#' Generates an incidence matrix from an adjacency matrix
#' @description
#' `incidence.from.adjacency` generates an incidence matrix from an adjacency matrix or network using
#' a given generative model
#' @param G A symmetric, binary adjacency matrix of class `matrix` or `Matrix`,
#' or an undirected, unweighted unipartite graph of class {\link{igraph}}.
#' @param k integer: Number of artifacts to generate
#' @param p numeric: Tuning parameter for artifacts, 0 <= p <= 1
#' @param maximal boolean: Should teams/clubs models be seeded with *maximal* cliques?
#' @param blau.param vector: Vector of parameters that control blau space in the organizations model (see details)
#' @param model string: Generative model, one of c("team", "club", "org") (see details)
#' @param class string: Return object as `matrix`, `Matrix`, or `igraph`. If `NULL`, object is returned in the same class as `G`.
#' @param narrative boolean: TRUE if suggested text & citations should be displayed.
#' @return An incidence matrix of class `matrix` or `Matrix`, or a bipartite graph of class {\link{igraph}}.
#' @details
#' Given a unipartite network composed of *i agents* (i.e. nodes) that can be represented by an *i x i* adjacency
#' matrix, `incidence.from.adjacency` generates a random *i x k* incidence matrix that indicates whether agent
#' *i* is associated with *artifact k*. Generative models differ in how they conceptualize artifacts and how
#' they associate agents with these artifacts.
#' The **Team Model** (`model == "team"`) mirrors a team formation process, where each artifact represents a new team
#' formed from the incumbants of a prior team (with probability `p`) and newcomers (with probability 1-`p`).
#' The **Club Model** (`model == "club"`) mirrors a social club formation process, where each artifact represents
#' a social club. Club members attempt to recruit non-member friends, who join the club if it would have a
#' density of at least `p`.
#' The **Organizations Model** (`model == "org"`) mirrors an organization (the artifact) recruiting members from social
#' space, where those within the organization's niche join with probability `p`, and those outside the niche join
#' with probability 1-`p`. `blau.param` is a vector containing three values that control the characteristics of the
#' blau space. The first value is the space's dimensionality. The second two values are shape parameters of a Beta
#' distribution that describes niche sizes. The default is a two-dimensional blau space, with organization niche
#' sizes that are strongly positively skewed (i.e., many specialist organizations, few generalists).
#' @references {Neal, Z. P. 2023. The duality of networks and groups: Models to generate two-mode networks from one-mode networks. *Network Science*.}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' G <- igraph::erdos.renyi.game(10, .4)
#' I <- incidence.from.adjacency(G, k = 1000, p = .95,
#' model = "team", narrative = TRUE)
incidence.from.adjacency <- function(G, k = 1, p = 1, blau.param = c(2,1,10), maximal = TRUE, model = "team", class = NULL, narrative = TRUE) {
#### Sampling function, to allow sampling from a vector with one entry ####
sample.vec <- function(x, ...) x[sample(length(x), ...)]
#### Parameter checks ####
if (is.null(class) & methods::is(G, "igraph")) {class <- "igraph"}
if (is.null(class) & methods::is(G, "matrix")) {class <- "matrix"}
if (is.null(class) & methods::is(G, "Matrix")) {class <- "Matrix"}
if (!is.numeric(k)) {stop("k must be numeric")}
if (!is.numeric(p)) {stop("p must be numeric")}
if (p < 0 | p > 1) {stop("p must be between 0 and 1")}
if (!(model %in% c("team", "club", "org"))) {stop("model must be one if c(\"team\", \"club\", \"org\")")}
if (!(class %in% c("matrix", "Matrix", "igraph"))) {stop("class must be one if c(\"matrix\", \"Matrix\", \"igraph\")")}
if (blau.param[1]%%1!=0 | blau.param[1]<2) {stop("The first blau.param must be an integer greater than 1")}
if (blau.param[2]<0 | blau.param[3]<0) {stop("The second and third blau.param must be positive")}
#### Check input, get names, convert to igraph ####
if (methods::is(G, "igraph")) {
if (igraph::is_directed(G)) {stop("G must be undirected")}
if (igraph::is_weighted(G)) {stop("G must be unweighted")}
if (igraph::is_bipartite(G)) {stop("G must be unipartite")}
if (!is.null(igraph::V(G)$name)) {names <- igraph::V(G)$name} else {names <- 1:(igraph::gorder(G))}
igraph::V(G)$name <- 1:(igraph::gorder(G))
if (methods::is(G, "matrix")) {
if (!isSymmetric(G)) {stop("G must be symmetric")}
if (!all(G %in% c(0,1))) {stop("G must be binary")}
if (!is.null(rownames(G))) {names <- rownames(G)} else (names <- c(1:nrow(G)))
G <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(G,mode="undirected")
if (methods::is(G, "Matrix")) {
G <- as.matrix(G)
if (!isSymmetric(G)) {stop("G must be symmetric")}
if (!all(G %in% c(0,1))) {stop("G must be binary")}
if (!is.null(rownames(G))) {names <- rownames(G)} else (names <- c(1:nrow(G)))
G <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(G,mode="undirected")
nodes <- c(1:igraph::gorder(G))
I <- as.matrix(1:(igraph::gorder(G))) #Create empty incidence with numeric row labels
#### Team model (Guimera et al., 2005) ####
if (model == "team") {
if (maximal) {cliques <- igraph::max_cliques(G, min=2)} else {cliques <- igraph::cliques(G, min=2)} #List all (maximal) cliques
for (i in 1:k) { #For each new team k:
clique <- sample(1:length(cliques),1) #Pick a prior team
incumbent <- as.numeric(cliques[[clique]]) #List its members
newcomer <- nodes[!nodes %in% incumbent] #List its nonmembers
