
Defines functions tsNA20 countLexis cutLexis match.cut setStatus.factor setStatus.numeric setStatus.default doCutLexis

Documented in countLexis cutLexis tsNA20

 doCutLexis <- function(data, cut, timescale, new.scale=FALSE ) {

    ## new.scale is a character constant with the name of the new timescale

    ## Code each new interval using new variable lex.cut:
    ## 0 = unchanged interval (cut occurs after exit)
    ## 1 = first part of split interval
    ## 2 = second part of split interval (or cut occurs before interval)

    cut[is.na(cut)] <- Inf #If a cut time is missing, it never happens

    ## First intervals (before the cut)
    in.1 <-          entry(data, timescale)
    ex.1 <- pmin(cut, exit(data, timescale))

    ## Create Lexis object for first intervals
    lx.1 <- data
    lx.1$lex.dur <- ex.1 - in.1
    lx.1$lex.cut <- ifelse(cut < exit(data, timescale), 1, 0)
    if( new.scale ) lx.1[,"lex.new.scale"] <- NA

    ## Second intervals (after the cut)
    in.2 <- pmax(cut, entry(data, timescale))
    ex.2 <-            exit(data, timescale)

    ## Create Lexis object for second intervals
    lx.2 <- data
    lx.2$lex.dur <- ex.2 - in.2
    lx.2$lex.cut <- 2
    if( new.scale ) lx.2[,"lex.new.scale"] <- in.2 - cut

    ## Update entry times
    lx.2[, timeScales(data)] <- exit(data) - lx.2$lex.dur

    return(rbind(lx.1, lx.2))

setStatus.default <- function(data, new.state)
    data$lex.Xst[data$lex.cut == 1] <- new.state[data$lex.cut == 1]
    data$lex.Cst[data$lex.cut == 2] <- new.state


setStatus.numeric <- function(data, new.state, precursor.states=NULL,
                              progressive=TRUE) {

    if (!is.numeric(new.state)) {
        stop("If lex.Cst, lex.Xst are numeric, new.state must be numeric too")

    data$lex.Xst[data$lex.cut == 1] <- new.state[data$lex.cut == 1]
    data$lex.Cst[data$lex.cut == 2] <- new.state

    exit.state <- data$lex.Xst[data$lex.cut == 2]
    is.precursor <- exit.state %in% precursor.states
    if (progressive) {
        is.precursor <- is.precursor | (exit.state < new.state)
    data$lex.Xst[data$lex.cut == 2][is.precursor] <- new.state[is.precursor]


setStatus.factor <-
function( data,
    if (!is.character(new.state)) {
        stop("new.state must be a character vector, but it is ",str(new.state))

    current.states <- levels(data$lex.Cst)
    new.states <- setdiff(new.state,current.states)
    new.states <- new.states[!is.na(new.states)]

    ## Modify factor levels if necessary
    if (length(new.states) > 0) {
       all.states <- c(current.states, sort(new.states))
       new.order <- match( c(intersect(precursor.states,current.states),
                           all.states )
       levels(data$lex.Cst) <- all.states
       levels(data$lex.Xst) <- all.states

    data$lex.Xst[data$lex.cut == 1] <- new.state[data$lex.cut == 1]
    data$lex.Cst[data$lex.cut == 2] <- new.state

    exit.state <- data$lex.Xst[data$lex.cut==2]
    is.precursor <-  exit.state %in% precursor.states
    if (progressive) {
        if (is.ordered(data$lex.Xst)) {
            is.precursor <- is.precursor | (exit.state < new.state)
        else {
            warning("progressive=TRUE argument ignored for unordered factor")
    data$lex.Xst[data$lex.cut==2][is.precursor] <- new.state[is.precursor]

    # Reorder factor levels sensibly
    if (!progressive & length(new.states)>0){
       data$lex.Cst <- Relevel( data$lex.Cst, new.order )
       data$lex.Xst <- Relevel( data$lex.Xst, new.order )


