
Defines functions sparsifyVAR1

Documented in sparsifyVAR1

sparsifyVAR1 <- function(A, 
                         threshold=c("absValue", "localFDR", "top"), 
                         zerosA=matrix(nrow=0, ncol=2), 
	# Function that sparsifies/determines support of the matrix A of a 
	# VAR(1) model. Support can be determined by absolute value thresholding 
	# or by local FDRs thresholding. One can also choose to threshold based 
	# on the top X of absolute value of the elements of A. Function is to 
	# some extent a wrapper around certain 'fdrtool' functions
	# -> A           : (Possibly shrunken) matrix with regression 
	#                  coefficients
	# -> SigmaE      : (Possibly shrunken) error covariance matrix
	# -> threshold   : Signifies type of thresholding
	# -> absValueCut : Cut-off for elements selection based on absolute 
	#                  value thresholding (of A). Only when 
	#                  threshold='absValue'. Default = .25
	# -> FDRcut      : Cut-off for element selection based on local FDR 
	#                  thresholding on test statistics.
	#                  Only when threshold = 'localFDR'. Default = .9
	# -> top         : element selection based on retainment 'top' number 
	#                  of absolute values of A.
	#                  Only when threshold = 'top'. Default = 10
	# -> statistics  : logical indicating if test statistics should be 
	#                  returned. Only when threshold="localFDR". 
	#                  Default = FALSE
	# -> verbose     : Logical indicating if intermediate output should 
	#                  be printed on screen. Only when 
	#                  threshold='localFDR'. Default = TRUE
	# require("fdrtool")          # functions from package : fdrtool
	# For the sparsification of the (inverse of the) SigmaE matrix, 
	# confer 'sparsifyS'

	# input check
	if (as.character(class(A)) != "matrix"){ 
		stop("Input (A) is of wrong class.") 
	if (nrow(A) != ncol(A)){ 
		stop("Matrix A is not square.") 
	if (as.character(class(threshold)) != "character"){ 
		stop("Input (threshold) is of wrong class.") 
	if (missing(threshold)){ 
		stop("Need to specify type of sparsification ('absValue' or 'localFDR' or 'top')") 
	if (!(threshold %in% c("absValue", "localFDR", "top"))){ 
		stop("Input (threshold) should be one of {'absValue', 'localFDR', 'top'}") 
	if (as.character(class(verbose)) != "logical"){ 
		stop("Input (verbose) is of wrong class.") 

	# top elements of A
	if (threshold == "top"){
		# extra input checks for this option
		if (class(top) != "numeric"){ 
			stop("Input (top) is of wrong class") 
		if (length(top) != 1){ 
			stop("Input (top) must be a scalar") 
		if (!.is.int(top)){ 
			stop("Input (top) should be a numeric integer") 
		if (top <= 0){ 
			stop("Input (top) must be strictly positive") 
		if (top >= (ncol(A))^2){ 
			stop("Input (top) must be smaller than the number of elements of the input matrix A") 
		# determine threshold for top
		absValueCut <- sort(abs(A), decreasing = TRUE)[ceiling(top)]
		threshold   <- "absValue"

	# absolute value criterion
	if (threshold == "absValue"){
		# extra input checks for this option
		if (class(absValueCut) != "numeric"){ 
			stop("Input (absValueCut) is of wrong class") 
		if (length(absValueCut) != 1){ 
			stop("Input (absValueCut) must be a scalar") 
		if (absValueCut <= 0){ 
			stop("Input (absValueCut) must be positive") 
		# selection
		nonzerosA <- which(abs(A) >= absValueCut, arr.ind=TRUE)
		zerosA <- which(abs(A) < absValueCut, arr.ind=TRUE)
		H0statA <- NULL

	# local FDR values 
	if (threshold=="localFDR"){
		# extra input checks for this option
		if (as.character(class(SigmaE)) != "matrix"){ 
			stop("Input (SigmaE) is of wrong class.") 
		if (!isSymmetric(SigmaE)){ 
			stop("Non-symmetric covariance matrix is provided.") 
		if (!all(eigen(SigmaE, only.values=TRUE)$values > 0)){ 
			stop("Non positive-definite covariance matrix is provided.") 
		if (nrow(A) != nrow(SigmaE)){ 
			stop("Dimensions covariance matrix and A do not match.") 
		if (as.character(class(FDRcut)) != "numeric"){ 
			stop("Input (FDRcut) is of wrong class.") 
		if (length(FDRcut) != 1){ 
			stop("Input (FDRcut) is of wrong length.") 
		if (is.na(FDRcut)){ 
			stop("Input (FDRcut) is not a positive number.") 
		if (FDRcut <= 0){ 
			stop("Input (FDRcut) is not a positive number.") 
		if (FDRcut >= 1){ 
			stop("Input (FDRcut) should be smaller than one.") 
		if (as.character(class(statistics)) != "logical"){ 
			stop("Input (testStat) is of wrong class.") 
		# calculate the variance of Y	
		Syy <- SigmaE
		for (tau in 1:1000) {
			Atau <- A %^% tau
			Syy <- Syy + Atau %*% SigmaE %*% t(Atau)
			if (max(abs(Atau)) < 10^(-20)){ break }

		# calculate "H0 statistics" for entries of A: beta-hat / s.e.(beta-hat)
		H0statA <- as.numeric(A / sqrt(t(outer(diag(solve(Syy)), diag(SigmaE)))))

		# local FDR procedure for A
    		if (nrow(zerosA) > 0){ 
			# local FDR procedure excluding already known zero entries of A
			H0statA[zerosA] <- 0 
			lFDRs <- 1 - fdrtool(as.numeric(H0statA[H0statA != 0]), 
			nonzerosA <- H0statA
			nonzerosA[H0statA != 0] <- lFDRs
			zerosA <- which(nonzerosA <= FDRcut[1], arr.ind=TRUE)
			nonzerosA <- which(nonzerosA > FDRcut[1], arr.ind=TRUE)
		} else {
			# local FDR procedure without already known zero entries of A
			lFDRs <- 1 - fdrtool(as.numeric(H0statA), 
			nonzerosA <- which(matrix(lFDRs, ncol=ncol(A), byrow=FALSE) > FDRcut[1], arr.ind=TRUE)
			zerosA <- which(matrix(lFDRs, ncol=ncol(A), byrow=FALSE) <= FDRcut[1], arr.ind=TRUE)

	# report results of sparsification on screen?		
	if (verbose){
	        cat("-> Retained elements: ", nrow(nonzerosA), "\n")
        	cat("-> Corresponding to", round(nrow(nonzerosA)/(nrow(nonzerosA) + 
			nrow(zerosA)), 4) * 100, "% of possible elements \n")
	# should the "H0 statistics" be exported too?
	if (!statistics){ 
		H0statA <- NULL 

	# return the zero and nonzero elements of VAR(1) parameter A
wvanwie/ragt2ridges documentation built on May 4, 2019, 12:03 p.m.