
dfsane <- function (par, fn, method = 2, control = list(), 
                    quiet=FALSE, alertConvergence=TRUE, ...) 
    ctrl <- list(maxit = 1500, M = 10, tol = 1e-07, trace = !quiet, 
        triter = 10, noimp = 100, NM=FALSE, BFGS=FALSE)
    namc <- names(control)
    if (!all(namc %in% names(ctrl))) 
        stop("unknown names in control: ", namc[!(namc %in% names(ctrl))])

    ctrl[namc] <- control
    maxit <- ctrl$maxit
    M <- ctrl$M
    tol <- ctrl$tol
    trace <- ctrl$trace
    triter <- ctrl$triter
    noimp <- ctrl$noimp
    NM <- ctrl$NM
    BFGS <- ctrl$BFGS

    fargs <- list(...)

    lsm <- function(x, fn, F, fval, alfa, M, lastfv, eta, fcnt, 
        bl, fargs) {
        maxbl <- 100
        gamma <- 1e-04
        sigma1 <- 0.1
        sigma2 <- 0.5
        lam1 <- lam2 <- 1
        cbl <- 0
        fmax <- max(lastfv)

        while (cbl < maxbl) {
            d <- -alfa * F
            xnew <- x + lam1 * d
           Fnew <- try(do.call(fn, append(list(xnew), fargs)))
           fcnt = fcnt + 1
            if (class(Fnew) == "try-error" || any(is.nan(Fnew))) 
                return(list(xnew = NA, Fnew = NA, fcnt = fcnt, 
                  bl = bl, lsflag = 1, fune = NA))

             fune1 <- sum(Fnew * Fnew)
             if (fune1 <= (fmax + eta - (lam1^2 * gamma * fval))) {
                if (cbl >= 1) 
                  bl <- bl + 1
                return(list(xnew = xnew, Fnew = Fnew, fcnt = fcnt, 
                  bl = bl, lsflag = 0, fune = fune1))
            xnew <- x - lam2 * d
            Fnew <- try(do.call(fn, append(list(xnew), fargs)))
            fcnt = fcnt + 1
            if (class(Fnew) == "try-error" || any(is.nan(Fnew))) 
                return(list(xnew = NA, Fnew = NA, fcnt = fcnt, 
                  bl = bl, lsflag = 1, fune = NA))

           fune2 <- sum(Fnew * Fnew)

            if (fune2 <= (fmax + eta - (lam2^2 * gamma * fval))) {
                if (cbl >= 1) 
                  bl <- bl + 1
                return(list(xnew = xnew, Fnew = Fnew, fcnt = fcnt, 
                  bl = bl, lsflag = 0, fune = fune2))
            lamc <- (2 * fval * lam1^2)/(2 * (fune1 + (2 * lam1 - 
                1) * fval))
            c1 <- sigma1 * lam1
            c2 <- sigma2 * lam1
            lam1 <- if (lamc < c1) 
            else if (lamc > c2) 
            else lamc
            lamc <- (2 * fval * lam2^2)/(2 * (fune2 + (2 * lam2 - 
                1) * fval))
            c1 <- sigma1 * lam2
            c2 <- sigma2 * lam2
            lam2 <- if (lamc < c1) 
            else if (lamc > c2) 
            else lamc
            cbl <- cbl + 1
        return(list(xnew = xnew, Fnew = Fnew, fcnt = fcnt, bl = bl, 
            lsflag = 2, fune = fune))

    n <- length(par)
    fcnt <- iter <- bl <- 0
    alfa <- eta <- 1
    eps <- 1e-10
    lastfv <- rep(0, M)

	U <- function(x, ...) drop(crossprod(fn(x, ...))) 
##  We do initial Nelder-Mead start-up
	if (NM) {
		res <- try(optim(par=par, fn=U, method="Nelder-Mead", control=list(maxit=100), ...), silent=TRUE)
		if (class(res) == "try-error") { 
			stop("\nFailure in Nelder-Mead Start.  Try another starting value \n")
		else if (any(is.nan(res$par))) 
			stop("Failure in Nelder-Mead Start (NaN value).  Try another starting value \n")
		par <- res$par
		fcnt <- as.numeric(res$counts[1])

