# Purpose : Fit a 2D or 3D regression model;
# Maintainer : Tomislav Hengl (
# Contributions : Bas Kempen ( and Gerard B.M. Heuvelink ( and Mario Antonio Guevara (;
# Dev Status : Alpha
# Note : Regression families considered spatial GLMs, CART, random forest, linear mixed-effect models ...;
## Fit a GLM to spatial data:
setMethod("fit.regModel", signature(formulaString = "formula", rmatrix = "data.frame", predictionDomain = "SpatialPixelsDataFrame", method = "character"), function(formulaString, rmatrix, predictionDomain, method = list("GLM", "rpart", "randomForest", "quantregForest", "lme", "xgboost", "ranger"), dimensions = NULL, = gaussian(), stepwise = TRUE, rvgm, GLS = FALSE, steps = 100, subsample, subsample.reg, ...){
## parent call:
parent_call <- as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1]
## target variable name:
tv <- all.vars(formulaString)[1]
if(!any(names(rmatrix) %in% tv)){
stop("Target variable not found in the 'rmatrix' object.")
## reserved names:
if(any(names(rmatrix) %in% paste(tv, "residual", sep="."))){
warning(paste0("Name mismatch in the rmatrix: '", tv, ".residual' already in use"))
## spatial coordinates (column names):
xyn <- attr(predictionDomain@bbox, "dimnames")[[1]]
## try to guess the dimensions:
if(length(xyn)==2){ dimensions = "2D" }
if(length(xyn)==3){ dimensions = "3D" }
if(!any(names(rmatrix) %in% xyn)){
stop(paste("Column names:", paste(xyn[which(!(xyn %in% names(rmatrix)))], collapse=", "), "could not be located in the regression matrix"))
## check if the method exists:
if(length(method)>1){ method <- method[[1]] }
if(!any(method %in% list("GLM", "rpart", "randomForest", "quantregForest", "lme", "xgboost", "ranger"))){ stop(paste(method, "method not available.")) }
## subsample regression if necessary:
s <- 1:nrow(rmatrix)
if(nrow(rmatrix) > subsample.reg){
message(paste0("Subsetting regression matrix to ", subsample.reg, " observations..."))
s <- sample(1:nrow(rmatrix), subsample.reg)
rmatrix.s <- rmatrix[s,]
if(method == "lme"){
message("Fitting a Mixel-effect linear model...")
if(requireNamespace("nlme", quietly = TRUE)){
if(!missing(subsample.reg)){ message("Ignoring 'subsample.reg' argument...") }
## check if the random component is defined:
if(any(names(parent_call) %in% "random")){
rgm <- nlme::lme(formulaString, random=eval(parent_call[["random"]]), data=rmatrix, na.action=na.omit)
} else {
rgm <- nlme::lme(formulaString, data=rmatrix, na.action=na.omit)
## extract the residuals:
if(any(names(rgm) == "na.action")){ rmatrix <- rmatrix[-rgm$na.action,] }
rmatrix[,paste(tv, "residual", sep=".")] <- resid(rgm)
} else {
stop("Package 'nlme' not available")
if(method == "GLM"){
## fit/filter the regression model:
if(GLS == TRUE &$family == "gaussian" &$link == "identity"){
if(!dimensions == "2D"){ stop("Fitting of the models using the GLS option possible with '2D' data only") }
message("Fitting a LM using Generalized Least Squares...")
if(requireNamespace("nlme", quietly = TRUE)){
rgm <- nlme::gls(formulaString, rmatrix.s, correlation=nlme::corExp(nugget=TRUE), na.action=na.omit)
## extract the residuals:
rmatrix[,paste(tv, "residual", sep=".")] <- rmatrix[,tv] - predict(rgm, rmatrix)
} else {
stop("Package 'nlme' not available")
} else {
#if(!missing(subsample.reg)){ message("Ignoring 'subsample.reg' argument...") }
if(all(c("family","link") %in% names({
message("Fitting a linear model...")
