multinomial_kernel=function(data1,data2,order, beta, gamma){
## Multinomial Kernel
# Arguments:
# - data1: data matrix where rows are observations and columns are features
# - data1: same as data1
# - order: the order of the multinomial expansion
# - beta and gamma: no idea how to call them... coefficients? Default value
# removes multiple instances of the same polynome
if (ncol(data1)!=ncol(data2)) stop("data1 and data2 should have the same number of variables")
nargin <- length(as.list( -1
if (nargin<3) {
if (order ==1)
beta = order^(1/(order-1))
gamma = order^(order/(1-order))
else beta = 1
gamma = 1
K = gamma * ((1 + beta * (data2 %*% t(data1)) ^ order) - 1)
###### This is a traditional implementation of KLFDA using self-defined classifier, see Pierre Enel (2019). Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis (, GitHub. Retrieved March 29, 2019.
KLFDA_mk=function(X, Y, r,order, regParam, usekernel=TRUE,fL=0.5,priors,tol,reg,metric,plotFigures=FALSE,
## Kernel Local Fisher Discriminant Analysis
# (with polynomial kernel)
# Arguments
# - X: the predictors data, a matrix where rows are
# observations and columns are features
# - Y: the class of each observation, a cell of strings whose
# length being equal to the number of rows in X
# - order: the order of the polynomial expansion, integer
# - regParam: optional, the regularization parameter. More
# specifically, the regularization term is equal to the mean
# value of the kernel matrix times regParam. Default value is
# 0.25
# - priors: optional, a structure, each field corresponding to
# a class and each value coresponding to the prior probability
# associated with this class. Default value is the empirical
# probability: number of obs in a class / total number of obs
if (nrow(X)!=nrow(Y))
stop(" Number of observations for training data ,X,Y should be the same")
obj.trainData = X
obj.trainClass = Y
obj.order = order;
plotFigures = plotFigures;
verbose = verbose;
obj.classes = sort(unique(obj.trainClass));
obj.nClasses = length(obj.classes);
nargin <- length(as.list( -1
if (nargin < 4) {
regParam = 0.25}
if (nargin == 5) {
if (length(priors)!= obj.nClasses)
stop ("Number of prior should be equal to number of classes")
# in matlabe size is dim in R
# Assessing the regularity of the number of features
obj.nFeatures = dim(obj.trainData)[2]
# Concatenate training activity and generate class vectors (vectors where
# an entry is one if the pattern belong to this class)
classVecsTrain = matrix(nrow=obj.nObservations, ncol=obj.nClasses);
obj.nObsPerClas = matrix(nrow=1, ncol=obj.nClasses);
for (i in seq_along(obj.classes)) {
clas = obj.classes[i]
classVecsTrain[, i] = match(obj.trainClass, clas,nomatch = 0)
obj.nObsPerClas[i] = sum(classVecsTrain[,i])
## II.1) Compute 'gram' (kernel, K) Matrix i.e. dot product of any two high-dim vectors.
if (verbose==TRUE) {
print('Computing K...')
K = multinomial_kernel(obj.trainData,obj.trainData, obj.order)
K = K / obj.nObservations
if (verbose==FALSE){
## II.2) Compute the 'dual' to the means difference between classes ('M' matrix) and
## of pooled covariance ('N' matrix) on a high-dimensional space.
#First of all we need a 'dual' version of the averages per class.
#For that means, an auxiliary column of ones and zeros has to be
#firstly constructed per class.
MuQ = matrix(data=0,nrow=obj.nObservations,ncol= obj.nClasses)# The high dimensional mean of each class
Mu = matrix(data=0,nrow=obj.nObservations, ncol=1) # The mean of the means
for (i in 1 : obj.nClasses){
#See e.g. Scholkopf & Smola 02 ch 14 for justification of the next step.
MuQ[,i] = K %*% classVecsTrain[,i] / obj.nObsPerClas[i]
Mu = Mu + MuQ[,i]
Mu = Mu/ obj.nClasses; #Just the mean of the class-means (or centroids)
# Again, see e.g. Scholkopf & Smola 02 ch 14 for justification of the next
# step. M will represent the "dual" mean-differences (numerator in the FD ration)
# and N the "dual" pooled covariance.
M = matrix(data=0,obj.nObservations, obj.nObservations);
N = K %*% t(K)
for (i in 1 : obj.nClasses){
M = M + (MuQ[,i] - Mu) %*% t((MuQ[,i] - Mu))
N = N - (obj.nObsPerClas[i] * (MuQ[,i] %*% t(MuQ[,i])))
M = M * (obj.nClasses - 1) # across-class unbiased covariance
# Regularizing
mK = abs(mean(K))
if (verbose==TRUE) {
print(paste('Mean K is', mK))
C = regParam * mK
# The value of 'C' is such that the maximum eigenvector
# is proportional to alpha. This is taken as a stable solution.
# This value seems ok. C cannot be much smaller than
# 0.01*mean(mean(K))in MSUA-like data. The bigger, the worse
# in-sample classification.
N = N + C * K; # Emulates SVM-like penalization (i.e. complexity).
