FLOWMAPcluster <- function(full.clusters, table.breaks, table.lengths,
cluster.medians, cluster.counts, cell.assgn) {
object <- list(full.clusters = full.clusters,
table.breaks = table.breaks,
table.lengths = table.lengths,
cluster.medians = cluster.medians,
cluster.counts = cluster.counts,
cell.assgn = cell.assgn)
class(object) <- "FLOWMAPcluster"
return (object)
RemodelFLOWMAPClusterList <- function(list.of.FLOWMAP.clusters, label.key, time.col.label, condition.col.label) {
# take FLOWMAP of conditions with timeseries and make into one timeseries
# combine FLOWMAP conditions
full.clusters <- data.frame()
table.breaks <- c()
table.lengths <- c()
cluster.medians <- list()
cluster.counts <- list()
cell.assgn <- list()
for (t in 1:length(list.of.FLOWMAP.clusters)) {
temp.medians <- data.frame()
temp.cell.assgn <- data.frame()
temp.counts <- data.frame()
for (c in 1:length(list.of.FLOWMAP.clusters[[t]]$cluster.medians)) {
temp.medians <- rbind(temp.medians, list.of.FLOWMAP.clusters[[t]]$cluster.medians[[c]])
temp.cell.assgn <- rbind(temp.cell.assgn, list.of.FLOWMAP.clusters[[t]]$cell.assgn[[c]])
temp.counts <- c(unlist(temp.counts), unlist(list.of.FLOWMAP.clusters[[t]]$cluster.counts[[c]]))
temp.counts <- as.data.frame(temp.counts)
colnames(temp.counts) <- c("Counts")
cluster.medians[[t]] <- temp.medians
rownames(temp.counts) <- 1:nrow(temp.counts)
cluster.counts[[t]] <- temp.counts
cell.assgn[[t]] <- temp.cell.assgn
table.lengths <- c(table.lengths, dim(temp.medians)[1])
table.breaks <- c(table.breaks, sum(table.lengths))
full.clusters <- rbind(full.clusters, temp.medians)
full.clusters <- ConvertCharacterLabel(full.clusters, label.key, time.col.label, condition.col.label) ###########################################################
remodeled.FLOWMAP.clusters <- FLOWMAPcluster(full.clusters, table.breaks, table.lengths,
cluster.medians, cluster.counts, cell.assgn)
ClusterFCS <- function(fcs.files, clustering.var, numcluster,
distance.metric, cluster.mode) {
full.clusters <- data.frame()
table.breaks <- c()
table.lengths <- c()
cluster.medians <- list()
cluster.counts <- list()
cell.assgn <- list()
if (length(numcluster) == 1) {
cat("Clustering all files to:", numcluster, "\n")
numcluster.new <- rep(numcluster, times = length(fcs.files))
numcluster <- numcluster.new
if (length(numcluster) != length(fcs.files)) {
stop("Cluster number not specified for all FCS files!")
for (i in 1:length(fcs.files)) {
current.file <- fcs.files[[i]]
global.current.file <<- current.file
global.clustering.var <<- clustering.var
cat("Clustering data from file", i, "\n")
cluster.counts[[i]] <- data.frame()
cluster.medians[[i]] <- data.frame()
tmp.FCS.for.cluster <- subset(x = current.file, select = clustering.var)
cat("Subsetting for clustering channels only", "\n")
cat("Using clustering method:", cluster.mode, "\n")
if (cluster.mode == "hclust") {
cluster.results <- HclustClustering(current.file = current.file, tmp.FCS.for.cluster = tmp.FCS.for.cluster,
distance.metric = distance.metric, numcluster = numcluster[i])
} else if (cluster.mode == "kmeans") {
cluster.results <- KMeansClustering(current.file = current.file, tmp.FCS.for.cluster = tmp.FCS.for.cluster,
distance.metric = distance.metric, numcluster = numcluster[i])
} else if (cluster.mode == "none") {
new.counts <- data.frame()
cluster.results <- list(tmp.cell.assgn = data.frame(1:dim(tmp.FCS.for.cluster)[1]),
new.medians = tmp.FCS.for.cluster,
new.counts = data.frame(rep.int(1,dim(tmp.FCS.for.cluster)[1])))
} else {
stop("Unrecognized clustering method!")
