
###### PL Standard Errors - no parallel    ###############
transf.thresholds.fix2.firstlast.jac <- function(rho, j, gamma_j, i){
  recursive.theta <- function(i) {
    if (i == 0) 0
    else return ((exp(gamma_j[i]) + recursive.theta(i - 1))/(1 + exp(gamma_j[i])))
    theta <- sapply(1:length(gamma_j), function(i)

transf.thresholds.fix2.first.jac <- function(rho,j,gamma_j,i){
      c(0, cumsum(c(1 ,exp(gamma_j))))[i+2]

corr.jac.num.fct <- function(rho, nu, i){
  # i is the ith correlation parameter
  L <- diag(rho$ndim)
  angles <- pi * exp(nu)/(1 + exp(nu))
  L[lower.tri(L)] <- cos(angles)
  S <-  matrix(0, nrow = rho$ndim - 1, ncol = rho$ndim - 1)
  S[lower.tri(S,diag=T)] <- sin(angles)
  S <- apply(cbind(1, rbind(0, S)), 1, cumprod)
  L <- L * t(S)
  sigma <- tcrossprod(L)

PL_se <- function(rho){
  par <- rho$optpar
  rho$transf.thresholds.jac <- switch(rho$threshold,
                                      fix2firstlast = transf.thresholds.fix2.firstlast.jac,
                                      fix2first = transf.thresholds.fix2.first.jac)

  gamma <- par[1:rho$npar.thetas]
  if (rho$threshold == "flexible") {
    jac <- lapply((1:rho$ndim)[which(rho$npar.theta.opt > 0)], function(j){ #rho$npar.theta
      emat <- diag(rho$ntheta[j])
      if (ncol(emat) >= 2) {
        emat[,1] <- 1
        for (k in 2:ncol(emat))
          emat[(k:nrow(emat)), k] <-
            exp(gamma[(rho$first.ind.theta[j]) + seq_len(rho$ntheta[j]-1)])[k - 1]
  } else {
    if (rho$threshold == "fix1first") {
      jac <- lapply((1:rho$ndim)[which(rho$npar.theta.opt > 0)], function(j){ #rho$npar.theta
        emat <- diag(rho$ntheta[j])
        if (ncol(emat) >= 2) {
          emat[,1] <- 1
          for (k in 2:ncol(emat))
            emat[(k:nrow(emat)), k] <-
              exp(gamma[(rho$first.ind.theta[j]) + seq_len(rho$npar.theta.opt[j])-1])[k - 1] #rho$npar.theta
    } else {
      jac <- lapply((1:rho$ndim)[which(rho$npar.theta.opt > 0)], function(j){ #rho$npar.theta
        gamma_j <- gamma[rho$first.ind.theta[j] + seq_len(rho$npar.theta.opt[j]) - 1] #rho$npar.theta
                 function(i) grad(function(x) rho$transf.thresholds.jac(rho, j, x, i), x=gamma_j)))
  ## no transform for betas
  jac[sum(rho$npar.theta.opt > 0) + seq_len(rho$npar.betas)] <- 1 #rho$npar.theta
  ## jacobian for spherical transf
  nu <- par[rho$npar.thetas + rho$npar.betas + seq_len(rho$npar.cor * rho$ncor.levels)]
  if (rho$error.structure$type %in% c("corEqui", "corAR1")){ 
    corr.jac <- list(diag(rho$npar.sigmas))
  } else {
      corr.jac <- lapply(1:rho$ncor.levels, function(l) t(sapply(1:rho$npar.cor, function(i) grad(function(x) corr.jac.num.fct(rho, x, i),
                                          x=nu[(l - 1) * rho$npar.cor + seq_len(rho$npar.cor)]))))
  jac[sum(rho$npar.theta.opt > 0)  + rho$npar.betas + seq_len(rho$ncor.levels)] <- corr.jac #rho$npar.theta
  if (rho$error.structure$type %in% c("covGeneral")) jac[sum(rho$npar.theta.opt > 0)  + rho$npar.betas + rho$ncor.levels + seq_len(rho$npar.cor.sd * rho$ncor.levels)] <-
    exp(par[rho$npar.thetas + rho$npar.betas + rho$npar.cor * rho$ncor.levels + seq_len(rho$npar.cor.sd * rho$ncor.levels)]) #rho$npar.theta
   # exp(par[rho$npar.thetas + rho$npar.betas + rho$npar.cor * rho$ncor.levels + seq_len(rho$npar.cor.sd * rho$ncor.levels)])
  J <- as.matrix(bdiag(jac))
  J.inv <- solve(J)
  ## analytic only for vector beta constraints, no fixall and with no PL.lag restriction TODO
  if (#all(rho$coef.constraints == matrix(1:rho$ndim, ncol = rho$p, nrow = rho$ndim)) &&
      (ncol(unique(rho$coef.constraints, MARGIN = 2)) == 1) &&
     # all(rho$threshold.constraints == 1:rho$ndim) && 
      (rho$PL.lag == rho$ndim) && 
     # all(is.na(rho$coef.values)) &&
      all(sapply(rho$threshold.values.fixed,length) != rho$ntheta )) {
    cat("Computing variability matrix analytically ... \n")
    rho$Vi <- Vi_ana(rho)
  } else {
    rho$neglog_comp_i <- switch(rho$link,
                                probit = neglogPL_comp_i.probit,
                                logit  = neglogPL_comp_i.logit)
    rho$transf.par_i <- switch(rho$error.structure$type,
                               corGeneral = transf.par.cor_i,
                               corEqui    = transf.par.cor_i,
                               covGeneral = transf.par.cov_i,
                               corAR1     = transf.par.cor_i)
    cat("Computing variability matrix numerically ... \n")
    Vi <- matrix(0, ncol = length(par), nrow = rho$n)
    for (i in 1:rho$n) {
      if (i %% 100 == 0)  cat('Computed gradient for', i, 'out of', rho$n,'observations\n')
      Vi[i, ] <- grad(function(par) rho$neglog_comp_i(par, rho, i), par, method = "Richardson")
    # rho$Vi1 <- Vi %*% J.inv
    # all.equal(rho$Vi1, rho$Vi)
    rho$Vi <-  Vi %*% J.inv
  rho$V <- crossprod(rho$Vi) # original variability matrix
  cat("\nComputing Hessian ... \n")
  Ht <-  hessian(function(par) rho$ObjFun(par, rho), par,
                 method = "Richardson", method.args=list(eps=1e-6)) # Fisher matrix H(Gamma transf)
  rho$V <- rho$n/(rho$n - length(par)) * rho$V ## see maop code, correct for degrees of freedom
  rho$H.inv <-   J %*%  solve(Ht) %*% t(J)
  rho$varGamma <- rho$H.inv %*% rho$V %*% rho$H.inv ## inverse godambe
  rho$seGamma <- sqrt(diag(rho$varGamma))
  rho$claic <- 2 * rho$objective + 2 * sum(diag(rho$V %*% rho$H.inv))
  rho$clbic <- 2 * rho$objective + log(rho$n) * sum(diag(rho$V %*% rho$H.inv))
###### neg loglikelihood component for each subject i (gradient) ##############

