
Defines functions mplus.list.processes mplus.plot.estimated_means mplus.plot.estimated_modes mplus.plot.estimated_medians mplus.plot.sample_means mplus.plot.sample_and_estimated_means mplus.plot.estimated_probabilities mplus.plot.sample_proportions mplus.get.estimated_means mplus.get.sample_means mplus.get.estimated_modes mplus.get.estimated_medians mplus.get.time_scores mplus.get.estimated_probabilities mplus.get.sample_proportions mplus.list.variables mplus.get.data mplus.plot.scatterplot mplus.plot.histogram mplus.list.bayesian.parameters mplus.get.bayesian.parameter.data mplus.get.bayesian.prior.parameter.data mplus.get.bayesian.autocorrelation mplus.plot.bayesian.traceplot mplus.plot.bayesian.distribution mplus.plot.bayesian.prior.distribution mplus.plot.bayesian.autocorrelation mplus.list.bayesian.predictive.labels mplus.get.bayesian.predictive.observed mplus.get.bayesian.predictive.replicated mplus.get.bayesian.predictive.lowerci mplus.get.bayesian.predictive.upperci mplus.get.bayesian.predictive.pvalue mplus.get.bayesian.predictive.pvalue_type mplus.plot.bayesian.predictive.scatterplot mplus.plot.bayesian.predictive.distribution mplus.list.bayesian.plausible.labels mplus.get.bayesian.plausible.data mplus.plot.bayesian.plausible.distribution mplus.list.loop.labels mplus.get.loop.estimates mplus.get.loop.lowerci mplus.get.loop.upperci mplus.get.loop.xvalues mplus.plot.loop mplus.list.irt.variables mplus.list.irt.xvariables mplus.compute.irt.icc mplus.compute.irt.iic mplus.plot.irt.icc mplus.plot.irt.iic mplus.plot.irt.tic mplus.list.survival.variables mplus.get.survival.kaplanmeier.values mplus.compute.survival.sample.logcumulative.values mplus.get.survival.baseline.values mplus.compute.survival.estimated.logcumulative.values mplus.get.survival.basehazard.values mplus.plot.survival.kaplanmeier mplus.plot.survival.baseline mplus.plot.survival.basehazard mplus.plot.survival.sample.logcumulative mplus.plot.survival.estimated.logcumulative mplus.plot.survival.kaplanmeier.vs.baseline mplus.plot.survival.sample.vs.estimated.logcumulative mplus.list.discrete.survival.variables mplus.get.discrete.survival.kaplanmeier.values mplus.get.discrete.survival.baseline.values mplus.get.discrete.survival.basehazard.values mplus.plot.discrete.survival.kaplanmeier mplus.plot.discrete.survival.baseline mplus.plot.discrete.survival.kaplanmeier.vs.baseline mplus.get.group.attribute mplus.get.dataset.attribute lin logistic

# R scripts for extracting and plotting data stored in Mplus graphic
# information in GH5 files.  Uses the rhdf5 package for loading the
# the GH5 file.
# Version history:
# 2013-09-13 File Version 3 for Mplus Version 7.3
# 2014-04-30 Fix for sample and estimated means.
# 2014-10-07 Fix IRT ICC and IIC functions, turning properties into integers
# 2014-10-08 Add functions for Discrete survival curves
# 2014-11-20 Fix estimated probabilities function, turning categories into integers.
# 2014-11-21 Add legend to plot of estimated probabilities.
# 2015-03-30 Fix plot for factors
# 2015-06-01 Fix for case-sensitivity on loop label for mplus.get.loop.estimates.
#            Fix estimated probablities and sample propotions functions, turning categories into integers
#                and using model_group_labels instead of generic "Class" in legend.
# 2015-06-09 Add option for mplus.plot.loop to plot multiple labels.
# 2015-09-09 Fix mplus.get.bayesian.autocorrelation and mplus.plot.bayesian.autocorrelation - dimension
#            of parameter was incorrect.  Fix mplus.plot.bayesian.distribution for alignment when ndist
#            is the same as the number of iterations.
# Written by: Thuy Nguyen
#             Muthen & Muthen
# Reference:
# Bernd Fischer and Gregoire Pau (). rhdf5: HDF5 interface to R. R
# package version 2.4.0.

if (require(rhdf5,quietly=TRUE)) {
  print("Loaded rhdf5 package")
} else {
  print("trying to install rhdf5 from bioconductor.org")
  if (require(rhdf5)) {
    print("Loaded missing rhdf5 package ")
  } else {
    stop("could not install rhdf5")

# mplus.clear - clears all mplus-related data from a previous mplus_load
# arguments: none
# eg. mplus.clear()
#mplus.clear <- function() {
#	cat(c("\nRemoved the following:\n"))
#	if (exists("matrix_data",)) {
#	    rm(matrix_data, inherits=TRUE)
#		cat(c(" - matrix_data\n"))
#	}
#	if (exists("process_data",)) {
#	    rm(process_data, inherits=TRUE)
#		cat(c(" - process_data\n"))
#	}
#	if (exists("class_data")) {
#	    rm(class_data, inherits=TRUE)
#		cat(c(" - class_data\n"))
#	}
#	if (exists("categorical_data")) {
#	    rm(categorical_data, inherits=TRUE)
#		cat(c(" - categorical_data\n"))
#	}
#	if (exists("individual_data")) {
#	    rm(individual_data, inherits=TRUE)
#		cat(c(" - individual_data\n"))
#	}
#	if (exists("means_and_variances_data")) {
#	    rm(means_and_variances_data, inherits=TRUE)
#		cat(c(" - means_and_variances_data\n"))
#	}

# mplus.list.processes - list all available processes
# arguments:
#    file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
# eg. mplus.list.processes('ex8.1.gh5')
mplus.list.processes <- function(file) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  # check that the series exists
  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  if (!("process_data" %in% names(gh5))) {
    stop("mplus.list.proceses requires series information.\n\nUse the SERIES option in Mplus to specify series information.\n")

  cat(c("\nList of process names to use in the following functions:\n"))
  cat(c(" - mplus.plot.sample_means\n"))
  cat(c(" - mplus.plot.estimated_means\n"))
  cat(c(" - mplus.plot.sample_and_estimated_means\n"))
  cat(c(" - mplus.plot.sample_proportions\n"))
  cat(c(" - mplus.plot.estimated_probabilities\n"))

  cat(c(" - mplus.get.sample_means\n"))
  cat(c(" - mplus.get.estimated_means\n"))
  cat(c(" - mplus.get.sample_proportions\n"))
  cat(c(" - mplus.get.estimated_probabilities\n"))


  allpnames <- attr(gh5$process_data,"names")

# mplus.plot.estimated_means - plot estimated means for the quoted process
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	procstr - the quoted name of a series
# eg. mplus.plot.estimated_means('ex8.1.gh5','process1')
mplus.plot.estimated_means <-function(file,procstr='process1',ptype='o') {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  # check that the series exists
  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check that the series exists
  if (!("process_data" %in% names(gh5))) {
    stop("- requires series information\n\nUse the SERIES option in Mplus to specify series information for processes\nwith estimated means.\n")

  allpnames <- attr(gh5$process_data,"names")
  pind <- pmatch(procstr, allpnames, nomatch=0)
  if (pind == 0) {
    cstr <- paste("- process does not exist:",procstr,"\n\n")

  # get the process
  proc <- gh5$process_data[[procstr]]

  # get the series type in properties
  cstr2 <- paste(c("process_data"),"/",procstr,"", sep="")
  prop <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file, cstr2, 'properties')

  series_type <- prop[1]
  if ( ! (series_type == 1 || series_type == 2) ) {
    cstr <- paste("- process does not have estimated means:",procstr,"\n\n")

  # get the time scores
  xx <- proc$time_scores

  # set up the array for the estimated means
  dims <- attr(proc$time_scores,"dim")
  yy <- mplus.get.estimated_means(file,procstr)

  # plot the means
  cstr <- paste("Estimated means for",procstr)
  symb <- array(c(21,22,23,24,25),c(dims[1]))
  colors <- rainbow(dims[2])
  for (i in c(1:dims[2])) {

  ldesc <- array(0,c(dims[2]))
  lty <- array(0,c(dims[2]))
  lwd <- array(0,c(dims[2]))
  lcol <- array(0,c(dims[2]))
  for (i in c(1:dims[2])) {
    ldesc[i] <- sprintf("Class %d", i)
    lty[i] = 1
    lwd[i] = 2.5
    lcol[i] <- colors[i]

# mplus.plot.estimated_modes - plot estimated modes for the quoted process
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	procstr - the quoted name of a series
# eg. mplus.plot.estimated_modes('ex8.1.gh5','process1')
mplus.plot.estimated_modes <-function(file,procstr='process1',ptype='o') {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  # check that the series exists
  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check that the series exists
  if (!("process_data" %in% names(gh5))) {
    stop("- requires series information\n\nUse the SERIES option in Mplus to specify series information for processes\nwith estimated modes.\n")

  allpnames <- attr(gh5$process_data,"names")
  pind <- pmatch(procstr, allpnames, nomatch=0)
  if (pind == 0) {
    cstr <- paste("- process does not exist:",procstr,"\n\n")

  # get the process
  proc <- gh5$process_data[[procstr]]

  # get the series type in properties
  cstr2 <- paste(c("process_data"),"/",procstr,"", sep="")
  prop <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file, cstr2, 'properties')

  series_type <- prop[1]
  if ( ! (series_type == 1 || series_type == 2) ) {
    cstr <- paste("- process does not have estimated modes:",procstr,"\n\n")

  # get the time scores
  xx <- proc$time_scores

  # set up the array for the estimated means
  dims <- attr(proc$time_scores,"dim")
  yy <- mplus.get.estimated_modes(file,procstr)

  # plot the means
  cstr <- paste("Estimated modes for",procstr)
  symb <- array(c(21,22,23,24,25),c(dims[1]))
  colors <- rainbow(dims[2])
  for (i in c(1:dims[2])) {

  ldesc <- array(0,c(dims[2]))
  lty <- array(0,c(dims[2]))
  lwd <- array(0,c(dims[2]))
  lcol <- array(0,c(dims[2]))
  for (i in c(1:dims[2])) {
    ldesc[i] <- sprintf("Class %d", i)
    lty[i] = 1
    lwd[i] = 2.5
    lcol[i] <- colors[i]

# mplus.plot.estimated_medians - plot estimated medians for the quoted process
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	procstr - the quoted name of a series
# eg. mplus.plot.estimated_medians('ex8.1.gh5','process1')
mplus.plot.estimated_medians <-function(file,procstr='process1',ptype='o') {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  # check that the series exists
  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check that the series exists
  if (!("process_data" %in% names(gh5))) {
    stop("- requires series information\n\nUse the SERIES option in Mplus to specify series information for processes\nwith estimated medians.\n")

  allpnames <- attr(gh5$process_data,"names")
  pind <- pmatch(procstr, allpnames, nomatch=0)
  if (pind == 0) {
    cstr <- paste("- process does not exist:",procstr,"\n\n")

  # get the process
  proc <- gh5$process_data[[procstr]]

  # get the series type in properties
  cstr2 <- paste(c("process_data"),"/",procstr,"", sep="")
  prop <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file, cstr2, 'properties')

  series_type <- prop[1]
  if ( ! (series_type == 1 || series_type == 2) ) {
    cstr <- paste("- process does not have estimated medians:",procstr,"\n\n")

  # get the time scores
  xx <- proc$time_scores

  # set up the array for the estimated means
  dims <- attr(proc$time_scores,"dim")
  yy <- mplus.get.estimated_medians(file,procstr)

  # plot the means
  cstr <- paste("Estimated medians for",procstr)
  symb <- array(c(21,22,23,24,25),c(dims[1]))
  colors <- rainbow(dims[2])
  for (i in c(1:dims[2])) {

  ldesc <- array(0,c(dims[2]))
  lty <- array(0,c(dims[2]))
  lwd <- array(0,c(dims[2]))
  lcol <- array(0,c(dims[2]))
  for (i in c(1:dims[2])) {
    ldesc[i] <- sprintf("Class %d", i)
    lty[i] = 1
    lwd[i] = 2.5
    lcol[i] <- colors[i]

# mplus.plot.sample_means - plot sample means for the quoted process
# arguments:
#	procstr - the quoted name of a series
# eg. mplus.plot.sample_means('ex6.1.gh5','process1')
mplus.plot.sample_means <-function(file,procstr='process1',ptype='o') {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  # check that the series exists
  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check that the series exists
  if (!("process_data" %in% names(gh5))) {
    stop("- requires series information\n\nUse the SERIES option in Mplus to specify series information for processes\nwith sample means.\n")

  allpnames <- attr(gh5$process_data,"names")
  pind <- pmatch(procstr, allpnames, nomatch=0)
  if (pind == 0) {
    cstr <- paste("- process does not exist:",procstr,"\n\n")

  # get the process
  proc <- gh5$process_data[[procstr]]

  # get the series type in properties
  cstr2 <- paste(c("process_data"),"/",procstr,"", sep="")
  prop <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file, cstr2, 'properties')

  series_type <- prop[1]

  if ( ! (series_type == 1) ) {
    cstr <- paste("- process does not have sample means:",procstr,"\n\n")

  # get the time scores
  xx <- proc$time_scores

  # set up the array for the estimated means
  dims <- attr(proc$time_scores,"dim")
  yy <- mplus.get.sample_means(file,procstr)

  # plot the means
  cstr <- paste("Sample means for",procstr)
  symb <- array(c(21,22,23,24,25),c(dims[1]))
  colors <- rainbow(dims[2])
  for (i in c(1:dims[2])) {

  ldesc <- array(0,c(dims[2]))
  lty <- array(0,c(dims[2]))
  lwd <- array(0,c(dims[2]))
  lcol <- array(0,c(dims[2]))
  for (i in c(1:dims[2])) {
    ldesc[i] <- sprintf("Class %d", i)
    lty[i] = 1
    lwd[i] = 2.5
    lcol[i] <- colors[i]

# mplus.plot.sample_and_estimated_means - plot sample and estimated means for the
# quoted process
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	procstr - the quoted name of a series
# eg. mplus.plot.sample_and_estimated_means('process1')
mplus.plot.sample_and_estimated_means <-function(file,procstr='process1',ptype='o') {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  # check that the series exists
  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check that the series exists
  if (!("process_data" %in% names(gh5))) {
    stop("- requires series information\n\nUse the SERIES option in Mplus to specify series information for processes\nwith sample and estimated means.\n")

  allpnames <- attr(gh5$process_data,"names")
  pind <- pmatch(procstr, allpnames, nomatch=0)
  if (pind == 0) {
    cstr <- paste("- process does not exist:",procstr,"\n\n")

  # get the process
  proc <- gh5$process_data[[procstr]]

  # get the series type in properties
  cstr2 <- paste(c("process_data"),"/",procstr,"", sep="")
  prop <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr2,'properties')

  series_type <- prop[1]
  if ( ! (series_type == 1) ) {
    cstr <- paste("- process does not have sample means:",procstr,"\n\n")

  # get the dimensions of the time_scores array and create an array with twice the size of the
  # first dimension
  dims <- attr(proc$time_scores,"dim")
  xx <- array(0, c(dims[1],2*dims[2]))
  yy <- array(0, c(dims[1],2*dims[2]))

  samp <- mplus.get.sample_means(file,procstr)
  emean <- mplus.get.estimated_means(file,procstr)

  for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {
    for (j in c(1:dims[2])) {
      # set the time scores and pick up sample means
      xx[i,2*j-1] <- proc$time_scores[i,j]
      yy[i,2*j-1] <- samp[i,j]

      # set the time scores and pick up estimated means
      xx[i,2*j] <- proc$time_scores[i,j]
      yy[i,2*j] <- emean[i,j]

  # plot the means
  cstr <- paste("Sample and estimated means for",procstr)
  symb <- array(c(21,22,23,24,25),c(dims[2]))
  colors <- rainbow(dims[2])
  for (i in c(1:dims[2])) {

  ldesc <- array(0,c(2*dims[2]))
  lty <- array(0,c(2*dims[2]))
  lwd <- array(0,c(2*dims[2]))
  lcol <- array(0,c(2*dims[2]))
  lsymb <- array(0,c(2*dims[2]))
  for (i in c(1:dims[2])) {
    ldesc[2*i-1] <- sprintf("Sample means, Class %d", i)
    lty[2*i-1] = 1
    lwd[2*i-1] = 2.5
    lsymb[2*i-1] <- symb[i]

    lcol[2*i] <- colors[i]
    ldesc[2*i] <- sprintf("Estimated means, Class %d", i)
    lty[2*i] = 1
    lwd[2*i] = 2.5
    lcol[2*i] <- colors[i]
    lsymb[2*i] <- symb[i]

# mplus.plot.estimated_probabilities - plot estimated probabilities for the
# quoted process, summing up probabilities of the first to the last category
# chosen
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	procstr - the quoted name of a series
#	cat1 - the first category to include
#	cat2 - the last category to include
# eg. mplus.plot.estimated_probabilities('ex8.4.gh5','process1',1,1)
mplus.plot.estimated_probabilities <- function(file,procstr='process1',cat1=1,cat2=1,ptype='o') {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  # check that the series exists
  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check that the series exists
  if (!("process_data" %in% names(gh5))) {
    stop("- requires series information\n\nUse the SERIES option in Mplus to specify series information for processes\nwith estimated probabilities.\n")

  # if cat2 is missing and cat1 is given, then we should assign cat2 to cat1.
  if (missing(cat2)) {
    if (!(missing(cat1))) {
      cat2 <- cat1

  allpnames <- attr(gh5$process_data,"names")
  pind <- pmatch(procstr, allpnames, nomatch=0)
  if (pind == 0) {
    cstr <- paste("- process does not exist:",procstr,"\n\n")

  # get the process
  proc <- gh5$process_data[[procstr]]

  # get the series type in properties
  # Replace the line below with series of low-level function calls
  cstr2 <- paste(c("process_data"),"/",procstr,"", sep="")
  prop <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr2,'properties')

  series_type <- prop[1]
  if ( !(series_type == 3) ) {
    cstr <- paste("- process does not have estimated probabilities:",procstr,"\n\n")

  # get the time scores
  xx <- proc$time_scores

  # set up the array for the estimated probabilities
  dims <- attr(proc$time_scores,"dim")
  yy <- mplus.get.estimated_probabilities(file,procstr,cat1,cat2)

  # plot the probabilities
  cstr <- paste("Estimated probabilities for",procstr)
  symb <- array(c(21,22,23,24,25),c(dims[1]))
  colors <- rainbow(dims[2])
  for (i in c(1:dims[2])) {

  glabels <- mplus.get.file.dataset(file,'model_group_labels')
  glabels <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", glabels, perl=TRUE)

  ldesc <- array(0,c(dims[2]))
  lty <- array(0,c(dims[2]))
  lwd <- array(0,c(dims[2]))
  lcol <- array(0,c(dims[2]))
  for (i in c(1:dims[2])) {
    ldesc[i] <- glabels[i] #sprintf("Class %d", i)
    lty[i] = 1
    lwd[i] = 2.5
    lcol[i] <- colors[i]

# mplus.plot.sample_proportions - plot sample proportions for the
# quoted process, summing up proportions of the first to the last category
# chosen
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	procstr - the quoted name of a series
#	cat1 - the first category to include
#	cat2 - the last category to include
# eg. mplus.plot.sample_proportions('ex8.4.gh5','process1',1,1)
mplus.plot.sample_proportions <-function(file,procstr='process1',cat1=1,cat2=1,ptype='o') {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  # check that the series exists
  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check that the series exists
  if (!("process_data" %in% names(gh5))) {
    stop("- requires series information\n\nUse the SERIES option in Mplus to specify series information for processes\nwith sample proportions.\n")

  # if cat2 is missing and cat1 is given, then we should assign cat2 to cat1.
  if (missing(cat2)) {
    if (!(missing(cat1))) {
      cat2 <- cat1

  allpnames <- attr(gh5$process_data,"names")
  pind <- pmatch(procstr, allpnames, nomatch=0)
  if (pind == 0) {
    cstr <- paste("- process does not exist:",procstr,"\n\n")

  # get the process
  proc <- gh5$process_data[[procstr]]

  # get the series type in properties
  cstr2 <- paste(c("process_data"),"/",procstr,"", sep="")
  prop <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr2,'properties')

  series_type <- prop[1]
  if ( !(series_type == 3) ) {
    cstr <- paste("- process does not have sample proportions:",procstr,"\n\n")

  # get the time scores
  xx <- proc$time_scores

  # set up the array for the sample proportions
  dims <- attr(proc$time_scores,"dim")
  # dims[1] is the number of time points, dims[2] is the number of classes
  yy <- mplus.get.sample_proportions(file,procstr,cat1,cat2)

  # plot the proportions
  cstr <- paste("Sample proportions for",procstr)
  symb <- array(c(21,22,23,24,25),c(dims[1]))
  colors <- rainbow(dims[2])
  for (k in c(1:dims[2])) {

  glabels <- mplus.get.file.dataset(file,'model_group_labels')
  glabels <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", glabels, perl=TRUE)

  ldesc <- array(0,c(dims[2]))
  lty <- array(0,c(dims[2]))
  lwd <- array(0,c(dims[2]))
  lcol <- array(0,c(dims[2]))
  for (i in c(1:dims[2])) {
    ldesc[i] <- glabels[i] #sprintf("Class %d", i)
    lty[i] = 1
    lwd[i] = 2.5
    lcol[i] <- colors[i]

