
Defines functions collapse2plm_lag_diff pdifft pdiffr pdiff diffr.pseries leadr.pseries lagr.pseries alagt difft.pseries leadt.pseries lagt.pseries diff.pseries lead.pseries lag.pseries lead Within.matrix Within.pseries Within.default Within between.matrix between.pseries between.default between Between.matrix Between.pseries Between.default Between Sum.matrix Sum.pseries Sum.default Sum Mean myave.matrix Tapply.matrix myave.pseries Tapply.pseries myave.default Tapply.default myave Tapply print.summary.pseries plot.summary.pseries summary.pseries plot.pseries as.matrix.pseries print.pseries

Documented in as.matrix.pseries between Between between.default Between.default between.matrix Between.matrix between.pseries Between.pseries diff.pseries lag.pseries lead lead.pseries plot.pseries plot.summary.pseries print.pseries print.summary.pseries Sum Sum.default summary.pseries Sum.matrix Sum.pseries Within Within.default Within.matrix Within.pseries

## This file contains the relevant transformations used for panel data,
## namely of course Within and between/Between, but also Sum (useful for
## unbalanced panels).

## They are all generics and have default, pseries and matrix
## methods. The effect argument is an index vector for the default method
## and a character ("individual", "time", "group", "twoways") for the
## pseries method. It can be any of the two for the matrix method (the
## second one only if the matrix argument has an index attribute

## diff, lag and lead methods for pseries are also provided (lead is a
## generic exported by plm, lag and diff being generic exported by
## stats). All of them have a shift argument which can be either "time"
## or "row".

#' panel series
#' A class for panel series for which several useful computations and
#' data transformations are available.
#' The functions `between`, `Between`, `Within`, and `Sum` perform specific
#' data transformations, i. e., the between, within, and sum transformation,
#' respectively.
#' `between` returns a vector/matrix containing the individual means (over
#' time) with the length of the vector equal to the number of
#' individuals (if `effect = "individual"` (default); if `effect = "time"`,
#' it returns the time means (over individuals)). `Between`
#' duplicates the values and returns a vector/matrix which length/number of rows
#' is the number of total observations. `Within` returns a vector/matrix
#' containing the values in deviation from the individual means
#' (if `effect = "individual"`, from time means if `effect = "time"`), the so
#' called demeaned data. `Sum` returns a vector/matrix with sum per individual
#' (over time) or the sum per time period (over individuals) with
#' `effect = "individual"` or `effect = "time"`, respectively, and has length/
#' number of rows of the total observations (like `Between`).
#' For `between`, `Between`, `Within`, and `Sum` in presence of NA values it
#' can be useful to supply `na.rm = TRUE` as an additional argument to
#' keep as many observations as possible in the resulting transformation.
#' na.rm is passed on to the mean()/sum() function used by these transformations
#' (i.e., it does not remove NAs prior to any processing!), see also 
#' **Examples**. 
#' @name pseries
#' @aliases pseries
#' @param x,object a `pseries` or a matrix; or a `summary.pseries` object,
#' @param effect for the pseries methods: character string indicating the
#'     `"individual"`, `"time"`, or `"group"` effect, for `Within` 
#'     `"twoways"` additionally; for non-pseries methods, `effect` is a factor
#'     specifying the dimension (`"twoways"` is not possible),
#' @param idbyrow if `TRUE` in the `as.matrix` method, the lines of
#'     the matrix are the individuals,
#' @param plot,scale,transparency,col,lwd plot arguments,
#' @param \dots further arguments, e. g., `na.rm = TRUE` for
#'     transformation functions like `between`, see **Details**
#'     and **Examples**.
#' @return All these functions return an object of class `pseries` or a matrix,
#'     except:\cr `between`, which returns a numeric vector or a matrix;
#'     `as.matrix`, which returns a matrix.
#' @author Yves Croissant
#' @seealso [is.pseries()] to check if an object is a pseries. For
#'     more functions on class 'pseries' see [lag()], [lead()],
#'     [diff()] for lagging values, leading values (negative lags) and
#'     differencing.
#' @keywords classes
#' @examples
#' # First, create a pdata.frame
#' data("EmplUK", package = "plm")
#' Em <- pdata.frame(EmplUK)
#' # Then extract a series, which becomes additionally a pseries
#' z <- Em$output
#' class(z)
#' # obtain the matrix representation
#' as.matrix(z)
#' # compute the between and within transformations
#' between(z)
#' Within(z)
#' # Between and Sum replicate the values for each time observation
#' Between(z)
#' Sum(z)
#' # between, Between, Within, and Sum transformations on other dimension
#' between(z, effect = "time")
#' Between(z, effect = "time")
#' Within(z, effect = "time")
#' Sum(z, effect = "time")
#' # NA treatment for between, Between, Within, and Sum
#' z2 <- z
#' z2[length(z2)] <- NA # set last value to NA
#' between(z2, na.rm = TRUE) # non-NA value for last individual
#' Between(z2, na.rm = TRUE) # only the NA observation is lost
#' Within(z2, na.rm = TRUE)  # only the NA observation is lost
#' Sum(z2, na.rm = TRUE)     # only the NA observation is lost
#' sum(is.na(Between(z2))) # 9 observations lost due to one NA value
#' sum(is.na(Between(z2, na.rm = TRUE))) # only the NA observation is lost
#' sum(is.na(Within(z2))) # 9 observations lost due to one NA value
#' sum(is.na(Within(z2, na.rm = TRUE))) # only the NA observation is lost
#' sum(is.na(Sum(z2))) # 9 observations lost due to one NA value
#' sum(is.na(Sum(z2, na.rm = TRUE))) # only the NA observation is lost

#' @rdname pseries
#' @export
print.pseries <- function(x, ...){
  x.orig <- x
  attr(x, "index") <- NULL
  attr(x, "class") <- base::setdiff(attr(x, "class"), "pseries")
  if(length(attr(x, "class")) == 1L && class(x) %in% c("character", "logical", "numeric", "integer", "complex")) {
    attr(x, "class") <- NULL
  print(x, ...)