transf.par.cor_i <- function(par, rho, i) {
  sigmas <- rho$transf.sigmas(par[rho$npar.thetas + rho$npar.betas + seq_len(rho$npar.sigmas)],rho)
  #transform thresholds due to monotonicity
  theta <- rho$transf.thresholds(par[seq_len(rho$npar.thetas)], rho)
  par_beta <- par[rho$npar.thetas + seq(rho$npar.betas)]
  beta <- sapply(1:ncol(rho$coef.constraints), function(j){
    sapply(1:nrow(rho$coef.constraints), function(i,j)
      ifelse(is.na(rho$ind.coef[i,j]), rho$coef.values[i,j], par_beta[rho$ind.coef[i, j]]), j)
  pred.fixed <- sapply(1:rho$ndim, function(j) rho$x[[j]][i, ] %*% beta[j, ])
  theta.lower <- sapply(1:rho$ndim, function(j) c(-rho$inf.value, theta[[j]])[rho$y[i, j]])
  theta.upper <- sapply(1:rho$ndim, function(j) c(theta[[j]], rho$inf.value)[rho$y[i, j]])
  pred.lower <- (theta.lower - pred.fixed)/rho$sd.y
  pred.upper <- (theta.upper - pred.fixed)/rho$sd.y
  list(U = pred.upper, L = pred.lower,
       sigmas = sigmas)