# Extracting eigenvalues and eigenvectors
# find generalized eigenvalues and normalized eigenvectors of the problem
eigTmp <- suppressWarnings(rARPACK::eigs(A = ginv(N + reg * diag(1, nrow(N), ncol(N))) %*% M,
k = r,which ='LM')) # r largest magnitude eigenvalues
eigVec <- Re(eigTmp$vectors) # the raw transforming matrix
eigVal <- as.matrix(Re(eigTmp$values))
#[Vtmp, lambda] = eig(M, N);
#lambda = real(diag(lambda));
# Warning: eigenvalues have to be ordered.
#[~, index] = sort(abs(lambda), 'descend');
#obj.V = Vtmp(:, index);
projData = K %*% eigVec
Tr <- getMetricOfType(metric, eigVec, eigVal, n)
Z <- t(t(Tr) %*% K)
for (i in 1 : obj.nClasses){
projDataC = projData[as.logical(classVecsTrain[,i]),]
if (plotFigures==TRUE){
# library(plotly)
p1 <- plotly::plot_ly(, x =Z[,1], y =Z[,2], z =Z[,3], color = obj.trainClass,colors=cols,...) %>%
add_markers() %>%
layout(scene = list(xaxis = list(title = 'LDA1'),
yaxis = list(title = 'LDA2'),
zaxis = list(title = 'LDA3')))
## change the color by adding colors = c("#7570B3",'#BF382A', "#0C4B8E" color=cols[obj.trainClass]
# p2 <- plot_ly(, x =projDataC[,1], y =projDataC[,2], z =projDataC[,3],color=obj.trainClass) %>%
# add_markers() %>%
# layout(scene = list(xaxis = list(title = 'LDA1'),
# yaxis = list(title = 'LDA2'),
# zaxis = list(title = 'LDA3')))
# Reduced projected data to a dimensionality of obj.nClasses - 1,
# sufficient for separation of the points in obj.nClasses
#redProjData = matrix(data=0,nrow=obj.nObservations,ncol=obj.nClasses);
obj.means = matrix(data=0,nrow=1,ncol=obj.nClasses);
obj.means0 = list()
# obj.covariances = matrix(data=0,nrow=1,ncol=obj.nClasses);
for (i in 1 : obj.nClasses){
clas = obj.classes[i];
#redProjData[[i]] = projData[as.logical(classVecsTrain[,i]), (1 : (obj.nClasses - 1))]### here obj,nClasses -1 can be subsetuted by d, the reduced number of dim
redProjData[[i]] = projData[as.logical(classVecsTrain[,i]), (1 : r)]
obj.means[,i] = mean(redProjData[[i]])
obj.means0[[i]]= colMeans(redProjData[[i]])
obj.covariances[[i]] = cov(redProjData[[i]])
#### here we test whether the covariance is colinear and set tolerance, in some cases like our Shannon information data, the colinearity will abort the next step
# for (i in 1:obj.nClasses){
#calculate singular value
# sX <- svd(obj.covariances[[i]], nu = 0L)
# rank <- sum(sX$d > tol^2)
# if(rank == 0L) stop("rank = 0: variables are numerically constant")
# if(rank < obj.nFeatures) warning("variables are collinear")
# }
### aternational
obj.means1 = list()
for (i in 1 : obj.nClasses){
#redProjData[[i]] = projData[as.logical(classVecsTrain[,i]), (1 : (obj.nClasses - 1))]### here obj,nClasses -1 can be subsetuted by d, the reduced number of dim
redZ[[i]] = Z[as.logical(classVecsTrain[,i]), (1 : r)]
obj.means1[[i]]= colMeans(redZ[[i]])
obj.covariances1[[i]] = cov(redZ[[i]])
## Generate priors and likelihood functions
# Priors
nargin <- length(as.list( -1
if (is.null(priors)==TRUE){
obj.priors = matrix(data=0,nrow=1, ncol=obj.nClasses);
