
#' Simulate phylogenetic community structure across a landscape
#' \code{scape} simulates communities that are phylogenetically structured
#' @param tree \code{\link{phylo}} object
#' @param scape.size edge dimension of square landscape
#' @param g.center strength of phylogenetic signal in species range centers
#' @param g.range strength of phylogenetic signal in species range sizes
#' @param g.repulse strength of phylogenetic repulsion
#' @param wd.all niche width, larger values simulate broader range sizes
#' @param signal.center simulate with phylosignal in range centers
#' @param signal.range simulate with phylosignal in range size
#' @param same.range make all range sizes equal
#' @param repulse include phylogenetic repulsion in range centers
#' @param center.scale adjust strength of phylogenetic attraction in
#' range centers independent of \code{g.center}
#' @param range.scale adjust strength of phylogenetic signal in range
#' size independent of \code{g.range}
#' @param repulse.scale adjust strength of phylogenetic repulsion
#' independent of \code{g.repulse}
#' @param site.stoch.scale adjust strength of random variation in
#' species richness across sites
#' @param sd.center sd in \code{\link{rnorm}} for the range centers,
#' increase to get more variation in center values across species
#' @param sd.range sd \code{\link{rnorm}} for the range sizes,
#' increase to get more variation in range sizes across gradients
#' @param rho Grafen branch adjustment of phylogenetic tree see
#' \code{\link{corGrafen}}
#' @param th probability threshold 10^-th above which species are
#' considered present at a site
#' @details Simulates a landscape with species (i.e., tree tips)
#' distributions dependent on a supplied phylogenetic tree.  The
#' amount and type of structure is determened by the signal parameters
#' \code{g.center}, \code{g.range} and \code{g.repulse}. Parameters
#' are based on an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model of evolution with
#' stabilizing selection. Values of g=1 indicate no stabilizing
#' selection and correspond to the Brownian motion model of evolution;
#' 0<g<1 represents stabilizing selection; and g>1 corresponds to
#' disruptive selection where phylogenetic signal for the supplied
#' tree is amplified. See \code{\link{corBlomberg}}.  Communities are
#' simulated along two gradients where the positions along those
#' gradients, \code{g.center} and range sizes \code{g.range}, can
#' exhibit phylogenetic signal. Phylogenetic attraction is simulated
#' in the \code{g.center} paramter, while repulsion in
#' \code{g.repulse}. Both can be exhibited such that closly related
#' species are generally found with similar range centers
#' (phylogenetic attraction) but just not at the same site
#' (phylogenetic repulsion).  The function then returns probabilities
#' of of each species across sites and the presence and absences of
#' species based a supplied threshold, \code{th}, which can be
#' increased to obtain more species at sites and thus increase average
#' site species richness.
#' @return \item{cc}{\code{\link{comparative.comm}} object with presence/absence
#' results of simulations. The site names are the row.columns of the
#' cells in the original grid cells that made up the data, and these
#' co-ordinates are also given in the \code{env} slot of the object.}
#' \item{X.joint}{full probabilities of species at sites, used
#' to construct \code{cc}}
#' \item{X1}{probabilities of species along gradient 1}
#' \item{X2}{probabilities of species along gradient 2}
#' \item{sppXs}{full probabilities of each species as an array
#' arranged in a \code{scape.size}-by-\code{scape.size} matrix}
#' \item{V.phylo}{initial phylogenetic covariance matrix from
#' tree}
#' \item{V.phylo.rho}{phylogenetic covariance matrix from tree
#' scaled by Grafen if rho is provided}
#' \item{V.center}{scaled by \code{g.center} phylo covariance
#' matrix used in the simulations}
#' \item{V.range}{scaled by \code{g.range} phylo covariance
#' matrix used in the simulations}
#' \item{V.repulse}{scaled by \code{g.repulse} phylo
#' covariance matrix used in the simulations}
#' \item{bspp1}{species optima for gradient 1}
#' \item{bspp2}{species optima for gradient 2}                              
#' \item{u}{the env gradients values for the two gradients}
#' \item{wd}{the denominator for species ranges}
#' @author M.R. Helmus, cosmetic changes by Will Pearse
#' @references Helmus M.R. & Ives A.R. (2012). Phylogenetic diversity
#' area curves. Ecology, 93, S31-S43.