transf.par.cov_i <- function(par, rho, i) {
  exp.par.sd <- exp(par[rho$npar.thetas + rho$npar.betas + rho$npar.cor * rho$ncor.levels + seq_len(rho$npar.cor.sd *  rho$ncor.levels)])
  sigmas <- rho$transf.sigmas(par[rho$npar.thetas + rho$npar.betas + seq_len(rho$npar.sigmas)],rho, exp.par.sd)
  exp.par.sd <- lapply(1:rho$ncor.levels, function(l) exp.par.sd[ (l-1) * rho$npar.cor.sd + seq_len(rho$npar.cor.sd) ])
  lev <- match(rho$error.structure$x[i], rho$error.structure$levels)
  #transform thresholds due to monotonicity
  theta <- rho$transf.thresholds(par[seq_len(rho$npar.thetas)], rho)
  par_beta <- par[rho$npar.thetas + seq(rho$npar.betas)]
  beta <- sapply(1:ncol(rho$coef.constraints), function(j){
    sapply(1:nrow(rho$coef.constraints), function(i,j)
      ifelse(is.na(rho$ind.coef[i,j]), rho$coef.values[i,j], par_beta[rho$ind.coef[i, j]]), j)
  pred.fixed <- sapply(1:rho$ndim, function(j) rho$x[[j]][i, ] %*% beta[j, ])
  theta.lower <- sapply(1:rho$ndim, function(j) c(-rho$inf.value, theta[[j]])[rho$y[i, j]])
  theta.upper <- sapply(1:rho$ndim, function(j) c(theta[[j]], rho$inf.value)[rho$y[i, j]])
  pred.lower <-  ((theta.lower - pred.fixed)/rho$sd.y)/exp.par.sd[[lev]]
  pred.upper <-  ((theta.upper - pred.fixed)/rho$sd.y)/exp.par.sd[[lev]]
  sigmas <- lapply(sigmas, cov2cor)
  list(U = pred.upper, L = pred.lower,
       sigmas = sigmas)

neglogPL_comp_i.probit <- function(par, rho, i) {
  # transform parameters and get upper and lower bounds
  tmp <- rho$transf.par_i(par, rho, i)
  U <- tmp$U; L <- tmp$L; sigmas <- tmp$sigmas
  q <- which(!is.na(rho$y[i, ]))
  if (length(q) == 1){
    pr <- pnorm(U[q]) - pnorm(L[q])
    logPLi <- rho$weights[i] * log(max(pr, .Machine$double.eps))
  } else {
    combis <- combn(q, 2)
    combis <- combis[,which((combis[2,] - combis[1,])  <= 2 * rho$PL.lag), drop = FALSE]
    logPLi <- 0
    for (h in 1:ncol(combis)){
      if(rho$error.structure$type %in% c("corGeneral", "covGeneral")){ #, "corAR1"
        lev <- match(rho$error.structure$x[i], rho$error.structure$levels)
        r <- sigmas[[lev]][combis[1, h], combis[2, h]]
        } else if(rho$error.structure$type %in% c("corAR1")){
           r <- sigmas[[i]][combis[1, h], combis[2, h]]
        } else r <- sigmas[i]

      pr <- rectbiv.norm.prob(U[combis[, h]], L[combis[, h]], r)
      pr[pr < .Machine$double.eps] <- .Machine$double.eps
      logPLi <- logPLi + rho$weights[i] * log(max(pr, .Machine$double.eps))

neglogPL_comp_i.logit <- function(par, rho, i) {
  # transform parameters and get upper and lower bounds
  tmp <- rho$transf.par_i(par, rho, i)
  U <- tmp$U; L <- tmp$L; sigmas <- tmp$sigmas
  q <- which(!is.na(rho$y[i, ]))
  if (length(q) == 1){
    pr <- pt(U[q], df = rho$df.t) - pt(L[q], df = rho$df.t)
    logPLi <- rho$weights[i] * log(pr)
  } else {
    combis <- combn(q, 2)
    combis <- combis[,which((combis[2,] - combis[1,])  <= 2 * rho$PL.lag), drop = FALSE]
    logPLi <- 0
    for (h in 1:ncol(combis)){
      if(rho$error.structure$type %in% c("corGeneral", "covGeneral")){ #, "corAR1"
      lev <- match(rho$error.structure$x[i], rho$error.structure$levels)
      r <- sigmas[[lev]][combis[1, h], combis[2, h]]
      } else if(rho$error.structure$type %in% c("corAR1")){
           r <- sigmas[[i]][combis[1, h], combis[2, h]]
           } else r <- sigmas[i]
      pr <- biv.nt.prob2(rho$df.t,
                         lower = L[combis[,h]],
                         upper = U[combis[,h]],
                         r = r)

      pr[pr < .Machine$double.eps] <- .Machine$double.eps
      logPLi <- logPLi + rho$weights[i] * log(max(pr, .Machine$double.eps))

