
#' @title Generate the User Interface for the Web App
#' @description `app_ui` constructs the user interface (UI) for the web application by updating the static pages (models and rodent profiles) then running [`fluidPage`][shiny::fluidPage] on the UI components. \cr
#'              `write_rodent_profiles_tab_html` and `write_model_tab_html` build and write-out static html files for the rodent profiles and models tabs during [`fill_app`]. \cr
#'              The `<_>_href` functions provide simplified calls to hyperlinked texts that are repeatedly used. \cr 
#'              See `Details` for hierarchy of functions. 
#' @details The UI is hierarchical built as:
#'   * `app_ui` 
#'     * `title_panel`
#'     * `subtitle_panel`
#'     * `main_panel`
#'       * `forecast_tab`
#'         * `forecast_tab_input_selection_row`
#'           * `forecast_tab_input_selection_row_species`
#'           * `forecast_tab_input_selection_row_dataset`
#'           * `forecast_tab_input_selection_row_model`
#'           * `forecast_tab_input_selection_row_historic_end_newmoonnumber`
#'         * `forecast_tab_input_selection_checks_row`  # commented out, but available for checking reactive inputs in dev 
#'         * `plot_forecast_ts`
#'         * `plot_forecast_point`
#'       * `evaluation_tab`
#'         * `evaluation_tab_input_selection_row`
#'           * `evaluation_tab_input_selection_row_species`
#'           * `evaluation_tab_input_selection_row_dataset`
#'           * `evaluation_tab_input_selection_row_model`
#'           * `evaluation_tab_input_selection_row_historic_end_newmoonnumber`
#'           * `evaluation_tab_input_selection_row_newmoonnumber`
#'         * `evaluation_tab_input_selection_checks_row`  # commented out, but available for checking reactive inputs in dev 
#'         * `plot_forecast_point`
#'         * `plot_forecasts_cov_RMSE`
#'       * `about_tab`
#'         * `htmltools::includeMarkdown`
#'       * `models_tab`
#'         * `htmltools::includeHTML`
#'       * `rodents_profiles_tab`
#'         * `htmltools::includeHTML`
#'       * `covariates_tab`
#'         * `data_sources_section`
#' @param main `character` value of the name of the main component of the directory tree.
#' @param text `character` value of the text used in [`htmltools::a`].
#' @param global A `list` of global values for the app.
#' @return A UI definition, component shiny tags, or bootswatch theme.
#' @family shinyapp
#' @aliases web-app-ui app-ui ui
#' @name portalcasting app ui
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'    main1 <- file.path(tempdir(), "app_ui")
#'    setup_dir(main = main1)
#'    global <- global_list(main = main1)
#'    app_ui(global = global)
#'    title_panel( )
#'    subtitle_panel( )
#'    main_panel(global = global)
#'    forecast_tab(global = global)
#'    forecast_tab_input_selection_row(global = global)
#'    forecast_tab_input_selection_row_species(global = global)
#'    forecast_tab_input_selection_row_dataset(global = global)
#'    forecast_tab_input_selection_row_model(global = global)
#'    forecast_tab_input_selection_row_historic_end_newmoonnumber(global = global)
#'    forecast_tab_input_selection_checks_row( )
#'    evaluation_tab(global = global)
#'    evaluation_tab_input_selection_row(global = global)
#'    evaluation_tab_input_selection_row_species(global = global)
#'    evaluation_tab_input_selection_row_dataset(global = global)
#'    evaluation_tab_input_selection_row_model(global = global)
#'    evaluation_tab_input_selection_row_historic_end_newmoonnumber(global = global)
#'    evaluation_tab_input_selection_row_newmoonnumber(global = global)
#'    evaluation_tab_input_selection_checks_row( )
#'    about_tab( )
#'    models_tab(global = global)
#'    rodents_profiles_tab(global = global)
#'    covariates_tab(global = global)
#'    data_sources_section( )
#'    unlink(main1, recursive = TRUE)
#'  }

#' @rdname portalcasting-app-ui
#' @export
app_ui <- function (global = global_list( )) {

  fluidPage(title_panel( ),
            subtitle_panel( ), 
            main_panel(global = global),
            theme = app_theme( ))