# mplus.get.estimated_means - plot estimated means for the quoted process
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file, required
#	procstr - the quoted name of a series, not required.  Defaults to 'process1' (the first process)
#	classidx - the class index, not required - 0 for all classes.  Default to 0.
# eg. mplus.get.estimated_means('ex8.1.gh5','process1',3)
mplus.get.estimated_means <-function(file,procstr='process1',classidx=0) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop(" - name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  # check that the series exists
  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check that the series exists
  if (!("process_data" %in% names(gh5))) {
    stop("- requires series information\n\nUse the SERIES option in Mplus to specify series information for processes\nwith estimated means.\n")

  allpnames <- attr(gh5$process_data,"names")
  pind <- pmatch(procstr, allpnames, nomatch=0)
  if (pind == 0) {
    cstr <- paste("- process does not exist:",procstr,"\n\n")

  # get the process
  proc <- gh5$process_data[[procstr]]

  # get the series type in properties
  # Replace the line below with series of low-level function calls
  cstr2 <- paste(c("process_data"),"/",procstr,"", sep="")
  prop <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr2,'properties')

  series_type <- prop[1]
  if ( ! (series_type == 1 || series_type == 2) ) {
    cstr <- paste("- process does not have estimated means:",procstr,"\n\n")

  # set up the array for the estimated means
  dims <- attr(proc$time_scores,"dim")
  # if all classes, dimension it by number of classes.  Otherwise, just dimension by 1.
  if (classidx == 0) {
    yy <- array(0, c(dims[1],dims[2]))
  } else {
    # check that the classidx is within range.
    if (classidx < 0 || classidx > dims[2]) {
      cstr <- paste("- classidx is out of range, 1 to ",dims[2],": ",classidx,"\n\n")
    yy <- array(0, c(dims[1],1))

  # get the indices of variables in the series
  var_names <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr2,'var_names')

  if (series_type == 1) {
    mean_vars <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'means_and_variances_data/y_estimated_means','variables')
  } else {
    mean_vars <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'means_and_variances_data/latent_estimated_means','variables')
  var_indices <- pmatch(var_names, mean_vars, nomatch=0)

  # type 1 is estimated means for observed variables
  if (series_type == 1) {
    if (classidx == 0) {
      for (i in c(1:dims[2])) {
        for (j in c(1:dims[1])) {
          yy[j,i] <- gh5$means_and_variances_data$y_estimated_means$values[var_indices[j],i]
    } else {
      for (j in c(1:dims[1])) {
        yy[j,i] <- gh5$means_and_variances_data$y_estimated_means$values[var_indices[j],classidx]

  # type 2 is estimated means for latent variables
  if (series_type == 2) {
    if (classidx == 0) {
      for (i in c(1:dims[2])) {
        for (j in c(1:dims[1])) {
          yy[j,i] <- gh5$means_and_variances_data$latent_estimated_means$values[var_indices[j],i]
    } else {
      for (j in c(1:dims[1])) {
        yy[j,i] <- gh5$means_and_variances_data$latent_estimated_means$values[var_indices[j],classidx]

  # return the means

# mplus.get.sample_means - return sample means for the quoted process
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file, required
#	procstr - the quoted name of a series, not required.  Defaults to 'process1' (the first process)
#	classidx - the class index, not required - 0 for all classes.  Default to 0.
# eg. mplus.get.sample_means('ex8.1.gh5','process1',3)
mplus.get.sample_means <- function(file,procstr='process1',classidx=0) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- the name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  # check that the series exists
  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check that the series exists
  if (!("process_data" %in% names(gh5))) {
    stop("- requires series information.\n\nUse the SERIES option in Mplus to specify series information for processes\nwith sample means.\n")

  allpnames <- attr(gh5$process_data,"names")
  pind <- pmatch(procstr, allpnames, nomatch=0)
  if (pind == 0) {
    cstr <- paste("- process does not exist:",procstr,"\n\n")

  # get the process
  proc <- gh5$process_data[[procstr]]

  # get the series type in properties
  # Replace the line below with series of low-level function calls
  cstr2 <- paste(c("process_data"),"/",procstr,"", sep="")
  prop <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr2,'properties')

  series_type <- prop[1]

  if ( ! (series_type == 1) ) {
    cstr <- paste("- process does not have sample means:",procstr,"\n\n")

  # get the time scores
  xx <- proc$time_scores

  # set up the array for the estimated means
  dims <- attr(proc$time_scores,"dim")
  # if all classes, dimension it by number of classes.  Otherwise, just dimension by 1.
  if (classidx == 0) {
    yy <- array(0, c(dims[1],dims[2]))
  } else {
    # check that the classidx is within range.
    if (classidx < 0 || classidx > dims[2]) {
      cstr <- paste("- classidx is out of range, 1 to ",dims[2],": ",classidx,"\n\n")
    yy <- array(0, c(dims[1],1))

  # get the indices of variables in the series
  var_names <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr2,'var_names')

  mean_vars <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'means_and_variances_data/y_observed_means','variables')
  var_indices <- pmatch(var_names, mean_vars, nomatch=0)

  # only type 1 has sample means
  if (classidx == 0) {
    for (i in c(1:dims[2])) {
      for (j in c(1:dims[1])) {
        yy[j,i] <- gh5$means_and_variances_data$y_observed_means$values[var_indices[j],i]
  } else {
    for (j in c(1:dims[1])) {
      yy[j,i] <- gh5$means_and_variances_data$y_observed_means$values[var_indices[j],classidx]

  # return the means

# mplus.get.estimated_modes - plot estimated modes for the quoted process
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file, required
#	procstr - the quoted name of a series, not required.  Defaults to 'process1' (the first process)
#	classidx - the class index, not required - 0 for all classes.  Default to 0.
# eg. mplus.get.estimated_modes('ex8.1.gh5','process1',3)
mplus.get.estimated_modes <-function(file,procstr='process1',classidx=0) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop(" - name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  # check that the series exists
  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check that the series exists
  if (!("process_data" %in% names(gh5))) {
    stop("- requires series information\n\nUse the SERIES option in Mplus to specify series information for processes\nwith estimated modes.\n")

  allpnames <- attr(gh5$process_data,"names")
  pind <- pmatch(procstr, allpnames, nomatch=0)
  if (pind == 0) {
    cstr <- paste("- process does not exist:",procstr,"\n\n")

  # get the process
  proc <- gh5$process_data[[procstr]]

  # get the series type in properties
  # Replace the line below with series of low-level function calls
  cstr2 <- paste(c("process_data"),"/",procstr,"", sep="")
  prop <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr2,'properties')

  series_type <- prop[1]
  if ( ! (series_type == 1 || series_type == 2) ) {
    cstr <- paste("- process does not have estimated modes:",procstr,"\n\n")

  # set up the array for the estimated modes
  dims <- attr(proc$time_scores,"dim")
  # if all classes, dimension it by number of classes.  Otherwise, just dimension by 1.
  if (classidx == 0) {
    yy <- array(0, c(dims[1],dims[2]))
  } else {
    # check that the classidx is within range.
    if (classidx < 0 || classidx > dims[2]) {
      cstr <- paste("- classidx is out of range, 1 to ",dims[2],": ",classidx,"\n\n")
    yy <- array(0, c(dims[1],1))

  # get the indices of variables in the series
  var_names <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr2,'var_names')

  if (series_type == 1) {
    mean_vars <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'means_and_variances_data/y_estimated_modes','variables')
  } else {
    mean_vars <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'means_and_variances_data/e_estimated_modes','variables')
  var_indices <- pmatch(var_names, mean_vars, nomatch=0)

  # type 1 is estimated means for observed variables
  if (series_type == 1) {
    if (classidx == 0) {
      for (i in c(1:dims[2])) {
        for (j in c(1:dims[1])) {
          yy[j,i] <- gh5$means_and_variances_data$y_estimated_modes$values[var_indices[j],i]
    } else {
      for (j in c(1:dims[1])) {
        yy[j,i] <- gh5$means_and_variances_data$y_estimated_modes$values[var_indices[j],classidx]

  # type 2 is estimated means for latent variables
  if (series_type == 2) {
    if (classidx == 0) {
      for (i in c(1:dims[2])) {
        for (j in c(1:dims[1])) {
          yy[j,i] <- gh5$means_and_variances_data$e_estimated_modes$values[var_indices[j],i]
    } else {
      for (j in c(1:dims[1])) {
        yy[j,i] <- gh5$means_and_variances_data$e_estimated_modes$values[var_indices[j],classidx]

  # return the modes

# mplus.get.estimated_medians - plot estimated medians for the quoted process
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file, required
#	procstr - the quoted name of a series, not required.  Defaults to 'process1' (the first process)
#	classidx - the class index, not required - 0 for all classes.  Default to 0.
# eg. mplus.get.estimated_medians('ex8.1.gh5','process1',3)
mplus.get.estimated_medians <-function(file,procstr='process1',classidx=0) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop(" - name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  # check that the series exists
  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check that the series exists
  if (!("process_data" %in% names(gh5))) {
    stop("- requires series information\n\nUse the SERIES option in Mplus to specify series information for processes\nwith estimated medians.\n")

  allpnames <- attr(gh5$process_data,"names")
  pind <- pmatch(procstr, allpnames, nomatch=0)
  if (pind == 0) {
    cstr <- paste("- process does not exist:",procstr,"\n\n")

  # get the process
  proc <- gh5$process_data[[procstr]]

  # get the series type in properties
  # Replace the line below with series of low-level function calls
  cstr2 <- paste(c("process_data"),"/",procstr,"", sep="")
  prop <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr2,'properties')

  series_type <- prop[1]
  if ( ! (series_type == 1 || series_type == 2) ) {
    cstr <- paste("- process does not have estimated medians:",procstr,"\n\n")

  # set up the array for the estimated medians
  dims <- attr(proc$time_scores,"dim")
  # if all classes, dimension it by number of classes.  Otherwise, just dimension by 1.
  if (classidx == 0) {
    yy <- array(0, c(dims[1],dims[2]))
  } else {
    # check that the classidx is within range.
    if (classidx < 0 || classidx > dims[2]) {
      cstr <- paste("- classidx is out of range, 1 to ",dims[2],": ",classidx,"\n\n")
    yy <- array(0, c(dims[1],1))

  # get the indices of variables in the series
  var_names <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr2,'var_names')

  if (series_type == 1) {
    mean_vars <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'means_and_variances_data/y_estimated_medians','variables')
  } else {
    mean_vars <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'means_and_variances_data/e_estimated_medians','variables')
  var_indices <- pmatch(var_names, mean_vars, nomatch=0)

  # type 1 is estimated means for observed variables
  if (series_type == 1) {
    if (classidx == 0) {
      for (i in c(1:dims[2])) {
        for (j in c(1:dims[1])) {
          yy[j,i] <- gh5$means_and_variances_data$y_estimated_medians$values[var_indices[j],i]
    } else {
      for (j in c(1:dims[1])) {
        yy[j,i] <- gh5$means_and_variances_data$y_estimated_medians$values[var_indices[j],classidx]

  # type 2 is estimated means for latent variables
  if (series_type == 2) {
    if (classidx == 0) {
      for (i in c(1:dims[2])) {
        for (j in c(1:dims[1])) {
          yy[j,i] <- gh5$means_and_variances_data$e_estimated_medians$values[var_indices[j],i]
    } else {
      for (j in c(1:dims[1])) {
        yy[j,i] <- gh5$means_and_variances_data$e_estimated_medians$values[var_indices[j],classidx]

  # return the modes

# mplus.get.time_scores - return time scores for the quoted process
# arguments:
#	procstr - the quoted name of a series
# eg. mplus.get.time_scores('ex6.1.gh5', 'process1')
mplus.get.time_scores <- function(file,procstr='process1') {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- the name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  # check that the series exists
  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check that the series exists
  if (!("process_data" %in% names(gh5))) {
    stop("- requires series information.\n\nUse the SERIES option in Mplus to specify series information for processes\nwith sample means.\n")

  allpnames <- attr(gh5$process_data,"names")
  pind <- pmatch(procstr, allpnames, nomatch=0)
  if (pind == 0) {
    cstr <- paste("- process does not exist:",procstr,"\n\n")

  # get the process
  proc <- gh5$process_data[[procstr]]

  # get the series type in properties
  # Replace the line below with series of low-level function calls
  cstr2 <- paste(c("process_data"),"/",procstr,"", sep="")
  prop <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr2,'properties')

  series_type <- prop[1]

  # get the time scores
  xx <- proc$time_scores

# mplus.get.estimated_probabilities - return estimated probabilities for the
# quoted process, summing up probabilities of the first to the last category
# chosen
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	procstr - the quoted name of a series
#	cat1 - the first category to include
#	cat2 - the last category to include
# eg. mplus.get.estimated_probabilities('ex8.4.gh5','process1',1,1)
mplus.get.estimated_probabilities <- function(file,procstr='process1',cat1=1,cat2=1) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  # check that the series exists
  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check that the series exists
  if (!("process_data" %in% names(gh5))) {
    stop("- requires series information\n\nUse the SERIES option in Mplus to specify series information for processes\nwith estimated probabilities.\n")

  # if cat2 is missing and cat1 is given, then we should assign cat2 to cat1.
  if (missing(cat2)) {
    if (!(missing(cat1))) {
      cat2 <- cat1

  allpnames <- attr(gh5$process_data,"names")
  pind <- pmatch(procstr, allpnames, nomatch=0)
  if (pind == 0) {
    cstr <- paste("- process does not exist:",procstr,"\n\n")

  # get the process
  proc <- gh5$process_data[[procstr]]

  # get the series type in properties
  cstr2 <- paste(c("process_data"),"/",procstr,"", sep="")
  prop <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr2,'properties')

  series_type <- prop[1]
  if ( !(series_type == 3) ) {
    cstr <- paste("- process does not have estimated probabilities:",procstr,"\n\n")

  # set up the array for the estimated probabilities
  dims <- attr(proc$time_scores,"dim")
  yy <- array(0, c(dims[1],dims[2]))

  # get indices and names of the variables in the series
  var_indices <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr2,'var_indices')
  var_names <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr2,'var_names')

  # get categorical data information then look up the variables in the process
  # in categorical_data so we can get the number of categories for each variable in the process
  # this would be achieved by categories[cat_indices[i]] for variable i in the process
  categories <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'categorical_data','categories')

  catvars <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'categorical_data','var_names')
  cat_indices <- pmatch(var_names, catvars, nomatch=0)

  # get the probabilities
  for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {
    for (j in c(1:dims[2])) {
      start_index <- sum(as.integer(categories[1:cat_indices[i]-1]))

      startk <- cat1 + start_index
      endk <- cat2 + start_index
      yy[i,j] <- sum(gh5$means_and_variances_data$estimated_probs$values[startk:endk,j])

  # return the probabilities

# mplus.get.sample_proportions - return sample proportions for the
# quoted process, summing up proportions of the first to the last category
# chosen
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	procstr - the quoted name of a series
#	cat1 - the first category to include
#	cat2 - the last category to include
# eg. mplus.get.sample_proportions('ex8.4.gh5','process1',1,1)
mplus.get.sample_proportions <-function(file,procstr='process1',cat1=1,cat2=1) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  # check that the series exists
  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check that the series exists
  if (!("process_data" %in% names(gh5))) {
    stop("- requires series information\n\nUse the SERIES option in Mplus to specify series information for processes\nwith sample proportions.\n")

  if (missing(procstr)) {
    stop("- requires the name of a series\n\nUse mplus.list.processes() to get the list of series processes.")

  # if cat2 is missing and cat1 is given, then we should assign cat2 to cat1.
  if (missing(cat2)) {
    if (!(missing(cat1))) {
      cat2 <- cat1

  allpnames <- attr(gh5$process_data,"names")
  pind <- pmatch(procstr, allpnames, nomatch=0)
  if (pind == 0) {
    cstr <- paste("- process does not exist:",procstr,"\n\n")

  # get the process
  proc <- gh5$process_data[[procstr]]

  # get the series type in properties
  cstr2 <- paste(c("process_data"),"/",procstr,"", sep="")
  prop <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr2,'properties')

  series_type <- prop[1]
  if ( ! (series_type == 3) ) {
    cstr <- paste("- process does not have sample proportions:",procstr,"\n\n")

  # set up the array for the sample proportions
  dims <- attr(proc$time_scores,"dim")
  # dims[1] is the number of time points, dims[2] is the number of classes
  yy <- array(0, c(dims[1],dims[2]))

  # get indices and names of the variables in the series
  var_indices <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr2,'var_indices')
  var_names <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr2,'var_names')

  # get categorical data information then look up the variables in the process
  # in categorical_data so we can get the number of categories for each variable in the process
  # this would be achieved by categories[cat_indices[i]] for variable i in the process
  categories <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'categorical_data','categories')
  categories <- as.integer(categories)

  catvars <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'categorical_data','var_names')
  cat_indices <- pmatch(var_names, catvars, nomatch=0)
  cat_indices <- as.integer(cat_indices)

  # get the proportions
  for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {
    for (j in c(1:dims[2])) {
      start_index <- sum(categories[1:cat_indices[i]-1])

      startk <- cat1 + start_index
      endk <- cat2 + start_index
      yy[i,j] <- sum(gh5$means_and_variances_data$observed_probs$values[startk:endk,j])

  # return the proportions

# mplus.list.variables - list the variables in individual data
# arguments: none
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
# eg. mplus.list.variables('ex8.1.gh5')
mplus.list.variables <- function(file) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if individual data exists
  if ( !("individual_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("mplus.list.variables requires individual data.\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT1 or TYPE=PLOT3 setting in Mplus to store individual data.")

  cat(c("\nList of variable names to use in the following functions:\n"))
  cat(c(" - mplus.plot.histogram\n"))
  cat(c(" - mplus.plot.scatterplot\n"))
  cat(c(" - mplus.get.data\n"))


  # get the variable names from individual_data and lookup the indices
  var_names <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file, 'individual_data', 'var_names')
  var_names <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", var_names, perl=TRUE)

# mplus.get.data - return the individual data for the quoted variable
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	v - name of variable to plot
# eg. mplus.get.data('ex8.1.gh5','y1')
mplus.get.data <- function(file,v) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  # check that the series exists
  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  if (!("individual_data" %in% names(gh5))) {
    stop("mplus.get.data requires individual data.\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT1 or TYPE=PLOT3 setting in Mplus to store individual data.")

  if (missing(v)) {
    stop("mplus.get.data requires the name of a variable.\n\nUse mplus.list.variables() to get the list of variable names.")

  # variables are stored in uppercase
  var <- toupper(v)

  # get the variable names from individual_data and lookup the indices
  var_names <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file, 'individual_data', 'var_names')

  index <- pmatch(var, var_names, nomatch=0)

  if (index == 0) {
    cstr <- paste(c("Unknown variable:"),var,"\n")

  # get the data for the variable
  xx <- gh5$individual_data$raw_data[index,]

# mplus.plot.scatterplot - plot the scatterplot for the 2 quoted variables
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	xv - name of variable on the x-axis
#	yv - name of variable on the y-axis
# eg. mplus.plot.scatterplot('ex8.1.gh5','y1','y2')
mplus.plot.scatterplot <- function(file, xv, yv) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if individual data exists
  if ( !("individual_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("mplus.plot.scatterplot requires individual data.\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT1 or TYPE=PLOT3 setting in Mplus to store individual data\nfor scatterplots.")

  if (missing(xv) || missing(yv)) {
    stop("mplus.plot.scatterplot requires the names of two variables.\n\nUse mplus.list.variables() to get the list of variable names.")

  # variables are stored in uppercase
  xvar <- toupper(xv)
  yvar <- toupper(yv)

  # get the variable names from individual_data and lookup the indices
  var_names <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file, 'individual_data', 'var_names')

  xindex <- pmatch(xvar, var_names, nomatch=0)
  yindex <- pmatch(yvar, var_names, nomatch=0)

  if (xindex == 0) {
    cstr <- paste(c("Unknown x-variable:"),xvar,"\n")
  if (yindex == 0) {
    cstr <- paste(c("Unknown y-variable:"),yvar,"\n")

  # get the data for the 2 variables
  xx <- mplus.get.data(file,xvar)
  yy <- mplus.get.data(file,yvar)


# mplus.plot.histogram - plot the histogram for the quoted variable, using the
# specified number of bins (the default is 10 bins)
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	v - name of variable to plot
#	bins - the number of bins to use
# eg. mplus.plot.histogram('y1',5)
mplus.plot.histogram <- function(file,v,bins=10) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if individual data exists
  if ( !("individual_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("mplus.plot.histogram requires individual data.\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT1 or TYPE=PLOT3 setting in Mplus to store individual data\nfor histograms.")

  if (missing(v)) {
    stop("mplus.plot.histogram requires the name of a variable.\n\nUse mplus.list.variables() to get the list of variable names.")

  # the number of bins should be greater than 0
  if (bins <= 0) {
    stop("The number of bins should be greater than 0.")