biv.prob <- function(link, U, L, r, df){
  ## U and L must have dimension 2 and are upper and lower bounds
  ## r is the correlation parameter
  ## df are the degrees of freedom for the t-distribution
  if (is.null(dim(U)[2]) & is.null(dim(L)[2])) {
    dim(U) <- dim(L) <- c(1, length(U))
  if (length(r) == 1) r <- rep(r, nrow(U))
  pr <- switch(link,
               probit = rectbiv.norm.prob(U, L, r), 
               logit  = sapply(seq_len(nrow(U)), function(i) 
                                 biv.nt.prob2(df = df, 
                                              lower = L[i, ],
                                              upper = U[i, ], 
                                              r     = r[i])))
  pr[pr < .Machine$double.eps] <- .Machine$double.eps

deriv_biv_norm <- function(A, B, r){
  dnorm(A) * pnorm((B - r * A)/sqrt(1 - r^2))

deriv_corr_norm <- function(A, B, r){
  1/(2 * pi * sqrt(1 - r^2)) *
    exp(-(A^2 - 2 * r * A * B + B^2)/(2 * (1 - r^2)))

deriv_biv_t <- function(A, B, r, df){
  mu_c <- r * A
  sigma_c <- sqrt((df + A^2)/(df + 1) * (1 - r^2))
  df_c <- df + 1
  dt(A, df = df) * pt((B - mu_c)/sigma_c, df = df_c)

deriv_corr_t <- function(A, B, r, df){
  1/(2 * pi * sqrt(1 - r^2)) *
    (1 + (A^2 - 2 * r * A * B + B^2)/(df * (1 - r^2)))^(- df/2)

Vi_ana <- function(rho){
  pfun <- switch(rho$link, 
                 probit = pnorm,
                 logit  = function(q) pt(q, df = rho$df.t))

  dfun <- switch(rho$link, 
                 probit = dnorm,
                 logit  = function(q) dt(q, df = rho$df.t))
  deriv_biv_fun <- switch(rho$link, 
                          probit = deriv_biv_norm,
                          logit  = function(A, B, r) deriv_biv_t(A, B, r, df = rho$df.t))
  deriv_corr_fun <- switch(rho$link, 
                           probit = deriv_corr_norm,
                           logit  = function(A, B, r) deriv_corr_t(A, B, r, df = rho$df.t))
  par <- rho$optpar
  tmp <- rho$transf.par(par, rho)
  U <- tmp$U; L <- tmp$L; sigmas <- tmp$sigmas;
  rho$B2 <- lapply(1:rho$ndim, function(j)
    1 * (col(matrix(0, rho$n, rho$ntheta[j] + 1)) ==
           c(unclass(rho$y[, j]))))
  rho$B1 <- lapply(1:rho$ndim, function(i) as.matrix(rho$B2[[i]][,-(rho$ntheta[i] + 1), drop = FALSE]))
  rho$B2 <- lapply(1:rho$ndim, function(i) as.matrix(rho$B2[[i]][,-1, drop = FALSE]))