#' @seealso \code{\link{eco.scape}} \code{\link{sim.phy}}
#' \code{\link{sim.meta}}
#' @importFrom ape vcv corBlomberg compute.brlen vcv.phylo
#' @importFrom stats rnorm sd runif
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #Create balanced tree with equal branch-lengths (signal in centers)
#' tree <- stree(8,type="balanced")
#' tree$edge.length <- rep(1, nrow(tree$edge))
#' tree$root <- 1
#' kk <- scape(tree, scape.size=100, g.center=100, g.range=1, g.repulse=1, wd.all=150,
#'     signal.center=TRUE, signal.range=FALSE, same.range=FALSE, repulse=FALSE,center.scale = 1,
#'     range.scale = 1, repulse.scale = 1, site.stoch.scale = 0, sd.center=3, sd.range=1,
#'     rho=NULL, th=20)
#' #Make some plots
#' par(mfrow=c(1,Ntip(tree)),mar=c(.1,.1,.1,.1))
#' for(j in seq_along(tree$tip.label))
#'     image(t(1 - kk$sppXs[,,j]/max(kk$sppXs[,,j])), xlab = "",
#'               ylab = "",main = "",axes=FALSE, col=grey.colors(10))
#' par(mfrow=c(2,1))
#' matplot((kk$X1), type = "l", xlab="gradient",ylab = "probability",
#' main = "Gradient 1",col=rainbow(dim(kk$X1)[2]),lty=1)
#' matplot((kk$X2), type = "l", xlab="gradient",ylab = "probability",
#' main = "Gradient 2",col=rainbow(dim(kk$X2)[2]),lty=1)
#' plot(x=seq_along(sites(kk$cc)),y = rowSums(comm(kk$cc)), main = "SR",type = "l")
#' cor(kk$X1)
scape<-function(tree, scape.size=10, g.center=1, g.range=1, g.repulse=1, wd.all=150, signal.center=TRUE, signal.range=TRUE, same.range=TRUE,repulse=TRUE,center.scale = 1, range.scale = 1, repulse.scale = 1, site.stoch.scale = .5, sd.center=1, sd.range=1,rho=NULL, th=8)
    #Argument checking and assertion
    if(!inherits(tree, "phylo"))
        stop("'tree' must be of class 'phylo'")
        stop("'tree' must have branch lengths")
        stop("'tree' must be ultrametric")
    V <- vcv.phylo(tree, corr = TRUE)
    nspp <- dim(V)[1]
    bspp2 <- NULL
    Vcomp <- NULL
    Xscale <- 1          #scale the strength of the probability matrix X
    Mscale <- site.stoch.scale        #scale stochasticity in niche distributions 
    Vscale1 <- center.scale         #scale the strength of the optimal values on axis one
    Vscale2 <- center.scale         #scale the strength of the optimal values on axis two