for (i in 1 : obj.nClasses){
obj.priors[,i] = obj.nObsPerClas[,i] / obj.nObservations;
if(is.null(priors)==FALSE) {
priorsTmp = priors;
obj.priors = matrix(data=0,nrow=1, ncol=obj.nClasses)
for (i in 1 : obj.nClasses){
clas = obj.classes[i]
obj.priors[,i]= priorsTmp[i]
# Likelihood
obj.likelihoodFuns = list()
# warning('error', 'nearlySingularMatrix')
for (i in 1 : obj.nClasses){
clas = obj.classes[i]
obj.covInv[[i]] = ginv(obj.covariances[[i]]);# ginv( get inverse matrix
obj.covDet[[i]] = det(obj.covariances[[i]]);
#pvaCov = vpa(obj.covariances[[i]]);
#obj.covInv[[i]] = double((pvaCov));
#obj.covDet.(clas) = double(det(pvaCov));
factor[[i]] = (2 * pi) ^ (-(obj.nClasses - 1) / 2) * (obj.covDet[[i]] ^ -0.5)
### the methos of Z
for (i in 1 : obj.nClasses){
obj.covInv1[[i]] = ginv(obj.covariances1[[i]]);# ginv(
obj.covDet1[[i]] = det(obj.covariances1[[i]]);
#pvaCov = vpa(obj.covariances[[i]]);
#obj.covInv[[i]] = double((pvaCov));
#obj.covDet.(clas) = double(det(pvaCov));
factor1[[i]] = (2 * pi) ^ (-(obj.nClasses - 1) / 2) * (obj.covDet1[[i]] ^ -0.5)
likelihoods = matrix(data=0,nrow = obj.nObservations, ncol=obj.nClasses);
likelihoods1 = matrix(data=0,nrow=obj.nObservations, ncol=obj.nClasses);
posteriors = matrix(data=0,nrow=obj.nObservations, ncol=obj.nClasses);
posteriors1 = matrix(data=0,nrow=obj.nObservations, ncol=obj.nClasses)
dist=matrix(data=0,nrow=obj.nObservations, ncol=obj.nClasses)
dist1=matrix(data=0,nrow=obj.nObservations, ncol=obj.nClasses)
## here from the scripts of Perr, each row of new data has nclass of
# (rpdTest[j,] - obj.means[[i]]) %*% obj.covInv[[i]] * t(rpdTest[j,] -obj.means[[i]])
for (j in 1 : obj.nObservations){
for (i in 1 : obj.nClasses){
# clas = obj.classes[i]
#mean((rpdTest[j,] - obj.means0[[i]]) %*% obj.covInv[[i]] * t(rpdTest[j,] -obj.means0[[i]]))
dist[j,i]=mean((projData[j,] - obj.means0[[i]]) %*% obj.covInv[[i]] * t(projData[j,] -obj.means0[[i]]))
dist1[j,i]=mean((Z[j,] - obj.means1[[i]]) %*% obj.covInv1[[i]] * t(Z[j,] -obj.means1[[i]]))
# likelihoods[[j]][[i]] =factor[[i]] * exp(-0.5 * (rpdTest[j,] - obj.means[i]) %*% obj.covInv[[i]] * t(rpdTest[j,] -obj.means[i]))
#likelihoods1 =factor[[i]] * exp(-0.5 * (rpdTest[j,] - obj.means0[[i]]) %*% obj.covInv[[i]] * t(rpdTest[j,] -obj.means0[[i]]))
likelihoods[j,i] =factor[[i]] * exp(-0.5 * dist[j,i])
likelihoods1[j,i] =factor1[[i]] * exp(-0.5 * dist1[j,i])
posteriors[j,] = likelihoods[j,] * obj.priors / sum(likelihoods[j,] * obj.priors)
posteriors1[j,] = likelihoods1[j,] * obj.priors / sum(likelihoods1[j,] * obj.priors)
### posteriors.class is the normal prodiction using projData posteriors.classZ using Z
## Predicting the class of each data point
posteriors.class=factor(obj.classes[max.col(posteriors)], levels = obj.classes)
posteriors.classZ=factor(obj.classes[max.col(posteriors1)], levels = obj.classes)
bayes_proj=klaR::NaiveBayes(, as.factor(obj.trainClass), prior=obj.priors, usekernel=usekernel, fL = fL,...)