#' @rdname pseries
#' @export
as.matrix.pseries <- function(x, idbyrow = TRUE, ...){
    index <- unclass(attr(x, "index")) # unclass for speed
    id <- index[[1L]]
    time <- index[[2L]]
    time.names <- levels(time)
    x <- collapse::rsplit(data.frame(x, time), id)
    x <- lapply(x, function(x){
        rownames(x) <- x[ , 2L]
        x[ , -2L, drop = FALSE]
    x <- lapply(x, function(x){
        x <- x[time.names, , drop = FALSE]
        rownames(x) <- time.names
    id.names <- names(x)
    x <- as.matrix(as.data.frame((x)))
    colnames(x) <- id.names
    if(idbyrow) x <- t(x)

## plots a panel series by time index
## can supply any panel function, e.g., a loess smoother
## > mypanel<-function(x,...) {
## + panel.xyplot(x,...)
## + panel.loess(x, col="red", ...)}
## >
## > plot(pres(mod), panel=mypanel)

#' @rdname pseries
#' @importFrom lattice xyplot
#' @export
plot.pseries <- function(x, plot = c("lattice", "superposed"),
                         scale = FALSE, transparency = TRUE,
                         col = "blue", lwd = 1, ...) {
    if(scale) {
        scalefun <- function(x) scale(x)
    } else {
        scalefun <- function(x) return(x)}
    nx <- as.numeric(x)
    ind <- attr(x, "index")[[1L]]
    tind <- attr(x, "index")[[2L]] # possibly as.numeric():
                                   # activates autom. tick
                                   # but loses time labels

    xdata <- data.frame(nx = nx, ind = ind, tind = tind)
           "lattice" = {
               ##require(lattice) # make a ggplot2 version
               xyplot(nx ~ tind | ind, data = xdata, type = "l", col = col, ...)
           "superposed" = {
               ylim <- c(min(tapply(scalefun(nx), ind, min, na.rm = TRUE)),
                         max(tapply(scalefun(nx), ind, max, na.rm = TRUE)))
               unind <- unique(ind)
               nx1 <- nx[ind == unind[1L]]
               tind1 <- as.numeric(tind[ind == unind[1L]])
               ## plot empty plot to provide frame
               plot(NA, xlim = c(min(as.numeric(tind)),
                    ylim = ylim, xlab = "", ylab = "", xaxt = "n", ...)
               axis(1, at = as.numeric(unique(tind)),
                    labels = unique(tind))
               ## determine lwd and transparency level as a function
               ## of n
               if(transparency) {
                   alpha <- 5 / length(unind)
                   col <- heat.colors(1, alpha = alpha)
                   lwd <- length(unind) / 10
               ## plot lines (notice: tind. are factors, so they
               ## retain the correct labels which would be lost if
               ## using as.numeric
               for(i in seq_along(unind)) {
                   nxi <- nx[ind == unind[i]]
                   tindi <- tind[ind == unind[i]]
                   lines(x = tindi, y = scalefun(nxi),
                         col = col, lwd = lwd, ...)

#' @rdname pseries
#' @export
summary.pseries <- function(object, ...) {
    object.orig <- object
    special_treatment_vars <- c("factor", "logical", "character")
    if(!inherits(object, special_treatment_vars)) {
        Bid   <- Between(object, na.rm = TRUE)
        Btime <- Between(object, effect = "time", na.rm = TRUE)
        res <- structure(c(total        = sum( (na.omit(object) - mean(object, na.rm = TRUE)) ^ 2),
                           between_id   = sum( (na.omit(Bid)    - mean(Bid,    na.rm = TRUE)) ^ 2),
                           between_time = sum( (na.omit(Btime)  - mean(Btime,  na.rm = TRUE)) ^ 2)), 
                          class = c("summary.pseries"),
                          class.pseries = class(object.orig))
        attr(res, "SummaryDefault") <- summary(remove_pseries_features(object))
    } else {
        object <- remove_pseries_features(object)
        res <- summary(object, ...)
        attr(res, "class.pseries") <- class(object.orig)
        class(res) <- c("summary.pseries")

#' @rdname pseries
#' @export
plot.summary.pseries <- function(x, ...){
    special_treatment_vars <- c("factor", "logical", "character")
    class.basic <- setdiff(attr(x, "class.pseries"), "pseries")
    if(!class.basic %in% special_treatment_vars) {
      x <- as.numeric(x) # get tss, id/time b by coercing summary.pseries to 'numeric'
      share <- x[-1L]/x[1L] # vec with length == 2
      names(share) <- c("id", "time")
      barplot(share, ...)
    } else NULL

