
Defines functions bhlmUV fit.bayeshlm

# bhlm class in the Bayes Module                 #
# Insightful: NIH Bayes II                       #
# Alejandro Murua 1/03                           #


#random.formula, fixed, level2 and group are of type "formula"
bhlmUV <- function( response.formula = NULL, random.formula = NULL, fixed = NULL, level2 = NULL, group = NULL, data = sys.parent(),
                  prior = bhlm.prior(), 
                  likelihood  = bhlm.likelihood(),
	                sampler = bhlm.sampler(), 
                  random.seed = .Random.seed, na.action = NULL, contrasts = NULL,
                  debug = FALSE )

  #get all stats from Gibbs sampling
  print.stats <- 1

  ## Get Data 

  if ( is.null( data ) )
    stop( "bhlm: data must be provided." )

  data <- as.data.frame( data )

  if ( !is.null( na.action ) )
    #get rid of rows with missing data if na.omit, otherwise stop and fail (na.fail)

    data <- na.action( data )
    if ( nrow( data ) == 0 )
      stop( "bhlm: every observation (row) of the data set contains at least a missing value.\n" )
    na.action <- na.fail

  missing.data <- is.na( data )
  sum.missing.data <- sum( missing.data )
  if ( sum.missing.data > 0 )
    data[ is.na( data ) ] <- 0 

  #name of variables must be preserved for output
  response.names <- NULL
  random.names <- NULL
  fixed.names <- NULL
  level2.names <- NULL

  X <- 0
  M <- 0
  Z <- 0

  random.effects <- FALSE
  fixed.effects <- FALSE
  random.vars <- -1
  fixed.vars <- -1

  if ( !is.null( random.formula ) )
    attrib <- attributes(terms(random.formula, data = data))

    #if ( length( terms( random.formula )@term.labels ) == 0 && terms( random.formula )@response == 0 )
    if ( length( attrib$term.labels ) == 0 && attrib$response == 0 )
      #may contain only the intercept
      if ( attrib$intercept != 1 )
        stop( "bhlm: formula for random effects must contain at least one variable or intercept." )
        #formula contains the intercept
        random.vars <- 0
    else if ( length( attrib$term.labels ) > 0 && attrib$response == 1 )
      #formula contains the response variable, and predictors other than intercept
      random.vars <- 1
    #else if ( length( terms( random.formula )@term.labels ) == 0 )
    else if ( length( attrib$term.labels ) == 0 )
      #formula contains response and perhaps intercept
      if ( attrib$intercept != 1 )
        stop( "bhlm: formula for random effects must contain at least one variable or intercept." )
        #formula contains the intercept
        random.vars <- 2
      #no response: only predictors (other than just intercept)
      random.vars <- 3

  if ( !is.null( fixed ) )
    attrib <- attributes(terms(fixed, data = data))

    #if ( length( terms( fixed )@term.labels ) == 0 && terms( fixed )@response == 0 )
    if ( length( attrib$term.labels ) == 0 && attrib$response == 0 )
      #may contain only the intercept
      #if ( terms( fixed )@intercept != 1 )
      if ( attrib$intercept != 1 )
        stop( "bhlm: formula for fixed effects must contain at least one variable or intercept." )
        #formula contains the intercept
        fixed.vars <- 0
    #else if ( length( terms( fixed )@term.labels ) > 0 && terms( fixed )@response == 1 )
    else if ( length( attrib$term.labels ) > 0 && attrib$response == 1 )
      #formula contains the response variable (and predictors other than just intercept)
      fixed.vars <- 1
    #else if ( length( terms( fixed )@term.labels ) == 0 )
    else if ( length( attrib$term.labels ) == 0 )
      #formula contains response and perhaps intercept
      #if ( terms( fixed )@intercept != 1 )
      if ( attrib$intercept != 1 )
        stop( "bhlm: formula for fixed effects must contain at least one variable or intercept." )
        #formula contains the intercept
        fixed.vars <- 2
      fixed.vars <- 3

#used.contrasts <- NULL

  response.in.response <- FALSE
  if ( !is.element( random.vars, c( 1, 2 ) ) && !is.element( fixed.vars, c( 1, 2 ) ) )
    #check response.formula
    if ( !is.null( response.formula ) && length( response.formula ) > 0 )
      attrib <- attributes(terms(response.formula, data = data))

      #if ( length( terms( response.formula )@term.labels ) == 1 )
      if ( length( attrib$term.labels ) == 1 )
        #found response variable
        response.in.response <- TRUE
        stop( "bhlm: model specification is not valid. You need to provide a valid response variable." ) 
      stop( "bhlm: model specification is not valid. You need to provide a response variable." )  

  if ( random.vars >= 0 )
    if ( random.vars > 0 )
      model.random <- call( "model.frame", formula = random.formula, data = data, na.action = na.action )
      model.random <- eval( model.random, sys.parent() )
      Terms <- attr( model.random, "terms" )
      if ( random.vars != 2 )
        X <- model.matrix( Terms, model.random, contrasts )
        #used.contrasts <- contrasts( X )
        random.names <- dimnames( X )[[2]]

        #only intercept as predictor
        X <- matrix( rep( 1, nrow( data ) ), nrow = nrow( data ) )
        random.names <- "(Intercept)"

      if ( !response.in.response && is.element( random.vars, c( 1, 2 ) ) )
        Y <- model.extract( model.random, "response" )
        response.names <- dimnames( attr( Terms, "factors" ) )[[1]][1]

      random.effects <- TRUE
    else #random effects contain only the intercept
      X <- matrix( rep( 1, nrow( data ) ), nrow = nrow( data ) )
      random.effects <- TRUE
      random.names <- "(Intercept)"

    dimnames( X ) <- list( dimnames( data )[[1]], random.names )

  }#end if random formula
  #cat( "X is \n")

  if ( fixed.vars >= 0 )
    if ( fixed.vars > 0 )
      model.fixed <- call( "model.frame", formula = fixed, data = data, na.action = na.action )
      model.fixed <- eval( model.fixed, sys.parent() )
      Terms <- attr( model.fixed, "terms" )

      if ( fixed.vars != 2 )
        M <- model.matrix( Terms, model.fixed, contrasts )
        #used.contrasts <- c( used.contrasts, contrasts( M ) )

        fixed.names <- dimnames( M )[[2]]

        M <- matrix( rep( 1, nrow( data ) ), nrow = nrow( data ) )
        fixed.names <- "(Intercept)"

      if ( !response.in.response && is.element( fixed.vars, c( 1, 2 ) ) && !is.element( random.vars, c( 1, 2 ) ) )
        Y <- model.extract( model.fixed, "response" )
        response.names <- dimnames( attr( Terms, "factors" ) )[[1]][1]

      fixed.effects <- TRUE
    else #fixed effects contain only the intercept
      M <- matrix( rep( 1, nrow( data ) ), nrow = nrow( data ) )
      fixed.effects <- TRUE
      fixed.names <- "(Intercept)"

    dimnames( M ) <- list( dimnames( data )[[1]], fixed.names )