  # variables are stored in uppercase
  var <- toupper(v)

  # get the variable names from individual_data and lookup the indices
  var_names <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file, 'individual_data', 'var_names')

  index <- pmatch(var, var_names, nomatch=0)

  if (index == 0) {
    cstr <- paste(c("Unknown variable:"),var,"\n")

  xx <- mplus.get.data(file,v)
  cstr <- paste(c("Histogram of"),var)

# Functions for BAYESIAN plots

# mplus.list.bayesian.parameters - list the parameters in bayesian data
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
# eg. mplus.list.bayesian.parameters('ex8.1.gh5')
mplus.list.bayesian.parameters <- function(file) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if bayesian data exists
  if ( !("bayesian_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("mplus.list.bayesian.parameters requires bayesian data.\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2 setting in Mplus with a Bayesian analysis.")

  cat(c("\nList of parameters to use in the following functions:\n"))
  cat(c(" - mplus.plot.bayesian.trace_plots\n"))


  # get the parameter statements from bayesian_data and lookup the indices
  statements <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file, 'bayesian_data/parameters_autocorr', 'statements')
  statements <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", statements, perl=TRUE)

  nplaus <- length(statements)
  for (i in c(1:nplaus)) {
    cstr <- sprintf("[%d] %s", i, statements[i])

# mplus.get.bayesian.parameter.data - get the bayesian data for the given parameter/chain
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#   paramstr - the quoted name of a parameter or the parameter index
#	chainnum - the chain number
# eg. mplus.get.bayesian.parameter.data('ex8.1.gh5','parameter 1',1)
mplus.get.bayesian.parameter.data <- function(file,paramstr,chainnum) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if bayesian data exists
  if ( !("bayesian_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- requires bayesian data.\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2 setting in Mplus with a Bayesian analysis.")

  if (is.character(paramstr)) {
    statements <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file, 'bayesian_data/parameters_autocorr', 'statements')
    statements <- tolower(statements)
    paramstr <- tolower(paramstr)
    paramidx <- pmatch(paramstr, statements, nomatch=0)

    if (paramidx == 0) {
      cstr <- paste(c("Unknown parameter:"),paramstr,"\n")
  } else {
    # first dimension is the number of parameters
    # second dimension is the number of iterations
    # third dimension is the number of chains
    dims <- attr(gh5$bayesian_data$parameters_autocorr$parameters,"dim")

    paramidx <- paramstr
    if (paramidx < 1 || paramidx > dims[1]) {
      cstr <- paste("- parameter index is out of range: ",paramidx,"\n\nUse mplus.list.bayesian.parameters to see the list of parameters.\n")

  xx <- gh5$bayesian_data$parameters_autocorr$parameters[paramidx,,chainnum]

# mplus.get.bayesian.prior.parameter.data - get the prior data for the given parameter
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	paramstr - the quoted parameter label or the parameter index
# eg. mplus.get.bayesian.prior.parameter.data('ex8.1.gh5',1)
mplus.get.bayesian.prior.parameter.data <- function(file,paramstr) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if bayesian data exists
  if ( !("bayesian_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- requires bayesian data.\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2 setting in Mplus with a Bayesian analysis.")

  # first dimension is the number of parameters
  # second dimension is the number of priors
  dims <- attr(gh5$bayesian_data$parameters_autocorr$priors,"dim")

  if (is.character(paramstr)) {
    statements <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file, 'bayesian_data/parameters_autocorr', 'statements')
    statements <- tolower(statements)
    paramstr <- tolower(paramstr)
    paramidx <- pmatch(paramstr, statements, nomatch=0)

    if (paramidx == 0) {
      cstr <- paste(c("- unknown parameter:"),paramstr,"\n")
  } else {
    # first dimension is the number of parameters
    # second dimension is the number of priors
    dims <- attr(gh5$bayesian_data$parameters_autocorr$priors,"dim")

    paramidx <- paramstr
    if (paramidx < 1 || paramidx > dims[1]) {
      cstr <- paste("- parameter index is out of range: ",paramidx,"\n\nUse mplus.list.bayesian.parameters to see the list of parameters.\n")

  xx <- gh5$bayesian_data$parameters_autocorr$priors[,paramidx]

# mplus.get.bayesian.autocorrelation - get the autocorrelation data for the given parameter
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#   paramidx - the quoted parameter label
#   chainnum - the chain number
# eg. mplus.get.bayesian.autocorrelation('ex8.1.gh5','parameter 1',1)
mplus.get.bayesian.autocorrelation <- function(file,paramstr,chainnum=1) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if bayesian data exists
  if ( !("bayesian_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- requires bayesian data.\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2 setting in Mplus with a Bayesian analysis.")

  # first dimension is the number of autocorrelation
  # second dimension is the number of parameters
  # third dimension is the number of chains
  dims <- attr(gh5$bayesian_data$parameters_autocorr$autocorrelation,"dim")
  if (is.character(paramstr)) {
    statements <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file, 'bayesian_data/parameters_autocorr', 'statements')
    statements <- tolower(statements)
    paramstr <- tolower(paramstr)
    paramidx <- pmatch(paramstr, statements, nomatch=0)

    if (paramidx == 0) {
      cstr <- paste(c("Unknown parameter:"),paramstr,"\n")
  } else {
    paramidx <- paramstr
    if (paramidx < 1 || paramidx > dims[2]) {
      cstr <- paste("- parameter index is out of range: ",paramidx,"\n\nUse mplus.list.bayesian.parameters to see the list of parameters.\n")

  if (chainnum < 1 && chainnum > dims[3]) {
    cstr <- paste("- invalid chain number: ", chainnum,"\n\nThe chain number must be between 1 and ", dims[3], ".")

  xx <- gh5$bayesian_data$parameters_autocorr$autocorrelation[,paramidx,chainnum]

# mplus.plot.bayesian.traceplot - list the parameters in bayesian data
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#   paramstr - the quoted name of a parameter
# eg. mplus.plot.bayesian.traceplot('ex8.1.gh5','parameter 1')
mplus.plot.bayesian.traceplot <- function(file,paramstr) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if bayesian data exists
  if ( !("bayesian_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- requires bayesian data\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2 setting in Mplus with a Bayesian analysis.")

  # get the dimensions of parameters array
  # first dimension is the number of parameters
  # second dimension is the number of iterations
  # third dimension is the number of chains
  dims <- attr(gh5$bayesian_data$parameters_autocorr$parameters,"dim")

  statements <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file, 'bayesian_data/parameters_autocorr', 'statements')

  if (is.character(paramstr)) {
    lcstatements <- tolower(statements)
    paramstr <- tolower(paramstr)
    paramidx <- pmatch(paramstr, lcstatements, nomatch=0)

    if (paramidx == 0) {
      cstr <- paste(c("- unknown parameter:"),paramstr,"\n")
  } else {
    paramidx <- paramstr
    if (paramidx < 1 || paramidx > dims[1]) {
      cstr <- paste("- parameter index is out of range: ",paramidx,"\n\nUse mplus.list.bayesian.parameters to see the list of parameters.\n")
  label <- statements[paramidx]
  label <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", label, perl=TRUE)

  xx <- array(0, c(dims[2],dims[3]))
  yy <- array(0, c(dims[2],dims[3]))

  for (i in c(1:dims[3])) {
    yy[,i] <- mplus.get.bayesian.parameter.data(file, paramidx, i)
  for (i in c(1:dims[2])) {
    xx[i,] <- i

  colors <- rainbow(dims[3])

  ndist <- mplus.get.dataset.attribute(file, 'bayesian_data/parameters_autocorr/parameters', 'ndistribution')

  # plot the traceplot
  cstr <- paste("Trace plot of:",label)
  for (i in c(1:dims[3])) {

# mplus.plot.bayesian.distribution - plot the histogram for the parameter, using the
# specified number of bins (the default is 100 bins)
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	paramstr - the quoted name of the parameter
#	bins - the number of bins to use
# eg. mplus.plot.bayesian.distribution('bayes.gh5','parameter 1',50)
mplus.plot.bayesian.distribution <- function(file,paramstr,bins=100) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if bayesian data exists
  if ( !("bayesian_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- requires bayesian data\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2 setting in Mplus with a Bayesian analysis.")

  if (missing(paramstr)) {
    stop("- requires the parameter label or index.\n\nUse mplus.list.bayesian.parameters() to get the list of parameters.")

  # the number of bins should be greater than 0
  if (bins <= 0) {
    stop("The number of bins should be greater than 0.")

  # get the dimensions of parameters array
  # first dimension is the number of parameters
  # second dimension is the number of iterations
  # third dimension is the number of chains
  dims <- attr(gh5$bayesian_data$parameters_autocorr$parameters,"dim")

  statements <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file, 'bayesian_data/parameters_autocorr', 'statements')
  statements <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", statements, perl=TRUE)

  if (is.character(paramstr)) {
    lcstatements <- tolower(statements)
    paramstr <- tolower(paramstr)
    paramidx <- pmatch(paramstr, lcstatements, nomatch=0)

    if (paramidx == 0) {
      cstr <- paste(c("- unknown parameter:"),paramstr,"\n")
  } else {
    paramidx <- paramstr
    if (paramidx < 1 || paramidx > dims[1]) {
      cstr <- paste("Parameter index is out of range: ",paramidx,"\n\nUse mplus.list.bayesian.parameters to see the list of parameters.\n")
  label <- statements[paramidx]

  ndist <- mplus.get.dataset.attribute(file, 'bayesian_data/parameters_autocorr/parameters', 'ndistribution')

  yy <- array(0, c(dims[2],dims[3]))
  if (ndist == dims[2]) {
    xx <- array(0, c(dims[2]*dims[3]))
  } else {
    xx <- array(0, c((dims[2]-ndist)*dims[3]))

  for (i in c(1:dims[3])) {
    yy[,i] <- mplus.get.bayesian.parameter.data(file, paramidx, i)
  start <- 0
  for (i in c(1:dims[3])) {
    if (ndist == dims[2]) {
      for (j in c(1:dims[2])) {
        start <- start + 1
        #cstr <- paste(start, j, i)
        xx[start] <- yy[j,i]
    } else {
      for (j in c((ndist+1):dims[2])) {
        start <- start + 1
        #cstr <- paste(start, j, i)
        xx[start] <- yy[j,i]

  cstr <- paste(c("Distribution of:"),label)
  h <- hist(xx,breaks=seq(min(xx),max(xx),length=bins+1),col="red",main=cstr,xlab='Estimate',ylab='Count')

  xxmode <- h$mids[h$counts == max(h$counts)]
  xxmean <- mean(xx)
  xxsd <- sd(xx)
  xxmedian <- median(xx)

  left <- quantile(xx, 0.025)
  right <- quantile(xx, 0.975)


  modestr <- sprintf("Mode = %0.5f", xxmode)
  meanstr <- sprintf("Mean = %0.5f, Std Dev = %0.5f", xxmean, xxsd)
  medianstr <- sprintf("Median = %0.5f", xxmedian)
  lowci <- sprintf("95%% Lower CI = %0.5f", left)
  uppci <- sprintf("95%% Upper CI = %0.5f", right)
  ldesc <- c(meanstr, medianstr, modestr, lowci, uppci)

  lcol <- c('brown','purple','green','blue','blue')


# mplus.plot.bayesian.prior.distribution - plot the histogram for the parameter, using the
# specified number of bins (the default is 100 bins)
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	paramstr - the quoted name of the parameter
#	bins - the number of bins to use
# eg. mplus.plot.bayesian.prior.distribution('bayes.gh5','parameter 1',50)
mplus.plot.bayesian.prior.distribution <- function(file,paramstr,bins=100) {
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if bayesian data exists
  if ( !("bayesian_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- requires bayesian data\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2 setting in Mplus with a Bayesian analysis.")

  if (missing(paramstr)) {
    stop("- requires the parameter index\n\nUse mplus.list.bayesian.parameters() to get the list of parameters.")

  # the number of bins should be greater than 0
  if (bins <= 0) {
    stop("- the number of bins should be greater than 0")

  statements <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file, 'bayesian_data/parameters_autocorr', 'statements')
  statements <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", statements, perl=TRUE)

  # get the dimensions of parameters array
  # first dimension is the number of parameters
  # second dimension is the number of priors
  dims <- attr(gh5$bayesian_data$parameters_autocorr$priors,"dim")

  if (is.character(paramstr)) {
    lcstatements <- tolower(statements)
    paramstr <- tolower(paramstr)
    paramidx <- pmatch(paramstr, lcstatements, nomatch=0)

    if (paramidx == 0) {
      cstr <- paste(c("- unknown parameter:"),paramstr,"\n")
  } else {
    paramidx <- paramstr
    if (paramidx < 1 || paramidx > dims[1]) {
      cstr <- paste("- parameter index is out of range: ",paramidx,"\n\nUse mplus.list.bayesian.parameters to see the list of parameters.\n")
  plabel <- statements[paramidx]

  xx <- mplus.get.bayesian.prior.parameter.data(file, paramidx)

  if (min(xx) == 999 && max(xx) == 999) {
    stop("- prior distributions for this parameter cannot be displayed because the prior is improper")
  } else if (min(xx) == 998 && max(xx) == 998) {
    stop("- prior distributions for this parameter are not available")

  cstr <- paste(c("Prior distribution of:"),plabel)
  h <- hist(xx,breaks=seq(min(xx),max(xx),length=bins+1),col="red",main=cstr,xlab='Estimate',ylab='Count')

  xxmode <- h$mids[h$counts == max(h$counts)]
  xxmean <- mean(xx)
  xxsd <- sd(xx)
  xxmedian <- median(xx)

  left <- quantile(xx, 0.025)
  right <- quantile(xx, 0.975)


  modestr <- sprintf("Mode = %0.5f", xxmode)
  meanstr <- sprintf("Mean = %0.5f, Std Dev = %0.5f", xxmean, xxsd)
  medianstr <- sprintf("Median = %0.5f", xxmedian)
  lowci <- sprintf("95%% Lower CI = %0.5f", left)
  uppci <- sprintf("95%% Upper CI = %0.5f", right)
  ldesc <- c(meanstr, medianstr, modestr, lowci, uppci)

  lcol <- c('brown','purple','green','blue','blue')


# mplus.plot.bayesian.autocorrelation - plot the autocorrelation histogram for the parameter
#	for the given chain
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	paramstr - the quoted name of the parameter
#	chainnum - the chain number
# eg. mplus.plot.bayesian.autocorrelation('bayes.gh5','parameter 1',1)
mplus.plot.bayesian.autocorrelation <- function(file,paramstr,chainnum=1) {
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if bayesian data exists
  if ( !("bayesian_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- requires bayesian dat.\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2 setting in Mplus with a Bayesian analysis.")

  if (missing(paramstr)) {
    stop("- requires the parameter label\n\nUse mplus.list.bayesian.parameters() to get the list of parameters.")

  # get the dimensions of parameters array
  # first dimension is the number of autocorrelations
  # second dimension is the number of parameters
  # third dimension is the number of chains
  dims <- attr(gh5$bayesian_data$parameters_autocorr$autocorrelation,"dim")

  statements <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file, 'bayesian_data/parameters_autocorr', 'statements')

  if (is.character(paramstr)) {
    lcstatements <- tolower(statements)
    paramstr <- tolower(paramstr)
    paramidx <- pmatch(paramstr, lcstatements, nomatch=0)

    if (paramidx == 0) {
      cstr <- paste(c("- unknown parameter:"),paramstr,"\n")
  } else {
    paramidx <- paramstr
    if (paramidx < 1 || paramidx > dims[2]) {
      cstr <- paste("- parameter index is out of range: ",paramidx,"\n\nUse mplus.list.bayesian.parameters to see the list of parameters.\n")
  plabel <- statements[paramidx]

  if (chainnum < 1 && chainnum > dims[3]) {
    cstr <- paste("- invalid chain number: ", chainnum,"\n\nThe chain number must be between 1 and ", dims[3], ".")

  yy <- mplus.get.bayesian.autocorrelation(file,paramidx,chainnum)
  xx <- as.character(1:dims[1])

  cstr <- paste(c("Autocorrelation (chain "),format(chainnum),c("): "),plabel)


# mplus.list.bayesian.predictive.labels - list the parameters in bayesian data
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
# eg. mplus.list.bayesian.predictive.labels('ex8.1.gh5')
mplus.list.bayesian.predictive.labels <- function(file) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if bayesian data exists
  if ( !("bayesian_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- requires bayesian data\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2 setting in Mplus with a Bayesian analysis.")

  cat(c("\nList of parameters to use in the following functions:\n"))
  cat(c(" - mplus.plot.bayesian.predictive.scatterplots\n"))
  cat(c(" - mplus.plot.bayesian.predictive.distribution\n"))

  cat(c("\nPredictive labels:\n"))

  # get the parameter statements from bayesian_data and lookup the indices
  statements <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file, 'bayesian_data/predictive', 'labels')
  statements <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", statements, perl=TRUE)

# mplus.get.bayesian.predictive.observed - get the predictive observed data
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	plabel - the quoted name of the parameter
# eg. mplus.get.bayesian.predictive.observed('bayes.gh5','parameter 1')
mplus.get.bayesian.predictive.observed <- function(file,plabel) {
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if bayesian data exists
  if ( !("bayesian_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- requires bayesian data\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2 setting in Mplus with a Bayesian analysis.")

  if (missing(plabel)) {
    stop("- requires the predictive label\n\nUse mplus.list.bayesian.parameters() to get the list of parameters.")

  if (is.character(plabel)) {
    statements <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file, 'bayesian_data/predictive', 'labels')
    statements <- tolower(statements)
    plabel <- tolower(plabel)
    paramidx <- pmatch(plabel, statements, nomatch=0)

    if (paramidx == 0) {
      cstr <- paste(c("- unknown predictive label:"),plabel,"\n")
  } else {
    # get the dimensions of parameters array
    # first dimension is the number of ???
    # second dimension is the number of predictive labels
    dims <- attr(gh5$bayesian_data$predictive$observed,"dim")

    paramidx <- plabel
    if (paramidx < 1 || paramidx > dims[2]) {
      cstr <- paste("- predictive label index is out of range: ",paramidx,"\n\nUse mplus.list.bayesian.parameters to see the list of parameters.\n")

  xx <- gh5$bayesian_data$predictive$observed[,paramidx]

# mplus.get.bayesian.predictive.replicated - get the predictive replicated data
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	plabel - the quoted name of the parameter
# eg. mplus.get.bayesian.predictive.replicated('bayes.gh5','parameter 1')
mplus.get.bayesian.predictive.replicated <- function(file,plabel) {
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if bayesian data exists
  if ( !("bayesian_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- requires bayesian data\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2 setting in Mplus with a Bayesian analysis.")

  if (missing(plabel)) {
    stop("- requires the predictive label\n\nUse mplus.list.bayesian.parameters() to get the list of parameters.")

  if (is.character(plabel)) {
    statements <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file, 'bayesian_data/predictive', 'labels')
    statements <- tolower(statements)
    plabel <- tolower(plabel)
    paramidx <- pmatch(plabel, statements, nomatch=0)

    if (paramidx == 0) {
      cstr <- paste(c("- unknown predictive label:"),plabel,"\n")
  } else {
    # get the dimensions of parameters array
    # first dimension is the number of ???
    # second dimension is the number of predictive labels
    dims <- attr(gh5$bayesian_data$predictive$replicated,"dim")

    paramidx <- plabel
    if (paramidx < 1 || paramidx > dims[2]) {
      cstr <- paste("- predictive label index is out of range: ",paramidx,"\n\nUse mplus.list.bayesian.parameters to see the list of parameters.\n")

  xx <- gh5$bayesian_data$predictive$replicated[,paramidx]

# mplus.get.bayesian.predictive.lowerci - get the predictive lower CI
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	plabel - the quoted name of the parameter
# eg. mplus.get.bayesian.predictive.lowerci('bayes.gh5','parameter 1')
mplus.get.bayesian.predictive.lowerci <- function(file,plabel) {
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if bayesian data exists
  if ( !("bayesian_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- requires bayesian data\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2 setting in Mplus with a Bayesian analysis.")

  if (missing(plabel)) {
    stop("- requires the predictive label\n\nUse mplus.list.bayesian.parameters() to get the list of parameters.")

  if (is.character(plabel)) {
    statements <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file, 'bayesian_data/predictive', 'labels')
    statements <- tolower(statements)
    plabel <- tolower(plabel)
    paramidx <- pmatch(plabel, statements, nomatch=0)

    if (paramidx == 0) {
      cstr <- paste(c("- unknown predictive label:"),plabel,"\n")
  } else {
    # get the dimensions of parameters array
    # first dimension is the number of pvalues
    # second dimension is the number of predictive labels
    dims <- attr(gh5$bayesian_data$predictive$pvalues,"dim")

    paramidx <- plabel
    if (paramidx < 1 || paramidx > dims[2]) {
      cstr <- paste("- predictive label index is out of range: ",paramidx,"\n\nUse mplus.list.bayesian.parameters to see the list of parameters.\n")


# mplus.get.bayesian.predictive.upperci - get the predictive upper CI
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	plabel - the quoted name of the parameter
# eg. mplus.get.bayesian.predictive.upperci('bayes.gh5','parameter 1')
mplus.get.bayesian.predictive.upperci <- function(file,plabel) {
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if bayesian data exists
  if ( !("bayesian_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- requires bayesian data\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2 setting in Mplus with a Bayesian analysis.")

  if (missing(plabel)) {
    stop("- requires the predictive label\n\nUse mplus.list.bayesian.parameters() to get the list of parameters.")

  if (is.character(plabel)) {
    statements <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file, 'bayesian_data/predictive', 'labels')
    statements <- tolower(statements)
    plabel <- tolower(plabel)
    paramidx <- pmatch(plabel, statements, nomatch=0)

    if (paramidx == 0) {
      cstr <- paste(c("- unknown predictive label:"),plabel,"\n")
  } else {
    # get the dimensions of parameters array
    # first dimension is the number of pvalues
    # second dimension is the number of predictive labels
    dims <- attr(gh5$bayesian_data$predictive$pvalues,"dim")

    paramidx <- plabel
    if (paramidx < 1 || paramidx > dims[2]) {
      cstr <- paste("- predictive label index is out of range: ",paramidx,"\n\nUse mplus.list.bayesian.parameters to see the list of parameters.\n")


# mplus.get.bayesian.predictive.pvalue - get the predictive pvalue
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	plabel - the quoted name of the parameter
# eg. mplus.get.bayesian.predictive.pvalue('bayes.gh5','parameter 1')
mplus.get.bayesian.predictive.pvalue <- function(file,plabel) {
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if bayesian data exists
  if ( !("bayesian_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- requires bayesian data\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2 setting in Mplus with a Bayesian analysis.")

  if (missing(plabel)) {
    stop("- requires the predictive label\n\nUse mplus.list.bayesian.parameters() to get the list of parameters.")

