
Defines functions diagOtri diagOdiag ..diag.x .diag.x .diag2T.smart .diag2tT.smart Ops.spV.M Ops.M.spV Ops.spV.spV A.n.M A.M.n .Ops.recycle.ind .Arith.atom.CM .Arith.CM.atom .Arith.Csparse Logic.lTMat m.Logic.lCMat Logic.lCMat .do.Logic.lsparse Ops.x.x.via.d Logic.Mat.atomic .ll .Ops2dge.via.x .Arith.atom.denseM .Arith.denseM.atom A.n.M A.M.n Ops.x.x Cmp.Mat.atomic .Ops.via.x .Ops.checkDimNames .Ops.checkDim

## METHODS FOR GENERIC: Ops = {Arith, Compare, Logic} (group)
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

## > getGroupMembers("Ops")
## [1] "Arith"   "Compare" "Logic"
## > getGroupMembers("Arith")
## [1] "+"   "-"   "*"   "^"   "%%"  "%/%" "/"
## > getGroupMembers("Compare")
## [1] "==" ">"  "<"  "!=" "<=" ">="
## > getGroupMembers("Logic") # excluding unary "!" -> ./not.R
## [1] "&" "|"

if(FALSE) {
## vvvv MJ: for _after_ 1.6-2, ditto ./(Arith|Compare|Logic).R
.Ops.invalid <- function(x) {
        gettextf("invalid class \"%s\" in '%s' method", class(x)[1L], "Ops")
    else gettextf("invalid type \"%s\" in '%s' method", typeof(x), "Ops")

for(.cl in c("Matrix", "sparseVector")) {
setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = .cl, e2 = "ANY"),
          function(e1, e2)
              if(any(typeof(e2) == c("logical", "integer", "double"))) {
                      callGeneric(e1, unclass(e2))
                  else callGeneric(e2, as.vector(e2))
              } else stop(.Ops.invalid(e2), domain = NA))

setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "ANY", e2 = .cl),
          function(e1, e2)
              if(any(typeof(e1) == c("logical", "integer", "double"))) {
                      callGeneric(unclass(e1), e2)
                  else callGeneric(as.vector(e1), e2)
              } else stop(.Ops.invalid(e1), domain = NA))

setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = .cl, e2 = "NULL"),
          function(e1, e2) callGeneric(e1, logical(0L)))

setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "NULL", e2 = .cl),
          function(e1, e2) callGeneric(logical(0L), e2))

## MJ: OK, but I'd prefer to handle all "matrix" as ".geMatrix"
setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = .cl, e2 = "matrix"),
          function(e1, e2)
              if(any(typeof(e2) == c("logical", "integer", "double")))
                  callGeneric(e1, Matrix(e2))
              else stop(.Ops.invalid(e2), domain = NA))

## MJ: OK, but I'd prefer to handle all "matrix" as ".geMatrix"
setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "matrix", e2 = .cl),
          function(e1, e2)
              if(any(typeof(e1) == c("logical", "integer", "double")))
                  callGeneric(Matrix(e1), e2)
              else stop(.Ops.invalid(e1), domain = NA))
## ^^^^ MJ: for _after_ 1.6-2, ditto ./(Arith|Compare|Logic).R

.Ops.checkDim <- function(d.a, d.b) {
    if(any(d.a != d.b))
        stop(gettextf("non-conformable matrix dimensions in %s",
             call. = FALSE, domain = NA)

.Ops.checkDimNames <- function(dn.a, dn.b, useFirst = TRUE, check = FALSE) {
    ## behave as described in ?Arithmetic
    nullDN <- list(NULL, NULL)
    h.a <- !identical(nullDN, dn.a)
    h.b <- !identical(nullDN, dn.b)
    if(h.a || h.b) {
        if(useFirst) {
            if(!h.a) dn.b else dn.a
        } else {
            if (!h.b) dn.a
            else if(!h.a) dn.b
            else { ## both have non-trivial dimnames
                r <- dn.a # "default" result
                for(j in 1:2)
                    if(!is.null(dn <- dn.b[[j]])) {
                            r[[j]] <- dn
                        else if(check && !identical(r[[j]], dn))
                            warning(gettextf("dimnames [%d] mismatch in %s", j,
                                    call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
    } else nullDN

## cache them [rather in package 'methods' ??]
.ArithGenerics   <- getGroupMembers("Arith")
if(FALSE) { # unused
.CompareGenerics <- getGroupMembers("Compare")
.LogicGenerics   <- getGroupMembers("Logic")

### Design decision for *sparseMatrix*:
### work via Csparse  since Tsparse are not-unique (<-> slots not compatible)

### --  0 -- (not dense *or* sparse) -----------------------------------

##-------- originally from ./Matrix.R --------------------

## Some ``Univariate'' "Arith" (univariate := 2nd argument 'e2' is missing)
setMethod("+", c(e1 = "Matrix", e2 = "missing"), function(e1,e2) e1)

## "fallback":
setMethod("-", c(e1 = "Matrix", e2 = "missing"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              warning("inefficient method used for \"- e1\"")
              0 - e1
setMethod("-", c(e1 = "denseMatrix", e2 = "missing"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              e1@x <- -e1@x
              if(.hasSlot(e1, "factors") && length(e1@factors))
                  e1@factors <- list()

setMethod("-", c(e1 = "diagonalMatrix", e2 = "missing"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              kind <- .M.kind(e1)
              r <- new(if(kind == "z") "zdiMatrix" else "ddiMatrix")
              r@Dim <- d <- e1@Dim
              r@Dimnames <- e1@Dimnames
              r@x <-
                  if(e1@diag != "N")
                      rep.int(if(kind == "z") -1+0i else -1, d[1L])
                  else -(if(kind == "n") e1@x | is.na(e1@x) else e1@x)

## old-style matrices are made into new ones
setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "Matrix", e2 = "matrix"),
          function(e1, e2) callGeneric(e1, Matrix(e2)))

setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "matrix", e2 = "Matrix"),
          function(e1, e2) callGeneric(Matrix(e1), e2))
## Note: things like  callGeneric(Matrix(e1, sparse=is(e2,"sparseMatrix")), e2))
##   may *not* be better: e.g. Matrix(.) can give *diagonal* instead of sparse

##  NULL  should be treated as logical(0) {which often will be coerced to numeric(0)}:
setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "Matrix", e2 = "NULL"),
          function(e1, e2) callGeneric(e1, logical()))
setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "NULL", e2 = "Matrix"),
          function(e1, e2) callGeneric(logical(), e2))

setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "Matrix", e2 = "ANY"),
          function(e1, e2)
              if(is.object(e2) && is.matrix(e2))
                  callGeneric(e1, unclass(e2)) # e.g., for "table"
              else .bail.out.2(.Generic, class(e1), class(e2)))
setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "ANY", e2 = "Matrix"),
          function(e1, e2)
              if(is.object(e1) && is.matrix(e1))
                  callGeneric(unclass(e1), e2) # e.g., for "table"
              else .bail.out.2(.Generic, class(e1), class(e2)))

## "General principle"
##  - - - - - - - - -
## For "Arith" it is sufficient (though not optimal, once we have "iMatrix"!)
## to define "dMatrix" methods and coerce all other "[nli]Matrix" to "dMatrix"
setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = "Matrix", e2 = "Matrix"),
          function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "dMatrix"), as(e2, "dMatrix")))

## For "Compare", this would be feasible too, but is clearly suboptimal,
## particularly for "==" and "!="
## and for "lMatrix" and "nMatrix"  should not coerce at all
setMethod("Compare", c(e1 = "Matrix", e2 = "Matrix"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              if(is.na(match(.Generic, c("==", "!="))))
                  callGeneric(as(e1, "dMatrix"), as(e2, "dMatrix"))
              else { ## no coercion needed for "==" or "!="
                  ## what now ?  <<<<<<<<<<< FIXME >>>>>>>>>
                  .bail.out.2(.Generic, class(e1), class(e2))

## Working entirely on "matching" x slot:
## can be done for matching-dim "*geMatrix", and also
## matching-{dim + uplo} for *packed* (only!) symmetric+triangular
.Ops.via.x <- function(e1, e2) {
    .Ops.checkDim(dim(e1), dim(e2))
    e1@x <- callGeneric(e1@x, e2@x)
    if(.hasSlot(e1, "factors") && length(e1@factors))
        e1@factors <- list()

###-------- originally from ./dMatrix.R --------------------
## Note that there extra methods for <sparse> o <sparse> !
## "Compare" -> returning  logical Matrices;  .Cmp.swap() is in ./Auxiliaries.R
setMethod("Compare", c(e1 = "numeric", e2 = "dMatrix"), .Cmp.swap)
setMethod("Compare", c(e1 = "logical", e2 = "dMatrix"), .Cmp.swap)
setMethod("Compare", c(e1 = "numeric", e2 = "lMatrix"), .Cmp.swap)
setMethod("Compare", c(e1 = "logical", e2 = "lMatrix"), .Cmp.swap)
setMethod("Compare", c(e1 = "numeric", e2 = "nMatrix"), .Cmp.swap)
setMethod("Compare", c(e1 = "logical", e2 = "nMatrix"), .Cmp.swap)

## This is parallel to Logic.Mat.atomic() below --->  __keep parallel__ !
Cmp.Mat.atomic <- function(e1, e2) { ## result will inherit from "lMatrix"
    n1 <- prod(d <- e1@Dim)
    cl <- class(e1)
    if((l2 <- length(e2)) == 0)
        return(if(n1 == 0) as(e1, "lMatrix") else as.logical(e2))
    ## else
    if(n1 && n1 < l2)
        stop(sprintf("dim [product %d] do not match the length of object [%d]",
                     n1, l2))
    cl1 <- getClassDef(cl)
    slots1 <- names(cl1@slots)
    has.x <- any("x" == slots1)# *fast* check for "x" slot presence
    if(l2 > 1 && has.x)
        return(if(n1 == 0) {
                   sNms <- .slotNames(e1)
                   r <- copyClass(e1, class2(cl,"l"),
                                  sNames = sNms[sNms != "x"], check = FALSE)
                   r@x <- callGeneric(e1@x, e2)
               } else # cannot simply compare e2, e1@x -> use another method
                   callGeneric(e1, Matrix(e2, nrow=d[1], ncol=d[2]))
    ## else
    Udg <- extends(cl1, "triangularMatrix") && e1@diag == "U"
    r0 <- callGeneric(0, e2)
    r <- callGeneric(if(has.x) e1@x else TRUE, e2)
    ## Udg: append the diagonal at *end*, as diagU2N():
    r. <- if(Udg) c(r, callGeneric(..diag.x(e1), e2)) else r
    ## trivial case first (beware of NA)
    if(isTRUE(all(r0) && all(r.))) {
        r <- new(if(d[1] == d[2]) "lsyMatrix" else "lgeMatrix")
        r@Dim <- d
        r@Dimnames <- e1@Dimnames
        r@x <- rep.int(TRUE, n1)
    } else if(extends(cl1, "denseMatrix")) {
        full <- !.isPacked(e1) # << both "dtr" and "dsy" are 'full'
        if(full || allFalse(r0) || extends(cl1, "symmetricMatrix")) {
            isTri <- extends(cl1, "triangularMatrix")
            ## FIXME? using copyClass() to copy "relevant" slots
            r <- new(class2(cl, "l"), x = r, Dim = d, Dimnames = e1@Dimnames)
            if(extends(cl1, "symmetricMatrix")) {
                r@uplo <- e1@uplo
            } else if(isTri) {
                r@uplo <- e1@uplo
                r@diag <- e1@diag
        } else {
            ## packed matrix with structural 0 and r0 is not all FALSE:
            ##--> result cannot be packed anymore
            ## [dense & packed & not symmetric ] ==> must be "dtp*" :
            if(!extends(cl1, "dtpMatrix"))
                stop("internal bug in \"Compare\" method (Cmp.Mat.atomic); please report")
            rx <- rep_len(r0, n1)
            rx[indTri(d[1], upper = (e1@uplo == "U"), diag=TRUE)] <- r.
            r <- new("lgeMatrix", x = rx, Dim = d, Dimnames = e1@Dimnames)
    } else {
        ##---- e1 is(. , sparseMatrix) -----------------
        ## FIXME: remove this test eventually
        if(extends(cl1, "diagonalMatrix")) stop("Cmp.Mat.atomic() should not be called for diagonalMatrix")
        remainSparse <- allFalse(r0) ## <==> things remain sparse
        if(Udg) {          # e1 *is* unit-diagonal (triangular sparse)
            r1 <- callGeneric(1, e2)
            Udg <- all(r1)       # maybe Unit-diagonal (sparse) result
            ## if(!remainSparse) we'll use non0ind() which *has* unit-diag. indices at end
            if(Udg && remainSparse) {
            } else { ## result will not be unit-diagonal sparse
                e1 <- .diagU2N(e1, cl = cl1) # otherwise, result is U-diag
                ## FIXME? rather
                ## if(extends1of(cl1, c("CsparseMatrix", "RsparseMatrix","TsparseMatrix")) {
                if(extends(cl1, "CsparseMatrix")) {
                    ## repeat computation if e1 has changed
                    r. <- callGeneric(if(has.x) e1@x else TRUE, e2)