cell.assgn[[i]] <- cluster.results$tmp.cell.assgn
cluster.medians[[i]] <- cluster.results$new.medians
cluster.counts[[i]] <- cluster.results$new.counts
colnames(cluster.counts[[i]]) <- c("Counts")
# store the number of clusters in the file being read currently
# used for node numbering/index
table.lengths <- append(table.lengths, nrow(cluster.medians[[i]]))
# store the currently read clusters and their median values to a master array
full.clusters <- rbind(full.clusters, cluster.medians[[i]])
# store where the array breaks between clusters from one file and those from the next file
# used for node numbering/index
table.breaks <- append(table.breaks, nrow(full.clusters))
for (i in 1:length(cluster.medians)) {
rownames(cluster.medians[[i]]) <- seq(1, table.lengths[i])
rownames(full.clusters) <- seq(1, dim(full.clusters)[1])
FLOWMAP.clusters <- FLOWMAPcluster(full.clusters = full.clusters,
table.breaks = table.breaks,
table.lengths = table.lengths,
cluster.medians = cluster.medians,
cluster.counts = cluster.counts,
cell.assgn = cell.assgn)
MultiClusterFCS <- function(list.of.files, clustering.var, numcluster,
distance.metric, cluster.mode) {
list.of.FLOWMAP.clusters <- list()
numcluster.orig <- numcluster
if (length(numcluster.orig) == 1) {
cat("Clustering all files to:", numcluster, "\n")
for (t in 1:length(list.of.files)) {
cat("Clustering all files from time", t, "\n")
fcs.files <- list.of.files[[t]]
if (length(numcluster.orig) == 1) {
numcluster.new <- rep(numcluster.orig, times = length(fcs.files))
numcluster <- numcluster.new
} else {
numcluster <- numcluster.orig[[t]]
if (length(numcluster) != length(fcs.files)) {
stop("Cluster number not specified for all FCS files!")
file.clusters <- ClusterFCS(fcs.files, clustering.var, numcluster, distance.metric, cluster.mode)
list.of.FLOWMAP.clusters[[t]] <- file.clusters
HclustClustering <- function(current.file, tmp.FCS.for.cluster, distance.metric = "manhattan", numcluster) {
if (distance.metric == "euclidean") {
method <- "ward.D"###or "ward.D2" ??
} else {
method <- "single" #"average"
FCS.clusters <- stats::hclust(dist(tmp.FCS.for.cluster, method = distance.metric), method = method)
clust <- list(assgn = cutree(FCS.clusters, k = numcluster))
new.counts <- data.frame()
new.medians <- data.frame()
# Invalid clusters have assgn == 0
is.na(clust$assgn) <- which(clust$assgn == 0)
for (p in c(1:max(clust$assgn, na.rm = TRUE))) {
obs <- which(clust$assgn == p)
if (length(obs) > 1) {
# Finding clusters containing more than one cell
# Saving counts and medians of data
new.counts <- rbind(new.counts, data.frame(length(obs)))
new.median <- colMedians(as.matrix(current.file[obs, ]))
new.median <- as.data.frame(new.median)
if (!identical(colnames(new.median), colnames(current.file))) {
new.median <- t(new.median)
colnames(new.median) <- colnames(current.file)
# Saving cluster data
} else {
new.counts <- rbind(new.counts, data.frame(length(obs)))
new.median <- current.file[obs, ]
new.median <- as.data.frame(new.median)
if (!identical(colnames(new.median), colnames(current.file))) {
new.median <- t(new.median)
colnames(new.median) <- colnames(current.file)
new.medians <- rbind(new.medians, new.median)
tmp.cell.assgn <- data.frame(clust$assgn)
tmp.cell.assgn <- as.data.frame(tmp.cell.assgn[complete.cases(tmp.cell.assgn), ])
colnames(tmp.cell.assgn) <- c("Cluster")
return(list(tmp.cell.assgn = tmp.cell.assgn,
new.medians = new.medians,
new.counts = new.counts))
KMeansClustering <- function(current.file, tmp.FCS.for.cluster, distance.metric = "euclidean", numcluster) {
if (distance.metric == "euclidean") {
FCS.clusters <- kmeans(tmp.FCS.for.cluster, numcluster)
} else {
new.counts <- data.frame()
new.medians <- data.frame()
# Invalid clusters have assgn == 0
is.na(FCS.clusters$cluster) <- which(FCS.clusters$cluster == 0)
