
Defines functions TSCANorder

Documented in TSCANorder

#' TSCANorder
#' Construct TSCAN order after exprmclust
#' This function takes the exact output of exprmclust function and construct TSCAN order by mapping all cells onto the path that connects cluster centers.
#' Users can also specify their own path.
#' @param mclustobj The exact output of the \code{\link{exprmclust}} function.
#' @param startcluster A numeric value specifying the cluster where pseudotime starts from.
#' @param MSTorder A numeric vector specifying the order of clusters.
#' @param orderonly Only return the ordering. State or pseudotime information will not be returned
#' @param flip whether to flip the ordering
#' @param listbranch whether to list the ordering results of all possible branches in MST. Only works if MSTorder in NULL.
#' @param divide for a cluster that are linked to multiple clusters, whether each cell in the cluster can only appear in one of the branches. If TRUE, then the cells in the cluster will be divided based on their distances to the linked clusters and placed separately in different branches. If FALSE, then all cells in the cluster will appear in multiple branches.
#' @return if orderonly = F, a vector of ordered cell names. if orderonly = T, a data frame of ordered cell names, cell states and pseudotime. 
#' @export
#' @author Zhicheng Ji, Hongkai Ji <zji4@@zji4.edu>
#' @examples
#' data(lpsdata)
#' procdata <- preprocess(lpsdata)
#' lpsmclust <- exprmclust(procdata)
#' TSCANorder(lpsmclust)