# Added by BxC
match.cut <-
function(data, cut, ts)
if(sum(!is.na(match(c("lex.id", "cut", "new.state"), names(cut)))) < 3 )
   stop("The dataframe supplied in the cut= argument must have columns",
        "'lex.id', 'cut', 'new.state', but the columns are:\n", names(cut))
   if( length(unique(cut$lex.id)) < nrow(cut) )
     stop("Values of 'lex.id' must be unique in the 'cut' dataframe\n",
          "- maybe you are looking for rcutLexis?")
     # added April 2021 if cut$cut exactly matches a time in data move
     # the cut date a bit earlier in time
     # first, exact mathes are put in wh
     wh <- merge(cut,
                 data[, c("lex.id", ts)],
                 by.x = c("lex.id", "cut"),
                 by.y = c("lex.id", ts),
                  all = FALSE) # ask for an inner join (the default)
     if(nrow(wh) > 0) cut[cut$lex.id %in% wh$lex.id, "cut"] <-
                      cut[cut$lex.id %in% wh$lex.id, "cut"] -
                      min(data$lex.dur) / 100
     # end added stuff
     zz <- merge(data[, "lex.id", drop=FALSE], cut, all.x=TRUE)
     if (is.factor(data$lex.Cst))
        zz$new.state <- as.character(zz$new.state)
     if (is.numeric(data$lex.Cst))
        zz$new.state <- as.numeric(zz$new.state)
# End of addition / change

cutLexis <- function(data,
                     timescale = 1,
                     new.state = nlevels(data$lex.Cst)+1,
                     new.scale = FALSE,
                     split.states = FALSE,
                     progressive = FALSE,
                     precursor.states = transient(data),
                     count = FALSE)
    if (!inherits(data, "Lexis"))
      stop("data must be a Lexis object")

    if( count )
      return( countLexis( data=data, cut=cut, timescale=timescale ) )

    # Added April 2021, BxC
    if (inherits(cut, "data.frame")){
    # The merge in match.cut returns data frame ordered by id, so
    # the input must be sorted too (added March 2024)
      data <- sortLexis(data)

      zz <- match.cut(data,
                      check.time.scale(data, timescale))
      cut <- zz$cut
      new.state <- zz$new.state
    else if (length(cut) == 1) {
      cut <- rep(cut, nrow(data))
    else if (length(cut) != nrow(data)) {
        stop("'cut' must have length 1 or nrow(data) (=", nrow(data),
             "),\n --- but it has length ", length(cut),".")

    timescale <- check.time.scale(data, timescale)
    if (length(timescale) > 1) {
        stop("Multiple time scales not allowed")

    ## If we want to add a new timescale, construct the name
    if( is.logical(new.scale) ) {
      if( new.scale ) scale.name <- paste( "tf", new.state[1], sep="" )
    else {
      scale.name <- new.scale
      new.scale <- TRUE

    if (missing(new.state)) {
        new.state <- data$lex.Cst       #Carry forward last state
    else if (length(new.state) == 1) {
        new.state <- rep(new.state, nrow(data))
    else if (length(new.state) != nrow(data)) {
        stop("'new.state' must have length 1 or nrow(data) (=", nrow(data),
             "),\n --- but it has length ", length(new.state))

    if (progressive) {
        if (is.factor(data$lex.Cst) && !is.ordered(data$lex.Cst)) {
            stop("progressive=TRUE invalid for unordered factors")
        if (any(data$lex.Xst < data$lex.Cst)) {
            stop("Lexis object is not progressive before splitting")

    lx <- doCutLexis( data, cut, timescale, new.scale=TRUE )
    if (is.factor(data$lex.Cst)) {
        lx <- setStatus.factor(lx, new.state, precursor.states, progressive)
    else if (is.numeric(data$lex.Cst)) {
        lx <- setStatus.numeric(lx, new.state, precursor.states, progressive)
    else {
        lx <- setStatus.default(lx, new.state)

