# read a BIF file into a bn.fit object.
read.foreign.backend = function(lines, format = "bif", filename, debug = FALSE) {
# remove comments.
if (format %in% c("bif", "dsc"))
lines = sub("//.*", "", lines)
else if (format == "net")
lines = sub("%.*", "", lines)
# remove indentation and whitespace damage.
lines = gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", lines, perl = TRUE)
# remove empty lines.
lines = lines[grep("^\\s*$", lines, perl = TRUE, invert = TRUE)]
if (format == "bif") {
# remove useless properties from declarations and CPTs.
lines = bif.preparse(lines)
else if (format == "dsc") {
# quick fix for CPT declaration splitting (thanks Genie).
lines = dsc.preparse(lines)
# check the file banner.
if (format == "bif")
bif.check.banner(banner = lines[1], filename = filename)
else if (format == "dsc")
dsc.check.banner(banner = lines[1], filename = filename)
else if (format == "net")
net.check.banner(banner = lines[1], filename = filename)
# get the node labels and the size of node set.
if (format == "bif")
nodes = bif.get.nodes(lines)
else if (format == "dsc")
nodes = dsc.get.nodes(lines)
else if (format == "net")
nodes = net.get.nodes(lines)
nnodes = length(nodes)
# check whether all variables are discrete.
if (format == "bif")
bif.check.discrete(lines, nnodes)
else if (format == "dsc")
dsc.check.discrete(lines, nnodes)
else if (format == "net")
net.check.discrete(lines, nnodes)
# check whether the labels on the probability tables match with the node labels.
if (format == "bif")
cpts = bif.get.cpt.names(lines)
else if (format == "dsc")
cpts = dsc.get.cpt.names(lines)
else if (format == "net")
cpts = net.get.cpt.names(lines)
if (!setequal(cpts, nodes)) {
missing.cpts = setdiff(nodes, cpts)
missing.nodes = setdiff(cpts, nodes)
bogus = unique(c(missing.cpts, missing.nodes))
for (m in missing.cpts)
warning("the CPT corresponding to node ", m, " is missing, dropping.")
for (m in missing.nodes)
warning("the node description of node ", m, " is missing, dropping.")
# recompute fundamental quantities.
nodes = nodes[!(nodes %in% bogus)]
nnodes = length(nodes)
else {
bogus = character(0)
# find out where each node description begins.
if (format == "bif")
description.start = bif.get.node.descriptions(lines, nodes)
else if (format == "dsc")
description.start = dsc.get.node.descriptions(lines, nodes)
else if (format == "net")
description.start = net.get.node.descriptions(lines, nodes)
# find out where each conditional probability table begins.
if (format == "bif")
cpt.start = bif.get.cpt.descriptions(lines, cpts)
else if (format == "dsc")
cpt.start = dsc.get.cpt.descriptions(lines, cpts)
else if (format == "net")
cpt.start = net.get.cpt.descriptions(lines, cpts)
# get the levels associated with each node.
if (format == "bif") {
nodes.levels = sapply(nodes, bif.get.levels, start = description.start,
lines = lines, simplify = FALSE)
else if (format == "dsc") {
nodes.levels = sapply(nodes, dsc.get.levels, start = description.start,
lines = lines, simplify = FALSE)
else if (format == "net") {
nodes.levels = sapply(nodes, net.get.levels, start = description.start,
lines = lines, simplify = FALSE)
# all nodes should have at least two levels, drop dummy nodes with a warning.
dummies = names(which(sapply(nodes.levels, length) < 2))
if (length(dummies) > 0) {
for (d in dummies)
warning("node ", d, " have only one level, dropping.")
