
Defines functions benchmark .rel2rel .shuffleD2D .randScore .compPerm compRand .optScore compOpt .deployScore .relScore .evalCor .evalAUC .postprocScores evalRelevance evalNrSets evalNrSigSets .execPermBlocks evalRandomGS .getPermMat .evalTypeI evalTypeIError .iter

Documented in compOpt compRand evalNrSets evalNrSigSets evalRandomGS evalRelevance evalTypeIError

# author: Ludwig Geistlinger
# date: 2016-07-29 16:49:12
# descr: core benchmark functionality 

# iterate over expression datasets
.iter <- function(exp.list, f, ..., parallel=NULL)
    is.windows <- is.null(parallel) && .Platform$OS.type == "windows"
    if(is.windows) parallel <- BiocParallel::SerialParam()
    if(is.null(parallel)) parallel <- BiocParallel::bpparam()

    fail <- TRUE
    trials <- 0
    while(fail && trials < 5)
        res <- try(
            BiocParallel::bplapply(exp.list, f, ..., BPPARAM=parallel),
        fail <- is(res, "try-error")
        trials <- trials + 1
    if(fail) stop(res)

#' Evaluation of the type I error rate of enrichment methods
#' This function evaluates the type I error rate of selected methods for 
#' enrichment analysis when applied to one or more expression datasets.
#' @param exp.list Experiment list.  A \code{list} of datasets, each being of
#' class \code{\linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment}}.
#' @param methods Methods for enrichment analysis.  This can be either \itemize{ 
#' \item a character vector with method names chosen from \code{\link{sbeaMethods}}
#' and \code{\link{nbeaMethods}}, 
#' \item a user-defined function implementing a method for enrichment analysis, or
#' \item a named list, containing pre-defined and/or user-defined enrichment methods.
#' See examples.}
#' @param gs Gene sets, i.e. a list of character vectors of gene IDs.
#' @param alpha Numeric. Statistical significance level. Defaults to 0.05.
#' @param ea.perm Integer. Number of permutations of the sample group assignments 
#' during enrichment analysis. Defaults to 1000. Can also be an integer vector 
#' matching the length of 'methods' to assign different numbers of permutations
#' for different methods.
#' @param tI.perm Integer. Number of permutations of the sample group assignments 
#' during type I error rate evaluation. Defaults to 1000. Can also be an integer
#' vector matching the length of \code{methods} to assign different numbers of
#' permutations for different methods.
#' @param perm.block.size Integer. When running in parallel, splits \code{tI.perm}
#' into blocks of the indicated size. Defaults to -1, which indicates to not  
#' partition \code{tI.perm}.
#' @param summarize Logical. If \code{TRUE} (default) applies \code{\link{summary}}
#' to the vector of type I error rates across \code{tI.perm} permutations of the 
#' sample labels. Use \code{FALSE} to return the full vector of type I error rates.
#' @param save2file Logical. Should results be saved to file for subsequent
#' benchmarking?  Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param out.dir Character.  Determines the output directory where results are
#' saved to.  Defaults to \code{NULL}, which then writes to
#' \code{tools::R_user_dir("GSEABenchmarkeR")} in case \code{save2file}
#' is set to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param verbose Logical. Should progress be reported? Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param ...  Additional arguments passed to the selected enrichment methods.
#' @return A list with an entry for each method applied.  Each method entry is
#' a list with an entry for each dataset analyzed.  Each dataset entry is either
#' a summary (\code{summarize=TRUE}) or the full vector of type I error rates
#' (\code{summarize=FALSE}) across \code{tI.perm} permutations of the sample labels. 
#' @author Ludwig Geistlinger <Ludwig.Geistlinger@@sph.cuny.edu>
#' @seealso \code{\link{sbea}} and \code{\link{nbea}}
#' for carrying out set- and network-based enrichment analysis.
#' \code{\linkS4class{BiocParallelParam}} and \code{\link{register}} for
#' configuration of parallel computation.
#' @examples
#'     # loading three datasets from the GEO2KEGG compendium
#'     geo2kegg <- loadEData("geo2kegg", nr.datasets=3)
#'     # only considering the first 1000 probes for demonstration
#'     geo2kegg <- lapply(geo2kegg, function(d) d[1:1000,]) 
#'     # preprocessing and DE analysis for two of the datasets
#'     geo2kegg <- maPreproc(geo2kegg[2:3])
#'     geo2kegg <- runDE(geo2kegg)
#'     # getting a subset of human KEGG gene sets
#'     gs.file <- system.file("extdata", package="EnrichmentBrowser")
#'     gs.file <- file.path(gs.file, "hsa_kegg_gs.gmt") 
#'     kegg.gs <- EnrichmentBrowser::getGenesets(gs.file)
#'     # evaluating type I error rate of two methods on two datasets
#'     # NOTE: using a small number of permutations for demonstration;
#'     #       for a meaningful evaluation tI.perm should be >= 1000   
#'     res <- evalTypeIError(geo2kegg, methods=c("ora", 
#'              "camera"), gs=kegg.gs, ea.perm=0, tI.perm=3)
#'     # applying a user-defined enrichment method ...
#'     # ... or a mix of pre-defined and user-defined methods
#'     dummySBEA <- function(se, gs) 
#'     {
#'          sig.ps <- sample(seq(0, 0.05, length=1000), 5)
#'          nsig.ps <- sample(seq(0.1, 1, length=1000), length(gs)-5)
#'          ps <- sample(c(sig.ps, nsig.ps), length(gs))
#'          names(ps) <- names(gs)
#'          return(ps)
#'     }  
#'     methods <- list(camera = "camera", dummySBEA = dummySBEA)
#'     res <- evalTypeIError(methods, geo2kegg, gs=kegg.gs, tI.perm=3)   
#' @export evalTypeIError
evalTypeIError <- function(methods, exp.list, gs, alpha=0.05, 
    ea.perm=1000, tI.perm=1000, perm.block.size=-1, summarize=TRUE, 
    save2file=FALSE, out.dir=NULL, verbose=TRUE, ...)
    # setup
    GRP.COL <- EnrichmentBrowser::configEBrowser("GRP.COL")
    BLK.COL <- EnrichmentBrowser::configEBrowser("BLK.COL")
    methods <- .methods2list(methods)
    nr.meth <- length(methods)