  }#end if fixed formula

  if ( response.in.response )
    model.response <- call( "model.frame", formula = response.formula, data = data, na.action = na.action )
    model.response <- eval( model.response, sys.parent() )
    Terms <- attr( model.response, "terms" )
    attributes(Terms)$intercept <- 0
    Y <- model.matrix( Terms, model.response, contrasts )
    #used.contrasts <- c( used.contrasts, contrasts( Y ) )

    response.names <- dimnames( Y )[[2]]


  second.effects <- FALSE
  if ( !is.null( level2 ) )
    level2.vars <- -1
    attrib <- attributes(terms(level2, data = data))
    if ( length( attrib$term.labels ) == 0 )
      #may contain only the intercept
      if ( attrib$intercept != 1 )
        stop( "bhlm: formula for second level effects must contain at least one variable or intercept." )
        #formula contains the intercept
        level2.vars <- 0
      level2.vars <- 2
    if ( level2.vars == 2 )
      model.level2 <- call( "model.frame", formula = level2, data = data, na.action = na.action )

      model.level2 <- eval( model.level2, sys.parent() )
      Terms <- attr( model.level2, "terms" )
      Z <- model.matrix( Terms, model.level2, contrasts )
      #used.contrasts <- c( used.contrasts, contrasts( Z ) )

      second.effects <- TRUE

      level2.names <- dimnames( Z )[[2]]

    else if ( level2.vars == 0 )
      #only the intercept
      Z <- matrix( rep( 1, nrow( data ) ), nrow = nrow( data ) )

      second.effects <- TRUE
      level2.names <- "(Intercept)"

  }#end if level2 effects

  #sort data by group

  if ( is.null( Y ) )
    stop( "bhlm: response variable must be provided.\n" )

  idx <- seq( 1, nrow( data ) )
  if ( !is.null( group ) )
    group.var <- attr( terms( group ), "term.labels" )

    idx <- order( data[[ group.var ]] )

    #now sort missing data
    if ( sum.missing.data > 0 )
      missing.data <- as.matrix( missing.data[ idx, ] )

    if ( random.effects )
      X <- as.matrix( X[ idx, ] )
      Y <- Y[ idx ]
    if ( fixed.effects )
      M <- as.matrix( M[ idx, ] )
      if ( !random.effects )
        Y <- Y[ idx ]

    #counts by groups
    n.responses <- table( data[ , group.var ] )
    n.groups <- length( n.responses )

    group.names <- data[[ group.var ]][ idx ] 
    group.names <- group.names[ cumsum( n.responses ) ]

    if ( second.effects )
      Z <- as.matrix( Z[ idx, ] )
      #one row per group
      Z <- as.matrix( Z[ cumsum( n.responses ), ] )

      #now arrange Z 

      Id <- diag( ncol( X ) )
      Z.X <- matrix( 0, ncol = ncol( Z ) * ncol( X ), nrow = ncol( X ) * n.groups )
      i1 <- 1
      for ( i in seq( 1, n.groups ) )
        i2 <- i1 + ncol( X ) - 1

        Z.X[ seq( i1, i2 ), ] <- t( matrix( Z[ i, ] %o% Id, nrow = ncol( Z ) * ncol( X ) ) )

        i1 <- i1 + ncol( X )

      Z <- Z.X


  }#end if group
    n.responses <- length( Y )
    n.groups <- 1
    group.names <- 1

    if ( second.effects )
      #one row per group
      Z <- Z[ 1, ]
      Z <- t( matrix( Z[ 1, ] %o% diag( ncol( X ) ), nrow = ncol( Z ) * ncol( X ) ) )

  number.data <- length( Y )

####end Data-------------------------------------------------------

  ##handle missing data
  Y <- t( Y )

  missing.response <- 0
  missing.random <- 0
  missing.fixed <- 0
  if ( sum.missing.data > 0 )
    missing.response <- t( missing.data[ , response.names ] )

    if ( random.effects )
      if ( length( dimnames( X )[[2]] ) > 1 || dimnames( X )[[2]][1] != "(Intercept)" )
        missing.random <- t( missing.data[ , dimnames( X )[[2]][ dimnames( X )[[2]] != "(Intercept)" ] ] )
        if ( is.element( "(Intercept)", dimnames( X )[[2]] ) )
          missing.random <- rbind( rep( F, nrow( X ) ), missing.random )
          dimnames( missing.random ) <- dimnames( t( X ) )

    if ( fixed.effects )
      if ( length( dimnames( M )[[2]] ) > 1 || dimnames( M )[[2]][1] != "(Intercept)" )
        missing.fixed <- t( missing.data[ , dimnames( M )[[2]][ dimnames( M )[[2]] != "(Intercept)" ] ] )
        if ( is.element( "(Intercept)", dimnames( M )[[2]] ) )
          missing.fixed <- rbind( rep( F, nrow( M ) ), missing.fixed )
          dimnames( missing.fixed ) <- dimnames( t( M ) )


  if ( length( Y ) == sum( n.responses ) )
    #a vector
    Y <- matrix( Y, nrow = 1 )
    dimnames( Y ) <- list( response.names, NULL )

    if ( sum( missing.response ) > 0 )
      missing.response <- matrix( missing.response, nrow = 1 )

  if ( is.vector( X ) )
    if ( sum( missing.random ) > 0 )
      missing.random <- matrix( missing.random, nrow = 1 )

  if ( is.vector( M ) )
    if ( sum( missing.fixed ) > 0 )
      missing.fixed <- matrix( missing.fixed, nrow = 1 )

  dim.response <- nrow( Y )

  missing.response.components <- 0 
  missing.response.counts <- 0
  total.missing.response <- 0
  if ( sum( missing.response ) > 0 )
    missing.response.counts <- apply( missing.response, 2, sum )
    total.missing.response <- sum( missing.response.counts )
    if ( total.missing.response > 0 )
      missing.response.components <- apply( missing.response, 2, 
                                            FUN = function( x, p ) 
                                                    { seq( 1, p )[x == TRUE] },
                                            p = nrow( missing.response ) )
      missing.response.components <- unlist( missing.response.components )

  missing.random.components <- 0 
  missing.random.counts <- 0
  total.missing.random <- 0
  if ( sum( missing.random ) > 0 )
    missing.random.counts <- apply( missing.random, 2, sum )
    total.missing.random <- sum( missing.random.counts )
    if ( total.missing.random > 0 )
      missing.random.components <- apply( missing.random, 2, 
                                            FUN = function( x, p ) 
                                                    { seq( 1, p )[x == TRUE] },
                                            p = nrow( missing.random ) )
      missing.random.components <- unlist( missing.random.components )

  missing.fixed.components <- 0 
  missing.fixed.counts <- 0
  total.missing.fixed <- 0
  if ( sum( missing.fixed ) > 0 )
    missing.fixed.counts <- apply( missing.fixed, 2, sum )
    total.missing.fixed <- sum( missing.fixed.counts )
    if ( total.missing.fixed > 0 )
      missing.fixed.components <- apply( missing.fixed, 2, 
                                            FUN = function( x, p ) 
                                                    { seq( 1, p )[x == TRUE] },
                                            p = nrow( missing.fixed ) )
      missing.fixed.components <- unlist( missing.fixed.components )

  if ( ( length( M ) == 1 && M == 0 ) && ( ncol( X ) == 1 && random.names[1] == "(Intercept)" ) )
    random.names <- "MEAN"
    dimnames( X )[[2]] <- random.names

    if ( second.effects )
      if ( length( level2.names ) == 1 && level2.names[1] == "(Intercept)" )
        level2.names <- "MEAN"

