
Defines functions listSimulatedLexies

Documented in listSimulatedLexies

#' List the lexies and optimum occurence count for an expression of a metamot batch
#' @param metamot_id The batch id
#' @param lexie_id The expression to simulate
#' @details
#' ResCode
#' 401 : Unauthorized : user or password does not match.
#' 404 : Unknown uid
#' 406 : Request and response must be application/json
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' lexies <- listSimulatedLexies(metamot_id,"test")
#' }
#' @return a json with lexies occurences for text with 3500 words.
#' @author Vincent Terrasi
#' @export
listSimulatedLexies <- function(metamot_id,lexie_id) {

  token <- getOption('sme_token')
  debug <- getOption('sme_debug')

  curl <- getCurlHandle()

  # il faut passer Bearer
  hdr  <- c(Accept="application/json"

  lexie_id <- URLencode(lexie_id)

  apiURL <- paste0("https://self.cocon.se/API/metamot/",metamot_id,"/simulation/",lexie_id)

  reply <- getURL(apiURL,
                httpheader = hdr,
                curl = curl,
                verbose = debug)

  info <- getCurlInfo(curl)

  if (info$response.code==200) {
    res <- fromJSON(reply)

    simulatedLexies3500 <- res[["data"]][["3500"]]
    df <- t(as.data.frame.list(simulatedLexies3500))
    df <- cbind(rownames(df), data.frame(df, row.names=NULL))
    colnames(df) <- c("lexies","count")
    df$lexies <- sub("[.]", " ", df$lexies)

  } else {
voltek62/writingAssistantR documentation built on May 4, 2019, 7:41 p.m.