
`functcomp` <-
function(x, a, CWM.type= c("dom", "all"), bin.num = NULL){

# check objects
if (!is.matrix(x) & !is.data.frame(x)) stop("'x' must be a matrix or a data frame.","\n") else x <- data.frame(x)
if (!is.matrix(a)) stop("'a' must be a matrix.","\n")
if (is.null(row.names(x))) stop("'x' must have row names.","\n") else x.n <- row.names(x)
if (is.null(colnames(a))) stop("'a' must have column names.","\n") else a.n <- colnames(a)

# check coherence of x and a
s.x <- dim(x)[1]
s.a <- dim(a)[2]
if (s.x != s.a) stop("Different number of species in 'x' and 'a'.","\n")
if (any(x.n != a.n) ) stop("Species labels in 'x' and 'a' need to be identical and ordered alphabetically (or simply in the same order).","\n")

# matrix attributes
com <- dim(a)[1]
t <- dim(x)[2]
com.names <- row.names(a)
sp.names <- row.names(x)
tr.names <- names(x)

# replacement of NA in 'a' by 0
a[which(is.na(a) )] <- 0

CWM.type <- match.arg(CWM.type)

# check for binary traits
is.bin <- function(k) all(k[!is.na(k)] %in% c(0,1))
bin.var <- rep(NA,t); names(bin.var) <- tr.names
for (i in 1:t) bin.var[i] <- is.bin(x[,i])

# override binary variables if needed
if (!all(bin.var[bin.num])) stop("'bin.num' points to non-binary variables.\n")
bin.var[bin.num] <- FALSE

# find trait types
type <- sapply(x, data.class)
type[type %in% c("numeric", "integer")] <- "C"
type[type == "ordered"] <- "O"
type[type == "factor"] <- "N"
type[bin.var] <- "B"

# scale abundances
sum.a <- apply(a, 1, sum)
a <- a / sum.a
a <- t(a)
a <- data.frame(a)

# compute CWM for different traits
temp <- list()
for (i in 1:t){	
		if (type[i] == "C"){
			vec <- numeric(com)
			for (j in 1:com) vec[j] <- weighted.mean(x[,i], a[,j], na.rm = T)
			temp[[i]] <- matrix(vec, com, 1, dimnames = list(com.names, tr.names[i]))
			x[,i] <- as.factor(x[,i])
			fac <- data.frame()
			which.dom <- rep(NA, com)
			for (k in 1:com){
				temp2 <- tapply(a[,k], x[,i], sum)
				fac <- rbind(fac, temp2)
				# when two classes have equal, maximum frequencies, we must randomly select one of them
				which.dom[k] <- sample(levels(x[,i])[which(fac[k,]==max(fac[k,]))], size=1)
				colnames(fac) <- paste(tr.names[i], "_", levels(x[,i]), sep="")
				rownames(fac) <- com.names
				which.dom <- data.frame(which.dom)
				colnames(which.dom) <- tr.names[i]
				rownames(which.dom) <- com.names

			if (CWM.type == "dom") temp[[i]] <- which.dom
			if (CWM.type == "all") temp[[i]] <- fac
	} # end of for (i in 1:t)

temp <- data.frame(temp)


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