  dbeta <- matrix(0, nrow = rho$n, ncol = rho$npar.betas)
  dtheta <- matrix(0, nrow = rho$n, ncol = sum(rho$npar.theta.opt)) #rho$npar.theta
  dcorr <-  matrix(0, nrow = rho$n, ncol = rho$npar.cor * rho$ncor.levels)
  if (rho$error.structure$type == "covGeneral") {
    dstddev <-  matrix(0, nrow = rho$n, ncol = rho$npar.cor.sd * rho$ncor.levels)
    std.dev <- tmp$std.dev;
  } else {
    dstddev <- NULL
    std.dev <- rep(list(rep(1, rho$ndim)), rho$ncor.levels)
  npar.beta.opt <- apply(rho$ind.coef, 1, function(x) sum(!is.na(x)))
  pick.col.beta <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(rho$ind.coef)), function(i) 
    which(!is.na(rho$ind.coef[i, ])))
  for (k in seq_len(length(rho$y.NA.ind))) {
    q <- as.numeric(strsplit(names(rho$y.NA.ind[k]), "")[[1]])# turn "101"to 1 0 1)
    ind <- rho$y.NA.ind[[k]]
    if(! rho$error.structure$type %in% c("corEqui", "corAR1")){
      lev <- match(rho$error.structure$x[ind], rho$error.structure$levels)
    } else {
      lev <- rep(1, length(ind))
    Uq <- U[ind, , drop = F]
    Lq <- L[ind, , drop = F]
    std.dev.mat <- do.call("rbind",  std.dev[lev])
    if (sum(q) == 1){
      idq <- which(q == 1)
      pr <- pfun(Uq[, idq]) - pfun(Lq[, idq])
      pick.col.theta <- switch(rho$threshold, 
                         flexible      = seq_len(rho$ntheta[idq]), 
                         fix1first     = seq_len(rho$ntheta[idq])[-1],
                         fix2first     = seq_len(rho$ntheta[idq])[-c(1,2)],
                         fix2firstlast = seq_len(rho$ntheta[idq] - 1)[-1])
      if (length(pick.col.theta) != 0) { 
        dtheta[ind, rho$first.ind.theta[idq] + seq_len(rho$npar.theta[idq]) - 1] <- 1/pr * 
        (- (dfun(Uq[, idq]) * rho$B1[[idq]][ind, pick.col.theta] - 
            dfun(Lq[, idq]) * rho$B2[[idq]][ind, pick.col.theta]) * 
            1/rho$sd.y * 1/std.dev.mat[, idq])
      dbeta[ind, (rho$first.ind.beta[idq] - rho$npar.thetas) + seq_len(npar.beta.opt[idq]) - 1] <- 
         1/pr * 1/rho$sd.y * 1/std.dev.mat[, idq] *
        (dfun(Uq[, idq]) - dfun(Lq[, idq])) * rho$x[[idq]][ind, pick.col.beta[[idq]]]
      if (rho$error.structure$type == "covGeneral"){
        for (l in 1:rho$ncor.levels) {
          idl <- which(lev == l)
          dsd <- rep(0, length(ind))
          dsd[idl] <- 1/rho$sd.y * 1/std.dev.mat[idl, idq] * 
             (dfun(Uq[idl, idq]) * Uq[idl, idq] - dfun(Lq[idl, idq]) * Lq[idl, idq])
          dstddev[ind, (l - 1) * rho$npar.cor.sd + idq] <- dsd/pr
    } else {
      combis <- combn(which(q == 1), 2, simplify = F)
      # combis <- combis[sapply(combis, function(x) (x[2] - x[1])  <= 2 * rho$PL.lag)] # TODO if length(combis) == 0!!!
      deriv_theta_rect <- function(k, l, U, L, r){
        ## derivatives of the rectangle probabilities wrt to thresholds
        UU <- deriv_biv_fun(U[, k], U[, l], r)
        UL <- deriv_biv_fun(U[, k], L[, l], r)
        LU <- deriv_biv_fun(L[, k], U[, l], r)
        LL <- deriv_biv_fun(L[, k], L[, l], r)
        pick.col.theta <- switch(rho$threshold, 
                         flexible      = seq_len(rho$ntheta[k]), 
                         fix1first     = seq_len(rho$ntheta[k])[-1],
                         fix2first     = seq_len(rho$ntheta[k])[-c(1,2)],
                         fix2firstlast = seq_len(rho$ntheta[k] - 1)[-1])
        if (length(pick.col.theta) != 0) {
         dtheta <- - 1/rho$sd.y * 1/std.dev.mat[, k] * 
               (UU * rho$B1[[k]][ind, pick.col.theta, drop = F] - UL * rho$B1[[k]][ind, pick.col.theta, drop = F] - 
                LU * rho$B2[[k]][ind, pick.col.theta, drop = F] + LL * rho$B2[[k]][ind, pick.col.theta, drop = F])
        } else {
          dtheta <- NULL
      deriv_beta_rect <- function(k, l, U, L, r){
        ## derivatives of the rectangle probabilities wrt to regr.coeff
        UU <- deriv_biv_fun(U[, k], U[, l], r)
        UL <- deriv_biv_fun(U[, k], L[, l], r)
        LU <- deriv_biv_fun(L[, k], U[, l], r)
        LL <- deriv_biv_fun(L[, k], L[, l], r)
        1/rho$sd.y * 1/std.dev.mat[, k] * (UU - UL - LU + LL) * rho$x[[k]][ind, pick.col.beta[[k]]]
      deriv_corr_rect <- function(k, l, U, L, r) {
        -(deriv_corr_fun(A = U[, k], B = U[, l], r) -
          deriv_corr_fun(A = U[, k], B = L[, l], r) -
          deriv_corr_fun(A = L[, k], B = U[, l], r) +
          deriv_corr_fun(A = L[, k], B = L[, l], r))
      ## gradient wrt threshold parameters
      if (rho$npar.thetas != 0) {
      dtheta[ind, ] <-  do.call("cbind", lapply(unique(rho$threshold.constraints), function(j){
        indj <- (1:rho$ndim)[rho$threshold.constraints == j]
        combisj <- combis[sapply(combis, function(x) any(indj %in% x))]
        ##  if  (length(combisj) != 0) combisj <- combisj[sapply(combisj, function(x) (x[2] - x[1])  <= 2 * rho$PL.lag)]
        if (length(combisj) != 0) {
          Reduce("+", lapply(combisj, function(comb){
            r <- switch(rho$error.structure$type,
                        corGeneral = sapply(sigmas[lev],'[', comb[1], comb[2]),
                        covGeneral = sapply(sigmas[lev],'[', comb[1], comb[2]),
                        corEqui    = sigmas[ind, 1],
                        corAR1     = sapply(sigmas[ind],'[', comb[1], comb[2])) 
            if  (sum(comb %in% indj) == 2){
              ind1 <- 1; ind2 <- 2;
            } else {
              ind1 <- which(comb %in% indj)
              ind2 <- which(! comb %in% indj)
            pr <- biv.prob(link = rho$link, 
                           U    = Uq[, comb[c(ind1, ind2)], drop = F], 
                           L    = Lq[, comb[c(ind1, ind2)], drop = F], 
                           r    = r, 
                           df   = rho$df.t)
            term1 <- 1/pr * deriv_theta_rect(k = comb[ind1], l = comb[ind2], 
                                             U = Uq, L = Lq, r = r)
            if (rho$threshold.constraints[comb[1]] == rho$threshold.constraints[comb[2]]) {
              term1 <- term1 + 1/pr * deriv_theta_rect(k = comb[ind2], l = comb[ind1], 
                                                       U = Uq, L = Lq, r = r)
            if (length(term1) != 0 & is.null(dim(term1)[2])) dim(term1) <- c(1, length(term1))
        } else {
          matrix(0, nrow = length(ind), ncol = rho$npar.theta.opt[indj[1]])
      ## gradient wrt regression coefficients
      beta.constraints <- c(unique(rho$coef.constraints, MARGIN = 2))