####end Data-------------------------------------------------------

  ## Now validate/interpret the arguments for the likelihood 

  unique.lklhd.Cov <- 1
  dim.error.Cov <- 0
  if ( likelihood$df <= 0.0 ) 
    if ( likelihood$type == "t" )
      warning( paste(  "bhlm: the degrees of freedom for the multivariate-t likelihood must be",
	               "positive.  Using the default value of 3.", sep = "\n" ) )

    likelihood$df <- 3

  if ( likelihood$type == "normal" )
    likelihood$type <- 0
  else if ( likelihood$type == "t" )
    likelihood$type <- 1
  else if ( likelihood$type == "t groups" )
    likelihood$type <- 2

  if ( !is.null( likelihood$errorCov ) && is.character( likelihood$errorCov ) )
    likelihood$errorCov <- parse( text = likelihood$errorCov )[[1]]

  check.errorCov <- TRUE
  if ( is.null( likelihood$errorCov ) ) 
    likelihood$errorCov <- 1
    check.errorCov <- FALSE
  else if ( is.name( likelihood$errorCov ) )
    if (  likelihood$errorCov != "identity" )
      errorCov <- as.vector( eval( likelihood$errorCov ) )
      if ( is.vector( errorCov ) && length( errorCov ) != n.responses[1] && length( errorCov == n.groups ) )
        proceed.with.groups <- FALSE
        check.errorCov <- TRUE
        proceed.with.groups <- TRUE
        check.errorCov <- FALSE
      errorCov <- as.vector( eval( call( likelihood$errorCov, p = n.responses[1] ) ) )
      proceed.with.groups <- TRUE
      check.errorCov <- FALSE

    if ( proceed.with.groups && n.groups > 1 )
      for ( i in seq( 2, n.groups ) )
        if (  likelihood$errorCov != "identity" )
          this.errorCov <- as.vector( eval( likelihood$errorCov ) )
          this.errorCov <- as.vector( eval( call( likelihood$errorCov, p = n.responses[i] ) ) )
        errorCov <- c( errorCov, this.errorCov )
    likelihood$errorCov <- errorCov
  }#end name
  else if ( is.function( likelihood$errorCov ) )
    errorCov <- as.vector( likelihood$errorCov( n.responses[1] ) )
    if ( n.groups > 1 )
      for ( i in seq( 2, n.groups ) )
        this.errorCov <- as.vector( likelihood$errorCov( n.responses[i] ) )
        errorCov <- c( errorCov, this.errorCov )
    likelihood$errorCov <- errorCov
    check.errorCov <- FALSE
  }#end function

  if ( check.errorCov && is.vector( likelihood$errorCov ) ) 

    #cat( "is vector lklh:\n" )
    #print( likelihood$errorCov )

    if ( length( likelihood$errorCov ) == 1 ) 
      if ( likelihood$errorCov <= 0 )
        stop( "bhlm: The error covariance matrix must be positive." )
      unique.lklhd.Cov <- 0
      if ( any( likelihood$errorCov ) <= 0 )
        stop ( "bhlm: The error covariance matrix must be positive." )

      if ( length( likelihood$errorCov ) == n.groups )
        dim.error.Cov <- 0
      else if ( length( likelihood$errorCov ) == number.data )
        dim.error.Cov <- 1
	stop( "bhlm: The dimension of the error covariance matrix must equal the number of observations." )
  else if ( check.errorCov && is.list( likelihood$errorCov ) ) 
    unique.lklhd.Cov <- 0
    dim.error.Cov <- 2
    if ( length( likelihood$errorCov ) != n.groups )
      stop( "bhlm: Need ", n.groups, " error variances matrices. Got ", length( likelihood$errorCov ), "." )

    errorCov <- NULL
    for ( i in seq( 1, n.groups ) )
      if ( any( dim( likelihood$errorCov[[ i ]]  ) != n.responses[i] ) )
        stop( "bhlm: The error covariance matrix must be square with dimension equal",
	      "to the number of observations." )
      if ( any( likelihood$errorCov[[ i ]] - t( likelihood$errorCov[[ i ]] ) != 0 ) )
        stop( "bhlm: The error covariance matrix is not symmetric." )
      if ( i == 1 )
        errorCov <- as.vector( likelihood$errorCov[[ i ]] )
        errorCov <- c( errorCov, as.vector( likelihood$errorCov[[ i ]] ) )
    }#end for loop

    likelihood$errorCov <- errorCov
  }#end list		

####end likelihood----------------------------------------------------------------------

  ## Validate/interpret the arguments specifying the prior
  # check that the user has not specified priors for non-existent parameters
  if( !random.effects && prior$priorSpec$random.var )
    stop( "bhlm: a prior has been specified for the random effect variance, but there are no random effects in the model." )
  if( !fixed.effects && prior$priorSpec$fixed.coef )
    stop( "bhlm: a prior has been specified for fixed effects, but there are no fixed effects in the model." )
  if( !second.effects && prior$priorSpec$level2.coef )
    stop( "bhlm: a prior has been specified for level 2 effects, but there are no level 2 effects in the model." )
  valid.prior <- bhlm.prior( error.var = prior$error.var, fixed.coef = prior$fixed.coef, 
    level2.coef = prior$level2.coef, random.var = prior$random.var, 
    common.error.var = prior$common.error.var )

  level2.coef.mean <- 0
  level2.coef.Cov <- 1
  level2.coef.df <- 0
  level2.coef.type <- 1 #nonInformative

  fixed.coef.mean <- 0
  fixed.coef.Cov <- 1
  fixed.coef.df <- 0
  fixed.coef.type <- 1 #nonInformative

  random.var.scale <- 1
  random.var.nu <- 0
  random.var.power <- -0.5 #Haar measure
  random.var.type <- 0  #invChisq

  random.coef.mean <- 0
  random.coef.Cov <- 1
  random.coef.df <- 0
  random.coef.type <- 0

  if ( random.effects )
    if ( second.effects )
      if ( valid.prior$level2.coef$name == "nonInformative" )
        level2.coef.mean <- rep( 0.0, ncol( Z ) )
        level2.coef.Cov <- diag( ncol( Z ) )
        level2.coef.type <- 1
        level2.coef.mean <- valid.prior$level2.coef$parameters[["mean"]]
        level2.coef.Cov <- valid.prior$level2.coef$parameters[["S"]]

        level2.coef.mean <- valid.mean.specification( level2.coef.mean, ncol( Z ) )
        level2.coef.Cov <- valid.Cov.specification( level2.coef.Cov, ncol( Z ) )

        if ( valid.prior$level2.coef$name == "t" )
          level2.coef.df <- valid.prior$level2.coef$parameters[["df"]]
        level2.coef.type <- 0