#' @rdname portalcasting-app-ui
#' @export
app_theme <- function ( ) {

  bs_theme(bootswatch = "materia",
           font_scale = 1.1)


#' @rdname portalcasting-app-ui
#' @export
main_panel <- function (global = global_list( )) {

  mainPanel(tabsetPanel(forecast_tab(global = global),
                        evaluation_tab(global = global),
                        about_tab(global = global),
                        models_tab(global = global),
                        rodents_profiles_tab(global = global),
                        covariates_tab(global = global)))


#' @rdname portalcasting-app-ui
#' @export
title_panel <- function ( ) {

  app_title <- "Portal Project Forecasting"
  titlePanel(title = app_title)


#' @rdname portalcasting-app-ui
#' @export
subtitle_panel <- function ( ) {

  p(HTML(text = paste0("Forecasts for the population and community dynamics of ", portal_project_href( ), ".")))


#' @rdname portalcasting-app-ui
#' @export
about_tab <- function (global = global_list( )) {

  tabPanel(title = "About",
           tags$head(tags$script(defer = "defer", data_domain = "portal.naturecast.org", src = "https://plausible.io/js/script.js")),


#' @rdname portalcasting-app-ui
#' @export
models_tab <- function (global = global_list( )) {

  tabPanel(title = "Models",
           tags$head(tags$script(defer = "defer", data_domain = "portal.naturecast.org", src = "https://plausible.io/js/script.js")),


#' @rdname portalcasting-app-ui
#' @export
rodents_profiles_tab <- function (global = global_list( )) {

  tabPanel(title = "Rodent Profiles",
           tags$head(tags$script(defer = "defer", data_domain = "portal.naturecast.org", src = "https://plausible.io/js/script.js")),


#' @rdname portalcasting-app-ui
#' @export
forecast_tab <- function (global = global_list( )) {

  if (is.null(global$forecasts_metadata)) {

    tabPanel(title = "Forecast", 
             br( ), 
             HTML("There are not sufficient forecasts to generate plots."),
             br( ))
  } else {  

    tabPanel(title = "Forecast", 
             tags$head(tags$script(defer = "defer", data_domain = "portal.naturecast.org", src = "https://plausible.io/js/script.js")),
             br( ), 
             forecast_tab_input_selection_row(global = global), 
             #forecast_tab_input_selection_checks_row( ), # used for checking reactive inputs in dev
             plotOutput("forecast_tab_ts_plot", height = "300px"), 
             br( ),
             br( ))


#' @rdname portalcasting-app-ui
#' @export
forecast_tab_input_selection_checks_row <- function ( ) {



#' @rdname portalcasting-app-ui
#' @export
forecast_tab_input_selection_row <- function (global = global_list( )) {

  fluidRow(forecast_tab_input_selection_row_species(global = global),
           forecast_tab_input_selection_row_dataset(global = global),
           forecast_tab_input_selection_row_model(global = global),
           forecast_tab_input_selection_row_historic_end_newmoonnumber(global = global))


#' @rdname portalcasting-app-ui
#' @export
forecast_tab_input_selection_row_species <- function (global = global_list( )) {

  column(width = 3,
         selectInput(inputId  = "forecast_tab_species",
                     label    = "Species",
                     choices  = global$initial_forecast_tab_available_species,
                     selected = global$initial_forecast_tab_selected_species))


#' @rdname portalcasting-app-ui
#' @export
forecast_tab_input_selection_row_dataset <- function (global = global_list( )) {

  column(width = 3,
         selectInput(inputId  = "forecast_tab_dataset",
                     label    = "Dataset",
                     choices  = global$initial_forecast_tab_available_datasets,
                     selected = global$initial_forecast_tab_selected_dataset))


#' @rdname portalcasting-app-ui
#' @export
forecast_tab_input_selection_row_model <- function (global = global_list( )) {

  column(width = 3,
         selectInput(inputId  = "forecast_tab_model",
                     label    = "Model",
                     choices  = global$initial_forecast_tab_available_models,
                     selected = global$initial_forecast_tab_selected_model))


#' @rdname portalcasting-app-ui
#' @export
forecast_tab_input_selection_row_historic_end_newmoonnumber <- function (global = global_list( )) {

  column(width = 3,
         selectInput(inputId  = "forecast_tab_historic_end_newmoonnumber",
                     label    = "Origin Newmoon",
                     choices  = global$initial_forecast_tab_available_historic_end_newmoonnumbers,
                     selected = global$initial_forecast_tab_selected_historic_end_newmoonnumber))


