
Defines functions plot.TGROC

Documented in plot.TGROC

#' @rdname TGROC
#' @import grDevices
#' @import graphics
#' @export
plot.TGROC <- function(x,...,
                Plot.type = c("TGROC","ROC","None"),
                Plot = c("Binormal","Non-parametric","NN-parametric"),
                Plot.inc.area = TRUE,
                Plot.CL = FALSE,
                Plot.threshold = "None",
                threshold.arg = list(col = gray(.5), lty = 6),
                ylab = "Sensitivity & Specificity",
                xlab = "Test scale",
                ylim = c(0,1),
                xlim = "auto",
                auto.title = TRUE,
                title.arg = list(cex.sub = 0.65, line = 4.5),
                shade.args = list(col = gray(.8), density = 45, border = NA),
                np.Se.args = list(type = "o", col = "blue", lty = 1, cex  = .5),
                np.Se.ci.args = list(lty = 5, col = "blue"),
                np.Sp.args = list(type = "o", col = "red", lty = 2,cex = .5),
                np.Sp.ci.args = list(lty = 3, col = "red"),
                NN.Se.args = list(type = "l", col = "blue", lty = 1, cex = .5),
                NN.Se.ci.args = list(lty = 5, col = "blue"),
                NN.Sp.args = list(type = "l", col = "red", lty = 2, cex = .5),
                NN.Sp.ci.args = list(lty = 3, col = "red"),
                BN.Se.args = list(type = "l", col = "blue", lty = 1, cex = .5),
                BN.Se.ci.args = list(lty = 5, col = "blue"),
                BN.Sp.args = list(type = "l", col = "red", lty = 2, cex = .5),
                BN.Sp.ci.args = list(lty = 3, col = "red"),
                roc.np.line.args = list(col = "red", lwd = 1, type = "o", cex = .5),
                roc.np.point.args = list(pch = 21, col = par()$bg, bg = "red", cex = 2),
                roc.NN.line.args = list(col = "navyblue", lwd = 3),
                roc.NN.point.args = list(pch = 21, col = par()$bg, bg = "navyblue", cex = 2),
                roc.BN.line.args = list(col = "darkgreen", lwd = 3),
                roc.BN.point.args = list(pch = 21, col = par()$bg, bg = "darkgreen", cex = 2),
                roc.xlab = "1 - Specificity",
                roc.ylab = "Sensitivity",
                grid = TRUE,
                auto.legend = TRUE,
                legend.args = list(x = "top", border = NA, bty = "n", xpd = NA, inset = -.18, ncol = 2, cex = .8)){

  # Settign a warnings for valid values
  if (any(!(Plot.type %in% c("TGROC", "ROC", "None")))) {
    stop("The allowed values for Plot.type argument are: 'TGROC','ROC', or 'None'.")
  if (any(!(Plot %in% c("Non-parametric", "NN-parametric", "Binormal","None")))) {
      stop("The allowed values for Plot argument are: 'None','Non-parametric', or 'NN-parametric'!")
  if (any(!(Plot.threshold %in% c("Min MCT", "Se = Sp", "Max Efficiency", "Min ROC distance", "Min Error rate", "Max DOR", "Max Accuracy area", "Max Accuracy", "Max Youden", "None")))) {
      stop("Plot.threshold argument does not have a valid input. Check documentation.")
  if (!is.logical(Plot.inc.area)) {
    stop("Plot.inc.area argument must be logical.")
  if (!is.logical(Plot.CL)) {
    stop("Plot.CL argument must be logical.")
  if (!is.logical(auto.legend)) {
    stop("auto.legend argument must be logical.")
  if (!is.logical(auto.title)) {
    stop("auto.title argument must be logical.")

