
Defines functions group_by_rt_histv2

group_by_rt_histv2 <- function(mchemicaldata, time_step = 1,
    max_diff_rt = 10, groupnum) {

    range1 <- range(mchemicaldata$time)
    diff1 <- abs(range1[1] - range1[2])

    if (nrow(mchemicaldata) > 1 && diff1 > 1) {
        d1 <- try(density(mchemicaldata$time, bw = "nrd",
            from = min(mchemicaldata$time), to = (max_diff_rt +
                max(mchemicaldata$time, na.rm = TRUE))),
            silent = TRUE)
        if (is(d1, "try-error")) {
            bw_i <- max_diff_rt
        } else {

            bw_i <- d1$bw

    } else {
        bw_i <- max_diff_rt


    # if(diff1>max_diff_rt)
        if (bw_i > 6 * max_diff_rt) {

            hist_inc = 1 * max_diff_rt  #min(d1$bw,max_diff_rt)
        } else {

            hist_inc <- min(bw_i, max_diff_rt)

        # h1<-hist(mchemicaldata$time,breaks=seq(min(mchemicaldata$time),to=(max_diff_rt),by=hist_inc))

        h1 <- hist(mchemicaldata$time, breaks = seq(min(mchemicaldata$time) -
            max_diff_rt, to = (max_diff_rt + max(mchemicaldata$time)),
            by = hist_inc))

        t1 <- cbind(h1$mids, h1$density)
        t1 <- as.data.frame(t1)
        colnames(t1) <- c("mids", "density")

        # time_cor_groups<-sapply(list(myData1=h1$density),function(x)
        # split(x,cut(h1$mids,breaks=seq(min(h1$mids)-max_diff_rt,max(h1$mids)+max_diff_rt,10))))
        clusternum <- 1
        clusterlabels = {
        t1prev = min(mchemicaldata$time)
        for (i in 1:dim(t1)[1]) {

            if (t1[i, 2] == 0 && (t1[i, 1] - t1prev) > max_diff_rt) {
                clusternum <- clusternum + 1


            if (t1[i, 2] > 0) {
                clusterlabels <- c(clusterlabels, clusternum)
            } else {
                clusterlabels <- c(clusterlabels, 0)

        t2 <- cbind(t1, clusterlabels)
        t2 <- as.data.frame(t2)
        if (length(which(t2[, 3] == 0)) > 0) {
            t2 <- t2[-which(t2[, 3] == 0), ]
        t2[1, 1] <- min(mchemicaldata$time)
        clusterlabels2 <- {
        clusterlabels3 <- lapply(1:length(mchemicaldata$time),
            function(k) {
                cl1 <- t2$clusterlabels[which(abs(t2$mids -
                  mchemicaldata$time[k]) == min(abs(t2$mids -
        clusterlabels3 <- unlist(clusterlabels3)

        clusterlabels3 <- replace(clusterlabels3, which(is.na(clusterlabels3) ==
            TRUE), 0)

    # else{

    # clusterlabels3<-rep(1,dim(mchemicaldata)[1]) }
    levelBnum <- paste(groupnum, clusterlabels3, sep = "_")

    diffmatB <- cbind(levelBnum, mchemicaldata[, -c(11)])

    diffmatB <- as.data.frame(diffmatB)

    cnames <- colnames(diffmatB)
    cnames[1] <- "Module_RTclust"
    colnames(diffmatB) <- cnames


yufree/xMSannotator documentation built on Oct. 31, 2022, 12:20 a.m.