bayes_Z=klaR::NaiveBayes(, as.factor(obj.trainClass), prior=obj.priors, usekernel=usekernel, fL = fL,...)
return(list(bayes_proj=bayes_proj,bayes_Z=bayes_Z,kern_bayes_assigment_proj=kern_bayes_assigment_proj,kern_bayes_assigment_Z=kern_bayes_assigment_Z,posteriors=posteriors,posteriorsZ=posteriors1,posteriors.class=posteriors.class,posteriors.classZ=posteriors.classZ, obj.order=obj.order, obj.priors=obj.priors,obj.trainData=obj.trainData, obj.nClasses=obj.nClasses, obj.nFeatures=obj.nFeatures,classVecsTrain=classVecsTrain,obj.classes=obj.classes,obj.nObsPerClas=obj.nObsPerClas,obj.means=obj.means,obj.means0=obj.means0,obj.means1=obj.means1,obj.covInv=obj.covInv,obj.covInv1=obj.covInv1,factor=factor,factor1=factor1,eigVec=eigVec,eigVal=eigVal,Z=Z,Tr=Tr,LD=projDataC))
#obj.likelihoodFuns[[i]] = factor * exp(-0.5 * (x - obj.means[[i]] * obj.covInv[[i]] * (x - t(obj.means[[i]]))
#' @export
predict.KLFDA_mk=function(object,prior=NULL, testData,...){
## Predict the class of new data
# Arguments are the same as the X and Y in the constructor
# function
## X is test data
# Checking arguments
#if (nrow(X)!= length(Y)) stop("number of class and number of observations are not equal")
nFeaturesTest = dim(testData)[2]
if (obj.nFeatures != nFeaturesTest)
stop('The number of features must be constant across classes and train/test data')
# classVecsTest = matrix(data=NA,nrow=nObsTest, ncol=obj.nClasses);
# Yid = matrix(data=0,nrow=nObsTest, ncol=1);
# for (i in 1:obj.nClasses){
#clas = obj.classes[i];
#classVecsTest[,i] = match(Y, clas,nomatch=0)
#Yid[as.logical(classVecsTest[,i])] = i;
## Computing the test kernel matrix
K2 = multinomial_kernel(obj.trainData, testData, obj.order);
# K2 = K2/ obj.nObservations;
## Projecting data onto the discriminant axes
# rpdTest = K2 %*% eigVec[, (1 : (obj.nClasses - 1))] # Reduced projected data test
rpdTest = K2 %*% eigVec
Z2 <- K2 %*% Tr
# requireNamespace("klaR") ## FOR Nativebaye function
#bayes=NaiveBayes(Z, Y, prior, usekernel, fL,kernel,bw = "nrd0", adjust = 1,weights = NULL, window = kernel, give.Rkern = FALSE,...)
## Retrieving the likelihood of each test point
likelihoods0 = matrix(data=0,nrow=nObsTest, ncol=obj.nClasses);
likelihoods = matrix(data=0,nrow=nObsTest, ncol=obj.nClasses);
likelihoods1 = matrix(data=0,nrow=nObsTest, ncol=obj.nClasses);
posteriors0 = matrix(data=0,nrow=nObsTest, ncol=obj.nClasses);
posteriors = matrix(data=0,nrow=nObsTest, ncol=obj.nClasses);
posteriors1 = matrix(data=0,nrow=nObsTest, ncol=obj.nClasses)
dist0=matrix(data=0,nrow=nObsTest, ncol=obj.nClasses)
dist=matrix(data=0,nrow=nObsTest, ncol=obj.nClasses)
dist1=matrix(data=0,nrow=nObsTest, ncol=obj.nClasses)
## here from the scripts of Perr, each row of new data has nclass of
# (rpdTest[j,] - obj.means[[i]]) %*% obj.covInv[[i]] * t(rpdTest[j,] -obj.means[[i]])
else obj.priors=prior
for (j in 1 : nObsTest){
for (i in 1 : obj.nClasses){
# clas = obj.classes[i]
dist[j,i]=mean((rpdTest[j,] - obj.means[i]) %*% obj.covInv[[i]] * t(rpdTest[j,] -obj.means[i]))
#mean((rpdTest[j,] - obj.means0[[i]]) %*% obj.covInv[[i]] * t(rpdTest[j,] -obj.means0[[i]]))