    # singleton call?
    if(is(exp.list, "SummarizedExperiment"))
        did <- metadata(exp.list)$dataId 
        exp.list <- list(exp.list)
        names(exp.list) <- ifelse(is.null(did), "se", did)
    # remove blocking
    for(i in seq_along(exp.list))
        nind <- colnames(colData(exp.list[[i]])) != BLK.COL
        colData(exp.list[[i]]) <- colData(exp.list[[i]])[,nind]
    # different number of permutations for different methods?
    if(length(ea.perm) != nr.meth) ea.perm <- rep(ea.perm[1], nr.meth)   
    if(length(tI.perm) != nr.meth) tI.perm <- rep(tI.perm[1], nr.meth)
    if(length(perm.block.size) != nr.meth) 
        perm.block.size <- rep(perm.block.size[1], nr.meth)
    names(ea.perm) <- names(tI.perm) <- names(perm.block.size) <- names(methods)
    show.progress <- verbose && length(exp.list) > 2

    # iterate one method over multiple datasets 
    .iterD <- function(se, m, pb)
        id <- metadata(se)$dataId
        if(show.progress) setTxtProgressBar(pb, match(id, names(exp.list)))
        .evalTypeI(methods[m], se, gs, alpha, ea.perm[m], tI.perm[m], 
                    perm.block.size = perm.block.size, summarize = summarize,
                    save2file = save2file, out.dir = out.dir, ...)

    # iterate over methods
    .iterM <- function(m)
        if(verbose) message(m)
        pb <- NULL
        if(show.progress) pb <- txtProgressBar(0, length(exp.list), style=3)

        res <- lapply(exp.list, .iterD, m = m, pb = pb)
        names(res) <- names(exp.list)
        if(show.progress) close(pb)

    res <- lapply(names(methods), .iterM) 
    names(res) <- names(methods)

# for one method and one dataset
.evalTypeI <- function(method, se, gs, alpha=0.05, 
    ea.perm=1000, tI.perm=1000, perm.mat=NULL, perm.block.size=-1, 
    summarize=TRUE, save2file=FALSE, out.dir=NULL, uses.de=FALSE, ...)
    GRP.COL <- EnrichmentBrowser::configEBrowser("GRP.COL")
    PVAL.COL <- EnrichmentBrowser::configEBrowser("PVAL.COL")
    ADJP.COL <- EnrichmentBrowser::configEBrowser("ADJP.COL")

    if(length(tI.perm) > 1) tI.perm <- tI.perm[names(method)]
    if(length(ea.perm) > 1) ea.perm <- ea.perm[names(method)]
    if(length(perm.block.size) > 1) 
        perm.block.size <- perm.block.size[names(method)]

    # is permutation matrix given as arg? 
    if(is.null(perm.mat)) perm.mat <- .getPermMat(se[[GRP.COL]], tI.perm)
    else if(tI.perm < ncol(perm.mat)) perm.mat <- perm.mat[,seq_len(tI.perm)]

    if(!is.function(method[[1]])) uses.de <- names(method) %in% c("ora", "ebm")

    .calcFPR <- function(i)
        se[[GRP.COL]] <- perm.mat[,i]    
            se <- EnrichmentBrowser::deAna(se)
            rowData(se)[[ADJP.COL]] <- rowData(se)[[PVAL.COL]] 
        res <- runEA(se, method, gs, ea.perm, ...)
        res <- res[[1]][[1]]$ranking
        mean(res[[PVAL.COL]] < alpha)

    res <- .execPermBlocks(.calcFPR, ncol(perm.mat), perm.block.size)

    if(summarize) res <- summary(res)
    if(save2file) .save2file(res, out.dir, names(method), metadata(se)$dataId)

.getPermMat <- function(grp, perm=1000)
    perm.mat <- replicate(perm, sample(grp))

