
# #' @rdname MultOrd-package
#' @title Multivariate Ordinal Regression Models.
#' @description  The R package MultOrd implements composite likelihood estimation
#'  in the class of multivariate ordinal regression models.
#'  A flexible modelling framework for cross-sectional as well as longitudinal
#'  observations is set up, which allows different error structures.
#'  Two different link functions are employed, by assuming a multivariate normal
#'  and a multivariate logistic distribution for the latent variables underlying
#'  the ordinal outcomes. In order to deal with the issue that absolute location
#'  and absolute scale are not identifiable in ordinal models, several restrictions
#'  on the parameter space are imposed either by fixing location parameters and/or
#'  by restricting the full covariance matrix to be a correlation matrix.
#'  In addition, constraints on both coefficient as well as threshold parameters
#'  can be imposed. Standard errors are computed using the Godambe information matrix.
#' @details see \code{\link{multord}}, \code{\link{CMOR}}
#> [1] "_PACKAGE"

#' data_CMOR
#' A simulated dataset where four different raters (\code{rater1, rater2} and\code{rater3})
#'  assign ordinal ratings on different firms. \code{rater3} uses a different rating scale
#'   compared to \code{rater1} and \code{rater2}.
#' In addition, a default indicator (\code{defaultInd}) is observed. The ID's for each subject \eqn{i} of the \eqn{n = 1000}
#' firms are stored in the column \code{firmID}.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{firmID} firm index
#'   \item \code{defaultInd}  binary default indicator (1 = default)
#'   \item \code{rater1}  ordinal rating observations of rater 1
#'   \item \code{rater2}  ordinal rating observations of rater 2
#'   \item \code{rater3}  ordinal rating observations of rater 3
#'   \item \code{X1} covariate X1
#'   \item \code{X2} covariate X2
#'   \item \code{X3} covariate X3
#'   \item \code{X4} covariate X4
#'   \item \code{X5} covariate X5
#'   \item \code{X6} covariate X6 (factor)
#' }
#' @name data_CMOR
#' @docType data
# #' @keywords datasets
#' @usage data(data_CMOR)
#' @format A data frame with 1000 rows and 11 variables

#' data_multord_panel
#' A simulated dataset where one rater assigns ratings over the years \eqn{2001} to \eqn{2010} for a set of firms.
#' The ID's for each subject \eqn{i}of the \eqn{n = 1000} firms are stored in the column \code{firmID}.
#' The year of the rating observation is stored in the column \code{year}.
#' The ordinal ratings are provided in the column \code{rating} and all the covariates in the remaining columns.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{firmID} firm index
#'   \item \code{year}  year index (2001 - 2010)
#'   \item \code{rating} ordinal credit rating observation
#'   \item \code{X1} covariate X1
#'   \item \code{X2} covariate X2
#'   \item \code{X3} covariate X3
#'   \item \code{X4} covariate X4
#'   \item \code{X5} covariate X5
#'   \item \code{X6} covariate X6 (factor)
#' }
#' @name data_multord_panel
#' @docType data
# #' @keywords datasets
#' @usage data(data_multord_panel)
#' @format A data frame with 10000 rows and 9 variables

#' Simulated credit ratings + default indicator
#' A simulated dataset where four different raters (\code{rater1, rater2} and\code{rater3})
#'  assign ordinal ratings on different firms.
#'  \code{rater3} uses a different rating scale compared to \code{rater1} and \code{rater2}.
#' In addition, a default indicator (\code{defaultInd}) is observed. The ID's for each subject \eqn{i} of the \eqn{n = 1000}
#' firms are stored in the column \code{firmID}. The ID's of the raters as well as the default information are stored
#' in the column \code{raterID}. The ordinal ratings are provided in the column \code{rating} and all the covariates in the remaining columns.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{firmID} firm index
#'   \item \code{rater}  rater index
#'   \item \code{rating} ordinal credit rating observation
#'   \item \code{X1} covariate X1
#'   \item \code{X2} covariate X2
#'   \item \code{X3} covariate X3
#'   \item \code{X4} covariate X4
#'   \item \code{X5} covariate X5
#'   \item \code{X6} covariate X6 (factor)
#' }
#' @name data_multord
#' @docType data
# #' @keywords datasets
#' @usage data(data_multord)
#' @format A data frame with 5000 rows and 9 variables

## with flexible constraints on coefficietns
## data
## ...
## input ok?
## example paper: credit ratings ok?
## example package?
## strategy: package online?
## covGeneral ok?
## warning optimx
## .fortran
## check function dim of all inputs
## function documentation (parameters, output, description) Rainer
## check with missings
## Profiling Laura/Rainer
## beta.coef constraints: sum up to 0?
## play around with starting values ?betas

## wrong input: misspelling
## test multord.data
## write small test functions: ...
## weights
## columns coef.constraints, coef.values bei factor/interaction?
## include data set + use in example
## multord.control implement constraints for solvers
## checkArgs function Rainer
## predict.multord type = c("class", "prob", "pred","cum.prob") IMPLEMENT all comb
## implement newdata Rainer
## function documentation Rainer
## include threshold.values in multord.finalize for se Rainer
## plot coef and thresholds Rainer
## *** in summary
## Latex non-latex (HTML) in Rd Rainer
## dynamic corEqui (?ijt)
## CHECK imports
## CHECK set.model Rainer
## variable names Laura + Rainer
## threshold symmetric, equidistant
## keep rho as small as possible
## speed up
## test speed PL.probit if
## Rd error.structures
## ? transf.sigmas: lapply  no 1:...
## suppressWarnings optimx
## pairs PMOR +- t check maop
## REMOVE multord.default with error.structure Rainer
## TL,logit
## reduce rho

##TODO writeup
## rewrite link functions
## check spherical para
## example
## introduction
## conclusion
## error.structures
## JSS paper anschauen
## check for other applications