# recompute some fundamental quantities.
nodes = nodes[!(nodes %in% dummies)]
nnodes = length(nodes)
description.start = description.start[nodes]
cpt.start = cpt.start[nodes]
# get the parents of each node.
if (format == "bif") {
parents = bif.get.parents(lines, start = cpt.start, dummies = dummies,
bogus = bogus)
else if (format == "dsc") {
parents = dsc.get.parents(lines, start = cpt.start, dummies = dummies,
bogus = bogus)
else if (format == "net") {
parents = net.get.parents(lines, start = cpt.start, dummies = dummies,
bogus = bogus)
# separate root and non-root nodes.
nonroot.nodes = names(parents)
root.nodes = nodes[!(nodes %in% nonroot.nodes)]
# create the empty bn.fit object.
fitted = structure(vector(nnodes, mode = "list"), names = nodes)
# fill in the metadata for the root nodes.
for (node in nodes) {
# get the parent set.
if (node %in% root.nodes)
parent.set = character(0)
parent.set = parents[[node]]
if (debug) {
if (node %in% root.nodes)
cat("* found root node", node, ".\n")
cat("* found node", node, "with parents", parent.set, ".\n")
cat(" > node", node, "has levels", nodes.levels[[node]], "\n")
# build the (conditional) probability table.
if (format == "bif") {
node.cpt = bif.get.probabilities(node, start = cpt.start, lines = lines,
nodes.levels = nodes.levels, parents = parents,
root = (node %in% root.nodes))
else if (format == "dsc") {
node.cpt = dsc.get.probabilities(node, start = cpt.start, lines = lines,
nodes.levels = nodes.levels, parents = parents,
root = (node %in% root.nodes))
else if (format == "net") {
node.cpt = net.get.probabilities(node, start = cpt.start, lines = lines,
nodes.levels = nodes.levels, parents = parents,
root = (node %in% root.nodes))
fitted[[node]] = structure(list(node = node, parents = parent.set,
children = foreign.get.children(node, parents),
prob = node.cpt), class = "bn.fit.dnode")
if (debug) {
cat(" > conditional probability table:\n")
# set the class of the return value; doing it before the object has been
# completely initialized clashed with the "[[<-.bn.fit" replacement methods.
class(fitted) = "bn.fit"
# remove properties to avoid confusion.
bif.preparse = function(lines) {
# remove properties.
lines = gsub("^\\s*property[^;]*;", "", lines)
# remove empty lines.
lines = lines[grep("^\\s*$", lines, perl = TRUE, invert = TRUE)]
# rebuild declarations split over multiple lines.
dsc.preparse = function(lines) {
p = grep("probability[^)]*$", lines)
for (l in p) {
end = match.brace(lines, start = l, open = "(", close = ")")
lines[l] = paste(lines[l:end], collapse = " ")
lines[l] = gsub(" , ", ", ", lines[l])
lines[(l+1):end] = ""
# remove empty lines.
lines = lines[grep("^\\s*$", lines, perl = TRUE, invert = TRUE)]
# check the banner of a BIF file.
bif.check.banner = function(banner, filename) {
if (length(grep("^network", banner)) != 1)
stop("the file '", filename, "' does not conform to the BIF format.")
# check the banner of a DSC file.
dsc.check.banner = function(banner, filename) {
if (length(grep("^belief network", banner)) != 1)
stop("the file '", filename, "' does not conform to the DSC format.")
# check the banner of a NET file.
net.check.banner = function(banner, filename) {
if (length(grep("^net", banner)) != 1)
stop("the file '", filename, "' does not conform to the NET format.")
# get the node labels from a BIF file.
bif.get.nodes = function(lines) {
sub("variable\\s+(.+)\\s+\\{", "\\1",
grep("^variable .+", lines, value = TRUE), perl = TRUE)
# get the node labels from a DSC file.
dsc.get.nodes = function(lines) {
sub("node\\s+(\\w+)\\s*\\{*", "\\1",
grep("^node .+", lines, value = TRUE), perl = TRUE)
# get the node labels from a NET file.
net.get.nodes = function(lines) {
sub("node\\s+(\\w+)\\s*\\{*", "\\1",
grep("^node .+", lines, value = TRUE), perl = TRUE)
# count the number of discrete nodes in a BIF file.
bif.check.discrete = function(lines, nnodes) {
ndisc = length(grep("type\\s+discrete", lines))
if (ndisc != nnodes)
stop("only BIF files describing discrete networks are supported.")