    # any permutation identical to observed setup?
    ind.id <- apply(perm.mat, 2, function(x) identical(grp, x))
    if(any(ind.id)) perm.mat <- perm.mat[,!ind.id]

    # any duplicated permutations?
    ind.dup <- duplicated(data.frame(t(perm.mat)))
    if(any(ind.dup)) perm.mat <- perm.mat[,!ind.dup]

    d <- perm - ncol(perm.mat) 
    if(d) message(paste0("Removed ", d, 
                " identical / duplicated permutation",
                ifelse(d > 1, "s", "")))

#' Evaluation of enrichment methods on random gene sets
#' This function evaluates the proportion of rejected null hypotheses 
#' (= the fraction of significant gene sets) of an enrichment method  
#' when applied to random gene sets of defined size.
#' @param method Enrichment analysis method.  A character scalar chosen 
#' from \code{\link{sbeaMethods}} and \code{\link{nbeaMethods}}, or a user-defined
#' function implementing a method for enrichment analysis.
#' @param se An expression dataset of class \code{\linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment}}.
#' @param nr.gs Integer. Number of random gene sets. Defaults to 100. 
#' @param set.size Integer. Gene set size, i.e. number of genes in each random gene set. 
#' @param alpha Numeric. Statistical significance level. Defaults to 0.05.
#' @param padj Character. Method for adjusting p-values to multiple testing.
#' For available methods see the man page of the stats function
#' \code{\link{p.adjust}}. Defaults to \code{"none"}.
#' @param perc Logical.  Should the percentage (between 0 and 100, default)
#' or the proportion (between 0 and 1) of significant gene sets be returned?
#' @param reps Integer. Number of replications. Defaults to 100.
#' @param rep.block.size Integer. When running in parallel, splits \code{reps}
#' into blocks of the indicated size. Defaults to -1, which indicates to not  
#' partition \code{reps}.
#' @param summarize Logical. If \code{TRUE} (default) returns the mean (\code{\link{mean}})
#' and the standard deviation (\code{\link{sd}}) of the proportion of significant
#' gene sets across \code{reps} replications. Use \code{FALSE} to return the full 
#' vector storing the proportion of significant gene sets for each replication.
#' @param save2file Logical. Should results be saved to file for subsequent
#' benchmarking?  Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param out.dir Character.  Determines the output directory where results are
#' saved to.  Defaults to \code{NULL}, which then writes to
#' \code{tools::R_user_dir("GSEABenchmarkeR")} in case \code{save2file}
#' is set to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param ...  Additional arguments passed to the selected enrichment method.
#' @return A named numeric vector of length 2 storing mean and standard deviation
#' of the proportion of significant gene sets across \code{reps} replications 
#' (\code{summarize=TRUE}); or a numeric vector of length \code{reps} storing the
#' the proportion of significant gene sets for each replication itself 
#' (\code{summarize=FALSE}). 
#' @author Ludwig Geistlinger <Ludwig.Geistlinger@@sph.cuny.edu>
#' @seealso \code{\link{sbea}} and \code{\link{nbea}}
#' for carrying out set- and network-based enrichment analysis.
#' \code{\linkS4class{BiocParallelParam}} and \code{\link{register}} for
#' configuration of parallel computation.
#' @examples
#'     # loading two datasets from the GEO2KEGG compendium
#'     geo2kegg <- loadEData("geo2kegg", nr.datasets = 2)
#'     # only considering the first 1000 probes for demonstration
#'     geo2kegg <- lapply(geo2kegg, function(d) d[1:1000,]) 
#'     # preprocessing and DE analysis for two of the datasets
#'     geo2kegg <- maPreproc(geo2kegg)
#'     geo2kegg <- runDE(geo2kegg)
#'     evalRandomGS("camera", geo2kegg[[1]], reps = 3)
#' @export evalRandomGS
evalRandomGS <- function(method, se, nr.gs=100, set.size=5, 
    alpha=0.05, padj = "none", perc=TRUE, reps=100, rep.block.size=-1, 
    summarize=TRUE, save2file=FALSE, out.dir=NULL, ...)
    PVAL.COL <- EnrichmentBrowser::configEBrowser("PVAL.COL")
    .eval <- function(i)
        gs <- replicate(nr.gs, sample(names(se), set.size), simplify=FALSE)
        names(gs) <- paste0("gs", seq_len(nr.gs))
        res <- runEA(se, method, gs, ...)
        res <- res[[1]][[1]]$ranking
        res <- p.adjust(res[,PVAL.COL], method=padj)
        res <- mean(res < alpha)
        if(perc) res <- round(res * 100, digits=2)

    res <- .execPermBlocks(.eval, reps, rep.block.size)
    if(summarize) res <- c(mean=mean(res), sd=sd(res))
    if(is.function(method)) method <- "method"
    if(save2file) .save2file(res, out.dir, method, paste0("gs", set.size))