#' @importFrom optimx optimx
#' @importFrom stats model.frame
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix
#' @importFrom pbivnorm pbivnorm
#' @importFrom MASS mvrnorm
#' @importFrom copula tCopula
#' @importFrom copula rCopula
#' @importFrom numDeriv grad
#' @importFrom numDeriv hessian
#' @importFrom ordinal clm
#' @importFrom stats coef
#' @importFrom mnormt sadmvt
#' @importFrom mnormt sadmvn
#' @importFrom Matrix bdiag
#' @importFrom polycor hetcor
#' @importFrom MASS polr
#' @importFrom stats as.formula cov2cor dnorm dt pnorm pt qlogis rnorm terms.formula
#' @importFrom utils combn data write.table
# #' @importFrom plyr colwise
# library(numDeriv)
# library(MASS)
# # library(mvtnorm)
# library(mnormt)
# library(pbivnorm)
# library(Matrix)
# library(optimx)
# library(stats)
#' @title Multivariate Ordinal Regression Models.
#' @description
#' \code{multord} is used to multivariate ordinal regression models. Different model types are implemented and can be chosen by
#' the use of different \code{\link{error.structures}}. Constraints on the threshold as well as on the regression parameters can be imposed.
#' @details
# #' Suppose we have \eqn{J} repeated measurements on \eqn{n} different subjects \eqn{i},
# #' where each repeated ordinal observation, indexed by \eqn{j \in J}, is denoted by \eqn{Y_{ij}}.
# #'  Each observable categorical outcome \eqn{Y_{ij}} and the unobservable latent variable
# #'  \eqn{\widetilde Y_{ij}} are connected by:
# #' \deqn{
# #' Y_{ij} = r_{ij} \quad \Leftrightarrow \quad \theta_{j,r_{ij}-1} <
# #'   \widetilde{Y}_{ij} \leq \theta_{j, r_{ij}}, \qquad r_{ij} \in
# #' \{1, \dots, K_j\},
# #' }
# #' where \eqn{r_{ij}} is a category out of \eqn{K_j} ordered categories and \eqn{\bm \theta_{j}} is a vector of suitable threshold
# #' parameters for outcome \eqn{j} with the following restrictions:
# #' \deqn{-\infty \equiv \theta_{j,0} < \theta_{j,1} < \dots < \theta_{j,K_j}\equiv\infty.}
# #' The number of threshold categories \eqn{K_j} as well as the thresholds parameters themselves are allowed to vary across
# #' outcome dimensions \eqn{j \in J} in order to account for differences in the repeated measurements. Given an \eqn{n \times p}
# #'  matrix \eqn{X_j} of covariates for each \eqn{j \in J},
# #' where each row vector \eqn{\bm{x}_{ij}} is a \eqn{p}-dimensional vector of covariates
# #' for subject \eqn{i} and observation \eqn{j}, the following linear model for the relationship between \eqn{\widetilde{Y}_{ij}}
# #'  and the vector
# #' of covariates \eqn{\bm{x}_{ij}} is assumed:
# #'  \deqn{
# #' \widetilde{Y}_{ij} = \beta_{0j} + \bm{x}_{ij}^\top \bm{\beta}_j + \epsilon_{ij}, \qquad
# #' \bm{\epsilon}_i = (\epsilon_{i1}, \epsilon_{i2}, \ldots, \epsilon_{iJ}) \sim F_{J}(\bm{0},\bm{\Sigma}),
# #' }
# #' where
# #' \itemize{
# #' \item {\eqn{\beta_{0j}} is an intercept term corresponding to outcome \eqn{j},}
# #' \item {\eqn{\bm{\beta}_j} is a vector of regression coefficients corresponding to outcome \eqn{j},}
# #' \item {\eqn{\epsilon_{ij}} is an error term with mean zero and distributed according to a \eqn{J}-dimensional
# #'  distribution function \eqn{F_J}.}
# #' }
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{data}}{
#' We use the long format for the input of \code{data}, where each row contains a subject
#' index \eqn{i} (\code{firmID}), a repeated measurement index \eqn{j} (\code{raterID}), an ordinal response
#' (\code{rating}) and all the covariates (\code{X1, ..., X6}). This long format data stucture
#' is internally transformed to matrix of covariates \eqn{Y} and a list of covariate matrices
#' \eqn{X_j} for all \eqn{j \in J} by a matching according to the subject index \eqn{i} and the repeated
#' measurement index \eqn{j}, which are passed by an optional argument \code{index}. This is
#' usually performed by a character vector of length two specifying the column names
#' of the subject index and the repeated measurement index in \code{data}.
#'          \code{index = c("firmID", "raterID")}
#' The default value of \code{index} is \code{NULL} assuming that the first column of \code{data}
#' contains the subject index and the second column the repeated measurement index.
#' In order to avoid numerical instabilities we suggest to standardize the covariates \eqn{x_{ij}}.
#' If specific constraints are imposed on the parameter set, a well defined index \eqn{j \in J}
#' for the repeated measurements is needed. Therefore, a vector \code{response.names}
#' is used to define the index number of the repeated measurement.
#'     \code{response.names = c("rater1", "rater2", "rater3", "defaultInd")}
#' The default value of \code{response.names} is \code{NULL} giving the natural ordering
#' of the levels of the factor variable for all the repeated measurements.
#' The ordering of \code{response.names} always specifies the index of the
#' repeated measurement unit \eqn{j \in J}. This ordering is essential when
#' putting constraints on the parameters and when setting \code{response.levels}.
#' \preformatted{response.levels = list(c("C","B","BB", "BBB", "A", "AA", "AAA"),
#'                                      c("C","B","BB", "BBB", "A", "AA", "AAA"),
#'                                      c("D","C","B","Ba", "Baa", "A", "Aa", "Aaa"),
#'                                      c("default", "no default"))}
#' If the categories differ across repeated measurements (either the number of categories or the category labels)
#' one needs to specify the \code{response.levels} explicitly. This is performed by a list
#' of length \eqn{J} (number of repeated measurements), where each element contains
#' the names of the levels of the ordered categories in ascending or descending order.}

#' \item{\code{formula}}{
#' The ordinal responses \eqn{Y} (\code{rating}) are passed by a \code{formula} object.
#' Intercepts can be included or excluded in the model depending on the model paramterization:
#' \itemize{
#' \item {Model without intercept:}
#' If the intercept should be removed the \code{formula} for a given response (\code{rating})
#' and covariates (\code{X1} to \code{Xp}) has the following form:
#'      \code{formula = rating ~ 0 + X1 + ... + Xp}.
#' \item {Model with intercept:}
#' If one wants to include an intercept in the model, there are two equivalent possibilities
#' to set the model \code{formula}. Either one inludes the intercept explicitly by:
#'     \code{formula = rating ~ 1 + X1 + ... + Xp},
#' or by
#'   \code{formula = rating ~ X1 + ... + Xp}.
#' }
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{error.structure}}{
#'  We allow for several different error structures depending on the model parameterization:
#'   \item {Correlation:}
#'   \itemize{
#'   \item \code{corGeneral}
#' The most common parameterization is the general correlation matrix.
#'  \code{error.structure <- corGeneral(~ 1)}
#' This paramterization can be extended by allowing a factor dependent
#' correlation structure, where the correlation of each subject \eqn{i} depends
#' on a given factor \code{f}. This factor \code{f} is not allowed to vary
#' across repeated measurements \eqn{j} for the same subject \eqn{i} and due to numerical
#' constraints only up to maximum 30 levels are allowed.
#'       \code{error.structure = corGeneral(~ f)}
#'   \item \code{corEqui}
#' A covariate dependent equicorrelation structure, where the correlations
#' are equal across all \eqn{J} dimensions and depend on some covariates \code{X1, ..., Xp}.
#' It has to be noted that these covariates \code{X1, ..., Xp} as well as the factor \code{f}
#' are not allowed to vary across repeated measurements \eqn{j} for the same subject \eqn{i}.
#'          \code{error.structure <- corEqui(~ X1 + ... + Xp)}
#'   \item \code{corAR1}
#' In order to account for some heterogeneity the \eqn{AR(1)} error structure
#' is allowed to depend on covariates \code{X1, ..., Xp} that are constant
#' over time for each subject \eqn{i}.
#'       \code{error.structure = corAR1(~ X1 + ... + Xp)}
#'\item {Covariance:}
#'\item \code{covGeneral}
#' In case of a full variance-covariance parameterization the standard parameterization
#'  with a full variance-covariance is obtained by:
#'  \code{error.structure = covGeneral(~ 1)}
#'  This parameterization can be extended to the factor dependent covariance structure,
#'   where the covariance of each subject depends on a given factor \code{f}:
#'  \code{error.structure = covGeneral(~ f)}
#'   }
#'   }
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{coef.constraints}}{
#'   In order to achieve a more flexible framework we allow for constraints on the regression
#'    coefficients. These constraints can be specified by a vector or a matrix \code{coef.constraints}.
#'     First, a simple and less flexible way by specifying a vector \code{coef.constraints}
#'      of dimension \eqn{J}. The ordering \eqn{j \in J} of the responses is given by \code{response.names}.
#'      This vector is allocated in the following way:
#' The first element of the vector \code{coef.constraints} gets a value of 1. If the coefficients
#'  of the repeated measurement \eqn{j = 2} should be equal to the coefficients of the first dimension (\eqn{j=1}) again
#'   a value of 1 is set. If the coefficients should be different to the coefficients of the first dimension
#'   a value of 2 is set. In analogy, if the coefficients of dimensions two and three
#'    should be the same one sets both values to 2 and if they should be different,
#'     a value of 3 is set. Constraints on the regression coefficients of the remaining repeated measurements are set analogously.
#'  \code{coef.constraints <- c(1,1,2,3)}
#'  This vector \code{coef.constraints} sets the coefficients of the first two raters equal
#'  \deqn{\beta_{1\cdot} = \beta_{2\cdot}}
#'  A more advanced way to specify constraints on the regression coefficients is a matrix with \eqn{J} rows,
#'   where each column specifies constraints on one of the \eqn{p} coefficients in the same way as above.
#'    In addition, a value of \code{NA} excludes a corresponding coefficient.
#'    \preformatted{coef.constraints <- cbind(c(1,2,3,4), c(1,1,1,2), c(NA,NA,NA,1),
#'                                             c(1,1,1,NA),c(1,2,3,4),c(1,2,3,4))}
#'        This matrix \code{coef.constraints} gives the following constraints:
#'  \item \eqn{\beta_{12} = \beta_{22} = \beta_{32}}
#'    \item \eqn{\beta_{13} = 0}
#'    \item \eqn{\beta_{23} = 0}
#'    \item \eqn{\beta_{33} = 0}
#'    \item \eqn{\beta_{44} = 0}
#'    \item \eqn{\beta_{14} = \beta_{24} = \beta_{34}}
#'   \item{\code{coef.values}}{
#'   In addition, specific values on regression coefficients can be set in the matrix \code{coef.values}.
#'    Parameters are removed if the value is set to zero (default for \code{NA}'s in \code{coef.constraints})
#'     or to some fixed value. If constraints on parameters are set, these dimensions need to have
#'      the same value in \code{coef.values}. Again each column corresponds to one regression coefficient.
#'   In the credit risk example, the constraints given by \code{coef.constraints} and \code{coef.values}
#'    \preformatted{coef.constraints <- cbind(c(1,2,3,4), c(1,1,1,2), c(NA,NA,NA,1),
#'                                            c(1,1,1,NA), c(1,2,3,4), c(1,2,3,4))}
#'  \preformatted{coef.values <- cbind(c(NA,NA,NA,NA), c(2,2,2,NA), c(0,0,0,NA),
#'                                     c(NA,NA,NA,0), c(NA,NA,NA,NA), c(NA,NA,NA,NA))}
#'result in the following model:

