#' Table Output
#' Creates a reactive table that is suitable for assigning to an \code{output}
#' slot.
#' The corresponding HTML output tag should be \code{div} and have the CSS
#' class name \code{shiny-html-output}.
#' @param expr An expression that returns an R object that can be used with
#' \code{\link[xtable]{xtable}}.
#' @param striped,hover,bordered Logicals: if \code{TRUE}, apply the
#' corresponding Bootstrap table format to the output table.
#' @param spacing The spacing between the rows of the table (\code{xs}
#' stands for "extra small", \code{s} for "small", \code{m} for "medium"
#' and \code{l} for "large").
#' @param width Table width. Must be a valid CSS unit (like "100%", "400px",
#' "auto") or a number, which will be coerced to a string and
#' have "px" appended.
#' @param align A string that specifies the column alignment. If equal to
#' \code{'l'}, \code{'c'} or \code{'r'}, then all columns will be,
#' respectively, left-, center- or right-aligned. Otherwise, \code{align}
#' must have the same number of characters as the resulting table (if
#' \code{rownames = TRUE}, this will be equal to \code{ncol()+1}), with
#' the \emph{i}-th character specifying the alignment for the
#' \emph{i}-th column (besides \code{'l'}, \code{'c'} and
#' \code{'r'}, \code{'?'} is also permitted - \code{'?'} is a placeholder
#' for that particular column, indicating that it should keep its default
#' alignment). If \code{NULL}, then all numeric/integer columns (including
#' the row names, if they are numbers) will be right-aligned and
#' everything else will be left-aligned (\code{align = '?'} produces the
#' same result).
#' @param rownames,colnames Logicals: include rownames? include colnames
#' (column headers)?
#' @param digits An integer specifying the number of decimal places for
#' the numeric columns (this will not apply to columns with an integer
#' class). If \code{digits} is set to a negative value, then the numeric
#' columns will be displayed in scientific format with a precision of
#' \code{abs(digits)} digits.
#' @param na The string to use in the table cells whose values are missing
#' (i.e. they either evaluate to \code{NA} or \code{NaN}).
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed through to \code{\link[xtable]{xtable}}
#' and \code{\link[xtable]{print.xtable}}.
#' @param env The environment in which to evaluate \code{expr}.
#' @param quoted Is \code{expr} a quoted expression (with \code{quote()})?
#' This is useful if you want to save an expression in a variable.
#' @param outputArgs A list of arguments to be passed through to the
#' implicit call to \code{\link{tableOutput}} when \code{renderTable} is
#' used in an interactive R Markdown document.
#' @export
renderTable <- function(expr, striped = FALSE, hover = FALSE,
bordered = FALSE, spacing = c("s", "xs", "m", "l"),
width = "auto", align = NULL,
rownames = FALSE, colnames = TRUE,
digits = NULL, na = "NA", ...,
env = parent.frame(), quoted = FALSE,
outputArgs=list()) {
installExprFunction(expr, "func", env, quoted)
if (!is.function(spacing)) spacing <- match.arg(spacing)
# A small helper function to create a wrapper for an argument that was
# passed to renderTable()
createWrapper <- function(arg) {
if (is.function(arg)) wrapper <- arg
else wrapper <- function() arg
# Create wrappers for most arguments so that functions can also be passed
# in, rather than only literals (useful for shiny apps)
stripedWrapper <- createWrapper(striped)
hoverWrapper <- createWrapper(hover)
borderedWrapper <- createWrapper(bordered)
spacingWrapper <- createWrapper(spacing)
widthWrapper <- createWrapper(width)
alignWrapper <- createWrapper(align)
rownamesWrapper <- createWrapper(rownames)
colnamesWrapper <- createWrapper(colnames)
digitsWrapper <- createWrapper(digits)
naWrapper <- createWrapper(na)
renderFunc <- function(shinysession, name, ...) {
striped <- stripedWrapper()
hover <- hoverWrapper()
bordered <- borderedWrapper()
format <- c(striped = striped, hover = hover, bordered = bordered)
spacing <- spacingWrapper()
width <- widthWrapper()
align <- alignWrapper()
rownames <- rownamesWrapper()
colnames <- colnamesWrapper()
digits <- digitsWrapper()
na <- naWrapper()
spacing_choices <- c("s", "xs", "m", "l")
if (!(spacing %in% spacing_choices)) {
stop(paste("`spacing` must be one of",
paste0("'", spacing_choices, "'", collapse=", ")))
# For css styling
classNames <- paste0("table shiny-table",
paste0(" table-", names(format)[format], collapse = "" ),
paste0(" spacing-", spacing))
data <- func()
data <- as.data.frame(data)
# Return NULL if no data is provided
if (is.null(data) ||
(is.data.frame(data) && nrow(data) == 0 && ncol(data) == 0))
# Separate the ... args to pass to xtable() vs print.xtable()
dots <- list(...)
