DAISIE_probdist_rhs = function(t,x,m)
x = pmax(x,0)
nx = sqrt(length(x))
dim(x) = c(nx,nx)
xx = matrix(0,nx+3,nx+3)
xx[3:(nx+2),3:(nx+2)] = x
# 3 is where we start to count
dx = m[[1]] * xx[3:(nx+2),2:(nx+1)] + m[[2]] * xx[3:(nx+2),4:(nx+3)] + m[[3]] * xx[4:(nx+3),3:(nx+2)] + m[[4]] * xx[2:(nx+1),4:(nx+3)] + m[[5]] * xx[1:(nx+0),4:(nx+3)] + m[[6]] * xx[2:(nx+1),3:(nx+2)] - m[[7]] * xx[3:(nx+2),3:(nx+2)]
dim(dx) = c(nx^2,1)
#' The joint distribution of endemics and non-endemics under the DAISIE model
#' This function calculates the joint distribution of the number of endemics
#' and non-endemics for a given set of parameter values, a given mainland
#' species pool size and a given set of times
#' To obtain a matrix of probabilities with endemics in rows and non-endemics
#' in columns for a certain time, one can run DAISIE_convertprobdist
#' @param pars1 Vector of model parameters: \cr \cr \code{pars1[1]} corresponds
#' to lambda^c (cladogenesis rate) \cr \code{pars1[2]} corresponds to mu
#' (extinction rate) \cr \code{pars1[3]} corresponds to K (clade-level carrying
#' capacity) \cr \code{pars1[4]} corresponds to gamma (immigration rate) \cr
#' \code{pars1[5]} corresponds to lambda^a (anagenesis rate)
#' @param pars2 Vector of settings: \cr \cr \code{pars2[1]} corresponds to res,
#' the maximum number of endemics or non-endemics for which the ODE system is
#' solved; this must be much larger than the actual number for which the
#' probability needs to be calculated.) \cr \code{pars2[2]} corresponds to M,
#' size of the mainland pool, i.e the number of species that can potentially
#' colonize the island.
#' @param tvec The times at which the probabilities need to be computed.
#' @param initEI The initial values for the number of endemics and
#' non-endemics; either this or initprobs must be NULL
#' @param initprobs The initial probability distribution for the number of
#' endemics and non-endemics; either this or initEI must be NULL
#' @return A matrix of dimensions 1 + length(tvec) and pars[2]^2 + 1] where the
#' first column contains the times at which the probabilities are evaluated and
#' the other columns contain the joint probabilities.
#' @author Rampal S. Etienne
#' @references Valente, L.M., A.B. Phillimore and R.S. Etienne (2015).
#' Equilibrium and non-equilibrium dynamics simultaneously operate in the
#' Galapagos islands. Ecology Letters 18: 844-852.
#' @keywords models
#' @examples
#' ### Compute the probability distribution at t = 4 and t = 8, for a mainland pool
#' # size of 250 potential colonists and a vector of 5 parameters (cladogenesis,
#' # extinction, clade-level carrying capacity, immigration, anagenesis) starting
#' # from an empty island
#' prob_dists <- DAISIE_probdist(
#' pars1 = c(0.3,0.35,Inf,0.75,0.012),
#' pars2 = c(100,250),
#' tvec = c(4,8),
#' initEI = c(0,0),
#' initprobs = NULL
#' )
#' @export DAISIE_probdist
DAISIE_probdist = function(pars1,pars2,tvec,initEI = c(0,0),initprobs = NULL)
lac = pars1[1]
mu = pars1[2]
ga = pars1[4]
laa = pars1[5]
lx = pars2[1]
M = pars2[2]
abstol = 1e-16
reltol = 1e-10
nx1 = rep(-2:lx,lx + 3)
nx1 = nx1 * (nx1 >= 0)
dim(nx1) = c(lx + 3,lx + 3)
nx2 = t(nx1)
m = list()
m[[1]] = ga * (M - nx2[3:(lx + 2),2:(lx + 1)]) # I - 1
m[[2]] = mu * nx2[3:(lx + 2),4:(lx + 3)] # I + 1
m[[3]] = mu * nx1[4:(lx + 3),3:(lx + 2)] # E + 1
m[[4]] = laa * nx2[3:(lx + 2),4:(lx + 3)] # I + 1
m[[5]] = lac * nx2[3:(lx + 2),4:(lx + 3)] # I + 1
m[[6]] = lac * nx1[2:(lx + 1),3:(lx + 2)] # E - 1