    ## Remove redundant intervals
    lx <- lx[lx$lex.dur > 0,]
    ## Remove the lex.cut column
    lx <- lx[,-match("lex.cut",names(lx))]
    ## Update the states visited after the cut
    if( split.states & is.factor( data$lex.Cst ) )
      post.states <- setdiff( levels(data$lex.Cst), precursor.states )
      tmp.Cst <- as.character( lx$lex.Cst )
      tmp.Cst <- ifelse( !is.na(lx$lex.new.scale)  &
                                lx$lex.new.scale>0 &
                         tmp.Cst %in% post.states,
                         paste( tmp.Cst,"(",new.state,")",sep="" ),
                         tmp.Cst )
      tmp.Xst <- as.character( lx$lex.Xst )
      tmp.Xst <- ifelse( !is.na(lx$lex.new.scale) &
                         tmp.Xst %in% post.states,
                         paste( tmp.Xst,"(",new.state,")",sep="" ),
                         tmp.Xst )
      all.levels <- unique( c(tmp.Cst,tmp.Xst) )
      ## put all the new levels after the old ones
      xtr.levels <- setdiff( all.levels, levels(lx$lex.Cst) )
      new.levels <- c( levels(lx$lex.Cst), xtr.levels )
      lx$lex.Cst <- factor( tmp.Cst, levels=new.levels )
      lx$lex.Xst <- factor( tmp.Xst, levels=new.levels )
    ## Include the new timescale
    if( new.scale )
      ## Rename the new timescale variable
      names(lx)[match("lex.new.scale",names(lx))] <- scale.name
      ## The timescales' position among columns - used to reorder columns
      tn <- c( match( attr( data, "time.scales" ), names( lx ) ),
               ncol(lx) )
      oth <- setdiff( 1:ncol(lx), tn )
      ## Reorder columns (lx will then lose attributes) and sort rows
      lx <- lx[order(lx$lex.id,lx[,timescale]),c(tn,oth)]
      ## Update the attributes
      new.br <- c( attr( data, "breaks" ), list(NULL) )
      names( new.br )[length(new.br)] <- scale.name
      attr( lx, "time.scales" ) <- c( attr( data, "time.scales" ), scale.name )
      attr( lx, "time.since" )  <- c( attr( data, "time.since" ), names(table(new.state)) )
      attr( lx, "breaks" )      <- new.br
      attr( lx, "class" )       <- attr( data, "class" )
      # Remove the new timescale and sort rows
      lx <- lx[order(lx$lex.id,lx[,timescale]),-match("lex.new.scale",names(lx))]
      # and transfer all the other attributes
      attr( lx, "time.scales" ) <- attr( data, "time.scales" )
      attr( lx, "time.since" )  <- attr( data, "time.since" )
      attr( lx, "breaks" )      <- attr( data, "breaks" )
      attr( lx, "class" )       <- attr( data, "class" )

countLexis <- function(data, cut, timescale = 1)
    if (!inherits(data, "Lexis"))
      stop("data must be a Lexis object")

    if( inherits( cut, "data.frame" ) ){
      zz <- match.cut( data, cut )
      cut <- zz$cut
      new.state <- zz$new.state
    else if (length(cut) == 1) {
        cut <- rep(cut, nrow(data))
    else if (length(cut) != nrow(data)) {
        stop("'cut' must have length 1 or nrow(data) (=", nrow(data),
             "),\n --- but it has length ", length(cut),".")

    timescale <- check.time.scale(data, timescale)
    if (length(timescale) > 1) {
        stop("Multiple time scales not meaningful")

    lx <- doCutLexis(data, cut, timescale)

    ## Update status variables
    lx$lex.Xst[lx$lex.cut == 1] <- lx$lex.Cst[lx$lex.cut == 1] + 1
    lx$lex.Cst[lx$lex.cut == 2] <- lx$lex.Cst[lx$lex.cut == 2] + 1
    lx$lex.Xst[lx$lex.cut == 2] <- lx$lex.Xst[lx$lex.cut == 2] + 1
    ## Remove redundant intervals
    lx <- lx[lx$lex.dur > 0,]
    ## Remove the lex.cut column
    lx <- lx[,-match("lex.cut",names(lx))]
    ## Retain the attributes
    attr( lx, "breaks" )      <- attr( data, "breaks" )
    attr( lx, "time.scales" ) <- attr( data, "time.scales" )
    attr( lx, "class" )       <- attr( data, "class" )


tsNA20 <- function( x, all.scales=FALSE ) {
    tsc <- timeSince(x)
    if( !all.scales ) tsc <- tsc[tsc!=""]
    if( length(tsc)>0 )
    for( ts in names(tsc) )
    x[,ts] <- ifelse( is.na(x[,ts]), 0, x[,ts] )

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