        if(remainSparse) {
            if(!anyNA(r) && ((Ar <- all(r)) || !any(r))) {
                lClass <- class2(cl, "l") # is "lsparse*"
                r <- new(lClass)
                r@Dim <- d
                r@Dimnames <- e1@Dimnames
                if(Ar) {       # 'TRUE' instead of 'x': same sparsity:
                    for(n in intersect(c("i","j","p","uplo","diag"), slots1))
                        slot(r, n) <- slot(e1, n)
                    n <- if(has.x)
                         else if(any("p" == slots1))
                         else length(e1@i)
                    r@x <- rep.int(TRUE, n)
                } else {
                    ## !any(r): all FALSE: keep empty 'r' matrix
                    ## but may need a valid 'pointer' slot:
                    if(extends(lClass, "CsparseMatrix"))
                        r@p <- rep.int(0L, 1+ncol(r))
                    else if(extends(lClass, "RsparseMatrix"))
                        r@p <- rep.int(0L, 1+nrow(r))
            } else {  # some TRUE, FALSE, NA : go via unique 'Tsparse'
                M <- asUniqueT(e1)
                nCl <- class2(class(M), 'l') # logical Tsparse
                sN <- slotNames(nCl)
                ## copy "the other slots" (important for "tr"/"sym"):
                r <- copyClass(M, nCl, sNames = sN[is.na(match(sN, "x"))])
                r@x <- callGeneric(if(has.x) M@x else 1, e2)
                if(extends(cl1, "CsparseMatrix"))
                    r <- .M2C(r)
                else if(extends(cl1, "RsparseMatrix"))
                    r <- .M2R(r)
        } else {
            ## non sparse result; triangularity also gone, typically
            lClass <- if(extends(cl1, "symmetricMatrix"))
                      else "lgeMatrix"
            Matrix.message(sprintf("sparse to dense (%s) coercion in '%s' -> %s",
                               lClass, .Generic, "Cmp.Mat.atomic"),
                       .M.level = 2)
            rx <- rep_len(r0, n1)
            ## Here, we assume that 'r.' and the indices align (!)
            encI <- .Call(m_encodeInd,
                          non0ind(e1, cl1, uniqT=FALSE, xtendSymm=FALSE),
                          di = d, orig1=FALSE, checkBounds=FALSE)
            rx[1L + encI] <- r.
            r <- new(lClass, x = rx, Dim = d, Dimnames = e1@Dimnames)
setMethod("Compare", c(e1 = "dMatrix", e2 = "numeric"), Cmp.Mat.atomic)
setMethod("Compare", c(e1 = "dMatrix", e2 = "logical"), Cmp.Mat.atomic)
setMethod("Compare", c(e1 = "lMatrix", e2 = "numeric"), Cmp.Mat.atomic)
setMethod("Compare", c(e1 = "lMatrix", e2 = "logical"), Cmp.Mat.atomic)
setMethod("Compare", c(e1 = "nMatrix", e2 = "numeric"), Cmp.Mat.atomic)
setMethod("Compare", c(e1 = "nMatrix", e2 = "logical"), Cmp.Mat.atomic)

## "xMatrix <-> work with 'x' slot {was originally just for "Compare"}:
##  -------  {also used for "Arith"}:
Ops.x.x <- function(e1, e2)
    d <- .Ops.checkDim(dim(e1), dim(e2))
    if((dens1 <- extends(c1 <- class(e1), "denseMatrix")))
        gen1 <- extends(c1, "generalMatrix")
    if((dens2 <- extends(c2 <- class(e2), "denseMatrix")))
        gen2 <- extends(c2, "generalMatrix")
    if(dens1 && dens2) { ## both inherit from ddense*
        geM <- TRUE
        if(!gen1) {
            if(!gen2) { ## consider preserving "triangular" / "symmetric"
                geM <- FALSE
                le <- prod(d)
                isPacked <- function(x) length(x@x) < le
                Mclass <-
                    if(extends(c1, "symmetricMatrix") &&
                       extends(c2, "symmetricMatrix")) {
                        if(e1@uplo != e2@uplo)
                            ## one is upper, one is lower
                            e2 <- t(e2)
                        if((p1 <- isPacked(e1)) | (p2 <- isPacked(e2))) {
                            ## at least one is packed
                            if(p1 != p2) {
                                ## one is not packed --> *do* pack it:
                                    e2 <- pack(e2)
                                    e1 <- pack(e1)
                        } else "syMatrix"
                    } else if(extends(c1, "triangularMatrix") &&
                              extends(c2, "triangularMatrix")) {
                        geM <- e1@uplo != e2@uplo || isN0(callGeneric(0,0))
                        if(!geM) {
                            if(e1@diag == "U")
                                e1 <- ..diagU2N(e1)
                            if(e2@diag == "U")
                                e2 <- ..diagU2N(e2)
                            p1 <- isPacked(e1)
                            p2 <- isPacked(e2)
                            if(p1 || p2) { ## at least one is packed
                                if(p1 != p2) {
                                    ## one is not packed --> *do* pack it:
                                    if(p1) e2 <- pack(e2)
                                    else   e1 <- pack(e1)
                            } else "trMatrix"
                    } else {
                        ## not symmetric, not triangular  ==> "general"
                        geM <- TRUE
                    e2 <- .M2gen(e2)
                e1 <- .M2gen(e1) # was "dgeMatrix"
        } else { ## gen1
                e2 <- .M2gen(e2)
        ## now, in all cases @x should be matching & correct
        ## {only "uplo" part is used}
        r <- callGeneric(e1@x, e2@x)
        if(is.integer(r)) ## as "igeMatrix" does not yet exist!
            r <- as.double(r)
        kr <- .M.kind(r)
            new(paste0(kr, "geMatrix"), x = r, Dim = d, Dimnames = e1@Dimnames)
            new(paste0(kr, Mclass), x = r, Dim = d, Dimnames = e1@Dimnames,
                uplo = e1@uplo)
    } else {
        r <- if(!dens1 && !dens2)
                 ## both e1 _and_ e2 are sparse.
                 ## Now (new method dispatch, 2009-01) *does* happen
                 ## even though we have <sparse> o <sparse> methods
                 callGeneric(as(e1, "CsparseMatrix"), as(e2, "CsparseMatrix"))
             else if(dens1 && !dens2)
                 ## go to dense
                 callGeneric(e1, as(e2, "denseMatrix"))
                 ## if(!dens1 && dens2)
                 callGeneric(as(e1, "denseMatrix"), e2)
        if(!is(r, "sparseMatrix") && sparseDefault(r))
            as(r, "sparseMatrix")
        else r

setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "dMatrix", e2 = "dMatrix"), Ops.x.x)
setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "lMatrix", e2 = "lMatrix"), Ops.x.x)
## n*: for "Arith" go via dMatrix, for "Logic" via "lMatrix"
setMethod("Compare", c(e1 = "nMatrix", e2 = "nMatrix"), Ops.x.x)

## l o d : depends on *kind* of Ops -- but Ops.x.x works on slots - correctly:
setMethod("Ops", c(e1="lMatrix", e2="dMatrix"), Ops.x.x)
setMethod("Ops", c(e1="dMatrix", e2="lMatrix"), Ops.x.x)

## lMatrix & nMatrix ... probably should also just use "Matrix" ?
## Hmm, the coercion should differ, depending on subgroup ("Logic", "Arith",..)
## --> try to get rid of these
setMethod("Ops", c(e1="lMatrix", e2="numeric"),
          function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1,"dMatrix"), e2))
setMethod("Ops", c(e1="numeric", e2="lMatrix"),
          function(e1, e2) callGeneric(e1, as(e2,"dMatrix")))
setMethod("Ops", c(e1="nMatrix", e2="numeric"),
          function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1,"dMatrix"), e2))
setMethod("Ops", c(e1="numeric", e2="nMatrix"),
          function(e1, e2) callGeneric(e1, as(e2,"dMatrix")))
## setMethod("Ops", c(e1="Matrix", e2="logical"),
##           function(e1,e2) callGeneric(as(e1,"lMatrix"), e2))
## setMethod("Ops", c(e1="logical", e2="Matrix"),
##           function(e1,e2) callGeneric(e1, as(e2,"lMatrix")))

## "dpoMatrix" / "dppMatrix" :
## Positive-definiteness is lost with all "Ops" but some "Arith" cases
for(cl in c("numeric", "logical")) { # "complex", "raw" : basically "replValue"

setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = cl, e2 = "dpoMatrix"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              if(!(l1 <- length(e1)))
              else if(l1 == 1 && any(.Generic == c("*","/","+")) && (e1 > 0)) {
                  e2@x <- callGeneric(e1, e2@x)
                      e2@factors <- list()
                  e2 # remains "dpo"
              } else
                  callGeneric(e1, as(e2, "dsyMatrix"))
setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = cl, e2 = "dppMatrix"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              if(!(l1 <- length(e1)))
              else if(l1 == 1 && any(.Generic == c("*","/","+")) && (e1 > 0)) {
                  e2@x <- callGeneric(e1, e2@x)
                      e2@factors <- list()
                  e2 # remains "dpp"
              } else
                  callGeneric(e1, as(e2, "dspMatrix"))
setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = "dpoMatrix", e2 = cl),
          function(e1, e2) {
              if(!(l2 <- length(e2)))
              else if(l2 == 1 && any(.Generic == c("*","/","+")) && (e2 > 0)) {
                  e1@x <- callGeneric(e1@x, e2)
                      e1@factors <- list()
                  e1 # remains "dpo"
              } else
                  callGeneric(as(e1, "dsyMatrix"), e2)
setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = "dppMatrix", e2 = cl),
          function(e1, e2) {
              if(!(l2 <- length(e2)))
              else if(l2 == 1 && any(.Generic == c("*","/","+")) && (e2 > 0)) {
                  e1@x <- callGeneric(e1@x, e2)
                      e1@factors <- list()
                  e1 # remains "dpp"
              } else
                  callGeneric(as(e1, "dspMatrix"), e2)

setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = cl, e2 = "dpoMatrix"),
          function(e1, e2) callGeneric(e1, as(e2, "dsyMatrix")))
setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = cl, e2 = "dppMatrix"),
          function(e1, e2) callGeneric(e1, as(e2, "dspMatrix")))
setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "dpoMatrix", e2 = cl),
          function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "dsyMatrix"), e2))
setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "dppMatrix", e2 = cl),
          function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "dspMatrix"), e2))
}# for(cl...)