m[[7]] = (mu + lac) * nx1[3:(lx + 2),3:(lx + 2)] + (mu + laa + lac) * nx2[3:(lx + 2),3:(lx + 2)] + ga * (M - nx2[3:(lx + 2),3:(lx + 2)]) # E, I, I
probs = initprobs
} else
probs = matrix(0,lx,lx)
probs[initEI[1] + 1,initEI[2] + 1] = 1
dim(probs) = c(lx * lx,1)
y = deSolve::ode(probs,c(0,tvec),DAISIE_probdist_rhs,m,rtol = reltol,atol = abstol, method = "ode45")
#' Converts the joint distribution of endemics and non-endemics under the
#' DAISIE model to list format
#' This function converts the joint distribution of the number of endemics and
#' non-endemics from the matrix format of DAISIE_probdist to a list format
#' @param pb Probability distribution in matrix format as output by
#' DAISIE_probdist
#' @return A list of length nrow(pb) containing matrices of square dimensions
#' of size sqrt(ncol - 1) containing the joint probabilities with endemics in
#' the rows and non-endemics in the columns. The last element of the list is a
#' vector a times at which the joint probability distribution is evaluated.
#' @author Rampal S. Etienne
#' @references Valente, L.M., A.B. Phillimore and R.S. Etienne (2015).
#' Equilibrium and non-equilibrium dynamics simultaneously operate in the
#' Galapagos islands. Ecology Letters 18: 844-852.
#' @keywords models
#' @examples
#' ### Compute the probability distribution at t = 4 and t = 8, for a mainland pool
#' # size of 250 potential colonists and a vector of 5 parameters (cladogenesis, extinction,
#' # clade-level carrying capacity, immigration, anagenesis) starting from an empty
#' # island; store in list format
#' pb <- DAISIE_probdist(
#' pars1 = c(0.3,0.35,Inf,0.75,0.012),
#' pars2 = c(100,250),
#' tvec = c(4,8),
#' initEI = c(0,0),
#' initprobs = NULL
#' )
#' prob_dists <- DAISIE_convertprobdist(pb)
#' @export DAISIE_convertprobdist
DAISIE_convertprobdist = function(pb)
out = list()
dime = dim(pb)
for(i in 1:dime[1])
pb2 = pb[i,2:dime[2]]
d = sqrt(dime[2] - 1)
dim(pb2) = c(d,d)
out[[i]] = pb2
out[[i + 1]] = pb[,1]
#' The marginal distribution of endemics and non-endemics under the DAISIE
#' model
#' This function calculates the marginal distribution of the number of endemics
#' and non-endemics and their sum for a given set of parameter values, a given
#' mainland species pool size and a given set of times
#' @param pars1 Vector of model parameters: \cr \cr \code{pars1[1]} corresponds
#' to lambda^c (cladogenesis rate) \cr \code{pars1[2]} corresponds to mu
#' (extinction rate) \cr \code{pars1[3]} corresponds to K (clade-level carrying
#' capacity) \cr \code{pars1[4]} corresponds to gamma (immigration rate) \cr
#' \code{pars1[5]} corresponds to lambda^a (anagenesis rate)
#' @param pars2 Vector of settings: \cr \cr \code{pars2[1]} corresponds to res,
#' the maximum number of endemics or non-endemics for which the ODE system is
#' solved; this must be much larger than the actual number for which the
#' probability needs to be calculated.) \cr \code{pars2[2]} corresponds to M,
#' size of the mainland pool, i.e the number of species that can potentially
#' colonize the island.
#' @param tvec The times at which the probabilities need to be computed.
#' @param initEI The initial values for the number of endemics and
#' non-endemics; either this or initprobs must be NULL
#' @param initprobs The initial probability distribution for the number of
#' endemics and non-endemics; either this or initEI must be NULL
#' @param pb Rather than computing the joint distribution from given parameter
#' values, one can also specify a precomputed probability distribution in the
#' matrix format of DAISIE_probdist.