# count the number of discrete nodes in a DSC file.
dsc.check.discrete = function(lines, nnodes) {
ndisc = length(grep("type\\s*[:]{0,1}\\s*discrete", lines))
if (ndisc != nnodes)
stop("only DSC files describing discrete networks are supported.")
# count the number of discrete nodes in a DSC file.
net.check.discrete = function(lines, nnodes) {
if (length(grep("^continuous\\s+node\\s+\\w+", lines)) > 0)
stop("only NET files describing discrete networks are supported.")
if (length(grep("^decision\\s+\\w+", lines)) > 0)
stop("NET files describing decision networks are not supported.")
# get the labels of the CPTs from a BIF file, to compare them to node labels.
bif.get.cpt.names = function(lines) {
sub("probability\\s*\\(\\s*(\\w+).*", "\\1",
grep("^probability", lines, value = TRUE))
# get the labels of the CPTs from a DSC file, to compare them to node labels.
dsc.get.cpt.names = bif.get.cpt.names
# get the labels of the CPTs from a NET file, to compare them to node labels.
net.get.cpt.names = function(lines) {
sub("potential\\s*\\(\\s*(\\w+).*", "\\1",
grep("^potential", lines, value = TRUE))
# get the starting lines of node descriptions in a BIF file.
bif.get.node.descriptions = function(lines, nodes) {
desc = grep(paste("variable\\s+(", paste(nodes, collapse = "|"), ")", sep = ""), lines)
names(desc) = nodes
# get the starting lines of node descriptions in a DSC file.
dsc.get.node.descriptions = function(lines, nodes) {
desc = grep(paste("node\\s+(", paste(nodes, collapse = "|"), ")", sep = ""), lines)
names(desc) = nodes
# get the starting lines of node descriptions in a NET file.
net.get.node.descriptions = function(lines, nodes) {
desc = grep(paste("node\\s+(", paste(nodes, collapse = "|"), ")", sep = ""), lines)
names(desc) = nodes
# get the starting lines of CPTs in a BIF file.
bif.get.cpt.descriptions = function(lines, cpts) {
desc = grep(paste("probability\\s*\\(\\s*(", paste(cpts, collapse = "|"), ")", sep = ""), lines)
names(desc) = cpts
# get the starting lines of CPTs in a DSC file.
dsc.get.cpt.descriptions = bif.get.cpt.descriptions
# get the starting lines of CPTs in a NET file.
net.get.cpt.descriptions = function(lines, cpts) {
desc = grep(paste("potential\\s*\\(\\s*(", paste(cpts, collapse = "|"), ")", sep = ""), lines)
names(desc) = cpts
# get the parents of each node in a BIF file.
bif.get.parents = function(lines, start, dummies, bogus) {
# get the dependencies.
parents = (lines[start])[grep("\\|", lines[start])]
# extract the node labels and the labels of the respective parents.
parents = sub("probability\\s+\\(\\s+(.+)\\s+\\|(.+)\\)\\s+\\{", "\\1 \\2",
# split the labels of the parents.
nonroot.nodes = sapply(strsplit(parents, " "), "[", 1)
parents = sapply(strsplit(parents, " "), "[", -1, simplify = FALSE)
names(parents) = nonroot.nodes
# remove commas and empty values.
parents = lapply(parents, function(x) {
p = sub(",", "", x)
p = p[grep("^\\s*$", p, perl = TRUE, invert = TRUE)]
# check whether there are dropped nodes among the parents.
if (any(p %in% dummies))
stop("dropped dummy node is the parent of another node.")
if (any(p %in% bogus))
stop("dropped mismatched node is the parent of another node.")
