
# A Caution Regarding Rules of Thumb for Variance Inflation Factors
# http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11135-006-9018-6

#' @name RDA
#' @title Redundancy Analysis
#' @description Redundancy Analysis using \pkg{vegan} 
#' \code{\link{capscale}}.
#' @details \code{doRDA} makes Constrained Analysis 
#' of Principal Coordinates for 
#' eDNA data sets given environmental variables.
#' @note Make sure you are using the correct data type 
#' for both the community matrix and enviornmental meta-data.
#' Run \code{sapply(env, class)} to check if the value 
#' should be discrete(character) or numeric. 
#' \code{\link{convertType}} will convert data frame columns 
#' to different type easily.
#' @param tcm.or.dist A transposed community matrix 
#' or dist object of distances between samples. 
#' Rows are samples.
#' @param env The enviornmental meta-data, where rows are samples, 
#' and they must be same as rownames(tcm.or.dist) inlcuding order.
#' In addition, make sure rownames (enviornmental variables) 
#' are valid to \code{\link{formula}}.
#' @param verbose More details. Default to TRUE.
#' @keywords rda
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' # 1. get the community matrix and enviornmental meta-data
#' cm <- getCommunityMatrix("16S", min2=T, by.plot=F)
#' env <- getEnvData(by.plot=F)
#' # 2. preprocessing
#' cm.prep <- preprocessCM(cm, rm.samples=c("CM30b51","CM30b58"), min.abund=5, mean.abund.thr=0.025) 
#' env.prep <- preprocessEnv(env, rm.samples=c("CM30b51","CM30b58"), log.var=c(14:20), sel.env.var=c(4,5,8,9,14:22))
#' sapply(env, class)
#' # 3. match samples and transpose cm
#' tcm.env <- matchCMEnv(cm.prep, env.prep)
#' # 4. RDA
#' rda <- doRDA(tcm.env$tcm, tcm.env$env)
#' # 5. result
#' rda.pl <- plotRDA(rda[["backward"]], tcm.env$env)
#' rda.pl$plot
#' printXTable.RDA(rda, matrix.name="16S", taxa.group="all")
#' @rdname RDA
doRDA <- function(tcm.or.dist, env, verbose=TRUE) {
  if (! all( tolower(rownames(env)) == tolower(rownames(as.matrix(tcm.or.dist))) ) ) 
    stop("Site names in community matrix and environmental data file not matched !")
  if (anyNA(env) || anyNA(tcm.or.dist)) 
    stop("Cannot handle NA in community matrix or environmental data for RDA !")
  # Constrained ordination ------------------------------------------------------
  rda_table <- data.frame(row.names=c("Constrained","Unconstrained"))
  anova_table <- data.frame(row.names=colnames(env))
  # Distance-based redundancy analysis, using capscale
  # Constrained Analysis of Principal Coordinates (CAP) is an ordination method similar to Redundancy Analysis (rda).
  # DB-RDA, empty model
  rda_0 <- capscale(tcm.or.dist ~ 1, env, distance = "jaccard")
  # DB-RDA, maximal model (bad idea - only use for auto model building)
  rda_1 <- capscale(tcm.or.dist ~ ., env, distance = "jaccard")
  if (verbose) head(summary(rda_1))
  # sp = species scores, wa = site scores, bp = biplot arrows, lc = linear constraints 
  #	plot(rda_1, display = c("wa", "bp")) # Note correlation of biplot arrows
  # Variance inflation factor - indicates highly correlated variables
  if (verbose) print(vif.cca(rda_1))
  rda_table$Inertia <- c(round(rda_1$CCA$tot.chi, 3), round(rda_1$CA$tot.chi, 3))
  rda_table$Proportion <- c(rda_1$CCA$tot.chi/rda_1$tot.chi, rda_1$CA$tot.chi/rda_1$tot.chi)
  rda_table$Proportion <- percent(rda_table$Proportion) # %
  constrained_inertia <- c()
  constrained_proportion <- c()
  # Test each variable individually
  for (i in 1:length(colnames(env))) {
    rda_individual <- capscale(formula = as.formula(paste("tcm.or.dist", colnames(env)[i], sep=" ~ ")), 
                               env, distance = "jaccard")
    constrained_inertia <- c(constrained_inertia, rda_individual$CCA$tot.chi)
    constrained_proportion <- c(constrained_proportion, rda_individual$CCA$tot.chi/rda_individual$tot.chi)
  anova_table$Inertia <- constrained_inertia
  anova_table$Proportion <- percent(constrained_proportion) # %
  #Compute all the single terms in the scope argument that can be added to or dropped from the model, 