      ## beta for the full model
      random.coef.type <- 0

      if ( valid.prior$random.coef$name == "nonInformative" )
        random.coef.mean <- rep( 0.0, ncol( X ) )
        random.coef.Cov <- diag( ncol( X ) )
        random.coef.mean <- rep( 0.0, ncol( X ) )
        random.coef.Cov <- valid.prior$random.coef$parameters[["S"]]
        random.coef.Cov <- valid.Cov.specification( random.coef.Cov, ncol( X ) )

        if ( valid.prior$random.coef$name == "t" )
          random.coef.df <- valid.prior$random.coef$parameters[["df"]]
    }#end second effects
      ## beta for the mixed effects model
      random.coef.type <- 1
      if ( class( valid.prior$random.coef ) == "fbprior" )
        if ( valid.prior$random.coef$name == "nonInformative" )
          random.coef.type <- 3
          random.coef.mean <- rep( 0, ncol( X ) )
          random.coef.Cov <- diag( ncol( X ) )
          random.coef.mean <- valid.prior$random.coef$parameters[["mean"]]
          random.coef.Cov <- valid.prior$random.coef$parameters[["S"]]

          random.coef.mean <- valid.mean.specification( random.coef.mean, ncol( X ) )
          random.coef.Cov <- valid.Cov.specification( random.coef.Cov, ncol( X ) )

          if ( valid.prior$random.coef$name == "t" )
            random.coef.df <- valid.prior$random.coef$parameters[["df"]]
      }#end if a single prior
      else if ( is.list( valid.prior$random.coef ) )
        random.coef.type <- 2

        if ( length( valid.prior$random.coef ) != n.groups )
          stop( "bhlm: list of prior parameters for random coefficients is not of the appropriate size." )

        ##all covariances are assume equal

        if ( valid.prior$random.coef[[1]]$name == "nonInformative" )
          random.coef.Cov <- diag( ncol( X ) )
          random.coef.mean <- rep ( 0, ncol( X ) )
          random.coef.type <- 1
          random.coef.Cov <- valid.prior$random.coef[[1]]$parameters[["S"]]
          random.coef.Cov <- valid.Cov.specification( random.coef.Cov, ncol( X ) )         

          random.coef.mean <- apply( matrix( seq( 1, length( valid.prior$random.coef ) ), nrow = 1 ), 
                                     MARGIN = 2, 
                                     FUN = function( x, y, dim )
                                       if ( y[[ x ]]$name == "nonInformative" )
                                         r.mean <- rep( 0, dim ) 
                                         r.mean <- y[[ x ]]$parameters[["mean"]]
                                         r.mean <- valid.mean.specification( r.mean, dim )
                                     y = valid.prior$random.coef,
                                     dim = ncol( X ) )

        ## all t's are assume to have the same df's
        if ( valid.prior$random.coef[[1]]$name == "t" )
          random.coef.df <- valid.prior$random.coef[[1]]$parameters[["df"]]

      }#end several prior parameters

    }#end no second effects

    ##check prior for random coef. variance

    ##check beta has an informative prior
    if ( random.coef.type != 3 )
      random.var.type <- switch( valid.prior$random.var$name,
      "invChisq" =
        random.var.scale <- valid.prior$random.var$parameters[["sigma0.sq"]]
        random.var.nu <- valid.prior$random.var$parameters[["df"]]
        if( length( random.var.scale ) != ncol(X) ){
          if( length( random.var.scale ) == 1 )
            random.var.scale <- rep( random.var.scale, ncol(X) )
            stop("bhlm: the length of the vector sigma0.sq specified in the prior for the random effect variance is neither the length of the random effect vector nor 1.")
        if( length( random.var.nu ) != ncol(X) ){
          if( length( random.var.nu ) == 1 )
            random.var.nu <- rep( random.var.nu, ncol(X) )
            stop("bhlm: the length of the vector df specified in the prior for the random effect variance is neither the length of the random effect vector nor 1.")

      "nonInfoPower" =
        random.var.power <- valid.prior$random.var$parameters[["power"]]

      "uniformShrinkage" =
        random.var.scale <- valid.prior$random.var$parameters[["median"]]

      "duMouchel" =
        random.var.scale <- valid.prior$random.var$parameters[["dispersion"]]

      "invWishart" =
        random.var.scale <- valid.Cov.specification( valid.prior$random.var$parameters[["scale"]], ncol( X ) )
        random.var.nu <- valid.prior$random.var$parameters[["df"]]

      stop( "bhlm: distribution for random coefficients variance must be either \"invChisq\", \"nonInformative power\", \"uniform shrinkage\", \"du Mouchel\", or \"invWishart\" \n" )
      )#end switch
  }#end random effects prior

  ##fixed effects prior
  if ( fixed.effects )
    if ( valid.prior$fixed.coef$name == "nonInformative" )
      fixed.coef.mean <- rep( 0.0, ncol( M ) )
      fixed.coef.Cov <- diag( ncol( M ) )
      fixed.coef.type <- 1
      fixed.coef.mean <- valid.prior$fixed.coef$parameters[["mean"]]
      fixed.coef.Cov <- valid.prior$fixed.coef$parameters[["S"]]

      fixed.coef.mean <- valid.mean.specification( fixed.coef.mean, ncol( M ) )
      fixed.coef.Cov <- valid.Cov.specification( fixed.coef.Cov, ncol( M ) )

      if ( valid.prior$fixed.coef$name == "t" )
        fixed.coef.df <- valid.prior$fixed.coef$parameters[["df"]]
      fixed.coef.type <- 0
  }#end fixed effects

  ##sigma prior
  error.var.scale <- 1
  error.var.nu <- 0
  error.var.power <- -0.5 #haar measure
  error.var.common <- valid.prior$common.error.var
  error.var.type <- 0

  if ( is.element( error.var.common, c( 1, 2 ) ) )
    # common prior parameters for error variance

    error.var.type <- switch( valid.prior$error.var$name,
      "invChisq" =
        error.var.scale <- valid.prior$error.var$parameters[["sigma0.sq"]]
        error.var.nu <- valid.prior$error.var$parameters[["df"]]

      "nonInfoPower" =
        error.var.power <- valid.prior$error.var$parameters[["power"]]

      "uniformShrinkage" =
        error.var.scale <- valid.prior$error.var$parameters[["median"]]

      "duMouchel" =
        error.var.scale <- valid.prior$error.var$parameters[["dispersion"]]

      "mass point" =
        error.var.scale <- valid.prior$error.var$parameters[["value"]]

      stop( "bhlm: distribution for error variance must be either \"invChisq\", \"nonInformative power\", \"uniform shrinkage\", \"du Mouchel\", or \"mass point\" \n" )

    )#end switch
    # different prior parameters for error variance

    if ( length( valid.prior$error.var ) != n.groups )
      stop( "bhlm: list of prior parameters for error variance is not of the appropriate size." )

    if ( is.list( valid.prior$error.var ) )
      error.var.scale <- rep( 0, length( valid.prior$error.var ) )
      error.var.nu <- rep( 0, length( valid.prior$error.var ) )
      error.var.power <- rep( 0, length( valid.prior$error.var ) )

      for ( i in seq( 1, length( valid.prior$error.var ) ) )
        error.var.type <- switch( valid.prior$error.var[[i]]$name,
          "invChisq" =
            error.var.scale[i] <- valid.prior$error.var[[i]]$parameters[["sigma0.sq"]]
            error.var.nu[i] <- valid.prior$error.var[[i]]$parameters[["df"]]

          "nonInfoPower" =
            error.var.power[i] <- valid.prior$error.var[[i]]$parameters[["power"]]

          "uniformShrinkage" =
            error.var.scale[i] <- valid.prior$error.var[[i]]$parameters[["median"]]

          "duMouchel" =
            error.var.scale[i] <- valid.prior$error.var[[i]]$parameters[["dispersion"]]

