
plot.VarComp <-
function( x,
     lwd.line = rep(2,4),
     col.line = c("red","green","blue","black"),
     lty.line = rep(1,4),
         grid = TRUE, col.grid=gray(0.8),
          rug = TRUE, probs=c(5,50,95),
      tot.var = FALSE,
      same.ax = TRUE,
   meth.names = TRUE,
     VC.names = "first",
          ... )
requireNamespace( "coda" )

# A function to plot the posterior densities of the
# estimated variance components.
Mnames <- attr( x, "methods" )
     if( missing(      which ) ) wh <- 1:length(Mnames)
else if( is.numeric(   which ) ) wh <- which
else if( is.character( which ) ) wh <- match( which, Mnames )
Nm <- length( wh )
VN <- toupper( substr( VC.names, 1, 1 ) )
dens <- list()
quan <- list()

# Convert the MCmcmc object to a matrix
if( is.list( x ) ) x <- as.matrix( x[[1]] )
              else x <- as.matrix( x )

# First loop extracts all the densities and the summary quantiles
for( i in 1:Nm )
   wh.col <- intersect( grep( "sigma", colnames( x ) ),
                        grep( Mnames[i], colnames( x ) ) )
   to.col <- intersect( grep( "sigma.tot", colnames( x ) ),
                        grep( Mnames[i], colnames( x ) ) )
   if( !tot.var ) wh.col <- setdiff( wh.col, to.col )
   dns <- list()
   qnt <- list()
   for( j in wh.col )
      dns <- c( dns, list( density( x[,j], ... ) ) )
      qnt <- c( qnt, list( quantile( x[,j], probs=probs/100 ) ) )
   names( dns ) <-
   names( qnt ) <- colnames( x )[wh.col]
   dens <- c( dens, list( dns ) )
   quan <- c( quan, list( qnt ) )
names( dens ) <- Mnames[wh]
Xr <- pmax( 0, range( sapply(dens, function(z) sapply( z, function(x) range(x$x) ) ) ))
if( is.numeric( grid ) ) Xr <- range(grid)
Yr <- c(0,max( sapply(dens, function(z) sapply( z, function(x) max(x$y) ) ) ))
for( i in 1:Nm )
   dns <- dens[[i]]
   qnt <- quan[[i]]
   xr <- pmax(0,range(sapply( dns, function(x) range(x$x) )))
   yr <- c(0,max(sapply( dns, function(x) max(x$y) )))
   plot( NA, axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="",
             xlim=if(same.ax) Xr else xr,
             ylim=if(same.ax) Yr else yr )
   if( is.logical(grid) )
     if( grid ) abline( v=pretty(xr), col=col.grid )
   if( is.numeric( grid ) ) abline( v=grid, col=col.grid )
   for( j in 1:length(dns) )
      lines( dns[[j]], lwd=lwd.line[j], lty=lty.line[j], col=col.line[j] )
      if( rug ) axis( side=1, at=qnt[[j]],
                      labels=FALSE, tcl=0.5, col=col.line[j], lwd=lwd.line[j] )
   if( ( VN=="F" & i==1 ) |
       ( VN=="L" & i==Nm ) |
       ( VN=="A" ) )
     xl <- par("usr")[2]
     yl <- par("usr")[3:4]
     for( j in 1:length(dns) )
        text( xl, yl %*% c(j,15-j)/15,
              switch( substr(names(dns),7,9)[j],
                      "mir" = "Residual",
                      "mi[" = "Meth-Item",
                      "ir[" = "Item-Repl",
                      "tot" = "Total" ),
              col=col.line[j], adj=1, font=2 )
   axis( side=1 )
   if( meth.names ) mtext( Mnames[i], side=3, adj=1, font=2 )
invisible( dens )

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MethComp documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:06 p.m.