
Defines functions PartitionDisc

Documented in PartitionDisc

#' @title PartitionDisc: Leave-one-disc-out cross-validation
#' @description This process module partitions the sample into training and tests set by selecting circular test areas (possibly surrounded by an exclusion buffer) and using the remaining samples as training samples. See function partition.disc in package sperrorest for more details
#' @details Module type: Process
#' @param .data \strong{Internal parameter, do not use in the workflow function}. \code{.data} is a list of a data frame and a raster object returned from occurrence modules and covariate modules respectively. \code{.data} is passed automatically in workflow from the occurrence and covariate modules to the process module(s) and should not be passed by the user.
#' @param radius Numeric the radius of the disc, in degrees 
#' @param buffer Numeric, the size of the buffer zone in degrees 
#' @param seed Numeric used with \code{\link[sperrorest]{partition.disc}}
#' @author Tom August, \email{tomaug@@ceh.ac.uk}
#' @section Version: 1.0
#' @section Date submitted: 2015-11-13
#' @section Data type: presence-only, presence/absence, abundance, proportion
#' @name PartitionDisc
#' @family process
PartitionDisc <-
  function(.data, radius = 2, buffer = 1, seed = NULL){
    # Get the package we need
    # warning if we are going to overwrite existing folds
    if(length(unique(.data$fold)) > 1) warning('PartitionDisc (Process module) will overwrite existing folds')
    # get coordinate columns, accounting for naming mismatch
    coord_names <- c(grep('^lon', colnames(.data$df), value = TRUE),
                     grep('^lat', colnames(.data$df), value = TRUE))
    # switch function names depending on version of sperrorest
    if (exists("partition.disc"))
      fun <- partition.disc
      fun <- partition_disc
    parti <- fun(.data$df, coords = coord_names,
                            radius = radius, buffer = buffer, ndisc = 1,
                            repetition = 1, seed1 = seed)
    # Assign classifications back to the data
    .data$df$fold <- NA 
    .data$df$fold[parti[[1]][[1]]$test] <- 0
    .data$df$fold[parti[[1]][[1]]$train] <- 1
    # Drop the NAs (these are records that fall in the buffer zone)
    .data$df <- .data$df[!is.na(.data$df$fold),]
zoonproject/modules documentation built on May 4, 2019, 11:25 p.m.