#' @rdname portalcasting-app-ui
#' @export
evaluation_tab <- function (global = global_list( )) {

  if (is.null(global$forecasts_evaluations)) {

    tabPanel(title = "Evaluation", 
             br( ), 
             HTML("There are not sufficient evaluated forecasts to generate plots."),
             br( ))
  } else {  

    tabPanel(title = "Evaluation", 
           tags$head(tags$script(defer = "defer", data_domain = "portal.naturecast.org", src = "https://plausible.io/js/script.js")),
           br( ),
           HTML('<script defer data-domain="portal.naturecast.org" src="https://plausible.io/js/script.js"></script>'),
           br( ), 
           evaluation_tab_input_selection_row(global = global), 
           #evaluation_tab_input_selection_checks_row( ),   # used for checking reactive inputs in dev
           br( ),
           plotOutput("evaluation_tab_RMSE_plot", height = "300px"),
           br( ))



#' @rdname portalcasting-app-ui
#' @export
evaluation_tab_input_selection_checks_row <- function ( ) {



#' @rdname portalcasting-app-ui
#' @export
evaluation_tab_input_selection_row <- function (global = global_list( )) {

  fluidRow(evaluation_tab_input_selection_row_species(global = global),
           evaluation_tab_input_selection_row_dataset(global = global),
           evaluation_tab_input_selection_row_model(global = global),
           evaluation_tab_input_selection_row_historic_end_newmoonnumber(global = global),
           evaluation_tab_input_selection_row_newmoonnumber(global = global))


#' @rdname portalcasting-app-ui
#' @export
evaluation_tab_input_selection_row_species <- function (global = global_list( )) {

  column(width = 3,
         selectInput(inputId  = "evaluation_tab_species",
                     label    = "Species",
                     choices  = global$initial_evaluation_tab_available_species,
                     selected = global$initial_evaluation_tab_selected_species))


#' @rdname portalcasting-app-ui
#' @export
evaluation_tab_input_selection_row_dataset <- function (global = global_list( )) {

  column(width = 2,
         selectInput(inputId  = "evaluation_tab_dataset",
                     label    = "Dataset",
                     choices  = global$initial_evaluation_tab_available_datasets,
                     selected = global$initial_evaluation_tab_selected_dataset))


#' @rdname portalcasting-app-ui
#' @export
evaluation_tab_input_selection_row_model <- function (global = global_list( )) {

  column(width = 3,
         selectInput(inputId  = "evaluation_tab_model",
                     label    = "Model",
                     choices  = global$initial_evaluation_tab_available_models,
                     selected = global$initial_evaluation_tab_selected_model))


#' @rdname portalcasting-app-ui
#' @export
evaluation_tab_input_selection_row_historic_end_newmoonnumber <- function (global = global_list( )) {

  column(width = 2,
         selectInput(inputId  = "evaluation_tab_historic_end_newmoonnumber",
                     label    = "Origin Newmoon",
                     choices  = global$initial_evaluation_tab_available_historic_end_newmoonnumbers,
                     selected = global$initial_evaluation_tab_selected_historic_end_newmoonnumber))


#' @rdname portalcasting-app-ui
#' @export
evaluation_tab_input_selection_row_newmoonnumber <- function (global = global_list( )) {

  column(width = 2,
         selectInput(inputId  = "evaluation_tab_newmoonnumber",
                     label    = "Target Newmoon",
                     choices  = global$initial_evaluation_tab_available_newmoonnumbers,
                     selected = global$initial_evaluation_tab_selected_newmoonnumber))