  #fit those models and compute a table of the changes in fit.
  add_1 <- add1(rda_0, scope=formula(rda_1), test="perm")
  anova_table$Pr <- add_1$Pr[-1] # 1st row is <none>
  colnames(anova_table)[3] <- "Pr($>$F)"
  # Build model after stepwise removal of collinear variables (vif >= 10; requires vif_function.R) 
  # variance inflation factor (VIF) quantifies the severity of multicollinearity in an ordinary least squares regression analysis. 
  env_reduced <- vif_func(in_frame = env)
  if (verbose) print(env_reduced) # Remaining variables
  # Build model automatically from reduced variable set
  # (Unsure how to pass env_reduced variables to capscale formula; paste() doesn't work...)
  #	rda_reduced <- capscale(tcm.or.dist ~ slope.degree + Mean.Temp + Northness + Eastness + 
  #							pH + C.N.ratio + NO3.N + NH4.N + Olsen.P, env, distance = "jaccard")
  rda_reduced <- capscale(formula = as.formula(paste("tcm.or.dist", paste(env_reduced, collapse=" + "), sep=" ~ ")), 
                          env, distance = "jaccard")
  if (verbose) head(summary(rda_reduced))
  anova_reduced <- anova(rda_reduced, by = "terms")
  rda_table$Inertia.R <- c(round(rda_reduced$CCA$tot.chi, 3), round(rda_reduced$CA$tot.chi, 3))
  rda_table$Proportion.R <- c(rda_reduced$CCA$tot.chi/rda_reduced$tot.chi, rda_reduced$CA$tot.chi/rda_reduced$tot.chi)
  rda_table$Proportion.R <- percent(rda_table$Proportion.R) # %
  anova_table$Reduced <- is.element(rownames(anova_table), rownames(anova_reduced))
  anova_table$Reduced[which(anova_table$Reduced==T)] <- anova_reduced$Pr[-length(anova_reduced$Pr)]
  colnames(anova_table)[4] <- "Reduced Pr($>$F)"
  # Choose a Model by Permutation Tests in Constrained Ordination using forward model selection
  rda_reduced_f <- ordistep(rda_0, scope = formula(rda_reduced), direction = "forward", permutations = 3999)
  rda_forward <- capscale(formula = as.formula(rda_reduced_f$call), data = env, distance = "jaccard")
  if (verbose) head(summary(rda_forward))
  anova_forward <- anova(rda_forward, by = "terms")
  rda_table$Inertia.F <- c(round(rda_forward$CCA$tot.chi, 3), round(rda_forward$CA$tot.chi, 3))
  rda_table$Proportion.F <- c(rda_forward$CCA$tot.chi/rda_forward$tot.chi, rda_forward$CA$tot.chi/rda_forward$tot.chi)
  rda_table$Proportion.F <- percent(rda_table$Proportion.F) # %
  anova_table$Forward <- is.element(rownames(anova_table), rownames(anova_forward))
  anova_table$Forward[which(anova_table$Forward==T)] <- anova_forward$Pr[-length(anova_forward$Pr)]
  colnames(anova_table)[5] <- "Forward Pr($>$F)"
  # Choose a Model by Permutation Tests in Constrained Ordination using backward model selection
  rda_reduced_b <- ordistep(rda_reduced, scope = formula(rda_0), direction = "backward", permutations = 3999)
  rda_backward <- capscale(formula = as.formula(rda_reduced_b$call), data = env, distance = "jaccard")
  if (verbose) head(summary(rda_backward))
  anova_backward <- anova(rda_backward, by = "terms")
  rda_table$Inertia.B <- c(round(rda_backward$CCA$tot.chi, 3), round(rda_backward$CA$tot.chi, 3))
  rda_table$Proportion.B <- c(rda_backward$CCA$tot.chi/rda_backward$tot.chi, rda_backward$CA$tot.chi/rda_backward$tot.chi)
  rda_table$Proportion.B <- percent(rda_table$Proportion.B) # %
  anova_table$Backward <- is.element(rownames(anova_table), rownames(anova_backward))
  anova_table$Backward[which(anova_table$Backward==T)] <- anova_backward$Pr[-length(anova_backward$Pr)]
  colnames(anova_table)[6] <- "Backward Pr($>$F)"
  anova_table[anova_table == 0] <- ""
  anova_table$Proportion <- gsub("%", "\\\\%", anova_table$Proportion)
  rda_table$Proportion <- gsub("%", "\\\\%", rda_table$Proportion)
  rda_table$Proportion.R <- gsub("%", "\\\\%", rda_table$Proportion.R)
  rda_table$Proportion.F <- gsub("%", "\\\\%", rda_table$Proportion.F)
  rda_table$Proportion.B <- gsub("%", "\\\\%", rda_table$Proportion.B)
  # Return a list 
  list( reduced = rda_reduced, forward = rda_forward, backward = rda_backward,
        anova.summary=anova_table, model.summary=rda_table)

