
#' Infer transmission tree given a phylogenetic tree
#' @param ptree Phylogenetic tree
#' @param w.shape Shape parameter of the Gamma probability density function representing the generation time
#' @param w.scale Scale parameter of the Gamma probability density function representing the generation time 
#' @param ws.shape Shape parameter of the Gamma probability density function representing the sampling time
#' @param ws.scale Scale parameter of the Gamma probability density function representing the sampling time 
#' @param mcmcIterations Number of MCMC iterations to run the algorithm for
#' @param thinning MCMC thinning interval between two sampled iterations
#' @param startNeg Starting value of within-host coalescent parameter Ne*g
#' @param startOff.r Starting value of parameter off.r
#' @param startOff.p Starting value of parameter off.p
#' @param startPi Starting value of sampling proportion pi
#' @param updateNeg Whether of not to update the parameter Ne*g
#' @param updateOff.r Whether or not to update the parameter off.r
#' @param updateOff.p Whether or not to update the parameter off.p
#' @param updatePi Whether or not to update the parameter pi
#' @param startCTree Optional combined tree to start from
#' @param updateTTree Whether or not to update the transmission tree
#' @param optiStart Whether or not to optimise the MCMC start point
#' @param dateT Date when process stops (this can be Inf for fully simulated outbreaks)
#' @return posterior sample set of transmission trees
#' @export
inferTTree = function(ptree,w.shape=2,w.scale=1,ws.shape=w.shape,ws.scale=w.scale,mcmcIterations=1000,thinning=1,startNeg=100/365,startOff.r=1,startOff.p=0.5,startPi=0.5,updateNeg=T,updateOff.r=T,updateOff.p=F,updatePi=T,startCTree=NA,updateTTree=TRUE,optiStart=T,dateT=Inf) {
#  memoise::forget(.getOmegabar)
#  memoise::forget(.probSubtree)
  ptree$ptree[,1]=ptree$ptree[,1]+runif(nrow(ptree$ptree))*1e-10#Ensure that all leaves have unique times
  #MCMC algorithm
  neg <- startNeg
  off.r <- startOff.r
  off.p <- startOff.p
  pi <- startPi
  if (is.na(sum(startCTree))) ctree <- makeCtreeFromPTree(ptree,ifelse(optiStart,off.r,NA),off.p,neg,pi,w.shape,w.scale,ws.shape,ws.scale,dateT)#Starting point 
  else ctree<-startCTree
  ttree <- extractTTree(ctree)
  record <- vector('list',mcmcIterations/thinning)
  pTTree <- probTTree(ttree$ttree,off.r,off.p,pi,w.shape,w.scale,ws.shape,ws.scale,dateT) 
  pPTree <- probPTreeGivenTTree(ctree,neg) 
  pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0,max=mcmcIterations,style = 3)
  for (i in 1:mcmcIterations) {#Main MCMC loop
    if (i%%thinning == 0) {
      #Record things 
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
      record[[i/thinning]]$ctree <- ctree
      record[[i/thinning]]$pTTree <- pTTree 
      record[[i/thinning]]$pPTree <- pPTree 
      record[[i/thinning]]$neg <- neg 
      record[[i/thinning]]$off.r <- off.r
      record[[i/thinning]]$off.p <- off.p
      record[[i/thinning]]$pi <- pi
      record[[i/thinning]]$w.shape <- w.shape
      record[[i/thinning]]$w.scale <- w.scale
      record[[i/thinning]]$ws.shape <- ws.shape
      record[[i/thinning]]$ws.scale <- ws.scale
      record[[i/thinning]]$source <- ctree$ctree[ctree$ctree[which(ctree$ctree[,4]==0),2],4]
      if (record[[i/thinning]]$source<=length(ctree$nam)) record[[i/thinning]]$source=ctree$nam[record[[i/thinning]]$source] else record[[i/thinning]]$source='Unsampled'
    if (updateTTree) {
    #Metropolis update for transmission tree 
    prop <- .proposal(ctree$ctree) 
    ctree2 <- list(ctree=prop$tree,nam=ctree$nam)
    ttree2 <- extractTTree(ctree2)
    pTTree2 <- probTTree(ttree2$ttree,off.r,off.p,pi,w.shape,w.scale,ws.shape,ws.scale,dateT) 
    pPTree2 <- probPTreeGivenTTree(ctree2,neg) 
    if (log(runif(1)) < log(prop$qr)+pTTree2 + pPTree2-pTTree-pPTree)  { 
      ctree <- ctree2 
      ttree <- ttree2
      pTTree <- pTTree2 
      pPTree <- pPTree2 
    if (updateNeg) {
      #Metropolis update for Ne*g, assuming Exp(1) prior 
      neg2 <- abs(neg + (runif(1)-0.5)*0.5)
      pPTree2 <- probPTreeGivenTTree(ctree,neg2) 
      if (log(runif(1)) < pPTree2-pPTree-neg2+neg)  {neg <- neg2;pPTree <- pPTree2} 
    if (updateOff.r) {
      #Metropolis update for off.r, assuming Exp(1) prior 
      off.r2 <- abs(off.r + (runif(1)-0.5)*0.5)
      pTTree2 <- probTTree(ttree$ttree,off.r2,off.p,pi,w.shape,w.scale,ws.shape,ws.scale,dateT) 
      if (log(runif(1)) < pTTree2-pTTree-off.r2+off.r)  {off.r <- off.r2;pTTree <- pTTree2}
    if (updateOff.p) {
      #Metropolis update for off.p, assuming Unif(0,1) prior 
      off.p2 <- abs(off.p + (runif(1)-0.5)*0.1)
      if (off.p2>1) off.p2=2-off.p2
      pTTree2 <- probTTree(ttree$ttree,off.r,off.p2,pi,w.shape,w.scale,ws.shape,ws.scale,dateT) 
      if (log(runif(1)) < pTTree2-pTTree)  {off.p <- off.p2;pTTree <- pTTree2}

        if (updatePi) {
      #Metropolis update for pi, assuming Unif(0.01,1) prior 
      pi2 <- pi + (runif(1)-0.5)*0.1
      if (pi2<0.01) pi2=0.02-pi2
      if (pi2>1) pi2=2-pi2
      pTTree2 <- probTTree(ttree$ttree,off.r,off.p,pi2,w.shape,w.scale,ws.shape,ws.scale,dateT) 
      if (log(runif(1)) < pTTree2-pTTree)  {pi <- pi2;pTTree <- pTTree2}       
  }#End of main MCMC loop
yuanwxu/TransPhyloC documentation built on May 4, 2019, 6:35 p.m.