  # Settings for TGROC plot
  if (Plot.type[1] == "TGROC") {
    # setting the xlim argument
    if (any(Plot[1] == "Non-parametric")) {
      if (xlim == "auto") {
          xlim <- range(c(x$SS$test.values))
    if (any(Plot[1] == "NN-parametric")) {
      if(xlim == "auto"){
        xlim <- range(c(x$SS$test.values,x$NN.SS$test.values))
    if (any(Plot[1] == "Binormal")) {
      if (xlim == "auto") {
        xlim <- range(c(x$SS$test.values,x$BN.SS$test.values))

    # Opening a blank device
    plot(0, 0, type = "n", ..., xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ylim = ylim, xlim = xlim)
    # plot(0,0,type="n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ylim = ylim, xlim = xlim)
    subtitle <- NULL
    # Ploting the inconclusive shade area -------------------------------------
    if (Plot.inc.area) {
    if (Plot[1] == "Non-parametric") {
      shade.args$x <- c(rep(x$np.inconclusive["Lower inconclusive","test.values"],2),rep(x$np.inconclusive["Upper inconclusive","test.values"],2))
      shade.args$y <- c(0,x$inc,x$inc,0)
      subtitle <- paste0("Non-parametric inconclusive limits at ",formatC(x$inc)," level: ",formatC(x$np.inconclusive[1,1]),"-",formatC(x$np.inconclusive[2,1]),". \n")
    if(Plot[1] == "NN-parametric"){
      shade.args$x <- c(rep(x$NN.inconclusive["Lower inconclusive","test.values"],2),rep(x$NN.inconclusive["Upper inconclusive","test.values"],2))
      shade.args$y <- c(0,x$inc,x$inc,0)
      subtitle <- paste0("Parametric (neural network) inconclusive limits at ",formatC(x$inc)," level: ",formatC(x$NN.inconclusive[1,1]),"-",formatC(x$NN.inconclusive[2,1]),". \n")
    if(Plot[1] == "Binormal"){
      shade.args$x <- c(rep(x$BN.inconclusive["Lower inconclusive","test.values"],2),rep(x$BN.inconclusive["Upper inconclusive","test.values"],2))
      shade.args$y <- c(0,x$inc,x$inc,0)
      subtitle <- paste0("Parametric (Binormal) inconclusive limits at ",formatC(x$inc)," level: ",formatC(x$BN.inconclusive[1,1]),"-",formatC(x$BN.inconclusive[2,1]),". \n")

    # Ploting the Se and Sp lines----------------------------------------------
    if (any(Plot == "Non-parametric")) {
      np.Se.args$x <- x$SS$test.values
      np.Se.args$y <- x$SS$Sensitivity

      np.Sp.args$x <- x$SS$test.values
      np.Sp.args$y <- x$SS$Specificity
    if (any(Plot == "NN-parametric")) {
      NN.Se.args$x <- x$NN.SS$test.values
      NN.Se.args$y <- x$NN.SS$Sensitivity
      do.call(lines, NN.Se.args)

      NN.Sp.args$x <- x$NN.SS$test.values
      NN.Sp.args$y <- x$NN.SS$Specificity
      do.call(lines, NN.Sp.args)
    if (any(Plot == "Binormal")) {
      BN.Se.args$x <- x$BN.SS$test.values
      BN.Se.args$y <- x$BN.SS$Sensitivity
      do.call(lines, BN.Se.args)

      BN.Sp.args$x <- x$BN.SS$test.values
      BN.Sp.args$y <- x$BN.SS$Specificity
      do.call(lines, BN.Sp.args)

    # Ploting the confidence bands -------------------------------------------
    if (Plot.CL) {
      if(Plot[1] == "Non-parametric"){
        np.Se.ci.args$x <- x$SS$test.values
        np.Se.ci.args$y <- x$SS$Se.inf.cl
        do.call(lines, np.Se.ci.args)
        np.Se.ci.args$y <- x$SS$Se.sup.cl
        do.call(lines, np.Se.ci.args)

        np.Sp.ci.args$x <- x$SS$test.values
        np.Sp.ci.args$y <- x$SS$Sp.inf.cl
        do.call(lines, np.Sp.ci.args)
        np.Sp.ci.args$y <- x$SS$Sp.sup.cl
        do.call(lines, np.Sp.ci.args)

      if(Plot[1] == "NN-parametric"){
        NN.Se.ci.args$x <- x$NN.SS$test.values
        NN.Se.ci.args$y <- x$NN.SS$Se.inf.cl
        do.call(lines, NN.Se.ci.args)
        NN.Se.ci.args$y <- x$NN.SS$Se.sup.cl
        do.call(lines, NN.Se.ci.args)