          "mass point" =
            error.var.scale[i] <- valid.prior$error.var[[i]]$parameters[["value"]]

          stop( "bhlm: distribution for error variance must be either \"invChisq\", \"nonInformative power\", \"uniform shrinkage\", \"du Mouchel\", or \"mass point\" \n" )
        )#end switch

        if ( i == 1 )
          prev.type <- error.var.type
        else if ( prev.type != error.var.type )
          stop( "bhlm: all priors for error variances should be of the same type." )
      }#end for loop
    }#end list
      stop( "bhlm: prior for error variance is not valid." )
  }#end different prior parameters  

####end Priors----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  ## Get the seed

#set.seed( random.seed )

####end Seed-----------------------------------------------------------------

  ##Get the control arguments

  burnInLength <- sampler$control$bSize
  simulationsToPerform <- sampler$control$simSize
  sampleFrequency <- sampler$control$freqSize

####end Control-----------------------------------------------------

  ##Finally get the starting point for the simulation

  if ( random.effects )
    dim.random <- ncol( X )
    dim.random <- 0

  if ( fixed.effects )
    dim.fixed <- ncol( M )
    dim.fixed <- 0

  if ( second.effects )
    dim.level2 <- ncol( Z )
    dim.level2 <- 0

  ## flag for default starting points
  number.chains <- sampler$number.chains
  read.init.point <- 0
  init.point <- sampler$init.point
  if ( is.null( init.point ) || init.point$type == "prior" )
    ## flag for specify/mixture starting points
    read.init.point = 1

    # draw number.chains initial values at random from "prior"
    starting.points <- generateInitPoints.bhlm( number.chains, n.responses, Y, X, M, Z, 
                                                dim.random, dim.fixed, dim.level2,
                                                error.var.nu, error.var.scale, error.var.type, error.var.common,
                                                random.coef.df, random.coef.mean, random.coef.Cov, random.coef.type,
                                                fixed.coef.df, fixed.coef.mean, fixed.coef.Cov,
                                                random.var.nu, random.var.scale, random.var.type,
                                                level2.coef.df, level2.coef.mean, level2.coef.Cov,
                                                mix.with.MLE = 0 )
    if( debug ){
    	print("Initial Values:")
  }#end prior init points
  else if ( !is.null( init.point ) && init.point$type == "user's choice" )
    read.init.point <- 1

    starting.points <- validate.initial.points.bhlm( n.groups, ncol( X ), ncol( M ), ncol( Z ), init.point$values[[ 1 ]], random.effects, fixed.effects, second.effects, error.var.common, error.var.type, random.coef.type, random.var.type )

    if ( !is.null( starting.points$random.var ) )    
      s.random.var <- vector( "list", number.chains )
      s.random.var[[1]] <- starting.points$random.var

    if ( number.chains > 1 )
      for ( i in seq( 2, number.chains ) )
        s.points <- validate.initial.points.bhlm( n.groups, ncol( X ), ncol( M ), ncol( Z ), init.point$values[[ i ]], random.effects, fixed.effects, second.effects, error.var.common, error.var.type, random.coef.type, random.var.type )
        if ( !is.null( starting.points$error.var ) )
          starting.points$error.var <- cbind( starting.points$error.var, s.points$error.var )

        if ( !is.null( starting.points$random.coef ) )
          starting.points$random.coef <- cbind( starting.points$random.coef, s.points$random.coef )

        if ( !is.null( starting.points$fixed.coef ) )
          starting.points$fixed.coef <- cbind( starting.points$fixed.coef, s.points$fixed.coef )

        if ( !is.null( starting.points$level2.coef ) )
          starting.points$level2.coef <- cbind( starting.points$level2.coef, s.points$level2.coef )

        if ( !is.null( starting.points$random.var ) )
          s.random.var[[i]] <- s.points$random.var

      }#end for chains

      if (  !is.null( starting.points$random.var ) )
        starting.points$random.var <- s.random.var

    }#end if chains > 1
      if (  !is.null( starting.points$random.var ) )
        starting.points$random.var <- s.random.var

    ##make sure no element is null

    if ( is.null( starting.points$random.var ) )
      starting.points$random.var <- vector( "list", number.chains )
      for ( i in seq( 1, number.chains ) )
        starting.points$random.var[[i]] <- 0

    if ( is.null( starting.points$random.coef ) )
      starting.points$random.coef <- matrix( 0, ncol = number.chains )

    if ( is.null( starting.points$level2.coef ) )
      starting.points$level2.coef <-  matrix( 0, ncol = number.chains )

    if ( is.null( starting.points$fixed.coef ) )
      starting.points$fixed.coef <-  matrix( 0, ncol = number.chains )

    if ( is.null( starting.points$error.var ) )
      starting.points$error.var <-  matrix( 0, ncol = number.chains ) 
  }#end user's choice
  else if ( !is.null( init.point ) )
    stop( "bhlm: initialization procedure [", init.point$type, "] has not been implemented yet." )

####end Initial Points------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  ##Fit the model

  if ( is.null( sampler$sampler ) )
    sampler.type <- 0
  else if ( sampler$sampler == "Gibbs" )
    sampler.type <- 0
    stop( "bhlm: sampler type [", sampler$sampler, "] has not been implemented." )

  bhlmodel <- vector( "list", number.chains )

  for ( i in seq( 1, number.chains ) )
    simulation.seed <- .Random.seed
    fit <- fit.bayeshlm( n.groups, idx, n.responses, dim.random, dim.fixed, 
      dim.level2, response.names, random.names, fixed.names, level2.names, 
      group.names, X, M, Z, Y, total.missing.response, missing.response.counts, 
      missing.response.components, total.missing.random, missing.random.counts, 
      missing.random.components, total.missing.fixed, missing.fixed.counts, 
      missing.fixed.components, unique.lklhd.Cov, dim.error.Cov, 
      likelihood$errorCov, likelihood$df, likelihood$type, random.coef.mean, 
      random.coef.Cov, random.coef.df, random.coef.type, fixed.coef.mean, 
      fixed.coef.Cov, fixed.coef.df, fixed.coef.type, level2.coef.mean, 
      level2.coef.Cov, level2.coef.df, level2.coef.type, error.var.nu, 
      error.var.scale, error.var.power, error.var.common, error.var.type, 
      random.var.nu, random.var.scale, random.var.power, random.var.type, 
      read.init.point, starting.points$random.coef[,i], 
      starting.points$fixed.coef[,i], starting.points$level2.coef[,i], 
      starting.points$error.var[,i], starting.points$random.var[[i]], 
      sampler.type, burnInLength, simulationsToPerform, sampleFrequency, 
      print.stats, dimnames( Y )[[2]], debug = debug )
    bhlmodel[[i]] <- fit