#' @rdname pseries
#' @export
print.summary.pseries <- function(x, ...){
    x.orig <- x
    digits <- getOption("digits")
    special_treatment_vars <- c("factor", "logical", "character")
    class.basic <- setdiff(attr(x, "class.pseries"), "pseries")
    if(!class.basic %in% special_treatment_vars) {
        x <- as.numeric(x) # get tss, id/time b by coercing summary.pseries to 'numeric'
        share <- x[-1L]/x[1L] # vec with length == 2
        names(share) <- c("id", "time")
        cat(paste("total sum of squares:", signif(x[1L], digits = digits),"\n"))
        print.default(share, ...)
        print(attr(x.orig, "SummaryDefault"), ...)
    } else {
      # use base R's facilities
        attr(x, "class.pseries") <- NULL
        # factor is special once again:
        is.fac <- if(class.basic == "factor") TRUE else FALSE
        attr(x, "class") <- if(is.fac) NULL else "summaryDefault"
        print(x, ...)

Tapply <- function(x, ...) {

myave <- function(x, ...) {

Tapply.default <- function(x, effect, func, ...) {
    # argument 'effect' is assumed to be a factor
    na.x <- is.na(x)
    uniqval <- tapply(x, effect, func, ...)
    nms <- attr(uniqval, "dimnames")[[1L]]
    attr(uniqval, "dimnames") <- attr(uniqval, "dim") <- NULL
    names(uniqval) <- nms
    result <- uniqval[as.character(effect)]
    result[na.x] <- NA

#' @importFrom stats ave
myave.default <- function(x, effect, func, ...) {
  # argument 'effect' is assumed to be a factor
  na.x <- is.na(x)
  res <- ave(x, effect, FUN = function(x) func(x, ...))
  names(res) <- as.character(effect)
  res[na.x] <- NA

Tapply.pseries <- function(x, effect = c("individual", "time", "group"), func, ...){
    effect <- match.arg(effect)
    xindex <- unclass(attr(x, "index")) # unclass for speed
    checkNA.index(xindex) # index may not contain any NA
    effect <- switch(effect,
                     "individual"= xindex[[1L]],
                     "time"      = xindex[[2L]],
                     "group"     = xindex[[3L]]
    z <- as.numeric(x)
    z <- Tapply.default(z, effect, func, ...)
    attr(z, "index") <- attr(x, "index") # insert original index
    class(z) <- c("pseries", class(z))

myave.pseries <- function(x, effect = c("individual", "time", "group"), func, ...) {
  effect <- match.arg(effect)
  xindex <- unclass(attr(x, "index")) # unclass for speed
  checkNA.index(xindex) # index may not contain any NA
  eff.fac <- switch(effect,
                   "individual"= xindex[[1L]],
                   "time"      = xindex[[2L]],
                   "group"     = xindex[[3L]]
  z <- as.numeric(x)
  z <- myave.default(z, eff.fac, func, ...)
  attr(z, "index") <- attr(x, "index") # insert original index
  class(z) <- c("pseries", class(z))

Tapply.matrix <- function(x, effect, func, ...) {
    # argument 'effect' is assumed to be a factor
    na.x <- is.na(x)
    uniqval <- apply(x, 2, tapply, effect, func, ...)
    result <- uniqval[as.character(effect), , drop = FALSE]
    result[na.x] <- NA_real_

myave.matrix <- function(x, effect, func, ...) {
    # argument 'effect' is assumed to be a factor
    na.x <- is.na(x)
    result <- apply(x, 2, FUN = function(x) ave(x, effect, FUN = function(y) func(y, ...)))
    rownames(result) <- as.character(effect)
    result[na.x] <- NA_real_

## non-exported
Mean <- function(x) matrix(.colMeans(x, nrow(x), ncol(x)),
                           nrow(x), ncol(x), byrow = TRUE)

#' @rdname pseries
#' @export
Sum <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname pseries
#' @export
Sum.default <- function(x, effect, ...) {
# print("Sum.default(.baseR)")
# browser()
    # argument 'effect' is assumed to be a factor
    if(!is.numeric(x)) stop("The Sum function only applies to numeric vectors")
    #   Tapply(x, effect, sum, ...)
    return(myave(x, droplevels(effect), sum, ...))

#' @rdname pseries
#' @export
Sum.pseries <- function(x, effect = c("individual", "time", "group"), ...) {
# print("Sum.pseries(.baseR)")
# browser()
    effect <- match.arg(effect)
    #   Tapply(x, effect, sum, ...)
    # myave.pseries takes care of checking the index for NAs
    return(myave(x, effect, sum, ...))

#' @rdname pseries
#' @export
Sum.matrix <- function(x, effect, ...) {
# print("Sum.matrix(.baseR)")
# browser()
  # if no index attribute, argument 'effect' is assumed to be a factor
  eff.fac <- if(is.null(xindex <- attr(x, "index"))) {
  } else {
    if(!is.character(effect) && length(effect) > 1L)
      stop("for matrices with index attributes, the effect argument must be a character")
    if(! effect %in% c("individual", "time", "group"))
      stop("irrelevant effect for a between transformation")
    eff.no <- switch(effect,
                     "individual" = 1L,
                     "time"       = 2L,
                     "group"      = 3L,
                     stop("unknown value of argument 'effect'"))
    xindex <- unclass(xindex) # unclass for speed
    checkNA.index(xindex) # index may not contain any NA
  return(myave(x, eff.fac, sum, ...))