    F <- try(fn(par, ...))
	fcnt <- fcnt + 1
    if (class(F) == "try-error") 
        stop("Failure in initial functional evaluation. \n" )
    else if (!is.numeric(F) || !is.vector(F)) 
        stop("Function must return a vector numeric value.")
    else if (any(is.nan(F), is.infinite(F), is.na(F))) 
		stop ("Failure in initial functional evaluation. \n" )
    else if (length(F) == 1) if (!quiet) 
        warning("Function returns a scalar. Function BBoptim or spg is better.")
    F0 <- normF <- sqrt(sum(F * F))

    if (trace) 
        cat("Iteration: ", 0, " ||F(x0)||: ", F0/sqrt(n), "\n")
    pbest <- par
    normF.best <- normF
    lastfv[1] <- normF^2
    flag <- 0
    knoimp <- 0

    while (normF/sqrt(n) > tol & iter <= maxit) {

        if ( (abs(alfa) <= eps) | (abs(alfa) >= 1/eps) )
            alfa <- if (normF > 1) 
            else if (normF >= 1e-05 & normF <= 1) 
            else if (normF < 1e-05) 

## Steplength for first iteration is scaled properly
	if (iter==0) {
	alfa <- min(1/normF, 1)
	alfa1 <- alfa2 <- alfa
	temp <- alfa2
	alfa2 <- alfa
	if (normF <= 0.01) alfa <- alfa1   # retard scheme
	alfa1 <- temp
        ls.ret <- lsm(x = par, fn = fn, F = F, fval = normF^2, 
            alfa, M = M, lastfv = lastfv, eta, fcnt, bl, fargs)

        fcnt <- ls.ret$fcnt
        bl <- ls.ret$bl
        flag <- ls.ret$lsflag

       if (flag > 0) 

        Fnew <- ls.ret$Fnew
        pnew <- ls.ret$xnew
        fune <- ls.ret$fune
        pF <- sum((pnew - par) * (Fnew - F))
        pp <- sum((pnew - par)^2)
        FF <- sum((Fnew - F)^2)

        alfa <- if (method == 1) 
        else if (method == 2) 
        else if (method == 3) 
            sign(pF) * sqrt(pp/FF)  

        if (is.nan(alfa)) 
		alfa <- eps

        par <- pnew
        F <- Fnew
        fun <- fune
        normF <- sqrt(fun)

        if (normF < normF.best) {
            pbest <- par
            normF.best <- normF
		knoimp <- 0
        } else knoimp <- knoimp + 1

        iter <- iter + 1
        lastfv[1 + iter%%M] <- fun

        eta <- F0/(iter + 1)^2
        if (trace && (iter%%triter == 0)) 
            cat("iteration: ", iter, " ||F(xn)|| =  ", normF, 

## Iterations are stoppedwhen there is no decrease in ||F(x_n|| over `noimp' consecutive iterations
	if (knoimp == noimp) {
	flag <- 3 

    }  # main loop complete

    conv <- if (flag == 0) {
        if (normF.best/sqrt(n) <= tol) 
            list(type = 0, message = "Successful convergence")
        else if (iter > maxit) 
            list(type = 1, message = "Maximum limit for iterations exceeded")
            list(type = 2, message = "Method stagnated")
    else if (flag == 1) 
        list(type = 3, message = "Failure: Error in function evaluation")
    else if (flag == 2) 
        list(type = 4, message = "Failure: Maximum limit on steplength reductions exceeded")
    else if (flag == 3) 
        list(type = 5, message = "Lack of improvement in objective function")

##  We do final "optim" iterations using "L-BFGS-B" when type=2 or 5
	if (BFGS & (conv$type==2 |conv$type==5) ) {
	if (!quiet) cat(" Calling `L-BFGS-B' in `optim' \n")
	res <- try(optim(par=pbest, fn=U, method="L-BFGS-B",
	              control=list(pgtol=1.e-08, factr=1000, maxit=200), ...),
        if (!inherits(res, "try-error") && !any(is.nan(res$par)) ) {
      		normF.new <- sqrt(res$value)
 		if (normF.new < normF.best) {
			normF.best <- normF.new
			pbest <- res$par
	fcnt <- fcnt + as.numeric(res$counts[1])

	if (normF.best/sqrt(length(par)) <= tol) 
      	conv <- list(type = 0, message = "Successful convergence")

    if(alertConvergence && ( 0 != conv$type))
          warning("Unsuccessful convergence.")

## We return "pbest" and "normF.best" #####

    return(list(par = pbest, residual = normF.best/sqrt(length(par)), 
        fn.reduction = F0 - normF.best, feval = fcnt, iter = iter, 
        convergence = conv$type, message = conv$message))

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