size <- length(incumbent) #Find its size
members <- rep(0, times = size) #Blank list of new team's members
for (j in 1:size) {
if (j == 1) { #For the first position j = 1:
members[j] <- sample.vec(incumbent,1) #Fill with a random incumbent
incumbent <- incumbent[!incumbent %in% members] #Update the list of remaining incumbents
} else {if (stats::runif(1) <= p) { #For all remaining positions j > 1:
members[j] <- sample.vec(incumbent,1) #With probability p, fill position j with a random incumbent
incumbent <- incumbent[!incumbent %in% members] #Update the list of remaining incumbents
} else {
members[j] <- sample.vec(newcomer,1) #With probability p-1, fill position j with a random newcomer
newcomer <- newcomer[!newcomer %in% members] #Update the list of remaining newcomers
I <- cbind(I,0) #Add a blank artifact (team) to I
I[members, i + 1] <- 1 #Fill the artifact with the new team's members
#### Club model (Backstrom et al., 2006) ####
if (model == "club") {
## Function to get candidates
get.candidates <- function(G, members, declined) {
candidates <- unique(unlist(igraph::adjacent_vertices(G, members))) #All neighbors of members
candidates <- candidates[!candidates %in% members] #Remove members
candidates <- candidates[!candidates %in% declined] #Remove recruits who have declined
if (maximal) {cliques <- igraph::max_cliques(G, min=2)} else {cliques <- igraph::cliques(G, min=2)} #List all (maximal) cliques
for (i in 1:k) { #For each new club k:
members <- as.numeric(cliques[[sample(1:length(cliques),1)]]) #Sample a clique (initial members)
declined <- NULL #Recruits who declined membership
candidates <- get.candidates(G, members, declined)
while (length(candidates)!= 0) { #While there are candidates
recruit <- sample.vec(candidates, 1) #Pick random recruit from candidates
density <- igraph::edge_density(igraph::induced_subgraph(G, c(members,recruit))) #Compute prospective club's density
if (density >= p) {members <- c(members, recruit)} else {declined <- c(declined, recruit)} #Join or decline
candidates <- get.candidates(G, members, declined) #Update candidate list
I <- cbind(I,0) #Add a blank artifact (club) to I
I[members, i + 1] <- 1 #Fill the artifact with the new club's members
#### Organizations model (McPherson, 2004) ####
if (model == "org") {
if (!igraph::is.connected(G)) {stop("the organizations model requires that the network be connected")}
coords <- igraph::layout_with_mds(G, dim = blau.param[1]) #Get coordinates in Blau Space
D <- as.matrix(stats::dist(coords)) #Compute distances between nodes in Blau Space
i <- 1
while (dim(I)[2] <= k) { #Until `k` organizations are created, for each organization i:
R <- (stats::rbeta(1,blau.param[2],blau.param[3]) * (max(D,na.rm=T) - min(D,na.rm=T))) + min(D,na.rm=T) #Pick niche radius
center <- sample(1:igraph::gorder(G),1) #Pick a node to serve as niche center
dat <- data.frame(dist = D[center,]) #Start dataframe, add nodes' distance from niche center
dat$inside <- dat$dist <= R #...add nodes' location inside or outside niche
dat$member <- NA #...add initial memberships in organization
dat$member[which(dat$inside)] <- stats::rbinom(sum(dat$inside),1,p) #Each node inside niche joins with probability p
while (sum(dat$member,na.rm=T)<sum(dat$inside) & sum(is.na(dat$member))!=0) { #While spaces & recruits are available...
recruit <- min(dat$dist[which(is.na(dat$member))]) #...find recruit nearest to niche
dat$member[which(dat$dist==recruit)] <- stats::rbinom(1,1,1-p) #...attempt to recruit
dat$member[which(is.na(dat$member))] <- 0 #Non-recruits are non-members
if (sum(dat$member) > 1) { #If more than one person joins organization i...
I <- cbind(I, dat$member) #...add this organization's member list to I
i <- i + 1} #...go to the next organization
# Clean up and return
I <- I[,-1] #Remove placeholder ID column
if (!methods::is(I,"numeric")) {
rownames(I) <- names #Insert row names
colnames(I) <- c(paste0("k", 1:ncol(I))) #Insert column names
if (class == "igraph") {I <- igraph::graph_from_incidence_matrix(I)}
if (class == "Matrix"){I <- Matrix::Matrix(I)}
#Display narrative if requested
if (narrative) {
version <- utils::packageVersion("incidentally")
type <- " newly-formed teams"
if (model == "club") {type <- " newly-formed club"}
if (model == "org") {type <- " newly-formed organizations"}
if (class == "igraph") {text <- paste0("We used the incidentally package for R (v", version, "; Neal, 2022a) to generate a random bipartite graph from a unipartite graph. The bipartite graph represents the memberships of the ", igraph::gorder(G), " nodes from the unipartite network in ", k, type, " (Neal, 2022b).")}
if (class != "igraph") {text <- paste0("We used the incidentally package for R (v", version, "; Neal, 2022a) to generate a random incidence matrix from a unipartite graph. The incidence matrix represents the memberships of the ", igraph::gorder(G), " nodes from the unipartite network (rows) in ", k, type, " (columns; Neal, 2022b).")}
message("=== Suggested manuscript text and citations ===")
message("Neal, Z. P. (2022a). incidentally: An R package to generate incidence matrices and bipartite graphs. OSF Preprints. https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/ectms")
message("Neal, Z. P. (2022b). The Duality of Networks and Foci: Generative Models of Two-Mode Networks from One-Mode Networks. arXiv:2204.13670 [cs.SI]. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2204.13670")
return(I) #Return the bipartite graph with row labels
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