Man pages for xlucpu/MOVICS
Multi-Omics integration and VIsualization in Cancer Subtyping

calcPhenotypeCalculates phenotype from microarray data.
cgp2016ExprRmaGDSC 2016 gene expression data
classifySamplesDichotimize a training expression set and fit a logistic...
compAgreeComparison of agreement between two subtypes
compClinvarComparison of clinical variables
compDrugsenComparison of drug sensitivity
compFGAComparison of fraction genome altered
compMutComparison of mutational frequency
compSurvComparison of prognosis by Kaplan-Meier survival curve
compTMBComparsion of total mutation burden
doVariableSelectiona function to do variable selection on expression matrices.
drugData2016GDSC 2016 drug data
estimateCI.pRRopheticCvConfidence intervals from "pRRopheticCv" object.
estimateMeanPredictionError.pRRopheticCvMean prediction error from "pRRopheticCv" object.
estimateMedianPredictionError.pRRopheticCvMedian prediction error from "pRRopheticCv" object.
estimateRsqr.pRRopheticCvR^2 from "pRRopheticCv" object.
getCGPinfoGiven a drug and tissue type, return CGP expression and drug...
getCIMLRGet subtypes from CIMLR
getClustNumGet estimation of optimal clustering number
getCOCAGet subtypes from COCA
getConsensusClusteringGet subtypes from ConsensusClustering
getConsensusMOICGet subtypes from consensus clustering of multiple...
getElitesGet elites for clustering
getiClusterBayesGet subtypes from iClusterBayes
getIntNMFGet subtypes from IntNMF
getLRAclusterGet subtypes from LRAcluster
getMoClusterGet subtypes from MoCluster
getMoHeatmapGet multi-omics comprehensive heatmap
getMOICGet subtypes from multi-omics integrative clustering
getNEMOGet subtypes from NEMO
getPINSPlusGet subtypes from PINSPlus
getPPVCalculate PPV and NPV and a cutpoint from the training data.
getSilhouetteGet silhoutte plot from consensus clustering
getSNFGet subtypes from SNF
getStdizGet standardized omics data
homogenizeDataTake two expression matrices and return homogenized versions...
LRAclusterintegrated analysis of cancer omics data by low-rank...
nemo.affinity.graphNEMO affinity graph
nemo.clusteringNEMO clustering
nemo.num.clustersNEMO num clusters
plot.pRRopheticCvPlot "pRRopheticCv" object.
predictionAccuracyByCvCross validation on training dataset
pRRopheticCVThis function uses X fold cross validation on the TrainingSet...
pRRopheticLogisticPredictPredict from the CGP data using a logistic model
pRRopheticPredictGiven a gene expression matrix, predict drug senstivity for a...
pRRopheticQQplotCheck the distribution of the drug response (IC50) data using...
quietSuppress function messages and Concatenate and Print (cat)
runDEARun differential expression analysis
runGSEARun identification of unique functional pathways
runGSVARun gene set variation analysis
runKappaRun consistency evaluation using Kappa statistic
runMarkerRun identification of unique biomarkers
runNTPRun nearest template prediction
runPAMRun partition around medoids classifier
spectralClusteringSpectral clustering
summarizeGenesByMeanTake an expression matrix and if duplicate genes are...
summary.pRRopheticCvSummary of "pRRopheticCv" object.
twoclassdeseq2Run two class comparison
twoclassedgerRun two class comparison
twoclasslimmaRun two class comparison
xlucpu/MOVICS documentation built on July 24, 2021, 9:23 p.m.