TSCANorder <- function(mclustobj,startcluster=NULL,MSTorder = NULL,orderonly=F,flip=F,listbranch=F,divide=T) {
      if (!is.null(MSTorder) & length(MSTorder) == 1) {
            stop("MSTorder is not a path!")
      clucenter <- mclustobj$clucenter
      row.names(clucenter) <- paste0("clu",1:nrow(clucenter))
      clusterid <- mclustobj$clusterid             
      pcareduceres <- mclustobj$pcareduceres            
      adjmat <- as_adjacency_matrix(mclustobj$MSTtree,sparse=FALSE)
      if (is.null(MSTorder)) {
            orderinMST <- 1
            clutable <- table(mclustobj$clusterid)
            alldeg <- degree(mclustobj$MSTtree)
            if (is.null(startcluster)) {
                  allcomb <- expand.grid(as.numeric(names(alldeg)[alldeg==1]),as.numeric(names(alldeg)[alldeg==1]))
                  allcomb <- allcomb[allcomb[,1] < allcomb[,2],]
                  numres <- t(apply(allcomb, 1, function(i) {
                        tmp <- as.vector(get.shortest.paths(mclustobj$MSTtree,i[1],i[2])$vpath[[1]])
                        c(length(tmp), sum(clutable[tmp]))
                  optcomb <- allcomb[order(numres[,1],numres[,2],decreasing = T)[1],]
                  branchcomb <- allcomb[-order(numres[,1],numres[,2],decreasing = T)[1],,drop=F]
                  MSTorder <- get.shortest.paths(mclustobj$MSTtree,optcomb[1],optcomb[2])$vpath[[1]]       
            } else {
                  allcomb <- cbind(startcluster,setdiff(as.numeric(names(alldeg)[alldeg==1]),startcluster))
                  numres <- t(apply(allcomb, 1, function(i) {
                        tmp <- as.vector(get.shortest.paths(mclustobj$MSTtree,i[1],i[2])$vpath[[1]])
                        c(length(tmp), sum(clutable[tmp]))
                  optcomb <- allcomb[order(numres[,1],numres[,2],decreasing = T)[1],]
                  branchcomb <- allcomb[-order(numres[,1],numres[,2],decreasing = T)[1],,drop=F]
                  MSTorder <- get.shortest.paths(mclustobj$MSTtree,optcomb[1],optcomb[2])$vpath[[1]] 
            if (flip) MSTorder <- rev(MSTorder)
      } else {
            edgeinMST <- sapply(1:(length(MSTorder)-1),function(i) {
            if (divide) {
                  if (sum(edgeinMST==0) > 0) {
                        orderinMST <- 0
                  } else {
                        orderinMST <- 1
            } else {
                  orderinMST <- 0
      internalorderfunc <- function(internalorder,MSTinout) {
            TSCANorder <- NULL
            for (i in 1:(length(internalorder)-1)) {                  
                  currentcluid <- internalorder[i]
                  nextcluid <- internalorder[i + 1]
                  currentclucenter <- clucenter[currentcluid,]
                  nextclucenter <- clucenter[nextcluid,]
                  currentreduceres <- pcareduceres[clusterid==currentcluid,]
                  if (MSTinout) {
                        connectcluid <- as.numeric(names(which(adjmat[currentcluid,] == 1)))      
                  } else {
                        if (i == 1) {
                              connectcluid <- nextcluid      
                        } else {
                              connectcluid <- c(nextcluid,internalorder[i - 1])
                  cludist <- sapply(connectcluid, function(x) {                              
                  mindistid <- apply(cludist,1,which.min)
                  edgecell <- names(which(mindistid == which(connectcluid == nextcluid)))
                  difvec <- nextclucenter - currentclucenter
                  tmppos <- pcareduceres[edgecell,,drop=F] %*% difvec
                  pos <- as.vector(tmppos)
                  names(pos) <- row.names(tmppos)
                  TSCANorder <- c(TSCANorder,names(sort(pos)))  
                  nextreduceres <- pcareduceres[clusterid==nextcluid,,drop=F]     
                  if (MSTinout) {
                        connectcluid <- as.numeric(names(which(adjmat[nextcluid,] == 1)))
                  } else {
                        if (i == length(internalorder)-1) {
                              connectcluid <- currentcluid      
                        } else {
                              connectcluid <- c(currentcluid,internalorder[i + 2])
                  cludist <- sapply(connectcluid, function(x) { 
                  if (length(cludist)==1) {
                    mindistid <- 1
                  } else {
                    mindistid <- apply(cludist,1,which.min)
                  edgecell <- names(which(mindistid == which(connectcluid == currentcluid)))
                  difvec <- nextclucenter - currentclucenter
                  tmppos <- pcareduceres[edgecell,,drop=F] %*% difvec
                  pos <- as.vector(tmppos)
                  names(pos) <- row.names(tmppos)
                  TSCANorder <- c(TSCANorder,names(sort(pos)))  
            if (orderonly) {
            } else {
#                   datadist <- dist(mclustobj$pcareduceres)
#                   distmat <- as.matrix(datadist)
#                   alldist <- sapply(1:(length(TSCANorder)-1), function(x) {
#                         distmat[TSCANorder[x],TSCANorder[x+1]]
#                   })
#                   ptime <- c(0,cumsum(alldist))
#                   ptime <- ptime/max(ptime) * 100
                  data.frame(sample_name=TSCANorder,State=clusterid[TSCANorder],Pseudotime=1:length(TSCANorder),stringsAsFactors = F)            
      if (!orderinMST) {
      } else {
            if (exists("branchcomb") & listbranch) {                  
                  allres <- list()
                  allres[[paste("backbone",paste(MSTorder,collapse = ','))]] <- internalorderfunc(MSTorder,1)                    
                  for (tmpcombid in 1:nrow(branchcomb)) {
                        tmporder <- get.shortest.paths(mclustobj$MSTtree,branchcomb[tmpcombid,1],branchcomb[tmpcombid,2])$vpath[[1]] 
                        if (flip) tmporder <- rev(tmporder)
                        allres[[paste("branch:",paste(tmporder,collapse = ','))]] <- internalorderfunc(tmporder,1)
            } else {
zji90/TSCAN documentation built on Sept. 14, 2022, 10:56 a.m.