
#' @title Function \code{fit_fbseq}
#' @description fits with fbseq
#' @export
#' @return information for a fitted model
#' @param sim a list, the current simulation object
#' @param method one of "ebayesFromFullybayes", "ebayesFromStarts", "ebayesFromTruth", or "fullybayes"
#' "ebayesFromFullybayes" requires a "fullybayes" analysis already present
#' @param prior hierarchical distributions on betas: an atomic or vector element that goes in the 
#' Configs()@priors slot
#' @param configs \code{Configs} object for \code{fbseq}
#' @param zeronormfactors TRUE/FALSE. If TRUE, starts@@h is set to 0.
fit_fbseq = function(sim, method = "fullybayes", prior = "normal", configs = Configs(), zeronormfactors = F){
  t = my.proc.time()

  s = sim$scenario
  configs@priors = prior
  if(any(prior %in% special_beta_priors())){
    configs@parameter_sets_return = c(configs@parameter_sets_return, "xi")
    configs@parameter_sets_update = c(configs@parameter_sets_update, "xi")
  if(any(prior == "horseshoe")){
    prior = "horseshoe"
    configs@priors = c("normal", rep("horseshoe", ncol(s@design) - 1))

    configs@iterations = get("iterations")
    configs@burnin = get("burnin")
    configs@thin = get("thin")

  starts = Starts()
  hyper = c("nu", "sigmaSquared", "tau", "theta")
  if(grepl("ebayes|ibayes", method))
    for(p in hyper){
      configs@parameter_sets_return = setdiff(configs@parameter_sets_return, p)
      configs@parameter_sets_update = setdiff(configs@parameter_sets_update, p)

  if(method == "ibayes"){
    starts@tau = 0.01
    starts@nu = 0.001
    starts@theta = rep(0, ncol(s@design))
    starts@sigmaSquared = rep(100, ncol(s@design))
    starts@sigmaSquared[1] = 1000
  } else if(method == "ebayesFromFullybayes"){
    est = estimates(sim$analyses[[paste0("fullybayes+", paste0(prior, collapse = ""))]]$chains)
    for(p in hyper) slot(starts, p) = est[grep(p, rownames(est)), "mean"]
  } else if(method == "ebayesFromTruth"){
    truth = s@supplement$truth
    if(!is(truth, "Starts")) return(NULL)
    for(p in hyper) slot(starts, p) = slot(truth, p)
  if(zeronormfactors) starts@h = 0
  chain = Chain(s, configs, starts)
  configs = Configs(chain)
  starts = Starts(chain)
  chains = fbseq(chain, backend = getOption("fbseqStudies.backend"))

  est = estimates(chains)
  beta = matrix(est[grep("beta_", rownames(est)), "mean"], nrow = chains[[1]]@G)
  colnames(beta) = paste0("beta_", 1:ncol(beta))
  eff = effect_sizes(chains)
  colnames(eff) = paste0("effect_", colnames(eff))
  prob = probs(chains)
  colnames(prob) = paste0("prob_", colnames(prob))
  est = cbind(beta, prob, eff)
  rownames(est) = rownames(s@counts)

  list(analysis = paste0(method, "+", paste0(prior, collapse = "")), estimates = est, chains = chains, 
    runtime = my.proc.time() - t, configs = configs, starts = starts, psrf = psrf(chains),
    ess = effectiveSize(mcmc_samples(chains)))
wlandau/fbseqStudies documentation built on May 4, 2019, 8:44 a.m.