
Defines functions listToMatrix plot.HCgglasso plot.cv.HCgglasso plot.stability.HCgglasso

Documented in listToMatrix plot.cv.HCgglasso plot.HCgglasso plot.stability.HCgglasso

#' Obtain a sparse matrix of the coefficients of the path
#' @param x \code{\link{HCgglasso}} object
#' @param row "lambda" or "covariates". If row="covariates", each row of the output matrix represents a covariates else ff row="lambda", it represents a value of lambda.
#' @return a sparse matrix containing the estimated coefficients for different values of lambda
#' @details This functions can be used with a \code{\link{HCgglasso}} object to obtain a matrix with all estimated coefficients for the p original variables.
#' In case of overlapping groups, coefficients from repeated variables are summed. 
#' @examples 
#' X=simuBlockGaussian(50,12,5,0.7)
#' y=drop(X[,c(2,7,12)]%*%c(2,2,-2)+rnorm(50,0,0.5))
#' res=HCgglasso(X,y)
#' beta=listToMatrix(res)
#' @seealso \link{HCgglasso}, \link{overlapgglasso}
#' @export
listToMatrix <- function(x, row = c("covariates","lambda"))
  row = match.arg(row)
  if(row == "covariates")
    bet <- Matrix(0, ncol = length(x$lambda), nrow = x$dim[2])
    for(i in 1:length(x$lambda))
      dup <- duplicated(x$var[[i]])
      bet[x$var[[i]][!dup], i] = bet[x$var[[i]][!dup],i] + x$beta[[i]][!dup]
      bet[x$var[[i]][dup] , i] = bet[x$var[[i]][dup] ,i] + x$beta[[i]][dup]
    bet <- Matrix(0, nrow = length(x$lambda), ncol = x$dim[2])
    for(i in 1:length(x$lambda))
      dup <- duplicated(x$var[[i]])
      bet[i,x$var[[i]][!dup]] = bet[i,x$var[[i]][!dup]] + x$beta[[i]][!dup]
      bet[i,x$var[[i]][dup]]  = bet[i,x$var[[i]][dup]]  + x$beta[[i]][dup]


#' Plot the path obtained from \code{\link{HCgglasso}} function
#' @param x \code{\link{HCgglasso}} object
#' @param log.lambda If TRUE, use log(lambda) instead of lambda in abscissa
#' @param lambda.lines if TRUE, add vertical lines at lambda values
#' @param ... Other parameters for plot function
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' X=simuBlockGaussian(50,12,5,0.7)
#' y=drop(X[,c(2,7,12)]%*%c(2,2,-2)+rnorm(50,0,0.5))
#' res=HCgglasso(X,y)
#' plot(res) 
#' }
#' @method plot HCgglasso
#' @seealso \link{HCgglasso}
#' @export
plot.HCgglasso <- function(x, log.lambda = FALSE, lambda.lines = FALSE,...)
  #check log
    stop("log must be a boolean.")
    stop("log must be a boolean.")
  #check log
    stop("lambda.lines must be a boolean.")
    stop("lambda.lines must be a boolean.") 
  bet <- listToMatrix(x,"lambda")
  #abscissa : log or not ?
  absc <- x$lambda
    absc = log(absc)
  matplot(absc, bet, type = "l", lty = 1, xlab = ifelse(log.lambda, expression(paste("log(",lambda,")")), expression(lambda)),
          ylab = "Coefficients",...)
  #add vertical lines for lambda values
    abline(v = absc, col = "blue", lty = "dotted", lwd = 0.5)

#' Plot the cross-validation obtained from \code{\link{cv.HCgglasso}} function
#' @param x \code{\link{cv.HCgglasso}} object
#' @param log.lambda If TRUE, use log(lambda) instead of lambda in abscissa
#' @param ... Other parameters for plot function
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' X=simuBlockGaussian(50,12,5,0.7)
#' y=drop(X[,c(2,7,12)]%*%c(2,2,-2)+rnorm(50,0,0.5))
#' res=cv.HCgglasso(X,y)
#' plot(res) 
#' }
#' @method plot cv.HCgglasso
#' @seealso \link{cv.HCgglasso}
#' @export
plot.cv.HCgglasso <- function(x, log.lambda = FALSE,...)
  #check log
    stop("log must be a boolean.")
    stop("log must be a boolean.")
  #abscissa : log or not ?
  absc <- x$lambda
  lam <- c(x$lambda.min,x$lambda.1se)
    absc = log(absc)
    lam = log(lam)
  matplot(absc, cbind(x$cvm,x$cvupper,x$cvlower), type = "l", lty = c(1,2,2), col = c(1,2,2),
          xlab = ifelse(log.lambda, expression(paste("log(",lambda,")")), expression(lambda)), ylab = "Error",...)
  abline(v = lam, col = "blue", lty = "dashed")

#' Plot the stability path obtained from \code{\link{stability.HCgglasso}} function
#' @param x \code{\link{stability.HCgglasso}} object
#' @param log.lambda If TRUE, use log(lambda) instead of lambda in abscissa
#' @param threshold Threshold for selection frequency
#' @param ... Other parameters for plot function
#' @return A list containing :
#' \describe{
#' \item{var}{Index of selected variables for the given threshold.}
#' \item{group}{Index of the associated group.}
#' \item{threshold}{Value of threshold}
#' } 
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' X=simuBlockGaussian(50,12,5,0.7)
#' y=drop(X[,c(2,7,12)]%*%c(2,2,-2)+rnorm(50,0,0.5))
#' res=stability.HCgglasso(X,y)
#' selected=plot(res)
#' print(selected)
#' }
#' @method plot stability.HCgglasso
#' @seealso \link{stability.HCgglasso}
#' @export
plot.stability.HCgglasso <- function(x, log.lambda = FALSE, threshold = 0.75,...)
  #check log
    stop("log must be a boolean.")
    stop("log must be a boolean.")
  if( !is.numeric(threshold) | (length(threshold)!=1) )
    stop("threshold must be a positive real lesser than 1.")
  if( (threshold<0) | (threshold>1) ) 
    stop("threshold must be a positive real lesser than 1.")
  #abscissa : log or not ?
  absc <- x$lambda
  lam <- c(x$lambda.min,x$lambda.1se)
    absc = log(absc)
    lam = log(lam)
  #determine color according to threshold
  col <- apply(x$stability, 2, FUN=function(x){ifelse(any(x>threshold), 2, 1)})
  matplot(absc, x$stability, type = "l", lty = 1,col = col,
          xlab = ifelse(log.lambda, expression(paste("log(",lambda,")")), expression(lambda)), ylab = "Probability selection",...)
  abline(v = lam,col = "blue",lty = "dashed")
  #determine selected groups and variables
  selectedGroup <- which(col==2)
  indsel <- x$group%in%selectedGroup
  return(list(var = x$var[indsel], group = x$group[indsel], threshold = threshold))

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HCgglasso documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:54 p.m.