  }#end for chains

  post <- mcmc.list(bhlmodel)
  oldClass(post) <- c("posterior", class(post))



fit.bayeshlm <- function( n.groups, sorted.by.group.idx, n.responses, dim.random, dim.fixed, dim.level2, response.names,
                          random.names, fixed.names, level2.names, group.names, X, M, Z, Y, 
                          total.missing.response, missing.response.counts, missing.response.components,
                          total.missing.random, missing.random.counts, missing.random.components,
                          total.missing.fixed, missing.fixed.counts, missing.fixed.components,
                          unique.lklhd.Cov, dim.error.Cov, likelihood.errorCov, likelihood.df, likelihood.type, 
                          random.coef.mean, random.coef.Cov, random.coef.df, random.coef.type, 
                          fixed.coef.mean, fixed.coef.Cov, fixed.coef.df, fixed.coef.type, 
                          level2.coef.mean, level2.coef.Cov, level2.coef.df, level2.coef.type, 
                          error.var.nu, error.var.scale, error.var.power, error.var.common, error.var.type, 
                          random.var.nu, random.var.scale, random.var.power, random.var.type, 
                          read.init.point, starting.random.coef, 
                          starting.fixed.coef, starting.level2.coef, 
                          starting.error.var, starting.random.var, 
                          sampler.type = 0, burnInLength, simulationsToPerform, sampleFrequency, 
                          print.stats, observation.names = NULL, debug = F )

  number.data <- sum( n.responses )

  #now count how many variables there are.
  # output.dim is the total number of parameters
  # and n.vars appears to be the number of parameters 
  # for which sampling information (acceptance rates?) is 
  # generated.
  n.vars <- 0
  output.dim <- 0

  if ( error.var.type != 4 )
    if ( error.var.common == 0 || error.var.common == 1 )
      #different error variance for each group
      n.vars <- n.groups
      #same error variance
      n.vars <- 1
    output.dim <- n.vars

  #now account for other variables including t distributed variables
  if ( dim.random > 0 )
    #there are random effects
    if ( random.coef.df == 0 )
      n.vars <- n.vars + n.groups
      output.dim <- output.dim + n.groups * dim.random 
      n.vars <- n.vars + 2 * n.groups
      output.dim <- output.dim + n.groups * ( dim.random + 1 )

    if ( dim.level2 > 0 )
      #there are second effects
      if ( level2.coef.df == 0 )
        n.vars <- n.vars + 1
        output.dim <- output.dim + dim.level2
        n.vars <- n.vars + 2
        output.dim <- output.dim + dim.level2 + 1 

    #if beta has an informative prior
    if ( random.coef.type != 3 )
      #account for random coef variance
      n.vars <- n.vars + 1

      if ( random.var.type == 4 )
        dim.random.var <- dim.random * dim.random
        # changed by DBW
        #dim.random.var <- 1
        dim.random.var <- dim.random
      output.dim <- output.dim + dim.random.var
  if ( dim.fixed > 0 )
    #there are fixed effects
    if ( fixed.coef.df == 0 )
      n.vars <- n.vars + 1
      output.dim <- output.dim + dim.fixed
      n.vars <- n.vars + 2
      output.dim <- output.dim + dim.fixed + 1


  #account for t distributed errors
  if ( likelihood.type == 1 )
    #t likelihood
    n.vars <- n.vars + number.data
    output.dim <- output.dim + number.data
  else if ( likelihood.type == 2 )
    #t group likelihood
    n.vars <- n.vars + n.groups
    output.dim <- output.dim + n.groups

  #account for missing response
  if ( total.missing.response > 0 )
    n.vars <- n.vars + sum( missing.response.counts > 0 ) 
    output.dim <- output.dim + total.missing.response

  #account for missing random predictors
  if ( total.missing.random > 0 )
    n.vars <- n.vars + sum( missing.random.counts > 0 ) 
    output.dim <- output.dim + total.missing.random

  #account for missing fixed predictors
  if ( total.missing.fixed > 0 )
    n.vars <- n.vars + sum( missing.fixed.counts > 0 ) 
    output.dim <- output.dim + total.missing.fixed
  if( debug ){
    print( paste( "number of parameters: ", output.dim ) )

  #now create output array with the right dimensions
  output.samples <- matrix( 0, nrow = simulationsToPerform, ncol = output.dim )

  if ( print.stats == 1 )
    if ( sampler.type == 0 )
      #the Gibbs sampler case
      gibbs.stats <- rep( 0, n.vars )
      gibbs.stats <- 0
    gibbs.stats <- 0

  if(is.na(starting.random.var[1])) starting.random.var <- NULL

  #call the function
  if (debug){
    cat("n.groups:", n.groups, "\n")
    cat("n.responses", n.responses, "\n")
    cat("dim.random:", dim.random, "\n")
    cat("dim.level2:", dim.level2, "\n")
    cat("dim.fixed:", dim.fixed, "\n")
    cat("X", X, "\n")
    cat("M", M, "\n")
    cat("Z", Z, "\n")
    cat("Y", Y, "\n")
    cat("fixed.coef.mean", fixed.coef.mean, "\n")
    cat("fixed.coef.Cov", fixed.coef.Cov, "\n")
    cat("fixed.coef.type", fixed.coef.type, "\n")
    cat("fixed.coef.df", fixed.coef.df, "\n")
    cat("random.coef.mean", random.coef.mean, "\n")
    cat("random.coef.Cov", random.coef.Cov, "\n")
    cat("random.coef.type", random.coef.type, "\n")
    cat("random.var.nu", random.var.nu, "\n")
    cat("random.var.scale", random.var.scale, "\n")
    cat("random.var.power", random.var.power, "\n")
    cat("random.var.type", random.var.type, "\n")
    cat("error.var.nu", error.var.nu, "\n")
    cat("error.var.scale", error.var.scale, "\n")
    cat("error.var.power", error.var.power, "\n")
    cat("error.var.common", error.var.common, "\n")
    cat("output.dim:", output.dim, "\n")
    cat("read.init.point:", read.init.point, "\n")
    cat("starting.random.coef:", starting.random.coef, "\n")
    cat("starting.fixed.coef:", starting.fixed.coef, "\n")
    cat("starting.level2.coef:", starting.level2.coef, "\n")
    cat("starting.random.var:", starting.random.var, "\n")
    cat("starting.error.var:", starting.error.var, "\n")
    cat("burnInLength:", burnInLength, "\n")
    cat("simulationsToPerform:", simulationsToPerform, "\n")
    cat("sampleFrequency:", sampleFrequency, "\n")

  fit <- .C( "fitBayesianHLM",
             as.integer( n.groups ),
             as.integer( n.responses ),
             as.integer( dim.random ), 
             as.integer( dim.fixed ), 
             as.integer( dim.level2 ), 
             as.double( t(X) ), 
             as.double( t(M) ), 
             as.double( t(Z) ), 
             as.double( Y ), 
             as.integer( total.missing.response ),
             as.integer( missing.response.counts ),
             as.integer( missing.response.components ),
             as.integer( total.missing.random ),
             as.integer( missing.random.counts ),
             as.integer( missing.random.components ),
             as.integer( total.missing.fixed ),
             as.integer( missing.fixed.counts ),
             as.integer( missing.fixed.components ),
             as.integer( unique.lklhd.Cov ), 
             as.integer( dim.error.Cov ), 
             as.double( likelihood.errorCov ),
             as.double( likelihood.df ), 
             as.integer( likelihood.type ), 
             as.double( fixed.coef.mean ), 
             as.double( fixed.coef.Cov ), 
             as.double( fixed.coef.df ), 
             as.integer( fixed.coef.type ),
             as.double( random.coef.mean ), 
             as.double( random.coef.Cov ), 
             as.double( random.coef.df ), 
             as.integer( random.coef.type ), 
             as.double( level2.coef.mean ), 
             as.double( level2.coef.Cov ), 
             as.double( level2.coef.df ), 
             as.integer( level2.coef.type ),
             as.double( error.var.nu ), 
             as.double( error.var.scale ), 
             as.double( error.var.power ),
             as.integer( error.var.common ),
             as.integer( error.var.type ),
             as.double( random.var.nu ), 
             as.double( random.var.scale ),
             as.double( random.var.power ),
             as.integer( random.var.type ),
             as.integer( read.init.point ), 
             as.double( starting.random.coef ),
             as.double( starting.fixed.coef ),
             as.double( starting.level2.coef ),
             as.double( starting.error.var ),
             as.double( starting.random.var ),
             as.integer(burnInLength ), 
             as.integer(simulationsToPerform ), 
             as.integer(sampleFrequency ), 
             as.integer( print.stats ),
             output.samples = as.double( output.samples ),
             gibbs.stats = as.double( gibbs.stats ),
             PACKAGE = "FlexBayes")

