# compute arcs' strength as the p-value of the test for their removal.
arc.strength.test = function(network, data, test, alpha, B, debug = FALSE) {
drop = function(arc) {
if (debug) {
cat("* computing strength for arc", arc[1], "->", arc[2], ".\n")
parents =
network$nodes[[arc[2]]]$parents[network$nodes[[arc[2]]]$parents != arc[1]]
a = conditional.test(arc[1], arc[2], parents, data = data, test = test,
B = B, alpha = alpha)
if (debug) {
cat(" > testing", arc[1], "->", arc[2],
"with conditioning set '", parents, "'.\n")
cat(" > p-value is", a, ".\n")
if (debug) {
# populate the strength data frame.
if (nrow(network$arcs) == 0) {
strength = as.data.frame(list(from = character(0), to = character(0),
strength = numeric(0)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
else {
strength = data.frame(network$arcs, strength = apply(network$arcs, 1, drop),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# compute arcs' strength as the difference in score caused by their removal.
arc.strength.score = function(network, data, score, extra, debug = FALSE) {
drop = function(arc) {
if (debug) {
cat("* computing strength for arc", arc[1], "->", arc[2], ".\n")
better = score.delta(arc = arc, network = network, data = data,
score = score, score.delta = 0,
reference.score = reference.score, op = "drop",
extra = extra, decomposable = decomp)
if (debug) {
cat(" > updated score for node", arc[2], "is", better$updates, ".\n")
cat(" > score delta", better$delta, ".\n")
# cache nodes' labels.
nodes = names(data)
# set the reference score.
reference.score = per.node.score(network = network, score = score,
targets = nodes, extra.args = extra, data = data)
# check whether the score is decomposable.
decomp = is.score.decomposable(score, nodes, extra)
if (debug) {
cat("* current score:", sum(reference.score), "\n")
cat("* original scores of the nodes of the graphs are:\n")
for (n in nodes)
cat(" > original score for node", n, "is", reference.score[n], ".\n")
# populate the strength data frame.
if (nrow(network$arcs) == 0) {
strength = as.data.frame(list(from = character(0), to = character(0),
strength = numeric(0)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
else {
strength = data.frame(network$arcs, strength = apply(network$arcs, 1, drop),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# compute arcs' strength as the relative frequency in boostrapped networks.
arc.strength.boot = function(data, cluster = NULL, R, m, algorithm,
algorithm.args, arcs, cpdag, debug = FALSE) {
bootstrap.batch = function(data, R, m, algorithm, algorithm.args, arcs,
cpdag, debug) {
# allocate and initialize an empty adjacency matrix.
prob = matrix(0, ncol = ncol(data), nrow = ncol(data))
# get the names of the variables in the data set.
nodes = names(data)
for (r in seq_len(R)) {
if (debug) {
cat("* bootstrap replicate", r, ".\n")
# perform the resampling with replacement.
resampling = sample(nrow(data), m, replace = TRUE)
# user-provided lists of manipulated observations for the mbde score must
# be remapped to match the bootstrap sample.
if ((algorithm.args$score == "mbde") && !is.null(algorithm.args$exp)) {
algorithm.args$exp = lapply(algorithm.args$exp, function(x) {
x = match(x, resampling)
x = x[!is.na(x)]
# generate the r-th bootstrap sample.
replicate = data[resampling, , drop = FALSE]
# learn the network structure from the bootstrap sample.
net = do.call(algorithm, c(list(x = replicate), algorithm.args))
# switch to the equivalence class if asked to.
if (cpdag)
net = cpdag.backend(net, moral = TRUE, debug = FALSE)
if (debug) {
cat("* learning bayesian network structure.\n")
# update the counters in the matrix: undirected arcs are counted half
# for each direction, so that when summing up strength and direction
# they get counted once instead of twice.
# BEWARE: in-place modification of prob!
prob = prob,
weight = 1,
arcs = net$arcs,
nodes = nodes)
# rescale the counters to probabilities.
prob = prob / R
res = .Call("bootstrap_arc_coefficients",
prob = prob,
nodes = nodes)
if (!is.null(arcs))
return(match.arcs.and.strengths(arcs, nodes, res, keep = TRUE))
if (!is.null(cluster)) {
# get the number of slaves.
s = nSlaves(cluster)
res = parLapply(cluster, rep(ceiling(R / s), s), bootstrap.batch,
data = data, m = m, arcs = arcs, algorithm = algorithm,
algorithm.args = algorithm.args, cpdag = cpdag, debug = debug)
x = res)
else {
bootstrap.batch(data = data, R = R, m = m, algorithm = algorithm,
algorithm.args = algorithm.args, arcs = arcs, cpdag = cpdag,
debug = debug)
# compute arcs' strength as the relative frequency in a custom list of
# network structures/arc sets.
arc.strength.custom = function(custom.list, nodes, arcs, cpdag, weights = NULL,
debug = FALSE) {
# allocate and initialize an empty adjacency matrix.
prob = matrix(0, ncol = length(nodes), nrow = length(nodes))