#' \deqn{\widetilde Y_{i1} = \beta_{11} x_{i1} + 2 x_{i2} + x_{i4} + \beta_{15} x_{i5} + \beta_{16} x_{i6},}
#' \deqn{\widetilde Y_{i2} = \beta_{21} x_{i1} + 2 x_{i2} +  x_{i4} + \beta_{25} x_{i5} + \beta_{26} x_{i6},}
#' \deqn{\widetilde Y_{i3} = \beta_{31} x_{i1} + 2 x_{i2} +  x_{i4} + \beta_{35} x_{i5} + \beta_{36} x_{i6},}
#' \deqn{\widetilde Y_{i4} = \beta_{41} x_{i1} + \beta_{42} x_{i2} + \beta_{43} x_{i3} + \beta_{45} x_{i5} + \beta_{46} x_{i6}.}
#'Interaction terms
#'When constraints on the regression coefficient should be specified in models with interaction terms,
#' the \code{coef.constraints} matrix has to be expanded manually. In case of interaction terms
#'  (specified either by \code{X1 + X2 + X1:X2} or equivalently by \code{X1*X2}), one additional
#'   column at the end of \code{coef.constraints} for the interaction term has to be specified for
#'    numerical variables. For interaction terms including factor variables suitably more columns have
#'     to be added to the \code{coef.constraints} matrix.

#' }
#'   \item{\code{threshold.constraints}}{
#'   Similarly, constraints on the threshold parameters can be imposed by a vector of positive integers,
#'    where dimensions with equal threshold parameters get the same integer. When restricting two
#'     outcome dimensions to be the same, one has to be careful that the number of categories in
#'      the two outcome dimensions must be the same. In our example with \eqn{J=4} different outcomes we impose:
#'  \code{threshold.constraints <- c(1,2,1,3)}
#'    gives the following restrictions:
#'  \itemize{
#'  \item \eqn{\bm\theta_{1} = \bm\theta_{3}}
#'  \item \eqn{\bm\theta_{2},\, \bm\theta_{4}} arbitrary.
#' }
#' }

#'   \item{\code{threshold.values}}{
#'   In addition, threshold parameter values can be specified by \code{threshold.values}
#'    in accordance with identifiability constraints. For this purpose we use a \code{list}
#'     with \eqn{J} elements, where each element specifies the constraints of the particular
#'      dimension by a vector of length of the number of threshold parameters (number of categories - 1).
#'      A number specifies a threshold parameter to a specific value and \code{NA} leaves the parameter flexible.
#'       In the credit risk example we have