#' @return \item{out}{A list of three vectors: \cr \cr \code{pE} The
#' probability distribution of the number of endemic species \cr \code{pI} The
#' probability distribution of the number of non-endemic species \cr \code{pN}
#' The probability distribution of the sum of the number of endemics and
#' non-endemics }
#' @author Rampal S. Etienne
#' @references Valente, L.M., A.B. Phillimore and R.S. Etienne (2015).
#' Equilibrium and non-equilibrium dynamics simultaneously operate in the
#' Galapagos islands. Ecology Letters 18: 844-852.
#' @keywords models
#' @examples
#' ### Compute the marginal probability distributions at t = 4 and t = 8, for a mainland
#' # pool size of 250 potential colonists and a vector of 5 parameters (cladogenesis,
#' # extinction, clade-level carrying capacity, immigration, anagenesis) starting from
#' # an empty island
#' marg_prob_dists <- DAISIE_margprobdist(
#' pars1 = c(0.3,0.35,Inf,0.75,0.012),
#' pars2 = c(100,250),
#' tvec = c(4,8),
#' initEI = c(5,1),
#' initprobs = NULL
#' )
#' @export DAISIE_margprobdist
DAISIE_margprobdist = function(pars1,pars2,tvec,initEI = c(0,0),initprobs = NULL,pb = NULL)
pb = DAISIE_probdist(pars1,pars2,tvec,initEI,initprobs)
lx = pars2[1]
pbE = matrix(nrow = length(tvec) + 1,ncol = lx)
pbI = matrix(nrow = length(tvec) + 1,ncol = lx)
pbN = matrix(nrow = length(tvec) + 1,ncol = 2 * lx - 1)
for(i in 1:(length(tvec) + 1))
pbEI = pb[i,2:(lx * lx + 1)]
dim(pbEI) = c(lx,lx)
pbE[i,1:lx] = rowSums(pbEI)
pbI[i,1:lx] = colSums(pbEI)
pbN[i,1:(2 * lx - 1)] = antidiagSums(pbEI)
out = list(pbE,pbI,pbN)
names(out) = c("pE","pI","pN")
DAISIE_numcol_dist = function(pars1,pars2,tvec)
y = DAISIE_probdist(pars1,c(pars2[1],1),tvec)
lx = pars2[1]
probs00 = y[2:(length(tvec) + 1),2]
probstp = y[2,2:(lx * lx + 1)]
probseq = y[3,2:(lx * lx + 1)]
dim(probstp) = c(lx,lx)
dim(probseq) = c(lx,lx)
ee = rep(0:(lx - 1),lx)
dim(ee) = c(lx,lx)
expEtpapprox = sum(ee * probstp)
expEINtp = DAISIE_ExpEIN(tvec[1],pars1,1)
cat('The total sum of the probabilities at the first time is',sum(probstp),'\n')
cat('The approximation for the expected number of endemics is',expEtpapprox,'\n')
cat('The true value for the expected number of endemics is',expEINtp[[1]],'\n')
expEteqapprox = sum(ee * probseq)
expEINteq = DAISIE_ExpEIN(Inf,pars1,1)
cat('The total sum of the probabilities at the second time is',sum(probstp),'\n')
cat('The approximation for the expected number of endemics is',expEteqapprox,'\n')
cat('The true value for the expected number of endemics is',expEINteq[[1]],'\n')
M = pars2[2]
Mnonfinches = M - round(pars1[11] * M)
} else {
Mnonfinches = M
pC = stats::dbinom(0:Mnonfinches,Mnonfinches,1 - probs00)
expC = Mnonfinches * (1 - probs00)
cat('The approximation for the expected number of colonizations is',expC,'\n')
out = list(pC,expC,expEINtp,expEtpapprox,expEINteq,expEteqapprox)
names(out) = list("pC","expC","expEINtp","expEtpapprox","expEINteq","expEteqapprox")
#' The expectation and marginal distribution of the number of colonizations
#' (lineages) under the DAISIE model
#' This function calculates expectation and marginal distribution of the number
#' of colonizations (lineages) for a given set of parameter values, a given
#' mainland species pool size and a given set of times
#' @param pars1 Vector of model parameters: \cr \cr \code{pars1[1]} corresponds
#' to lambda^c (cladogenesis rate) \cr \code{pars1[2]} corresponds to mu
#' (extinction rate) \cr \code{pars1[3]} corresponds to K (clade-level carrying
#' capacity) \cr \code{pars1[4]} corresponds to gamma (immigration rate) \cr
#' \code{pars1[5]} corresponds to lambda^a (anagenesis rate)
#' @param pars2 Vector of settings: \cr \cr \code{pars2[1]} corresponds to res,
#' the maximum number of endemics or non-endemics for which the ODE system is
#' solved; this must be much larger than the actual number for which the
#' probability needs to be calculated.) \cr \code{pars2[2]} corresponds to M,
#' size of the mainland pool, i.e the number of species that can potentially
#' colonize the island.
