2$measurement_concept_id)
  units2$unit_concept_id <-as.integer(units2$unit_concept_id)
  #units, must have few numbers and non zero units
  #more numbers
  a<-.fetchAchillesAnalysisDistResults(connectionDetails = connectionDetails,resultsDatabaseSchema = connectionDetails2$resultsDatabaseSchema
                              #                  ,AnalysesAsSqlInCode = "1815,1816,1817")
  ,AnalysesAsSqlInCode = "1815")
  selected<-units2 %>% dplyr::filter( count_value>100 & unit_concept_id !=0 )
  writeLines(paste("-----count of suitable measurements for analysis:",nrow(selected)))
  write.csv(selected,file = file.path(exportFolder,'SuitableMeasurementsAndUnits.csv'),row.names = F)
  write.csv(a,file = file.path(exportFolder,'ThresholdsA.csv'),row.names = F)
  #custom percentiles
  b<-customMeasure(connectionDetails = connectionDetails,connectionDetails2 = connectionDetails2)
  names(b) <- tolower(names(b))
  b<-dplyr::filter(b, count_value>=exportThreshold)
  #done separately for now, may be included later
  writeLines(paste("--writing some output to export folder:",exportFolder))
  write.csv(b,file = file.path(exportFolder,'ThresholdsB.csv'),row.names = F)
  #final cleanup
  writeLines("--Done with dashboardLabThreshold")

#' helper object with more connection details
#' @param cdmDatabaseSchema schema
#' @param resultsDatabaseSchema result schema
#' @param oracleTempSchema oracle specific
#' @param cdmVersion version
#' @param cohortTable cohort table name
#' @param workFolder where to work

#' @export
.createConnectionDetails2<-function (cdmDatabaseSchema,resultsDatabaseSchema=NULL
                                     ,workFolder='c:/temp') {
  result <- list()
  for (name in names(formals(.createConnectionDetails2))) {
    result[[name]] <- get(name)
  values <- lapply(as.list(match.call())[-1], function(x) eval(x, 
                                                               envir = sys.frame(-3)))
  for (name in names(values)) {
    if (name %in% names(result)) 
      result[[name]] <- values[[name]]
  class(result) <- "connectionDetails2"

#' Execute all components of the DataQuality study (resultsDatabaseSchema is where Achilles results are)
#' @param connectionDetails connection
#' @param connectionDetails2 more study parameters
#' @param runViaAchilles flag that runs legacy analysis using Achilles measure (analysis)
#' @param exportThreshold removes rows that have fewer than specified events (default is 11)

#' @export
dashboardLabValueAsConceptID <- function(connectionDetails,
  #create export folder
  #create export subfolder in workFolder
  exportFolder <- file.path(connectionDetails2$workFolder, "export")
  if (!file.exists(exportFolder))
  #add readme file
  #file.copy(system.file("dqd/readme.txt",package="DataQuality"), exportFolder)
  #multiple steps here exporting to export folder
  #disabled for now
  #if (runViaAchilles) {
  if (FALSE) {
    writeLines("----Running some Achilles Measures")
    Achilles::achilles(connectionDetails = connectionDetails
                       ,cdmDatabaseSchema = connectionDetails2$cdmDatabaseSchema
                       ,resultsDatabaseSchema = connectionDetails2$resultsDatabaseSchema
                       ,cdmVersion = connectionDetails2$cdmVersion
                       ,analysisIds = c(1807,1815) #,1816,1817)
                       ,runHeel = FALSE
                       ,createIndices = FALSE
                       ,verboseMode = TRUE)
    units<-Achilles::fetchAchillesAnalysisResults(connectionDetails = connectionDetails,resultsDatabaseSchema = connectionDetails2$resultsDatabaseSchema
                                                  ,analysisId = 1807)
    names(units2) <- tolower(names(units2))
    #take those that have both defined
    units2$measurement_concept_id <-as.integer(units2$measurement_concept_id)
    units2$unit_concept_id <-as.integer(units2$unit_concept_id)
    #units, must have few numbers and non zero units
    #more numbers
    a<-.fetchAchillesAnalysisDistResults(connectionDetails = connectionDetails,resultsDatabaseSchema = connectionDetails2$resultsDatabaseSchema
                                         #                  ,AnalysesAsSqlInCode = "1815,1816,1817")
                                         ,AnalysesAsSqlInCode = "1815")
    selected<-units2 %>% dplyr::filter( count_value>100 & unit_concept_id !=0 )
    writeLines(paste("-----count of suitable measurements for analysis:",nrow(selected)))
    # write.csv(selected,file = file.path(exportFolder,'SuitableMeasurementsAndUnits.csv'),row.names = F)
    # write.csv(a,file = file.path(exportFolder,'ThresholdsA.csv'),row.names = F)
  #execution via custom SQL (not to have dependency on Achilles)
  #-- 1822	Number of measurement records, by measurement_concept_id and value_as_concept_id
	1822 AS analysis_id,
	count_big(*) AS count_value
from @cdmDatabaseSchema.measurement
group by measurement_concept_id, value_as_concept_id;
  b<-customMeasureSql(connectionDetails = connectionDetails,connectionDetails2 = connectionDetails2,sql=sql)
  names(b) <- tolower(names(b))
  b<-dplyr::filter(b, count_value>=exportThreshold)
  #convert values to percentages possibly here
  options(scipen=999) #disable scientific notation
  b2<-b %>% dplyr::group_by(measurement_concept_id) %>%  dplyr::mutate(perc= count_value / sum(count_value)) %>% 
    dplyr::arrange(measurement_concept_id,desc(perc) ) %>% select(-count_value)
  writeLines(paste("-----count of measurements with coded value:",nrow(b)))
  writeLines(paste("--writing output file LabCodedValuesResults to export folder:",exportFolder))
  write.csv(b2,file = file.path(exportFolder,'LabCodedValueResults.csv'),row.names = F)
  #final cleanup
  writeLines("--Done with dashboardLabValueAsConceptID")

#' do a custom measure
#' @param connectionDetails connection
#' @param connectionDetails2 more study parameters
#' @param sql sql code to run

#' @export
customMeasureSql <- function(connectionDetails,
	 sql <- SqlRender::render(sql,cdmDatabaseSchema=connectionDetails2$cdmDatabaseSchema)
	 sql <- SqlRender::translate(sql,targetDialect = connectionDetails$dbms)
	 conn <- DatabaseConnector::connect(connectionDetails)
	 data <- DatabaseConnector::querySql(conn, sql)
vojtechhuser/DataQuality documentation built on May 10, 2020, 8:31 a.m.