      dbeta[ind, ]<-  do.call("cbind", lapply(unique(beta.constraints), function(j){
        indj <- (1:rho$ndim)[beta.constraints == j]
        combisj <- combis[sapply(combis, function(x) any(indj %in% x))]
        ##  if  (length(combisj) != 0) combisj <- combisj[sapply(combisj, function(x) (x[2] - x[1])  <= 2 * rho$PL.lag)]
        if (length(combisj) != 0) {
          Reduce("+", lapply(combisj, function(comb){
            r <- switch(rho$error.structure$type,
                        corGeneral = sapply(sigmas[lev],'[', comb[1], comb[2]),
                        covGeneral = sapply(sigmas[lev],'[', comb[1], comb[2]),
                        corEqui    = sigmas[ind, 1],
                        corAR1     = sapply(sigmas[ind],'[', comb[1], comb[2])) 
            if  (sum(comb %in% indj) == 2){
              ind1 <- 1; ind2 <- 2;
            } else {
              ind1 <- which(comb %in% indj)
              ind2 <- which(! comb %in% indj)
            pr <- biv.prob(link = rho$link, 
                           U    = Uq[, comb[c(ind1, ind2)], drop = F], 
                           L    = Lq[, comb[c(ind1, ind2)], drop = F], 
                           r    = r, 
                           df   = rho$df.t)
            term1 <- 1/pr * deriv_beta_rect(k = comb[ind1], l = comb[ind2], 
                                            U = Uq, L = Lq, r = r)
            if (beta.constraints[comb[1]] == beta.constraints[comb[2]]) {
              term1 <- term1 + 1/pr * deriv_beta_rect(k = comb[ind2], l = comb[ind1], 
                                                      U = Uq, L = Lq, r = r)
            if (is.null(dim(term1)[2])) dim(term1) <- c(1, length(term1))
        } else {
          matrix(0, nrow = length(ind), ncol = npar.beta.opt[indj[1]])