### --  I -- dense -----------------------------------------------------------

##-------- originally from ./dgeMatrix.R --------------------

## ----- only work with NAMESPACE importFrom(methods, ..)

setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = "dgeMatrix", e2 = "dgeMatrix"),
          ##  "+", "-", "*", "^", "%%", "%/%", "/"
          function(e1, e2) {
              ## NB:  triangular, symmetric, etc may need own method
              d1 <- e1@Dim
              d2 <- e2@Dim
              eqD <- d1 == d2
                  stop("Matrices must have same number of rows for arithmetic")
              same.dim <- eqD[2]
              x1 <- e1@x
              x2 <- e2@x
              if(same.dim) {
                  d <- d1
                  dn <- .Ops.checkDimNames(dimnames(e1), dimnames(e2))
              } else { # nrows differ ----> maybe recycling
                  if(d2[2] %% d1[2] == 0) { # nrow(e2) is a multiple
                      x1 <- rep.int(x1, d2[2] %/% d1[2])
                      d <- d2
                      dn <- e2@Dimnames
                  } else if(d1[2] %% d2[2] == 0) { # nrow(e1) is a multiple
                      x2 <- rep.int(x2, d1[2] %/% d2[2])
                      d <- d1
                      dn <- e1@Dimnames
                  } else
                      stop(gettextf("number of rows are not compatible for %s",
                                    .Generic), domain = NA)
              new("dgeMatrix", Dim = d, Dimnames = dn, x = callGeneric(x1, x2))

A.M.n <- function(e1, e2) {
    d <- e1@Dim
    le <- length(e2)
    if(le == 0) {
        if(prod(d) == 0)
            new(class2(class(e1), "d"), Dim = d, Dimnames = e1@Dimnames)
    } else if(le == 1 || le == d[1] || any(prod(d) == c(le, 0L))) {
        ## matching dim
        e1@x <- callGeneric(e1@x, as.vector(e2))
            e1@factors <- list()
    } else
        stop("length of 2nd arg does not match dimension of first")
setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = "dgeMatrix", e2 = "numeric"), A.M.n)
setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = "dgeMatrix", e2 = "logical"), A.M.n)
setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = "dgeMatrix", e2 = "sparseVector"), A.M.n)

A.n.M <- function(e1, e2) {
    d <- e2@Dim
    le <- length(e1)
    if(le == 0) {
        if(prod(d) == 0)
            new(class2(class(e2), "d"), Dim = d, Dimnames = e2@Dimnames)
    } else if(le == 1 || le == d[1] || any(prod(d) == c(le, 0L))) {
        ## matching dim
        e2@x <- callGeneric(as.vector(e1), e2@x)
            e2@factors <- list()
    } else
        stop("length of 1st arg does not match dimension of 2nd")
setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = "numeric", e2 = "dgeMatrix"), A.n.M)
setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = "logical", e2 = "dgeMatrix"), A.n.M)
setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = "sparseVector", e2 = "dgeMatrix"), A.n.M)
rm(A.M.n, A.n.M)

##-------- originally from ./ddenseMatrix.R --------------------

## Cheap version: work via "dgeMatrix" and use the group methods there:
if(FALSE)## preserve "symmetric", "triangular", --> rather use Ops.x.x
setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = "ddenseMatrix", e2 = "ddenseMatrix"),
          function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "generalMatrix"),
                                       as(e2, "generalMatrix")))

.Arith.denseM.atom <- function(e1, e2) {
    ## since e1 = "dgeMatrix" has its own method, we have
    ## either symmetric or triangular !
    n1 <- prod(d <- e1@Dim)
    le <- length(e2 <- as.vector(e2))
    if(n1 && n1 < le)
        stop(sprintf("dim [product %d] do not match the length of object [%d]",
                     n1, le))
    if(le == 0) {
        if(prod(d) == 0)
            new(class2(class(e1), "d"), Dim = d, Dimnames = e1@Dimnames)
    } else if(le == 1 || le == d[1] || any(prod(d) == c(le, 0L))) {
        ## matching dim
        if(is(e1, "triangularMatrix")) {
            r0 <- callGeneric(0, e2)
            if(all0(r0)) {              # result remains triangular
                if(e1@diag == "U" && !all(1 == callGeneric(1,e2)))
                    e1 <- diagU2N(e1)
                e1@x <- callGeneric(e1@x, e2)
            } else { ## result *general*
                callGeneric(.M2gen(e1), e2)
        } else {                    ## symmetric
            if(le == 1) {           ## result remains symmetric
                e1@x <- callGeneric(e1@x, e2)
                    e1@factors <- list()
            } else { ## (le == d[1] || prod(d) == le)
                ## *might* remain symmetric, but 'x' may contain garbage
                ## *testing* for symmetry is also a bit expensive ==> simple:
                callGeneric(.M2gen(e1), e2)
    } else
        stop("length of 2nd arg does not match dimension of first")
setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = "ddenseMatrix", e2 = "numeric"),
setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = "ddenseMatrix", e2 = "logical"),
setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = "ddenseMatrix", e2 = "sparseVector"),

.Arith.atom.denseM <- function(e1, e2) {
    d <- e2@Dim
    ## note that e2 is either symmetric or triangular here
    le <- length(e1 <- as.vector(e1))
    if(le == 0) {
        if(prod(d) == 0)
            new(class2(class(e2), "d"), Dim = d, Dimnames = e2@Dimnames)
    } else if(le == 1 || le == d[1] || any(prod(d) == c(le, 0L))) {
        ## matching dim
        if(is(e2, "triangularMatrix")) {
            r0 <- callGeneric(e1, 0)
            if(all0(r0)) {		# result remains triangular
                if(e2@diag == "U" && !all(1 == callGeneric(e1,1)))
                    e2 <- diagU2N(e2)
                e2@x <- callGeneric(e1, e2@x)
            } else {			# result *general*
                callGeneric(e1, .M2gen(e2))
        } else { ## symmetric
            if(le == 1) {		# result remains symmetric
                e2@x <- callGeneric(e1, e2@x)
                    e2@factors <- list()
            } else { ## (le == d[1] || prod(d) == le)
                ## *might* remain symmetric, but 'x' may contain garbage
                ## *testing* for symmetry is also a bit expensive ==> simple:
                callGeneric(e1, .M2gen(e2))
    } else
        stop("length of 1st arg does not match dimension of 2nd")
setMethod("Arith", c(e1 =      "numeric", e2 = "ddenseMatrix"),
setMethod("Arith", c(e1 =      "logical", e2 = "ddenseMatrix"),
setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = "sparseVector", e2 = "ddenseMatrix"),

## "Logic"
## -------

##-------- originally from ./ldenseMatrix.R --------------------

## These all had "Logic", now also for "Compare",
## but "Arith" differs: result will be "dgeMatrix' :
.Ops2dge.via.x <- function(e1,e2) {
    .Ops.checkDim(dim(e1), dim(e2))
    r <- copyClass(e1, "dgeMatrix", sNames = c("Dim","Dimnames"))
    r@x <- as.numeric(callGeneric(e1@x, e2@x))

setMethod("Compare", c(e1="lgeMatrix", e2="lgeMatrix"), .Ops.via.x)
setMethod("Logic",   c(e1="lgeMatrix", e2="lgeMatrix"), .Ops.via.x)
setMethod("Arith",   c(e1="lgeMatrix", e2="lgeMatrix"), .Ops2dge.via.x)

setMethod("Compare", c(e1="ngeMatrix", e2="ngeMatrix"), .Ops.via.x)
setMethod("Logic",   c(e1="ngeMatrix", e2="ngeMatrix"), .Ops.via.x)
setMethod("Arith",   c(e1="ngeMatrix", e2="ngeMatrix"), .Ops2dge.via.x)

rm(.Ops.via.x, .Ops2dge.via.x)

## nMatrix -> lMatrix  conversions when "the other" is not nMatrix
## Use Ops.x.x unless both are sparse
setMethod("Ops", c(e1="dMatrix", e2="dMatrix"), Ops.x.x)
setMethod("Ops", c(e1="lMatrix", e2="lMatrix"), Ops.x.x)
setMethod("Ops", c(e1="nMatrix", e2="nMatrix"), Ops.x.x)
setMethod("Ops", c(e1="nMatrix", e2="lMatrix"), Ops.x.x)
setMethod("Ops", c(e1="lMatrix", e2="nMatrix"), Ops.x.x)
setMethod("Ops", c(e1="nMatrix", e2="dMatrix"), Ops.x.x)
setMethod("Ops", c(e1="dMatrix", e2="nMatrix"), Ops.x.x)


## ... both are sparse: cannot use Ops.x.x
setMethod("Ops", c(e1="nsparseMatrix", e2="lsparseMatrix"),
          function(e1,e2) callGeneric(.M2kind(e1, "l"), e2))
setMethod("Ops", c(e1="lsparseMatrix", e2="nsparseMatrix"),
          function(e1,e2) callGeneric(e1, .M2kind(e2, "l")))
setMethod("Ops", c(e1="nsparseMatrix", e2="dsparseMatrix"),
          function(e1,e2) callGeneric(.M2kind(e1, "l"), e2))
setMethod("Ops", c(e1="dsparseMatrix", e2="nsparseMatrix"),
          function(e1,e2) callGeneric(e1, .M2kind(e2, "l")))
## For "Arith"  go to "d*", not "l*": {the above, replaced "l by "d :
setMethod("Arith", c(e1="nsparseMatrix", e2="lsparseMatrix"),
          function(e1,e2) callGeneric(.M2kind(e1, "d"), e2))
setMethod("Arith", c(e1="lsparseMatrix", e2="nsparseMatrix"),
          function(e1,e2) callGeneric(e1, .M2kind(e2, "d")))
setMethod("Arith", c(e1="nsparseMatrix", e2="dsparseMatrix"),
          function(e1,e2) callGeneric(.M2kind(e1, "d"), e2))
setMethod("Arith", c(e1="dsparseMatrix", e2="nsparseMatrix"),
          function(e1,e2) callGeneric(e1, .M2kind(e2, "d")))
if(FALSE) { ##-- not yet ---------
## New: for both "nsparseMatrix", *preserve* nsparse* -- via Tsp -- "nTsparseMatrix"
setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "nsparseMatrix", e2 = "nsparseMatrix"),
          function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "TsparseMatrix"),
                                       as(e2, "TsparseMatrix")))

Ops.nT.nT <- function(e1,e2) {
    d <- .Ops.checkDim(dim(e1), dim(e2))
    ## e1, e2 are nTsparse, i.e., inheriting from  "ngTMatrix", "ntTMatrix", "nsTMatrix"
    gen1 <- extends(cD1 <- getClassDef(class(e1)), "generalMatrix")
    gen2 <- extends(cD2 <- getClassDef(class(e2)), "generalMatrix")
    sym1 <- !gen1 && extends(cD1, "symmetricMatrix")
    sym2 <- !gen2 && extends(cD2, "symmetricMatrix")
    tri1 <- !gen1 && !sym1
    tri2 <- !gen2 && !sym2
    G <- gen1 && gen2
    S <- sym1 && sym2 && e1@uplo == e2@uplo
    T <- tri1 && tri2 && e1@uplo == e2@uplo


setMethod("Ops", c(e1="nTsparseMatrix", e2="nTsparseMatrix"), Ops.nT.nT)
}##--- not yet -------------

## Have this for "Ops" already above
## setMethod("Logic", c(e1 = "logical", e2 = "Matrix"),
##           function(e1, e2) callGeneric(e1, as(e2, "lMatrix")))
## setMethod("Logic", c(e1 = "Matrix", e2 = "logical"),
##           function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "lMatrix"), e2))

.ll <- function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1,"lMatrix"), as(e2, "lMatrix"))
setMethod("Logic", c(e1 = "nMatrix", e2 =  "Matrix"), .ll)
setMethod("Logic", c(e1 =  "Matrix", e2 = "nMatrix"), .ll)
setMethod("Logic", c(e1 = "nMatrix", e2 = "nMatrix"), .ll)

### "ANY" here means "any non-Matrix" (since "Ops"(ANY) has already bailout above):
setMethod("Logic", c(e1 = "ANY", e2 = "Matrix"),
          function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as.logical(e1), as(e2, "lMatrix")))
setMethod("Logic", c(e1 = "Matrix", e2 = "ANY"),
          function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "lMatrix"), as.logical(e2)))

## "swap RHS and LHS" and use the method below -- can do this, since
## 	"Logic" := { "&" , "|" } and both are commutative
for(Mcl in c("lMatrix","nMatrix","dMatrix"))
    for(cl in c("logical", "numeric", "sparseVector"))
    setMethod("Logic", c(e1 = cl, e2 = Mcl),
              function(e1,e2) callGeneric(e2, e1))
## conceivably "numeric" could use  callGeneric(e2, as.logical(e1))
## but that's not useful at the moment, since Logic.Mat.atomic() does as.logical()

