#' Count the number of species
#' @param datalistelement something
#' @return A numeric value
countspecies = function(datalistelement)
N = length(datalistelement$branching_times) - 1 + datalistelement$missing_species
counttype1 = function(datalistelement)
N1 = 0
if(length(datalistelement$type1or2) > 0)
N1 = (datalistelement$type1or2 == 1)
countspeciestype1 = function(datalistelement)
N1 = 0
if(length(datalistelement$type1or2) > 0)
if(datalistelement$type1or2 == 1)
N1 = length(datalistelement$branching_times) - 1 + datalistelement$missing_species
countimmi = function(datalistelement)
datalistelement$stac != 2
#' Determine if the value is odd.
#' @param x Object to determine
#' @return Boolean indicating if object is odd
#' @examples
#' testit::assert(
#' DAISIE:::is.odd(
#' x = 0
#' ) == FALSE
#' )
#' testit::assert(
#' DAISIE:::is.odd(
#' x = 1
#' ) == TRUE
#' )
is.odd <- function(x) {
if (!assertive::is_a_number(x)) stop("'x' should be a number")
if (!assertive::is_whole_number(x)) stop("'x' should be a whole number")
x %% 2 == 1
countstac = function(datalistelement,stac)
return(datalistelement$stac == stac)
fconstr13 = function(x,pars1,x_E,age)
lac = pars1[1]
laa = pars1[5]
ga = pars1[4]
A = x - lac
C = ga + laa + 2 * lac
ff = (1 + A/C * (1 - exp(-C * age))) * exp(-A * age) - (1 - x_E)
fconstr15 = function(x,pars1,x_E,x_I,age)
lac = pars1[1]
laa = pars1[5]
A = x - lac
B_c = -1/age * log(1 - x_I)
ga = B_c - x - laa - lac
C = ga + laa + 2 * lac
ff = (1 + A/C * (1 - exp(-C * age))) * exp(-A * age) - (1 - x_E)
calcMN = function(datalist,pars1)
N = sum(unlist(lapply(datalist,countspecies)))
M = datalist[[1]]$not_present_type1 + datalist[[1]]$not_present_type2 + length(datalist) - 1
M = datalist[[1]]$not_present_type1 + sum(unlist(lapply(datalist,counttype1)))
} else {
M = M - max(0,DDD::roundn(pars1[11] * M))
N = sum(unlist(lapply(datalist,countspeciestype1)))
} else {
M = datalist[[1]]$not_present + length(datalist) - 1
DAISIE_eq = function(datalist,pars1,pars2)
eqmodel = pars2[5]
ddep = pars2[2]
MN = calcMN(datalist,pars1)
M = MN[1]
N = MN[2]
I = sum(unlist(lapply(datalist,countimmi)))
rNM = N/M
rIM = I/(M - I)
rIN = I/(N - I)
clado = pars1[1] * ((1 - N/pars1[3])^(ddep == 1 || ddep == 11)) * (exp(-N/pars1[3]))^(ddep == 2 || ddep == 21)
ana = pars1[5]
# Equilibrium based on deterministic model in terms of N
if(eqmodel == 1)
immi = pars1[4] * ((1 - N/pars1[3])^(ddep == 11)) * (exp(-N/pars1[3]))^(ddep == 21)
ext = clado + immi * (1/rNM - 1)
pars1[2] = ext
# Equilibrium model based on deterministic model in terms of E and I
if(eqmodel == 2) # Only eq for N
ext = pars1[2]
immitot = 1/(1/rNM * 1/(ext - clado) - 1/(ana + clado + ext))
immi = immitot / ((1 - N/pars1[3])^(ddep == 11) * (exp(-N/pars1[3]))^(ddep == 21))
pars1[4] = immi
if(eqmodel == 3) # Only eq for E
immi = pars1[4] * ((1 - N/pars1[3])^(ddep == 11)) * (exp(-N/pars1[3]))^(ddep == 21)
ext = clado + (ana + 2 * clado) * rIN
pars1[2] = ext
if(eqmodel == 4) # Only eq for I
ext = pars1[2]
immitot = (ext + ana + clado) * rIM
immi = immitot / ((1 - N/pars1[3])^(ddep == 11) * (exp(-N/pars1[3]))^(ddep == 21))
pars1[4] = immi
if(eqmodel == 5) # Eq for E and I
ext = clado + (ana + 2 * clado) * rIN
immitot = (ext + ana + clado) * rIM
immi = immitot / ((1 - N/pars1[3])^(ddep == 11) * (exp(-N/pars1[3]))^(ddep == 21))
pars1[2] = ext
pars1[4] = immi
if(eqmodel == 13) # Within x_E of equilibrium for E - diversity-dependence not implemented
x_E = pars2[10]
x_I = pars2[11]
age = datalist[[1]]$island_age
pars1[2] = stats::uniroot(f = fconstr13,interval = c(pars1[1] + 1E-6, pars1[1] + 10),pars1 = pars1,x_E = x_E, age = age)$root
ga_c = -1/age * log(1 - x_I) - pars1[1] - pars1[2] - pars1[5]
if(pars1[4] < ga_c)
cat("The non-endemics do not satisfy the equilibrium criterion for these parameters.\n")
if(eqmodel == 15) # Within x_E and x_I of equilibrium for both E and I - diversity-dependence not implemented
x_E = pars2[10]
x_I = pars2[11]
age = datalist[[1]]$island_age