.execPermBlocks <- function(evalF, nr.perms, perm.block.size)
    grid <- seq_len(nr.perms)
    serial <- perm.block.size < 0 || nr.perms < 10

    if(serial) res <- vapply(grid, evalF, numeric(1))
    else if(perm.block.size > 1)
        # split into blocks of defined size 
        blocks <- seq(1, nr.perms, by=perm.block.size)
        bdiff <- perm.block.size - 1
        last <- blocks[length(blocks)]
        .gb <- function(b) c(b, ifelse(b == last, nr.perms, b + bdiff))
        blocks <- lapply(blocks, .gb)
        .f <- function(b) vapply(b[1]:b[2], evalF, numeric(1))
        res <- BiocParallel::bplapply(blocks, .f)
        res <- unlist(res)
        # each permutation in parallel
        res <- BiocParallel::bplapply(grid, evalF) 
        res <- unlist(res)


#' Evaluating gene set rankings for the number of (significant) sets
#' These functions evaluate gene set rankings obtained from applying enrichment
#' methods to multiple datasets.  This allows to assess resulting rankings for
#' granularity (how many gene sets have a unique p-value?) and statistical
#' significance (how many gene sets have a p-value below a significance
#' threshold?).
#' @param ea.ranks Enrichment analysis rankings.  A list with an entry for each
#' enrichment method applied.  Each entry is a list that stores for each
#' dataset analyzed the resulting gene set ranking as obtained from applying
#' the respective method to the respective dataset.
#' @param uniq.pval Logical.  Should the number of gene sets with a unique
#' p-value or the total number of gene sets per ranking be returned?  Defaults
#' to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param perc Logical.  Should the percentage or absolute number of gene sets
#' be returned?  Percentage is typically more useful for comparison between
#' rankings with a potentially different total number of gene sets.  Defaults
#' to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param alpha Statistical significance level. Defaults to 0.05.
#' @param padj Character.  Method for adjusting p-values to multiple testing.
#' For available methods see the man page of the stats function
#' \code{\link{p.adjust}}.  Defaults to \code{"none"}.
#' @return A list of numeric vectors storing for each method the number of
#' (significant) gene sets for each dataset analyzed.  If each element of the
#' resulting list is of equal length (corresponds to successful application of
#' each enrichment method to each dataset), the list is automatically
#' simplified to a numeric matrix (rows = datasets, columns = methods).
#' @author Ludwig Geistlinger <Ludwig.Geistlinger@@sph.cuny.edu>
#' @seealso \code{\link{runEA}} to apply enrichment methods to multiple
#' datasets; \code{\link{readResults}} to read saved rankings as an input for
#' the eval-functions.
#' @examples
#'     # simulated setup:
#'     # 2 methods & 2 datasets
#'     methods <- paste0("m", 1:2)
#'     data.ids <- paste0("d", 1:2)
#'     # simulate gene set rankings
#'     getRankingForDataset <- function(d)
#'     {
#'          r <- EnrichmentBrowser::makeExampleData("ea.res") 
#'          EnrichmentBrowser::gsRanking(r, signif.only=FALSE)
#'     }
#'     getRankingsForMethod <- function(m)
#'     {
#'          rs <- lapply(data.ids, getRankingForDataset)
#'          names(rs) <- data.ids
#'          rs
#'     }
#'     ea.ranks <- lapply(methods, getRankingsForMethod) 
#'     names(ea.ranks) <- methods 
#'     # evaluate
#'     evalNrSets(ea.ranks)
#'     evalNrSigSets(ea.ranks)
#' @export evalNrSigSets
evalNrSigSets <- function(ea.ranks, alpha=0.05, padj="none", perc=TRUE)
    pcol <- EnrichmentBrowser::configEBrowser("PVAL.COL")  
    res <- sapply(ea.ranks, 
        function(rs) vapply(rs, 
                nr <- sum(p.adjust(r[,pcol], method=padj) < alpha) 
                if(perc) nr <- nr / nrow(r) * 100
            }, numeric(1)))

#' @rdname evalNrSigSets
#' @export
evalNrSets <- function(ea.ranks, uniq.pval=TRUE, perc=TRUE)
    pcol <- EnrichmentBrowser::configEBrowser("PVAL.COL")  
    res <- sapply(ea.ranks, 
		function(rs) vapply(rs, 
                nr <- ifelse(uniq.pval, length(unique(r[,pcol])), nrow(r)) 
                if(perc) nr <- nr / nrow(r) * 100 
            }, numeric(1)))