  if (is.character(plabel)) {
    statements <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file, 'bayesian_data/predictive', 'labels')
    statements <- tolower(statements)
    plabel <- tolower(plabel)
    paramidx <- pmatch(plabel, statements, nomatch=0)

    if (paramidx == 0) {
      cstr <- paste(c("- unknown predictive label:"),plabel,"\n")
  } else {
    # get the dimensions of parameters array
    # first dimension is the number of pvalues
    # second dimension is the number of predictive labels
    dims <- attr(gh5$bayesian_data$predictive$pvalues,"dim")

    paramidx <- plabel
    if (paramidx < 1 || paramidx > dims[2]) {
      cstr <- paste("- predictive label index is out of range: ",paramidx,"\n\nUse mplus.list.bayesian.parameters to see the list of parameters.\n")


# mplus.get.bayesian.predictive.pvalue_type - get the predictive pvalue type
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	plabel - the quoted name of the parameter
# eg. mplus.get.bayesian.predictive.pvalue_type('bayes.gh5','parameter 1')
mplus.get.bayesian.predictive.pvalue_type <- function(file,plabel) {
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if bayesian data exists
  if ( !("bayesian_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- requires bayesian data\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2 setting in Mplus with a Bayesian analysis.")

  if (missing(plabel)) {
    stop("- requires the predictive label\n\nUse mplus.list.bayesian.parameters() to get the list of parameters.")

  ptypes <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'/bayesian_data/predictive','types')

  if (is.character(plabel)) {
    statements <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file, 'bayesian_data/predictive', 'labels')
    statements <- tolower(statements)
    plabel <- tolower(plabel)
    paramidx <- pmatch(plabel, statements, nomatch=0)

    if (paramidx == 0) {
      cstr <- paste(c("- unknown predictive label:"),plabel,"\n")
  } else {
    # get the dimensions of parameters array
    # first dimension is the number of pvalues
    dims <- attr(ptypes,"dim")

    paramidx <- plabel
    if (paramidx < 1 || paramidx > dims[1]) {
      cstr <- paste("- predictive label index is out of range: ",paramidx,"\n\nUse mplus.list.bayesian.parameters to see the list of parameters.\n")


# mplus.plot.bayesian.predictive.scatterplot - plot the predictive checking scatterplot
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	plabel - the predictive label
# eg. mplus.plot.bayesian.predictive.scatterplot('bayes.gh5','label 1')
mplus.plot.bayesian.predictive.scatterplot <- function(file,plabel) {
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if bayesian data exists
  if ( !("bayesian_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- requires bayesian data\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2 setting in Mplus with a Bayesian analysis.")

  if (missing(plabel)) {
    stop("- requires the predictive label\n\nUse mplus.list.bayesian.parameters() to get the list of parameters.")

  statements <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file, 'bayesian_data/predictive', 'labels')
  statements <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", statements, perl=TRUE)

  dims <- attr(statements,"dim")

  if (is.character(plabel)) {
    lcstatements <- tolower(statements)
    plabel <- tolower(plabel)
    paramidx <- pmatch(plabel, lcstatements, nomatch=0)

    if (paramidx == 0) {
      cstr <- paste(c("- unknown predictive label:"),plabel,"\n")
  } else {
    paramidx <- plabel
    if (paramidx < 1 || paramidx > dims[1]) {
      cstr <- paste("- predictive label index is out of range: ",paramidx,"\n\nUse mplus.list.bayesian.parameters to see the list of parameters.\n")

  rep <- mplus.get.bayesian.predictive.replicated(file,paramidx)
  obs <- mplus.get.bayesian.predictive.observed(file,paramidx)

  omin <- min(obs)
  omax <- max(obs)

  rmin <- min(rep)
  rmax <- max(rep)

  if (omin < rmin) {
    rmin <- omin
  if (omax > rmax) {
    rmax <- omax

  #	print(rmin)
  #	print(rmax)

  lowci <- mplus.get.bayesian.predictive.lowerci(file,paramidx)
  uppci <- mplus.get.bayesian.predictive.upperci(file,paramidx)
  pval <- mplus.get.bayesian.predictive.pvalue(file,paramidx)
  ptype <- mplus.get.bayesian.predictive.pvalue_type(file,paramidx)

  if (ptype == -1) {
    text2 <- "(Proportion of Points in the Lower Right Half)";
  else if (ptype == 1) {
    text2 <- "(Proportion of Points in the Upper Left Half)";
  } else {
    text2 <- "(Smallest Proportion of Points in the Upper versus Lower Halves)";

  #ldesc <- sprintf("95%% Confidence Interval for the Difference\n%0.3f     %0.3f\nPosterior Predictive P-Value %0.3f\n%s",
  #		lowci, uppci, pval, text2)

  #mtext(ldesc, side=3)

  line1 <- sprintf("95%% Confidence Interval for the Difference")
  line2 <- sprintf("            %0.3f     %0.3f                ", lowci, uppci)
  line3 <- sprintf("")
  line4 <- sprintf("   Posterior Predictive P-Value %0.3f      ", pval)
  line5 <- sprintf("")
  line6 <- text2

  ldesc <- c(line1,line2,line3,line4,line5,line6)


# mplus.plot.bayesian.predictive.distribution - plot the predictive checking distribution
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	plabel - the predictive label
#	bins - the number of bins, default is 10
# eg. mplus.plot.bayesian.predictive.distribution('bayes.gh5','label 1')
mplus.plot.bayesian.predictive.distribution <- function(file,plabel,bins=100) {
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if bayesian data exists
  if ( !("bayesian_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- requires bayesian data\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2 setting in Mplus with a Bayesian analysis.")

  if (missing(plabel)) {
    stop("- requires the index of the predictive label\n\nUse mplus.list.bayesian.predictive.labels() to get the list of parameters.")

  statements <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file, 'bayesian_data/predictive', 'labels')
  statements <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", statements, perl=TRUE)

  dims <- attr(statements,"dim")

  if (is.character(plabel)) {
    lcstatements <- tolower(statements)
    plabel <- tolower(plabel)
    paramidx <- pmatch(plabel, lcstatements, nomatch=0)

    if (paramidx == 0) {
      cstr <- paste(c("- unknown predictive label:"),plabel,"\n")
  } else {
    paramidx <- plabel
    if (paramidx < 1 || paramidx > dims[1]) {
      cstr <- paste("- predictive label index is out of range: ",paramidx,"\n\nUse mplus.list.bayesian.parameters to see the list of parameters.\n")

  rep <- mplus.get.bayesian.predictive.replicated(file,paramidx)
  obs <- mplus.get.bayesian.predictive.observed(file,paramidx)

  omin <- min(obs)
  omax <- max(obs)

  rmin <- min(rep)
  rmax <- max(rep)

  if (omin < rmin) {
    rmin <- omin
  if (omax > rmax) {
    rmax <- omax

  npred <- length(rep)
  vals <- array(c(npred))
  for (i in c(1:npred)) {
    vals[i] <- obs[i] - rep[i]
  hist(vals,breaks=seq(min(vals),max(vals),length=bins+1),col="red",main=statements[paramidx],xlab='Observed - Replicated',ylab='Count')

  xxmedian <- median(vals)

  #	print(rmin)
  #	print(rmax)

  lowci <- mplus.get.bayesian.predictive.lowerci(file,paramidx)
  uppci <- mplus.get.bayesian.predictive.upperci(file,paramidx)
  pval <- mplus.get.bayesian.predictive.pvalue(file,paramidx)

  #ldesc <- sprintf("95%% Confidence Interval for the Difference\n%0.3f     %0.3f\nPosterior Predictive P-Value %0.3f\n%s",
  #		lowci, uppci, pval, text2)

  #mtext(ldesc, side=3)

  line1 <- sprintf("95%% Confidence Interval for the Difference")
  line2 <- sprintf("            %0.3f     %0.3f                ", lowci, uppci)
  line3 <- sprintf("")
  line4 <- sprintf("   Posterior Predictive P-Value %0.3f      ", pval)

  ldesc <- c(line1,line2,line3,line4)

# mplus.list.bayesian.plausible.labels - list the plausible labels in bayesian data
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
# eg. mplus.list.bayesian.plausible.labels('ex8.1.gh5')
mplus.list.bayesian.plausible.labels <- function(file) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if bayesian data exists
  if ( !("bayesian_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("mplus.list.bayesian.plausible.labels requires bayesian data and factor scores.\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT3 and the FACTORS option in Mplus with a Bayesian analysis.")

  # check if plausible exists
  if ( !("plausible" %in% names(gh5$bayesian_data)) ) {
    stop("mplus.list.bayesian.plausible.labels requires bayesian data factor scores.\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT3 and the FACTORS option in Mplus with a Bayesian analysis.")

  cat(c("\nList of labels to use in the following functions:\n"))
  cat(c(" - mplus.plot.bayesian.plausible.distribution\n"))

  cat(c("\nPlausible labels:\n"))

  # get the parameter statements from bayesian_data and lookup the indices
  statements <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file, 'bayesian_data/plausible', 'plauslabels')
  statements <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", statements, perl=TRUE)

  nplaus <- length(statements)
  for (i in c(1:nplaus)) {
    cstr <- sprintf("[%d] %s", i, statements[i])
  #	cat(statements,sep="\n")

# mplus.get.bayesian.plausible.data - get plausible data for the given plausible label
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	plauslabel - the plausible label or the index of the plausible label
#	obs - the observation index or 0 for overall
# eg. mplus.get.bayesian.plausible.data('ex8.1.gh5',1,obs)
mplus.get.bayesian.plausible.data <- function(file,plauslabel,obs=0) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if bayesian data exists
  if ( !("bayesian_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- requires bayesian data and factor scores\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT3 and the FACTORS option in Mplus with a Bayesian analysis.")

  # check if plausible exists
  if ( !("plausible" %in% names(gh5$bayesian_data)) ) {
    stop("- requires bayesian data and factor scores\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT3 and the FACTORS option in Mplus with a Bayesian analysis.")

  if (missing(plauslabel)) {
    stop("- requires the plausible label\n\nUse mplus.list.bayesian.plausible.labels() to get the list of plausible labels.")

  if (is.character(plauslabel)) {
    labels <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'bayesian_data/plausible','plauslabels')
    labels <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", labels, perl=TRUE)
    labels <- tolower(labels)
    plauslabel <- tolower(plauslabel)
    paramidx <- pmatch(plauslabel, labels, nomatch=0)

    if (paramidx == 0) {
      cstr <- paste(c("- unknown plausible label:"),plauslabel,"\n")
  } else {
    # get the dimensions of plausible array
    # first dimension is the number of observations
    # second dimension is the number of imputations
    # third dimension is the number of labels
    dims <- attr(gh5$bayesian_data$plausible$plausible,"dim")

    paramidx <- plauslabel
    if (paramidx < 1 || paramidx > dims[3]) {
      cstr <- paste("- plausible label index is out of range: ",paramidx,"\n\nUse mplus.list.bayesian.plausible.labels to see the list of plausible labels.\n")

  if (obs == 0) {
    xx <- array(0, c(dims[1]*dims[2]))
    start <- 0
    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {
      for (j in c(1:dims[2])) {
        start <- start + 1
        xx[start] <- gh5$bayesian_data$plausible$plausible[i,j,paramidx]
  } else {
    xx <- gh5$bayesian_data$plausible$plausible[obs,,paramidx]

# mplus.plot.bayesian.plausible.distribution - plot the histogram for the plausible label, using the
# specified number of bins (the default is 100 bins for overall and 10 for a specific observation)
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	paramstr - name or index of variable to plot
#	obs - the observation number or 0
#	bins - the number of bins to use
# eg. mplus.plot.bayesian.plausible.distribution('bayes.gh5',1,0)
mplus.plot.bayesian.plausible.distribution <- function(file,plauslabel,obs=0,bins=100) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if bayesian data exists
  if ( !("bayesian_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- requires bayesian data and factor scores\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT3 and the FACTORS option in Mplus with a Bayesian analysis.")

  # check if plausible exists
  if ( !("plausible" %in% names(gh5$bayesian_data)) ) {
    stop("- requires bayesian data and factor scores\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT3 and the FACTORS option in Mplus with a Bayesian analysis.")

  if (missing(plauslabel)) {
    stop("- requires the index of the plausible label\n\nUse mplus.list.bayesian.plausible.labels() to get the list of plausible labels.")

  if (missing(bins)) {
    if (obs == 0) {
      bins = 100
    } else {
      bins = 10

  # the number of bins should be greater than 0
  if (bins <= 0) {
    stop("- the number of bins should be greater than 0")

  labels <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'bayesian_data/plausible','plauslabels')
  labels <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", labels, perl=TRUE)
  adim <- attr(labels,'dim')

  if (is.character(plauslabel)) {
    lclabels <- tolower(labels)
    plauslabel <- tolower(plauslabel)
    paramidx <- pmatch(plauslabel, lclabels, nomatch=0)

    if (paramidx == 0) {
      cstr <- paste(c("- unknown plausible label:"),plauslabel,"\n")
  } else {
    paramidx <- plauslabel
    if (paramidx < 1 || paramidx > adim[1]) {
      cstr <- paste("- plausible index is out of range: ",paramidx,"\n\nUse mplus.list.bayesian.plausible.labels to see the list of plausible labels.\n")

  xx <- mplus.get.bayesian.plausible.data(file,paramidx,obs)

  xxmax <- max(xx)
  xxmin <- min(xx)
  #	print(xxmax)
  #	print(xxmin)

  if (obs == 0) {
    cstr <- paste(c("Overall distribution of"),labels[paramidx])
  } else {
    cstr <- sprintf("Distribution of %s for Individual %d", labels[paramidx], obs)
  h <- hist(xx,breaks=seq(min(xx),max(xx),length=bins+1),col="red",main=cstr,xlab='Estimate',ylab='Count')

  xxmode <- h$mids[h$counts == max(h$counts)]
  xxmean <- mean(xx)
  xxsd <- sd(xx)
  xxmedian <- median(xx)

  left <- quantile(xx, 0.025,type=3)
  right <- quantile(xx, 0.975,type=3)


  modestr <- sprintf("Mode = %0.5f", xxmode)
  meanstr <- sprintf("Mean = %0.5f, Std Dev = %0.5f", xxmean, xxsd)
  medianstr <- sprintf("Median = %0.5f", xxmedian)
  lowci <- sprintf("95%% Lower CI = %0.5f", left)
  uppci <- sprintf("95%% Upper CI = %0.5f", right)
  ldesc <- c(meanstr, medianstr, modestr, lowci, uppci)

  lcol <- c('brown','purple','green','blue','blue')


# Functions for LOOP PLOT

# mplus.list.loop.labels - list the loop variables
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
# eg. mplus.list.loop.labels('ex8.1.gh5')
mplus.list.loop.labels <- function(file) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if loop data exists
  if ( !("loop_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("mplus.list.loop.labels requires loop data.\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2 and the PLOT/LOOP keywords in MODEL CONSTRAINT or use the MOD keyword in MODEL INDIRECT.")

  cat(c("\nList of loop labels to use in the following functions:\n"))
  cat(c(" - mplus.plot.loop\n"))
  cat(c(" - mplus.get.loop.estimates\n"))
  cat(c(" - mplus.get.loop.lowerci\n"))
  cat(c(" - mplus.get.loop.upperci\n"))
  cat(c(" - mplus.get.loop.xvalues\n"))

  cat(c("\nLoop labels:\n"))

  # get the parameter statements from loop_data and lookup the indices
  statements <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file, 'loop_data', 'labels')
  statements <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", statements, perl=TRUE)

  nplaus <- length(statements)
  for (i in c(1:nplaus)) {
    cstr <- sprintf("[%d] %s", i, statements[i])
  #	cat(statements,sep="\n")

# mplus.get.loop.estimates - get the estimates for the given loop label
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	loopstr - the quoted loop label
# eg. mplus.get.loop.estimates('ex8.1.gh5','indirect')
mplus.get.loop.estimates <- function(file,loopstr=1) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- - name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste(" - file does not exist:",file)

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if loop data exists
  if ( !("loop_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop(" - requires loop data\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2 and the PLOT/LOOP keywords in MODEL CONSTRAINT.")

  if (missing(loopstr)) {

  if (is.character(loopstr)) {
    labels <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'loop_data','labels')
    labels <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", labels, perl=TRUE)
    labels <- tolower(labels)
    loopstr <- tolower(loopstr)
    loopidx <- pmatch(loopstr, labels, nomatch=0)

    if (loopidx == 0) {
      cstr <- paste(c("- unknown loop label:"),loopstr,"\n")
  } else {
    # get the dimensions of the estimates dataset
    # first dimension is the number of loop labels
    # second dimension is the number of x points
    dims <- attr(gh5$loop_data$estimates,'dim')

    loopidx <- loopstr
    if (loopidx <= 0 || loopidx > dims[1]) {
      cstr <- paste(" - loop index is out of range: ",loopidx,"\n\nUse mplus.list.loop.labels to see the list of loop labels.\n")


# mplus.get.loop.lowerci - get the lower CI values for the given loop label
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	loopstr - the quoted loop label
# eg. mplus.get.loop.lowerci('ex8.1.gh5','indirect')
mplus.get.loop.lowerci <- function(file,loopstr=1) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- - name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste(" - file does not exist:",file)

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if loop data exists
  if ( !("loop_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop(" - requires loop data\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2 and the PLOT/LOOP keywords in MODEL CONSTRAINT.")

  if (missing(loopstr)) {

  if (is.character(loopstr)) {
    labels <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'loop_data','labels')
    labels <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", labels, perl=TRUE)
    labels <- tolower(labels)
    loopstr <- tolower(loopstr)
    loopidx <- pmatch(loopstr, labels, nomatch=0)

    if (loopidx == 0) {
      cstr <- paste(c("- unknown loop label:"),loopstr,"\n")
  } else {
    # get the dimensions of the estimates dataset
    # first dimension is the number of loop labels
    # second dimension is the number of x points
    dims <- attr(gh5$loop_data$estimates,'dim')

    loopidx <- loopstr
    if (loopidx <= 0 || loopidx > dims[1]) {
      cstr <- paste(" - loop index is out of range: ",loopidx,"\n\nUse mplus.list.loop.labels to see the list of loop labels.\n")


# mplus.get.loop.upperci - get the upper CI values for the given loop label
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	loopstr - the quoted loop label
# eg. mplus.get.loop.upperci('ex8.1.gh5','indirect')
mplus.get.loop.upperci <- function(file,loopstr=1) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- - name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste(" - file does not exist:",file)

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if loop data exists
  if ( !("loop_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop(" - requires loop data\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2 and the PLOT/LOOP keywords in MODEL CONSTRAINT.")

  if (missing(loopstr)) {

  if (is.character(loopstr)) {
    labels <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'loop_data','labels')
    labels <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", labels, perl=TRUE)
    labels <- tolower(labels)
    loopstr <- tolower(loopstr)
    loopidx <- pmatch(loopstr, labels, nomatch=0)

    if (loopidx == 0) {
      cstr <- paste(c("- unknown loop label:"),loopstr,"\n")
  } else {
    # get the dimensions of the estimates dataset
    # first dimension is the number of loop labels
    # second dimension is the number of x points
    dims <- attr(gh5$loop_data$estimates,'dim')

    loopidx <- loopstr
    if (loopidx <= 0 || loopidx > dims[1]) {
      cstr <- paste(" - loop index is out of range: ",loopidx,"\n\nUse mplus.list.loop.labels to see the list of loop labels.\n")


# mplus.get.loop.xvalues - get the x points for the loop plots
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
# eg. mplus.get.loop.xvalues('ex8.1.gh5')
mplus.get.loop.xvalues <- function(file) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if loop data exists
  if ( !("loop_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("mplus.get.loop.upperci requires loop data.\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2 and the PLOT/LOOP keywords in MODEL CONSTRAINT.")