dist0[j,i]=mean((rpdTest[j,] - obj.means0[[i]]) %*% obj.covInv[[i]] * t(rpdTest[j,] -obj.means0[[i]]))
dist1[j,i]=mean((Z2[j,] - obj.means1[[i]]) %*% obj.covInv1[[i]] * t(Z2[j,] -obj.means1[[i]]))
# likelihoods[[j]][[i]] =factor[[i]] * exp(-0.5 * (rpdTest[j,] - obj.means[i]) %*% obj.covInv[[i]] * t(rpdTest[j,] -obj.means[i]))
#likelihoods1 =factor[[i]] * exp(-0.5 * (rpdTest[j,] - obj.means0[[i]]) %*% obj.covInv[[i]] * t(rpdTest[j,] -obj.means0[[i]]))
likelihoods[j,i] =factor[[i]] * exp(-0.5 * dist[j,i])
likelihoods0[j,i] =factor[[i]] * exp(-0.5 * dist0[j,i])
likelihoods1[j,i] =factor1[[i]] * exp(-0.5 * dist1[j,i])
posteriors[j,] = likelihoods[j,] * obj.priors / sum(likelihoods[j,] * obj.priors)## rpdtest means using
posteriors0[j,] = likelihoods0[j,] * obj.priors / sum(likelihoods0[j,] * obj.priors)##rpdtest
posteriors1[j,] = likelihoods1[j,] * obj.priors / sum(likelihoods1[j,] * obj.priors)## Z
## Predicting the class of each data point
posteriors.class=factor(obj.classes[max.col(posteriors)], levels = obj.classes)
posteriors.class0=factor(obj.classes[max.col(posteriors0)], levels = obj.classes)
posteriors.class1=factor(obj.classes[max.col(posteriors1)], levels = obj.classes)
## Creating the output variables
results = list();
results$likelihood = likelihoods1;
results$posteriors = posteriors;
results$posteriors0 = posteriors0;
results$posteriors1 = posteriors1;
results$posteriors.class = posteriors.class
results$posteriors.class0 = posteriors.class0
results$posteriors.class1 = posteriors.class1
############## KLFDA function that adopted from Tang et al 2016
kmatrixGauss=function (x, sigma = 1)
x <- t(as.matrix(x))
d <- nrow(x)
n <- ncol(x)
X2 <- t(as.matrix(colSums(x^2)))
distance2 <- repmat(X2, n, 1) + repmat(t(X2), 1, n) - 2 *
t(x) %*% x
K <- exp(-distance2/(2 * sigma^2))
KLFDAM=function(kdata, y, r, metric = c("weighted", "orthonormalized",
"plain"),tol=1e-5, knn = 6, reg = 0.001)
obj.classes = sort(unique(y));
obj.nClasses = length(obj.classes);
metric <- match.arg(metric)
y <- t(as.matrix(y))
n <- nrow(k)
if (is.null(r))
r <- n
tSb <- mat.or.vec(n, n)
tSw <- mat.or.vec(n, n)
for (i in unique(as.vector(t(y)))) {
Kcc <- k[y == i, y == i]
Kc <- k[, y == i]
nc <- nrow(Kcc)
Kccdiag <- diag(Kcc)
distance2 <- repmat(Kccdiag, 1, nc) + repmat(t(Kccdiag),
nc, 1) - 2 * Kcc
A <- getAffinityMatrix(distance2, knn, nc)
Kc1 <- as.matrix(rowSums(Kc))
Z <- Kc %*% (repmat(as.matrix(colSums(A)), 1, n) * t(Kc)) -
Kc %*% A %*% t(Kc)
tSb <- tSb + (Z/n) + Kc %*% t(Kc) * (1 - nc/n) + Kc1 %*%
tSw <- tSw + Z/nc
K1 <- as.matrix(rowSums(k))
tSb <- tSb - K1 %*% t(K1)/n - tSw
tSb <- (tSb + t(tSb))/2
tSw <- (tSw + t(tSw))/2
eigTmp <- suppressWarnings(rARPACK::eigs(A = solve(tSw + reg * diag(1, nrow(tSw), ncol(tSw)),tol=tol) %*% tSb, k = r,
which = "LM"))
eigVec <- Re(eigTmp$vectors)
eigVal <- as.matrix(Re(eigTmp$values))
Tr <- getMetricOfType(metric, eigVec, eigVal, n)
Z <- t(t(Tr) %*% k)
out <- list(T = Tr, Z = Z,obj.classes = obj.classes,
obj.nClasses = obj.nClasses, kmat=kdata)
class(out) <- "KLFDA"
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