#' @rdname pseries
#' @export
Between <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname pseries
#' @export
Between.default <- function(x, effect, ...) {
# print("Between.default(.baseR)")
# browser()
    # argument 'effect' is assumed to be a factor
    if(!is.numeric(x)) stop("The Between function only applies to numeric vectors")
    #   Tapply(x, effect, mean, ...)
    return(myave(x, droplevels(effect), mean, ...))

#' @rdname pseries
#' @export
Between.pseries <- function(x, effect = c("individual", "time", "group"), ...) {
# print("Between.pseries(.baseR)")
# browser()
    effect <- match.arg(effect)
    #   Tapply(x, effect = effect, mean, ...)
    # myave.pseries takes care of checking the index for NAs
    return(myave(x, effect = effect, mean, ...))

#' @rdname pseries
#' @export
Between.matrix <- function(x, effect, ...) {
# print("Between.matrix(.baseR)")
# browser()
  # if no index attribute, argument 'effect' is assumed to be a factor
  eff.fac <- if(is.null(xindex <- attr(x, "index"))) {
  } else {
    if(!is.character(effect) && length(effect) > 1L)
      stop("for matrices with index attributes, the effect argument must be a character")
    if(! effect %in% c("individual", "time", "group"))
      stop("irrelevant effect for a between transformation")
    eff.no <- switch(effect,
                     "individual" = 1L,
                     "time"       = 2L,
                     "group"      = 3L,
                     stop("unknown value of argument 'effect'"))
    xindex <- unclass(xindex)
    checkNA.index(xindex) # index may not contain any NA
  return(myave.matrix(x, eff.fac, mean, ...))

#' @rdname pseries
#' @export
between <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname pseries
#' @export
between.default <- function(x, effect, ...) {
# print("between.default(.baseR)")
# browser()
    # argument 'effect' is assumed to be a factor
    if(!is.numeric(x)) stop("The between function only applies to numeric vectors")

    # use tapply here as tapply's output is sorted by levels factor effect (unlike ave's output)
    # difference is only relevant for between (small "b") as data is compressed down to # levels
    res <- tapply(x, droplevels(effect), mean, ...)
    nms <- attr(res, "dimnames")[[1L]]
    attr(res, "dimnames") <- attr(res, "dim") <- NULL
    names(res) <- nms

#' @rdname pseries
#' @export
between.pseries <- function(x, effect = c("individual", "time", "group"), ...) {
# print("between.pseries(.baseR)")
# browser()
    effect <- match.arg(effect)
    xindex <- unclass(attr(x, "index")) # unclass for speed
    checkNA.index(xindex) # index may not contain any NA
    eff.fac <- switch(effect,
                     "individual" = xindex[[1L]],
                     "time"       = xindex[[2L]],
                     "group"      = xindex[[3L]],
    res <- between.default(x, effect = eff.fac, ...)
    # data compressed by transformation, so pseries features, esp. index, do not make sense
    res <- remove_pseries_features(res)

#' @rdname pseries
#' @export
between.matrix <- function(x, effect, ...) {
# print("between.matrix(.baseR)")
# browser()
  # if no index attribute, argument 'effect' is assumed to be a factor
  eff.fac <- if(is.null(xindex <- attr(x, "index"))) {
  } else {
    if(!is.character(effect) && length(effect) > 1L)
      stop("for matrices with index attributes, the effect argument must be a character")
    if(! effect %in% c("individual", "time", "group"))
      stop("irrelevant effect for a between transformation")
    eff.no <- switch(effect,
                     "individual" = 1L,
                     "time"       = 2L,
                     "group"      = 3L,
                     stop("unknown value of argument 'effect'"))
    xindex <- unclass(xindex) # unclass for speed
    checkNA.index(xindex) # index may not contain any NA

  # use tapply here as tapply's output is sorted by levels factor effect (unlike ave's output)
  # difference is only relevant for between (small "b") as data is compressed down to # levels
  res <- apply(x, 2, tapply, eff.fac, mean, ...)

#' @rdname pseries
#' @export
Within <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname pseries
#' @export
Within.default <- function(x, effect, ...) {
# print("Within.default(.baseR)")
# browser()
  # arg 'effect' is assumed to be a factor
  # NB: Contrary to the other Within.* methods, Within.default does not handle
  #     twoways effects
  # TODO: could add support for twoways by supplying a list containing two factors
    if(!is.numeric(x)) stop("the within function only applies to numeric vectors")
    return(x - Between(x, droplevels(effect), ...))

#' @rdname pseries
#' @export
Within.pseries <- function(x, effect = c("individual", "time", "group", "twoways"), ...) {
# print("Within.pseries(.baseR)")
# browser()
    effect <- match.arg(effect)
    xindex <- unclass(attr(x, "index")) # unclass for speed
    checkNA.index(xindex) # index may not contain any NA
    if(effect != "twoways") result <- x - Between(x, effect, ...)
    else {
        if(is.pbalanced(x)) result <- x - Between(x, "individual", ...) - Between(x, "time") + mean(x, ...)
        else {
            time <- xindex[[2L]]
            Dmu <- model.matrix(~ time - 1)
            attr(Dmu, "index") <- attr(x, "index") # need original index
            W1   <- Within(x,   "individual", ...)
            WDmu <- Within(Dmu, "individual", ...)
            W2 <- lm.fit(WDmu, x)$fitted.values
            result <- W1 - W2

