
#' Estimate intensity surface by using non-parametric method.
#' Using Epanechnikov kernel to estimate intensity surface.
#' @param pattern A two-dimesional spatial point pattern with class
#' \code{\link[spatstat]{ppp}}.
#' @param win Object of class \code{\link[spatstat]{owin}}.
#' @param h Kernel bandwith. \code{h} should be a postive number.
#' @param L Number of grid for x and y axis.
#' @param kernel Kernel used to estimate intensity surface.  Currently, only
#'  support Epanechnikov kernel.
#' @param edgecorrect Logical flag indicating whether to use edge-correction in
#'  estimating intensity surface. The default is TRUE.
#' @param truncate Logical flag indicating whether truncation is used for
#'  \code{pattern}. The default is TRUE.
#' @return An object of class \code{\link[spatstat]{im}}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pattern1 <- rsppmix(demo_mix, lambda = 30, win = square(5))
#' # estimate and plot the estimated intensity surface
#' surf1 <- est_intensity_np(pattern1, h=0.05, L=100)
#' plot(surf1)
est_intensity_np <- function(pattern, win = pattern$window, h, L=10,
                             kernel=c("Epanechnikov"), edgecorrect=TRUE,
  kernel <- match.arg(kernel)
  if (truncate==TRUE) {
    pattern <- pattern[spatstat::inside.owin(pattern$x,pattern$y,win)]
  x <- seq(win$xrange[1],win$xrange[2],length.out = L)
  y <- seq(win$yrange[1],win$yrange[2],length.out = L)
  lenx <- length(x)
  leny <- length(y)
  intensity <- matrix(0,lenx,leny)
  loc <- expand.grid(x,y)
  pp <- cbind(pattern$x,pattern$y)
  index <- expand.grid(1:pattern$n, 1:(lenx*leny))
  xy <- loc[index[,2],]-pp[index[,1],]
  if (edgecorrect==TRUE){
    LL <- 20
    ax <- seq(win$xrange[1],win$xrange[2], length.out = LL)
    ay <- seq(win$yrange[1],win$yrange[2], length.out = LL)
    alenx <- length(ax)
    aleny <- length(ay)
    area <- (ax[2] - ax[1]) * (ay[2] - ay[1])
    centers <- expand.grid(x_center=(ax[1:(alenx-1)] + ax[2:alenx])/2,
                           y_center=(ay[1:(aleny-1)] + ay[2:aleny])/2)
    index.mass <- expand.grid(1:((alenx-1)*(aleny-1)),1:(lenx*leny))
    dist.centers <- loc[index.mass[,2],]-centers[index.mass[,1],]
      diff <- rowSums((dist.centers)^2)
      mass <- ifelse(diff < 1, 4*(1-diff) / (2*pi), 0)
      edgecor <- area * aggregate(mass,list(index.mass[,2]),sum) / (h^2)
      quad <- rowSums((xy/h)^2)
      val <- ifelse(quad < 1, 4*(1 - quad) / (2*pi), 0)
      intensity <- aggregate(val, list(index[, 2]), sum) / (h^2*edgecor)
  } else {
      quad <- rowSums((xy/h)^2)
      val <- ifelse(quad < 1, 4*(1 - quad) / (2*pi), 0)
      intensity <- aggregate(val, list(index[, 2]), sum) / h^2
wangyuchen/sppmix documentation built on May 4, 2019, 12:58 a.m.