#' @details \code{matchCMEnv} matches the sample names between 
#' community matrix and the enviornmental meta-data including the order, 
#' in order to provide the valid input to RDA analysis \code{doRDA}.
#' Preprecessing can be applied by \code{\link{preprocessCM}} 
#' and \code{\link{preprocessEnv}}.
#' @param cm A community matrix. 
#' @param is.transposed If TRUE, then the community matrix is already
#' transposed to be the valid input of \code{\link{vegdist}}.  
#' Default to FASLE.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' # already transposed
#' tcm.env <- matchCMEnv(tcm, env, is.transposed=T)
#' # Note colSums(cm) are based on samples
#' tcm.env <- matchCMEnv(cm, env)
#' @rdname RDA
matchCMEnv <- function(cm, env, is.transposed=FALSE, verbose=TRUE) {
  if (!is.transposed) 
    tcm <- ComMA::transposeDF(cm)
    tcm <- cm
  if (verbose)
    cat("Before matching, tcm has", nrow(tcm), "samples,", ncol(tcm), "OTUs; env has", 
        nrow(env), "samples,", ncol(env), "enviornmental variables.\n")
  if (! all( tolower(rownames(env)) == tolower(rownames(tcm)) ) ) { # Rows don't match
    both <- intersect(rownames(tcm), rownames(env)) # Matching rows
    if (length(both)<1) 
      stop("Invalid transposed community matrix and enviornmental meta-data : no row names matching !")
    # Subset to matching rows
    if (length(both) < nrow(tcm)) 
      cat("Drop samples not present in tcm : ", paste(setdiff(rownames(tcm), both), collapse = ","), "\n")
    tcm <- tcm[match(both, rownames(tcm)),]
    if (length(both) < nrow(env)) 
      cat("Drop samples not present in env : ", paste(setdiff(rownames(env), both), collapse = ","), "\n")
    env <- env[match(both, rownames(env)),] 
  cat("After matching, tcm has", nrow(tcm), "samples,", ncol(tcm), "OTUs; env has", 
      nrow(env), "samples,", ncol(env), "enviornmental variables.\n\n")
  # replace invalid char for formula  
  colnames(env) <- gsub("-", ".", colnames(env))
  colnames(env) <- gsub("/", ".", colnames(env))
  list(tcm=tcm, env=env)

#' @details \code{plotCorrelations} plots numeric variables (columns).
#' Tip: use \code{\link{"\%<a-\%"}} in \pkg{pryr} to save plots.
#' @param df.numeric The data frame or matrix containing 
#' numeric variables (columns) to plot.
#' @param corr.gram Logical, if use \code{\link{corrgram}} 
#' instead of \code{\link{plot}}. 
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' # before RDA
#' require(pryr)
#' p %<a-% plotCorrelations(tcm.env$env)
#' @rdname RDA
plotCorrelations <- function(df.numeric, corr.gram=FALSE, cex.axis = 0.75, 
                             cex.cor = 0.9, col = "#333333") {
  if (corr.gram) {
    corrgram(df.numeric, gap = 0, lower.panel = panel.pts, upper.panel = panel.conf, 
             cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.cor = cex.cor, col = col)
  } else { 
    plot(df.numeric, gap = 0, lower.panel = panel.smooth, upper.panel = panel.conf, 
         cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.cor = cex.cor, col.smooth = "purple", col = col)