#' @rdname portalcasting-app-ui
#' @export
covariates_tab <- function (global = global_list( )) {

  if (is.null(global$covariates)) {

    tabPanel(title = "Covariates", 
             br( ), 
             HTML("There are not sufficient covariate data to generate plots."), 
             br( ), 
             br( ), 
             data_sources_section( ),
             br( ))
  } else {  

    tabPanel(title = "Covariates",
             tags$head(tags$script(defer = "defer", data_domain = "portal.naturecast.org", src = "https://plausible.io/js/script.js")),
             br( ),
             HTML('<script defer data-domain="portal.naturecast.org" src="https://plausible.io/js/script.js"></script>'),
             br( ), 
             p("These are the covariates (without lags imposed) used in forecasting models. Solid lines are historic data, dashed lines are forecasts."),
             br( ), 
             plotOutput("covariates_tab_ndvi_plot", height = "200px"),
             br( ), 
             plotOutput("covariates_tab_precip_plot", height = "400px"),
             br( ), 
             plotOutput("covariates_tab_temp_plot", height = "600px"),
             br( ), 
             data_sources_section( ),
             br( ))



#' @rdname portalcasting-app-ui
#' @export
data_sources_section <- function ( ) {

  div(h3("Data Sources"),
      h4("Local Weather"),
      p(HTML(text = paste0(portal_project_href( ), " collates on-site ", portal_weather_href( ), " dating back to 1980 in the ", portal_data_href( ), "."))),
      h4(a("Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)", href = "https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/features/MeasuringVegetation/measuring_vegetation_2.php")),
      p(HTML(text = paste0(portal_project_href( ), " also produces site-specific ", portal_ndvi_href( ), " housed in the ", portal_data_href( ), "."))),
      h4("Forecast Weather"),
      p(HTML(text = paste0("We use ",
                           a("downscaled climate forecasts", href = "https://climate.northwestknowledge.net/RangelandForecast/download.php"), " from the ", 
                           a("University of Idaho's Northwest Knowledge Network's", href = "https://www.iids.uidaho.edu/nkn.php"), " API to the ",
                           a("North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME)", href = "https://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/NMME/"), "."))))


#' @rdname portalcasting-app-ui
#' @export
portal_project_href <- function (text ="The Portal Project") {

  a(href   = "http://portal.weecology.org", 
    target = "_blank")


#' @rdname portalcasting-app-ui
#' @export
portal_data_href <- function (text = "The Portal Data Repository") {

  a(href = "https://github.com/weecology/PortalData", 


#' @rdname portalcasting-app-ui
#' @export
portal_weather_href <- function (text = "weather data") {

  a(href = "https://github.com/weecology/PortalData/tree/main/Weather", 


#' @rdname portalcasting-app-ui
#' @export
portal_ndvi_href <- function (text = "NDVI data") {

  a(href = "https://github.com/weecology/PortalData/tree/main/NDVI", 


#' @rdname portalcasting-app-ui
#' @export
write_rodents_profiles_tab_html <- function (main = ".") {

  settings <- read_directory_settings(main = main)

  table_in <- read.csv(rodents_profiles_csv_path(main = main))
  nspecies <- nrow(table_in)
  table_rows <- NULL

  for (i in 1:nspecies) {

    table_row <- paste0('<tr>
                        <td style="text-align:left;"> <img src="', table_in$image[i], '" width=100px alt="', table_in$image_alt_text[i], '"></td>
                        <td style="text-align:left;"><i>', table_in$scientific_name[i], '</i></td>
                        <td style="text-align:left;"> ', table_in$common_name[i], ' </td>
                        <td style="text-align:left;"> ', table_in$species_description[i], ' </td> 

    table_rows <- c(table_rows, table_row)


  table_rows <- paste0(table_rows, collapse = "\n")

  html_out <- paste0(

     table, th, td {
       border: 1px solid lightgray;
       border-collapse: collapse;
     th, td {
       padding: 15px;
     <script defer data-domain="portal.naturecast.org" src="https://plausible.io/js/script.js"></script>
        <th style="text-align:left;"> Rodents </th>
        <th style="text-align:left;"> Species </th>
        <th style="text-align:left;"> Common Name </th>
        <th style="text-align:left;"> Description </th>
     ', collapse = '\n')

  write(x    = html_out, 
        file = rodents_profiles_html_path(main = main))



#' @rdname portalcasting-app-ui
#' @export
write_models_tab_html <- function (main = ".") {

  settings <- read_directory_settings(main = main)

  file_out <- render(input         = models_rmd_path(main = main),
                     output_format = output_format(knitr  = knitr_options( ), 
                                                   pandoc = pandoc_options(to = "html")),
                     quiet         = !settings$verbose)

  scan(file_out, what = "character", quiet = TRUE)

weecology/portalcasting documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, noon