    # Grafen's rho adjust strength of phylogenetic signal overall.
        V <- 1-(1-Vinit)^rho
        V <- V/max(V)
    mx <- t(as.matrix((-(scape.size)/2):(scape.size/2)))  #env gradient
    m <- length(mx)#new number of sites (equal to scape.size + 1)
        V.a<-vcv(corBlomberg(g, tree),corr=T)           #adjust phylogenetic signal
        iD <- t(chol(V.a))
    } else {
        iD <- diag(nspp)
        V.w<-vcv(corBlomberg(g, tree),corr=T)           #adjust phylogenetic signal
        iD.w <- t(chol(V.w))
    } else {
        iD.w <- diag(nspp)
    ##environmental/geographical gradient 1   

    e <- iD %*% rnorm(nspp,sd=sd.center)#assign optimal values 
    #e <- iD %*% runif(nspp) #assign optimal values 
    #e <- iD %*% rep(1,nspp) #assign optimal values 
    e <- Vscale1 * (e - mean(e))/apply(e, 2, sd)                                           #z-scores and optional scaling of the optimal values
    bspp1 <- e
        spmx <- t((array(1, c(nspp, 1))) %*% mx)
        mxsp <- max(mx)*((array(1, c(length(mx), 1))) %*% t(e))
        wd <- range.scale*iD.w %*% rnorm(nspp,sd=sd.range)

        wd[wd==0]<-sort(wd)[2]-sort(wd)[2]*rat                                #Assign the zero with the mean ratio of nearest neighbor distances over the larger item
        X <- exp(-((spmx - mxsp)^2)/t(matrix(wd,nspp,m))) #Niche distributions
    } else {
        spmx <- t((array(1, c(nspp, 1))) %*% mx)
        mxsp <- max(mx)*((array(1, c(length(mx), 1))) %*% t(e))
        X <- exp(-((spmx - mxsp)^2)/wd.all) #Niche distributions
    X <- Xscale * X                                                                       #Scales this initial species x site probability matrix 
    #Xsmooth <- X                                                                         #Distributions without random variation
    X1 <- diag(1 - Mscale * runif(m)) %*% X                                               #Scale and include random variation into the niche distributions
    ##environmental/geographical gradient 2
    #if (envirogradflag2 == 1) {
    e <- iD %*% rnorm(nspp,sd=sd.center)
    e <- Vscale2 * (e - mean(e))/apply(e, 2, sd)
    bspp2 <- e

        spmx <- t((array(1, c(nspp, 1))) %*% mx)
        mxsp <- max(mx)*((array(1, c(length(mx), 1))) %*% t(e))
        wd <- range.scale*iD.w %*% rnorm(nspp,sd=sd.range)
        #Assign the zero to the nonzero minimum
        wd[wd==0]<-sort(wd)[2]-sort(wd)[2]*rat                                #Assign the zero with the mean rato of nearist neighbor distances over the larger item
        X <- exp(-((spmx - mxsp)^2)/t(matrix(wd,nspp,m))) #Niche distributions     
    } else {
        spmx <- t((array(1, c(nspp, 1))) %*% mx)
        mxsp <- max(mx)*((array(1, c(length(mx), 1))) %*% t(e))
        X <- exp(-((spmx - mxsp)^2)/wd.all) #Niche distributions
    X <- Xscale * X
    X2 <- diag(1 - Mscale * runif(m)) %*% X

    X.repulse <- NULL
    if (repulse) {
        compscale <- repulse.scale
        b0scale <- 0
        V.r<-vcv(corBlomberg(g, tree),corr=T)          #adjust phylogenetic signal 
        #calculate the repulsion matrix
        Vcomp <- solve(V.r, diag(nspp))
        Vcomp <- Vcomp/max(Vcomp)
        Vcomp <- compscale * Vcomp
        iDcomp <- t(chol(Vcomp))
        colnames(Vcomp) <- rownames(Vcomp)
        bcomp <- NULL
        for (i in 1:m) {
            bcomp <- cbind(bcomp, iDcomp %*% rnorm(nspp))
        bcomp0 <- 0
        Xcomp <- exp(bcomp0 + bcomp)/(1 + exp(bcomp0 + bcomp))
        #X <- X * t(Xcomp)
        X1<-X1 * t(Xcomp)
        X2<-X2 * t(Xcomp)
    for(i in 1:nspp){
        sppX<-matrix((X1[,i]) %*% t(X2[,i]))
    #PA matrix
    m.<- dim(X.)[1]
    Y <- matrix(0, ncol = nspp, nrow = m.)
    Y[10^-th < X.] <- 1     #could also use a hard threshold
    colnames(Y) <- colnames(X.)
    ########### OUTPUT
    rownames(Y) <- paste(index[,1], index[,2], sep=".")
    colnames(Y) <- tree$tip.label
    x.y <- data.frame(row=index[,1], column=index[,2])
    rownames(x.y) <- rownames(Y)
    cc <- comparative.comm(tree, Y, env=x.y)
    return(list(cc=cc, Y=Y, X.joint=X., X1=X1, X2=X2, sppXs=spp.Xs, 
                V.phylo=Vinit, V.phylo.rho = V, V.center = V.a, V.range = V.w, V.repulse = Vcomp, 
                bspp1 = bspp1, bspp2 = bspp2, u = mx, wd=wd.all))
}  #function end
willpearse/pez documentation built on June 18, 2019, 9:33 p.m.