# mplus.plot.loop - plot the loop label
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	loopvar - the index of the loop label
# eg. mplus.plot.loop('ex8.1.gh5',1)
mplus.plot.loop <- function(file,loopstr=1) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if loop data exists
  if ( !("loop_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("requires loop data.\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2 and the PLOT/LOOP keywords in MODEL CONSTRAINT.")

  if (missing(loopstr)) {

  # get the dimensions of the estimates dataset
  # first dimension is the number of loop labels
  # second dimension is the number of x points
  props <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'loop_data','properties')

  # get the parameter statements from loop_data and lookup the indices
  labels <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file, 'loop_data', 'labels')
  labels <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", labels, perl=TRUE)
  labels <- tolower(labels)

  if (length(loopstr) > 1) {
    loopindices <- vector()
    num_loop <- length(loopstr)
    for (r in c(1:num_loop)) {
      var <- loopstr[r]
      if (is.character(var)) {
        var <- tolower(var)
        index <- pmatch(var, labels, nomatch=0)
        if (index == 0) {
          cstr <- sprintf("Unknown indicator:  %s\n", var)
        loopindices[r] = index
      } else {
        if (var <= 0 || var > props[1]) {
          cstr <- paste("Loop index is out of range: ",var,"\n\nUse mplus.list.loop.labels to see the list of loop labels.\n")
        loopindices[r] = var

    labels <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file, 'loop_data', 'labels')
    labels <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", labels, perl=TRUE)

    loopvar <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'loop_data','loop_variable')
    loopvar <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", loopvar, perl=TRUE)

    xx <- array(0,c(3*num_loop,props[2]))
    yy <- array(0,c(3*num_loop,props[2]))

    for (r in c(1:num_loop)) {
      loopidx <- loopindices[r]
      xx[1*r,] <- mplus.get.loop.xvalues(file)
      xx[2*r,] <- mplus.get.loop.xvalues(file)
      xx[3*r,] <- mplus.get.loop.xvalues(file)

      yy[1*r,] <- mplus.get.loop.estimates(file,loopidx)
      yy[2*r,] <- mplus.get.loop.lowerci(file,loopidx)
      yy[3*r,] <- mplus.get.loop.upperci(file,loopidx)

    # plot the loop
    cstr <- paste("Loop plots")

    colors <- rainbow(num_loop)
    linetype <- c(1:num_loop)
    plotchar <- seq(18,18+num_loop,1)

    for (r in c(1:num_loop)) {
      lines(xx[1*r,],yy[1*r,],col=colors[r], pch=plotchar[r])
      lines(xx[2*r,],yy[2*r,],type='l',lty=linetype[r], col=colors[r], pch=plotchar[r])
      lines(xx[3*r,],yy[3*r,],type='l',lty=linetype[r], col=colors[r], pch=plotchar[r])

    grid(NULL, NULL, lty=6, col='cornsilk2')

    ldesc <- array(0,c(num_loop))
    lty <- array(0,c(num_loop))
    lwd <- array(0,c(num_loop))
    for (i in c(1:num_loop)) {
      ldesc[i] <- sprintf("%s", labels[i])
      lty[i] = 1
      lwd[i] = 2.5

  } else if (is.character(loopstr)) {
    loopstr <- tolower(loopstr)
    loopidx <- pmatch(loopstr, labels, nomatch=0)

    if (loopidx == 0) {
      cstr <- paste(c("Unknown loop label:"),loopstr,"\n")
  } else {
    if (loopstr <= 0 || loopstr > props[1]) {
      cstr <- paste("Loop index is out of range: ",loopvar,"\n\nUse mplus.list.loop.labels to see the list of loop labels.\n")
    loopidx <- loopstr

  labels <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file, 'loop_data', 'labels')
  labels <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", labels, perl=TRUE)

  loopvar <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'loop_data','loop_variable')
  loopvar <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", loopvar, perl=TRUE)

  xx <- array(0,c(3,props[2]))
  xx[1,] <- mplus.get.loop.xvalues(file)
  xx[2,] <- mplus.get.loop.xvalues(file)
  xx[3,] <- mplus.get.loop.xvalues(file)

  yy <- array(0,c(3,props[2]))
  yy[1,] <- mplus.get.loop.estimates(file,loopidx)
  yy[2,] <- mplus.get.loop.lowerci(file,loopidx)
  yy[3,] <- mplus.get.loop.upperci(file,loopidx)

  # plot the loop
  cstr <- paste("Loop plot for",labels[loopidx])


  #	abline(v=0,untf=FALSE,col='black')
  #	abline(h=0,untf=FALSE,col='black')
  grid(NULL, NULL, lty=6, col='cornsilk2')

# Functions for IRT plots

# mplus.list.irt.variables
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
# eg. mplus.list.irt.variables('ex7.27.gh5')
mplus.list.irt.variables <- function(file) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if irt data exists
  if ( !("irt_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("IRT data is required.\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2.")

  cat(c("\nList of variables to use in the following functions:\n"))
  cat(c(" - mplus.compute.irt.icc\n"))
  cat(c(" - mplus.plot.irt.icc\n"))

  cat(c("\nVariables for 'uvar' argument:\n"))

  ulabels <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'irt_data','ulabels')
  ulabels <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", ulabels, perl=TRUE)

  nvar <- length(ulabels)
  for (i in c(1:nvar)) {
    cstr <- sprintf("[%d] %s", i, ulabels[i])

# mplus.list.irt.xvariables
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
# eg. mplus.list.irt.xvariables('ex7.27.gh5')
mplus.list.irt.xvariables <- function(file) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if irt data exists
  if ( !("irt_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("IRT data is required.\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2.")

  cat(c("\nList of variables to use in the following functions:\n"))
  cat(c(" - mplus.compute.irt.icc\n"))
  cat(c(" - mplus.plot.irt.icc\n"))

  cat(c("\nVariables for the 'xvar' argument:\n"))

  flabels <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'irt_data','flabels')
  flabels <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", flabels, perl=TRUE)

  nvar <- length(flabels)
  for (i in c(1:nvar)) {
    cstr <- sprintf("[%d] %s", i, flabels[i])

# mplus.compute.irt.icc
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file (required)
#	group - the group number (required)
#	xvar - the variable for the x-axis, can be the variable index or quoted variable name (required)
#	uvar - the indicator variable, can be the variable index or the quoted variable name (required)
#	cat - the category number (required)
#	xvector -> the vector containing x values to use (required)
#	covariates -> the vector containing values for all the other covariates (not required, sample mean used if not given)
# eg. mplus.compute.irt.icc('ex7.27.gh5',1,'F','U1',1,seq(-3,3,0.2))
mplus.compute.irt.icc <- function(file,group,xvar,uvar,cat,xvector,covariates) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if irt data exists
  if ( !("irt_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("IRT data is required.\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2.")

  #	properties[1] - number of factors
  #	properties[2] - number of factors/covariates
  #	properties[3] - number of indicators
  #	properties[4] - number of classes
  #	properties[5] - maximum number of categories
  props <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'irt_data','properties')

  num_fx <- as.integer(props[2])
  num_r <- as.integer(props[3])
  max_num_cat <- as.integer(props[5])

  flabels <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'irt_data','flabels')
  flabels <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", flabels, perl=TRUE)

  ulabels <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'irt_data','ulabels')
  ulabels <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", ulabels, perl=TRUE)

  if (missing(xvar)) {
    stop("The x-axis variable (xvar) is required.")
  } else {
    if (is.character(xvar)) {
      xvar <- toupper(xvar)
      index <- pmatch(xvar, flabels, nomatch=0)
      if (index == 0) {
        cstr <- sprintf("Unknown x-variable:  %s\n", xvar)
      fidx = index
    } else {
      if (xvar <= 0 || xvar > num_fx) {
        stop("The index for the x-variable (xvar) is out of range.")
      fidx = xvar
  if (missing(uvar)) {
    stop("The indicator variable (uvar) is required.")
  } else {
    if (is.character(uvar)) {
      uvar <- toupper(uvar)
      index <- pmatch(uvar, ulabels, nomatch=0)
      if (index == 0) {
        cstr <- sprintf("Unknown indicator:  %s\n", uvar)
      ridx = index
    } else {
      if (uvar <= 0 || uvar > num_r) {
        stop("The index for the indicator (uvar) is out of range.")
      ridx = uvar
  if (missing(group)) {
    stop("The group index (group) is required.")
  } else {
    if (group <= 0 || group > props[4]) {
      stop("The group index (group) is out of range.")
  if (missing(xvector)) {
    stop("The vector (xvector) containing values for the x-axis is required.")
  if (missing(covariates)) {
    means <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,'irt_data','mean')
    covariates <- means[,group]
  } else {
    if (length(covariates) != num_fx) {
      cstr <- sprintf("The length of the covariates vector should be %d.\nFound: %d", num_fx, length(covariates))

  links <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'categorical_data','link')
  shift <- 0.0
  for (i in c(1:num_fx)) {
    if (i != fidx) {
      shift <- shift + covariates[i]*gh5$irt_data$loading[ridx,i,group]

  prob <- array(0,c(length(xvector)))
  for (i in c(1:length(xvector))) {
    x <- xvector[i]
    if (cat == 1) {
      p <- gh5$irt_data$tau[cat,ridx,group] - shift - x * gh5$irt_data$loading[fidx,ridx,group]
      p <- p * gh5$irt_data$scale[ridx,group]
      prob[i] <- lin(p,links[ridx])
    } else if (cat == max_num_cat) {
      p = gh5$irt_data$tau[cat-1,ridx,group] - shift - x * gh5$irt_data$loading[fidx,ridx,group]
      p = p * gh5$irt_data$scale[ridx,group]
      prob[i] = 1.0 - lin(p,links[ridx])
    } else {
      p = gh5$irt_data$tau[cat,ridx,group] - shift - x * gh5$irt_data$loading[fidx,ridx,group]
      p = p * gh5$irt_data$scale[ridx,group]

      p2 = gh5$irt_data$tau[cat-1,ridx,group] - shift - x * gh5$irt_data$loading[fidx,ridx,group]
      p2 = p2 * gh5$irt_data$scale[ridx,group]

      prob[i] = lin(p,links[ridx]) - lin(p2,links[ridx])


# mplus.compute.irt.iic
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file (required)
#	group - the group number (required)
#	xvar - the variable for the x-axis, can be the variable index or quoted variable name (required)
#	uvar - the indicator variable, can be the variable index or the quoted variable name (required)
#	xvector -> the vector containing x values to use (required)
#	covariates -> the vector containing values for all the other covariates (not required, sample mean used if not given)
# eg. mplus.compute.irt.iic('ex7.27.gh5',1,'F','U1',seq(-3,3,0.2))
mplus.compute.irt.iic <- function(file,group,xvar,uvar,xvector,covariates) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if irt data exists
  if ( !("irt_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("IRT data is required.\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2.")

  #	properties[1] - number of factors
  #	properties[2] - number of factors/covariates
  #	properties[3] - number of indicators
  #	properties[4] - number of classes
  #	properties[5] - maximum number of categories
  props <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'irt_data','properties')

  num_fx <- as.integer(props[2])
  num_r <- as.integer(props[3])
  max_num_cat <- as.integer(props[5])

  if (missing(xvar)) {
    stop("The x-axis variable (xvar) is required.")
  } else {
    if (is.character(xvar)) {
      index <- pmatch(xvar, flabels, nomatch=0)
      if (index == 0) {
        cstr <- sprintf("Unknown x-variable:  %s\n", xvar)
      fidx = index
    } else {
      if (xvar <= 0 || xvar > num_fx) {
        stop("The index for the x-variable (xvar) is out of range.")
      fidx = xvar
  if (missing(uvar)) {
    stop("The indicator variable (uvar) is required.")
  } else {
    if (is.character(uvar)) {
      index <- pmatch(uvar, ulabels, nomatch=0)
      if (index == 0) {
        cstr <- sprintf("Unknown indicator:  %s\n", uvar)
      ridx = index
    } else {
      if (uvar <= 0 || uvar > num_r) {
        stop("The index for the indicator (uvar) is out of range.")
      ridx = uvar
  if (missing(group)) {
    stop("The group index (group) is required.")
  } else {
    if (group <= 0 || group > props[4]) {
      stop("The group index (group) is out of range.")
  if (missing(xvector)) {
    stop("The vector (xvector) containing values for the x-axis is required.")
  if (missing(covariates)) {
    covariates <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,'irt_data','mean')
  } else {
    if (length(covariates) != num_fx) {
      cstr <- sprintf("The length of the covariates vector should be %d.\nFound: %d", num_fx, length(covariates))

  categories <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'irt_data','categories')
  links <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'categorical_data','link')

  shift <- 0.0
  for (i in c(1:num_fx)) {
    if (i != fidx) {
      shift <- shift + covariates[i]*gh5$irt_data$loading[ridx,i,group]

  categories <- as.numeric(categories)

  probvec <- array(0, c(length(xvector),categories[ridx]+1))
  for (i in c(1:length(xvector))) {
    x <- xvector[i]
    probvec[1] <- 0
    for (j in c(2:c(categories[ridx]))) {
      fp = gh5$irt_data$tau[j-1,ridx,group] - shift - x * gh5$irt_data$loading[fidx,ridx,group]
      fp = fp * gh5$irt_data$scale[ridx,group]
      dp = lin(fp,links[ridx])
      probvec[i,j] <- dp

  prob <- array(0,c(length(xvector)))
  for (i in c(1:length(xvector))) {
    x <- xvector[i]
    for (j in c(2:c(categories[ridx]+1))) {
      r <- 10**(-10)
      ep = probvec[i,j] - probvec[i,j-1]
      if (ep < r) { ep <- r }
      dp = gh5$irt_data$scale[ridx,group] * gh5$irt_data$loading[fidx,ridx,group] * gh5$irt_data$scale[ridx,group] * gh5$irt_data$loading[fidx,ridx,group];
      p = (probvec[i,j] * (1-probvec[i,j])) - (probvec[i,j-1] * (1-probvec[i,j-1]))
      prob[i] <- prob[i] + p * p * dp / ep


# mplus.plot.irt.icc
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file (required)
#	group - the group number (not required) -- 1 if not specified
#	xvar - the variable for the x-axis, can be the variable index or quoted variable name (not required, uses the first x)
#	uvar - the indicator variable or vector containing more than one indicator variable
#		 - can be the variable index or the quoted variable name
#		 - if not given, assume all indicator variables but cat must be given (not required)
#	cat - the category number
#		- if not given, assume all categories for the given indicator variables
#		- required if uvar not given
#	cat2 - the second category number if range of categories is desired (not required)
#	covariates -> the vector containing values for all the other covariates (not required, sample mean used if not given)
#	xrange - the type of range for the x-axis (not required)
#		- xrange=1: -1 s.d to +1 s.d of xvar
#		- xrange=2: -2 s.d to +2 s.d of xvar
#		- xrange=3: -3 s.d to +3 s.d of xvar (default)
#		- xrange=4: -4 s.d to +4 s.d of xvar
#		- xrange=5: -5 s.d to +5 s.d of xvar
#		- xrange=6: -6 s.d to +6 s.d of xvar
#	xstep - the step increment for the x-axis range (not required)
#		- xstep=1: 1.0
#		- xstep=2: 0.5
#		- xstep=3: 0.1
#		- xstep=4: 0.05
#		- xstep=5: 1/2 s.d of xvar
#		- xstep=6: 1/4 s.d of xvar
#		- xstep=7: 1/5 s.d of xvar (default)
#		- xstep=8: 1/10 s.d of xvar
#		- xstep=9: 1/20 s.d of xvar
#		- xstep=10: 1/50 s.d of xvar
#		- xstep=11: 1/100 s.d of xvar
# eg. mplus.plot.irt.icc('ex7.27.gh5',1,'F','U1',)
mplus.plot.irt.icc <- function(file,group=1,xvar=1,uvar,cat,cat2,covariates,xrange=3,xstep=7,lloc="top") {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if irt data exists
  if ( !("irt_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("This function requires IRT data.\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2.")

  #	properties[1] - number of factors
  #	properties[2] - number of factors/covariates
  #	properties[3] - number of indicators
  #	properties[4] - number of classes
  #	properties[5] - maximum number of categories
  props <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'irt_data','properties')

  flabels <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'irt_data','flabels')
  flabels <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", flabels, perl=TRUE)
  ulabels <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'irt_data','ulabels')
  ulabels <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", ulabels, perl=TRUE)

  num_fx <- as.integer(props[2])
  num_r <- as.integer(props[3])
  max_num_cat <- as.integer(props[5])

  if (is.character(xvar)) {
    xvar <- toupper(xvar)
    index <- pmatch(xvar, flabels, nomatch=0)
    if (index == 0) {
      cstr <- sprintf("Unknown variable for the x-axis:  %s\n", xvar)
    fidx = index
  } else {
    if (xvar <= 0 || xvar > num_fx) {
      stop("The index for the x-variable (xvar) is out of range.")
    fidx = xvar
  if (missing(uvar)) {
  } else if (length(uvar) > 1) {
    ridx <- vector()
    for (r in c(1:length(uvar))) {
      var <- uvar[r]
      if (is.character(var)) {
        var <- toupper(var)
        index <- pmatch(var, ulabels, nomatch=0)
        if (index == 0) {
          cstr <- sprintf("Unknown indicator:  %s\n", var)
        ridx[r] = index
      } else {
        if (var <= 0 || var > num_r) {
          stop("The index for the indicator in uvar is out of range.")
        ridx[r] = var
  } else {
    if (is.character(uvar)) {
      uvar <- toupper(uvar)
      index <- pmatch(uvar, ulabels, nomatch=0)
      if (index == 0) {
        cstr <- sprintf("Unknown indicator:  %s\n", uvar)
      ridx <- index
    } else {
      if (uvar <= 0 || uvar > num_r) {
        stop("The index for the indicator (uvar) is out of range.")
      ridx <- uvar
  if (group <= 0 || group > props[4]) {
    stop("The group index (group) is out of range.")
  if (missing(covariates)) {
    xmean <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,'irt_data','mean')
    covariates <- xmean[,group]
  } else {
    if (length(covariates) != num_fx) {
      cstr <- sprintf("The length of the covariates vector should be %d.", num_fx)

  categories <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'irt_data','categories')
  if (missing(uvar)) {
    # case 1: uvar not specified, we plot ICC for all variables.  The category number must be given.
    if (missing(cat)) {
      stop("The category number (cat) is required when plotting ICCs for all variables.")
    for (i in c(1:num_r)) {
      if (cat <= 0 || cat > categories[i]) {
        cstr <- sprintf("The category number (cat) is out of range for variable %s.", ulabels[i])
    if (!(missing(cat2))) {
      if (cat > cat2) {
        cstr <- sprintf("The first category number (cat2=%d) must be smaller than the second category number (cat2=%d).", cat, cat2)
      for (i in c(1:num_r)) {
        if (cat2 <= 0 || cat2 > categories[i]) {
          cstr <- sprintf("The second category number (cat2) is out of range for variable %s.", ulabels[i])
  } else if (length(uvar) > 1) {
    for (r in c(1:length(ridx))) {
      if (!(missing(cat))) {
        if (cat <= 0 || cat > categories[ridx[r]]) {
          cstr <- sprintf("The category (cat) is out of range for variable %s.", ulabels[ridx[r]])
      } else {
        # cat is missing but cat2 isn't!
        if (!(missing(cat2))) {
          stop("The first category (cat) is required if the second category (cat2) is given.")
      if (!(missing(cat2))) {
        if (cat2 <= 0 || cat2 > categories[ridx[r]]) {
          cstr <- sprintf("The category (cat2) is out of range for variable %s.", ulabels[ridx[r]])
        if (cat > cat2) {
          cstr <- sprintf("The first category (cat2=%d) must be smaller than the second category (cat2=%d).", cat, cat2)
  } else {
    if (!(missing(cat))) {
      if (cat <= 0 || cat > categories[ridx]) {
        cstr <- sprintf("The category (cat) is out of range for variable %s.", ulabels[ridx])
    } else {
      # cat is missing but cat2 isn't!
      if (!(missing(cat2))) {
        stop("The first category (cat) is required if the second category (cat2) is given.")
    if (!(missing(cat2))) {
      if (cat2 <= 0 || cat2 > categories[ridx]) {
        cstr <- sprintf("The category (cat2) is out of range for variable %s.", ulabels[ridx])
      if (cat > cat2) {
        cstr <- sprintf("The first category (cat2=%d) must be smaller than the second category (cat2=%d).", cat, cat2)
  if (!(missing(xrange))) {
    if (xrange <= 0 || xrange > 6) {
      stop("The xrange type should be between 1 and 6.")
  if (!(missing(xstep))) {
    if (xstep <= 0 || xstep > 11) {
      stop("The xstep type should be between 1 and 11.")

  variances <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,'irt_data','variance')
  means <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,'irt_data','mean')
  fsd = sqrt(variances[fidx])

  xmult <- switch(xrange, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
  vmin = means[fidx] + (-1) * xmult * fsd
  vmax = means[fidx] + xmult * fsd

  vstep = switch(xstep, 1.0, 0.5, 0.1, 0.05, 0.5*fsd, 0.25*fsd, 0.2*fsd, 0.1*fsd, 0.05*fsd, 0.02*fsd, 0.01*fsd)
  steps <- seq(vmin,vmax,by=vstep)


  # if cat is missing, then we plot all categories
  if (missing(uvar)) {
    prob <- array(0,c(num_r,length(steps)))
    xx <- array(0,c(num_r,length(steps)))
    if (missing(cat2)) {
      for (r in c(1:num_r)) {
        prob[r,] <- mplus.compute.irt.icc(file,group,fidx,r,cat,xvector=steps,covariates=covariates)
        xx[r,] <- steps
    } else {
      for (r in c(1:num_r)) {
        for (c in c(cat:cat2)) {
          prob[r,] <- prob[r,] + mplus.compute.irt.icc(file,group,fidx,r,c,xvector=steps,covariates=covariates)
        xx[r,] <- steps

    # plot the icc
    cstr <- sprintf("Item characteristic curves as a function of %s, Class %d", flabels[fidx], group)
    colors <- rainbow(num_r)
    for (i in c(1:num_r)) {

    ldesc <- array(0,c(num_r))
    lty <- array(0,c(num_r))
    lwd <- array(0,c(num_r))
    for (i in c(1:num_r)) {
      if (missing(cat2)) {
        ldesc[i] <- sprintf("%s, Category %d", ulabels[i], cat)
      } else {
        ldesc[i] <- sprintf("%s, Cat %d to %d", ulabels[i], cat, cat2)
      lty[i] = 1
      lwd[i] = 2.5
  } else if (length(ridx) > 1) {
    prob <- array(0,c(length(ridx),length(steps)))
    xx <- array(0,c(length(ridx),length(steps)))
    if (missing(cat)) {
      for (j in c(1:categories[ridx])) {
        prob[j,] <- mplus.compute.irt.icc(file,group,fidx,ridx,j,xvector=steps,covariates=covariates)
        xx[j,] <- steps
    } else if (missing(cat2)) {
      for (r in c(1:length(ridx))) {
        prob[r,] <- mplus.compute.irt.icc(file,group,fidx,ridx[r],cat,xvector=steps,covariates=covariates)
        xx[r,] <- steps
    } else {
      for (r in c(1:length(ridx))) {
        for (c in c(cat:cat2)) {
          prob[r,] <- prob[r,] + mplus.compute.irt.icc(file,group,fidx,ridx[r],c,xvector=steps,covariates=covariates)
        xx[r,] <- steps