## This is parallel to Cmp.Mat.atomic() above --->  __keep parallel__ !
Logic.Mat.atomic <- function(e1, e2) { ## result will typically be "like" e1:
    l2 <- length(e2 <- as.logical(e2))
    n1 <- prod(d <- e1@Dim)
    if(n1 && n1 < l2)
        stop(sprintf("dim [product %d] do not match the length of object [%d]",
                     n1, l2))
    if(.Generic == "&" && l2 && allTrue (e2)) return(as(e1, "lMatrix"))
    if(.Generic == "|" && l2 && allFalse(e2)) return(as(e1, "lMatrix"))
    cl <- class(e1)
    if(l2 == 0)
        return(if(n1 == 0) as(e1, "lMatrix") else as.logical(e2))
    ## else
    cl1 <- getClassDef(cl)
    slots1 <- names(cl1@slots)
    has.x <- any("x" == slots1)# *fast* check for "x" slot presence
    if(l2 > 1 && has.x)
        return(if(n1 == 0) {
                   sNms <- .slotNames(e1)
                   r <- copyClass(e1, class2(cl, "l"),
                                  sNames = sNms[sNms != "x"], check = FALSE)
                   r@x <- callGeneric(e1@x, e2)
               } else # cannot simply compare e2, e1@x -> use another method
                   callGeneric(e1, Matrix(e2, nrow=d[1], ncol=d[2]))
    ## else
    Udg <- extends(cl1, "triangularMatrix") && e1@diag == "U"
    r0 <- callGeneric(0, e2)
    r <- callGeneric(if(has.x) e1@x else TRUE, e2)
    ## Udg: append the diagonal at *end*, as diagU2N():
    r. <- if(Udg) c(r, callGeneric(..diag.x(e1), e2)) else r
    ## trivial case first (beware of NA)
    if(isTRUE(all(r0) && all(r.))) {
        r <- new(if(d[1] == d[2]) "lsyMatrix" else "lgeMatrix")
        r@Dim <- d
        r@Dimnames <- e1@Dimnames
        r@x <- rep.int(TRUE, n1)
    } else if(extends(cl1, "denseMatrix")) {
        full <- !.isPacked(e1)	   # << both "dtr" and "dsy" are 'full'
        if(full || allFalse(r0) || extends(cl1, "symmetricMatrix")) {
            isTri <- extends(cl1, "triangularMatrix")
            ## FIXME? using copyClass() to copy "relevant" slots
            r <- new(class2(cl, "l"), x = r, Dim = d, Dimnames = e1@Dimnames)
            if(extends(cl1, "symmetricMatrix")) {
                r@uplo <- e1@uplo
            } else if(isTri) {
                r@uplo <- e1@uplo
                r@diag <- e1@diag
        } else {
            ## packed matrix with structural 0 and r0 is not all FALSE:
            ##--> result cannot be packed anymore
            ## [dense & packed & not symmetric ] ==> must be "ltp*" :
            if(!extends(cl1, "ltpMatrix"))
                stop("internal bug in \"Logic\" method (Logic.Mat.atomic); please report")
            rx <- rep_len(r0, n1)
            rx[indTri(d[1], upper = (e1@uplo == "U"), diag=TRUE)] <- r.
            r <- new("lgeMatrix", x = rx, Dim = d, Dimnames = e1@Dimnames)
    } else {
        ##---- e1 is(. , sparseMatrix) -----------------
        ## FIXME: remove this test eventually
        if(extends(cl1, "diagonalMatrix"))
            stop("Logic.Mat.atomic() should not be called for diagonalMatrix")
        remainSparse <- allFalse(r0) ## <==> things remain sparse
        if(Udg) {          # e1 *is* unit-diagonal (triangular sparse)
            r1 <- callGeneric(1, e2)
            Udg <- all(r1)       # maybe Unit-diagonal (sparse) result
            ## if(!remainSparse) we'll use non0ind() which *has* unit-diag. indices at end
            if(Udg && remainSparse) {
            } else { ## result will not be unit-diagonal sparse
                e1 <- .diagU2N(e1, cl = cl1) # otherwise, result is U-diag
                ## FIXME? rather
                ## if(extends1of(cl1, c("CsparseMatrix", "RsparseMatrix","TsparseMatrix")) {
                if(extends(cl1, "CsparseMatrix")) {
                    ## repeat computation if e1 has changed
                    r. <- callGeneric(if(has.x) e1@x else TRUE, e2)

        if(remainSparse) {
            if(!anyNA(r) && ((Ar <- all(r)) || !any(r))) {
                lClass <- class2(cl, "l") # is "lsparse*"
                r <- new(lClass)
                r@Dim <- d
                r@Dimnames <- e1@Dimnames
                if(Ar) {       # 'TRUE' instead of 'x': same sparsity:
                    for(n in intersect(c("i","j","p","uplo","diag"), slots1))
                        slot(r, n) <- slot(e1, n)
                    n <- if(has.x)
                         else if(any("p" == slots1))
                         else length(e1@i)
                    r@x <- rep.int(TRUE, n)
                } else {
                    ## !any(r): all FALSE: keep empty 'r' matrix
                    ## but may need a valid 'pointer' slot:
                    if(extends(lClass, "CsparseMatrix"))
                        r@p <- rep.int(0L, 1+ncol(r))
                    else if(extends(lClass, "RsparseMatrix"))
                        r@p <- rep.int(0L, 1+nrow(r))
            } else {  # some TRUE, FALSE, NA : go via unique 'Tsparse'
                M <- asUniqueT(e1)
                nCl <- class2(class(M), 'l') # logical Tsparse
                sN <- slotNames(nCl)
                ## copy "the other slots" (important for "tr"/"sym"):
                r <- copyClass(M, nCl,
                               sNames = sN[is.na(match(sN, c("x","factors")))])
                r@x <- callGeneric(if(has.x) M@x else TRUE, e2)
                if(extends(cl1, "CsparseMatrix"))
                    r <- .M2C(r)
                else if(extends(cl1, "RsparseMatrix"))
                    r <- .M2R(r)
        } else {
            ## non sparse result
            lClass <- if(extends(cl1, "symmetricMatrix"))
                "lsyMatrix" else "lgeMatrix"
            Matrix.message(sprintf("sparse to dense (%s) coercion in '%s' -> %s",
                               lClass, .Generic, "Logic.Mat.atomic"),
                       .M.level = 2)
            rx <- rep_len(r0, n1)

            ## Here, we assume that 'r.' and the indices align (!)
            encI <- .Call(m_encodeInd,
                          non0ind(e1, cl1, uniqT=FALSE, xtendSymm=FALSE),
                          di = d, orig1=FALSE, checkBounds=FALSE)
            rx[1L + encI] <- r.
            r <- new(lClass, x = rx, Dim = d, Dimnames = e1@Dimnames)
for(Mcl in c("lMatrix","nMatrix","dMatrix"))
    for(cl in c("logical", "numeric", "sparseVector"))
        setMethod("Logic", c(e1 = Mcl, e2 = cl), Logic.Mat.atomic)
rm(Logic.Mat.atomic, Mcl, cl)

### -- II -- sparse ----------------------------------------------------------

Ops.x.x.via.d <- function(e1, e2) callGeneric(.M2kind(e1, "d"), .M2kind(e2, "d"))

## Have lgC o lgC  and then lgT o lgT  Logic - quite similarly -
## also lsC o *  and ltC o * :

## Here's the common functionality
.do.Logic.lsparse <- function(e1,e2, d, dn, isOR, ij1, ij2) {

    ## NB non-diagonalMatrix := Union{ general, symmetric, triangular}
    gen1 <- extends(cD1 <- getClassDef(class(e1)), "generalMatrix")
    gen2 <- extends(cD2 <- getClassDef(class(e2)), "generalMatrix")
    sym1 <- !gen1 && extends(cD1, "symmetricMatrix")
    sym2 <- !gen2 && extends(cD2, "symmetricMatrix")
    tri1 <- !gen1 && !sym1
    tri2 <- !gen2 && !sym2
    G <- gen1 && gen2
    S <- sym1 && sym2 && e1@uplo == e2@uplo
    T <- tri1 && tri2 && e1@uplo == e2@uplo
    if(T && e1@diag != e2@diag) {
        ## one is "U" the other "N"
        if(e1@diag == "U")
            e1 <- diagU2N(e1)
        else ## (e2@diag == "U"
            e2 <- diagU2N(e2)
        shape <- "t"
    } else if(!G && !S && !T) {
        ## e.g. one symmetric, one general
        ## coerce to generalMatrix and go :
        if(!gen1) e1 <- .M2gen(e1)
        if(!gen2) e2 <- .M2gen(e2)
        shape <- "g"
    } else {
        shape <- if(T) "t" else if(S) "s" else "g"

    ii <- WhichintersectInd(ij1, ij2, di=d)
    I1 <- ii[[1]] ; has1 <- length(I1) > 0
    I2 <- ii[[2]] ; has2 <- length(I2) > 0

    ## 1) common indices
    i <- ij1[I1, 1]
    j <- ij1[I1, 2]

    if(isOR) { ## i.e. .Generic == "|" i.e. not "&"
        x <- e1@x[I1] | e2@x[I2]

        ## 2) "e1 o  FALSE":
        x2 <- if(has1) e1@x[- I1] else e1@x # == callGeneric(e1@x[- I1], FALSE)
        ## 3) "0  o e1":
        x3 <- if(has2) e2@x[- I2] else e2@x # == callGeneric(FALSE, e2@x[- I2])
        i <- c(i,
               if(has1) ij1[-I1, 1] else ij1[, 1],
               if(has2) ij2[-I2, 1] else ij2[, 1])
        j <- c(j,
               if(has1) ij1[-I1, 2] else ij1[, 2],
               if(has2) ij2[-I2, 2] else ij2[, 2])
        x <- c(x, x2, x3)
    } else { ## AND
        x <- e1@x[I1] & e2@x[I2]

    if(any(!(x. <- x | is.na(x)))) { ## drop 'FALSE's
        i <- i[x.]
        j <- j[x.]
        x <- x[x.]
    if(shape == "g")
        new("lgTMatrix", Dim = d, Dimnames = dn, i = i, j = j, x = x)
        new(paste0("l",shape,"TMatrix"), Dim = d, Dimnames = dn,
            i = i, j = j, x = x, uplo = e1@uplo)

Logic.lCMat <- function(e1, e2, isOR) {
    d <- .Ops.checkDim(dim(e1), dim(e2))
    dn <- .Ops.checkDimNames(dimnames(e1), dimnames(e2))
    ## Very easy case first :
    if(identical(e1@i, e2@i) && identical(e1@p, e2@p)) {
        e1@x <- if(isOR) e1@x | e2@x else e1@x & e2@x
        if(.hasSlot(e1, "factors") && length(e1@factors))
            e1@factors <- list()
    ## else :

    .M2C(.do.Logic.lsparse(e1, e2, d = d, dn = dn, isOR = isOR,
                           ij1 = .Call(compressed_non_0_ij, e1, TRUE),
                           ij2 = .Call(compressed_non_0_ij, e2, TRUE)))

m.Logic.lCMat <- function(e1, e2) Logic.lCMat(e1, e2, isOR = .Generic == "|")

Logic.lTMat <- function(e1,e2) {
    d <- .Ops.checkDim(dim(e1), dim(e2))
    dn <- .Ops.checkDimNames(dimnames(e1), dimnames(e2))
    ## Very easy case first :
    if(identical(e1@i, e2@i) && identical(e1@j, e2@j)) {
        e1@x <- callGeneric(e1@x, e2@x)
        if(.hasSlot(e1, "factors") && length(e1@factors))
            e1@factors <- list()
    ## else :
    cld <- getClassDef(class(e1))
    .do.Logic.lsparse(e1, e2, d = d, dn = dn,
                      isOR = .Generic == "|",
                      ij1 = non0ind(e1, cld),
                      ij2 = non0ind(e2, cld))

setMethod("Logic", c(e1="lgCMatrix", e2="lgCMatrix"), m.Logic.lCMat)

setMethod("Logic", c(e1="lgTMatrix", e2="lgTMatrix"), Logic.lTMat)

rm(m.Logic.lCMat, Logic.lTMat)

setMethod("Logic", c(e1 = "lsCMatrix", e2 = "lsCMatrix"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              if(e1@uplo == e2@uplo)
                  Logic.lCMat(e1, e2, isOR = .Generic == "|")
              else Logic.lCMat(e1, t(e2), isOR = .Generic == "|")

setMethod("Logic", c(e1 = "ltCMatrix", e2 = "ltCMatrix"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              isOR <- .Generic == "|"
              if(e1@uplo == e2@uplo) {
                  if(e1@diag == e2@diag) ## both "N" or both "U" (!)
                      Logic.lCMat(e1, e2, isOR=isOR)
                  else if(e1@diag == "U")
                      Logic.lCMat(diagU2N(e1), e2, isOR=isOR)
                  else ## e1@diag == "N"  *and*	 e2@diag == "U"
                      Logic.lCMat(e1, diagU2N(e2), isOR=isOR)
              } else {
                  ## differing triangle (upper *and* lower):
                  if(isOR) # both triangles => "general"
                      Logic.lCMat(.M2gen(e1), .M2gen(e2), isOR=TRUE)
                  else { ## have '&': all FALSE apart from diagonal
                      d <- .Ops.checkDim(dim(e1), dim(e2))
                      .diag2sparse(new("ldiMatrix", Dim = d,
                                       x = get(.Generic)(diag(e1), diag(e2))),
                                   kind = ".", shape = "t", repr = "C",
                                   uplo = e1@uplo)

## Now the other "Ops" for the "lgT" and "lgC" cases:
setMethod("Arith", c(e1="lgCMatrix", e2="lgCMatrix"), Ops.x.x.via.d)
setMethod("Arith", c(e1="lgTMatrix", e2="lgTMatrix"), Ops.x.x.via.d)