xtable_argnames <- setdiff(names(formals(xtable)), c("x", "..."))
xtable_args <- dots[intersect(names(dots), xtable_argnames)]
non_xtable_args <- dots[setdiff(names(dots), xtable_argnames)]
# By default, numbers are right-aligned and everything else is left-aligned.
defaultAlignment <- function(col) {
if (is.numeric(col)) "r" else "l"
# Figure out column alignment
## Case 1: default alignment
if (is.null(align) || align == "?") {
names <- defaultAlignment(attr(data, "row.names"))
cols <- paste(vapply(data, defaultAlignment, character(1)), collapse = "")
cols <- paste0(names, cols)
} else {
## Case 2: user-specified alignment
num_cols <- if (rownames) nchar(align) else nchar(align)+1
valid <- !grepl("[^lcr\\?]", align)
if (num_cols == ncol(data)+1 && valid) {
cols <- if (rownames) align else paste0("r", align)
defaults <- grep("\\?", strsplit(cols,"")[[1]])
if (length(defaults) != 0) {
vals <- vapply(data[,defaults-1], defaultAlignment, character(1))
for (i in seq_len(length(defaults))) {
substr(cols, defaults[i], defaults[i]) <- vals[i]
} else if (nchar(align) == 1 && valid) {
cols <- paste0(rep(align, ncol(data)+1), collapse="")
} else {
stop("`align` must contain only the characters `l`, `c`, `r` and/or `?` and",
"have length either equal to 1 or to the total number of columns")
# Call xtable with its (updated) args
xtable_args <- c(xtable_args, align = cols, digits = digits)
xtable_res <- do.call(xtable, c(list(data), xtable_args))
# Set up print args
print_args <- list(
type = 'html',
include.rownames = rownames,
include.colnames = colnames,
NA.string = na,
html.table.attributes = paste0("class = '", htmlEscape(classNames, TRUE), "' ",
"style = 'width:", validateCssUnit(width), ";'"))
print_args <- c(print_args, non_xtable_args)
# Capture the raw html table returned by print.xtable(), and store it in
# a variable for further processing
tab <- paste(utils::capture.output(do.call(print, print_args)),collapse = "\n")
# Add extra class to cells with NA value, to be able to style them separately
tab <- gsub(paste(">", na, "<"), paste(" class='NA'>", na, "<"), tab)
# All further processing concerns the table headers, so we don't need to run
# any of this if colnames=FALSE
if (colnames) {
# Make sure that the final html table has a proper header (not included
# in the print.xtable() default)
tab <- sub("<tr>", "<thead> <tr>", tab)
tab <- sub("</tr>", "</tr> </thead> <tbody>", tab)
tab <- sub("</table>$", "</tbody> </table>", tab)
# Update the `cols` string (which stores the alignment of each column) so
# that it only includes the alignment for the table variables (and not
# for the row.names)
cols <- if (rownames) cols else substr(cols, 2, nchar(cols))
# Create a vector whose i-th entry corresponds to the i-th table variable
# alignment (substituting "l" by "left", "c" by "center" and "r" by "right")
cols <- strsplit(cols, "")[[1]]
cols[cols == "l"] <- "left"
cols[cols == "r"] <- "right"
cols[cols == "c"] <- "center"
# Align each header accordingly (this guarantees that each header and its
# corresponding column have the same alignment)
for (i in seq_len(length(cols))) {
tab <- sub("<th>", paste0("<th style='text-align: ", cols[i], ";'>"), tab)
# Main render function
markRenderFunction(tableOutput, renderFunc, outputArgs = outputArgs)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.