#' \code{threshold.constraints <- NULL}
#' \preformatted{threshold.values <- list(c(-4,NA,NA,NA,NA,4.5),
#'                                        c(-4,NA,NA,NA,NA,4),
#'                                        c(-5,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,4.5),
#'                                        c(-2.5))}
#resulting in
#' \itemize{
#' \item \eqn{\theta_{11} = -4 \leq \theta_{12} \leq \theta_{13}\leq \theta_{14}\leq \theta_{15} \leq \theta_{16} = 4.5,}
#' \item \eqn{\theta_{21} = -4 \leq \theta_{22} \leq \theta_{23}\leq \theta_{24}\leq \theta_{25} \leq \theta_{26} = 4,}
#' \item \eqn{\theta_{31} = -5 \leq \theta_{32} \leq \theta_{33}\leq \theta_{34}\leq \theta_{35} \leq \theta_{36} \leq \theta_{37} = 4.5,}
#' \item \eqn{\theta_{41} = -2.5.}
#' }
#' }
#' }
#' @return The function \code{multord} returns an object of \code{\link{class}} \code{"multord"}.
#' The functions \code{summary} and \code{print} are used to display the results.
#' The function \code{coef} extracts the regression coefficients, a function \code{threshold} the threshold coefficients
#' and the function \code{sigma} represents the estimation of the corresponding error structure.
#' An object of \code{\link{class}} \code{"multord"} is a list containing the following components:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{\code{beta}}{
#'  a named \code{\link{matrix}} of regression coefficients}
#'  \item{\code{theta}}
#'  a named \code{\link{list}}{ of threshold parameters
#'   \item{\code{sigmas}}
#'     a named \code{\link{list}} of correlation (covariance) matrices,
#'   or a ?vector of coefficients in the \cr
#'   \code{error.structure = corEqui} setting}
#'   \item{\code{sebeta}}{
#'     a named \code{\link{matrix}} of the standard errors of the regression coefficients}
#'   \item{\code{setheta}}{
#'     a named \code{\link{list}} of the standard errors of the threshold parameters}
#'   \item{\code{sesigmas}}{
#'     a named \code{\link{list}} of the standard errors of the correlation (covariance) matrices,
#'   or a ?vector of coefficients in the \code{error.structure = corEqui} setting}
#'   \item{\code{rho}}{
#'     a \code{\link{list}} of all objects that are used in \code{multord}}
#'   \item{\code{rho$optRes}}{
#'     a \code{\link{vector}} of the optimizer output}
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{predict.multord}},
#' \code{\link{print.multord}}, \code{\link{summary.multord}}, \code{\link{coef.multord}},
#'  \code{\link{thresholds.multord}}, \code{\link{get.error.struct.multord}}
#'  \code{\link{data_multord}},\code{\link{data_CMOR}}, \code{\link{data_multord_panel}}
#' @param formula an object of class \code{\link{formula}} of the form \code{y ~ X1 + ... + Xp}.
#' @param data \code{\link{data.frame}} containing a subject index, an index for the repeated measurements,
#' a response \code{y} and covariates \code{X1, ..., Xp}.
#' @param index (optional) argument to specify the column names of the subject index and the repeated measurement index
#' by a vector \cr
#' \code{c("subject", "repeated measurement")} in \code{data}.
#' The default value of \code{index} is \code{NULL} assuming that the first column of \code{data} contains
#' the subject index and the second column the repeated measurement index.
#' @param response.levels (optional) \code{\link{list}} of length \code{J} to specify the category labels
#' in case of varying categories across repeated measurements
#' @param response.names (optional) \code{\link{vector}} of the labels of the repeated measurement index in order to
#' specify ordering of the responses which is essential when setting constraints on the model parameters.
#'  The default value of \code{response.names} is \code{NULL} giving the natural ordering of the levels of the factor variable
#'  of repeated measurements.
#' @param link specifies the link function by \code{"probit"} (multivariate normal distribution)
#' or \code{"logit"} (multivariate logistic distribution).
#' @param error.structure different \code{\link{error.structures}}: general correlation structure (default)\cr
#' \code{corGeneral(~1)},
#' general covariance structure \code{covGeneral(~1)}, factor dependent correlation structure \code{covGeneral(~f)},
#' factor dependent covariance structure \code{covGeneral(~f)}, covariate dependent equicorrelation structure \cr
#' \code{corEqui(~X)},
#' AR(1) correlation structure \code{corAR1(~1)} or factor dependent \cr
#' AR(1) correlation structure \code{corAR1(~f)}.
#' See \code{\link{error.structures}} or 'Details'.
#' @param weights (optional) column name of subject-specific weights in \code{data} which need to be
#' constant across repeated measurements. Negative weights are not allowed.
#' @param coef.constraints \code{\link{vector}} or \code{\link{matrix}} of constraints on the regression coefficients. See 'Details'.
#' @param coef.values \code{\link{matrix}} setting fixed values on the regression coefficients. See 'Details'.
#' @param threshold.constraints \code{\link{vector}} of constraints on the threshold parameters. See 'Details'.
#' @param threshold.values \code{\link{list}} of (optional) fixed values for the threshold parameters. See 'Details'.
#' @param se logical, if \code{TRUE} standard errors are computed.
#' @param start.values vector of (optional) starting values.
#' @param solver choose applicable solver of \code{\link{optimx}} (default is \code{newuoa}).
# #' @param PL.lag specifies the time lag of the pairs in the pairwise likelihood approach to be optimized.
# #' Only applicable with \code{error.structure = corAR1}.
# #' @param control (optional) control arguments for solver
#' @examples
#' library(MultOrd)
#' #load data
#' data("data_multord")
#' head(data_multord)
#' #-------------
#' # corGeneral
#' #-------------
#' #choose rater 1,2,4
#' #set b13 = 0, bj4 = 1 for all j
#' #set thresholds the same for rater 1 and 2
#' #different number of tresholds and labelling --> need to specify response.levels
#' \dontrun{
#' res_complex <- multord(formula = rating ~ 0 + X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5,
#' #formula ~ 0 ... without intercept
#'                index = c("firmID", "rater"),
#' #not necessary if firmID is first column and rater is second column in data
#'                data = data_multord, #choose data
#'                response.levels = list(c("C","B","BB", "BBB", "A", "AA", "AAA"),
#'                                       c("C","B","BB", "BBB", "A", "AA", "AAA"),
#'                                       c("D","C","B","Ba", "Baa", "A", "Aa", "Aaa")),
#' #list for each rater;
#' #need to be set if specific levels/labels are desired (not in natural ordering)
#'                response.names = c("rater1", "rater2", "rater3"),
#' # set if not all raters are used and specifies ordering
#'                link = "probit", #probit or logit
#'                error.structure = corGeneral(~1), #different error structures
#'                weights = NULL,
#'                coef.constraints = cbind(c(1,2,2),
#'                                         c(1,1,2),
#'                                         c(NA,1,2),
#'                                         c(NA,NA,NA),
#'                                         c(1,1,2)),#either a vector or a matrix
#'                coef.values = cbind(c(NA,NA,NA),
#'                                    c(NA,NA,NA),
#'                                    c(0,NA,NA),
#'                                    c(1,1,1),
#'                                    c(NA,NA,NA)),
#' #matrix (possible if coef.constraints is a matrix)
#'                threshold.constraints = c(1,1,2), #vector
#'                threshold.values = NULL, #list for each rater
#'                se = TRUE,
#'                start.values = NULL,
#'                solver = "newuoa",
#'                PL.lag = NULL) #only for corAR1
#' print(res_complex)
#' res_complex.summary <- summary(res_complex)
#' thresholds(res_complex)
#' coefficients(res_complex)
#' get.error.struct(res_complex)
#' #-------------
#' # covGeneral
#' #-------------
#' res_cov3 <- multord(formula = rating ~ 1 + X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5,
#' #formula ~ 0 ... without intercept
#'             index = c("firmID", "rater"),
#' #not necessary if firmID is first column and rater is second column in data
#'             data = data_multord, #choose data
#'             response.levels = list(c("C","B","BB", "BBB", "A", "AA", "AAA"),
#'                                    c("C","B","BB", "BBB", "A", "AA", "AAA"),
#'                                    c("D","C","B","Ba", "Baa", "A", "Aa", "Aaa")),
#' #list for each rater;
#' #need to be set if specific levels/labels are desired
#'             response.names = c("rater1", "rater2", "rater3"),
#' # set if not all raters are used and specifies ordering
#'             link = "probit", #probit or logit
#'             error.structure = covGeneral(~1), #different error structures
#'             weights = NULL,
#'             coef.constraints = NULL, #either a vector or a matrix
#'             coef.values = NULL, #matrix (possible if coef.constraints is a matrix)
#'             threshold.constraints = NULL, #vector
#'             threshold.values = list(c(-4,NA,NA,NA,NA,4.5),
#'                                     c(-4,NA,NA,NA,NA,4),
#'                                     c(-5,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,4.5)), #list for each rater
#'             se = TRUE,
#'             start.values = NULL,
#'             solver = "newuoa",
#'             PL.lag = NULL)
#' print(res_cov3)
#' summary(res_cov3)
#' thresholds(res_cov3)
#' coefficients(res_cov3)
#' get.error.struct(res_cov3)
#' #-------------
#' # corAR1
#' #-------------
#' data(data_multord_panel)
#' head(data_multord_panel)
#' mult.obs = 5
#' res_AR1 <- multord(formula = rating ~ 0 + X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5,
#' #formula ~ 0 ... without intercept
#'            index = c("firmID", "year"),
#' #not necessary if firmID is first column and rater is second column in data
#'            data = data_multord_panel, #choose data
#'            response.levels = rep(list(c("C","B","BB", "BBB", "A", "AA", "AAA")), mult.obs),
#' #list for each rater;
#' #need to be set if specific levels/labels are desired (not in natural ordering)
#'            response.names = c(2001:2005),
#' # set if not all raters are used and specifies ordering
#'            link = "probit", #probit or logit
#'            error.structure = corAR1(~1), #different error structures
#'            weights = NULL,
#'            coef.constraints = NULL,#either a vector or a matrix
#'            coef.values = NULL, #matrix (possible if coef.constraints is a matrix)
#'            threshold.constraints = NULL, #vector
#'            threshold.values = NULL, #list for each rater
#'            se = TRUE,
#'            start.values = NULL,
#'            solver = "newuoa",
#'            PL.lag = NULL) #only for corAR1
#' print(res_AR1)
#' res_AR1.summary <- summary(res_AR1)
#' thresholds(res_AR1)
#' coefficients(res_AR1)
#' get.error.struct(res_AR1)
#' get.error.struct(res_AR1, type = "r")
#' }
#' @name multord
#' @export
multord <- function(formula, data,
                    index = NULL,
                    response.levels = NULL,
                    response.names = NULL,
                    link = c("probit", "logit"),
                    error.structure = corGeneral(~1),
                    weights = NULL, #TODO
                    coef.constraints = NULL,
                    coef.values = NULL,
                    threshold.constraints = NULL,
                    threshold.values = NULL,
                    se = TRUE,
                    start.values = NULL,
                    solver = "newuoa"
                    #,PL.lag = NULL
  #check arguments
  rho <- list()
  rho$link <- link
  rho$se <- se
  rho$start.values <- start.values
  #rho$weights <- weights
  rho$solver <- solver
  rho$threshold.constraints <- threshold.constraints
  rho$threshold.values <- threshold.values
  rho$formula <- formula
  rho$PL.lag <- NULL #PL.lag
  rho$mc <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  nm <- names(as.list(rho$mc))