## More generally:  Arith: l* and n*  via  d*
setMethod("Arith", c(e1="lsparseMatrix", e2="Matrix"),
          function(e1, e2) callGeneric(.M2kind(e1, "d"), as(e2,"dMatrix")))
setMethod("Arith", c(e1="Matrix", e2="lsparseMatrix"),
          function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1,"dMatrix"), .M2kind(e2, "d")))
setMethod("Arith", c(e1="nsparseMatrix", e2="Matrix"),
          function(e1, e2) callGeneric(.M2kind(e1, "d"), as(e2,"dMatrix")))
setMethod("Arith", c(e1="Matrix", e2="nsparseMatrix"),
          function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1,"dMatrix"), .M2kind(e2, "d")))
for(cl in c("numeric", "logical")) # "complex", "raw" : basically "replValue"
  for(Mcl in c("lMatrix", "nMatrix")) {
      setMethod("Arith", c(e1=Mcl, e2=cl),
                function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "dMatrix"), e2))
      setMethod("Arith", c(e1=cl, e2=Mcl),
                function(e1, e2) callGeneric(e1, as(e2,"dMatrix")))
rm(cl, Mcl)

## FIXME: These are really too cheap: currently almost all go via dgC*() :
## setMethod("Compare", c(e1="lgCMatrix", e2="lgCMatrix"),
## setMethod("Compare", c(e1="lgTMatrix", e2="lgTMatrix"),
## setMethod("Compare", c(e1="lsparseMatrix", e2="lsparseMatrix"),
##           function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "dgCMatrix"),
##                                        as(e2, "dgCMatrix")))
##. Have "Ops" below which only goes *conditionally* via Csparse
##.setMethod("Compare", c(e1="lsparseMatrix", e2="lsparseMatrix"),
##.          function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "CsparseMatrix"),
##.                                       as(e2, "CsparseMatrix")))
## setMethod("Compare", c(e1="lgTMatrix", e2="lgTMatrix"),
##           function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "dgCMatrix"),
##                                        as(e2, "dgCMatrix")))

###--- Sparse ... ----------

setMethod("Ops", c(e1="lsparseMatrix", e2="lsparseMatrix"),
          function(e1,e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "CsparseMatrix"),
                                      as(e2, "CsparseMatrix")))

setMethod("Logic", c(e1="lsparseMatrix", e2="ldenseMatrix"),
          function(e1,e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "generalMatrix"),
                                      as(e2, "sparseMatrix")))

setMethod("Logic", c(e1="ldenseMatrix", e2="lsparseMatrix"),
          function(e1,e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "sparseMatrix"),
                                      as(e2, "generalMatrix")))

setMethod("Logic", c(e1="lsparseMatrix", e2="lsparseMatrix"),
          function(e1,e2) {
                  callGeneric(as(.M2gen(e1), "CsparseMatrix"), e2)
              else if(!is(e2,"generalMatrix"))
                  callGeneric(e1, as(.M2gen(e2), "CsparseMatrix"))
              else # both are general, i.e. lg[CRT]
                  callGeneric(as(e1, "CsparseMatrix"), as(e2, "CsparseMatrix"))

## FIXME: also want (symmetric o symmetric) , (triangular o triangular)
## -----
setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = "dsCMatrix", e2 = "dsCMatrix"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              Matrix.message("suboptimal 'Arith' implementation of  'dsC*  o  dsC*'")
              forceSymmetric(callGeneric(.M2gen(e1), .M2gen(e2)))

##-------- originally from ./dgCMatrix.R --------------------

.Arith.Csparse <- function(e1, e2, Generic, class.,
                           triangular = FALSE, check.dimnames = TRUE) {
    ## Generic is one of  "+", "-", "*", "^", "%%", "%/%", "/"

    ## triangular:  TRUE  iff e1,e2 are triangular  _and_  e1@uplo == e2@uplo
    d <- .Ops.checkDim(dim(e1), dim(e2))
    dn <- .Ops.checkDimNames(dimnames(e1), dimnames(e2),
                             check = check.dimnames)
    if(triangular) {
        ## need these for the 'x' slots in any case
        e1 <- .Call(R_sparse_diag_U2N, e1)
        e2 <- .Call(R_sparse_diag_U2N, e2)
        ## slightly more efficient than non0.i() or non0ind():
        ij1 <- .Call(compressed_non_0_ij, e1, isC=TRUE)
        ij2 <- .Call(compressed_non_0_ij, e2, isC=TRUE)

        newTMat <- function(i,j,x)
            new("dtTMatrix", Dim = d, Dimnames = dn, i = i, j = j, x = x,
                uplo = e1@uplo)
    } else {
        cld <- getClassDef(class.)
        ij1 <- non0ind(e1, cld)
        ij2 <- non0ind(e2, cld)

        newTMat <- function(i,j,x)
            new("dgTMatrix", Dim = d, Dimnames = dn, i = i, j = j, x = x)

       "+" = , "-" =
           ## care for over-allocated 'x' slot:
           nc1 <- d[2] + 1L
           if((nz <- e1@p[nc1]) < length(e1@x)) e1@x <- e1@x[seq_len(nz)]
           if((nz <- e2@p[nc1]) < length(e2@x)) e2@x <- e2@x[seq_len(nz)]
           ## special "T" convention: repeated entries are *summed*
           .M2C(newTMat(i = c(ij1[,1], ij2[,1]),
                        j = c(ij1[,2], ij2[,2]),
                        x = if(Generic == "+")
                                c(e1@x, e2@x)
                            else c(e1@x, - e2@x)))

       "*" =
           ##  X * 0 == 0 * X == 0 --> keep common non-0
           ii <- WhichintersectInd(ij1, ij2, di=d)
           ij <- ij1[ii[[1]], , drop = FALSE]
           .M2C(newTMat(i = ij[,1],
                        j = ij[,2],
                        x = e1@x[ii[[1]]] * e2@x[ii[[2]]]))

       "^" =
           ii <- WhichintersectInd(ij1, ij2, di=d)
           ## 3 cases:
           ## 1) X^0 := 1  (even for X=0) ==> dense
           ## 2) 0^Y := 0  for Y != 0         =====
           ## 3) x^y :

           ## FIXME:	dgeM[cbind(i,j)] <- V  is not yet possible
           ##       nor dgeM[ i_vect   ] <- V
           ## r <- as(e2, "dgeMatrix")
           ## ...
           r <- as(e2, "matrix")
           Yis0 <- is0(r)
           r[complementInd(ij1, dim=d)] <- 0 ## 2)
           r[1L + ij2[ii[[2]], , drop=FALSE]] <-
               e1@x[ii[[1]]] ^ e2@x[ii[[2]]] ## 3)
           r[Yis0] <- 1                      ## 1)
               .m2dense(r, "dtr", uplo = e1@uplo, diag = "N")
           else .m2dense(r, "dge")

       "%%" = , "%/%" = , "/" = ## 0 op 0	 |-> NaN => dense
           get(Generic)(as(e1, "unpackedMatrix"), e2)
       }) # end{switch(..)}

setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = "dgCMatrix", e2 = "dgCMatrix"),
          function(e1,e2) .Arith.Csparse(e1,e2, .Generic, class.= "dgCMatrix"))

setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = "dtCMatrix", e2 = "dtCMatrix"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              U1 <- e1@uplo
              ## will the result definitely be triangular?
              isTri <- U1 == e2@uplo && .Generic != "^"
                  .Arith.Csparse(e1,e2, .Generic, class. = "dtCMatrix",
                                 triangular = TRUE)
              else # lowerTri  o  upperTri: |--> "all 0" {often} -- FIXME?
                  .Arith.Csparse(.M2gen(e1), .M2gen(e2),
                                 .Generic, class.= "dgCMatrix")

## TODO : Consider going a level up, and do this for all "Ops"
## NB: For "dgCMatrix" have special method ==> this is for dsC*, lgC*, ...
##     now also for Tsparse etc {*must* as method directly: "callGeneric()"}
.Arith.CM.atom <- function(e1, e2) {
    if(length(e2) == 1) { ## e.g.,  Mat ^ a
        f0 <- callGeneric(0, e2)
        if(is0(f0)) { ## remain sparse, symm., tri.,...
            e1 <- .M2kind(e1, "d")
            if(!extends(cld <- getClassDef(class(e1)), "CsparseMatrix"))
                cld <- getClassDef(class(e1 <- as(e1, "CsparseMatrix")))
            if(extends(cld, "triangularMatrix") &&
               e1@diag == "U" && !all(1 == callGeneric(1, e2)))
                e1 <- .diagU2N(e1, cld)
            e1@x <- callGeneric(e1@x, e2)
            if(.hasSlot(e1, "factors") && length(e1@factors))
                e1@factors <- list()
    ## all other (potentially non-sparse) cases: give up symm, tri,..
    callGeneric(as(.M2gen(.M2kind(e1, "d")), "CsparseMatrix"), e2)
## The same,  e1 <-> e2 :
.Arith.atom.CM <- function(e1, e2) {
    if(length(e1) == 1) {
        f0 <- callGeneric(e1, 0)
        if(is0(f0)) {
            e2 <- .M2kind(e2, "d")
            if(!extends(cld <- getClassDef(class(e2)), "CsparseMatrix"))
                cld <- getClassDef(class(e2 <- as(e2, "CsparseMatrix")))
            if(extends(cld, "triangularMatrix") &&
               e2@diag == "U" && !all(1 == callGeneric(e1, 1)))
                e2 <- .diagU2N(e2, cld)
            e2@x <- callGeneric(e1, e2@x)
            if(.hasSlot(e2, "factors") && length(e2@factors))
                e2@factors <- list()
    callGeneric(e1, as(.M2gen(.M2kind(e2, "d")), "CsparseMatrix"))
setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = "CsparseMatrix", e2 = "numeric"),
setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = "numeric", e2 = "CsparseMatrix"),

##' compute indices for recycling <numeric> of length 'len'
##' to match sparseMatrix 'spM'
.Ops.recycle.ind <- function(spM, len) {
    n <- prod(d <- dim(spM))
    if(n && n < len) stop("vector too long in Matrix - vector operation")
    if(n %% len != 0) ## identical warning as in main/arithmetic.c
        warning("longer object length\n\tis not a multiple of shorter object length")
    ## TODO(speedup!): construction of [1L + in0 %%len] via one .Call()
    in0 <- .Call(m_encodeInd, .Call(compressed_non_0_ij, spM, TRUE),
                 d, FALSE, FALSE)
    1L + in0 %% len

A.M.n <- function(e1, e2) {
    if((l2 <- length(e2)) == 0) # return 0-vector of e1's kind, as matrix()+<0>
        return(if(length(e1)) vector(.type.kind[.M.kind(e1)]) else e1)
    is0f <- is0(f0 <- callGeneric(0, e2)) #
    if(all(is0f)) { ## result keeps sparseness structure of e1
        if(l2 > 1) {  #	 "recycle" e2 "carefully"
            e2 <- e2[.Ops.recycle.ind(e1, len = l2)]
        e1@x <- callGeneric(e1@x, e2)
            e1@factors <- list()
    } else if(mean(is0f) > 7/8) {
        ## remain sparse ['7/8' is *somewhat* arbitrary]
        if(l2 > 1) ## as not all callGeneric(0, e2) is 0, e2 is typically sparse
            callGeneric(e1, as(e2, "sparseVector"))
        else { ## l2 == 1: e2 is "scalar"
            e1@x <- callGeneric(e1@x, e2)
                e1@factors <- list()
    } else { ## non-sparse, since '0 o e2' is not (all) 0
        r <- as(e1, "matrix")
        if(l2 == 1) {
            r[] <- f0
            r[non0ind(e1, getClassDef("dgCMatrix")) + 1L] <-
                callGeneric(e1@x, e2)
            .m2dense(r, "dge")
        } else {
            .m2dense(callGeneric(r, e2), "dge")
setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = "dgCMatrix", e2 = "numeric"), A.M.n)
setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = "dgCMatrix", e2 = "logical"), A.M.n)
## coercing to "general*" / "dgC*"  would e.g. lose symmetry of  'S * 3'
setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = "dsparseMatrix", e2 = "numeric"),
setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = "dsparseMatrix", e2 = "logical"),

