
Defines functions getCollection

Documented in getCollection

# Author: Matteo Mattiuzzi, matteo.mattiuzzi@boku.ac.at
# Date : August 2011
# Licence GPL v3

getCollection <- function(product,collection=NULL,newest=TRUE,forceCheck=FALSE,as="character",quiet=TRUE)
    opts <- combineOptions()

    # checks for product
    if (missing(product))
        stop("Please provide a valid product")
    productN <- getProduct(x=product,quiet=TRUE)
    if (is.null(productN)) 
        stop("Unknown product")
    # load aux
#    if (!file.exists(paste0(opts$auxPath,"collections.RData"))) # on the very first call use the delivered pre-updated version    
#    {
#        opts$auxPath <- setPath(opts$auxPath)
#        invisible(file.copy(file.path(find.package("MODIS"), "external","collections.RData"), file.path(opts$auxPath,"collections.RData",fsep="/")))
#        unlink(file.path(opts$auxPath,"collections.txt",fsep="/"))
#    }
#    load(paste0(opts$auxPath,"collections.RData"))
#    unlink(paste0(opts$auxPath,"collections.RData"))

#    if (!file.exists(paste0(opts$auxPath,"collections"))) # on the very first call use the delivered pre-updated version    
#    {
#        opts$auxPath <- MODIS:::setPath(opts$auxPath)
#        invisible(file.copy(file.path(find.package("MODIS"), "/external","collections"), paste0(opts$auxPath,"collections")))
#    }
#    MODIScollection <- read.table(paste0(opts$auxPath,"collections"))
    # clean file
    MODIS <- MODIScollection[,grep(colnames(MODIScollection),pattern="M.D")]
    SRTM  <- MODIScollection[,grep(colnames(MODIScollection),pattern="SRTM")]
    MODIScollection <- cbind(MODIS,SRTM)

    if (productN$SENSOR[1] !="C-Band-RADAR")
      if (forceCheck | sum(!productN$PRODUCT %in% colnames(MODIScollection))>0) 
        sturheit <- stubborn(level=opts$stubbornness)
    		for (i in seq_along(unique(productN$PF1))) 
    		  ftp <- paste0(MODIS_FTPinfo$ftpstring1$basepath,"/",unique(productN$PF1)[i],"/")
    			cat("Updating collections from LPDAAC for platform:",unique(productN$PLATFORM)[i],"\n")
    			for (g in 1:sturheit)
    			  try(dirs <- filesUrl(ftp))
    				  if(dirs != FALSE)
    			if (!exists("dirs")) 
    				cat("FTP is not available, using stored information from previous calls (this should be mostly fine)\n")
    			} else 
    				prod <- sapply(dirs,function(x){strsplit(x, "\\.")[[1]][1]})
    				coll <- sapply(dirs,function(x){strsplit(x, "\\.")[[1]][2]})
    				mtr  <- cbind(prod,coll)
    				mtr  <- tapply(INDEX=mtr[,1],X=mtr[,2],function(x){x})
    				maxrow <- max(nrow(MODIScollection),sapply(mtr,function(x)length(x)))
    				basemtr <- matrix(NA,ncol=nrow(mtr), nrow = maxrow)
    				colnames(basemtr) <- names(mtr)
    				for(u in 1:ncol(basemtr)) 
    					basemtr[1:length(mtr[[u]]),u] <- mtr[[u]]
    				if (nrow(MODIScollection) < maxrow & nrow(MODIScollection) > 0) 
    					MODIScollection <- rbind(MODIScollection,as.data.frame(NA,nrow=(maxrow-nrow(MODIScollection)), ncol=ncol(MODIScollection)))
    				if (ncol(MODIScollection)==0)
    				{ # relevant only for time
    					MODIScollection <- data.frame(basemtr) # create new
    				} else 
    				{ # or update the available one
    					indX    <- colnames(MODIScollection) %in% colnames(basemtr) 
    					MODIScollection <- cbind(MODIScollection[,!indX],basemtr)
    ind <- which(colnames(MODIScollection)%in%productN$PRODUCT)

	    res <- list(MODIScollection[,ind])
	    names(res) <- colnames(MODIScollection)[ind]
    } else if (length(ind)>=1) 
	    res <- as.list(MODIScollection[,ind])
    } else 
	    stop("No data available, check product input?") # should not happen getProduct() should catch that before

    res <- lapply(res, function(x){as.numeric(as.character(x[!is.na(x)]))})

    if (!is.null(collection)) 
    { # if collection is provided...return formatted collection or 'FALSE'
	    isOk <- lapply(res,function(x)
		    if (as.numeric(collection) %in% x)
			} else 
	    if (sum(isOk==FALSE)==length(isOk)) 
		    cat("Product(s) not available in collection '",collection,"'. Try 'getCollection('",productN$request,"',newest=FALSE,forceCheck=TRUE)'\n",sep="")
	    } else if (sum(isOk==FALSE)>0 & sum(isOk==FALSE)<length(isOk))
		    cat("Not all the products in your input are available in collection '", collection,"'. Try 'getCollection('", productN$request, "', newest=FALSE, forceCheck=TRUE)'\n", sep="")

	    res <- isOk[isOk!=FALSE]

    } else if (newest) 
	    if(!quiet) {cat("No Collection specified getting the newest for",productN$PRODUCT,"\n",sep=" ")}

	    res <- lapply(res,function(x)
	    { #select the newest
		    s <- nchar(c)-1
		    if (s==0) 
		    } else 

    if (as=="character") 
	    res <- lapply(res,function(x){sprintf("%03d",x)})	

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MODIS documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:09 p.m.