} )
# get the parents of each node in a DSC file.
dsc.get.parents = function(lines, start, dummies, bogus) {
# get the dependencies.
parents = (lines[start])[grep("\\|", lines[start])]
# extract the node labels and the labels of the respective parents.
parents = sub("probability\\s*\\(\\s*(.+)\\s*\\|\\s*(.+)\\s*\\).*", "\\1 \\2",
# split the labels of the parents.
nonroot.nodes = sapply(strsplit(parents, " "), "[", 1)
parents = sapply(strsplit(parents, " "), "[", -1, simplify = FALSE)
names(parents) = nonroot.nodes
# remove commas and empty values.
parents = lapply(parents, function(x) {
p = sub(",", "", x)
p = p[grep("^\\s*$", p, perl = TRUE, invert = TRUE)]
# check whether there are dropped nodes among the parents.
if (any(p %in% dummies))
stop("dropped dummy node is the parent of another node.")
if (any(p %in% bogus))
stop("dropped mismatched node is the parent of another node.")
} )
# get the parents of each node in a NET file.
net.get.parents = function(lines, start, dummies, bogus) {
# get the dependencies (robust against Genie output).
parents = (lines[start])[grep("\\|\\s*\\w+", lines[start])]
# extract the node labels and the labels of the respective parents.
parents = sub("potential\\s+\\(\\s*(.+)\\s*\\|\\s*(.+)\\s*\\).*", "\\1 \\2",
# split the labels of the parents.
nonroot.nodes = sapply(strsplit(parents, " "), "[", 1)
parents = sapply(strsplit(parents, " "), "[", -1, simplify = FALSE)
names(parents) = nonroot.nodes
# remove commas and empty values.
parents = lapply(parents, function(x) {
p = sub(",", "", x)
p = p[grep("^\\s*$", p, perl = TRUE, invert = TRUE)]
# check whether there are dropped nodes among the parents.
if (any(p %in% dummies))
stop("dropped dummy node is the parent of another node.")
if (any(p %in% bogus))
stop("dropped mismatched node is the parent of another node.")
} )
foreign.get.children = function(node, parents) {
names(which(sapply(parents, function(x, node) { node %in% x }, node = node)))
# get the levels of each node in a BIF file.
bif.get.levels = function(node, start, lines) {
end.line = 0
# get the line in which the description is starting.
start.line = start[node]
# loop until the line in which the description is ending.
end.line = match.brace(lines, start.line)
# get all the node's description on one line for easy handling.
desc = paste(lines[start.line:end.line], collapse = "")
# deparse the node's level.
levels = sub(".+type\\s+discrete\\s*\\[\\s*\\d+\\s*\\]\\s+[=]*\\s*\\{\\s+(.+)\\s*\\}.+", "\\1", desc)
levels = strsplit(levels, ",")[[1]]
levels = sub("^\\s*(.+?)\\s*$", "\\1", levels)
if (any(duplicated(levels)))
stop("duplicated levels '", paste(levels[duplicated(levels)], collapse = "' '"), "' for node ", node, ".\n")
# get the levels of each node in a DSC file.
dsc.get.levels = function(node, start, lines) {
end.line = 0
# get the line in which the description is starting.
start.line = start[node]
# loop until the line in which the description is ending.
end.line = match.brace(lines, start.line)
# get all the node's description on one line for easy handling.
desc = paste(lines[start.line:end.line], collapse = "")
# deparse the node's level.
levels = sub(".+type\\s*[:]{0,1}\\s*discrete\\s*\\[\\s*\\d+\\s*\\]\\s+[=]{0,1}\\s*\\{\\s*(.+)\\s*\\}.+", "\\1", desc)
levels = strsplit(levels, "\"\\s*,")[[1]]
levels = sub("^\\s*\"*(.+?)\"*\\s*$", "\\1", levels)
if (any(duplicated(levels)))
stop("duplicated levels '", paste(levels[duplicated(levels)], collapse = "' '"), "' for node ", node, ".\n")
# get the levels of each node in a NET file.
net.get.levels = function(node, start, lines) {
end.line = 0
# get the line in which the description is starting.
start.line = start[node]
# loop until the line in which the description is ending.
end.line = match.brace(lines, start.line)