A.n.M <- function(e1, e2) {
    if((l1 <- length(e1)) == 0)
        ## return 0-vector of e2's kind, as <0> + matrix()
        return(if(length(e2)) vector(.type.kind[.M.kind(e2)]) else e2)
    is0f <- is0(f0 <- callGeneric(e1, 0))
    if(all(is0f)) { ## result keeps sparseness structure of e2
        if(l1 > 1) {  #	 "recycle" e1 "carefully"
            e1 <- e1[.Ops.recycle.ind(e2, len = l1)]
        e2@x <- callGeneric(e1, e2@x)
            e2@factors <- list()
    } else if(mean(is0f) > 7/8) { ## remain sparse ['7/8' is *somewhat* arbitrar
        if(l1 > 1) ## as not all callGeneric(e1, 0) is 0, e1 is typically sparse
            callGeneric(as(e1, "sparseVector"), e2)
        else { ## l1 == 1: e1 is "scalar"
            e2@x <- callGeneric(e1, e2@x)
                e2@factors <- list()
    } else { ## non-sparse, since '0 o e2' is not (all) 0
        r <- as(e2, "matrix")
        if(l1 == 1) {
            r[] <- f0
            r[non0ind(e2, getClassDef("dgCMatrix")) + 1L] <-
                callGeneric(e1, e2@x)
            .m2dense(r, "dge")
        } else {
            .m2dense(callGeneric(e1, r), "dge")
setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = "numeric", e2 = "dgCMatrix"), A.n.M)
setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = "logical", e2 = "dgCMatrix"), A.n.M)
## coercing to "general*" / "dgC*"  would e.g. lose symmetry of  '3 * S'
setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = "numeric", e2 = "dsparseMatrix"),
setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = "logical", e2 = "dsparseMatrix"),
rm(A.M.n, A.n.M, .Arith.atom.CM, .Arith.CM.atom)

##-------- originally from ./dgTMatrix.R --------------------

## Uses the triplet convention of *adding* entries with same (i,j):
setMethod("+", c(e1 = "dgTMatrix", e2 = "dgTMatrix"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              .Ops.checkDim(dim(e1), dim(e2))
              new("dgTMatrix", i = c(e1@i, e2@i), j = c(e1@j, e2@j),
                  x = c(e1@x, e2@x), Dim = e1@Dim, Dimnames = e1@Dimnames)

##-------- originally from ./Csparse.R --------------------

setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = "CsparseMatrix", e2 = "CsparseMatrix"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              ## go via "symmetric" if both are symmetric, etc...
              s1 <- .M.shape(e1)
              s2 <- .M.shape(e2)
              ## as(*, "d.CMatrix") is deprecated:
              ## viaCl <- paste0("d", if(s1 == s2) s1 else "g", "CMatrix")
              if(s1 != s2) ## go via "general"
                  callGeneric(.M2gen(.M2kind(e1, "d")),
                              .M2gen(.M2kind(e2, "d")))
                  callGeneric(.M2kind(e1, "d"), .M2kind(e2, "d"))

setMethod("Logic", c(e1 = "CsparseMatrix", e2 = "CsparseMatrix"),
          ## go via "symmetric" if both are symmetric, etc...
          function(e1, e2) {
              s1 <- .M.shape(e1)
              s2 <- .M.shape(e2)
              ## as(*, "d.CMatrix") is deprecated:
              ## viaCl <- paste0("l", if(s1 == s2) s1 else "g", "CMatrix")
              if(s1 != s2) ## go via "general"
                  callGeneric(.M2gen(.M2kind(e1, "l")),
                              .M2gen(.M2kind(e2, "l")))
                  callGeneric(.M2kind(e1, "l"), .M2kind(e2, "l"))

setMethod("Compare", c(e1 = "CsparseMatrix", e2 = "CsparseMatrix"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              d <- .Ops.checkDim(dim(e1), dim(e2))

              ## How do the "0" or "FALSE" entries compare?
              ## Depends if we have an "EQuality RELation" or not:
              EQrel <- switch(.Generic,
                              "==" =, "<=" =, ">=" = TRUE,
                              "!=" =, "<"  =, ">"  = FALSE)
              if(EQrel) {
                  ## The (0 op 0) or  (FALSE op FALSE) comparison gives TRUE
                  ## -> result becomes *dense*; the following may be suboptimal
                  return(callGeneric(.sparse2dense(e1), .sparse2dense(e2)))
              ## else: INequality:   0 op 0 gives FALSE ---> remain sparse!

              cD1 <- getClassDef(class(e1))
              cD2 <- getClassDef(class(e2))
              Matrix.message(sprintf("Compare <Csparse> -- \"%s\" %s \"%s\" :\n",
                                 cD1@className, .Generic, cD2@className),
                         .M.level = 2)

              ## NB non-diagonalMatrix := Union{ general, symmetric, triangular}
              gen1 <- extends(cD1, "generalMatrix")
              gen2 <- extends(cD2, "generalMatrix")
              sym1 <- !gen1 && extends(cD1, "symmetricMatrix")
              sym2 <- !gen2 && extends(cD2, "symmetricMatrix")
              tri1 <- !gen1 && !sym1
              tri2 <- !gen2 && !sym2
              G <- gen1 && gen2
              S <- sym1 && sym2 && e1@uplo == e2@uplo
              T <- tri1 && tri2 && e1@uplo == e2@uplo

              if(T && e1@diag != e2@diag) {
                  ## one is "U" the other "N"
                  if(e1@diag == "U")
                      e1 <- diagU2N(e1)
                  else ## (e2@diag == "U"
                      e2 <- diagU2N(e2)
                  shape <- "t"
              else if(!G && !S && !T) {
                  ## e.g. one symmetric, one general
                  ## coerce to generalMatrix and go :
                  if(!gen1) e1 <- .M2gen(e1)
                  if(!gen2) e2 <- .M2gen(e2)
                  shape <- "g"
              } else {
                  shape <- if(T) "t" else if(S) "s" else "g"

              dn <- .Ops.checkDimNames(dimnames(e1), dimnames(e2))
              ## ^^ FIXME: for 'S'; allow staying
              ## the result object:
              newC <- sub("^.", "l", MatrixClass(class(e1)))
              ## FIXME: "n" result when e1 & e2 are "n",
              ## or even whenever possible
              r <- new(newC)
              e1is.n <- extends(cD1, "nMatrix")
              e2is.n <- extends(cD2, "nMatrix")
              ## Easy case: identical sparsity pattern
              if(identical(e1@i, e2@i) && identical(e1@p, e2@p)) {
                  if(e1is.n) {
                          ## non-equality of identical pattern matrices:
                          ## all FALSE
                          r@p <- rep.int(0L, d[2]+1L) # and r@i, r@x remain empty
                      else { # e1 pattern, e2@x
                          rx <- callGeneric(TRUE, e2@x)
                              r@p <- rep.int(0L, d[2]+1L) # r@i, r@x remain empty
                          else {
                              r@x <- rx
                              r@i <- e2@i
                              r@p <- e2@p
                  } else if(e2is.n) { ## e1@x, e2 pattern
                      rx <- callGeneric(e1@x, TRUE)
                          r@p <- rep.int(0L, d[2]+1L) # and r@i, r@x remain empty
                      else {
                          r@x <- rx
                          r@i <- e1@i
                          r@p <- e1@p
                  } else {		# both have 'x' slot
                      r@x <- callGeneric(e1@x, e2@x)
                      ## and all others are  '0 op 0' which give FALSE
                      r@i <- e1@i
                      r@p <- e1@p
                  r@Dim <- d
                  r@Dimnames <- dn
              } else {
                  ## now the 'x' slots ``match'' insofar as they are for the
                  ## same "space" (triangle for tri* and symm*; else rectangle)

                  ## not non0ind() which gives more;
                  ## want only those which correspond to 'x' slot
                  ij1 <- .Call(compressed_non_0_ij, e1, TRUE)
                  ij2 <- .Call(compressed_non_0_ij, e2, TRUE)
                  ii <- WhichintersectInd(ij1, ij2, di=d)
                  I1 <- ii[[1]]; has1 <- length(I1) > 0
                  I2 <- ii[[2]]; has2 <- length(I2) > 0

                  ## potentially could be faster for 'nsparse'
                  ## but this is simple:
                  e1x <- if(e1is.n) rep.int(1L, length(e1@i)) else e1@x
                  e2x <- if(e2is.n) rep.int(1L, length(e2@i)) else e2@x

                  ## 1) common
                  x <- callGeneric(e1x[I1],
                  ## 2) "e1 o  0":
                  x2 <- callGeneric(if(has1) e1x[- I1] else e1x, 0)
                  ## 3) "0  o e2":
                  x3 <- callGeneric(0, if(has2) e2x[- I2] else e2x)

                  i <- c(ij1[I1, 1],
                         if(has1) ij1[-I1, 1] else ij1[, 1],
                         if(has2) ij2[-I2, 1] else ij2[, 1])
                  j <- c(ij1[I1, 2],
                         if(has1) ij1[-I1, 2] else ij1[, 2],
                         if(has2) ij2[-I2, 2] else ij2[, 2])
                  x <- c(x, x2, x3)
                  if(any(i0x <- is0(x))) { # drop 'FALSE's
                      n0 <- !i0x
                      i <- i[n0]
                      j <- j[n0]
                      x <- x[n0]
                  .M2C(if(e1is.n && e2is.n)
                           new(paste0("n",shape,"TMatrix"), Dim = d,
                               Dimnames = dn, i = i, j = j)
                       else if(!S && !T)
                           new(paste0("l",shape,"TMatrix"), Dim = d,
                               Dimnames = dn, i = i, j = j, x = x)
                       else # S or T
                           new(paste0("l",shape,"TMatrix"), Dim = d,
                               Dimnames = dn, i = i, j = j, x = x,
                               uplo = e1@uplo))

##-------- originally from ./sparseMatrix.R --------------------

## "Arith" short cuts / exceptions
setMethod("-", c(e1 = "sparseMatrix", e2 = "missing"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              e1 <- diagU2N(e1)
              e1@x <- -e1@x
              if(.hasSlot(e1, "factors") && length(e1@factors))
                  e1@factors <- list()
## with the following exceptions:
setMethod("-", c(e1 = "nsparseMatrix", e2 = "missing"),
          function(e1, e2) -.M2kind(e1, "d"))
setMethod("-", c(e1 = "indMatrix", e2 = "missing"),
          function(e1, e2) -as(e1, "dsparseMatrix"))

## Group method  "Arith"

## have CsparseMatrix methods above
## which may preserve "symmetric", "triangular" -- simply defer to those:

setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "sparseMatrix", e2 = "nsparseMatrix"),
          function(e1, e2)
              callGeneric(as(e1, "CsparseMatrix"), .M2kind(e2, "l")))
setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "nsparseMatrix", e2 = "sparseMatrix"),
          function(e1, e2)
              callGeneric(.M2kind(e1, "l"), as(e2, "CsparseMatrix")))

## these were 'Arith', now generalized:
if(FALSE) { ## just shifts the ambiguity warnings ..
## <sparse> o <sparse> more complicated - against PITA disambiguation warnings:
setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "TsparseMatrix", e2 = "TsparseMatrix"),
          function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "CsparseMatrix"),
                                       as(e2, "CsparseMatrix")))
setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "TsparseMatrix", e2 = "CsparseMatrix"),
          function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "CsparseMatrix"), e2))
setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "CsparseMatrix", e2 = "TsparseMatrix"),
          function(e1, e2) callGeneric(e1, as(e2, "CsparseMatrix")))
## catch the rest:  Rsparse*  and  T*  o  R*
setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "sparseMatrix", e2 = "sparseMatrix"),
          function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "CsparseMatrix"),
                                       as(e2, "CsparseMatrix")))

setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "sparseMatrix", e2 = "numeric"),
          function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "CsparseMatrix"), e2))
setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "numeric", e2 = "sparseMatrix"),
          function(e1, e2) callGeneric(e1, as(e2, "CsparseMatrix")))

## setMethod("Compare", c(e1 = "sparseMatrix", e2 = "sparseMatrix"),
##           function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "CsparseMatrix"),
##                                        as(e2, "CsparseMatrix")))

###-------- sparseVector -------------
###-------- ============ -------------

## Catch all remaining
setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "sparseVector", e2 = "ANY"),
          function(e1, e2) .bail.out.2(.Generic, class(e1), class(e2)))
setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "ANY", e2 = "sparseVector"),
          function(e1, e2) .bail.out.2(.Generic, class(e1), class(e2)))

## 1)  spVec  o  (sp)Vec : -------------

##   2. <spVec>  o  <non-NA numeric>  should also happen directly and
##                               |-> sparse for o = {'*', "/", '&&', '==', ...

setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "sparseVector", e2 = "vector"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              if(is.object(e2) || is.array(e2) || is.recursive(e2))
                  stop(gettextf("invalid class \"%s\" object in '%s' method",
                                data.class(e2), "Ops"),
                       domain = NA)
              if(length(e2) == 1) { ## scalar ------ special case - "fast"
                  if(all0(callGeneric(FALSE, e2))) { # result remains sparse
                      if(is(e1, "nsparseVector")) { # no 'x' slot, i.e. all TRUE
                          r <- callGeneric(TRUE, e2)
                          if(is.logical(r)) {
                              if(isTRUE(all(r))) # (could be NA)
                                  e1	# result unchanged
                                  newSpVec("lsparseVector", x = r, e1)
                          } else {
                              newSpVec(paste0(if(is.integer(r)) "i" else "d",
                                       x = r, e1)
                      } else { # has x slot
                          r <- callGeneric(e1@x, e2)
                          if(identical(class(r), class(e1@x))) {
                              e1@x <- r
                          } else {
                              newSpVec(paste0(.M.kind(r), "sparseVector"),
                                       x = r, e1)
                  else ## non-sparse result
                      callGeneric(sp2vec(e1), e2)
              else ## e2 is not scalar
                  callGeneric(e1, as(e2, "sparseVector"))

setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "vector", e2 = "sparseVector"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              if(is.object(e1) || is.array(e1) || is.recursive(e1))
                  stop(gettextf("invalid class \"%s\" object in '%s' method",
                                data.class(e1), "Ops"),
                       domain = NA)
              if(length(e1) == 1) { ## scalar ------ special case - "fast"
                  if(all0(callGeneric(e1, FALSE))) { # result remains sparse
                      if(is(e2, "nsparseVector")) { # no 'x' slot, i.e. all TRUE
                          r <- callGeneric(e1, TRUE)
                          if(is.logical(r)) {
                              if(isTRUE(all(r))) # (could be NA)
                                  e2	# result unchanged
                                  newSpVec("lsparseVector", x = r, e2)
                          } else {
                              newSpVec(paste0(if(is.integer(r)) "i" else "d",
                                       x = r, e2)
                      } else { # has x slot
                          r <- callGeneric(e1, e2@x)
                          if(identical(class(r), class(e2@x))) {
                              e2@x <- r
                          } else {
                              newSpVec(paste0(.M.kind(r), "sparseVector"),
                                       x = r, e2)
                  else ## non-sparse result
                      callGeneric(e1, sp2vec(e2))
              else ## e1 is not scalar
                  callGeneric(as(e1, "sparseVector"), e2)

Ops.spV.spV <- function(e1, e2) {
    n1 <- e1@length
    n2 <- e2@length
    if(!n1 || !n2) ## return 0-length :
        return(if(is.na(match(.Generic, .ArithGenerics)))
               else numeric())
    ## else  n1, n2 >= 1 :
    if(n1 != n2) {
        if(n1 < n2) {
            n <- n1 ; N <- n2
        } else {
            n <- n2 ; N <- n1
        if(n == 1L) { # simple case, do not really recycle
            if(n1 < n2)
                return(callGeneric(sp2vec(e1), e2))
            else return(callGeneric(e1, sp2vec(e2)))
        ## else : 2 <= n < N
        if(N %% n != 0)
            warning("longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length")
        ## recycle the shorter one
        if(n1 < n2) {
            e1 <- rep(e1, length.out = N)
        } else {
            e2 <- rep(e2, length.out = N)
    } else { ## n1 == n2
        N <- n1
    ## ---- e1 & e2 now are both of length 'N' ----

    ## First check the (0  o  0) result
    is1n <- extends(class(e1), "nsparseVector")
    is2n <- extends(class(e2), "nsparseVector")
    r00 <- callGeneric(if(is1n) FALSE else as0(e1@x),
                       if(is2n) FALSE else as0(e2@x))
    if(is0(r00)) { ## -> sparseVector
        e1x <- if(is1n) TRUE else e1@x
        e2x <- if(is2n) TRUE else e2@x
        sp <- .setparts(e1@i, e2@i)
        ## Idea: Modify 'e2' and return it :
        new.x <- c(callGeneric(e1x[sp[["ix.only"]]], 0), # e1-only
                   callGeneric(0, e2x[sp[["iy.only"]]]), # e2-only
                   callGeneric(e1x[sp[["my"]]],          # common to both
        i. <- c(sp[["x.only"]], sp[["y.only"]], sp[["int"]])
        cl2x <- typeof(e2x) ## atomic "class"es - can use in is(), as(), too:
        if(!is2n && is(new.x, cl2x)) {
            i. <- sort.int(i., method = "quick", index.return=TRUE)
            e2@x <- as(new.x, cl2x)[i.$ix]
            e2@i <- i.$x
        } else {
                   x = new.x, i = i., length = e2@length)
    } else { ## 0 o 0  is NOT in {0 , FALSE} --> "dense" result
        callGeneric(sp2vec(e1),	 sp2vec(e2))
} ## {Ops.spV.spV}

## try to use it in all cases
setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "sparseVector", e2 = "sparseVector"),
## was    function(e1, e2) .bail.out.2(.Generic, class(e1), class(e2)))

setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = "sparseVector", e2 = "sparseVector"),
          function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "dsparseVector"),
                                       as(e2, "dsparseVector")))
setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = "dsparseVector", e2 = "dsparseVector"),

## "Arith"  exception (shortcut)
setMethod("-", c(e1 = "dsparseVector", e2 = "missing"),
          function(e1) { e1@x <- -e1@x ; e1 })

setMethod("Logic", c(e1 = "sparseVector", e2 = "sparseVector"),
          ## FIXME: this is suboptimal for "nsparseVector" !!
          function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as(e1, "lsparseVector"),
                                       as(e2, "lsparseVector")))

setMethod("Logic", c(e1 = "lsparseVector", e2 = "lsparseVector"),

## "nsparse" have no 'x' slot --> version of Ops.spV.spV..
## --------  but also for (nsp.. o lsp..) etc, when  lsp... has no NA
setMethod("Logic", c(e1 = "nsparseVector", e2 = "nsparseVector"),
          function(e1, e2) {
              .bail.out.2(.Generic, class(e1), class(e2))


## 2)  spVec  o  [Mm]atrix : -------------

Ops.M.spV <- function(e1, e2) {
    d <- e1@Dim
    n1 <- prod(d)
    n2 <- e2@length
    if(n1 != n2) {
        if(n1 && n1 < n2) { # 0-extent matrix + vector is fine
            stop(sprintf("dim [product %d] do not match the length of object [%d]",
                         n1, n2))
        ## else	 n1 > n2 [vector]
        N <- n1
        if(n2 == 1) ## simple case, do not really recycle
            return(callGeneric(e1, sp2vec(e2)))
        if(N %% n2 != 0)
            warning("longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length")
        ## else : 2 <= n < N --- recycle the vector
        e2 <- rep(e2, length.out = N)
    } else { ## n1 == n2
        N <- n1
    ## ---- e1 & e2 now are both of length 'N' ----
    dim(e2) <- d #-> sparseMatrix (!)
    callGeneric(e1, e2)
}## {Ops.M.spV}

Ops.spV.M <- function(e1, e2) {
    n1 <- e1@length
    d <- e2@Dim
    n2 <- prod(d)
    if(n2 != n1) {
        if(n2 && n2 < n1) { # vector + 0-extent matrix  is fine
            stop(sprintf("dim [product %d] do not match the length of object [%d]",
                         n2, n1))
        ## else	 n2 > n1 [vector]
        N <- n2
        if(n1 == 1) ## simple case, do not really recycle
            return(callGeneric(sp2vec(e1), e2))
        if(N %% n1 != 0)
            warning("longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length")
        ## else : 2 <= n < N --- recycle the vector
        e1 <- rep(e1, length.out = N)
    } else { ## n2 == n1
        N <- n2
    ## ---- e2 & e1 now are both of length 'N' ----
    dim(e1) <- d #-> sparseMatrix (!)
    callGeneric(e1, e2)
}## {Ops.spV.M}

## try to use it in all cases
setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "Matrix", e2 = "sparseVector"), Ops.M.spV)
setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "sparseVector", e2 = "Matrix"), Ops.spV.M)

rm(Ops.M.spV, Ops.spV.M)

###---------------- diagonalMatrix ----------------------

.diag2tT.smart <- function(from, x, kind = ".") {
    shape <- .M.shape(x)
    uplo <- if(shape == "t") x@uplo else "U"
    .diag2sparse(from, kind, "t", "T", uplo)
.diag2T.smart <- function(from, x, kind = ".") {
    shape <- .M.shape(x)
    uplo <- if(shape == "s" || shape == "t") x@uplo else "U"
    .diag2sparse(from, kind, if(shape == "s") "s" else "t", "T", uplo)

 .diag.x <- function(m) if(m@diag != "N") rep.int(as1(m@x), m@Dim[1L]) else m@x
..diag.x <- function(m)                   rep.int(as1(m@x), m@Dim[1L])

## Use as S4 method for several signatures ==>  using callGeneric()
diagOdiag <- function(e1,e2) {
    ## result should also be diagonal _ if possible _
    r <- callGeneric(.diag.x(e1), .diag.x(e2)) # error if not "compatible"
    ## Check what happens with non-diagonals, i.e. (0 o 0), (FALSE o 0), ...:
    r00 <- callGeneric(if(is.numeric(e1@x)) 0 else FALSE,
                       if(is.numeric(e2@x)) 0 else FALSE)
    if(is0(r00)) { ##  r00 == 0 or FALSE --- result *is* diagonal
        if(is.numeric(r)) { # "double" *or* "integer"
                r <- as.double(r)
            if(is.double(e2@x)) {
                e2@x <- r
                e2@diag <- "N"
                ## e.g. e1, e2 are logical;
                e1 <- .M2kind(e1, "d")
        else if(is.logical(r))
            e1 <- .M2kind(e1, "l")
        else stop(gettextf("intermediate 'r' is of type %s",
                           typeof(r)), domain=NA)
        e1@x <- r
        e1@diag <- "N"
    else { ## result not diagonal, but at least symmetric:
        ## e.g., m == m
        isNum <- (is.numeric(r) || is.numeric(r00))
        isLog <- (is.logical(r) || is.logical(r00))
        Matrix.message("exploding <diag> o <diag> into dense matrix", .M.level = 2)
        d <- e1@Dim
        n <- d[1L]
        stopifnot(length(r) == n)
        if(isNum && !is.double(r))
            r <- as.double(r)
        ## faster (?) than  m <- matrix(r00,n,n); diag(m) <- r ; as.vector(m)
        xx <- rbind(r, matrix(r00,n,n), deparse.level=0L)[seq_len(n*n)]
        newcl <-
            paste0(if(isNum) "d"
                   else if(isLog) {
                       if(!anyNA(r) && !anyNA(r00)) "n" else "l"
                   } else stop("not yet implemented .. please report"), "syMatrix")

        new(newcl, Dim = e1@Dim, Dimnames = e1@Dimnames, x = xx)

### This would be *the* way, but we get tons of "ambiguous method dispatch"
## we use this hack instead of signature  x = "diagonalMatrix" :
diCls <- names(getClassDef("diagonalMatrix")@subclasses)
if(FALSE) {
setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "diagonalMatrix", e2 = "diagonalMatrix"),
} else { ## These are just for method disambiguation:
    for(c1 in diCls)
        for(c2 in diCls)
            setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = c1, e2 = c2), diagOdiag)
    rm(c1, c2)

## diagonal  o  triangular  |-->  triangular
## diagonal  o  symmetric   |-->  symmetric
##    {also when other is sparse: do these "here" --
##     before conversion to sparse, since that loses "diagonality"}
diagOtri <- function(e1,e2) {
    ## result must be triangular
    r <- callGeneric(d1 <- .diag.x(e1), diag(e2)) # error if not "compatible"
    ## Check what happens with non-diagonals, i.e. (0 o 0), (FALSE o 0), ...:
    e1.0 <- if(is.numeric(d1)) 0 else FALSE
    r00 <- callGeneric(e1.0, if(.n2 <- is.numeric(e2[0L])) 0 else FALSE)
    if(is0(r00)) { ##  r00 == 0 or FALSE --- result *is* triangular
        diag(e2) <- r
        ## check what happens "in the triangle"
        e2.2 <- if(.n2) 2 else TRUE
        if(!callGeneric(e1.0, e2.2) == e2.2) { # values "in triangle" can change:
            n <- dim(e2)[1L]
            it <- indTri(n, upper = (e2@uplo == "U"))
            e2[it] <- callGeneric(e1.0, e2[it])
    else { ## result not triangular ---> general
        rr <- as(e2, "generalMatrix")
        diag(rr) <- r

setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "diagonalMatrix", e2 = "triangularMatrix"),