    # plot the icc
    cstr <- sprintf("Item characteristic curves as a function of %s, Class %d", flabels[fidx], group)
    colors <- rainbow(length(ridx))
    for (i in c(1:length(ridx))) {

    ldesc <- array(0,c(length(ridx)))
    lty <- array(0,c(length(ridx)))
    lwd <- array(0,c(length(ridx)))
    for (i in c(1:length(ridx))) {
      if (missing(cat2)) {
        ldesc[i] <- sprintf("%s, Category %d", ulabels[ridx[i]], cat)
      } else {
        ldesc[i] <- sprintf("%s, Cat %d to %d", ulabels[ridx[i]], cat, cat2)
      lty[i] = 1
      lwd[i] = 2.5
  } else if (missing(cat)) {
    prob <- array(0,c(categories[ridx],length(steps)))
    xx <- array(0,c(categories[ridx],length(steps)))
    for (j in c(1:categories[ridx])) {
      prob[j,] <- mplus.compute.irt.icc(file,group,fidx,ridx,j,steps,covariates)
      xx[j,] <- steps

    # plot the icc
    cstr <- sprintf("Item characteristic curve for %s (all categories)\n as a function of %s, Class %d", ulabels[ridx], flabels[fidx], group)
    colors <- rainbow(categories[ridx])
    for (i in c(1:categories[ridx])) {

    ldesc <- vector()
    for (i in c(1:categories[ridx])) {
      ldesc[i] <- sprintf("%s, Category %d", ulabels[ridx], i)

  } else if (missing(cat2)) {
    # if cat2 is missing, then we plot only the given category

    prob <- mplus.compute.irt.icc(file,group,fidx,ridx,cat,steps,covariates)

    # plot the icc
    cstr <- sprintf("Item characteristic curve for %s (category %d)\n as a function of %s, Class %d", ulabels[ridx], cat, flabels[fidx], group)
  } else {
    # if cat and cat2 are given, then we plot the sum from cat to cat2

    prob <- array(0,c(length(steps)))
    for (c in c(cat:cat2)) {
      prob <- prob + mplus.compute.irt.icc(file,group,fidx,ridx,c,steps,covariates)

    # plot the icc
    cstr <- sprintf("Item characteristic curve for %s\n(sum from category %d to category %d)\nas a function of %s, Class %d", ulabels[ridx], cat, cat2, flabels[fidx], group)



# mplus.plot.irt.iic
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file (required)
#	group - the group number (not required)
#		 - if not given, group=1 will be used
#	xvar - the variable for the x-axis, can be the variable index or quoted variable name (not required, uses the first x)
#	uvar - the indicator variable or vector containing more than one indicator variable
#		 - can be the variable index or the quoted variable name
#		 - if not given, assume all indicator variables (not required)
#	covariates -> the vector containing values for all the other covariates (not required, sample mean used if not given)
#	xrange - the type of range for the x-axis (not required)
#		- xrange=1: -1 s.d to +1 s.d of xvar
#		- xrange=2: -2 s.d to +2 s.d of xvar
#		- xrange=3: -3 s.d to +3 s.d of xvar (default)
#		- xrange=4: -4 s.d to +4 s.d of xvar
#		- xrange=5: -5 s.d to +5 s.d of xvar
#		- xrange=6: -6 s.d to +6 s.d of xvar
#	xstep - the step increment for the x-axis range (not required)
#		- xstep=1: 1.0
#		- xstep=2: 0.5
#		- xstep=3: 0.1
#		- xstep=4: 0.05
#		- xstep=5: 1/2 s.d of xvar
#		- xstep=6: 1/4 s.d of xvar
#		- xstep=7: 1/5 s.d of xvar (default)
#		- xstep=8: 1/10 s.d of xvar
#		- xstep=9: 1/20 s.d of xvar
#		- xstep=10: 1/50 s.d of xvar
#		- xstep=11: 1/100 s.d of xvar
# eg. mplus.plot.irt.iic('ex7.27.gh5',1,'F','U1',)
mplus.plot.irt.iic <- function(file,group=1,xvar=1,uvar,covariates,xrange=3,xstep=7,lloc="top") {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if irt data exists
  if ( !("irt_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("This function requires IRT data.\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2.")

  #	properties[1] - number of factors
  #	properties[2] - number of factors/covariates
  #	properties[3] - number of indicators
  #	properties[4] - number of classes
  #	properties[5] - maximum number of categories
  props <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'irt_data','properties')

  flabels <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'irt_data','flabels')
  flabels <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", flabels, perl=TRUE)
  flabels <- tolower(flabels)
  ulabels <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'irt_data','ulabels')
  ulabels <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", ulabels, perl=TRUE)
  ulabels <- tolower(ulabels)

  num_fx <- as.integer(props[2])
  num_r <- as.integer(props[3])
  max_num_cat <- as.integer(props[5])

  if (is.character(xvar)) {
    xvar <- tolower(xvar)
    index <- pmatch(xvar, flabels, nomatch=0)
    if (index == 0) {
      cstr <- sprintf("Unknown variable for the x-axis:  %s\n", xvar)
    fidx = index
  } else {
    if (xvar <= 0 || xvar > num_fx) {
      stop("The index for the x-variable (xvar) is out of range.")
    fidx = xvar
  if (missing(uvar)) {
  } else if (length(uvar) > 1) {
    ridx <- vector()
    for (r in c(1:length(uvar))) {
      var <- uvar[r]
      if (is.character(var)) {
        index <- pmatch(var, ulabels, nomatch=0)
        if (index == 0) {
          cstr <- sprintf("Unknown indicator:  %s\n", var)
        ridx[r] = index
      } else {
        if (var <= 0 || var > num_r) {
          stop("The index for the indicator in uvar is out of range.")
        ridx[r] = var
  } else {
    if (is.character(uvar)) {
      uvar <- tolower(uvar)
      index <- pmatch(uvar, ulabels, nomatch=0)
      if (index == 0) {
        cstr <- sprintf("Unknown indicator:  %s\n", uvar)
      ridx = index
    } else {
      if (uvar <= 0 || uvar > num_r) {
        stop("The index for the indicator (uvar) is out of range.")
      ridx = uvar
  if (group <= 0 || group > props[4]) {
    stop("The group index (group) is out of range.")
  if (missing(covariates)) {
    xmean <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,'irt_data','mean')
    covariates <- xmean[,group]
  } else {
    if (length(covariates) != num_fx) {
      cstr <- sprintf("The length of the covariates vector should be %d.", num_fx)

  categories <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'irt_data','categories')
  if (!(missing(xrange))) {
    if (xrange <= 0 || xrange > 6) {
      stop("The xrange type should be between 1 and 6.")
  if (!(missing(xstep))) {
    if (xstep <= 0 || xstep > 11) {
      stop("The xstep type should be between 1 and 11.")

  variances <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,'irt_data','variance')
  means <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,'irt_data','mean')
  fsd = sqrt(variances[fidx])

  xmult <- switch(xrange, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
  vmin = means[fidx] + (-1) * xmult * fsd
  vmax = means[fidx] + xmult * fsd

  vstep = switch(xstep, 1.0, 0.5, 0.1, 0.05, 0.5*fsd, 0.25*fsd, 0.2*fsd, 0.1*fsd, 0.05*fsd, 0.02*fsd, 0.01*fsd)
  steps <- seq(vmin,vmax,by=vstep)

  # if cat is missing, then we plot all categories
  if (missing(uvar)) {
    prob <- array(0,c(num_r,length(steps)))
    xx <- array(0,c(num_r,length(steps)))
    for (r in c(1:num_r)) {
      prob[r,] <- mplus.compute.irt.iic(file,group,fidx,r,xvector=steps,covariates=covariates)
      xx[r,] <- steps

    # plot the iic
    cstr <- sprintf("Item information curves as a function of %s, Class %d", flabels[fidx], group)
    colors <- rainbow(num_r)
    for (i in c(1:num_r)) {

    ldesc <- array(0,c(num_r))
    lty <- array(0,c(num_r))
    lwd <- array(0,c(num_r))
    for (i in c(1:num_r)) {
      ldesc[i] <- sprintf("%s", ulabels[i])
      lty[i] = 1
      lwd[i] = 2.5
  } else if (length(ridx) > 1) {
    prob <- array(0,c(length(ridx),length(steps)))
    xx <- array(0,c(length(ridx),length(steps)))
    for (r in c(1:length(ridx))) {
      prob[r,] <- mplus.compute.irt.iic(file,group,fidx,ridx[r],xvector=steps,covariates=covariates)
      xx[r,] <- steps

    # plot the iic
    cstr <- sprintf("Item information curves as a function of %s, Class %d", flabels[fidx], group)
    colors <- rainbow(length(ridx))
    for (i in c(1:length(ridx))) {

    #		for (i in c(1:length(steps))) {
    #			cstr <- sprintf("x = %0.3f, probx = %0.3f", xx[1,i], prob[1,i])
    #			print(cstr)
    #		}

    ldesc <- array(0,c(length(ridx)))
    lty <- array(0,c(length(ridx)))
    lwd <- array(0,c(length(ridx)))
    for (i in c(1:length(ridx))) {
      ldesc[i] <- sprintf("%s", ulabels[ridx[i]])
      lty[i] = 1
      lwd[i] = 2.5
  } else {
    prob <- mplus.compute.irt.iic(file,group,fidx,ridx,steps,covariates)

    #		for (i in c(1:length(steps))) {
    #			cstr <- sprintf("x = %0.3f, probx = %0.3f", steps[i], prob[i])
    #			print(cstr)
    #		}

    # plot the iic
    cstr <- sprintf("Item information curve for %s as a function of %s, Class %d", ulabels[ridx], flabels[fidx], group)

# mplus.plot.irt.tic
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file (required)
#	group - the group number (not required)
#		 - if not given, group=1 will be shown
#	xvar - the variable for the x-axis, can be the variable index or quoted variable name (not required, uses the first x)
#	uvar - the indicator variable or vector containing more than one indicator variable
#		 - can be the variable index or the quoted variable name
#		 - if not given, assume all indicator variables (not required)
#	covariates -> the vector containing values for all the other covariates (not required, sample mean used if not given)
#	xrange - the type of range for the x-axis (not required)
#		- xrange=1: -1 s.d to +1 s.d of xvar
#		- xrange=2: -2 s.d to +2 s.d of xvar
#		- xrange=3: -3 s.d to +3 s.d of xvar (default)
#		- xrange=4: -4 s.d to +4 s.d of xvar
#		- xrange=5: -5 s.d to +5 s.d of xvar
#		- xrange=6: -6 s.d to +6 s.d of xvar
#	xstep - the step increment for the x-axis range (not required)
#		- xstep=1: 1.0
#		- xstep=2: 0.5
#		- xstep=3: 0.1
#		- xstep=4: 0.05
#		- xstep=5: 1/2 s.d of xvar
#		- xstep=6: 1/4 s.d of xvar
#		- xstep=7: 1/5 s.d of xvar (default)
#		- xstep=8: 1/10 s.d of xvar
#		- xstep=9: 1/20 s.d of xvar
#		- xstep=10: 1/50 s.d of xvar
#		- xstep=11: 1/100 s.d of xvar
# eg. mplus.plot.irt.tic('ex7.27.gh5',1,'F','U1',)
mplus.plot.irt.tic <- function(file,group=1,xvar=1,uvar,covariates,xrange=3,xstep=7) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if irt data exists
  if ( !("irt_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("This function requires IRT data.\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2.")

  #	properties[1] - number of factors
  #	properties[2] - number of factors/covariates
  #	properties[3] - number of indicators
  #	properties[4] - number of classes
  #	properties[5] - maximum number of categories
  props <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'irt_data','properties')

  flabels <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'irt_data','flabels')
  flabels <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", flabels, perl=TRUE)
  flabels <- tolower(flabels)
  ulabels <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'irt_data','ulabels')
  ulabels <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", ulabels, perl=TRUE)
  ulabels <- tolower(ulabels)

  num_fx <- as.integer(props[2])
  num_r <- as.integer(props[3])
  max_num_cat <- as.integer(props[5])

  if (is.character(xvar)) {
    index <- pmatch(xvar, flabels, nomatch=0)
    if (index == 0) {
      cstr <- sprintf("Unknown variable for the x-axis:  %s\n", xvar)
    fidx = index
  } else {
    if (xvar <= 0 || xvar > num_fx) {
      stop("The index for the x-variable (xvar) is out of range.")
    fidx = xvar
  if (missing(uvar)) {
  } else if (length(uvar) > 1) {
    ridx <- vector()
    for (r in c(1:length(uvar))) {
      var <- uvar[r]
      if (is.character(var)) {
        index <- pmatch(var, ulabels, nomatch=0)
        if (index == 0) {
          cstr <- sprintf("Unknown indicator:  %s\n", var)
        ridx[r] = index
      } else {
        if (var <= 0 || var > num_r) {
          stop("The index for the indicator in uvar is out of range.")
        ridx[r] = var
  } else {
    if (is.character(uvar)) {
      index <- pmatch(uvar, ulabels, nomatch=0)
      if (index == 0) {
        cstr <- sprintf("Unknown indicator:  %s\n", uvar)
      ridx = index
    } else {
      if (uvar <= 0 || uvar > num_r) {
        stop("The index for the indicator (uvar) is out of range.")
      ridx = uvar
  if (group <= 0 || group > props[4]) {
    stop("The group index (group) is out of range.")
  if (missing(covariates)) {
    xmean <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,'irt_data','mean')
    covariates <- xmean[,group]
  } else {
    if (length(covariates) != num_fx) {
      cstr <- sprintf("The length of the covariates vector should be %d.", num_fx)

  categories <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'irt_data','categories')
  if (!(missing(xrange))) {
    if (xrange <= 0 || xrange > 6) {
      stop("The xrange type should be between 1 and 6.")
  if (!(missing(xstep))) {
    if (xstep <= 0 || xstep > 11) {
      stop("The xstep type should be between 1 and 11.")

  variances <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,'irt_data','variance')
  means <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,'irt_data','mean')
  fsd = sqrt(variances[fidx])

  xmult <- switch(xrange, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
  vmin = means[fidx] + (-1) * xmult * fsd
  vmax = means[fidx] + xmult * fsd

  vstep = switch(xstep, 1.0, 0.5, 0.1, 0.05, 0.5*fsd, 0.25*fsd, 0.2*fsd, 0.1*fsd, 0.05*fsd, 0.02*fsd, 0.01*fsd)
  steps <- seq(vmin,vmax,by=vstep)

  # if cat is missing, then we plot all categories
  if (missing(uvar)) {
    prob <- array(0,c(length(steps)))
    for (r in c(1:num_r)) {
      prob <- prob + mplus.compute.irt.iic(file,group,fidx,r,xvector=steps,covariates=covariates)
    prob <- prob + 1 / gh5$irt_data$variance[fidx,group]
    # plot the tic
    cstr <- sprintf("Total information curve as a function of %s, Class %d", flabels[fidx], group)
  } else if (length(ridx) > 1) {
    prob <- array(0,c(length(steps)))
    for (r in c(1:length(ridx))) {
      prob <- prob + mplus.compute.irt.iic(file,group,fidx,ridx[r],xvector=steps,covariates=covariates)

    # plot the iic
    cstr <- sprintf("Partial total information curve as a function of %s, Class %d", flabels[fidx], group)
  } else {
    prob <- mplus.compute.irt.iic(file,group,fidx,ridx,steps,covariates)

    # plot the tic
    cstr <- sprintf("Partial total information curve as a function of %s, Class %d", flabels[fidx], group)

  #	for (i in c(1:length(steps))) {
  #		cstr <- sprintf("x = %0.3f, probx = %0.5f", steps[i], prob[i])
  #		print(cstr)
  #	}

# Functions for Survival plots

# mplus.list.survival.variables
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
# eg. mplus.list.survival.variables('ex6.21.gh5')
mplus.list.survival.variables <- function(file) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if survival data exists
  if ( !("survival_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- survival data is required\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2.")

  props <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'survival_data','properties')

  #	cat(c("\nList of variables to use in the following functions:\n"))
  #	cat(c(" - mplus.compute.irt.icc\n"))
  #	cat(c(" - mplus.plot.irt.icc\n"))

  cat(c("\nList of survival variables:\n"))

  for (i in c(1:props[1])) {
    cstr <- sprintf("survival_data/survival%d", i)
    label <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr,'label')
    cstr <- sprintf("%s", label)
    cstr <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", cstr, perl=TRUE)

# mplus.get.survival.kaplanmeier.values
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	survvar - the quoted name of the survival variable or the index of the survival variable (required)
#	classnum - the group number (not required)
# eg. mplus.get.survival.kaplanmeier.values('ex6.21.gh5','T')
mplus.get.survival.kaplanmeier.values <- function(file,survvar,classnum,time) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if survival data exists
  if ( !("survival_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- survival data is required\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2.")

  if (missing(survvar)) {
    stop("The survival variable must be given.")

  props <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'survival_data','properties')

  if (is.character(survvar)) {
    surv_idx <- 0
    for (i in c(1:props[1])) {
      cstr <- sprintf("survival_data/survival%d", i)
      label <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr,'label')
      label <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", label, perl=TRUE)
      if (label == survvar) {
        surv_idx = i
    if (surv_idx == 0) {
      stop("- unknown survival variable:  ", survvar)
  } else {
    if (survvar <= 0 || survvar > props[1]) {
      stop("- index for the survival variable is out of range")
    surv_idx = survvar

  groupstr <- sprintf("survival_data/survival%d", surv_idx)
  if (missing(classnum)) {
    datastr <- sprintf("kaplan_meier1")
  } else {
    classes <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,'/','model_group_labels')
    dims <- attr(classes,'dim')
    if (classnum <= 0 || classnum > dims[1]) {
      stop("Class number is out of range.")
    datastr <- sprintf("kaplan_meier%d", classnum)
  kmvals <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,groupstr,datastr)

  if (missing(time)) {
  } else {

# mplus.compute.survival.sample.logcumulative.values
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	survvar - the quoted name of the survival variable or the index of the survival variable (required)
#	classnum - the group number (not required)
# eg. mplus.compute.survival.sample.logcumulative.values('ex6.21.gh5','T')
mplus.compute.survival.sample.logcumulative.values <- function(file,survvar,classnum,time) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if survival data exists
  if ( !("survival_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- survival data is required\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2.")

  if (missing(survvar)) {
    stop("The survival variable must be given.")

  props <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'survival_data','properties')

  if (is.character(survvar)) {
    surv_idx <- 0
    for (i in c(1:props[1])) {
      cstr <- sprintf("survival_data/survival%d", i)
      label <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr,'label')
      label <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", label, perl=TRUE)
      if (label == survvar) {
        surv_idx = i
    if (surv_idx == 0) {
      stop("- unknown survival variable:  ", survvar)
  } else {
    if (survvar <= 0 || survvar > props[1]) {
      stop("- index for the survival variable is out of range")
    surv_idx = survvar

  groupstr <- sprintf("survival_data/survival%d", surv_idx)
  if (missing(classnum)) {
    datastr <- sprintf("kaplan_meier1")
  } else {
    classes <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,'/','model_group_labels')
    dims <- attr(classes,'dim')
    if (classnum <= 0 || classnum > dims[1]) {
      stop("Class number is out of range.")
    datastr <- sprintf("kaplan_meier%d", classnum)
  kmvals <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,groupstr,datastr)

  y <- log(-log(kmvals[,2]))

# mplus.get.survival.baseline.values
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	survvar - the quoted name of the survival variable or the index of the survival variable (required)
#	survvar2 - ending survival variable for getting sequential time
#	classnum - the group number (not required)
# eg. mplus.get.survival.baseline.values('ex6.21.gh5','T')
mplus.get.survival.baseline.values <- function(file,survvar,survvar2,classnum,time) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if survival data exists
  if ( !("survival_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- survival data is required\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2.")

  if (missing(survvar)) {
    stop("The survival variable must be given.")

  props <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'survival_data','properties')

  if (is.character(survvar)) {
    surv_idx <- 0
    for (i in c(1:props[1])) {
      cstr <- sprintf("survival_data/survival%d", i)
      label <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr,'label')
      label <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", label, perl=TRUE)
      if (label == survvar) {
        surv_idx = i
    if (surv_idx == 0) {
      stop("- unknown survival variable:  ", survvar)
  } else {
    if (survvar <= 0 || survvar > props[1]) {
      stop("- index for the survival variable is out of range")
    surv_idx = survvar

  if (!(missing(survvar2))) {
    if (is.character(survvar2)) {
      surv_idx2 <- 0
      for (i in c(1:props[1])) {
        cstr <- sprintf("survival_data/survival%d", i)
        label <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr,'label')
        label <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", label, perl=TRUE)
        if (label == survvar2) {
          surv_idx2 = i
      if (surv_idx2 == 0) {
        stop("- unknown survival variable:  ", survvar2)
    } else {
      if (survvar2 <= 0 || survvar2 > props[1]) {
        stop("- index for the survival variable is out of range")
      surv_idx2 = survvar2

  if (missing(survvar2)) {
    groupstr <- sprintf("survival_data/survival%d", surv_idx)
    if (missing(classnum)) {
      datastr <- sprintf("estimated_survival")
    } else {
      classes <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,'/','model_group_labels')
      dims <- attr(classes,'dim')
      if (classnum <= 0 || classnum > dims[1]) {
        stop("Class number is out of range.")
      datastr <- sprintf("estimated_survival%d", classnum)
    esvals <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,groupstr,datastr)

    if (missing(time)) {
    } else {
  } else {
    # ending survival variable given so we need to link them sequentially
    ylast <- 1
    xlast <- 0
    data <- vector()
    time <- vector()
    count <- 0
    for (s in c(surv_idx:surv_idx2)) {
      groupstr <- sprintf("survival_data/survival%d", s)
      if (missing(classnum)) {
        datastr <- sprintf("estimated_survival")
      } else {
        classes <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,'/','model_group_labels')
        dims <- attr(classes,'dim')
        if (classnum <= 0 || classnum > dims[1]) {
          stop("Class number is out of range.")
        datastr <- sprintf("estimated_survival%d", classnum)
      esvals1 <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,groupstr,datastr)

      if (s == surv_idx) {
        count <- length(esvals1[,1])
        data[1:count] <- esvals1[,1]
        time[1:count] <- estvals[,2]
      } else {
        n <- length(estvals1[,1])