      # dbeta[ind, ] <- do.call("cbind", lapply(1:rho$ndim, function(j){
      #   combisj <- combis[sapply(combis, function(x) j %in% x)]
      #   ## if  (length(combisj) != 0) combisj <- combisj[sapply(combisj, function(x) (x[2] - x[1])  <= 2 * rho$PL.lag)]
      #   if (length(combisj) != 0) {
      #     Reduce("+", lapply(combisj, function(comb){
      #       r <- switch(rho$error.structure$type,
      #                   corGeneral = sapply(sigmas[lev],'[', comb[1], comb[2]),
      #                   covGeneral = sapply(sigmas[lev],'[', comb[1], comb[2]),
      #                   corEqui    = sigmas[ind, 1],
      #                   corAR1     = sapply(sigmas[ind],'[', comb[1], comb[2])) 
      #       pr <- biv.prob(link = rho$link, 
      #                      U    = Uq[, comb, drop = F], 
      #                      L    = Lq[, comb, drop = F], 
      #                      r    = r, 
      #                      df   = rho$df.t)
      #       term1 <- 1/pr * deriv_beta_rect(j, comb[comb!=j], Uq, Lq, r)
      #       if (is.null(dim(term1)[2])) dim(term1) <- c(1, length(term1))
      #       term1
      #     }))
      #   } else {
      #     matrix(0, nrow = length(ind), ncol = rho$p)
      #   }
      # }))
      ## gradient wrt correlation parameters
      if (rho$error.structure$type == "corAR1") {
          dcorr[ind, ] <-
            lapply(combis, function(comb) {
              rpowlag  <- sapply(sigmas[ind],'[', comb[1], comb[2])
              r <- rpowlag^(1/abs(comb[1] - comb[2]))
              pr <- biv.prob(link = rho$link, 
                             U    = Uq[, comb, drop = F], 
                             L    = Lq[, comb, drop = F], 
                             r    = rpowlag, 
                             df   = rho$df.t)      
              dLdr <- abs(comb[1] - comb[2]) * r^(abs(comb[1] - comb[2]) - 1) *  1/pr * 
                          deriv_corr_rect(comb[1], comb[2], Uq, Lq, r = rpowlag)
              xbeta <- 0.5 * (log(1 + r) - log(1 - r))
              dLdr * exp(2 * xbeta)/(exp(2 * xbeta) + 1)^2  * 4 * rho$error.structure$x[ind, ]
      } else {
        if (rho$error.structure$type == "corEqui") { 
            dcorr[ind, ] <- Reduce("+",
              lapply(combis, function(comb) {
                r <- sigmas[ind, 1]
                pr <- biv.prob(link = rho$link, 
                               U = Uq[, comb, drop = F], 
                               L = Lq[, comb, drop = F], 
                               r = r, df = rho$df.t)     
                dLdr <- 1/pr * deriv_corr_rect(comb[1], comb[2], Uq, Lq, r = r)
                xbeta <- 0.5 * (log(1 + r) - log(1 - r))
                dLdr * exp(2 * xbeta)/(exp(2 * xbeta) + 1)^2  * 4 * rho$error.structure$x[ind, ]
        } else { 
        poslev <- which(combn(rho$ndim, 2, simplify=F) %in% combis)
        for (l in 1:rho$ncor.levels){
          dcorr[ind, (l-1) * rho$npar.cor + poslev] <- sapply(combis, function(comb) {
            r <- sigmas[[l]][comb[1], comb[2]]
            pr <- biv.prob(link = rho$link, 
                           U = Uq[lev == l, comb, drop = F],
                           L = Lq[lev == l, comb, drop = F], 
                           r = r, df = rho$df.t)    
            dc <- rep(0, length(ind))
            dc[lev == l] <- 1/pr * deriv_corr_rect(k = comb[1], l = comb[2], 
                                                   U = Uq[lev == l, , drop = F], 
                                                   L = Lq[lev == l, , drop = F], 
                                                   r = r)
      ## gradient wrt standard deviation parameters 
      if (rho$error.structure$type == "covGeneral") {
        deriv_stddev_rect <- function(k, l, U, L, r){
          UU <- deriv_biv_fun(U[, k], U[, l], r)
          UL <- deriv_biv_fun(U[, k], L[, l], r)
          LU <- deriv_biv_fun(L[, k], U[, l], r)
          LL <- deriv_biv_fun(L[, k], L[, l], r)
          (UU * U[, k] - UL * U[, k] - LU  * L[, k] + LL * L[, k])
        for (l in 1:rho$ncor.levels) {
          dstddev[ind, (l - 1) * rho$npar.cor.sd + seq_len(rho$npar.cor.sd)] <- 
            do.call("cbind", lapply(1:rho$ndim, function(j){
            combisj <- combis[sapply(combis, function(x) j %in% x)]
            ## if  (length(combisj) != 0) combisj <- combisj[sapply(combisj, function(x) (x[2] - x[1])  <= 2 * rho$PL.lag)]
            if (length(combisj) != 0) {
              Reduce("+", lapply(combisj, function(comb){
              ind1 <- which(comb == j)
              ind2 <- which(comb != j)
              r <- sigmas[[l]][comb[1], comb[2]]
              pr <- biv.prob(link = rho$link, 
                           U = Uq[lev == l, comb, drop = F], 
                           L = Lq[lev == l, comb, drop = F], 
                           r = r, df = rho$df.t)  
              dsd <- rep(0, length(ind))
              dsd[lev == l] <- 1/rho$sd.y * 1/std.dev.mat[lev==l,j] *  1/pr * 
                    deriv_stddev_rect(j, comb[comb!=j], 
                      U = Uq[lev==l,, drop = F], 
                      L = Lq[lev == l, , drop = F], r)
             } else {
               matrix(0, nrow = length(ind), ncol = 1)
  Vii <- cbind(dtheta, dbeta, dcorr, dstddev)