for (p in c(1:max(FCS.clusters$cluster, na.rm = TRUE))) {
obs <- which(FCS.clusters$cluster == p)
if (length(obs) > 1) {
# Finding clusters containing more than one cell
# Saving counts and medians of data
new.counts <- rbind(new.counts, data.frame(length(obs)))
new.median <- colMedians(as.matrix(current.file[obs, ]))
new.median <- as.data.frame(new.median)
if (!identical(colnames(new.median), colnames(current.file))) {
new.median <- t(new.median)
colnames(new.median) <- colnames(current.file)
# Saving cluster data
} else {
new.counts <- rbind(new.counts, data.frame(length(obs)))
new.median <- current.file[obs, ]
new.median <- as.data.frame(new.median)
if (!identical(colnames(new.median), colnames(current.file))) {
new.median <- t(new.median)
colnames(new.median) <- colnames(current.file)
new.medians <- rbind(new.medians, new.median)
tmp.cell.assgn <- data.frame(FCS.clusters$cluster)
tmp.cell.assgn <- as.data.frame(tmp.cell.assgn[complete.cases(tmp.cell.assgn), ])
colnames(tmp.cell.assgn) <- c("Cluster")
return(list(tmp.cell.assgn = tmp.cell.assgn,
new.medians = new.medians,
new.counts = new.counts))
DensClustering <- function(current.file, tmp.FCS.for.cluster, distance.metric = "manhattan", numcluster) {
if (distance.metric == "euclidean") {
FCS.clusters <- kmeans(tmp.FCS.for.cluster, numcluster)
# dbscan(x, eps, minPts = 5, weights = NULL, borderPoints = TRUE)
} else {
new.counts <- data.frame()
new.medians <- data.frame()
# Invalid clusters have assgn == 0
is.na(FCS.clusters$cluster) <- which(FCS.clusters$cluster == 0)
for (p in c(1:max(FCS.clusters$cluster, na.rm = TRUE))) {
obs <- which(FCS.clusters$cluster == p)
if (length(obs) > 1) {
# Finding clusters containing more than one cell
# Saving counts and medians of data
new.counts <- rbind(new.counts, data.frame(length(obs)))
new.median <- colMedians(as.matrix(current.file[obs, ]))
new.median <- as.data.frame(new.median)
if (!identical(colnames(new.median), colnames(current.file))) {
new.median <- t(new.median)
colnames(new.median) <- colnames(current.file)
# Saving cluster data
} else {
new.counts <- rbind(new.counts, data.frame(length(obs)))
new.median <- current.file[obs, ]
new.median <- as.data.frame(new.median)
if (!identical(colnames(new.median), colnames(current.file))) {
new.median <- t(new.median)
colnames(new.median) <- colnames(current.file)
new.medians <- rbind(new.medians, new.median)
tmp.cell.assgn <- data.frame(FCS.clusters$cluster)
tmp.cell.assgn <- as.data.frame(tmp.cell.assgn[complete.cases(tmp.cell.assgn), ])
colnames(tmp.cell.assgn) <- c("Cluster")
return(list(tmp.cell.assgn = tmp.cell.assgn,
new.medians = new.medians,
new.counts = new.counts))
Upsample <- function(file.names, FLOWMAP.clusters, fcs.files,
var.remove, var.annotate, clustering.var) {
fixed.FLOWMAP.clusters <- FLOWMAP.clusters
for (f in 1:length(file.names)) {
original.fcs.file <- LoadCleanFCS(file.names[[f]], channel.remove = var.remove,
channel.annotate = var.annotate, subsamples = FALSE)
original.fcs.file <- original.fcs.file[[1]]
original.fcs.file <- original.fcs.file[, clustering.var]
downsample.fcs.file <- fcs.files[[f]]
downsample.fcs.file <- downsample.fcs.file[, clustering.var]
cluster.assign <- as.integer(as.matrix(FLOWMAP.clusters$cell.assgn[[f]]))
####added/modified to remove spade dependency####
#get cluster median marker values
downsample.fcs.file$cluster <- cluster.assign
cluster.medians <- downsample.fcs.file %>%
dplyr::group_by(cluster) %>%
#for each cell to upsample, find the nearest neighbor cell in the clustered data
#then record which cluster it came from
#data = cluster median marker values ("2:ncol(cluster.medians)" because don't want to include cluster id column)
#query = data to upsample
#k=1 because assigning to top nearest neighboor