# mplus.compute.survival.estimated.logcumulative.values
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	survvar - the quoted name of the survival variable or the index of the survival variable (required)
#	classnum - the group number (not required)
# eg. mplus.compute.survival.estimated.logcumulative.values('ex6.21.gh5','T')
mplus.compute.survival.estimated.logcumulative.values <- function(file,survvar,classnum,time) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if survival data exists
  if ( !("survival_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- survival data is required\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2.")

  if (missing(survvar)) {
    stop("The survival variable must be given.")

  props <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'survival_data','properties')

  if (is.character(survvar)) {
    surv_idx <- 0
    for (i in c(1:props[1])) {
      cstr <- sprintf("survival_data/survival%d", i)
      label <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr,'label')
      label <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", label, perl=TRUE)
      if (label == survvar) {
        surv_idx = i
    if (surv_idx == 0) {
      stop("- unknown survival variable:  ", survvar)
  } else {
    if (survvar <= 0 || survvar > props[1]) {
      stop("- index for the survival variable is out of range")
    surv_idx = survvar

  groupstr <- sprintf("survival_data/survival%d", surv_idx)
  if (missing(classnum)) {
    datastr <- sprintf("estimated_survival1")
  } else {
    classes <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,'/','model_group_labels')
    dims <- attr(classes,'dim')
    if (classnum <= 0 || classnum > dims[1]) {
      stop("Class number is out of range.")
    datastr <- sprintf("estimated_survival%d", classnum)
  esvals <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,groupstr,datastr)

  y <- log(-log(esvals[,2]))

# mplus.get.survival.basehazard.values
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	survvar - the quoted name of the survival variable or the index of the survival variable (required)
#	classnum - the group number (not required)
# eg. mplus.get.survival.basehazard.values('ex6.21.gh5','T')
mplus.get.survival.basehazard.values <- function(file,survvar,classnum,time) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if survival data exists
  if ( !("survival_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- survival data is required\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2.")

  if (missing(survvar)) {
    stop("The survival variable must be given.")

  props <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'survival_data','properties')

  if (is.character(survvar)) {
    surv_idx <- 0
    for (i in c(1:props[1])) {
      cstr <- sprintf("survival_data/survival%d", i)
      label <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr,'label')
      label <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", label, perl=TRUE)
      if (label == survvar) {
        surv_idx = i
    if (surv_idx == 0) {
      stop("- unknown survival variable:  ", survvar)
  } else {
    if (survvar <= 0 || survvar > props[1]) {
      stop("- index for the survival variable is out of range")
    surv_idx = survvar

  groupstr <- sprintf("survival_data/survival%d", surv_idx)
  if (missing(classnum)) {
    datastr <- sprintf("basehazard")
  } else {
    classes <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,'/','model_group_labels')
    dims <- attr(classes,'dim')
    if (classnum <= 0 || classnum > dims[1]) {
      stop("Class number is out of range.")
    datastr <- sprintf("basehazard%d", classnum)
  bhvals <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,groupstr,datastr)

  if (missing(time)) {
  } else {

# mplus.plot.survival.kaplanmeier
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	survvar - the quoted name of the survival variable or the index of the survival variable (not required)
#	classnum - the group number (not required)
# eg. mplus.plot.survival.kaplanmeier('ex6.21.gh5','T')
mplus.plot.survival.kaplanmeier <- function(file,survvar=1,classnum) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if survival data exists
  if ( !("survival_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- survival data is required\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2.")

  props <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'survival_data','properties')

  if (is.character(survvar)) {
    surv_idx <- 0
    for (i in c(1:props[1])) {
      cstr <- sprintf("survival_data/survival%d", i)
      label <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr,'label')
      label <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", label, perl=TRUE)
      if (label == survvar) {
        surv_idx = i
    if (surv_idx == 0) {
      stop("- unknown survival variable:  ", survvar)
  } else {
    if (survvar <= 0 || survvar > props[1]) {
      stop("- index for the survival variable is out of range")
    surv_idx = survvar

  groupstr <- sprintf("survival_data/survival%d", surv_idx)
  label <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,groupstr,'label')
  label <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", label, perl=TRUE)

  classes <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,'/','model_group_labels')
  dims <- attr(classes,'dim')

  cstr <- sprintf("Kaplan-Meier curve for %s", label)

  if (missing(classnum)) {
    npoints <- array(0, c(dims[1]))
    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {
      xx <- mplus.get.survival.kaplanmeier.values(file,surv_idx,i,0)
      npoints[i] = length(xx)
    maxpoints = max(npoints)

    xall <- array(NA, c(dims[1],maxpoints))
    yall <- array(NA, c(dims[1],maxpoints))

    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {
      xall[i,1:npoints[i]] <- mplus.get.survival.kaplanmeier.values(file,surv_idx,i,0)
      yall[i,1:npoints[i]] <- mplus.get.survival.kaplanmeier.values(file,surv_idx,i)

    colors <- rainbow(dims[1])
    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {

    ldesc <- array(0,c(dims[1]))
    lty <- array(0,c(dims[1]))
    lwd <- array(0,c(dims[1]))
    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {
      ldesc[i] <- sprintf("Class %d", i)
      lty[i] = 1
      lwd[i] = 2.5
  } else {
    if (classnum <= 0 || classnum > dims[1]) {
      stop("- class number is out of range")

    xx <- mplus.get.survival.kaplanmeier.values(file,surv_idx,classnum,0)
    yy <- mplus.get.survival.kaplanmeier.values(file,surv_idx,classnum)


# mplus.plot.survival.baseline
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	survvar - the quoted name of the survival variable or the index of the survival variable (not required)
#	classnum - the group number (not required)
# eg. mplus.plot.survival.baseline('ex6.21.gh5','T')
mplus.plot.survival.baseline <- function(file,survvar=1,classnum) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if survival data exists
  if ( !("survival_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- survival data is required\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2.")

  props <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'survival_data','properties')

  if (is.character(survvar)) {
    surv_idx <- 0
    for (i in c(1:props[1])) {
      cstr <- sprintf("survival_data/survival%d", i)
      label <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr,'label')
      label <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", label, perl=TRUE)
      if (label == survvar) {
        surv_idx = i
    if (surv_idx == 0) {
      stop("- unknown survival variable:  ", survvar)
  } else {
    if (survvar <= 0 || survvar > props[1]) {
      stop("- index for the survival variable is out of range")
    surv_idx = survvar

  groupstr <- sprintf("survival_data/survival%d", surv_idx)
  label <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,groupstr,'label')
  label <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", label, perl=TRUE)

  classes <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,'/','model_group_labels')
  dims <- attr(classes,'dim')

  cstr <- sprintf("Estimated baseline survival curve for %s", label)

  if (missing(classnum)) {
    npoints <- array(0, c(dims[1]))
    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {
      xx <- mplus.get.survival.baseline.values(file,surv_idx,classnum=i,time=0)
      npoints[i] = length(xx)
    maxpoints = max(npoints)

    xall <- array(NA, c(dims[1],maxpoints))
    yall <- array(NA, c(dims[1],maxpoints))

    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {
      xall[i,1:npoints[i]] <- mplus.get.survival.baseline.values(file,surv_idx,classnum=i,time=0)
      yall[i,1:npoints[i]] <- mplus.get.survival.baseline.values(file,surv_idx,classnum=i)

    colors <- rainbow(dims[1])
    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {

    ldesc <- array(0,c(dims[1]))
    lty <- array(0,c(dims[1]))
    lwd <- array(0,c(dims[1]))
    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {
      ldesc[i] <- sprintf("Class %d", i)
      lty[i] = 1
      lwd[i] = 2.5
  } else {
    if (classnum <= 0 || classnum > dims[1]) {
      stop("Class number is out of range.")

    xx <- mplus.get.survival.baseline.values(file,surv_idx,classnum=classnum,time=0)
    yy <- mplus.get.survival.baseline.values(file,surv_idx,classnum=classnum)


# mplus.plot.survival.basehazard
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	survvar - the quoted name of the survival variable or the index of the survival variable (not required)
#	classnum - the group number (not required)
# eg. mplus.plot.survival.basehazard('ex6.21.gh5','T')
mplus.plot.survival.basehazard <- function(file,survvar=1,classnum) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if survival data exists
  if ( !("survival_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- survival data is required.\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2.")

  props <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'survival_data','properties')

  if (is.character(survvar)) {
    surv_idx <- 0
    for (i in c(1:props[1])) {
      cstr <- sprintf("survival_data/survival%d", i)
      label <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr,'label')
      label <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", label, perl=TRUE)
      if (label == survvar) {
        surv_idx = i
    if (surv_idx == 0) {
      stop("- unknown survival variable:  ", survvar)
  } else {
    if (survvar <= 0 || survvar > props[1]) {
      stop("- index for the survival variable is out of range")
    surv_idx = survvar

  groupstr <- sprintf("survival_data/survival%d", surv_idx)
  label <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,groupstr,'label')
  label <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", label, perl=TRUE)

  classes <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,'/','model_group_labels')
  dims <- attr(classes,'dim')

  cstr <- sprintf("Estimated baseline hazard curve for %s", label)

  if (missing(classnum)) {
    npoints <- array(0, c(dims[1]))
    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {
      xx <- mplus.get.survival.basehazard.values(file,surv_idx,i,0)
      npoints[i] = length(xx)
    maxpoints = max(npoints)

    xall <- array(NA, c(dims[1],maxpoints))
    yall <- array(NA, c(dims[1],maxpoints))

    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {
      xall[i,1:npoints[i]] <- mplus.get.survival.basehazard.values(file,surv_idx,i,0)
      yall[i,1:npoints[i]] <- mplus.get.survival.basehazard.values(file,surv_idx,i)

    colors <- rainbow(dims[1])
    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {

    ldesc <- array(0,c(dims[1]))
    lty <- array(0,c(dims[1]))
    lwd <- array(0,c(dims[1]))
    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {
      ldesc[i] <- sprintf("Class %d", i)
      lty[i] = 1
      lwd[i] = 2.5
  } else {
    if (classnum <= 0 || classnum > dims[1]) {
      stop("Class number is out of range.")

    xx <- mplus.get.survival.basehazard.values(file,surv_idx,classnum,0)
    yy <- mplus.get.survival.basehazard.values(file,surv_idx,classnum)


# mplus.plot.survival.sample.logcumulative
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	survvar - the quoted name of the survival variable or the index of the survival variable (not required)
#	classnum - the group number (not required)
# eg. mplus.plot.survival.sample.logcumulative('ex6.21.gh5','T')
mplus.plot.survival.sample.logcumulative <- function(file,survvar=1,classnum) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if survival data exists
  if ( !("survival_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- survival data is required\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2.")

  props <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'survival_data','properties')

  if (is.character(survvar)) {
    surv_idx <- 0
    for (i in c(1:props[1])) {
      cstr <- sprintf("survival_data/survival%d", i)
      label <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr,'label')
      label <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", label, perl=TRUE)
      if (label == survvar) {
        surv_idx = i
    if (surv_idx == 0) {
      stop("- unknown survival variable:  ", survvar)
  } else {
    if (survvar <= 0 || survvar > props[1]) {
      stop("- index for the survival variable is out of range")
    surv_idx = survvar

  groupstr <- sprintf("survival_data/survival%d", surv_idx)
  label <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,groupstr,'label')
  label <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", label, perl=TRUE)

  classes <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,'/','model_group_labels')
  dims <- attr(classes,'dim')

  cstr <- sprintf("Sample log cumulative hazard curve for %s", label)

  if (missing(classnum)) {
    npoints <- array(0, c(dims[1]))
    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {
      xx <- mplus.get.survival.kaplanmeier.values(file,surv_idx,i,0)
      npoints[i] = length(xx)
    maxpoints = max(npoints)

    xall <- array(NA, c(dims[1],maxpoints))
    yall <- array(NA, c(dims[1],maxpoints))

    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {
      xall[i,1:npoints[i]] <- mplus.get.survival.kaplanmeier.values(file,surv_idx,i,0)
      yall[i,1:npoints[i]] <- mplus.compute.survival.sample.logcumulative.values(file,surv_idx,i)
      for (j in c(1:npoints[i])) {
        if (is.infinite(yall[j])) {
          xall[j] = NA

    colors <- rainbow(dims[1])
    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {

    ldesc <- array(0,c(dims[1]))
    lty <- array(0,c(dims[1]))
    lwd <- array(0,c(dims[1]))
    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {
      ldesc[i] <- sprintf("Class %d", i)
      lty[i] = 1
      lwd[i] = 2.5
  } else {
    if (classnum <= 0 || classnum > dims[1]) {
      stop("Class number is out of range.")

    xx <- mplus.get.survival.kaplanmeier.values(file,surv_idx,classnum,0)
    yy <- mplus.compute.survival.sample.logcumulative.values(file,surv_idx,classnum)
    for (j in c(1:length(xx))) {
      if (is.infinite(yy[j])) {
        xx[j] = NA


# mplus.plot.survival.estimated.logcumulative
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	survvar - the quoted name of the survival variable or the index of the survival variable (not required)
#	classnum - the group number (not required)
# eg. mplus.plot.survival.estimated.logcumulative('ex6.21.gh5','T')
mplus.plot.survival.estimated.logcumulative <- function(file,survvar=1,classnum) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if survival data exists
  if ( !("survival_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- survival data is required\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2.")

  props <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'survival_data','properties')

  if (is.character(survvar)) {
    surv_idx <- 0
    for (i in c(1:props[1])) {
      cstr <- sprintf("survival_data/survival%d", i)
      label <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr,'label')
      label <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", label, perl=TRUE)
      if (label == survvar) {
        surv_idx = i
    if (surv_idx == 0) {
      stop("- unknown survival variable:  ", survvar)
  } else {
    if (survvar <= 0 || survvar > props[1]) {
      stop("- index for the survival variable is out of range")
    surv_idx = survvar

  groupstr <- sprintf("survival_data/survival%d", surv_idx)
  label <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,groupstr,'label')
  label <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", label, perl=TRUE)

  classes <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,'/','model_group_labels')
  dims <- attr(classes,'dim')

  cstr <- sprintf("Estimated log cumulative hazard curve for %s", label)

  if (missing(classnum)) {
    npoints <- array(0, c(dims[1]))
    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {
      xx <- mplus.get.survival.baseline.values(file,surv_idx,classnum=i,time=0)
      npoints[i] = length(xx)
    maxpoints = max(npoints)

    xall <- array(NA, c(dims[1],maxpoints))
    yall <- array(NA, c(dims[1],maxpoints))

    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {
      xall[i,1:npoints[i]] <- mplus.get.survival.baseline.values(file,surv_idx,classnum=i,time=0)
      yall[i,1:npoints[i]] <- mplus.compute.survival.estimated.logcumulative.values(file,surv_idx,i)
      for (j in c(1:npoints[i])) {
        if (is.infinite(yall[j])) {
          xall[j] = NA

    colors <- rainbow(dims[1])
    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {

    ldesc <- array(0,c(dims[1]))
    lty <- array(0,c(dims[1]))
    lwd <- array(0,c(dims[1]))
    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {
      ldesc[i] <- sprintf("Class %d", i)
      lty[i] = 1
      lwd[i] = 2.5
  } else {
    if (classnum <= 0 || classnum > dims[1]) {
      stop("Class number is out of range.")

    xx <- mplus.get.survival.baseline.values(file,surv_idx,classnum=classnum,time=0)
    yy <- mplus.compute.survival.estimated.logcumulative.values(file,surv_idx,classnum)
    for (j in c(1:length(xx))) {
      if (is.infinite(yy[j])) {
        xx[j] = NA


# mplus.plot.survival.kaplanmeier.vs.baseline
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	survvar - the quoted name of the survival variable or the index of the survival variable (not required)
#	classnum - the group number (not required)
# eg. mplus.plot.survival.kaplanmeier.vs.baseline('ex6.21.gh5','T')
mplus.plot.survival.kaplanmeier.vs.baseline <- function(file,survvar=1,classnum) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if survival data exists
  if ( !("survival_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- survival data is required\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2.")

  props <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'survival_data','properties')

  if (is.character(survvar)) {
    surv_idx <- 0
    for (i in c(1:props[1])) {
      cstr <- sprintf("survival_data/survival%d", i)
      label <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr,'label')
      label <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", label, perl=TRUE)
      if (label == survvar) {
        surv_idx = i
    if (surv_idx == 0) {
      stop("- unknown survival variable:  ", survvar)
  } else {
    if (survvar <= 0 || survvar > props[1]) {
      stop("- index for the survival variable is out of range")
    surv_idx = survvar

  groupstr <- sprintf("survival_data/survival%d", surv_idx)
  label <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,groupstr,'label')
  label <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", label, perl=TRUE)

  classes <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,'/','model_group_labels')
  dims <- attr(classes,'dim')

  cstr <- sprintf("Kaplan-Meier curve compared with\nestimated baseline survival curve for %s", label)

  if (missing(classnum)) {
    npoints <- array(0, c(2*dims[1]))
    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {
      xx <- mplus.get.survival.kaplanmeier.values(file,surv_idx,i,0)
      npoints[2*(i-1)+1] = length(xx)
      xx <- mplus.get.survival.baseline.values(file,surv_idx,classnum=i,time=0)
      npoints[2*i] = length(xx)
    maxpoints = max(npoints)

    xall <- array(NA, c(2*dims[1],maxpoints))
    yall <- array(NA, c(2*dims[1],maxpoints))

    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {
      xall[2*(i-1)+1,1:npoints[2*(i-1)+1]] <- mplus.get.survival.kaplanmeier.values(file,surv_idx,i,0)
      yall[2*(i-1)+1,1:npoints[2*(i-1)+1]] <- mplus.get.survival.kaplanmeier.values(file,surv_idx,i)

      xall[2*i,1:npoints[2*i]] <- mplus.get.survival.baseline.values(file,surv_idx,classnum=i,time=0)
      yall[2*i,1:npoints[2*i]] <- mplus.get.survival.baseline.values(file,surv_idx,classnum=i)

    colors <- rainbow(2*dims[1])
    for (i in c(1:(2*dims[1]))) {

    ldesc <- array(0,c(2*dims[1]))
    lty <- array(0,c(2*dims[1]))
    lwd <- array(0,c(2*dims[1]))
    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {
      ldesc[2*(i-1)+1] <- sprintf("KM for Class %d", i)
      lty[2*(i-1)+1] = 1
      lwd[2*(i-1)+1] = 2.5

      ldesc[2*i] <- sprintf("ES for Class %d", i)
      lty[2*i] = 1
      lwd[2*i] = 2.5
  } else {
    if (classnum <= 0 || classnum > dims[1]) {
      stop("Class number is out of range.")

    npoints <- array(0, c(2))
    xx <- mplus.get.survival.kaplanmeier.values(file,surv_idx,classnum,0)
    npoints[1] = length(xx)
    xx <- mplus.get.survival.baseline.values(file,surv_idx,classnum=classnum,time=0)
    npoints[2] = length(xx)
    maxpoints = max(npoints)

    xall <- array(NA, c(2,maxpoints))
    yall <- array(NA, c(2,maxpoints))

    xall[1,1:npoints[1]] <- mplus.get.survival.kaplanmeier.values(file,surv_idx,classnum,0)
    yall[1,1:npoints[1]] <- mplus.get.survival.kaplanmeier.values(file,surv_idx,classnum)

    xall[2,1:npoints[2]] <- mplus.get.survival.baseline.values(file,surv_idx,classnum=classnum,time=0)
    yall[2,1:npoints[2]] <- mplus.get.survival.baseline.values(file,surv_idx,classnum=classnum)


    colors <- rainbow(2)
    for (i in c(1:2)) {

    ldesc <- array(0,c(2))
    lty <- array(0,c(2))
    lwd <- array(0,c(2))

    ldesc[1] <- sprintf("KM for Class %d", classnum)
    lty[1] = 1
    lwd[1] = 2.5

    ldesc[2] <- sprintf("ES for Class %d", classnum)
    lty[2] = 1
    lwd[2] = 2.5


# mplus.plot.survival.sample.vs.estimated.logcumulative
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	survvar - the quoted name of the survival variable or the index of the survival variable (not required)
#	classnum - the group number (not required)
# eg. mplus.plot.survival.sample.vs.estimated.logcumulative('ex6.21.gh5','T')
mplus.plot.survival.sample.vs.estimated.logcumulative <- function(file,survvar=1,classnum) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if survival data exists
  if ( !("survival_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- survival data is required\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2.")

  props <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'survival_data','properties')

  if (is.character(survvar)) {
    surv_idx <- 0
    for (i in c(1:props[1])) {
      cstr <- sprintf("survival_data/survival%d", i)
      label <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr,'label')
      label <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", label, perl=TRUE)
      if (label == survvar) {
        surv_idx = i
    if (surv_idx == 0) {
      stop("- unknown survival variable:  ", survvar)
  } else {
    if (survvar <= 0 || survvar > props[1]) {
      stop("- index for the survival variable is out of range")
    surv_idx = survvar

  groupstr <- sprintf("survival_data/survival%d", surv_idx)
  label <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,groupstr,'label')
  label <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", label, perl=TRUE)

  classes <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,'/','model_group_labels')
  dims <- attr(classes,'dim')

  cstr <- sprintf("Sample log cumulative hazard curve compared with\nestimated log cumulative baseline hazard curve for %s", label)

  if (missing(classnum)) {
    npoints <- array(0, c(2*dims[1]))
    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {
      xx <- mplus.get.survival.kaplanmeier.values(file,surv_idx,i,0)
      npoints[2*(i-1)+1] = length(xx)
      xx <- mplus.get.survival.baseline.values(file,surv_idx,classnum=i,time=0)
      npoints[2*i] = length(xx)
    maxpoints = max(npoints)

    xall <- array(NA, c(2*dims[1],maxpoints))
    yall <- array(NA, c(2*dims[1],maxpoints))