## For the reverse,  Ops == "Arith" | "Compare" | "Logic"
##   'Arith'  :=  '"+"', '"-"', '"*"', '"^"', '"%%"', '"%/%"', '"/"'
setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = "triangularMatrix", e2 = "diagonalMatrix"),
          function(e1, e2) { ## this must only trigger for *dense* e1
                     "+" = `diag<-`(e1, as.double(diag(e1, names=FALSE) + .diag.x(e2))),
                     "-" = `diag<-`(e1, as.double(diag(e1, names=FALSE) - .diag.x(e2))),
                     "*" = {
                         n <- e2@Dim[1L]
                         d2 <- if(e2@diag == "U") { # unit-diagonal
                                   d <- rep.int(as1(e2@x), n)
                                   e2@x <- d
                                   e2@diag <- "N"
                               } else e2@x
                         e2@x <- diag(e1) * d2
                     "^" = { ## will be dense ( as  <ANY> ^ 0 == 1 ):
                         e1 ^ .diag2dense(e2, ".", "g", FALSE)
                     ## otherwise:
                     callGeneric(e1, .diag2T.smart(e2, e1)))

## Compare --> 'swap' (e.g.   e1 < e2   <==>  e2 > e1 ):
setMethod("Compare", c(e1 = "triangularMatrix", e2 = "diagonalMatrix"),
## '&' and "|'  are commutative:
setMethod("Logic", c(e1 = "triangularMatrix", e2 = "diagonalMatrix"),
          function(e1, e2) callGeneric(e2, e1))

## For almost everything else, diag* shall be treated "as sparse" :
## These are cheap implementations via coercion

## For disambiguation --- define this for "sparseMatrix" , then for "ANY";
## and because we can save an .M.kind() call, we use this explicit
## "hack" for all diagonalMatrix *subclasses* instead of just "diagonalMatrix" :
## ddi*:
setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "ddiMatrix", e2 = "sparseMatrix"),
          function(e1,e2) callGeneric(.diag2T.smart(e1, e2, kind = "d"), e2))
setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "sparseMatrix", e2 = "ddiMatrix"),
          function(e1,e2) callGeneric(e1, .diag2T.smart(e2, e1, kind = "d")))
## ldi*
setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "ldiMatrix", e2 = "sparseMatrix"),
          function(e1,e2) callGeneric(.diag2T.smart(e1, e2, kind = "l"), e2))
setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "sparseMatrix", e2 = "ldiMatrix"),
          function(e1,e2) callGeneric(e1, .diag2T.smart(e2, e1, kind = "l")))

## Ops:	 Arith	--> numeric : "dMatrix"
##	 Compare --> logical
##	 Logic	 --> logical: "lMatrix"

## Other = "numeric" : stay diagonal if possible
## ddi*: Arith: result numeric, potentially ddiMatrix
for(arg2 in c("numeric","logical"))
setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = "ddiMatrix", e2 = arg2),
          function(e1,e2) {
              n <- e1@Dim[1L]
              if(length(e2) == 0L)
                  return(if(n) numeric() else e1)
              f0 <- callGeneric(0, e2)
              if(all0(f0)) { # remain diagonal
                  if(e1@diag == "U") {
                      if(any((r <- callGeneric(1, e2)) != 1)) {
                          e1@diag <- "N"
                          e1@x[seq_len(n)] <- r # possibly recycling r
                      } ## else: result = e1  (is "U" diag)
                  } else if(n) {
                      L1 <- (le <- length(e2)) == 1L
                      r <- callGeneric(e1@x, e2)
                      ## "future fixme": if we have idiMatrix, and r is 'integer', use idiMatrix
                      e1@x[] <- if(L1) r else r[1L + ((n+1)*(0:(n-1L))) %% le]
              } else
                  callGeneric(.diag2tT.smart(e1, e2, kind = "d"), e2)

for(arg1 in c("numeric","logical"))
setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = arg1, e2 = "ddiMatrix"),
          function(e1,e2) {
              n <- e2@Dim[1L]
              if(length(e1) == 0L)
                  return(if(n) numeric() else e2)
              f0 <- callGeneric(e1, 0)
              if(all0(f0)) { # remain diagonal
                  if(e2@diag == "U") {
                      if(any((r <- callGeneric(e1, 1)) != 1)) {
                          e2@diag <- "N"
                          e2@x[seq_len(n)] <- r # possibly recycling r
                      } ## else: result = e2  (is "U" diag)
                  } else {
                      L1 <- (le <- length(e1)) == 1L
                      r <- callGeneric(e1, e2@x)
                      ## "future fixme": if we have idiMatrix, and r is 'integer', use idiMatrix
                      e2@x[] <- if(L1) r else r[1L + ((n+1)*(0:(n-1L))) %% le]
              } else
                  callGeneric(e1, .diag2tT.smart(e2, e1, kind = "d"))

## ldi* Arith --> result numeric, potentially ddiMatrix
for(arg2 in c("numeric","logical"))
setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = "ldiMatrix", e2 = arg2),
          function(e1,e2) {
              n <- e1@Dim[1L]
              if(length(e2) == 0L)
                  return(if(n) numeric()
                         else copyClass(e1, "ddiMatrix", c("diag", "Dim", "Dimnames"), check=FALSE))
              f0 <- callGeneric(0, e2)
              if(all0(f0)) { # remain diagonal
                  E <- copyClass(e1, "ddiMatrix", c("diag", "Dim", "Dimnames"), check=FALSE)
                  ## storage.mode(E@x) <- "double"
                  if(e1@diag == "U") {
                      if(any((r <- callGeneric(1, e2)) != 1)) {
                          E@diag <- "N"
                          E@x[seq_len(n)] <- r # possibly recycling r
                      } ## else: result = E  (is "U" diag)
                  } else if(n) {
                      L1 <- (le <- length(e2)) == 1L
                      r <- callGeneric(e1@x, e2)
                      ## "future fixme": if we have idiMatrix, and r is 'integer', use idiMatrix
                      E@x[seq_len(n)] <- if(L1) r else r[1L + ((n+1)*(0:(n-1L))) %% le]
              } else
                  callGeneric(.diag2tT.smart(e1, e2, kind = "l"), e2)

for(arg1 in c("numeric","logical"))
setMethod("Arith", c(e1 = arg1, e2 = "ldiMatrix"),
          function(e1,e2) {
              n <- e2@Dim[1L]
              if(length(e1) == 0L)
                  return(if(n) numeric()
                         else copyClass(e2, "ddiMatrix",
                                        c("diag", "Dim", "Dimnames"),
              f0 <- callGeneric(e1, 0)
              if(all0(f0)) { # remain diagonal
                  E <- copyClass(e2, "ddiMatrix",
                                 c("diag", "Dim", "Dimnames"),
                  ## storage.mode(E@x) <- "double"
                  if(e2@diag == "U") {
                      if(any((r <- callGeneric(e1, 1)) != 1)) {
                          E@diag <- "N"
                          E@x[seq_len(n)] <- r # possibly recycling r
                      } ## else: result = E  (is "U" diag)
                  } else if(n) {
                      L1 <- (le <- length(e1)) == 1L
                      r <- callGeneric(e1, e2@x)
                      ## "future fixme": if we have idiMatrix,
                      ## and r is 'integer', use idiMatrix
                      E@x[seq_len(n)] <-
                          if(L1) r else r[1L + ((n+1)*(0:(n-1L))) %% le]
              } else
                  callGeneric(e1, .diag2tT.smart(e2, e1, kind = "l"))

## ddi*: for "Ops" without "Arith": <Compare> or <Logic> --> result logical, potentially ldi
## Note that  ("numeric", "ddiMatrix")  is simply swapped, e.g.,
if(FALSE) {
    selectMethod("<", c("numeric","lMatrix"))# Compare
    selectMethod("&", c("numeric","lMatrix"))# Logic
} ## so we don't need to define a method here :

for(arg2 in c("numeric","logical"))
setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "ddiMatrix", e2 = arg2),
          function(e1,e2) {
              n <- e1@Dim[1L]
              if(length(e2) == 0L)
                  return(if(n) logical()
                         else copyClass(e1, "ldiMatrix",
                                        c("diag", "Dim", "Dimnames"),
              f0 <- callGeneric(0, e2)
              if(all0(f0)) { # remain diagonal
                  E <- copyClass(e1, "ldiMatrix",
                                 c("diag", "Dim", "Dimnames"),
                  ## storage.mode(E@x) <- "logical"
                  if(e1@diag == "U") {
                      if(any((r <- callGeneric(1, e2)) != 1)) {
                          E@diag <- "N"
                          E@x[seq_len(n)] <- r # possibly recycling r
                      } ## else: result = E  (is "U" diag)
                  } else if(n) {
                      L1 <- (le <- length(e2)) == 1L
                      r <- callGeneric(e1@x, e2)
                      ## "future fixme": if we have idiMatrix,
                      ### and r is 'integer', use idiMatrix
                      E@x[seq_len(n)] <-
                          if(L1) r else r[1L + ((n+1)*(0:(n-1L))) %% le]
              } else
                  callGeneric(.diag2tT.smart(e1, e2, kind = "d"), e2)

## ldi*: for "Ops" without "Arith": <Compare> or <Logic> --> result logical, potentially ldi
for(arg2 in c("numeric","logical"))
setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "ldiMatrix", e2 = arg2),
          function(e1,e2) {
              n <- e1@Dim[1L]
              if(length(e2) == 0L)
                  return(if(n) logical() else e1)
              f0 <- callGeneric(FALSE, e2)
              if(all0(f0)) { # remain diagonal
                  if(e1@diag == "U") {
                      if(any((r <- callGeneric(TRUE, e2)) != 1)) {
                          e1@diag <- "N"
                          e1@x[seq_len(n)] <- r # possibly recycling r
                      } ## else: result = e1  (is "U" diag)
                  } else if(n) {
                      L1 <- (le <- length(e2)) == 1L
                      r <- callGeneric(e1@x, e2)
                      ## "future fixme": if we have idiMatrix,
                      ## and r is 'integer', use idiMatrix
                      e1@x[] <- if(L1) r else r[1L + ((n+1)*(0:(n-1L))) %% le]
              } else
                  callGeneric(.diag2tT.smart(e1, e2, kind = "l"), e2)

## Not {"sparseMatrix", "numeric} :  {"denseMatrix", "matrix", ... }
for(other in c("ANY", "Matrix", "dMatrix")) {
    ## ddi*:
    setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "ddiMatrix", e2 = other),
              function(e1,e2) callGeneric(.diag2T.smart(e1, e2, kind="d"), e2))
    setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = other, e2 = "ddiMatrix"),
              function(e1,e2) callGeneric(e1, .diag2T.smart(e2, e1, kind="d")))
    ## ldi*:
    setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = "ldiMatrix", e2 = other),
              function(e1,e2) callGeneric(.diag2T.smart(e1, e2, kind="l"), e2))
    setMethod("Ops", c(e1 = other, e2 = "ldiMatrix"),
              function(e1,e2) callGeneric(e1, .diag2T.smart(e2, e1, kind="l")))

## Direct subclasses of "denseMatrix": currently ddenseMatrix, ldense... :
if(FALSE) # now also contains "geMatrix"
dense.subCl <- local({ dM.scl <- getClassDef("denseMatrix")@subclasses
    names(dM.scl)[vapply(dM.scl, slot, 0, "distance") == 1] })
dense.subCl <- paste0(c("d","l","n"), "denseMatrix")
for(DI in diCls) {
    dMeth <-
        if(extends(DI, "dMatrix"))
            function(e1,e2) callGeneric(.diag2T.smart(e1, e2, kind = "d"), e2)
        else # "lMatrix", the only other kind for now
            function(e1,e2) callGeneric(.diag2T.smart(e1, e2, kind = "l"), e2)
    for(c2 in c(dense.subCl, "Matrix")) {
        for(Fun in c("*", "&")) {
            setMethod(Fun, c(e1 = DI, e2 = c2),
                      function(e1,e2) callGeneric(e1, Diagonal(x = diag(e2))))
            setMethod(Fun, c(e1 = c2, e2 = DI),
                      function(e1,e2) callGeneric(Diagonal(x = diag(e1)), e2))
        setMethod("^", c(e1 = c2, e2 = DI),
                  function(e1,e2) callGeneric(Diagonal(x = diag(e1)), e2))
        for(Fun in c("%%", "%/%", "/")) ## 0 <op> 0 |--> NaN  for these.
            setMethod(Fun, c(e1 = DI, e2 = c2), dMeth)
rm(dense.subCl, DI, dMeth, c2, Fun)

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Matrix documentation built on Aug. 13, 2024, 3:01 p.m.