#' Evaluating phenotype relevance of gene set rankings
#' This function evaluates gene set rankings obtained from the application of
#' enrichment methods to multiple datasets - where each dataset investigates a
#' certain phenotype such as a disease.  Given pre-defined phenotype relevance
#' scores for the gene sets, indicating how important a gene set is for the
#' investigated phenotype (as e.g. judged by evidence from the literature),
#' this allows to assess whether enrichment methods produce gene set rankings
#' in which phenotype-relevant gene sets accumulate at the top.
#' The function \code{evalRelevance} evaluates the similarity of a gene set ranking
#' obtained from enrichment analysis and a gene set ranking based on phenotype
#' relevance scores. Therefore, the function first transforms the ranks 'r'
#' from the enrichment analysis to weights 'w' in [0,1] via w = 1 - r / N;
#' where 'N' denotes the total number of gene sets on which the enrichment
#' analysis has been carried out. These weights are then multiplied with the
#' corresponding relevance scores and summed up.
#' The function \code{compOpt} applies \code{evalRelevance} to the theoretically
#' optimal case in which the enrichment analysis ranking is identical to the
#' relevance score ranking. The ratio between observed and optimal score is
#' useful for comparing observed scores between datasets / phenotypes.
#' The function \code{compRand} repeatedly applies \code{evalRelevance} to random
#' rankings obtained from placing the gene sets randomly along the ranking, thereby
#' assessing how likely it is to observe a score equal or greater than the one 
#' obtained.
#' It is also possible to inspect other measures for summarizing the phenotype 
#' relevance, instead of calculating weighted relevance scores sums (argument 
#' \code{method="wsum"}, default). 
#' One possibility is to treat the comparison of the EA ranking and the relevance
#' ranking as a classification problem, and to compute standard classification 
#' performance measures such as the area under the ROC curve (\code{method="auc"}).
#' However, this requires to divide the relevance rankings (argument \code{rel.ranks})
#' into relevant (true positives) and irrelevant (true negatives) gene sets using 
#' the \code{top} argument.
#' Instead of \code{method="auc"}, this can also be any other 
#' performance measure that the ROCR package (\url{https://rocr.bioinf.mpi-sb.mpg.de}) 
#' implements. For example, \code{method="tnr"} for calculation of the true 
#' negative rate. Although such classification performance measures are easy to 
#' interpret, the weighted sum has certain preferable properties such as avoiding
#' thresholding and accounting for varying degrees of relevance in the relevance
#' rankings.
#' It is also possible to compute a standard rank-based correlation measure
#' such as Spearman's correlation (\code{method="cor"}) to compare the similarity
#' of the enrichment analysis rankings and the relevance rankings. However, this 
#' might not be optimal for a comparison of an EA ranking going over the full 
#' gene set vector against the typically much smaller vector of gene sets for 
#' which a relevance score is annotated. For this scenario, using 
#' rank correlation reduces the question to "does a \emph{subset of the EA ranking} 
#' preserve the order of the relevance ranking"; although our question of interest is 
#' rather "is a \emph{subset of the relevant gene sets} ranked highly in the EA ranking".
#' @param ea.ranks Enrichment analysis rankings.  A list with an entry for each
#' enrichment method applied.  Each entry is a list that stores for each
#' dataset analyzed the resulting gene set ranking, obtained from applying the
#' respective method to the respective dataset.  Resulting gene set rankings
#' are assumed to be of class \code{\linkS4class{DataFrame}} in which gene sets
#' (required column named \code{GENE.SET}) are ranked according to a ranking
#' measure such as a gene set p-value (required column named \code{PVAL}).
#' See \code{\link{gsRanking}} for an example.
#' @param rel.ranks Relevance score rankings.  A list with an entry for each
#' phenotype investigated.  Each entry should be a
#' \code{\linkS4class{DataFrame}} in which gene sets (rownames are assumed to
#' be gene set IDs) are ranked according to a phenotype relevance score
#' (required column \code{REL.SCORE}).
#' @param data2pheno A named character vector where the names correspond to
#' dataset IDs and the elements of the vector to the corresponding phenotypes
#' investigated.
#' @param method Character. Determines how the relevance score is summarized
#' across the enrichment analysis ranking. Choose \code{"wsum"} (default) to 
