Man pages for zhenkewu/lotR
Latent class analysis with Observed Trees in R (lotR)

approx_sblower bound of a vector of probabilities that sum to one
compute_misratecalculate the misclassification rates
compute_paramscompute model summaries from the model outputs
continue_lcm_treecontinue from a previous model fit
design_treeOrganize the data around the rooted binary weighted tree
fit_lcm_treeFit latent class model with tree-structured shrinkage over...
getCInitialize sigma alpha for shared tau
getC_separate_tauInitialize sigma alpha for distinct tau
get_est_cppSummarize the posterior mean, sd and confidence interval...
get_line1_2_13_subidcalculate line 1 and 2 and 13 of ELBO to assess convergence...
get_moments_cppCalculate variational moments during the updates
get_moments_cpp_ecoCalculate variational moments during the updates (only for...
g_fun0g 0
g_fun.vecg, vectorized
initialize_tree_lcmInitialize the variational inferential algorithm for latent...
lca_lllog likelihood for lca
lcm_by_groupestimate latent class models by pre-specified groups of...
lcm_treewrapper function for fitting and summaries
log1p_explog(1+exp(x)) (copied from moretrees:)
log1p.exp.veclog expit vectorized
logexpitlog expit
logexpit_cpplogexpit to avoid numerical underflow
logitsigmoid (copied from moretrees:)
lotRlotR: *l*atent class analysis of *o*bservations organized by...
lotR_blcaSimulate data and subject-specific indicators from latent...
lotR_example_dataSimulated multivariate binary data.
lotR_example_data_treeSimulated multivariate binary data. (with tree structure)
lotR_example_data_tree_K2Simulated multivariate binary data. (with tree structure)
lotR_example_edgesEdgelist for constructing an example tree.
lower_bdlower bound of expit(x)
make_listTakes any number of R objects as arguments and returns a list...
mexpitmulti-expit (numerical overflow dealt with)
opt_colpermBGet optimal column permutation of a matrix B to match the...
permutationsgenerate all permutations of 1 to n
plot_est_respplots the estimated response probabilities by class
plot.lcm_treeplots the groups discovered by lcm_tree on the tree for...
plot_noncirplots the groups discovered by lcm_tree on the tree for...
predict.blcaapproximate predictive class probabilities for a new...
predict.lcm_treeapproximate predictive class probabilities for a new...
print.lcm_tree'print.lcm_tree' summarizes the results from 'lcm_tree()'.
print.summary.lcm_tree_compactCompact printing of 'lcm_tree()' model fits
print.summary.lcm_tree_longLong-form printing of 'lcm_tree()' model fits
prob2sticktransform a vector of probabilities that sum to one to stick...
rmse_bias_ABcalculate root mean squared errors and biases
simulate_lcm_treeSimulate data and subject-specific indicators from...
split_along_dimcreate a list with members being the matrices along a...
summary.lcm_tree'summary.lcm_tree' summarizes the results from 'lcm_tree()'.
tree_lca_lllog data likelihood for tree LCM
tsbgenerate stick-breaking prior (truncated) from a vector of...
update_gamma_alpha_subidUpdate gamma and alpha together. Update the variational mean...
update_gamma_alpha_subid_separate_tauUpdate gamma and alpha together. Update the variational mean...
update_hyperparamsupdate hyperparameters in the latent class model with...
update_rmatUpdate the variational probabilities of each observation in...
update_rmat_partialUpdate the variational probabilities of each observation in...
update_vi_paramsupdate variational parameters in the latent class models with...
zhenkewu/lotR documentation built on April 24, 2022, 2:36 a.m.