# get all the node's description on one line for easy handling.
desc = paste(lines[start.line:end.line], collapse = "")
# deparse the node's level.
levels = sub(".+states\\s*[=]{0,1}\\s*\\(\\s*(.+?)\\s*\\).+", "\\1", desc)
levels = gsub("\"", "", strsplit(levels, "\"\\s*\"")[[1]])
if (any(duplicated(levels)))
stop("duplicated levels '", paste(levels[duplicated(levels)], collapse = "' '"), "' for node ", node, ".\n")
# build the (conditional) probability table for a node in a BIF file.
bif.get.probabilities = function(node, start, lines, nodes.levels, parents, root) {
end.line = 0
# get the line in which the description is starting.
start.line = start[node]
# loop until the line in which the description is ending.
end.line = match.brace(lines, start.line)
# get all the node's description on one line for easy handling.
desc = paste(lines[start.line:end.line], collapse = "")
# deparse the node's probability table.
if (root) {
probs = sub(".+table\\s+(.+)\\s*;\\s*\\}.*", "\\1", desc)
probs = strsplit(probs, ",")[[1]]
if (length(probs) != length(nodes.levels[[node]]))
stop("the dimension of the CPT of node ", node,
" does not match the number of its levels.")
node.cpt = as.table(as.numeric(probs))
dimnames(node.cpt) = list(nodes.levels[[node]])
else {
row = strsplit(sub(".+\\{[^(]*(\\(.+?)\\s*[;]*\\s*\\}.*", "\\1", desc), ";")[[1]]
# extract the conditional probability distributions.
probs = strsplit(sub(".*\\)\\s*(.+)", "\\1", row), ",")
probs = lapply(probs, as.numeric)
# extract the configurations of the parents.
cfg = strsplit(sub(".*\\((.+)\\).+", "\\1", row), ",")
cfg = lapply(cfg, sub, pattern = "^\\s*(.+?)\\s*$", replacement = "\\1")
dims = lapply(c(node, parents[[node]]), function(x) nodes.levels[[x]])
names(dims) = c(node, parents[[node]])
# check whether the number of conditional probability distributions matches
# the number of configurations.
if (length(probs) != length(cfg))
stop("the number of conditional distributions for node ", node,
" do not math the number of configurations of its parents")
# check whether the number of configurations matches the expected number of
# configurations given the parents' number of levels.
expected.cfgs = prod(sapply(nodes.levels[parents[[node]]], length))
if (length(probs) != expected.cfgs)
stop("there should be ", expected.cfgs, " conditional probability ",
"distributions, but only ", length(cfg), " are present.")
# check whether each conditional probability distribution is valid.
not.prob = !sapply(probs, is.probability.vector)
if (any(not.prob)) {
not.prob = paste(which(not.prob), collapse = ", ")
stop("conditional probability ditribution(s) ", not.prob, " of node ",
node, " is not a vector of probabilities.")
# check whether each conditional probability distribution sums to one.
not.prob = (abs(sapply(probs, sum) - 1) > 0.011)
if (any(not.prob)) {
# if more than 1% of probability mass, let's assume that the conditional
# probability distribution is misspecied.
not.prob = paste(which(not.prob), collapse = ", ")
stop("conditional probability ditribution(s) ", not.prob, " of node ",
node, " does not sum to one.")
else {
# perform some more rounding to make the total probability mass closer
# to one.
probs = lapply(probs, prop.table)
# check whether the conditional probability distributions have the right
# number of elements
if (any(lapply(probs, function(x) length(x)) != length(nodes.levels[[node]])))
stop("one of the conditional probability ditributions of node ", node,
" has the wrong number of elements.")