#' @rdname pseries
#' @export
Within.matrix <- function(x, effect, ...) {
# print("Within.matrix(.baseR)")
# browser()
    if(is.null(xindex <- unclass(attr(x, "index")))) { # unclass for speed
      # non-index case
        result <- Within.default(x, effect, ...)
        # NB: effect is assumed to be a factor; contrary to the other Within.* 
        #     methods, Within.default does not handle twoways effects
    else {
      # index case
        if(effect %in% c("individual", "time", "group")) result <- x - Between(x, effect, ...)
        if(effect == "twoways") {
            checkNA.index(xindex) # index may not contain any NA
            if(is.pbalanced(xindex[[1L]], xindex[[2L]])) {
                result <- x - Between(x, "individual", ...) - Between(x, "time", ...) +
                    matrix(colMeans(x, ...), nrow = nrow(x), ncol = ncol(x), byrow = TRUE)
            else { # unbalanced twoways
                time <- xindex[[2L]]
                Dmu <- model.matrix(~ time - 1)
                attr(Dmu, "index") <- attr(x, "index") # need orig. index here
                W1   <- Within(x,   "individual", ...)
                WDmu <- Within(Dmu, "individual", ...)
                W2 <- lm.fit(WDmu, x)$fitted.values
                result <- W1 - W2

############### LAG and DIFF
# lag/lead/diff for pseries are a wrappers for lagt, leadt, difft (if shift = "time") and 
#                                          for lagr, leadr, diffr (if shift = "row")
# The "t" and "r" methods are not exported (by intention).
# The "t" methods perform shifting while taking the time period into
# account (they "look" at the value in the time dimension).
# The "r" methods perform shifting row-wise (without taking the value
# in the time dimension into account).
# Generic needed only for lead (lag and diff generics are already included in base R)

#' lag, lead, and diff for panel data
#' lag, lead, and diff functions for class pseries.
#' This set of functions perform lagging, leading (lagging in the
#' opposite direction), and differencing operations on `pseries`
#' objects, i. e., they take the panel structure of the data into
#' account by performing the operations per individual.
#' Argument `shift` controls the shifting of observations to be used
#' by methods `lag`, `lead`, and `diff`:
#' - `shift = "time"` (default): Methods respect the
#' numerical value in the time dimension of the index. The time
#' dimension needs to be interpretable as a sequence t, t+1, t+2,
#' \ldots{} where t is an integer (from a technical viewpoint,
#' `as.numeric(as.character(index(your_pdata.frame)[[2]]))` needs to
#' result in a meaningful integer).
#' - `shift = "row": `Methods perform the shifting operation based
#' solely on the "physical position" of the observations,
#' i.e., neighbouring rows are shifted per individual. The value in the
#' time index is not relevant in this case.
#' For consecutive time periods per individual, a switch of shifting
#' behaviour results in no difference. Different return values will
#' occur for non-consecutive time periods per individual
#' ("holes in time"), see also Examples.
#' @name lag.plm
#' @aliases lag lead diff
#' @importFrom stats lag
#' @param x a `pseries` object,
#' @param k an integer, the number of lags for the `lag` and `lead`
#'     methods (can also be negative).  For the `lag` method, a
#'     positive (negative) `k` gives lagged (leading) values.  For the
#'     `lead` method, a positive (negative) `k` gives leading (lagged)
#'     values, thus, `lag(x, k = -1L)` yields the same as `lead(x, k = 1L)`.
#'     If `k` is an integer with length > 1 (`k = c(k1, k2, ...)`), a 
#'     `matrix` with multiple lagged `pseries` is returned,
#' @param lag integer, the number of lags for the `diff` method, can also be of
#'     length > 1 (see argument `k`) (only non--negative values in
#'     argument `lag` are allowed for `diff`),
#' @param shift character, either `"time"` (default) or `"row"`
#'     determining how the shifting in the `lag`/`lead`/`diff`
#'     functions is performed (see Details and Examples).
#' @param ... further arguments (currently none evaluated).
#' @return
#' - An object of class `pseries`, if the argument specifying the lag
#'     has length 1 (argument `k` in functions `lag` and `lead`,
#'     argument `lag` in function `diff`).
#' - A matrix containing the various series in its columns, if the
#'     argument specifying the lag has length > 1.
#' @note The sign of `k` in `lag.pseries` results in inverse behaviour
#'     compared to [stats::lag()] and [zoo::lag.zoo()].
#' @author Yves Croissant and Kevin Tappe
#' @seealso To check if the time periods are consecutive per
#'     individual, see [is.pconsecutive()].
#' For further function for 'pseries' objects: [between()],
#' [Between()], [Within()], [summary.pseries()],
#' [print.summary.pseries()], [as.matrix.pseries()].
#' @keywords classes
#' @examples
#' # First, create a pdata.frame
#' data("EmplUK", package = "plm")
#' Em <- pdata.frame(EmplUK)
#' # Then extract a series, which becomes additionally a pseries
#' z <- Em$output
#' class(z)
#' # compute the first and third lag, and the difference lagged twice
#' lag(z)
#' lag(z, 3L)
#' diff(z, 2L)
#' # compute negative lags (= leading values)
#' lag(z, -1L)
#' lead(z, 1L) # same as line above
#' identical(lead(z, 1L), lag(z, -1L)) # TRUE
#' # compute more than one lag and diff at once (matrix returned)
#' lag(z, c(1L,2L))
#' diff(z, c(1L,2L))
#' ## demonstrate behaviour of shift = "time" vs. shift = "row"
#' # delete 2nd time period for first individual (1978 is missing (not NA)):
#' Em_hole <- Em[-2L, ]
#' is.pconsecutive(Em_hole) # check: non-consecutive for 1st individual now
#' # original non-consecutive data:
#' head(Em_hole$emp, 10) 
#' # for shift = "time", 1-1979 contains the value of former 1-1977 (2 periods lagged):
#' head(lag(Em_hole$emp, k = 2L, shift = "time"), 10L)
#' # for shift = "row", 1-1979 contains NA (2 rows lagged (and no entry for 1976):
#' head(lag(Em_hole$emp, k = 2L, shift = "row"), 10L)