#' compute a weighted sum of the relevance scores, \code{"auc"} to perform a ROC/AUC 
#' analysis, or \code{"cor"} to compute a correlation. This can also be a 
#' user-defined function for customized behaviors. See Details. 
#' @param top Integer.  If \code{top} is non-zero, the evaluation will be
#' restricted to the first \code{top} gene sets of each enrichment analysis
#' ranking.  Defaults to \code{0}, which will then evaluate the full ranking.
#' If used with \code{method="auc"}, it defines the number of gene sets at the
#' top of the relevance ranking that are considered relevant (true positives). 
#' @param rel.thresh Numeric. Relevance score threshold. Restricts relevance 
#' score rankings (argument \code{rel.ranks}) to gene sets exceeding the threshold
#' in the \code{REL.SCORE} column. 
#' @param ... Additional arguments for computation of the relevance measure
#' as defined by the \code{method} argument. This
#' includes for \code{method="wsum"}: \itemize{ \item perc: Logical.  Should 
#' observed scores be returned as-is or as a *perc*entage of the respective 
#' optimal score. Percentages of the optimal score are typically easier to 
#' interpret and are comparable between datasets / phenotypes.  Defaults to 
#' \code{TRUE}. \item rand: Logical.  Should gene set rankings be randomized to 
#' assess how likely it is to observe a score equal or greater than the respective
#' obtained score?  Defaults to \code{FALSE}.}
#' @param perm Integer. Number of permutations if \code{rand} set to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param gs.ids Character vector of gene set IDs on which enrichment analysis 
#' has been carried out.
#' @return A numeric matrix (rows = datasets, columns = methods) storing in
#' each cell the chosen relevance measure (score, AUC, cor) obtained from 
#' applying the respective enrichment method to the respective expression dataset.
#' @author Ludwig Geistlinger <Ludwig.Geistlinger@@sph.cuny.edu>
#' @seealso \code{runEA} to apply enrichment methods to multiple datasets;
#' \code{readResults} to read saved rankings as an input for the eval-functions;
#' @examples
#'     #
#'     # (1) simulated setup: 1 enrichment method applied to 1 dataset
#'     #  
#'     # simulate gene set ranking
#'     ea.ranks <- EnrichmentBrowser::makeExampleData("ea.res")
#'     ea.ranks <- EnrichmentBrowser::gsRanking(ea.ranks, signif.only=FALSE)
#'     # simulated relevance score ranking
#'     rel.ranks <- ea.ranks
#'     rel.ranks[,2] <- runif(nrow(ea.ranks), min=1, max=100)
#'     colnames(rel.ranks)[2] <- "REL.SCORE"
#'     rownames(rel.ranks) <- rel.ranks[,"GENE.SET"]
#'     ind <- order(rel.ranks[,"REL.SCORE"], decreasing=TRUE)
#'     rel.ranks <- rel.ranks[ind,]
#'     # evaluate
#'     evalRelevance(ea.ranks, rel.ranks)    
#'     compOpt(rel.ranks, ea.ranks[,"GENE.SET"])
#'     compRand(rel.ranks, ea.ranks[,"GENE.SET"], perm=3)
#'     # 
#'     # (2) simulated setup: 2 methods & 2 datasets
#'     #
#'     methods <- paste0("m", 1:2)
#'     data.ids <- paste0("d", 1:2)
#'     # simulate gene set rankings
#'     ea.ranks <- sapply(methods, function(m) 
#'             sapply(data.ids, 
#'                 function(d)
#'                 {
#'                     r <- EnrichmentBrowser::makeExampleData("ea.res") 
#'                     r <- EnrichmentBrowser::gsRanking(r, signif.only=FALSE)
#'                     return(r)
#'                 }, simplify=FALSE),
#'                 simplify=FALSE)
#'     # simulate a mapping from datasets to disease codes
#'     d2d <- c("ALZ", "BRCA")
#'     names(d2d) <- data.ids
#'     # simulate relevance score rankings
#'     rel.ranks <- lapply(ea.ranks[[1]],
#'         function(rr)
#'         {
#'             rr[,2] <- runif(nrow(rr), min=1, max=100)
#'             colnames(rr)[2] <- "REL.SCORE"
#'             rownames(rr) <- rr[,"GENE.SET"]
#'             ind <- order(rr[,"REL.SCORE"], decreasing=TRUE)
#'             rr <- rr[ind,]
#'             return(rr)
#'         })
#'     names(rel.ranks) <- unname(d2d)
#'     # evaluate
#'     evalRelevance(ea.ranks, rel.ranks, d2d)
#' @export evalRelevance
evalRelevance <- function(ea.ranks, rel.ranks, 
                            data2pheno, method="wsum", top=0, rel.thresh=0, ...) 
    # singleton call?
    is.singleton <- is(ea.ranks, "DataFrame") && is(rel.ranks, "DataFrame")
        if(rel.thresh) rel.ranks <- subset(rel.ranks, REL.SCORE > rel.thresh)
        res <- if(is.function(method)) method(ea.ranks, rel.ranks, ...) 
            else if(method == "wsum") .relScore(ea.ranks, rel.ranks, top)
            else if(method == "cor") .evalCor(ea.ranks, rel.ranks, ...)
            else .evalAUC(ea.ranks, rel.ranks, top, method)

