
#' Last.FM last.year data
#' This class can be used to import data for a specific  \url{http://www.last.fm} user
#' from a specific year by calling the user.getRecentTracks (\url{https://www.last.fm/api/show/user.getRecentTracks})
#' function. The whole data will be stored inside the data_table \code{data.frame} of the 
#' class.
#' @name UserData
#' @field username \code{character} The \url{http://www.last.fm} user whos data shall be taken
#' @field apikey \code{character} The \url{http://www.last.fm} API key of your app or any app
#' @field timezone \code{numeric} Compared time to GMT, for Warsaw or Berlin it's +1
#' @field data_table \code{data.frame} A data table containing the last years tracks of the
#' user in the columns
#' \itemize{
#'\item{artist:}{ Artist Name}
#'\item{track:}{ Track Name}
#'\item{album:}{ Album Name}
#'\item{uts:}{ Time as a Javascript time starting 1970-01-01}
#'\item{datetext:}{ Time as Human readible text}
#' @usage data <- UserData$new(username, API_KEY, year, timezone)
#' album_analysis <- data$albumstats()
#' @docType class
#' @param username \code{character} username \code{character} The \url{http://www.last.fm} user whos data shall be taken
#' @param API_KEY \code{character} The \url{http://www.last.fm} API key of your app or any app
#' @param year \code{integer} Year which shall be analyzed
#' @param timezone \code{numeric} Compared time to GMT, for Warsaw or Berlin it's +1
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
#' @format An \code{\link{R6Class}} generator object
#' @keywords data
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{create_api(page)}}{This method uses \code{page} to create the API json call needed for last.fm}
#'   \item{\code{get_data(year)}}{This method downloads the last.fm data of a specific year into the data_table field}
#'   \item{\code{clean_data_duplicates()} }{This method will delete scrobbles that are duplicated due to issues of the last.fm / Spotify API}
#'   \item{\code{album_stats(exclude_artist="Die drei ???",exclude_album="",min_tracks=5,sort_by=c("by_total_count","by_album_count"))}}{
#'   This method creates a table with album statistics for the specific year}
#' }
#' @import dplyr jsonlite lubridate methods viridisLite
UserData <- R6Class("UserData",
                    public = list(
                      username = NULL,
                      apikey = NULL,
                      initialize = function(username = NA, API_KEY = NA, year="test", timezone=1) {
                        self$username <- username
                        self$timezone <- timezone
                        self$apikey <- API_KEY
                        self$year <- year
                      # Function to create the API call
                      create_api = function(page=1, from = NULL, to = NULL){
                      get_data = function() {
                        # Function to get the data of a specific year
                        stop_sign = FALSE
                        is_test = FALSE
                          self$year = as.numeric(gsub("\\-[0-9]{2}\\-[0-9]{2}","",Sys.Date()))
                          is_test <- TRUE
                        max_time <- as.POSIXct(paste0("31 12 ",self$year,", 23:59"),origin="1899-12-30",format="%d %m %Y, %H:%M")
                        min_time <- as.POSIXct(paste0("01 01 ",self$year,", 00:00"),origin="1899-12-30",format="%d %m %Y, %H:%M")
                        from <- as.numeric(as.POSIXct(paste0("01 01 ",self$year,", 00:00"),origin="1970-01-01",format="%d %m %Y, %H:%M"))
                        to <- as.numeric(as.POSIXct(paste0("31 12 ",self$year,", 23:59"),origin="1970-01-01",format="%d %m %Y, %H:%M"))
                          json_data <- fromJSON(self$create_api(page, from = from, to = to))$recenttracks
                          if (!is.data.frame(json_data$track)) {
                            stop_sign <- TRUE
                          } else {
                            x_test <- json_data$track %>% flatten(recursive=TRUE) %>% select(c("artist.#text","name","album.#text","date.uts","date.#text"))
                            x_test$date.uts <- sapply(x_test$date.uts,function(x){
                            self$data_table <- rbind(self$data_table,x_test)
                              stop_sign <- TRUE
                            max_index <- which(self$data_table$date.uts < max_time)
                            # Check the smallest date in the data table
                            min_index <- which(self$data_table$date.uts > min_time)
                            print(paste("Getting data until: ",self$data_table[max(min_index),"date.#text"],"including",dim(self$data_table)[1],"Tracks"))
                            # if the smallest date is not the very last date, stop the process
                            if(dim(self$data_table)[1] > max(min_index)){
                              stop_sign <- TRUE
                            page <- page + 1
                        max_index <- which(self$data_table$date.uts < max_time)
                        min_index <- which(self$data_table$date.uts > min_time)
                        take_index <- intersect(max_index,min_index)
                        self$data_table <-self$data_table[take_index,]
                      clean_data_duplicates = function() {
                        self$data_table <- self$data_table %>%
                          dplyr::mutate(timediff = .data$uts - lag(.data$uts, default = .data$uts[1])) %>%
                          dplyr::mutate(same_track_as_before = (.data$track == lag(.data$track))) %>%
                          dplyr::mutate(same_artist_as_before = (.data$artist == lag(.data$artist))) %>%
                          dplyr::mutate(same_as_before = (abs(.data$timediff) < 4 & .data$same_artist_as_before & .data$same_track_as_before)) %>%
                          dplyr::filter(!.data$same_as_before) %>%
                          select(.data$artist, .data$track, .data$album, .data$uts, .data$datetext)
                      albumstats = function(exclude_artist="Die drei ???",exclude_album="",min_tracks=5,sort_by=c("number_of_tracks","by_album_count")) {
                        albumlabel <- self$data_table %>% 
                          group_by(album) %>%
                          select(album,artist)%>% distinct(album,artist)
                        albumstats <- self$data_table %>% 
                          group_by(album) %>%
                          summarise(n = n(),
                                    number_of_tracks = n_distinct(track),
                          album_data <- albumlabel %>% left_join(albumstats) %>% filter(number_of_tracks>min_tracks) %>%
                            arrange(desc(number_of_tracks)) %>% filter(artist!=exclude_artist) %>% filter(album!=exclude_album) 
                          album_data <- albumlabel %>% left_join(albumstats) %>% filter(count>min_tracks) %>%
                            arrange(desc(count_by_track)) %>% filter(artist!=exclude_artist) %>% filter(album!=exclude_album) 

#as.POSIXct("01 Jan 2018, 00:58", origin="1899-12-30",format="%d %b %Y, %H:%M") 
zappingseb/analyze_last_fm documentation built on Dec. 10, 2019, 1:19 a.m.