        NN.Sp.ci.args$x <- x$NN.SS$test.values
        NN.Sp.ci.args$y <- x$NN.SS$Sp.inf.cl
        do.call(lines, NN.Sp.ci.args)
        NN.Sp.ci.args$y <- x$NN.SS$Sp.sup.cl
        do.call(lines, NN.Sp.ci.args)

      if(Plot[1] == "Binormal"){
        BN.Se.ci.args$x <- x$BN.SS$test.values
        BN.Se.ci.args$y <- x$BN.SS$Se.inf.cl
        do.call(lines, BN.Se.ci.args)
        BN.Se.ci.args$y <- x$BN.SS$Se.sup.cl
        do.call(lines, BN.Se.ci.args)

        BN.Sp.ci.args$x <- x$BN.SS$test.values
        BN.Sp.ci.args$y <- x$BN.SS$Sp.inf.cl
        do.call(lines, BN.Sp.ci.args)
        BN.Sp.ci.args$y <- x$BN.SS$Sp.sup.cl
        do.call(lines, BN.Sp.ci.args)

    # Ploting the best threshold vertical line -------------------------------
    if (Plot.threshold != "None") {
      if (Plot[1] == "Non-parametric") {
        threshold.arg$v <- x$np.best.threshold[Plot.threshold, 1]
        do.call(abline, threshold.arg)
        subtitle <- paste(subtitle,paste("Threshold estimated by non-parametric ", Plot.threshold,": ",formatC(x$np.best.threshold[1,1])))
      if(Plot[1] == "Binormal"){
        threshold.arg$v <- x$BN.best.threshold[Plot.threshold, 1]
        do.call(abline, threshold.arg)
        subtitle <- paste(subtitle,paste("Threshold estimated by parametric (Binormal) ", Plot.threshold,": ",formatC(x$BN.best.threshold[Plot.threshold,1])))
      if(Plot[1] == "NN-parametric"){
        threshold.arg$v <- x$NN.best.threshold[Plot.threshold, 1]
        do.call(abline, threshold.arg)
        subtitle <- paste(subtitle,paste("Threshold estimated by parametric (neural network) ", Plot.threshold,": ",formatC(x$NN.best.threshold[Plot.threshold,1])))

    #Setting the legend arguments---------------------------------------------
    if (auto.legend) {
      legend.args$legend <- c("Se", "Sp")
      legend.args$fill <- c(par()$bg, par()$bg)
      legend.args$density <- c(NA, NA)
      legend.args$col <- c(BN.Se.args$col, BN.Sp.args$col)
      legend.args$lty <- c(BN.Se.args$lty, BN.Sp.args$lty)
      legend.args$density <- c(NA, NA)

      if (Plot.CL) {
        legend.args$legend <- c(legend.args$legend, "Se conf band", "Sp conf band")
        legend.args$fill <- c(legend.args$fill, par()$bg, par()$bg)
        legend.args$density <- c(legend.args$density, NA, NA)
        legend.args$col <- c(legend.args$col, BN.Se.ci.args$col, BN.Sp.ci.args$col)
        legend.args$lty <- c(legend.args$lty, BN.Se.ci.args$lty, BN.Sp.ci.args$lty)

      if (Plot.inc.area) {
        legend.args$legend <- c(legend.args$legend, "Inc area")
        legend.args$fill <- c(legend.args$fill, shade.args$col)
        legend.args$density <- c(legend.args$density, shade.args$density)
        legend.args$col <- c(legend.args$col, shade.args$col)
        legend.args$lty <- c(legend.args$lty, NA)

      if (Plot.threshold != "None") {
        list(col = gray(.5), lty = 6)
        legend.args$legend <- c(legend.args$legend, "Best threshold")
        legend.args$fill <- c(legend.args$fill, NA)
        legend.args$density <- c(legend.args$density, NA)
        legend.args$col <- c(legend.args$col, threshold.arg$col)
        legend.args$lty <- c(legend.args$lty, threshold.arg$lty)



    # Calling the subtitle
    if (auto.title) {
      title.arg$sub <- subtitle
  # Making the ROC plot
  if (Plot.type[1] == "ROC") {
    plot(0, 0, type = "n", ..., xlab = roc.xlab, ylab = roc.ylab, ylim = c(0, 1), xlim = c(0, 1))
    # plot(0, 0, type="n", xlab = roc.xlab, ylab = roc.ylab, ylim = c(0, 1), xlim = c(0, 1))
    if (grid) {
      segments(0, 0, 1, 1, col = "lightgray", lty = "dotted")