  if(!"data" %in% nm) stop("Model needs formula, data and link.", call.=FALSE)
  if(!"link" %in% nm) stop("Model needs formula, data and link.", call.=FALSE)
  if(!"formula" %in% nm) stop("Model needs formula, data and link.", call.=FALSE)

  rho$response.name <- all.vars(rho$formula[[2]])
    if(is.null(index)) index[1:2] <- c(1,2)
    if(!all(response.names %in% unique(data[,index[2]]))){
    warning("response.names do not all exist in data.", call.=FALSE)
  if(length(rho$response.name) > 1) stop("only one response needed", call.=FALSE)
  rho$x.names <- c(all.vars(formula[[3]]),
  if(is.null(index)) index <- colnames(data)[1:2]
  data.multord <- multord.data(data, index, rho$response.name, unique(c(rho$x.names,weights)),
                               y.levels = response.levels, response.names = response.names)

  rho$y <- data.multord$y
  rho$y.names <- colnames(rho$y)
  rho$ndim <- ncol(rho$y)
  rho$x <- lapply(1:rho$ndim, function(j) {
    tmp <- model.matrix(as.formula(paste0("~",deparse(rho$formula[[3]]))), data.multord$x[[j]])
    attribute <- attr(tmp, "assign")
    tmp <- tmp[match(rownames(data.multord$x[[j]]),rownames(tmp)),]
    rownames(tmp) <- rownames(data.multord$x[[j]])
    attr(tmp, "assign") <- attribute
  if (is.null(weights)) {
    rho$weights <- rep(1, nrow(rho$y))#matrix(1, nrow = rho$n, ncol = rho$ndim)
  } else {
    tmp <- sapply(data.multord$x, function(j) as.numeric(j[,weights]))
    rho$weights <- apply(tmp,1,function(x) unique(x[!is.na(x)]))
    if(is.list(rho$weights)) stop("Weights need to be constant across repeated measurements", call.=FALSE)
    if(any(rho$weights < 0)) stop("Weights must be non-negative", call.=FALSE)

  rho$error.structure <- set.error.structure(error.structure, data.multord$x, rho$ndim)
  if(!is.null(rho$PL.lag) && rho$error.structure$type != "corAR1") stop("Use PL.lag only with corAR1 error.structure", call.=FALSE)
  if(!is.null(rho$PL.lag) && rho$PL.lag <= 0) stop("PL.lag must be greater than 0", call.=FALSE)

  rho$intercept <- ifelse(attr(terms.formula(rho$formula), "intercept") == 1, TRUE, FALSE)

  if(is.null(coef.constraints)) coef.constraints <- matrix(1:rho$ndim, ncol = ncol(rho$x[[1]]), nrow = rho$ndim)# + rho$intercept
  if(is.vector(coef.constraints)) coef.constraints <- matrix(coef.constraints, ncol = length(rho$x.names) + (rho$intercept), nrow = rho$ndim)

    rho$coef.constraints <- coef.constraints[,attr(rho$x[[1]], "assign") + 1]
  } else rho$coef.constraints <- coef.constraints[,attr(rho$x[[1]], "assign")]

    rho$coef.values <- matrix(NA, ncol = ncol(rho$coef.constraints), nrow = nrow(rho$coef.constraints)) ## TODO:What is this????
    rho$coef.values[is.na(rho$coef.constraints)] <- 0 #default 0
  } else {
      rho$coef.values <- coef.values[,attr(rho$x[[1]], "assign") + 1]
    } else rho$coef.values <- coef.values[,attr(rho$x[[1]], "assign")]# TODO: check:?ordering
  rho$intercept.type <- ifelse(rho$intercept == FALSE, "fixed", ifelse(any(is.na(rho$coef.values[,1])), "flexible", "fixed"))

#' @title Cross-sectional Multivariate Ordinal Regression Models.
#' @description
#' \code{CMOR} fits a cross-sectional ordinal regression model.
#' @param formula a \code{\link{formula}} object for multivariate responses in the form of\cr
#' \code{cbind(Y1, ..., Yj) ~ X1 + ... + Xp}.
#'        Responses need to be ordered factors.
#' @param data \code{\link{data.frame}} containing the ordinal observations and the regression coefficients of the model
#' @param link \code{"probit"} or \code{"logit"} link function
#' @param se logical, if \code{TRUE} standard errors are computed.
#' @param start.values (optional) vector of starting values.
#' @param weights (optional) case weights (default  is 1). Negative weights are not allowed.
#' @param solver choose applicable solver of \code{\link{optimx}} (default is \code{newuoa})
#' @param coef.constraints \code{\link{vector}} or \code{\link{matrix}} of constraints on coefficients. See 'Details'.
#' @param coef.values \code{\link{matrix}} setting fixed values on the regression coefficients. See 'Details'.
#' @param threshold.constraints \code{\link{vector}} of constraints on thresholds. See 'Details'.
#' @param threshold.values (optional) \code{\link{list}} of fixed values for threshold parameters. See 'Details'.
#' @param error.structure different \code{\link{error.structures}}: general correlation structure (default)\cr
#' \code{corGeneral(~1)},
#' general covariance structure \code{covGeneral(~1)}, factor dependent correlation structure \code{covGeneral(~f)},
#' factor dependent covariance structure \code{covGeneral(~f)} or covariate dependent corEqui structure \code{corEqui(~X)}.
#' See \code{\link{error.structures}} or 'Details'.
#' @details ...
#' @name CMOR
#' @export
CMOR <- function(formula, data,
                 link = "probit",
                 error.structure = corGeneral(~1),
                 weights = NULL,
                 coef.constraints = NULL,
                 coef.values = NULL,
                 threshold.constraints = NULL,
                 threshold.values = NULL,
                 se = FALSE,
                 start.values = NULL,
                 solver = "newuoa"){