        for(i in seq_along(rel.ranks)) 
            rel.ranks[[i]] <- subset(rel.ranks[[i]], REL.SCORE > rel.thresh)
    # iterating over datasets included
    .iterD <- function(d, mranks)
        dmranks <- mranks[[d]]
        d2p <- data2pheno[[d]]
        drranks <- rel.ranks[[d2p]]

        if(is.function(method)) method(dmranks, drranks, ...)
        else if(method == "wsum")
            .deployScore(d, mranks, rel.ranks, data2pheno, top, type="rel")
        else if(method == "cor") .evalCor(dmranks, drranks, ...)
        else .evalAUC(dmranks, drranks, top, method)

    # iterating over enrichment methods included
    .iterM <- function(mranks) vapply(names(mranks), .iterD, numeric(1), mranks=mranks)
    res <- lapply(ea.ranks, .iterM) 

    for(i in seq_along(res)) res[[i]] <- res[[i]][names(data2pheno)]
    res <- do.call(cbind, res)

    if(is.character(method) && method == "wsum") 
        res <- .postprocScores(res, ea.ranks, rel.ranks, data2pheno, top, ...)

.postprocScores <- function(x, ea.ranks, 
    rel.ranks, data2pheno, top, perc=TRUE, rand=FALSE)
    # get analyzed gene set IDs
    ind <- which.max(lengths(ea.ranks))
    .fspl <- function(n) unlist(strsplit(n, "_"))[1]
    gs.ids <- lapply(ea.ranks[[ind]], function(r) 
        vapply(r[,"GENE.SET"], .fspl, character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE))
    names(gs.ids) <- names(ea.ranks[[ind]])
    opt <- compOpt(rel.ranks, gs.ids, data2pheno, top)
    opt <- opt[names(data2pheno)]

    # percentage of optimal score ...
    if(perc) x <- x / opt * 100

    # ... or absolute score?
        x <- cbind(x, opt)
        colnames(x)[ncol(x)] <- "opt"

    # include random scores?
        rscores <- compRand(rel.ranks, gs.ids, data2pheno)
        if(perc) rscores <- rscores / opt * 100
        x <- cbind(x, rscores)
        colnames(x)[ncol(x)] <- "rand"


.evalAUC <- function(ea.ranks, rel.ranks, top=10, method)
    stopifnot(top > 5)
    EnrichmentBrowser::isAvailable("ROCR", type="software")
    prediction <- performance <- NULL    

    rel.sets <- rownames(rel.ranks)
    r <- 1 - EnrichmentBrowser:::.getRanks(ea.ranks) / 100
    gs.ids <- vapply(ea.ranks$GENE.SET, 
                    function(s) unlist(strsplit(s, "_"))[1],
                    character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE)
    labels <- gs.ids %in% rel.sets[seq_len(top)]
    if(all(is.na(r))) return(NA)   
    pr <- prediction(r, ifelse(labels, 1, 0))
    res <- performance(pr, method)
    if(method == "auc") res <- unlist(res@y.values)    

.evalCor <- function(ea.ranks, rel.ranks, what=c("rank", "score"), cor.method="spearman")
    what <- match.arg(what)
    # ea weights 
    weights <- 1 - EnrichmentBrowser:::.getRanks(ea.ranks) / 100
    gs.ids <- vapply(ea.ranks$GENE.SET, 
                    function(s) unlist(strsplit(s, "_"))[1],
                    character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE)
    names(weights) <- gs.ids
    if(all(is.na(weights))) return(NA)   
    # rel scores (use score or relative rank)      
    rel.sets <- rownames(rel.ranks)
    if(what == "score") scores <- rel.ranks$REL.SCORE
    else scores <- 1 - seq_len(nrow(rel.ranks)) / nrow(rel.ranks)
    names(scores) <- rel.sets 
    scores <- scores[names(weights)]

    cor(weights, scores, use="complete.obs", method=cor.method) 

.relScore <- function(ea.ranks, rel.ranks, top=0)
    ids <- vapply(ea.ranks[, "GENE.SET"], 
                    function(n) unlist(strsplit(n, "_"))[1],
    r <- 1 - EnrichmentBrowser:::.getRanks(ea.ranks) / 100
    names(r) <- ids
    if(top) r <- r[seq_len(top)]
    r <- r[rownames(rel.ranks)]
    score <- sum(r * rel.ranks[, "REL.SCORE"], na.rm=TRUE)

.deployScore <- function(d, mdat, rel.ranks, 
    data2pheno, add, type=c("rel", "opt", "rand"))
    type <- match.arg(type)     
    ear <- mdat[[d]]
    d <- data2pheno[d]
    mar <- rel.ranks[[d]]

    if(type == "rel") r <- .relScore(ear, mar, add)
    else if(type == "opt") r <- .optScore(mar, ear, add)
    else r <- median( .randScore(mar, ear, add) )

# compute optimal score for relevance rankings
#' @rdname evalRelevance
#' @export
compOpt <- function(rel.ranks, gs.ids, data2pheno=NULL, top=0)
    # singleton call?
    if(is(rel.ranks, "DataFrame"))
        return( .optScore(rel.ranks, gs.ids, top) )

    opt <- vapply( names(gs.ids), function(d)
            .deployScore(d, gs.ids, rel.ranks, 
                            data2pheno, top, type="opt"), 
            numeric(1) )

# compute optimal score for one particular relevance ranking, eg ALZ
.optScore <- function(rel.ranks, gs.ids, top=0)
    # compute opt
    dummy.gsp <- seq_along(gs.ids) / length(gs.ids)
    scol <- EnrichmentBrowser::configEBrowser("GS.COL")
    pcol <- EnrichmentBrowser::configEBrowser("PVAL.COL")

    mar <- rel.ranks
    marn <- rownames(mar)[rownames(mar) %in% gs.ids]
    optGS <- c(marn, gs.ids[!(gs.ids %in% marn)])
    optR <- DataFrame(optGS, dummy.gsp)
    colnames(optR) <- c(scol, pcol)
    r <- .relScore(optR, mar, top)

# compute random score for relevance rankings
#' @rdname evalRelevance
#' @export
compRand <- function(rel.ranks, gs.ids, data2pheno=NULL, perm=1000)
    # singleton call?
    if(is(rel.ranks, "DataFrame"))
        return( .randScore(rel.ranks, gs.ids, perm) )
    rand <- vapply( names(gs.ids), 
                    .deployScore(d, gs.ids, rel.ranks, 
                                    data2pheno, perm, type="rand")
                }, numeric(1) )