    # Making the ROC line for each model---------------------------------------
    if (any(Plot == "Non-parametric")) {
      roc.np.line.args$x <- 1 - x$SS$Specificity
      roc.np.line.args$y <- x$SS$Sensitivity
      do.call(lines, roc.np.line.args)
      # Ploting the line for the best threshold called
      if (Plot.threshold != "None") {
        roc.np.point.args$x <- 1 - x$np.best.threshold[Plot.threshold, "Specificity"]
        roc.np.point.args$y <- x$np.best.threshold[Plot.threshold, "Sensitivity"]
        do.call(points, roc.np.point.args)
    if (any(Plot == "NN-parametric")) {
      roc.NN.line.args$x <- 1 - x$NN.SS$Specificity
      roc.NN.line.args$y <- x$NN.SS$Sensitivity
      # Ploting the line for the best threshold called
      if (Plot.threshold != "None") {
        roc.NN.point.args$x <- 1 - x$NN.best.threshold[Plot.threshold, "Specificity"]
        roc.NN.point.args$y <- x$NN.best.threshold[Plot.threshold, "Sensitivity"]
        do.call(points, roc.NN.point.args)
    if (any(Plot == "Binormal")) {
      roc.BN.line.args$x <- 1 - x$BN.SS$Specificity
      roc.BN.line.args$y <- x$BN.SS$Sensitivity
      # Ploting the line for the best threshold called
      if (Plot.threshold != "None") {
        roc.BN.point.args$x <- 1 - x$BN.best.threshold[Plot.threshold, "Specificity"]
        roc.BN.point.args$y <- x$BN.best.threshold[Plot.threshold, "Sensitivity"]
        do.call(points, roc.BN.point.args)

    # Calling the legends ------------------------------------------------------
    if (auto.legend) {
      # Setting the auto positions of the legend
      if (Plot.threshold != "None") {
        legend.args$inset <- 0
        legend.args$ncol <- 1
        if (any(Plot == "Non-parametric")) {
          legend.args$title <- "Non-parametric"
          legend.args$x <- "bottomright"
          legend.args$legend <- c(paste(Plot.threshold, "treshold:",formatC(x$np.best.threshold[Plot.threshold, "test.values"], digits = 3)),
                    paste("Sensitivity:",formatC(x$np.best.threshold[Plot.threshold, "Sensitivity"], digits = 3, format = "f")),
                    paste("Specificity:",formatC(x$np.best.threshold[Plot.threshold, "Specificity"], digits = 3, format = "f")))
          do.call(legend, legend.args)
        if (any(Plot == "NN-parametric")) {
          legend.args$title <- "NN-parametric"
          legend.args$xjust <- 0.93
          legend.args$yjust <- .5
          legend.args$x <- 1
          legend.args$y <- .28
          legend.args$legend <- c(paste(Plot.threshold, "treshold:",formatC(x$NN.best.threshold[Plot.threshold, "test.values"], digits = 3)),
                                  paste("Sensitivity:",formatC(x$NN.best.threshold[Plot.threshold, "Sensitivity"], digits = 3, format = "f")),
                                  paste("Specificity:",formatC(x$NN.best.threshold[Plot.threshold, "Specificity"], digits = 3, format = "f")))
          do.call(legend, legend.args)
        if (any(Plot == "Binormal")) {
          legend.args$title <- "Binormal"
          legend.args$x <- "right"
          legend.args$legend <- c(paste(Plot.threshold, "treshold:",formatC(x$BN.best.threshold[Plot.threshold, "test.values"], digits = 3)),
                                  paste("Sensitivity:",formatC(x$BN.best.threshold[Plot.threshold, "Sensitivity"], digits = 3, format = "f")),
                                  paste("Specificity:",formatC(x$BN.best.threshold[Plot.threshold, "Specificity"], digits = 3, format = "f")))
    if (auto.title) {
      subtitle <- paste0("Non-parametric (DeLong) area under the ROC curve: ",sprintf("%1.3f [%1.3f-%1.3f]", x$AUC["AUC"],x$AUC["AUC.lower.CL"],x$AUC["AUC.upper.CL"]))
      title.arg$sub <- subtitle
      do.call(title, title.arg)

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