#' @rdname lag.plm
#' @export
lead <- function(x, k = 1L, ...) {

#' @rdname lag.plm
#' @exportS3Method
#' @export lag
lag.pseries <- function(x, k = 1L, shift = c("time", "row"), ...) {
  shift <- match.arg(shift)
  if (shift == "time") {
    if (!isTRUE(getOption("plm.fast"))) {
      res <- lagt.pseries(x = x, k = k, ...) # base R
    } else {
      if (!isTRUE(getOption("plm.fast.pkg.collapse"))) stop(txt.no.collapse, call. = FALSE)
      res <- collapse2plm_lag_diff(collapse::flag(x = x, n = k, shift = "time"), k = k)
  } else {
    ## row-wise shifting
    if (!isTRUE(getOption("plm.fast"))) {
      res <- lagr.pseries(x = x, k = k, ...) # base R
    } else {
      if (!isTRUE(getOption("plm.fast.pkg.collapse"))) stop(txt.no.collapse, call. = FALSE)
      res <- collapse2plm_lag_diff(collapse::flag(x = x, n = k, shift = "row"), k = k)

#' @rdname lag.plm
#' @export
lead.pseries <- function(x, k = 1L, shift = c("time", "row"), ...) {
  shift <- match.arg(shift)
  if (shift == "time") {
    if (!isTRUE(getOption("plm.fast"))) {
      res <- leadt.pseries(x = x, k = k, ...) # base R
    } else {
      if (!isTRUE(getOption("plm.fast.pkg.collapse"))) stop(txt.no.collapse, call. = FALSE)
      res <- collapse2plm_lag_diff(collapse::flag(x = x, n = -k, shift = "time"), k = k)
  } else {
    ## row-wise shifting
    if (!isTRUE(getOption("plm.fast"))) {
      res <- leadr.pseries(x = x, k = k, ...) # base R
    } else {
      if (!isTRUE(getOption("plm.fast.pkg.collapse"))) stop(txt.no.collapse, call. = FALSE)
      res <- collapse2plm_lag_diff(collapse::flag(x = x, n = -k, shift = "row"), k = k)

#' @rdname lag.plm
#' @exportS3Method
diff.pseries <- function(x, lag = 1L, shift = c("time", "row"), ...) {
  shift <- match.arg(shift)
  if (shift == "time") {
    if (!isTRUE(getOption("plm.fast"))) {
      res <- difft.pseries(x = x, lag = lag, ...) # base R
    } else {
      if (!isTRUE(getOption("plm.fast.pkg.collapse"))) stop(txt.no.collapse, call. = FALSE)
      res <- collapse2plm_lag_diff(collapse::fdiff(x = x, n = lag, shift = "time"), k = lag)
  } else {
    ## row-wise shifting
    if (!isTRUE(getOption("plm.fast"))) {
      res <- diffr.pseries(x = x, lag = lag, ...) # base R
    } else {
      if (!isTRUE(getOption("plm.fast.pkg.collapse"))) stop(txt.no.collapse, call. = FALSE)
      res <- collapse2plm_lag_diff(collapse::fdiff(x = x, n = lag, shift = "row"), k = lag)

## lagt.pseries lagging taking the time variable into account
lagt.pseries <- function(x, k = 1L, ...) {
  index <- unclass(attr(x, "index")) # unclass for speed
  id <- index[[1L]]
  time <- index[[2L]]
  if(length(k) > 1L) {
    rval <- sapply(k, function(i) alagt(x, i))
    colnames(rval) <- k
  else {
    rval <- alagt(x, k)

## leadt.pseries(x, k) is a wrapper for lagt.pseries(x, -k)
leadt.pseries <- function(x, k = 1L, ...) {
  ret <- lagt.pseries(x, k = -k)
  if(length(k) > 1L) colnames(ret) <- k

## difft: diff-ing taking the time variable into account
difft.pseries <- function(x, lag = 1L, ...){
  ## copied/adapted from diffr.pseries except lines which use lagt() ("t") instead of lagr() ("r")
  islogi <- is.logical(x)
  if(! (is.numeric(x) || islogi)) stop("diff is only relevant for numeric or logical series")
  non.int <- vapply(lag, function(l) round(l) != l, FUN.VALUE = TRUE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
  if(any(non.int)) stop("Lagging value(s) in 'lag' must be whole-numbered (and non-negative)")
  # prevent input of negative values, because it will most likely confuse users
  # what difft would do in this case
  neg <- vapply(lag, function(l) l < 0L, FUN.VALUE = TRUE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
  if(any(neg)) stop("diff is only relevant for non-negative values in 'lag'")
  lagtx <- lagt.pseries(x, k = lag) # use "time-based" lagging for difft
  res <- if (is.matrix(lagtx)) {
    # if 'lagtx' is matrix (case length(lag) > 1):
    # perform subtraction without pseries feature of 'x', because otherwise
    # the result would be c("pseries", "matrix") which is not supported
    as.numeric(x) - lagtx
  } else {
    x - lagtx

