
#TODO: Checks that input data is in [0,1]
#TODO: Activation functions: softmax, hinge or rectified linear, tanh
#TODO: Continuous version
#TODO: L1 and L2 regularization
#TODO: Learning rate decay

#' Fit a Restricted Boltzmann Machine
#' This function fits an RBM to the input dataset.  It internally uses sparse matricies for faster matrix operations
#' This code is (mostly) adapted from edwin chen's python code for RBMs, avaiable here: https://github.com/echen/restricted-boltzmann-machines.  Some modifications (e.g. momentum) were adapted from Andrew Landgraf's R code for RBMs, available here: http://alandgraf.blogspot.com/2013/01/restricted-boltzmann-machines-in-r.html.
#' @param x a sparse matrix
#' @param num_hidden number of neurons in the hidden layer
#' @param max_epochs Maximum learning epochs
#' @param learning_rate Learning Rate
#' @param use_mini_batches Use sub-samples for training for each iteration.  This usually results in MUCH faster learning.
#' @param batch_size Sample size for mini batches
#' @param initial_weights_mean Mean of initial random weights
#' @param initial_weights_sd Standard deviation of initial random weights
#' @param momentum Use momentum when learning.  (Helps move faster through "half pipe" shaped regions).
#' @param dropout Use dropout when learning (sort of a form of regularization).
#' @param dropout_pct What percent of neurons to drop out (0 to 1)
#' @param retx whether to return the RBM predictions for the input data
#' @param verbose Print lots of messages while training
#' @param activation_function function to convert hidden activations (-Inf, Inf) to hidden probabilities [0, 1].  Must be able to operate on sparse "Matrix" objects.
#' @param ... not used
#' @export
#' @return a rbm object
#' @import methods
#' @importFrom Matrix Matrix cBind drop0
#' @importMethodsFrom Matrix %*% crossprod tcrossprod
#' @references
#' \itemize{
#' \item \url{http://blog.echen.me/2011/07/18/introduction-to-restricted-boltzmann-machines}
#' \item \url{https://github.com/echen/restricted-boltzmann-machines}
#' \item \url{http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~hinton/absps/guideTR.pdf}
#' \item \url{http://alandgraf.blogspot.com/2013/01/restricted-boltzmann-machines-in-r.html}
#' \item \url{http://web.info.uvt.ro/~dzaharie/cne2013/proiecte/tehnici/DeepLearning/DL_tutorialSlides.pdf}
#' \item \url{http://deeplearning.net/tutorial/rbm.html}
#' \item \url{http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~nitish/msc_thesis.pdf}
#' }
#' @examples
#' #Setup a dataset
#' set.seed(10)
#' data(movie_reviews)
#' data(george_reviews)
#' #Fit a PCA model and an RBM model
#' PCA <- prcomp(movie_reviews, retx=TRUE)
#' RBM <- rbm(movie_reviews, retx=TRUE, max_epoch=500)
#' #Examine the 2 models
#' round(PCA$rotation, 2) #PCA weights
#' round(RBM$rotation, 2) #RBM weights
#' #Predict for new data
#' predict(PCA, george_reviews)
#' predict(RBM, george_reviews, type='activations')
#' predict(RBM, george_reviews, type='probs')
#' predict(RBM, george_reviews, type='states')
#' #Predict for existing data
#' predict(PCA)
#' predict(RBM, type='probs')
rbm <- function (x, num_hidden = 10, max_epochs = 1000, learning_rate = 0.1, use_mini_batches = TRUE, batch_size = 250, initial_weights_mean = 0, initial_weights_sd = 0.1, momentum = 0, dropout = FALSE, dropout_pct = .50, retx = FALSE, activation_function=NULL, verbose = FALSE, ...) {

  stopifnot(length(dim(x)) == 2)
  if(any('data.frame' %in% class(x))){
    if(any(!sapply(x, is.finite))){
      stop('x must be all finite.  rbm does not handle NAs, NaNs, Infs or -Infs')
    if(any(!sapply(x, is.numeric))){
      stop('x must be all finite, numeric data.  rbm does not handle characters, factors, dates, etc.')
    x = Matrix(as.matrix(x), sparse=TRUE)
  } else if (any('matrix' %in% class(x))){
    x = Matrix(x, sparse=TRUE)
  } else if(length(attr(class(x), 'package')) != 1){
    stop('Unsupported class for rmb: ', paste(class(x), collapse=', '))
  } else if(attr(class(x), 'package') != 'Matrix'){
    stop('Unsupported class for rmb: ', paste(class(x), collapse=', '))
  if(use_mini_batches & nrow(x) < batch_size){
    warning(paste0('Batch size (', batch_size, ') less than rows in x (', nrow(x), '). Re-setting batch size to nrow(x)'))
    batch_size <- nrow(x)