#' @details \code{plotRDA} plots a ordination result from \code{doRDA}.
#' However, there are still two columns "Plot" and "shortIDs" in the 
#' intermediate data "sites" hard coded to be able to make shorter texts.
#' \code{sites$Plot <- gsub("-[A-Z]", "", rownames(sites))} and  
#' \code{sites$shortIDs <- gsub("(CM30|CM31|Plot)", "", rownames(sites))}
#' This is expecting to be improved in future.
#' @param rda The ordination result from \code{doRDA}.
#' @param colour.id The column name in \code{env} to colour points and texts.
#' @param title,x.lab,y.lab Title, x, y label.
#' @param palette Refer to \code{\link{ggOptPalette}} in \pkg{gg1L}. 
#' Default to c("blue", "orange").
#' @param no.legend,legend.title Configure legend.
#' @param scale.limits.min Manually set the minimum data range of the colour scale, 
#' for example, in legend. The code set \code{limits} in \code{\link{discrete_scale}}
#' to \code{c(scale.limits.min, max(df[,colour.id]))}.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' rda.pl <- plotRDA(rda.list[[1]][["backward"]], env.prep, scale.limits.min=0)
#' @rdname RDA
plotRDA <- function(rda, env, colour.id="Elevation", 
                    title="Backward RDA, Jaccard distance", x.lab="", y.lab="", 
                    palette=c("blue", "orange"), scale.limits.min=NULL, 
                    no.legend=FALSE, legend.title="Elevation (m)", verbose=TRUE,...) {
  sites <- as.data.frame(scores(rda, display = "wa"))
  sites[,colour.id] <- env[match(rownames(sites), rownames(env)),colour.id]
  sites$Plot <- gsub("-[A-Z]", "", rownames(sites)) 
  sites$shortIDs <- gsub("(CM30|CM31|Plot)", "", rownames(sites))
  biplots <- as.data.frame(scores(rda, display = "bp", scaling = "symmetric"))
  biplots$x <- 0
  biplots$y <- 0
  biplots$lengths <- sqrt(biplots[,1]^2 + biplots[,2]^2) # Biplot arrow length
  #if(colnames(biplots)[2] == "MDS1"){ # Glitch when only one variable identified? (Need to reverse angle calculation?)
  #  biplots$angles <- atan2(biplots[,2], biplots[,1]) # Biplot arrow angle (radians)
  biplots$angles <- atan2(biplots[,2], biplots[,1]) # Biplot arrow angle (radians)
  #species <- as.data.frame(scores(rda, display = "sp"))  
  #constraints <- as.data.frame(scores(rda, display = "lc"))
  p <- ggplot(data = sites) + 
    geom_point(aes_string(x = "sites[,1]", y = "sites[,2]", colour = colour.id), 
               shape = 1, size = 2, alpha = 0.6) +
    geom_text(data = sites, aes_string(x = "sites[,1]", y = "sites[,2]", label = "shortIDs", colour = colour.id), 
              alpha = 0.6, vjust = 2.5, size = 2) +
    #geom_polygon(data = sites, aes(x = CAP1, y = CAP2, mapping = Plot, colour = Elevation), alpha = 0.25) +
    #geom_segment(data = biplots, aes(x = 0, xend = CAP1, y = 0, yend = CAP2),
    #              arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.25, "cm")), colour="blue") +
    geom_spoke(data = biplots, aes(x, y, angle = angles, radius = lengths*2), 
               arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.25, "cm")), colour = "blue") +
    geom_text(data = biplots, aes(x = biplots[,1]*2.2, y = biplots[,2]*2.2, label = rownames(biplots)), 
              size = 4, colour = "blue", alpha = 0.75) 
  colour.limits <- NULL
  if (!is.null(scale.limits.min))
    colour.limits <- c(scale.limits.min, max(sites[,colour.id]))
  p <- gg1L::ggOptPalette(p, palette=palette, limits=colour.limits, verbose=verbose)

  p <- gg1L::ggLabTitle(p, title=title, x.lab=x.lab, y.lab=y.lab)
  p <- gg1L::ggThemePanelBorder(p, title.size=8)
  p <- gg1L::ggThemeOthers(p, plot.margin.cm=c(0.25,0.25,0.1,0)) + labs(colour=legend.title) 
  legend <- gg1L::gLegend(p)  # Get legend
  if (no.legend)
    p <- p + theme(legend.position = "none")
  list(plot=p, legend=legend, sites=sites, biplots=biplots)

#' @details \code{printXTable.RDA} prints \code{\link{xtable}} given rda results.
#' @param rda The list of results from \code{doRDA}.
#' @param matrix.name The string to locate the matrix from its file name. 
#' Only used for table name and label here.
#' @param taxa.group The taxonomic group. Only used for table name and label here. 
#' @param table.file If NULL, then print the results to console, 
#' otherwise print them to the file. Default to NULL.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' printXTable.RDA(rda, matrix.name="16S", taxa.group="BACTERIA")
#' @rdname RDA
printXTable.RDA <- function(rda, matrix.name="", taxa.group="", table.file=NULL, invalid.char=FALSE) {
  ComMA::printXTable(rda$anova.summary, invalid.char=invalid.char,
              caption = paste("Distance-based redundancy analysis and their ANOVA tests 
                              in each step for the eDNA biodiversity data sets", matrix.name, taxa.group), 
              label = paste("tab:rdaAnova", matrix.name, taxa.group, sep = ":"), file=table.file)

  ComMA::printXTable(rda$model.summary, invalid.char=invalid.char,
              caption = paste("The constrained and unconstrained inertia changes during 
          distance-based redundancy analysis for the eDNA biodiversity data sets", matrix.name, taxa.group), 
              label = paste("tab:rda", matrix.name, taxa.group, sep = ":"), file=table.file)
walterxie/ComMA documentation built on May 3, 2019, 11:51 p.m.