node.cpt = table(seq(prod(sapply(dims, length))))
dim(node.cpt) = sapply(dims, length)
dimnames(node.cpt) = dims
for (i in seq_along(probs)) {
node.cpt = do.call("[<-", c(list(node.cpt, 1:length(nodes.levels[[node]])),
cfg[[i]], list(probs[[i]])))
# build the (conditional) probability table for a node in a DSC file.
dsc.get.probabilities = function(node, start, lines, nodes.levels, parents, root) {
end.line = 0
nlevels = length(nodes.levels[[node]])
# get the line in which the description is starting.
start.line = start[node]
# loop until the line in which the description is ending.
end.line = match.brace(lines, start.line)
# get all the node's description on one line for easy handling.
desc = paste(lines[start.line:end.line], collapse = "")
# deparse the node's probability table.
if (root) {
probs = sub(".+\\{\\s*(.+)\\s*;\\s*\\}.*", "\\1", desc)
probs = strsplit(probs, ",")[[1]]
if (length(probs) != nlevels)
stop("the dimension of the CPT of node ", node,
" does not match the number of its levels.")
node.cpt = as.table(as.numeric(probs))
dimnames(node.cpt) = list(nodes.levels[[node]])
else {
row = strsplit(sub(".+\\{[^(]*(\\(.+?)\\s*[;]*\\s*\\}.*", "\\1", desc), ";")[[1]]
# extract the conditional probability distributions.
probs = strsplit(sub(".*\\)\\s*[:]{0,1}\\s*(.+)", "\\1", row), ",")
probs = lapply(probs, as.numeric)
# paper over degenerate distributions with a uniform distribution.
probs = lapply(probs, function(x) {
if (all(x == 0))
return(prop.table(rep(1, nlevels)))
# extract the configurations of the parents.
cfg = strsplit(sub(".*\\((.+)\\).+", "\\1", row), ",")
cfg = lapply(cfg, sub, pattern = "^\\s*(.+?)\\s*$", replacement = "\\1")
dims = lapply(c(node, parents[[node]]), function(x) nodes.levels[[x]])
names(dims) = c(node, parents[[node]])
# DSC files use numeric coordinates instead of levels; Genie does not write
# them down, it fills them up with zeroes. Use my best guess of the right
# ordering (most significant corrdinate is the right-most, indexes start
# from zero) and hope for the best.
if (all(sapply(cfg, function(x) all(x == 0)))) {
cfg = lapply(dims, function(x) seq(length(x)))
cfg = expand.grid(cfg[1+rev(1:length(parents[[node]]))])
cfg = cfg[rev(1:ncol(cfg))]
cfg = lapply(seq(nrow(cfg)), function(x) cfg[x, ])
else {
cfg = lapply(cfg, function(x) as.numeric(x) + 1)
# check whether the number of conditional probability distributions matches
# the number of configurations.
if (length(probs) != length(cfg))
stop("the number of conditional distributions for node ", node,
" do not math the number of configurations of its parents")
# check whether the number of configurations matches the expected number of
# configurations given the parents' number of levels.
expected.cfgs = prod(sapply(nodes.levels[parents[[node]]], length))
if (length(probs) != expected.cfgs)
stop("there should be ", expected.cfgs, " conditional probability ",
"distributions, but only ", length(cfg), " are present.")
# check whether each conditional probability distribution is valid.
not.prob = !sapply(probs, is.probability.vector)
if (any(not.prob)) {
not.prob = paste(which(not.prob), collapse = ", ")
stop("conditional probability ditribution(s) ", not.prob, " of node ",
node, " is not a vector of probabilities.")
# check whether each conditional probability distribution sums to one.
not.prob = (abs(sapply(probs, sum) - 1) > 0.011)
if (any(not.prob)) {
# if more than 1% of probability mass, let's assume that the conditional
# probability distribution is misspecied.
not.prob = paste(which(not.prob), collapse = ", ")
stop("conditional probability ditribution(s) ", not.prob, " of node ",
node, " does not sum to one.")
else {
# perform some more rounding to make the total probability mass closer
# to one.
probs = lapply(probs, prop.table)
# check whether the conditional probability distributions have the right
# number of elements
if (any(lapply(probs, function(x) length(x)) != nlevels))
stop("one of the conditional probability ditributions of node ", node,
" has the wrong number of elements.")