all.cells.assign <- RANN::nn2(cluster.medians[,2:ncol(cluster.medians)], original.fcs.file, k=1)
#update cluster counts based on all cluster assigns
fixed.counts <- table(all.cells.assign[["nn.idx"]])
####added/modified to remove spade dependency####
fixed.counts <- as.data.frame(as.matrix(fixed.counts))
colnames(fixed.counts) <- c("Counts")
fixed.FLOWMAP.clusters$cluster.counts[[f]] <- fixed.counts
rm(original.fcs.file, downsample.fcs.file, cluster.assign, fixed.counts)
MultiUpsample <- function(file.names, FLOWMAP.clusters, fcs.files,
var.remove, var.annotate, clustering.var) {
fixed.FLOWMAP.clusters <- FLOWMAP.clusters
for (t in 1:length(FLOWMAP.clusters)) {
for (f in 1:length(FLOWMAP.clusters[[t]]$cluster.counts)) {
original.fcs.file <- LoadCleanFCS(file.names[[t]][[f]], channel.remove = var.remove,
channel.annotate = var.annotate, subsamples = FALSE)
original.fcs.file <- original.fcs.file[[1]]
original.fcs.file <- original.fcs.file[, clustering.var]
downsample.fcs.file <- fcs.files[[t]][[f]]
downsample.fcs.file <- downsample.fcs.file[, clustering.var]
cluster.assign <- as.integer(as.matrix(FLOWMAP.clusters[[t]]$cell.assgn[[f]]))
####added/modified to remove spade dependency####
#get cluster median marker values
downsample.fcs.file$cluster <- cluster.assign
cluster.medians <- downsample.fcs.file %>%
dplyr::group_by(cluster) %>%
#for each cell to upsample, find the nearest neighbor cell in the clustered data
#then record which cluster it came from
#data = cluster median marker values ("2:ncol(cluster.medians)" because don't want to include cluster id column)
#query = data to upsample
#k=1 because assigning to top nearest neighboor
all.cells.assign <- RANN::nn2(cluster.medians[,2:ncol(cluster.medians)], original.fcs.file, k=1)
#update cluster counts based on all cluster assigns
fixed.counts <- table(all.cells.assign[["nn.idx"]])
####added/modified to remove spade dependency####
fixed.counts <- as.data.frame(as.matrix(fixed.counts))
colnames(fixed.counts) <- c("Counts")
fixed.FLOWMAP.clusters[[t]]$cluster.counts[[f]]$Counts <- fixed.counts
rm(original.fcs.file, downsample.fcs.file, cluster.assign, fixed.counts)
ConstructOneFLOWMAPCluster <- function(df) {
full.clusters <- df
cluster.medians <- list()
cluster.medians[[1]] <- df
table.breaks <- nrow(df)
table.lengths <- nrow(df)
cluster.counts <- list()
cluster.counts[[1]] <- as.data.frame(matrix(rep(1, times = nrow(df))))
colnames(cluster.counts[[1]]) <- c("Counts")
cell.assgn <- list()
cell.assgn[[1]] <- as.data.frame(matrix(seq(1, nrow(df))))
colnames(cell.assgn[[1]]) <- c("Cluster")
file.clusters <- FLOWMAPcluster(full.clusters, table.breaks, table.lengths,
cluster.medians, cluster.counts, cell.assgn)
ConstructSingleFLOWMAPCluster <- function(list.of.df) {
full.clusters <- data.frame()
cluster.medians <- list()
table.breaks <- c()
table.lengths <- c()
cluster.counts <- list()
cell.assgn <- list()
for (i in 1:length(list.of.df)) {
full.clusters <- rbind(full.clusters, list.of.df[[i]])
cluster.medians[[i]] <- list.of.df[[i]]
table.lengths <- c(table.lengths, nrow(list.of.df[[i]]))
table.breaks <- c(table.breaks, sum(table.lengths))
cluster.counts[[i]] <- as.data.frame(matrix(rep(1, times = nrow(list.of.df[[i]]))))
colnames(cluster.counts[[i]]) <- c("Counts")
cell.assgn[[i]] <- as.data.frame(matrix(seq(1, nrow(list.of.df[[i]]))))
colnames(cell.assgn[[i]]) <- c("Cluster")
file.clusters <- FLOWMAPcluster(full.clusters, table.breaks, table.lengths,
cluster.medians, cluster.counts, cell.assgn)
ConstructMultiFLOWMAPCluster <- function(multi.list.df) {
list.of.FLOWMAP.clusters <- list()
for (i in 1:length(multi.list.df)) {
list.of.FLOWMAP.clusters[[i]] <- ConstructSingleFLOWMAPCluster(multi.list.df[[i]])
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