} else {
message("Fitting a GLM...")
if(any(names(parent_call) %in% "weights")){
rmatrix$weights <- eval(parent_call[['weights']])
rgm <- glm(formulaString, data=rmatrix,, weights=weights)
} else {
rgm <- glm(formulaString, data=rmatrix,
if(stepwise == TRUE){
rgm <- step(rgm, trace=0, steps=steps)
## extract the response residuals: []
if(any(names(rgm) == "na.action")){ rmatrix <- rmatrix[-rgm$na.action,] }
rmatrix[,paste(tv, "residual", sep=".")] <- resid(rgm, type="response")
if(method == "rpart"){
## fit/filter the regression model:
message("Fitting a regression tree model...")
if(requireNamespace("rpart", quietly = TRUE)){
rgm <- rpart::rpart(formulaString, data=rmatrix.s)
if(stepwise == TRUE){
## TH: "A good choice of cp for pruning is often the leftmost value for which the mean lies below the horizontal line"
## BK: determine row in complexity table with smallest xerror:
minerror <- min(seq_along(rgm$cptable[,4L])[rgm$cptable[,4L] == min(rgm$cptable[,4L])])
## BK: select starting value for evaluation of xerror:
xerr <- rgm$cptable[1L,4L]
## BK: compute 1-SE value:
dum <- (rgm$cptable[,4L] + rgm$cptable[,5L])[minerror]
## BK determine row in complexity table for which xerror is smaller than 1-SE:
i <- 0
while (xerr > dum && i <= nrow(rgm$cptable)) {
i <- i+1L
xerr <- rgm$cptable[i,4L]
# BK: obtain cp parameter and number of splits for selected row:
cpar <- rgm$cptable[i,1L]
nsplit <- rgm$cptable[i,2L]
message(paste("Estimated Complexity Parameter (for prunning):", signif(cpar, 4)))
rgm <- rpart::prune(rgm, cp=cpar)
} else {
stop("Package 'rpart' not available")
if(method == "randomForest"|method == "quantregForest"|method == "ranger"|method == "xgboost"){
if(requireNamespace("randomForest", quietly = TRUE)&requireNamespace("ranger", quietly = TRUE)){
## fit/filter the regression model:
## NA's not permitted and need to be filtered out:
f <- stats::complete.cases(rmatrix.s[,all.vars(formulaString)])
rmatrix.s <- rmatrix.s[f,]
if(method == "randomForest"|method == "ranger"){
message("Fitting a randomForest model...")
if(any(names(parent_call) %in% "mtry")){
mtry <- eval(parent_call[["mtry"]])
if(method == "randomForest"){
rgm <- randomForest::randomForest(formulaString, data=rmatrix.s, importance=TRUE, na.action=na.omit, mtry=mtry)
if(method == "ranger"){
rgm <- ranger::ranger(formulaString, data=rmatrix.s, importance="impurity", write.forest=TRUE, mtry=mtry)
} else {
if(method == "randomForest"){
rgm <- randomForest::randomForest(formulaString, data=rmatrix.s, importance=TRUE, na.action=na.omit)
if(method == "ranger"){
rgm <- ranger::ranger(formulaString, data=rmatrix.s, importance="impurity", write.forest=TRUE)
} else {
if(method == "xgboost"){
if(requireNamespace("xgboost", quietly = TRUE)&requireNamespace("caret", quietly = TRUE)){
message("Fitting a Gradient Boosting model using the 'xgboost' package...")
ctrl <- caret::trainControl(method="cv", number=2, repeats=1)
gb.tuneGrid <- expand.grid(eta=0.3, nrounds=c(50,100), max_depth=2:3, gamma=0, colsample_bytree=0.8, min_child_weight=1)
rgm <- caret::train(formulaString, data=rmatrix.s, method="xgbTree", trControl=ctrl, tuneGrid=gb.tuneGrid)
} else {
stop("Packages 'caret', 'xgboost' not available")
if(method == "quantregForest"){
## TH: the quantreg package developed by Nicolai Meinshausen <> is more computationally demanding, but more flexible
if(requireNamespace("quantregForest", quietly = TRUE)){
message("Fitting a Quantile Regression Forest model...")