    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {
      xall[2*(i-1)+1,1:npoints[2*(i-1)+1]] <- mplus.get.survival.kaplanmeier.values(file,surv_idx,i,0)
      yall[2*(i-1)+1,1:npoints[2*(i-1)+1]] <- mplus.compute.survival.sample.logcumulative.values(file,surv_idx,i)

      xall[2*i,1:npoints[2*i]] <- mplus.get.survival.baseline.values(file,surv_idx,classnum=i,time=0)
      yall[2*i,1:npoints[2*i]] <- mplus.compute.survival.estimated.logcumulative.values(file,surv_idx,i)

    colors <- rainbow(2*dims[1])
    for (i in c(1:(2*dims[1]))) {

    ldesc <- array(0,c(2*dims[1]))
    lty <- array(0,c(2*dims[1]))
    lwd <- array(0,c(2*dims[1]))
    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {
      ldesc[2*(i-1)+1] <- sprintf("LC for Class %d", i)
      lty[2*(i-1)+1] = 1
      lwd[2*(i-1)+1] = 2.5

      ldesc[2*i] <- sprintf("ELC for Class %d", i)
      lty[2*i] = 1
      lwd[2*i] = 2.5
  } else {
    if (classnum <= 0 || classnum > dims[1]) {
      stop("Class number is out of range.")

    npoints <- array(0, c(2))
    xx <- mplus.get.survival.kaplanmeier.values(file,surv_idx,classnum,0)
    npoints[1] = length(xx)
    xx <- mplus.get.survival.baseline.values(file,surv_idx,classnum=classnum,time=0)
    npoints[2] = length(xx)
    maxpoints = max(npoints)

    xall <- array(NA, c(2,maxpoints))
    yall <- array(NA, c(2,maxpoints))

    xall[1,1:npoints[1]] <- mplus.get.survival.kaplanmeier.values(file,surv_idx,classnum,0)
    yall[1,1:npoints[1]] <-mplus.compute.survival.sample.logcumulative.values(file,surv_idx,classnum)

    xall[2,1:npoints[2]] <- mplus.get.survival.baseline.values(file,surv_idx,classnum=classnum,time=0)
    yall[2,1:npoints[2]] <- mplus.compute.survival.estimated.logcumulative.values(file,surv_idx,classnum)


    colors <- rainbow(2)
    for (i in c(1:2)) {

    ldesc <- array(0,c(2))
    lty <- array(0,c(2))
    lwd <- array(0,c(2))

    ldesc[1] <- sprintf("LC for Class %d", classnum)
    lty[1] = 1
    lwd[1] = 2.5

    ldesc[2] <- sprintf("ELC for Class %d", classnum)
    lty[2] = 1
    lwd[2] = 2.5


# Functions for Discrete survival plots

# mplus.list.discrete.survival.variables
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
# eg. mplus.list.discrete.survival.variables('ex6.21.gh5')
mplus.list.discrete.survival.variables <- function(file) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if survival data exists
  if ( !("discrete_survival_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- discrete survival data is required\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2.")

  props <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'discrete_survival_data','properties')

  #	cat(c("\nList of variables to use in the following functions:\n"))
  #	cat(c(" - mplus.compute.irt.icc\n"))
  #	cat(c(" - mplus.plot.irt.icc\n"))

  cat(c("\nList of survival variables:\n"))

  for (i in c(1:props[1])) {
    cstr <- sprintf("discrete_survival_data/survival%d", i)
    label <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr,'label')
    cstr <- sprintf("%s", label)
    cstr <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", cstr, perl=TRUE)

# mplus.get.discrete.survival.kaplanmeier.values
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	survvar - the quoted name of the survival variable or the index of the survival variable (required)
#	classnum - the group number (not required)
# eg. mplus.get.discrete.survival.kaplanmeier.values('ex6.21.gh5','T')
mplus.get.discrete.survival.kaplanmeier.values <- function(file,survvar,classnum,time) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if survival data exists
  if ( !("discrete_survival_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- survival data is required\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2.")

  if (missing(survvar)) {
    stop("The survival variable must be given.")

  props <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'discrete_survival_data','properties')

  if (is.character(survvar)) {
    surv_idx <- 0
    for (i in c(1:props[1])) {
      cstr <- sprintf("discrete_survival_data/survival%d", i)
      label <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr,'label')
      label <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", label, perl=TRUE)
      if (label == survvar) {
        surv_idx = i
    if (surv_idx == 0) {
      stop("- unknown survival variable:  ", survvar)
  } else {
    if (survvar <= 0 || survvar > props[1]) {
      stop("- index for the survival variable is out of range")
    surv_idx = survvar

  groupstr <- sprintf("discrete_survival_data/survival%d", surv_idx)
  if (missing(classnum)) {
    datastr <- sprintf("kaplan_meier1")
  } else {
    classes <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,'/','model_group_labels')
    dims <- attr(classes,'dim')
    if (classnum <= 0 || classnum > dims[1]) {
      stop("Class number is out of range.")
    datastr <- sprintf("kaplan_meier%d", classnum)
  kmvals <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,groupstr,datastr)

  if (missing(time)) {
  } else {

# mplus.get.discrete.survival.baseline.values
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	survvar - the quoted name of the survival variable or the index of the survival variable (required)
#	survvar2 - ending survival variable for getting sequential time
#	classnum - the group number (not required)
# eg. mplus.get.discrete.survival.baseline.values('ex6.21.gh5','T')
mplus.get.discrete.survival.baseline.values <- function(file,survvar,survvar2,classnum,time) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if survival data exists
  if ( !("discrete_survival_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- survival data is required\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2.")

  if (missing(survvar)) {
    stop("The survival variable must be given.")

  props <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'discrete_survival_data','properties')

  if (is.character(survvar)) {
    surv_idx <- 0
    for (i in c(1:props[1])) {
      cstr <- sprintf("discrete_survival_data/survival%d", i)
      label <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr,'label')
      label <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", label, perl=TRUE)
      if (label == survvar) {
        surv_idx = i
    if (surv_idx == 0) {
      stop("- unknown survival variable:  ", survvar)
  } else {
    if (survvar <= 0 || survvar > props[1]) {
      stop("- index for the survival variable is out of range")
    surv_idx = survvar

  if (!(missing(survvar2))) {
    if (is.character(survvar2)) {
      surv_idx2 <- 0
      for (i in c(1:props[1])) {
        cstr <- sprintf("discrete_survival_data/survival%d", i)
        label <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr,'label')
        label <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", label, perl=TRUE)
        if (label == survvar2) {
          surv_idx2 = i
      if (surv_idx2 == 0) {
        stop("- unknown survival variable:  ", survvar2)
    } else {
      if (survvar2 <= 0 || survvar2 > props[1]) {
        stop("- index for the survival variable is out of range")
      surv_idx2 = survvar2

  if (missing(survvar2)) {
    groupstr <- sprintf("discrete_survival_data/survival%d", surv_idx)
    if (missing(classnum)) {
      datastr <- sprintf("estimated_survival")
    } else {
      classes <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,'/','model_group_labels')
      dims <- attr(classes,'dim')
      if (classnum <= 0 || classnum > dims[1]) {
        stop("Class number is out of range.")
      datastr <- sprintf("estimated_survival%d", classnum)
    esvals <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,groupstr,datastr)

    if (missing(time)) {
    } else {
  } else {
    # ending survival variable given so we need to link them sequentially
    ylast <- 1
    xlast <- 0
    data <- vector()
    time <- vector()
    count <- 0
    for (s in c(surv_idx:surv_idx2)) {
      groupstr <- sprintf("discrete_survival_data/survival%d", s)
      if (missing(classnum)) {
        datastr <- sprintf("estimated_survival")
      } else {
        classes <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,'/','model_group_labels')
        dims <- attr(classes,'dim')
        if (classnum <= 0 || classnum > dims[1]) {
          stop("Class number is out of range.")
        datastr <- sprintf("estimated_survival%d", classnum)
      esvals1 <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,groupstr,datastr)

      if (s == surv_idx) {
        count <- length(esvals1[,1])
        data[1:count] <- esvals1[,1]
        time[1:count] <- estvals[,2]
      } else {
        n <- length(estvals1[,1])

# mplus.get.discrete.survival.basehazard.values
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	survvar - the quoted name of the survival variable or the index of the survival variable (required)
#	classnum - the group number (not required)
# eg. mplus.get.discrete.survival.basehazard.values('ex6.21.gh5','T')
mplus.get.discrete.survival.basehazard.values <- function(file,survvar,classnum,time) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if survival data exists
  if ( !("discrete_survival_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- survival data is required\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2.")

  if (missing(survvar)) {
    stop("The survival variable must be given.")

  props <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'discrete_survival_data','properties')

  if (is.character(survvar)) {
    surv_idx <- 0
    for (i in c(1:props[1])) {
      cstr <- sprintf("discrete_survival_data/survival%d", i)
      label <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr,'label')
      label <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", label, perl=TRUE)
      if (label == survvar) {
        surv_idx = i
    if (surv_idx == 0) {
      stop("- unknown survival variable:  ", survvar)
  } else {
    if (survvar <= 0 || survvar > props[1]) {
      stop("- index for the survival variable is out of range")
    surv_idx = survvar

  groupstr <- sprintf("discrete_survival_data/survival%d", surv_idx)
  if (missing(classnum)) {
    datastr <- sprintf("basehazard")
  } else {
    classes <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,'/','model_group_labels')
    dims <- attr(classes,'dim')
    if (classnum <= 0 || classnum > dims[1]) {
      stop("Class number is out of range.")
    datastr <- sprintf("basehazard%d", classnum)
  bhvals <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,groupstr,datastr)

  if (missing(time)) {
  } else {

# mplus.plot.discrete.survival.kaplanmeier
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	survvar - the quoted name of the survival variable or the index of the survival variable (not required)
#	classnum - the group number (not required)
# eg. mplus.plot.discrete.survival.kaplanmeier('ex6.21.gh5','T')
mplus.plot.discrete.survival.kaplanmeier <- function(file,survvar=1,classnum) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if survival data exists
  if ( !("discrete_survival_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- survival data is required\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2.")

  props <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'discrete_survival_data','properties')

  if (is.character(survvar)) {
    surv_idx <- 0
    for (i in c(1:props[1])) {
      cstr <- sprintf("discrete_survival_data/survival%d", i)
      label <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr,'label')
      label <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", label, perl=TRUE)
      if (label == survvar) {
        surv_idx = i
    if (surv_idx == 0) {
      stop("- unknown survival variable:  ", survvar)
  } else {
    if (survvar <= 0 || survvar > props[1]) {
      stop("- index for the survival variable is out of range")
    surv_idx = survvar

  groupstr <- sprintf("discrete_survival_data/survival%d", surv_idx)
  label <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,groupstr,'label')
  label <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", label, perl=TRUE)

  classes <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,'/','model_group_labels')
  dims <- attr(classes,'dim')

  cstr <- sprintf("Kaplan-Meier curve for %s", label)

  if (missing(classnum)) {
    npoints <- array(0, c(dims[1]))
    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {
      xx <- mplus.get.discrete.survival.kaplanmeier.values(file,surv_idx,i,0)
      npoints[i] = length(xx)
    maxpoints = max(npoints)

    xall <- array(NA, c(dims[1],maxpoints))
    yall <- array(NA, c(dims[1],maxpoints))

    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {
      xall[i,1:npoints[i]] <- mplus.get.discrete.survival.kaplanmeier.values(file,surv_idx,i,0)
      yall[i,1:npoints[i]] <- mplus.get.discrete.survival.kaplanmeier.values(file,surv_idx,i)

    colors <- rainbow(dims[1])
    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {

    ldesc <- array(0,c(dims[1]))
    lty <- array(0,c(dims[1]))
    lwd <- array(0,c(dims[1]))
    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {
      ldesc[i] <- sprintf("Class %d", i)
      lty[i] = 1
      lwd[i] = 2.5
  } else {
    if (classnum <= 0 || classnum > dims[1]) {
      stop("- class number is out of range")

    xx <- mplus.get.discrete.survival.kaplanmeier.values(file,surv_idx,classnum,0)
    yy <- mplus.get.discrete.survival.kaplanmeier.values(file,surv_idx,classnum)


# mplus.plot.discrete.survival.baseline
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	survvar - the quoted name of the survival variable or the index of the survival variable (not required)
#	classnum - the group number (not required)
# eg. mplus.plot.discrete.survival.baseline('ex6.21.gh5','T')
mplus.plot.discrete.survival.baseline <- function(file,survvar=1,classnum) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if survival data exists
  if ( !("discrete_survival_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- survival data is required\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2.")

  props <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'discrete_survival_data','properties')

  if (is.character(survvar)) {
    surv_idx <- 0
    for (i in c(1:props[1])) {
      cstr <- sprintf("discrete_survival_data/survival%d", i)
      label <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr,'label')
      label <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", label, perl=TRUE)
      if (label == survvar) {
        surv_idx = i
    if (surv_idx == 0) {
      stop("- unknown survival variable:  ", survvar)
  } else {
    if (survvar <= 0 || survvar > props[1]) {
      stop("- index for the survival variable is out of range")
    surv_idx = survvar

  groupstr <- sprintf("discrete_survival_data/survival%d", surv_idx)
  label <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,groupstr,'label')
  label <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", label, perl=TRUE)

  classes <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,'/','model_group_labels')
  dims <- attr(classes,'dim')

  cstr <- sprintf("Estimated baseline survival curve for %s", label)

  if (missing(classnum)) {
    npoints <- array(0, c(dims[1]))
    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {
      xx <- mplus.get.discrete.survival.baseline.values(file,surv_idx,classnum=i,time=0)
      npoints[i] = length(xx)
    maxpoints = max(npoints)

    xall <- array(NA, c(dims[1],maxpoints))
    yall <- array(NA, c(dims[1],maxpoints))

    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {
      xall[i,1:npoints[i]] <- mplus.get.discrete.survival.baseline.values(file,surv_idx,classnum=i,time=0)
      yall[i,1:npoints[i]] <- mplus.get.discrete.survival.baseline.values(file,surv_idx,classnum=i)

    colors <- rainbow(dims[1])
    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {

    ldesc <- array(0,c(dims[1]))
    lty <- array(0,c(dims[1]))
    lwd <- array(0,c(dims[1]))
    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {
      ldesc[i] <- sprintf("Class %d", i)
      lty[i] = 1
      lwd[i] = 2.5
  } else {
    if (classnum <= 0 || classnum > dims[1]) {
      stop("Class number is out of range.")

    xx <- mplus.get.discrete.survival.baseline.values(file,surv_idx,classnum=classnum,time=0)
    yy <- mplus.get.discrete.survival.baseline.values(file,surv_idx,classnum=classnum)


# mplus.plot.discrete.survival.kaplanmeier.vs.baseline
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#	survvar - the quoted name of the survival variable or the index of the survival variable (not required)
#	classnum - the group number (not required)
# eg. mplus.plot.discrete.survival.kaplanmeier.vs.baseline('ex6.21.gh5','T')
mplus.plot.discrete.survival.kaplanmeier.vs.baseline <- function(file,survvar=1,classnum) {
  if (missing(file)) {
    stop("- name of the GH5 file is required")
  if (!(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  # check if survival data exists
  if ( !("discrete_survival_data" %in% names(gh5)) ) {
    stop("- survival data is required\n\nUse TYPE=PLOT2.")

  props <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,'discrete_survival_data','properties')

  if (is.character(survvar)) {
    surv_idx <- 0
    for (i in c(1:props[1])) {
      cstr <- sprintf("discrete_survival_data/survival%d", i)
      label <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,cstr,'label')
      label <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", label, perl=TRUE)
      if (label == survvar) {
        surv_idx = i
    if (surv_idx == 0) {
      stop("- unknown survival variable:  ", survvar)
  } else {
    if (survvar <= 0 || survvar > props[1]) {
      stop("- index for the survival variable is out of range")
    surv_idx = survvar

  groupstr <- sprintf("discrete_survival_data/survival%d", surv_idx)
  label <- mplus.get.group.attribute(file,groupstr,'label')
  label <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", label, perl=TRUE)

  classes <- mplus.get.group.dataset(file,'/','model_group_labels')
  dims <- attr(classes,'dim')

  cstr <- sprintf("Kaplan-Meier curve compared with\nestimated baseline survival curve for %s", label)

  if (missing(classnum)) {
    npoints <- array(0, c(2*dims[1]))
    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {
      xx <- mplus.get.discrete.survival.kaplanmeier.values(file,surv_idx,i,0)
      npoints[2*(i-1)+1] = length(xx)
      xx <- mplus.get.discrete.survival.baseline.values(file,surv_idx,classnum=i,time=0)
      npoints[2*i] = length(xx)
    maxpoints = max(npoints)

    xall <- array(NA, c(2*dims[1],maxpoints))
    yall <- array(NA, c(2*dims[1],maxpoints))

    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {
      xall[2*(i-1)+1,1:npoints[2*(i-1)+1]] <- mplus.get.discrete.survival.kaplanmeier.values(file,surv_idx,i,0)
      yall[2*(i-1)+1,1:npoints[2*(i-1)+1]] <- mplus.get.discrete.survival.kaplanmeier.values(file,surv_idx,i)

      xall[2*i,1:npoints[2*i]] <- mplus.get.discrete.survival.baseline.values(file,surv_idx,classnum=i,time=0)
      yall[2*i,1:npoints[2*i]] <- mplus.get.discrete.survival.baseline.values(file,surv_idx,classnum=i)

    colors <- rainbow(2*dims[1])
    for (i in c(1:(2*dims[1]))) {

    ldesc <- array(0,c(2*dims[1]))
    lty <- array(0,c(2*dims[1]))
    lwd <- array(0,c(2*dims[1]))
    for (i in c(1:dims[1])) {
      ldesc[2*(i-1)+1] <- sprintf("KM for Class %d", i)
      lty[2*(i-1)+1] = 1
      lwd[2*(i-1)+1] = 2.5

      ldesc[2*i] <- sprintf("ES for Class %d", i)
      lty[2*i] = 1
      lwd[2*i] = 2.5
  } else {
    if (classnum <= 0 || classnum > dims[1]) {
      stop("Class number is out of range.")

    npoints <- array(0, c(2))
    xx <- mplus.get.discrete.survival.kaplanmeier.values(file,surv_idx,classnum,0)
    npoints[1] = length(xx)
    xx <- mplus.get.discrete.survival.baseline.values(file,surv_idx,classnum=classnum,time=0)
    npoints[2] = length(xx)
    maxpoints = max(npoints)

    xall <- array(NA, c(2,maxpoints))
    yall <- array(NA, c(2,maxpoints))

    xall[1,1:npoints[1]] <- mplus.get.discrete.survival.kaplanmeier.values(file,surv_idx,classnum,0)
    yall[1,1:npoints[1]] <- mplus.get.discrete.survival.kaplanmeier.values(file,surv_idx,classnum)

    xall[2,1:npoints[2]] <- mplus.get.discrete.survival.baseline.values(file,surv_idx,classnum=classnum,time=0)
    yall[2,1:npoints[2]] <- mplus.get.discrete.survival.baseline.values(file,surv_idx,classnum=classnum)


    colors <- rainbow(2)
    for (i in c(1:2)) {

    ldesc <- array(0,c(2))
    lty <- array(0,c(2))
    lwd <- array(0,c(2))

    ldesc[1] <- sprintf("KM for Class %d", classnum)
    lty[1] = 1
    lwd[1] = 2.5

    ldesc[2] <- sprintf("ES for Class %d", classnum)
    lty[2] = 1
    lwd[2] = 2.5


# Supporting functions

# mplus.get.group.attribute - supporting function for getting attribute
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#   groupstr - the name of the group for the attribute
#   attrstr - the name of the attribute
# eg. mplus.get.attribute('ex8.1.gh5','individual_data','var_names')
mplus.get.group.attribute <- function(file, groupstr, attrstr) {
  if ( !(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  fid <- H5Fopen(file)
  gid <- H5Gopen(fid, groupstr)
  atid <- H5Aopen(gid, attrstr)

  attr <- H5Aread(atid)


  attr <- gsub("(^\\s+|\\s+$)", "", attr, perl=TRUE)


# mplus.get.group.attribute - supporting function for getting attribute
# arguments:
#	file - the quoted name of an existing GH5 file
#   groupstr - the name of the group for the attribute
#   attrstr - the name of the attribute
# eg. mplus.get.attribute('ex8.1.gh5','individual_data','var_names')
mplus.get.dataset.attribute <- function(file, datastr, attrstr) {
  if ( !(file.exists(file))) {
    cstr <- paste("- file does not exist:",file,"\n")

  gh5 <- h5dump(file, load=TRUE)

  fid <- H5Fopen(file)
  did <- H5Dopen(fid, datastr)
  atid <- H5Aopen(did, attrstr)

  attr <- H5Aread(atid)



# Math functions

lin <- function(y, link) {
  if (link == 0) {
    x <- logistic(y)
  } else {
    x <- pnorm(y, mean=0, sd=1)

logistic <- function(y) {
  if (y > 50) {
    x = 1
  } else if (y > -50) {
    x = 1 / (1 + exp(-y))
  } else {
    x = 0

wmmurrah/cpar documentation built on May 4, 2019, 9:45 a.m.