# get the number of networks to average.
R = length(custom.list)
# set the total weight mass.
weight.sum = sum(weights)
for (r in seq_len(R)) {
if (debug) {
cat("* considering element", r, ".\n")
# get the arc set on way or the other.
if (is(custom.list[[r]], "bn"))
net.arcs = custom.list[[r]]$arcs
net.arcs = custom.list[[r]]
# switch to the equivalence class if asked to.
if (cpdag)
net.arcs = cpdag.arc.backend(nodes, net.arcs, moral = TRUE)
# update the counters in the matrix: undirected arcs are counted half
# for each direction, so that when summing up strength and direction
# they get counted once instead of twice.
# BEWARE: in-place modification of prob!
prob = prob,
weight = weights[r],
arcs = net.arcs,
nodes = nodes)
# rescale the counters to probabilities.
prob = prob / weight.sum
res = .Call("bootstrap_arc_coefficients",
prob = prob,
nodes = nodes)
if (!is.null(arcs))
return(match.arcs.and.strengths(arcs, nodes, res, keep = TRUE))
# match arc sets and strength coefficients.
match.arcs.and.strengths = function(arcs, nodes, strengths, keep = FALSE) {
if (nrow(strengths) < nrow(arcs))
stop("insufficient number of strength coefficients.")
a_hash = interaction(arcs[, "from"], arcs[, "to"])
s_hash = interaction(strengths[, "from"], strengths[, "to"])
if (keep) {
s = strengths[match(a_hash, s_hash), , drop = FALSE]
coef = s$strength
else {
s = strengths[match(a_hash, s_hash), "strength"]
coef = s
if (any(is.na(coef))) {
missing = apply(arcs[is.na(coef), , drop = FALSE], 1,
function(x) { paste(" (", x[1], ", ", x[2], ")", sep = "") })
stop("the following arcs do not have a corresponding strength coefficients:",
missing, ".")
# convert an arc strength object to the corresponding line widths for plotting.
strength2lwd = function(strength, threshold, cutpoints, mode, arcs = NULL,
debug = FALSE) {
# sanitize user-defined cut points, if any.
if (!missing(cutpoints)) {
if (!is.numeric(cutpoints) || any(is.nan(cutpoints)))
stop("cut points must be numerical values.")
if (length(strength) <= length(cutpoints))
stop("there are at least as many cut points as strength values.")
if (debug) {
cat("* using threshold:", threshold, "\n")
cat("* reported arc strength are:\n")
if (!is.null(arcs))
print(cbind(arcs, strength))
if (mode %in% c("test", "bootstrap")) {
# bootstrap probabilities work like p-values, only reversed.
if (mode == "bootstrap") {
strength = 1 - strength
threshold = 1 - threshold
# use user-defined cut points if available.
if (missing(cutpoints))
cutpoints = unique(c(0, threshold/c(10, 5, 2, 1.5, 1), 1))
cutpoints = sort(cutpoints)
# p-values are already scaled, so the raw quantiles are good cut points.
arc.weights = cut(strength, cutpoints, labels = FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE)
arc.weights = length(cutpoints) - arc.weights
else if (mode == "score") {
# score deltas are defined on a reversed scale (the more negative
# the better); change their sign (and that of the threshold)
# for simplicity
threshold = -threshold
strength = -strength
# define a set of cut points using the quantiles from the empirical
# distribution of the negative score deltas (that is, the ones
# corresponding to significant arcs) or use user-defined ones.
if (missing(cutpoints)) {
significant = strength[strength > threshold]
q = quantile(significant, c(0.50, 0.75, 0.90, 0.95, 1), names = FALSE)
cutpoints = sort(c(-Inf, threshold, unique(q), Inf))
arc.weights = cut(strength, cutpoints, labels = FALSE)
# arcs beyond the significance threshold are given a negative weight,
# so that graphviz.backend() will draw them as dashed lines.
arc.weights[arc.weights == 1] = -1
if (debug) {
cat("* using cut points for strength intervals:\n")
if (mode == "boot")
print(1 - cutpoints)
cat("* arc weights:", arc.weights, "\n")
# compute the significance threshold for Friedman's confidence.
threshold = function(strength, method = "l1") {
# do not blow up with graphs with only 1 node.
if (nrow(strength) == 0)
e = ecdf(strength$strength)
u = knots(e)
if (method == "l1") {
norm = function(p)
sum( diff(unique(c(0, u, 1))) * abs(e(unique(c(0, u[u < 1]))) - p))
p0 = optimize(f = norm, interval = c(0, 1))$minimum
# double check the boundaries, they are legal solutions but optimize() does
# not check them.
if (norm(1) < norm(p0))
p0 = 1
if (norm(0) < norm(p0))
p0 = 0
quantile(strength$strength, p0, type = 1, names = FALSE)
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