  # ------
  # The simulationsToPerform output simulations are returned in the array output_simulations.
  # This should be an array of length 
  #   J * [p] + [r]  + q + < 1 | J > + < 1 | q*q > + [J] + [1] + [1] + [J] + [n] ) * simulationsToPerform
  # where 
  # J: number of groups
  # p: dimension of beta vector
  # r: dimension of gamma vector
  # q: dimension of alpha vector
  # < 1 | J >: sigma2 (either a common sigma2 or J independent sigma2's)
  # < 1 | q*q >: dimension of tau2 (either a random variable or a random matrix )
  # J: augmented variables for t-distributed betas
  # 1: augmented variable for t-distributed gamma
  # 1: augmented variable for t-distributed alpha
  # J: augmented variables for t-distributed group errors
  # n: number of observations. augmented variables for t-distributed errors.
  # < .|. > denotes a choice.
  # [.] denotes an optional argument.
  # The above dimensions specification also denotes the order in which the simulations are returned:
  #       beta (by group), gamma , alpha, sigma, tau | tau2, 
  #             t_beta (by group), t_gamma, t_alpha, t_groups, t_errors.
  # Note: Simulations for sigma (not sigma2) are returned.
  #       Simulations for tau (not tau2) are returned if tau2 is a scalar,
  #       otherwise, the matrices tau2 are returned.

  out.samples <- matrix( fit$output.samples, nrow = simulationsToPerform, ncol = output.dim )

  Y.imputed <- Y
  X.imputed <- t( X )
  M.imputed <- t( M )

  original.random.names <- random.names
  group.names <- as.character( group.names )

  end.index <- 0
  if ( dim.random > 0 )
    random.coef <- matrix( out.samples[ , seq( 1, n.groups * dim.random ) ], nrow = simulationsToPerform )
    random.names <- as.vector( outer( outer( random.names, response.names, paste, sep = ":" ), group.names, paste, sep = ":" ) )   
    end.index <- n.groups * dim.random

  if ( dim.fixed > 0 )
    fixed.coef <- matrix( out.samples[ , end.index + seq( 1, dim.fixed ) ], nrow = simulationsToPerform )
    end.index <- end.index + dim.fixed

  if ( dim.random > 0 && dim.level2 > 0 )
    level2.coef <- matrix( out.samples[ , end.index + seq( 1, dim.level2 ) ], nrow = simulationsToPerform )
    level2.names <- as.vector( outer( level2.names, original.random.names, paste, sep = ":" ) )
    end.index <- end.index + dim.level2

  if ( error.var.type != 4 )
    if ( error.var.common == 0 || error.var.common == 1 )
      #different error variance for each group
      error.var <- matrix( out.samples[ , end.index + seq( 1, n.groups ) ], nrow = simulationsToPerform )
      error.var.names <- as.vector( outer( "SIGMA:", group.names, paste, sep = "" ) )
      end.index <- end.index + n.groups
      #same error variance prior
      error.var <- matrix( out.samples[ , end.index + 1 ], nrow = simulationsToPerform )
      error.var.names <- "SIGMA"
      end.index <- end.index + 1

  #if beta has an informative prior
  if ( dim.random > 0 && random.coef.type != 3 )
    if ( random.var.type == 4 )
    	# inverse Wishart prior case
      random.var <- matrix( out.samples[ , end.index + seq( 1, dim.random * dim.random ) ], nrow = simulationsToPerform )
      random.var.names <- as.vector( t( outer( paste( "RANDOM:TAU:", seq( 1, dim.random), sep = "" ), seq( 1, dim.random ), paste, sep = "." ) ) )
      end.index <- end.index + dim.random * dim.random
      # case of random variances a priori iid
      # code changed by DBW.  Original preserved in comments
      #random.var <- matrix( out.samples[ , end.index + 1 ], nrow = simulationsToPerform )
      random.var <- matrix( out.samples[ , end.index + seq( 1, dim.random ) ], nrow = simulationsToPerform )
      #random.var.names <- "RANDOM:TAU"
      random.var.names <- paste("RANDOM:TAU:", original.random.names, sep = "")
      #end.index <- end.index + 1
      end.index <- end.index + dim.random
    random.var <- NULL
    random.var.names <- NULL

  if ( dim.random > 0 && random.coef.df > 0 )
    random.coef.tau <- matrix( out.samples[ , end.index + seq( 1, n.groups ) ], nrow = simulationsToPerform )
    end.index <- end.index + n.groups

  if ( dim.fixed > 0 && fixed.coef.df > 0 )
    fixed.coef.tau <- matrix( out.samples[ , end.index + 1 ], nrow = simulationsToPerform )
    end.index <- end.index + 1

  if ( dim.random > 0 )
    if ( dim.level2 > 0 && level2.coef.df > 0 )
      level2.coef.tau <- matrix( out.samples[ , end.index + 1 ], nrow = simulationsToPerform )
      end.index <- end.index + 1

  likelihood.tau <- NULL
  likelihood.group.tau <- NULL
  if ( likelihood.type == 1 )
    #t likelihood
    likelihood.tau <- matrix( out.samples[ , end.index + seq( 1, number.data ) ], nrow = simulationsToPerform )
    end.index <- end.index + number.data
    t.names <- paste( "TAU:ERROR:", sorted.by.group.idx, sep = "" )
  else if ( likelihood.type == 2 )
    #t group likelihood
    likelihood.group.tau <- matrix( out.samples[ , end.index + seq( 1, n.groups ) ], nrow = simulationsToPerform )
    end.index <- end.index + n.groups
    t.names <- as.vector( outer( "TAU:GROUP:ERROR:", group.names, paste, sep = "" ) )

  #missing data
  imputed.values <- NULL
  imputed.names <- NULL
  if ( total.missing.response > 0 )
    imputed.values <- matrix( out.samples[ , end.index + seq( 1, total.missing.response ) ], nrow = simulationsToPerform )
    end.index <- end.index + total.missing.response

    obs.missing <- seq( 1, length( missing.response.counts ) )[ missing.response.counts > 0 ]
    k <- 1
    for ( i in seq( 1, length( obs.missing ) ) )
      for ( j in seq( 1, missing.response.counts[ obs.missing[i] ] ) )
        if ( !is.null( observation.names ) )
          imputed.names <- c( imputed.names, paste( "IMPUTED", observation.names[ obs.missing[i] ], response.names[ missing.response.components[ k ] ], sep = ":" ) )
          imputed.names <- c( imputed.names, paste( "IMPUTED", obs.missing[i], response.names[ missing.response.components[ k ] ], sep = ":" ) )