node.cpt = table(seq(prod(sapply(dims, length))))
dim(node.cpt) = sapply(dims, length)
dimnames(node.cpt) = dims
for (i in seq_along(probs)) {
node.cpt = do.call("[<-", c(list(node.cpt, 1:nlevels),
cfg[[i]], list(probs[[i]])))
# build the (conditional) probability table for a node in a NET file.
net.get.probabilities = function(node, start, lines, nodes.levels, parents, root) {
end.line = 0
# get the line in which the description is starting.
start.line = start[node]
# loop until the line in which the description is ending.
end.line = match.brace(lines, start.line)
# get all the node's description on one line for easy handling.
desc = paste(lines[start.line:end.line], collapse = " ")
# check bogus potential entries
if (length(grep("model_data\\s+=", desc)) == 1)
stop("unknown CPT format 'model_data'.")
# deparse the node's probability table.
if (root) {
probs = sub(".+\\{\\s*data\\s*=\\s*\\(\\s*(.+?)\\s*\\);\\s*\\}.*", "\\1", desc)
probs = gsub("\\s*\\(\\s*|\\s*\\)\\s*", "", probs)
probs = strsplit(probs, "\\s+")[[1]]
if (length(probs) != length(nodes.levels[[node]]))
stop("the dimension of the CPT of node ", node,
" does not match the number of its levels.")
node.cpt = as.table(as.numeric(probs))
dimnames(node.cpt) = list(nodes.levels[[node]])
else {
row = gsub("\\(|\\)", " ", sub(".+\\{[^(]*(\\(.+?)\\s*[;]*\\s*\\}.*", "\\1", desc))
# extract the conditional probability distributions.
dims = lapply(c(node, parents[[node]]), function(x) nodes.levels[[x]])
names(dims) = c(node, parents[[node]])
nconfigs = prod(sapply(dims[-1], length))
probs = strsplit(sub("^\\s+", "", row), "\\s+")[[1]]
# check whether we have the expected number of conditional probabilities.
if (length(probs) != prod(sapply(dims, length)))
stop("one of the conditional probability ditributions of node ", node,
" has the wrong number of elements.")
probs = matrix(as.numeric(probs), byrow = TRUE, nrow = nconfigs)
# check whether each conditional probability distribution is valid.
not.prob = !apply(probs, 1, is.probability.vector)
if (any(not.prob)) {
not.prob = paste(which(not.prob), collapse = ", ")
stop("conditional probability ditribution(s) ", not.prob, " of node ",
node, " is not a vector of probabilities.")
# check whether each conditional probability distribution sums to one.
not.prob = (abs(apply(probs, 1, sum) - 1) > 0.011)
if (any(not.prob)) {
# if more than 1% of probability mass, let's assume that the conditional
# probability distribution is misspecied.
not.prob = paste(which(not.prob), collapse = ", ")
stop("conditional probability ditribution(s) ", not.prob, " of node ",
node, " does not sum to one.")
else {
# perform some more rounding to make the total probability mass closer
# to one.
probs = prop.table(probs, margin = 1)
node.cpt = table(seq(prod(sapply(dims, length))))
dim(node.cpt) = sapply(dims, length)
dimnames(node.cpt) = dims
# NET files list conditional probability distributions without mentioning
# their coordinates in the CPT. Use my best guess of the right ordering
# (most significant corrdinate is the right-most, indexes start from zero)
# and hope for the best.
cfg = lapply(dims, function(x) seq(length(x)))
cfg = expand.grid(cfg[1+rev(1:length(parents[[node]]))])
cfg = cfg[rev(1:ncol(cfg))]
cfg = lapply(seq(nrow(cfg)), function(x) cfg[x, ])
for (i in seq(nrow(probs))) {
node.cpt = do.call("[<-", c(list(node.cpt, 1:length(nodes.levels[[node]])),
cfg[[i]], list(probs[i, ])))
# match braces to delimit blocks.
match.brace = function(lines, start, open = "{", close = "}") {
lines = lines,
start = start,
open = open,
close = close)
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