
Defines functions set_prior_tpr_SS set_prior_tpr_BrS_NoNest overall_uniform

Documented in overall_uniform set_prior_tpr_BrS_NoNest set_prior_tpr_SS

#' specify overall uniform (symmetric Dirichlet distribution) for etiology prior
#' @param alpha any positive number, usually 1.
#' @param cause_list a list of latent status
#' @return a vector of length `length(cause_list)`
#' @examples 
#' overall_uniform(1,c("A","B","C"))
#' @family prior specification functions
#' @export
overall_uniform <- function(alpha,cause_list) {
  if (length(alpha) > 1) {
    stop("== [baker] overall_uniform is lazy and only needs a single hyperprior for etiology; please use a positive value for 'alpha'! 
         If a non-uniform etiology prior is needed, just specify a vector of 'alpha' of equal length to 'cause_list'! ==")
  rep(alpha, length(cause_list))

# @param n_stratum the number of strata; Default to \code{NULL} (just a single uniform
# prior); for any positive integer, the function will generate a matrix of \code{n_stratum}
#rows and \code{length(cause_list)} columns, with each row representing an etiology prior.
# ,n_stratum=NULL

#' Set true positive rate (TPR) prior ranges for bronze-standard (BrS) data
#' `set_prior_tpr_BrS_NoNest` is for for conditional independence models.
#' We currently also use it for conditional dependence model: subclass TPRs
#' are independently assigned a beta prior. Ongoing work will enable specifying
#' priors for the marginal TPR, i.e. TPRs for a disease class, not for the 
#' finer subclass.
#' @param slice The BrS measurement slice under consideration.
#' @param model_options See [nplcm()] function.
#' @param data_nplcm See [assign_model()] function.
#' @return Parameters for the BrS dta TPR priors. It is a list of two lists 
#' (alpha and beta). Alpha and beta are of the same length, the number of BrS 
#' measurement slices. Each element of the alpha (beta) list is a numeric vector 
#' for alpha (beta) parameters as in BETA distribution.
#' @family prior specification functions
set_prior_tpr_BrS_NoNest <- function(slice,model_options,data_nplcm){
  parsed_model <- assign_model(model_options,data_nplcm)
  if (parsed_model$num_slice["MBS"] == 0){stop("==[baker] No BrS data! ==\n")}
  Mobs <- data_nplcm$Mobs
  Y    <- data_nplcm$Y
  X    <- data_nplcm$X
  Nd <- sum(Y)
  # mapping template (by `make_template` function):
  patho_BrS_list <- lapply(Mobs$MBS,colnames)
  template_BrS_list <-
    lapply(patho_BrS_list,make_template,model_options$likelihood$cause_list) # key.
  prior_BrS <- model_options$prior$TPR_prior$BrS
  GBrS_TPR <- 1
  if (parsed_model$BrS_grp){GBrS_TPR <- length(unique(prior_BrS$grp))} # if there is a grouping variable,
  res_all_slice <- vector("list",length=parsed_model$num_slice["MBS"])
  names(res_all_slice) <- names(Mobs$MBS)
  if (prior_BrS$info == "non-informative"){
    for (s in seq_along(Mobs$MBS)){
      res_all_grp <- vector("list",length=GBrS_TPR)
      for (g in 1:GBrS_TPR){
        alpha_vec <- rep(1,ncol(Mobs$MBS[[s]]))
        beta_vec  <- rep(1,ncol(Mobs$MBS[[s]]))
        names(alpha_vec) <- names(beta_vec) <- colnames(Mobs$MBS[[s]])
        res_all_grp[[g]] <- list(alpha=alpha_vec,beta=beta_vec)
      res_all_slice[[s]] <- res_all_grp
  if (prior_BrS$info == "informative"){
    if (prior_BrS$input == "match_range"){# begin match range:
      for (s in seq_along(Mobs$MBS)){ #iterate over slices:
        res_all_grp <- vector("list",length=GBrS_TPR)
        curr_val <- prior_BrS$val[[s]]
        for (g in 1:GBrS_TPR){
          tmp_ab <- matrix(NA,nrow=2,ncol(Mobs$MBS[[s]]))
          rownames(tmp_ab) <- c("alpha","beta")
          colnames(tmp_ab) <- colnames(Mobs$MBS[[s]])
          for (j in 1:ncol(Mobs$MBS[[s]]) ){ # iterate over dimensions:
            low_tmp <- curr_val$low[[g]][j]
            up_tmp  <- curr_val$up[[g]][j]
            tmp <- beta_parms_from_quantiles(c(low_tmp,up_tmp),p=c(0.025,.975),plot=FALSE)
            tmp_ab[,j] <- c(tmp$a,tmp$b)
          }# end iterate over dimensions.
          alpha_vec <- tmp_ab[1,]; names(alpha_vec) <- colnames(Mobs$MBS[[s]])
          beta_vec  <- tmp_ab[2,]; names(beta_vec) <- colnames(Mobs$MBS[[s]])
          res_all_grp[[g]] <- list(alpha=alpha_vec,beta=beta_vec)
        res_all_slice[[s]] <- res_all_grp
      }# end iterate over slices.
    }# end match range.
    # if (prior_BrS$input == "match_range"){# begin match range:
    #   for (s in seq_along(Mobs$MBS)){ #iterate over slices:
    #     tmp_ab <- matrix(NA,nrow=2,ncol(Mobs$MBS[[s]]))
    #     rownames(tmp_ab) <- c("alpha","beta")
    #     colnames(tmp_ab) <- colnames(Mobs$MBS[[s]])
    #     for (j in 1:ncol(Mobs$MBS[[s]]) ){ # iterate over dimensions:
    #       low_tmp <- prior_BrS$val[[s]]$low[j]
    #       up_tmp <- prior_BrS$val[[s]]$up[j]
    #       tmp <- beta_parms_from_quantiles(c(low_tmp,up_tmp),p=c(0.025,.975),plot=FALSE)
    #       tmp_ab[,j] <- c(tmp$a,tmp$b)
    #     }# end iterate over dimensions.
    #     alpha_vec <- tmp_ab[1,]; names(alpha_vec) <- colnames(Mobs$MBS[[s]])
    #     beta_vec  <- tmp_ab[2,]; names(beta_vec) <- colnames(Mobs$MBS[[s]])
    #     res_all_slice[[s]] <- list(alpha = alpha_vec,beta = beta_vec)
    #   }# end iterate over slices.
    #   return(res_all_slice[slice])
    # }# end match range.
    # begin direct parameters for Beta:
    if (prior_BrS$input == "direct_beta_param"){
      for (s in seq_along(Mobs$MBS)){
        curr_val    <- prior_BrS$val[[s]]
        res_all_grp <- vector("list",length=GBrS_TPR)
        for (g in 1:GBrS_TPR){
          tmp_alpha <- curr_val$alpha[[g]]; names(tmp_alpha) <- colnames(Mobs$MBS[[s]])
          tmp_beta  <- curr_val$beta[[g]]; names(tmp_beta) <- colnames(Mobs$MBS[[s]])
          res_all_grp[[g]] <- list(alpha=tmp_alpha,beta=tmp_beta)
        res_all_slice[[s]] <- res_all_grp
  } # end informative.