pars1[2] = stats::uniroot(f = fconstr15,interval = c(pars1[1] + 1E-6, pars1[1] + 10),pars1 = pars1,x_E = x_E, x_I = x_I, age = age)$root
pars1[4] = -1/age * log(1 - x_I) - pars1[1] - pars1[2] - pars1[5]
quantiles = function(probdist,probs)
result = NULL
cdf = cumsum(probdist[2,])
for(i in 1:length(probs))
n = max(which(cdf <= probs[i]))
x = probdist[1,n]
if(cdf[n] == probs[i])
result[i] = x
} else
if(n < length(cdf))
result[i] = ((x + 1) * (probs[i] - cdf[n]) + x * (cdf[n + 1] - probs[i]))/(cdf[n + 1] - cdf[n])
} else
result[i] = x
names(result) = probs
antidiagSums = function(mat)
dime = dim(mat)
out = rep(0,sum(dime) - 1)
nr = nrow(mat)
nc = ncol(mat)
for(i in 1:(nr + nc - 1))
rownums = min(i,nr):max(1,i - nc + 1)
colnums = max(1,i - nr + 1):min(i,nc)
for(j in 1:length(rownums))
out[i] = out[i] + mat[rownums[j],colnums[j]]
#' Translate user-friendly ontogeny codes to numerics
#' @inherit DAISIE_sim
#' @return Numeric, 0 for null-ontogeny, 1 for linear decrease and
#' 2 for beta function
#' @export
#' @examples translate_island_ontogeny("const")
translate_island_ontogeny <- function(island_ontogeny) {
if (island_ontogeny == "const" || island_ontogeny == 0) {
island_ontogeny <- 0
if (island_ontogeny == "linear" || island_ontogeny == 1) {
island_ontogeny <- 1
if (island_ontogeny == "beta" || island_ontogeny == 2) {
island_ontogeny <- 2
order_pars1 <- function(pars1)
np <- names(pars1)
correct_order <- c('max_area','proportional_peak_t','peak_sharpness','total_island_age','lac','mu_min','mu_max','K0','gam','laa')
pars1ff <- pars1
pars1ff[1] <- pars1[which(names(pars1) == 'max_area')]
pars1ff[2] <- pars1[which(names(pars1) == 'proportional_peak_t')]
pars1ff[3] <- pars1[which(names(pars1) == 'peak_sharpness')]
pars1ff[4] <- pars1[which(names(pars1) == 'total_island_age')]
pars1ff[5] <- pars1[which(names(pars1) == 'lac')]
pars1ff[6] <- pars1[which(names(pars1) == 'mu_min')]
pars1ff[7] <- pars1[which(names(pars1) == 'mu_max')]
pars1ff[8] <- pars1[which(names(pars1) == 'K0')]
pars1ff[9] <- pars1[which(names(pars1) == 'gam')]
pars1ff[10] <- pars1[which(names(pars1) == 'laa')]
pars1 <- pars1ff
names(pars1) <- correct_order
#' Determine if list has only numerical values.
#' @param x Object to determine
#' @return Boolean indicating if object is list with only numerical values
#' @note do not forget: NAs are removed from a list!
#' @examples
#' testit::assert(
#' DAISIE:::is_numeric_list(
#' x = list(char = "character", numerical = 1)
#' ) == FALSE
#' )
#' testit::assert(
#' DAISIE:::is_numeric_list(
#' x = list(numerical_1 = 1, numerical_2 = 2)
#' ) == TRUE
#' )
is_numeric_list <- function(x) {
is.list(x) && is.numeric(unlist(x))
#' Create a full-blown DAISIE parameter structure
#' @param time something
#' @param M something
#' @param pars something
#' @param replicates something
#' @export
create_daisie_params <- function(time, M, pars, replicates){
# testit::assert(time > 0)
if(length(M) > 1){
stop("'M' must be one non-zero and positive value")
if(length(time) > 1){
stop("'time' must be one non-zero and positive value")
if(length(pars) < 5){
stop("'pars' must have a length of at least 5")
if(time <= 0){
stop("'time' must be non-zero and positive")
if(M <= 0){
stop("'M' must be non-zero and positive")
if(replicates <= 0){
stop("'replicates' must be non-zero and positive")
if(pars[1] < 0 || pars[2] < 0 || pars[3] < 0 || pars[4] < 0 || pars[5] < 0){
stop("'pars' must be non-zero and positive")
list(time = time,
M = M,
pars = pars,
replicates = replicates
#' Create a sunction to test full-blown DAISIE parameter structure
#' @export
create_test_daisie_params <- function(){
create_daisie_params(time = 3,
M = 1,
pars = c(2.5, 2.6, Inf, 0.01, 1.0),
replicates = 1)
rng_respecting_sample <- function (x, size, replace, prob)
which_non_zero <- prob > 0
non_zero_prob <- prob[which_non_zero]
non_zero_x <- x[which_non_zero]
return(DDD::sample2(x = non_zero_x, size = size, replace = replace,
prob = non_zero_prob))
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