
Defines functions cubist cubist.default cubistControl print.cubist summary.cubist print.summary.cubist truncateText

Documented in cubist cubistControl cubist.default summary.cubist

cubist <-  function(x, ...) UseMethod("cubist")

## TODO: move committees and neighbors and/or composite to cubist.default.

## About the Cubist C code and our approach here...

## 1) The cubist code is written to take specific data files from the file system,
## pull them into memory, run the computations, then write the results to a text
## file that is also saved to the file system.
## 2) The code makes use of a lot of global variables (especially for the data)
## 3). The code has been around for a while and, after reading it, one can tell
## that the author put in a lot of time to catch many special cases. We have
## pushed millions of samples through the code without any errors
## So... the approach here is to pass in the training data as strings that mimic
## the formats that one would use with the command line version and get back the
## textual representation that would be saved to the .model file also as a string.
## The predicton function would then pass the model text string (and the data text
## string if instances are used) to the C code for prediction.
## We did this for a few reasons:
## a) this approach would require us to re-write main() and touch as little of the
## original code as possible (otherwise we would have to write a parser for the
## data and try to get it into the global variable structure with complete fidelity)
## b) most modeling functions implicitly assume that the data matrix is all numeric,
## thus factors are converted to dummy variables etc. Cubist doesn't want categorical
## data split into dummy variables based on how it does splits. Thus, we would have
## to pass in the numeric and categorical predictors separately unless we want to
## get really fancy.

cubist.default <- function(x, y,
                           committees = 1,
                           control = cubistControl(), ...)
  funcCall <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
  if(!is.numeric(y)) stop("cubist models require a numeric outcome")

   if(committees < 1 | committees > 100)
    stop("number of committees must be between 1 and 100")

  if(!is.data.frame(x) & !is.matrix(x)) stop("x must be a matrix or data frame")
  namesString <- makeNamesFile(x, y, label = control$label, comments = TRUE)
  dataString <- makeDataFile(x, y)

  Z <- .C("cubist",
          as.logical(control$unbiased),     # -u : generate unbiased rules
          "yes",          # -i and -a : how to combine these?
          as.integer(1),            # -n : set the number of nearest neighbors (1 to 9)
          as.integer(committees),           # -c : construct a committee model
          as.double(control$sample),        # -S : use a sample of x% for training
                                            #      and a disjoint sample for testing
          as.integer(control$seed),         # -I : set the sampling seed value
          as.integer(control$rules),        # -r: set the maximum number of rules
          as.double(control$extrapolation), # -e : set the extrapolation limit
          model = character(1),             # pass back .model file as a string
          output = character(1),            # pass back cubist output as a string
          PACKAGE = "Cubist"

  splits <- getSplits(Z$model)
      splits$percentile <- NA
      for(i in 1:nrow(splits))
          if(!is.na(splits$value[i])) splits$percentile[i] <- sum(x[,as.character(splits$variable[i])] <= splits$value[i])/nrow(x)

  tmp <- strsplit(Z$model, "\\n")[[1]]
  tmp <- tmp[grep("maxd", tmp)]
  tmp <- strsplit(tmp, "\"")[[1]]
  maxd <- tmp[grep("maxd", tmp) + 1]
  Z$model <- gsub(paste("insts=\"1\" nn=\"1\" ", "maxd=\"", maxd, "\"", sep = ""), "insts=\"0\"", Z$model)
  maxd <- as.double(maxd)

  usage <- varUsage(Z$output)
  if(is.null(usage) || nrow(usage) < ncol(x))
      xNames <- colnames(x)
      uNames <- if(!is.null(usage)) as.character(usage$Variable) else ""
      if(!all(xNames %in% uNames))

          usage2 <- data.frame(Conditions = 0,
                               Model = 0,
                               Variable = xNames[!(xNames %in% uNames)])
          usage <- rbind(usage, usage2)

## todo get mean and std of numeric data for scaling later for plots

  out <- list(data = dataString,
              names = namesString,
              model = Z$model,
              output = Z$output,
              control = control,
              committees = committees,
              maxd = maxd,
              dims = dim(x),
              splits = splits,
              usage = usage,
              call = funcCall)  
  coefs <- coef.cubist(out, varNames = colnames(x))
  out$coefficients <- coefs

  tmp <- apply(coefs[, -(1:3),drop = FALSE],2, function(x) any(!is.na(x)))
  tmp <- names(tmp)[tmp]
  xInfo <- list(all = colnames(x),
                used = union(as.character(splits$variable), tmp))
  out$vars <- xInfo
  class(out) <- "cubist"

cubistControl <- function(unbiased = FALSE,
                          rules = 100,
                          extrapolation = 100,
                          sample = 0.0,
                          seed = sample.int(4096, size=1) - 1L,
                          label = "outcome")
    if(!is.na(rules) & (rules < 1 | rules > 1000000))
      stop("number of rules must be between 1 and 1000000")
    if(extrapolation < 0 | extrapolation > 100)
      stop("percent extrapolation must between 0 and 100")
    if(sample < 0.0 | sample > 99.9)
      stop("sampling percentage must be between 0.0 and 99.9")

    list(unbiased = unbiased,
         rules = rules,
         extrapolation = extrapolation / 100,
         sample = sample / 100,
         label = label,
         seed = seed %% 4096L)

print.cubist <- function(x, ...)
    cat("\nCall:\n", truncateText(deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = 500)), "\n\n", sep = "")

    nRules <- countRules(x$model)
    cat("Number of samples:", x$dims[1],
        "\nNumber of predictors:", x$dims[2],
    cat("Number of committees:", length(nRules), "\n")
    if(length(nRules) > 1)
        ruleText <- if(length(nRules) > 20) paste(paste(nRules[1:20], collapse = ", "), "...") else paste(nRules, collapse = ", ")
        cat("Number of rules per committee:", ruleText, "\n")
      } else cat("Number of rules:", nRules, "\n")
    otherOptions <- NULL
    if(x$control$unbiased) otherOptions <- c(otherOptions, "unbiased rules")
    if(x$control$extrapolation < 1) otherOptions <- c(otherOptions,
                                                      paste(round(x$control$extrapolation*100, 1), "% extrapolation", sep = ""))
    if(x$control$sample > 0) otherOptions <- c(otherOptions,
                                               paste(round(100*x$control$sample, 1), "% sub-sampling", sep = ""))
        cat("Other options:", paste(otherOptions, collapse = ", "))


summary.cubist <- function(object, ...)
    out <- list(output = object$output, call = object$call)
    class(out) <- "summary.cubist"

print.summary.cubist <- function(x, ...)
    cat("\nCall:\n", truncateText(deparse(x$call, width.cutoff = 500)), "\n\n", sep = "")

truncateText <- function(x)
    if(length(x) > 1) x <- paste(x, collapse = "")
    w <- options("width")$width
    if(nchar(x) <= w) return(x)

    cont <- TRUE
    out <- x
        tmp <- out[length(out)]
        tmp2 <- substring(tmp, 1, w)
        spaceIndex <- gregexpr("[[:space:]]", tmp2)[[1]]
        stopIndex <- spaceIndex[length(spaceIndex) - 1] - 1
        tmp <- c(substring(tmp2, 1, stopIndex),
               substring(tmp, stopIndex + 1))
        out <- if(length(out) == 1) tmp else c(out[1:(length(x)-1)], tmp)
        if(all(nchar(out) <= w)) cont <- FALSE

    paste(out, collapse = "\n")

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Cubist documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:16 p.m.