#' Set true positive rate (TPR) prior ranges for silver-standard data. 
#' @param model_options See [nplcm()] function.
#' @param data_nplcm See [assign_model()] function.
#' @return Parameters for the SS data TPR priors. It is a list of two lists 
#' (alpha and beta). Alpha and beta are of the same length, the number of 
#' BrS measurement slices. Each element of the alpha (beta) list is a 
#' numeric vector for alpha (beta) parameters to specify Beta prior for TPRs.
#' @family prior specification functions
set_prior_tpr_SS <- function(model_options,data_nplcm){
  parsed_model <- assign_model(model_options,data_nplcm)
  if (parsed_model$num_slice["MSS"] == 0){stop("==[baker] No SS data! ==")}
  Mobs <- data_nplcm$Mobs
  Y    <- data_nplcm$Y
  X    <- data_nplcm$X
  Nd <- sum(Y)
  # mapping template (by `make_template` function):
  patho_SS_list <- lapply(Mobs$MSS,colnames)
  template_SS_list <-
    lapply(patho_SS_list,make_template,model_options$likelihood$cause_list) # key.
  prior_SS <- model_options$prior$TPR_prior$SS
  GSS_TPR <- 1
  if (parsed_model$SS_grp){GSS_TPR <- length(unique(prior_SS$grp))} # if there is grouping variable,
  res_all_slice <- vector("list",length = parsed_model$num_slice["MSS"])
  names(res_all_slice) <- names(Mobs$MSS)
  for (s in seq_along(Mobs$MSS)){ #iterate over slices:
    res_all_grp <- vector("list",length= GSS_TPR)
    if (prior_SS$info == "non-informative"){ # <------ not correct; need to stratify by group.
      stop("==[baker] Not implemented: baker always need sensitivity prior or meta-data. 
                      Please contact maintainer for an update, or comment on the github page. Thanks. \n==")
    if (prior_SS$info == "informative"){
      curr_val <- prior_SS$val[[s]]
      # begin match range:
      if (prior_SS$input == "match_range") {
        for (g in 1:GSS_TPR){
          # iterate over TPR split groups:
          tmp_ab <- matrix(NA,nrow = 2,ncol(Mobs$MSS[[s]]))
          rownames(tmp_ab) <- c("alpha","beta")
          colnames(tmp_ab) <- colnames(Mobs$MSS[[s]])
          for (j in 1:ncol(Mobs$MSS[[s]])) {
            # iterate over dimensions:
            low_tmp <- curr_val$low[[g]][j]
            up_tmp <- curr_val$up[[g]][j]
            tmp <-
              beta_parms_from_quantiles(c(low_tmp,up_tmp),p = c(0.025,.975),plot = FALSE)
            tmp_ab [,j] <- c(tmp$a,tmp$b)
          }# end iterate over dimensions.
          alpha_vec <- tmp_ab[1,]; names(alpha_vec) <- colnames(Mobs$MSS[[s]])
          beta_vec  <- tmp_ab[2,]; names(beta_vec)  <- colnames(Mobs$MSS[[s]])
          res_all_grp[[g]] <- list(alpha = alpha_vec,beta = beta_vec)
        }# end iteration over group split.
      } # end match range.
      # begin direct parameters for Beta:
      if (prior_SS$input == "direct_beta_param") {
        for (g in 1:GSS_TPR){
          tmp_alpha <- curr_val$alpha[[g]]; names(tmp_alpha) <- colnames(Mobs$MSS[[s]])
          tmp_beta  <- curr_val$beta[[g]];  names(tmp_beta)  <- colnames(Mobs$MSS[[s]])
          res_all_grp[[g]] <- list(alpha =  tmp_alpha, beta = tmp_beta)# <--- note here we lost column names for each measurements.
      res_all_slice[[s]] <- res_all_grp
    } # end informative.
  }# end iterate over slices.
zhenkewu/baker documentation built on May 6, 2024, 11:19 p.m.