  #check arguments
  rho <- list()
  rho$link <- link
  rho$se <- se
  rho$start.values <- start.values
  #rho$weights <- weights
  rho$solver <- solver
  rho$threshold.constraints <- threshold.constraints
  rho$threshold.values <- threshold.values
  rho$formula <- formula
  rho$mc <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  nm <- names(as.list(rho$mc))
  rho$PL.lag <- NULL#PL.lag

  if(!"data" %in% nm) stop("Model needs formula, data and link.", call.=FALSE)
  if(!"link" %in% nm) stop("Model needs formula, data and link.", call.=FALSE)
  if(!"formula" %in% nm) stop("Model needs formula, data and link.", call.=FALSE)

  rho$y.names <- all.vars(rho$formula[[2]])
  rho$y <- data[,rho$y.names]
  rho$ndim <- ncol(rho$y)
  rho$x <- lapply(1:rho$ndim, function(j) model.matrix(rho$formula, data))

  rho$x.names <- c(all.vars(formula[[3]]), all.vars(error.structure$formula[[2]]))
  rho$y.names <- colnames(rho$y)
  rho$ndim <- ncol(rho$y)

  if (is.null(weights)) {
    rho$weights <- rep(1, nrow(rho$y))#matrix(1, nrow = rho$n, ncol = rho$ndim)
  } else {
    rho$weights <- data[,weights]
    if(any(rho$weights < 0)) stop("Weights must be non-negative", call.=FALSE)

  rho$error.structure <- set.error.structure.CMOR(error.structure, data)
  if(rho$error.structure$type == "corAR1") stop("error.structure corAR1 cannot be used in CMOR", call.=FALSE)
  if(!is.null(rho$PL.lag) && rho$error.structure$type != "corAR1") stop("Use PL.lag only with corAR1 error.structure", call.=FALSE)

  rho$intercept <- ifelse(attr(terms.formula(rho$formula), "intercept") == 1, TRUE, FALSE)

  if(is.null(coef.constraints)) coef.constraints <- matrix(1:rho$ndim, ncol = length(rho$x.names) + (rho$intercept), nrow = rho$ndim)
  if(is.vector(coef.constraints)) coef.constraints <- matrix(coef.constraints, ncol = length(rho$x.names) + (rho$intercept), nrow = rho$ndim)

    rho$coef.constraints <- coef.constraints[,attr(rho$x[[1]], "assign") + 1]
  } else rho$coef.constraints <- coef.constraints[,attr(rho$x[[1]], "assign")]

    rho$coef.values <- matrix(NA, ncol = ncol(rho$coef.constraints), nrow = nrow(rho$coef.constraints)) ## TODO:What is this????
    rho$coef.values[is.na(rho$coef.constraints)] <- 0 #default 0
  } else {
      rho$coef.values <- coef.values[,attr(rho$x[[1]], "assign") + 1]
    } else rho$coef.values <- coef.values[,attr(rho$x[[1]], "assign")]# TODO: check:?ordering
  rho$intercept.type <- ifelse(rho$intercept == FALSE, "fixed", ifelse(any(is.na(rho$coef.values[,1])), "flexible", "fixed"))

multord.finalize <- function(rho){
  est <- list()
  est$theta <- rho$transf.thresholds(rho$optpar[seq_len(rho$npar.thetas)], rho)
  names(est$theta) <- rho$y.names
  for(j in 1:rho$ndim){
    names(est$theta[[j]]) <- get.labels.theta(rho,j)
  if (rho$se){
    tmp <- rho$threshold.values
    est$setheta <- lapply(1:rho$ndim, function(j){
      if(rho$threshold.constraints[j] %in% rho$threshold.constraints[seq_len(j-1)]){#check threshold.constraints
        tmp[[j]][!is.na(tmp[[j-1]])] <- 0
        tmp[[j]][is.na(tmp[[j-1]])] <- rho$seGamma[rho$ind.thresholds[[j-1]]]
      } else{
        tmp[[j]][!is.na(tmp[[j]])] <- 0
        tmp[[j]][is.na(tmp[[j]])] <- rho$seGamma[rho$ind.thresholds[[j]]]

    names(est$setheta) <- rho$y.names
    for(j in 1:rho$ndim){
      names(est$setheta[[j]]) <- get.labels.theta(rho,j)
  #if corEqui else...
  if(rho$error.structure$type %in% c("corAR1")){
    est$alpha <- rho$optpar[rho$npar.thetas + rho$npar.betas + seq_len(rho$npar.sigmas)]
    #names(est$alpha) <- paste0("alpha_", (seq_len(rho$npar.sigmas) - 1))
    names(est$alpha) <- colnames(rho$error.structure$x)
    est$z <- rho$error.structure$x %*% rho$optpar[rho$npar.thetas + rho$npar.betas + seq_len(rho$npar.sigmas)]
    est$sigmas <- rho$transf.sigmas(rho$optpar[rho$npar.thetas + rho$npar.betas + seq_len(rho$npar.sigmas)],rho)
    est$r <- z2r(est$z)
    } else if(rho$error.structure$type %in% c("corEqui")){
      est$alpha <- rho$optpar[rho$npar.thetas + rho$npar.betas + seq_len(rho$npar.sigmas)]
      # names(est$alpha) <- paste0("alpha_", (seq_len(rho$npar.sigmas) - 1))
      names(est$alpha) <- colnames(rho$error.structure$x)
      est$z <- rho$error.structure$x %*% rho$optpar[rho$npar.thetas + rho$npar.betas + seq_len(rho$npar.sigmas)]
      est$r <- rho$transf.sigmas(rho$optpar[rho$npar.thetas + rho$npar.betas + seq_len(rho$npar.sigmas)],rho)
      est$sigmas <- lapply(1:rho$n, function(i) {
        tmp <- matrix(est$r[i],nrow = rho$ndim,ncol = rho$ndim)
        diag(tmp) <- 1
        rownames(tmp) <- colnames(tmp) <- rho$y.names
  } else {
    #spherical parametrization of correlation matrix
    if (rho$error.structure$type == "covGeneral"){
      exp.par.sd <- exp(rho$optpar[rho$npar.thetas + rho$npar.betas + rho$npar.cor * rho$ncor.levels + seq_len(rho$npar.cor.sd * rho$ncor.levels)])
      sigmas <- rho$transf.sigmas(rho$optpar[rho$npar.thetas + rho$npar.betas + seq_len(rho$npar.cor * rho$ncor.levels)],rho, exp.par.sd)
    } else {
      sigmas <- rho$transf.sigmas(rho$optpar[rho$npar.thetas + rho$npar.betas + seq_len(rho$npar.cor * rho$ncor.levels)],rho)
    sigmas <- lapply(1:rho$ncor.levels, function(j){
      rownames(sigmas[[j]]) <- colnames(sigmas[[j]]) <- rho$y.names
    if(length(sigmas) > 1) names(sigmas) <- rho$error.structure$levels
    #rownames(sigmas) <- colnames(sigmas) <- rho$y.names
    est$sigmas <- sigmas
      est$sesigmas <- rho$seGamma[rho$npar.thetas + rho$npar.betas + seq_len(rho$npar.sigmas)] #seq_len(rho$npar.cor * rho$ncor.levels)]
  par.beta <- rho$optpar[rho$npar.thetas + seq_len(rho$npar.betas)]
  est$beta <- sapply(1:ncol(rho$coef.constraints), function(j){
    sapply(1:nrow(rho$coef.constraints), function(i,j) ifelse(is.na(rho$ind.coef[i,j]), rho$coef.values[i,j], par.beta[rho$ind.coef[i, j]]), j)
  # est$beta <- sapply(1:ncol(rho$coef.constraints), function(j){
  #   sapply(1:nrow(rho$coef.constraints), function(i,j) ifelse(rho$ind.coef[i,j] != 0,par.beta[rho$ind.coef[i,j]],0),j)
  # })
  #if(rho$model == "PMOR") colnames(est$beta) <- colnames(rho$x[[1]]) else colnames(est$beta) <- colnames(rho$x)
  colnames(est$beta) <- colnames(rho$x[[1]])
  rownames(est$beta) <- rho$y.names
    se.beta <- rho$seGamma[rho$npar.thetas + seq_len(rho$npar.betas)]
    est$sebeta <- sapply(1:ncol(rho$coef.constraints), function(j){
      sapply(1:nrow(rho$coef.constraints), function(i,j) ifelse(is.na(rho$ind.coef[i,j]), 0, se.beta[rho$ind.coef[i, j]]), j)
    # est$sebeta <- sapply(1:ncol(rho$coef.constraints), function(j){
    #   sapply(1:nrow(rho$coef.constraints), function(i,j) ifelse(rho$ind.coef[i,j] != 0,se.beta[rho$ind.coef[i,j]],0),j)
    # })
    #colnames(est$sebeta) <- colnames(rho$x)
    colnames(est$sebeta) <- colnames(rho$x[[1]])
    rownames(est$sebeta) <- rho$y.names