## alagt: non-exported helper function for lagt (actual work horse),
## performs shifting of observations while respecting the time dimension
alagt <- function(x, ak) {
  if(round(ak) != ak) stop("Lagging value 'k' must be whole-numbered (positive, negative or zero)")
  if(ak != 0) {
    index <- unclass(attr(x, "index")) # unclass for speed
    id   <- index[[1L]]
    time <- index[[2L]]
    # Idea: split times in blocks per individuals and do lagging there
    # by computation of correct time shifting
    # need to convert to numeric, do this by coercing to character
    # first (otherwise wrong results!)
    #  see R FAQ 7.10 for coercing factors to numeric: 
    #      as.numeric(levels(factor_var))[as.integer(factor_var)] is
    #      more efficient than
    #      as.numeric(as.character(factor_var))

    # YC 2019/08/29 only works if time values can be coerced to
    ## numeric, ie integers like years. When year is period (ie 5 years),
    ## values used to be 1950 for the 1950-54 period, time is now a
    ## factor in the original data.frame with levels "1950-54",
    ## "1955-59", ... In this case coercing the levels to a numeric gives
    ## NA so coerce the *factor* to a numeric.
    levtime <- levels(time)
    numlevtime <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(levtime))
    if(! anyNA(numlevtime)) time <- as.numeric(levels(time))[as.integer(time)]
    else time <- as.numeric(time)
    list_id_timevar <- collapse::gsplit(time, id, drop = TRUE, use.names = FALSE)
    index_lag_ak_all_list <- sapply(list_id_timevar,
                                    function(x) match(x - ak, x, incomparables = NA),
                                    simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    # translate block-wise positions to positions in full vector
    substitute_blockwise <- unlist(index_lag_ak_all_list, use.names = FALSE)
    NApos <- is.na(substitute_blockwise) # save NA positions for later
    block_lengths <- lengths(index_lag_ak_all_list, use.names = FALSE)
    # not needed but leave here for illustration:
    #    startpos_block <- cumsum(block_lengths) - block_lengths + 1
    #    endpos_block <- startpos_block + block_lengths - 1
    indexes_blockwise <- unlist(sapply(block_lengths, function(x) seq(from = 1, to = x), simplify = FALSE), use.names = FALSE)
    orig_pos_x <- seq.int(x) # make vector with indexes for original input
    new_pos <- orig_pos_x - (indexes_blockwise - substitute_blockwise) # calc. new positions
    new_pos[NApos] <- orig_pos_x[NApos] # fill NAs with arbitrary values to allow proper subsetting in next step
    orig_attr <- attributes(x)
    x <- x[new_pos] # re-arrange according to lagging
    x[NApos] <- NA  # set NAs where necessary
    attributes(x) <- orig_attr # restore original names and 'pseries' class (lost by subsetting x)
} # END alagt

## lagr: lagging row-wise
lagr.pseries <- function(x, k = 1L, ...) {
    index <- unclass(attr(x, "index")) # unclass for speed
    id <- index[[1L]]
    time <- index[[2L]]
    # catch the case when an index of pdata.frame shall be lagged
    # (index variables are always factors) NB: this catches -
    # unintentionally - also the case when a factor variable is the
    # same "on the character level" as one of the corresponding index
    # variables but not the index variable itself
    # -> shall we prevent lagging of index variables at all? -> turned
    # off for now, 2016-03-03 if(is.factor(x)) if
    # (all(as.character(x) == as.character(id)) |
    # all(as.character(x)==as.character(time))) stop("Lagged vector
    # cannot be index.")
    alagr <- function(x, ak){
        if(round(ak) != ak) stop("Lagging value 'k' must be whole-numbered (positive, negative or zero)")
        if(ak > 0L) {
        # NB: this code does row-wise shifting
        # delete first ak observations for each unit
            isNAtime <- c(rep(TRUE, ak), (diff(as.numeric(time), lag = ak) != ak))
            isNAid   <- c(rep(TRUE, ak), (diff(as.numeric(id),   lag = ak) != 0L))
            isNA <- (isNAtime | isNAid)
            result <- x                                               # copy x first ...
            result[1:ak] <- NA                                        # ... then make first ak obs NA ... 
            result[(ak+1):length(result)] <- x[seq_len(length(x)-ak)] # ... shift and ...
            result[isNA] <- NA                                        # ... make more NAs in between: this way, we keep: all factor levels, names, classes
        } else if(ak < 0L) { # => compute leading values
        # delete last |ak| observations for each unit
            num_time <- as.numeric(time)
            num_id   <- as.numeric(id)
            isNAtime <- c(c((num_time[seq_len(length(num_time)+ak)] - num_time[(-ak+1):length(num_time)]) != ak), rep(TRUE, -ak))
            isNAid   <- c(c((num_id[seq_len(length(num_id)+ak)]     - num_id[(-ak+1):length(num_id)])     != 0L), rep(TRUE, -ak))
            isNA <- (isNAtime | isNAid)
            result <- x                                                 # copy x first ...
            result[(length(result)+ak+1):length(result)] <- NA          # ... then make last |ak| obs NA ... 
            result[seq_len(length(result)+ak)] <- x[(1-ak):(length(x))] # ... shift and ...
            result[isNA] <- NA                                          # ... make more NAs in between: this way, we keep: all factor levels, names, classes
        } else { # ak == 0 => nothing to do, return original pseries (no lagging/no leading)
            result <- x
    } # END function alagr
    if(length(k) > 1L) {
        rval <- sapply(k, function(i) alagr(x, i))
        colnames(rval) <- k
    else {
        rval <- alagr(x, k)