  x_range <- range(x)
  scaled <- FALSE
  if (x_range[1] <0 | x_range[2] > 1){
    warning("x is out of bounds, automatically scaling to 0-1, test data will be scaled as well")
    x <- (x - x_range[1]) / (x_range[2] - x_range[1])
    scaled <- TRUE

  stopifnot(momentum >= 0 & momentum <=1)
  if(momentum>0){warning('Momentum > 0 not yet implemented.  Ignoring momentum')}

  stopifnot(dropout_pct >= 0 & dropout_pct <1)
  if(dropout){warning('Dropout not yet implemented')}

    activation_function <- function(x){1.0 / (1 + exp(-x))}

  #Check if greater than 1

  # Initialize a weight matrix, of dimensions (num_visible x num_hidden), using
  # a Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 0.1.
  #momentum_speed <- sparseMatrix(1, 1, x=0, dims=c(p, num_hidden))
  weights = matrix(rnorm(num_hidden*ncol(x), mean=initial_weights_mean, sd=initial_weights_sd), nrow=ncol(x), ncol=num_hidden)
  # Insert weights for the bias units into the first row and first column.
  weights = cbind(0, weights)
  weights = rbind(0, weights)
  weights = Matrix(weights, sparse=TRUE)

  # Insert bias units of 1 into the first column.
  x <- cBind(Bias_Unit=1, x)
  dimnames(weights) = list(colnames(x), c('Bias_Unit', paste('Hidden', 1:num_hidden, sep='_')))

  #Fit the model
  x <- drop0(x)
  error_stream <- runif(max_epochs)
  for (epoch in 1:max_epochs){

    #Sample mini-batch
      train_rows = sample(1:nrow(x), batch_size, replace=TRUE)
      x_sample = x[train_rows,,drop=FALSE]
    } else {
      x_sample = x

    # Clamp to the data and sample from the hidden units.
    # (This is the "positive CD phase", aka the reality phase.)
    pos_hidden_activations = x_sample %*% weights
      pos_hidden_activations_dropped = pos_hidden_activations
      pos_hidden_activations_dropped@x[runif(length(pos_hidden_activations_dropped@x)) < dropout_pct] = 0
      pos_hidden_activations_dropped[,1] <- pos_hidden_activations[,1]
      pos_hidden_activations <- pos_hidden_activations_dropped
    pos_hidden_probs = activation_function(pos_hidden_activations)
    pos_hidden_states = pos_hidden_probs > Matrix(runif(nrow(x_sample)*(num_hidden+1)), nrow=nrow(x_sample), ncol=(num_hidden+1))

    # Note that we're using the activation *probabilities* of the hidden states, not the hidden states
    # themselves, when computing associations. We could also use the states; see section 3 of Hinton's
    # "A Practical Guide to Training Restricted Boltzmann Machines" for more.
    pos_associations = crossprod(x_sample, pos_hidden_probs)

    # Reconstruct the visible units and sample again from the hidden units.
    # (This is the "negative CD phase", aka the daydreaming phase.)
    neg_visible_activations = tcrossprod(pos_hidden_states, weights)
    neg_visible_probs = activation_function(neg_visible_activations)
    neg_visible_probs[,1] = 1 # Fix the bias unit.
    neg_hidden_activations = neg_visible_probs %*% weights
    neg_hidden_probs = activation_function(neg_hidden_activations)

    # Note, again, that we're using the activation *probabilities* when computing associations, not the states
    # themselves.
    neg_associations = crossprod(neg_visible_probs, neg_hidden_probs)

    # Update weights
    weights = weights + learning_rate * ((pos_associations - neg_associations) / nrow(x_sample))

    #Print output
    error = sum((x_sample - neg_visible_probs) ^ 2)
    error_stream[[epoch]] <- error
      print(sprintf("Epoch %s: error is %s", epoch, error))