#' @title Print Method for Multivariate Ordinal Regression Models.
#' @description Prints thresholds, regression coefficients
#'  and correlation parameters of class \code{"multord"}.
#' @param x object of class \code{"multord"}
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
# #' @noRd
# #' @rdname multord
#' @method print multord
#' @export
# #' @exportMethod  print multord
print.multord <- function(x, ...){
      paste(deparse(x$rho$mc), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), "\n\n", sep = "")

  cat("Threshold parameters:\n")

  if(x$rho$error.structure$type %in% c("corGeneral", "covGeneral")){
    print(x$sigmas, names = FALSE)
  } else{
    if (x$rho$error.structure$formula == ~1) {
      cat("correlation parameter:\n")
      print(x$r[1], names = FALSE)
    } else {
      cat("alpha parameters error.structure:\n")
      print(x$alpha, names = FALSE)

#' @title Summary method for Multivariate Ordinal Regression Models.
#' @description Summary of thresholds, regression coefficients
#' and correlation parameters of class \code{"multord"}.
#' @param object object of class \code{"multord"}
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
# #' @rdname multord
#' @method summary multord
# #' @exportMethod  summary multord
#' @export
summary.multord <- function(object, ...){
  ntotal <- sum(object$rho$ntheta) + length(object$beta) + object$rho$npar.sigmas #object$rho$npar.cor * object$rho$ncor.levels
  ## only for CMORcor
  names.theta <- unlist(lapply(1:object$rho$ndim, function(j) paste(names(object$theta)[j], names(object$theta[[j]]), sep = " ")))
  names.beta <- unlist(lapply(1:ncol(object$beta), function(p){
    lapply(1:object$rho$ndim, function(j) paste(colnames(object$beta)[p], row.names(object$beta)[j], sep = " "))}))
  ind <- combn(1:object$rho$ndim,2)
  if(object$rho$error.structure$type == "covGeneral") sigmascor <- lapply(object$sigmas, cov2cor)
  ## if only one r, print r and its standard error
  if (object$rho$error.structure$type %in% c("corEqui", "corAR1") && object$rho$error.structure$formula == ~1){
    object$alpha <- object$r[1]
    names(object$alpha) <- "corr"
    ## dL/dr = dL/dalpha * dalpha/dr
    dadr <- 1/((1 + object$r[1]) * (1 - object$r[1]))
    object$sesigmas <- object$sesigmas/dadr
  names.sigma <- switch(object$rho$error.structure$type,
                        corGeneral = as.vector(sapply(seq_len(length(object$sigmas)), function(l){
                          paste(paste("corr",object$rho$error.structure$levels[l], sep = " "),
                                sapply(1:ncol(ind), function(j){
                                  paste(colnames(object$sigmas[[l]])[ind[1,j]], colnames(object$sigmas[[l]])[ind[2,j]], sep = " ")
                                }), sep = " ")
                        covGeneral = as.vector(c(sapply(seq_len(length(object$sigmas)), function(l){
                          paste(paste("corr",object$rho$error.structure$levels[l], sep = " "),
                          sapply(1:ncol(ind), function(j) paste(colnames(object$sigmas[[l]])[ind[1,j]],
                                                                      colnames(object$sigmas[[l]])[ind[2,j]], sep = " ")), sep = " ")
                        paste("sigma", sapply(1:object$rho$ncor.levels, function(l)
                          sapply(1:object$rho$ndim, function(j){
                          paste(l, colnames(object$sigmas[[l]])[j], sep = " ")
                        })), sep = " ")
                        corEqui =  names(object$alpha),
                        corAR1  =  names(object$alpha))

  coef <- switch(object$rho$error.structure$type,
                 corGeneral = as.matrix(c(unlist(object$theta), as.vector(object$beta),
                                          as.vector(sapply(seq_len(length(object$sigmas)), function(l){
                                            sapply(1:ncol(ind), function(j) object$sigmas[[l]][ind[1,j],ind[2,j]])}))), ncol = 1),
                 covGeneral = as.matrix(c(unlist(object$theta), as.vector(object$beta),
                                          as.vector(sapply(seq_len(length(object$sigmas)), function(l){
                                            sapply(1:ncol(ind), function(j) sigmascor[[l]][ind[1,j],ind[2,j]])})),
                                          as.vector(sapply(seq_len(length(object$sigmas)), function(l){
                                            sapply(1:object$rho$ndim, function(j) sqrt(object$sigmas[[l]][j,j]))})))
                                        , ncol = 1),
                 corEqui    = as.matrix(c(unlist(object$theta), as.vector(object$beta),object$alpha), ncol = 1),
                 corAR1     = as.matrix(c(unlist(object$theta), as.vector(object$beta),object$alpha), ncol = 1))
  rownames(coef) <- c(names.theta, names.beta, names.sigma)
  colnames(coef) <- c("Estimate")
    tmp <- matrix(0, ntotal, 4,
                  dimnames = list(c(names.theta, names.beta, as.vector(names.sigma)),
                                  c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "z value", "Pr(>|z|)")))
    tmp[, 1] <- coef
    #tmp[,2] <- rep(0,nrow(tmp))
    tmp[, 2] <- c(unlist(object$setheta), as.vector(object$sebeta), object$sesigmas) #check: order of sesigmas in covGeneral
    tmp[, 3] <- tmp[, 1]/tmp[, 2]
    tmp[,4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(tmp[, 3]), lower.tail=FALSE)
    signif <- ifelse(tmp[,4] >=  0.1," ",
                     ifelse(tmp[,4] >=  0.05,".",
                            ifelse(tmp[,4] >=  0.01,"*",
                                   ifelse(tmp[,4] >=  0.001,"**","***"))))
    coef <- cbind.data.frame(tmp, signif)
    coef[tmp[, 2] == 0, 3] <- NA
    coef[tmp[, 2] == 0, 4] <- NA
    coef[tmp[, 2] == 0, 5] <- NA
  mat <- cbind.data.frame(c("link",object$rho$link), c("threshold",object$rho$threshold),
                          c("nsubjects", object$rho$n), c("ndim", object$rho$ndim),
                          c("?logPL", round(object$rho$optRes$value,2)),c("CLIC-AIC", ifelse(object$rho$se,round(object$rho$claic,2),NA)),
                          c("CLIC-BIC", ifelse(object$rho$se,round(object$rho$clbic,2),NA)),c("fevals", object$rho$optRes$fevals))

  cat("\nCall: ",
      paste(deparse(object$rho$mc), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), "\n\n", sep = "")
  cat("Formula: ")
  write.table(format(mat, justify="right"), row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
  cat("Threshold parameters:\n")
  print(coef[length(names.theta) + seq_len(length(names.beta)),])
  cat("\nCorrelation/Covariance Structure:\n")
  print(coef[length(names.theta) + length(names.beta) + seq_len(length(names.sigma)),])

  cat("Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1\n")
  class(coef) <- "summary.multord"