rgm <- quantregForest::quantregForest(y=eval(formulaString[[2]], rmatrix.s), x=rmatrix.s[,all.vars(formulaString)[-1]], importance=TRUE)
attr(rgm$y, "name") <- tv
} else {
stop("Package 'quantregForest' not available")
} else {
stop("Packages 'randomForest', 'ranger' not available")
## Extract residuals:
if(method == "quantregForest"){
## breaks if there are incomplete obs:
rmatrix[f,paste(tv, "residual", sep=".")] <- rmatrix[f,tv] - predict(rgm, newdata=rmatrix[f,attr(rgm$forest$ncat, "names")], .5)
if(method == "randomForest"|method == "rpart"){
rmatrix[,paste(tv, "residual", sep=".")] <- rmatrix[,tv] - predict(rgm, newdata=rmatrix, na.action = na.pass)
if(method == "ranger"){
if(requireNamespace("ranger", quietly = TRUE)){
rmatrix[f,paste(tv, "residual", sep=".")] <- rmatrix[f,tv] - predict(rgm, rmatrix[f,])$predictions
} else {
stop("Package 'ranger' not available")
if(method == "xgboost"){
if(requireNamespace("xgboost", quietly = TRUE)){
rmatrix[,paste(tv, "residual", sep=".")] <- rmatrix[,tv] - predict(rgm, newdata=rmatrix, na.action = na.pass)
} else {
stop("Package 'xgboost' not available")
## TH: add more regression models here...
## test the normality of residuals:
if(length(rmatrix[,paste(tv, "residual", sep=".")])>4999){
# subset residuals if necessary...
x = rmatrix[sample(1:nrow(rmatrix), 4999), paste(tv, "residual", sep=".")]
} else {
x = rmatrix[,paste(tv, "residual", sep=".")]
st <- shapiro.test(x)
if(st$p.value < 0.05|$p.value)){
## try second test:
if(requireNamespace("nortest", quietly = TRUE)){
at = nortest::ad.test(x)
if(at$p.value < 0.05|$p.value)){
warning(paste(st$method, "and", at$method, "report probability of < .05 indicating lack of normal distribution for residuals"), call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
if(any(names(parent_call) %in% "cutoff")){
cutoff <- eval(parent_call[["cutoff"]])
} else {
cutoff <- NULL
subsample <- nrow(rmatrix)
## If variogram is not defined, try to fit variogram 2D or 3D data:
if(dimensions == "2D"){
message("Fitting a 2D variogram...")
rvgm <- fit.vgmModel(as.formula(paste0(tv, ".residual ~ 1")), rmatrix = rmatrix, predictionDomain = predictionDomain, dimensions = "2D", subsample=subsample, cutoff=cutoff)
if(dimensions == "3D"){
message("Fitting a 3D variogram...")
rvgm <- fit.vgmModel(as.formula(paste0(tv, ".residual ~ 1")), rmatrix = rmatrix, predictionDomain = predictionDomain, dimensions = "3D", subsample=subsample, cutoff=cutoff)
} else {
## TH: The nlme package fits a variogram, but this is difficult to translate to gstat format:
rvgm <- fit.vgmModel(as.formula(paste0(tv, ".residual ~ 1")), rmatrix = rmatrix, predictionDomain = predictionDomain, dimensions = "2D", subsample=subsample, cutoff=cutoff)
} else {
## Use a pure nugget effect if variogram is set to NULL
rvgm <- fit.vgmModel(as.formula(paste0(tv, ".residual ~ 1")), rmatrix = rmatrix, predictionDomain = predictionDomain, dimensions = dimensions, vgmFun = "Nug", subsample=subsample)
} else {
xyn = attr(predictionDomain@bbox, "dimnames")[[1]]
## create spatial points:
coordinates(rmatrix) <- as.formula(paste("~", paste(xyn, collapse = "+"), sep=""))
proj4string(rmatrix) = predictionDomain@proj4string
observations = as(rmatrix, "SpatialPoints")
## othewise copy the variogram submitted by the user:
svgm <- gstat::variogram(formulaString, rmatrix)
rvgm <- list(vgm=rvgm, observations=observations, svgm=svgm)
## TH: refit non-linear trend model using the GLS weights? This can be very time consuming and is not recommended for large data sets
message("Saving an object of class 'gstatModel'...")
rkm <- new("gstatModel", regModel = rgm, vgmModel =[[1]]), svgmModel =[[3]]), sp = rvgm[[2]])
## end of script;
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