        #complete data
        Y.imputed[ response.names[ missing.response.components[ k ] ], obs.missing[i] ] <- mean( imputed.values[ , k ] )

        k <- k + 1

  if ( total.missing.random > 0 )
    if ( is.null( imputed.values ) )
      imputed.values <- matrix( out.samples[ , end.index + seq( 1, total.missing.random ) ], nrow = simulationsToPerform )
      k <- 1
      imputed.values <- cbind( imputed.values, matrix( out.samples[ , end.index + seq( 1, total.missing.random ) ], nrow = simulationsToPerform ) )
    end.index <- end.index + total.missing.random
    obs.missing <- seq( 1, length( missing.random.counts ) )[ missing.random.counts > 0 ]
    k.rd <- 1
    for ( i in seq( 1, length( obs.missing ) ) )
      for ( j in seq( 1, missing.random.counts[ obs.missing[i] ] ) )
        if ( !is.null( observation.names ) )
          imputed.names <- c( imputed.names, paste( "IMPUTED", observation.names[ obs.missing[i] ], original.random.names[ missing.random.components[ k.rd ] ], sep = ":" ) )
          imputed.names <- c( imputed.names, paste( "IMPUTED", obs.missing[i], original.random.names[ missing.random.components[ k.rd ] ], sep = ":" ) )

        #complete data
        X.imputed[ original.random.names[ missing.random.components[ k.rd ] ], obs.missing[i] ] <- mean( imputed.values[ , k ] )

        k.rd <- k.rd + 1
        k <- k + 1

  if ( total.missing.fixed > 0 )
    if ( is.null( imputed.values ) )
      imputed.values <- matrix( out.samples[ , end.index + seq( 1, total.missing.fixed ) ], nrow = simulationsToPerform )
      k <- 1
      imputed.values <- cbind( imputed.values, matrix( out.samples[ , end.index + seq( 1, total.missing.fixed ) ], nrow = simulationsToPerform ) )
    end.index <- end.index + total.missing.fixed
    obs.missing <- seq( 1, length( missing.fixed.counts ) )[ missing.fixed.counts > 0 ]
    k.fx <- 1
    for ( i in seq( 1, length( obs.missing ) ) )
      for ( j in seq( 1, missing.fixed.counts[ obs.missing[i] ] ) )
        if ( !is.null( observation.names ) )
          imputed.names <- c( imputed.names, paste( "IMPUTED", observation.names[ obs.missing[i] ], fixed.names[ missing.fixed.components[ k.fx ] ], sep = ":" ) )
          imputed.names <- c( imputed.names, paste( "IMPUTED", obs.missing[i], fixed.names[ missing.fixed.components[ k.fx ] ], sep = ":" ) )

        #complete data
        M.imputed[ fixed.names[ missing.fixed.components[ k.fx ] ], obs.missing[i] ] <- mean( imputed.values[ , k ] )

        k.fx <- k.fx + 1
        k <- k + 1

  t.likelihood <- NULL
  level2.effects <- NULL
  random.effects <- NULL
  fixed.effects <- NULL
  imputed.components <- NULL

  if ( dim.random > 0 )
    if ( dim.level2 > 0 )
      if ( level2.coef.df > 0 )
        level2.tau <- list( tau = level2.coef.tau, names = "TAU:LEVEL2" )
        level2.tau <- NULL
      level2.effects <- list( dim = dim.level2, names = level2.names, coef = level2.coef, tau = level2.tau )

    if ( random.coef.df > 0 )
      random.tau <- list( tau = random.coef.tau, names = paste( "TAU:RANDOM:", seq( 1, n.groups ), sep = "" ) )
      random.tau <- NULL

    random.effects <- list( dim = dim.random, names = random.names, orig.names = original.random.names, coef = random.coef, scale = random.var, scale.names = random.var.names, tau = random.tau, level2 = level2.effects )

  if ( dim.fixed > 0 )
    if ( fixed.coef.df > 0 )
      fixed.tau <- list( tau = fixed.coef.tau, names = "TAU:FIXED" )
      fixed.tau <- NULL
    fixed.effects <- list( dim = dim.fixed, names = fixed.names, coef = fixed.coef, tau = fixed.tau )

  if ( is.element( likelihood.type, c( 1, 2 ) ) )
    t.likelihood <-list( errors = likelihood.tau, groups = likelihood.group.tau, names = t.names )

  if ( error.var.type != 4 )
    scale <- list( scale = error.var, names = error.var.names, common = error.var.common, type = error.var.type )
    scale <- NULL

  if ( total.missing.response > 0 || total.missing.random > 0 || total.missing.fixed > 0  )
    data.imputed <- list( Y = t( Y.imputed ), X = t( X.imputed ), M = t( M.imputed ) )
    imputed.components <- list( values = imputed.values, names = imputed.names, data = data.imputed )

  ######## Create a named matrix of the posterior samples.
	post.samples <- matrix(nrow=simulationsToPerform, ncol=0)
  # First the fixed effects
  if ( dim.fixed > 0 ){
  	dimnames(fixed.coef) <- list(NULL, fixed.names)
		post.samples <- cbind(post.samples, fixed.coef)
		if ( fixed.coef.df > 0 ){
      fixed.tau.mat <- matrix( fixed.coef.tau, ncol=1, dimnames = list(NULL, c("TAU:FIXED")) )
      post.samples <- cbind(post.samples, fixed.tau.mat)

  # The "scale" parameter
  if ( error.var.type != 4 )
  	dimnames(error.var) <- list(NULL, error.var.names)
  	post.samples <- cbind(post.samples, error.var)

	# the random effects
	if ( dim.random > 0 ){
    # level 2 effects
    if ( dim.level2 > 0 )
      dimnames(level2.coef) <- list(NULL, level2.names)
      post.samples <- cbind(post.samples, level2.coef)
      if ( level2.coef.df > 0 )
        level2.tau.mat <- matrix( level2.coef.tau, ncol=1, dimnames = list(NULL, c("TAU:LEVEL2")) )
        post.samples <- cbind(post.samples, level2.tau.mat)
		if (!is.null(random.var)){
		  dimnames(random.var) <- list(NULL, random.var.names)
		  post.samples <- cbind(post.samples, random.var)
	  dimnames(random.coef) <- list(NULL, random.names)
		post.samples <- cbind(post.samples, random.coef)
		if ( random.coef.df > 0 )
      dimnames(random.coef.tau) <- list(NULL, paste( "TAU:RANDOM:", seq( 1, n.groups ), sep = "" ))
      post.samples <- cbind(post.samples, random.coef.tau)

  # Imputed values
  if ( total.missing.response > 0 || total.missing.random > 0 || total.missing.fixed > 0  )
    warning("Imputed values are not currently returned.")
  if ( likelihood.type == 1 )
    #t likelihood
    dimnames(likelihood.tau) <- list(NULL, t.names)
    post.samples <- cbind(post.samples, likelihood.tau)
  else if ( likelihood.type == 2 )
    #t group likelihood
    dimnames(likelihood.group.tau) <- list(NULL, t.names)
    post.samples <- cbind(post.samples, likelihood.group.tau)

  return( mcmc( data = post.samples, thin = sampleFrequency) )
  #, burnin = burnInLength ) )

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FlexBayes documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:53 p.m.