  #Return output
    output_x <- x %*% weights
  } else {
    output_x <- NULL
  out <- list(rotation=weights, activation_function=activation_function, x=output_x, error=error_stream, max_epochs=max_epochs, x_range=x_range, scaled=scaled)
  class(out) <- 'rbm'

#' Print method for a Restricted Boltzmann Machine
#' This function prints the weights for a RBM
#' @param x a RBM object
#' @param ... not used
#' @export
print.rbm <- function (x, ...) {

#' Plot method for a Restricted Boltzmann Machine
#' This function plots the training error from an RBM
#' @param x a RBM object
#' @param ... not used
#' @export
plot.rbm <- function (x, ...) {
  plot(x$error, ...)

#' Predict from a Restricted Boltzmann Machine
#' This function takes an RBM and a matrix of new data, and predicts for the new data with the RBM.
#' @param object a RBM object
#' @param newdata a sparse matrix of new data
#' @param type a character vector specifying whether to return the hidden unit activations, hidden unit probs, or hidden unit states.  Activations or probabilities are typically the most useful if you wish to use the RBM features as input to another predictive model (or another RBM!).  Note that the hidden states are stochastic, and may be different each time you run the predict function, unless you set random.seed() before making predictions.  Activations and states are non-stochastic, and will be the same each time you run predict.
#' @param omit_bias Don't return the bias column in the prediciton matrix.
#' @param ... not used
#' @export
#' @return a sparse matrix
#' @import methods
#' @importFrom Matrix Matrix cBind drop0
#' @importMethodsFrom Matrix %*% crossprod tcrossprod
predict.rbm <- function (object, newdata, type='probs', omit_bias=TRUE, ...) {
  if (missing(newdata)) {
    if (!is.null(object$x)) {
      hidden_activations <- object$x
      rows <- nrow(object$x)
    else stop("no scores are available: refit with 'retx=TRUE'")
  } else {
    stopifnot(length(dim(newdata)) == 2)
    stopifnot(type %in% c('activations', 'probs', 'states'))
    if(any('data.frame' %in% class(newdata))){
      if(any(!sapply(newdata, is.numeric))){
        stop('x must be all finite, numeric data.  rbm does not handle characters, factors, dates, etc.')
      x = Matrix(as.matrix(newdata), sparse=TRUE)
    } else if (any('matrix' %in% class(newdata))){
      x = Matrix(newdata, sparse=TRUE)
    } else if(length(attr(class(newdata), 'package')) != 1){
      stop('Unsupported class for rmb: ', paste(class(newdata), collapse=', '))
    } else if(attr(class(newdata), 'package') != 'Matrix'){
      stop('Unsupported class for rmb: ', paste(class(newdata), collapse=', '))

    #Scale if scaled during training
    if (!is.null(object$scaled)) {
        newdata <- (newdata - object$x_range[1]) / (object$x_range[2] - object$x_range[1])
      if(min(newdata) < 0 | max(newdata) > 1){
        stop('newdata outside of the scale of the model training data.  Could not re-scale data to be 0-1')

    # Insert bias units of 1 into the first column.
    newdata <- cBind(Bias_Unit=rep(1, nrow(newdata)), newdata)

    nm <- rownames(object$rotation)
    if (!is.null(nm)) {
      if (!all(nm %in% colnames(newdata)))
        stop("'newdata' does not have named columns matching one or more of the original columns")
      newdata <- newdata[, nm, drop = FALSE]
    else {
      if (NCOL(newdata) != NROW(object$rotation))
        stop("'newdata' does not have the correct number of columns")
    hidden_activations <- newdata %*% object$rotation
    rows <- nrow(newdata)

    hidden_probs <- object$activation_function(hidden_activations)
    hidden_states <- hidden_probs > Matrix(runif(rows*ncol(object$rotation)), nrow=rows, ncol=ncol(object$rotation))
  } else{
    hidden_probs <- object$activation_function(hidden_activations)
    hidden_states <- hidden_probs > Matrix(runif(rows*ncol(object$rotation)), nrow=rows, ncol=ncol(object$rotation))

zachmayer/rbm documentation built on May 4, 2019, 9:07 p.m.