#' @param tvec The times at which the probabilities need to be computed.
#' @param initEI A list with the initial values for the number of endemics and
#' non-endemics in each colonizing lineage; when it is NULL, it is assumed that
#' the island is empty
#' @return \item{out}{A list of three vectors: \cr \cr \code{expC} The
#' expectation of the number of colonizations/lineages at the given times \cr
#' \code{pC} The probability distribution of the number of colonizations
#' (lineages) at the given times\cr }
#' @author Rampal S. Etienne
#' @references Valente, L.M., A.B. Phillimore and R.S. Etienne (2015).
#' Equilibrium and non-equilibrium dynamics simultaneously operate in the
#' Galapagos islands. Ecology Letters 18: 844-852.
#' @keywords models
#' @examples
#' ### Compute the marginal probability distributions at t = 4 and t = 8, for a mainland
#' # pool size of 250 potential colonists and a vector of 5 parameters (cladogenesis,
#' # extinction, clade-level carrying capacity, immigration, anagenesis) starting from
#' # an empty island
#' numcol <- DAISIE_numcol(
#' pars1 = c(0.3,0.35,Inf,0.75,0.012),
#' pars2 = c(100,250),
#' tvec = c(4,8),
#' initEI = list(c(0,1),c(0,2),c(3,1))
#' )
#' @export DAISIE_numcol
DAISIE_numcol = function(pars1,pars2,tvec,initEI = NULL)
lx = pars2[1]
M = pars2[2]
nC = length(initEI)
lt = length(tvec)
unique_initEI = unique(initEI)
nuC = length(unique_initEI)
Mnonfinches = M - round(pars1[11] * M) - nC
} else {
Mnonfinches = M - nC
pC = matrix(nrow = lt,ncol = Mnonfinches + nC + 1)
y = DAISIE_probdist(pars1,c(pars2[1],1),tvec,initEI = c(0,0),initprobs = NULL)
probs00 = y[2:(lt + 1),2]
expC = Mnonfinches * (1 - probs00)
lpC = Mnonfinches + 1
for(j in 1:lt)
pC[j,1:lpC] = stats::dbinom(0:Mnonfinches,Mnonfinches,1 - probs00[j])
if(nuC > 0)
for(i in 1:nuC)
abund_initEI = 0
for(j in 1:nC)
if(prod(initEI[[j]] == unique_initEI[[i]]))
abund_initEI = abund_initEI + 1
y = DAISIE_probdist(pars1,c(pars2[1],1),tvec,initEI = unique_initEI[[i]],initprobs = NULL)
probs00 = y[2:(lt + 1),2]
expC = expC + abund_initEI * (1 - probs00)
lpC = lpC + abund_initEI
for(j in 1:lt)
pC[j,1:lpC] = DDD::conv(pC[j,1:(lpC - abund_initEI)],stats::dbinom(0:abund_initEI,abund_initEI,1 - probs00[j]))
names(expC) = tvec
colnames(pC) = 0:(lpC - 1)
rownames(pC) = tvec
out = list(expC,pC)
names(out) = c("expC","pC")
DAISIE_KLdist = function(pars1,pars2,tvec)
y = DAISIE_probdist(pars1,pars2,tvec)
lx = pars2[1]
M = pars2[2]
tp = tvec[1]
teq = tvec[2]
probstp = y[2,2:(lx * lx + 1)]
probseq = y[3,2:(lx * lx + 1)]
dim(probstp) = c(lx,lx)
dim(probseq) = c(lx,lx)
ee = rep(0:(lx - 1),lx)
dim(ee) = c(lx,lx)
expEapprox = sum(ee * probstp)
expEapprox = sum(ee * probseq)
KLdist = sum(probseq * log(probseq/probstp))
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