# leadr.pseries(x, k) is a wrapper for lagr.pseries(x, -k)
leadr.pseries <- function(x, k = 1L, ...) {
    ret <- lagr.pseries(x, k = -k)
    if(length(k) > 1L) colnames(ret) <- k

## diffr: lagging row-wise
diffr.pseries <- function(x, lag = 1L, ...) {
    islogi <- is.logical(x)
    if(! (is.numeric(x) || islogi)) stop("diff is only relevant for numeric or logical series")
    non.int <- vapply(lag, function(l) round(l) != l, FUN.VALUE = TRUE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    if(any(non.int)) stop("Lagging value(s) in 'lag' must be whole-numbered (and non-negative)")
    # prevent input of negative values, because it will most likely confuse users
    # what diff would do in this case
    neg <- vapply(lag, function(l) l < 0L, FUN.VALUE = TRUE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    if(any(neg)) stop("diff is only relevant for non-negative values in 'lag'")

    lagrx <- lagr.pseries(x, k = lag)
    res <- if (is.matrix(lagrx)) {
      # if 'lagrx' is matrix (case length(lag) > 1):
      # perform subtraction without pseries feature of 'x', because otherwise
      # the result would be c("pseries", "matrix") which is not supported
      as.numeric(x) - lagrx
    } else {
      x - lagrx

## pdiff is (only) used in model.matrix to calculate the
## model.matrix for FD models
## wrapper
pdiff <- function(x, effect = c("individual", "time"),
                  has.intercept = FALSE,
                  shift = c("time", "row")) {
    shift <- match.arg(shift)
    res <- if (shift == "time")
              pdifft(x = x,
                     effect = effect,
                     has.intercept = has.intercept)
              pdiffr(x = x,
                     effect = effect,
                     has.intercept = has.intercept)
## pdiffr works for effect = "individual" only,
## see model.matrix on how to call pdiff. Result is in order (id,
## time) for both effects
## Performs row-wise shifting (note the 'r' in pdiffr)
pdiffr <- function(x, effect = c("individual", "time"), has.intercept = FALSE){
  # NB: x is assumed to have an index attribute, e.g., a pseries
  #     can check with has.index(x)
  # TODO: pdiff's usage in model.matrix is not very elegant as pdiff does its own
  #     removal of constant columns and intercept handling which could be handled
  #     via model.matrix.
    effect <- match.arg(effect)
    cond <- as.numeric(unclass(attr(x, "index"))[[1L]]) # unclass for speed
    n <- if(is.matrix(x)) nrow(x) else length(x)
    cond <- c(NA, cond[2:n] - cond[seq_len(n-1)]) # this assumes a certain ordering
    cond[cond != 0] <- NA
    if(! is.matrix(x)){

        result <- c(NA , x[2:n] - x[seq_len(n-1)])
        result[is.na(cond)] <- NA
        result <- na.omit(result)
        result <- rbind(NA, x[2:n, , drop = FALSE] - x[seq_len(n-1), , drop = FALSE])
        result[is.na(cond), ] <- NA
        result <- na.omit(result)
        # remove constant columns
        cst.col <- apply(result, 2, is.constant)
        result <- result[ , !cst.col, drop = FALSE]
            result <- cbind(1, result)
            colnames(result)[1L] <- "(Intercept)"

    attr(result, "na.action") <- NULL

## performs time-wise shifting (note the 't' in pdifft)
pdifft <- function(x, effect = c("individual", "time"), has.intercept = FALSE) {
  effect <- match.arg(effect)
  x.index <- attr(x, "index")
  x.pdf <- as.data.frame(x, make.names = FALSE)
  x.pdf <- cbind(x.index, x.pdf)
  x.pdf <- pdata.frame(x.pdf, drop.index = TRUE)
  if(!is.matrix(x)) {
    # pseries case (LHS)
    res <- diff(x, effect = effect, shift = "time")
    res <- subset_pseries(res, !is.na(res)) # TODO: use [.pseries (pseries subsetting) once implemented
  } else {
    # matrix case (RHS)
    res <- apply(x, 2, function(col) diff(add_pseries_features(col, x.index),
                                          effect = effect, shift = "time"))
    res <- na.omit(res)
    # if intercept is requested, set intercept column to 1 as it was diff'ed out
    if(has.intercept) res[ , 1L] <- 1L

### non-exported helper function to align collapse::flag to plm's original lag
## https://github.com/SebKrantz/collapse/issues/183 and there is no factor matrix
## https://stackoverflow.com/a/28724756/4640346
collapse2plm_lag_diff <- function(x, k) {
  if(is.matrix(x)) {
    dim.nam1 <- dimnames(x)[[1L]]
    if(inherits(x, "factor")) {
      # cater for collapse's special factor matrix case
      x <- matrix(as.character(x), ncol = dim(x)[[2L]])
      dimnames(x)[[1L]] <- dim.nam1
    class(x) <- NULL
    attr(x, "index") <- NULL
    dimnames(x)[[2L]] <- k
ycroissant/plm documentation built on July 8, 2024, 3:59 a.m.