### Numerical gradient====
sHAR <- function(par, mod, ...) {
theta <- rnorm(length(par))
d <- theta / sqrt(sum(theta*theta))
u <- optim(.5, steepA, Model=mod, df=d, ..., est=par,
method="Brent", upper=1, lower=1e-10)$par
prop <- par + {u * d}
return(list("prop"=prop, "u"=u, "d"=d))
### Hit-and-Run Gradient Descent MAP====
HRGD <- function(Model, startvalue, Data, Interval=1e-8, maxit=100) {
# Opening message
cat("Hit-and-Run Gradient Descent Maximum a Posteriori estimation will run for ",
maxit, " iterations.\n\n", sep="")
startTime = proc.time()
# Initial settings
pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0, max=maxit, style=3)
par <- df <- array(dim = c(maxit,length(startvalue)))
f <- vector("numeric", length=maxit)
step <- vector("numeric", length=maxit)
convergence = T
# First step
df[1,] <- grad(Model, startvalue, Data, Interval=Interval)
SS <- suppressWarnings(unlist(optim(c(0,0), steep, Model=Model,
Data=Data, df=df[1,],
if (sum(abs(SS)) == 0) {
SS <- suppressWarnings(unlist(ucminf(c(0,0), steep, Model=Model,
Data=Data, df=df[1,],
step[1] <- mean(SS)
par[1,] <- startvalue +
{SS[1]*df[1,]*{(abs(df[1,]) > sd(df[1,])) * 1}} +
{SS[2]*df[1,]*{(abs(df[1,]) <= sd(df[1,])) * 1}}
f[1] <- Model(par[1,], Data)[["LP"]]
setTxtProgressBar(pb, 1)
# Start estimation
for(run in 2:maxit) {
# Calculate gradient and estimate step parameter
temp <- sHAR(par=par[run-1,], mod=Model, Data=Data)
df[run,] <- temp$d
step[run] <- temp$u
par[run,] <- temp$prop
f[run] <- Model(par[run,], Data)[["LP"]]
setTxtProgressBar(pb, run)
cat("\nConvergence achieved!")
#if (run < maxit) {
# f <- f[-c({run+1}:maxit)]
# par <- par[-c({run+1}:maxit),]
# df <- df[-c({run+1}:maxit),]
# step <- step[-c({run+1}:maxit),]
# Final messages
stopTime = proc.time()
elapsedTime = stopTime - startTime
cat("It took ",round(elapsedTime[3],2)," secs for the run to finish. \n", sep="")
# Return results
Results <- list("LogPosterior"=f, "Estimates"=par, "Gradients"=df,
"MAP"=par[which.max(f),], "step"=step)
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