.compPerm <- function(method, se, gs, ea.perm=1000, rel.ranks, 
    reps=1000, perm.mat=NULL, perm.block.size=-1, uses.de=FALSE, ...)
    GRP.COL <- EnrichmentBrowser::configEBrowser("GRP.COL")
    PVAL.COL <- EnrichmentBrowser::configEBrowser("PVAL.COL")
    ADJP.COL <- EnrichmentBrowser::configEBrowser("ADJP.COL")

    # is permutation matrix given as arg? 
    if(is.null(perm.mat)) perm.mat <- .getPermMat(se[[GRP.COL]], reps)
    else if(reps < ncol(perm.mat)) perm.mat <- perm.mat[,seq_len(reps)]

    if(!is.function(method)) uses.de <- method %in% c("ora", "ebm")

    .eval <- function(i)
        se[[GRP.COL]] <- perm.mat[,i]    
            se <- EnrichmentBrowser::deAna(se)
            rowData(se)[[ADJP.COL]] <- rowData(se)[[PVAL.COL]]
        res <- runEA(se, method, gs, ea.perm, ...)
        ea.ranks <- res[[1]][[1]]$ranking
        evalRelevance(ea.ranks, rel.ranks)

    .execPermBlocks(.eval, ncol(perm.mat), perm.block.size)
# compute random score for one particular relevance ranking, eg ALZ
.randScore <- function(rel.ranks, gs.ids, perm=1000)
    gs.ids <- sort(gs.ids)
    dummy.gsp <- seq_along(gs.ids) / length(gs.ids)
    scol <- EnrichmentBrowser::configEBrowser("GS.COL")
    pcol <- EnrichmentBrowser::configEBrowser("PVAL.COL")

    f <- function()
        randGS <- sample(gs.ids)
        randR <- DataFrame(randGS, dummy.gsp)
        colnames(randR) <- c(scol, pcol)
        r <- .relScore(randR, rel.ranks)

    rand <- replicate(perm, f())

# analyse pheno label shuffling for datasets
.shuffleD2D <- function(ea.ranks, rel.ranks)
    gs <- vapply(ea.ranks[,"GENE.SET"], 
                    function(n) unlist(strsplit(n, "_"))[1],
                    character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE)

    res <- vapply(rel.ranks, 
            x <- evalRelevance(ea.ranks, m)
            opt <- compOpt(m, gs)
        }, numeric(1))


# check how well relevance rankings recover each other
.rel2rel <- function(rel.ranks, gs)
    dummy.gsp <- seq_along(gs) / length(gs)
    scol <- EnrichmentBrowser::configEBrowser("GS.COL")
    pcol <- EnrichmentBrowser::configEBrowser("PVAL.COL")

    m2m <- vapply(names(rel.ranks),
            curr <- rel.ranks[[m]]
            opt <- compOpt(curr, gs)
            res <- vapply(names(rel.ranks),
                    mar <- rel.ranks[[n]]
                    marn <- rownames(mar)[rownames(mar) %in% gs]
                    optGS <- c(marn, gs[!(gs %in% marn)])
                    optR <- DataFrame(optGS, dummy.gsp)
                    colnames(optR) <- c(scol, pcol)
                    r <- evalRelevance(optR, curr)
                    return(r / opt)    
                }, numeric(1))
        }, numeric(length(rel.ranks))) 

benchmark <- function(
    edata=c("geo2kegg", "tcga"),
    dataType=c("ma", "rseq"), 
    deMethod=c("limma", "edgeR", "DESeq"),
    gs=c("kegg", "go_bp", "go_mf"),
    grn=c("kegg", "encode"), 
    eaType=c("sbea", "nbea", "both"), 
    dataType <- match.arg(dataType)
    eaType <- match.arg(eaType)

    # expression data
    message("Loading expression data ...")
    edata <- loadEData(edata[1], ...)

    message("DE analysis ...")
    edata <- runDE(edata, deMethod, ...)

    # gene sets
        message("Loading gene sets ...")
        gs <- match.arg(gs)
        if(gs == "kegg") gs <- EnrichmentBrowser::getGenesets(org, db=gs)
        else EnrichmentBrowser::getGenesets(org, go.onto=toupper(substring(gs,4,5)))

    # enrichment analysis
    message("Executing EA ...")

    # method to execute
    methods <- switch(eaType,
                        sbea = EnrichmentBrowser::sbeaMethods(),
                        nbea = EnrichmentBrowser::nbeaMethods(),

    if(!missing(method)) methods <- union(method, methods)   

    if(any(methods %in% EnrichmentBrowser::nbeaMethods()))
        # gene regulatory network
        message("Loading gene regulatory network")
        if(grn == "kegg") grn <- EnrichmentBrowser::compileGRN(org, db="kegg")
        # TODO: else

    res <- runEA(edata, methods, gs, ...)      
waldronlab/GSEABenchmarkeR documentation built on May 4, 2024, 1 a.m.