#' @title Coefficients of Multivariate Ordinal Regression Models.
#' @description \code{coef} is a generic function which extracts
#'  regression coefficients from objects of class \code{"multord"}.
#' @param object object of class \code{"multord"}
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
# #' @noRd
# #' @export
# coef <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("coef")
# #' @rdname multord
#' @method coef multord
# ' @exportMethod coef multord
#' @export
# #' @exportMethod  coef multord
coef.multord <- function(object, ...) object$beta

#' @title Thresholds of Multivariate Ordinal Regression Models.
#' @description
#' \code{thresholds} is a generic function which extracts threshold coefficients from objects of class \cr
#' \code{"multord"}.
#' @param object object of class \code{"multord"}
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
# #' @rdname multord
#' @export
thresholds <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("thresholds")
#' @rdname thresholds
#' @export
thresholds.multord <- function(object, ...) object$theta

#' @title Extracts Error structure of Multivariate Ordinal Regression Models.
#' @description
#' \code{get.error.struct} is a generic function which extracts the estimated error structure parameters from objects of class \code{"multord"}.
#' @param object object of class \code{"multord"}
#' @param type choose type \code{c("sigmas", "alpha", "r", "z")}
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @details \itemize{
#' \item{\code{sigmas}} {extracts correlation/covariance matrices. Applicable in line with\cr \code{corGeneral, covGeneral, CorEqui, corAR1}}
#' \item{\code{alpha}} {extracts parameters of covariate dependent error structure. Applicable in line with \code{CorEqui, corAR1}}
#' \item{\code{r}} {extracts correlation parameters. Applicable in line with \code{CorEqui, corAR1}}
#' \item{\code{z}} {extracts Fisher-z score. Applicable in line with \code{CorEqui, corAR1}}}
#' @export
get.error.struct <- function(object, type, ...) UseMethod("get.error.struct")
#' @rdname get.error.struct
#' @export
get.error.struct.multord <- function(object, type = NULL, ...){
  if(object$rho$error.structure$type %in% c("corGeneral", "covGeneral")){
  } else object$alpha
  } else{

#' @title Predict method for Multivariate Ordinal Regression Models.
#' @description
#' Obtains predicted values for objects of class \code{"multord"}.
#' @param object of class \code{multord} or \code{PMOR}
#' @param type \code{c("class.max", "class", "prob.max", "prob", "pred","cum.prob")}
#' @param newdata (optional) data frame of new covariates.
#' The names of the variables should correspond to the names of the
#'  variables used to fit the model.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @details
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'   \code{type} \tab description\cr
#'   \code{"class.max"} \tab (default)\cr
#'   \code{"class"} \tab \cr
#'   \code{"prob.max"} \tab \cr
#'   \code{"prob"} \tab \cr
#'   \code{"pred"} \tab \cr
#'   \code{"cum.prob"} \tab (not applicable with newdata)
#'   }
#' @export
#object <- res.formula
predict.multord <- function(object, type = "class.max", newdata = NULL, ...){
    # stop if varnames are different if()
    if(object$rho$error.structure$type == "corAR1"){
      ### CHECK: input Y's
      y <- newdata[[1]][,object$rho$y.names]
      x <- lapply(1:object$rho$ndim, function(j) model.matrix(object$rho$formula, newdata[[j]]))

    } else{
      y <- newdata[,object$rho$y.names]
      x <- model.matrix(object$rho$formula, newdata)
  } else{
    x <- object$rho$x
    y <- object$rho$y

  if(object$rho$error.structure$type == "corAR1"){
    pred.fixed <- sapply(1:object$rho$ndim, function(j) x[[j]] %*% object$beta[j,])
  } else{
    pred.fixed <- sapply(1:object$rho$ndim, function(j) x %*% object$beta[j,])

  if(type == "pred"){
  } else if(type == "class"){
    y.ord <- sapply(1:object$rho$ndim, function(j)
          labels=FALSE), simplify = "array")
  } else if(type == "prob"){
    theta.lower <- sapply(1:object$rho$ndim, function(j) c(-object$rho$inf.value, object$theta[[j]])[object$rho$y[, j]])
    theta.upper <- sapply(1:object$rho$ndim, function(j) c(object$theta[[j]], object$rho$inf.value)[object$rho$y[, j]])
    pred.lower <- (theta.lower - pred.fixed)/object$rho$sd.y
    pred.upper <- (theta.upper - pred.fixed)/object$rho$sd.y

    sigma <- get.sigma.i(object)
    sapply(1:object$rho$nobs, function(i) sadmvn(lower = pred.lower[i,], upper = pred.upper[i,],
                                                 mean = rep(0,object$rho$ndim), varcov = sigma[[i]]))
  } else if(type == "cum.prob"){
    theta.lower <- sapply(1:object$rho$ndim, function(j) c(-object$rho$inf.value, object$theta[[j]])[object$rho$y[, j]])
    theta.upper <- sapply(1:object$rho$ndim, function(j) c(object$theta[[j]], object$rho$inf.value)[object$rho$y[, j]])
    pred.lower <- matrix(-10000, ncol = object$rho$ndim, nrow = object$rho$nobs)
    pred.upper <- (theta.upper - pred.fixed)/object$rho$sd.y

    sigma <- get.sigma.i(object)
    sapply(1:object$rho$nobs, function(i) sadmvn(lower = pred.lower[i,], upper = pred.upper[i,],
                                                 mean = rep(0,object$rho$ndim), varcov = sigma[[i]]))
  } else if(type == "class.max"){
    theta.lower.all <- sapply(1:object$rho$ndim, function(j) c(-object$rho$inf.value, object$theta[[j]]))
    theta.upper.all <- sapply(1:object$rho$ndim, function(j) c(object$theta[[j]], object$rho$inf.value))

    sigma <- get.sigma.i(object)
    #all combinations
    cats <- sapply(1:object$rho$ndim,function(j) 1:(object$rho$ntheta[j] + 1))
    cmbn <- expand.grid(cats)

    probs <- sapply(seq_len(nrow(cmbn)), function(i){
      theta.lower <- sapply(1:object$rho$ndim, function(j) theta.lower.all[[j]][cmbn[i,j]])
      theta.upper <- sapply(1:object$rho$ndim, function(j) theta.upper.all[[j]][cmbn[i,j]])
      pred.lower <- (theta.lower - pred.fixed)/object$rho$sd.y
      pred.upper <- (theta.upper - pred.fixed)/object$rho$sd.y
      sapply(1:object$rho$nobs, function(i) sadmvn(lower = pred.lower[i,], upper = pred.upper[i,],
                                                   mean = rep(0,object$rho$ndim), varcov = sigma[[i]]))
    ind.max <- apply(probs,1,which.max)

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MultOrd documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:49 p.m.