# all.equal(Vii, rho$Vi)
#all.equal(c(dcorr), c(rho$Vi[, c(21:23)]))
#all.equal(c(dbeta), c(rho$Vi[, c((rho$npar.theta.opts+1):17)]))
#summary(abs(dcorr - rho$Vi[,21:23]))
#head(rho$Vi[, c(1:rho$npar.theta.opts)])
#all.equal(c(Vi[, c(1:rho$npar.theta.opts)]), c(rho$Vi[, c(1:rho$npar.theta.opts)]))
#summary(abs(Vi[ind, c(1:8)] - rho$Vi[ind, c(1:8)]))

# Hesse_ana_probit <- function(rho){
#   par <- rho$optpar
#   tmp <- rho$transf.par(par, rho)
#   U <- tmp$U; L <- tmp$L; sigmas <- tmp$sigmas
#   rho$B2 <- lapply(1:rho$ndim, function(j)
#     1 * (col(matrix(0, rho$n, rho$ntheta[j] + 1)) ==
#            c(unclass(rho$y[, j]))))
#   rho$B1 <- lapply(1:rho$ndim, function(i) as.matrix(rho$B2[[i]][,-(rho$ntheta[i] + 1), drop = FALSE]))
#   rho$B2 <- lapply(1:rho$ndim, function(i) as.matrix(rho$B2[[i]][,-1, drop = FALSE]))
#   H_comb<-V_comb <- list()
#   for (i in 1:length(combis)) {
#   comb <- combis[[i]]
#   dbeta <- matrix(0, nrow = rho$n, ncol = rho$npar.betas)
#   dtheta <- matrix(0, nrow = rho$n, ncol = sum(rho$npar.theta.opt))
#   dcorr <-  matrix(0, nrow = rho$n, ncol = rho$npar.cor * rho$ncor.levels)
#   for (k in 1:length(rho$y.NA.list)){
#     q <- as.numeric(strsplit(names(rho$y.NA.list[k]), "")[[1]])# turn "101"to 1 0 1)
#     ind <- rho$y.NA.list[[k]]$ind
#     #combis <- combn(which(q == 1), 2, simplify = F)
#     if(rho$error.structure$type != "corEqui"){
#       lev <- match(rho$error.structure$x[ind], rho$error.structure$levels)
#     }
#     Uq <- U[ind, , drop = F]
#     Lq <- L[ind, , drop = F]
#     if (sum(q) == 1){
#       pr <- pnorm(Uq[, q == 1]) - pnorm(Lq[, q == 1])
#       if (rho$model == "CMORcor") dtheta[ind, ] <- - (dnorm(Uq[, q == 1]) * rho$B1[[q == 1]][ind, ] - dnorm(Lq[, q == 1]) * rho$B2[[q == 1]][ind, ])/pr
#       if (rho$model == "CMORcor2") dtheta[ind, ] <- - (dnorm(Uq[, q == 1]) * rho$B1[[q == 1]][ind, -1] - dnorm(Lq[, q == 1]) * rho$B2[[q == 1]][ind, -1])/pr
#       dbeta[ind, ] <- (dnorm(Uq[, q == 1]) - dnorm(Lq[, q == 1])) * rho$x[[q == 1]]/pr
#     } else {
#       derivtheta2norm <- function(k,l, U, L,r){
#         UU <- derivs2norm(U[, k], U[, l], r)
#         UL <- derivs2norm(U[, k], L[, l], r)
#         LU <- derivs2norm(L[, k], U[, l], r)
#         LL <- derivs2norm(L[, k], L[, l], r)
#         if (rho$model == "CMORcor") dth <- -(UU * rho$B1[[k]][ind, ] - UL * rho$B1[[k]][ind, ] - LU * rho$B2[[k]][ind, ] + LL * rho$B2[[k]][ind, ])
#         if (rho$model == "CMORcor2") dth <- - (UU * rho$B1[[k]][ind, -1] - UL * rho$B1[[k]][ind, -1] - LU * rho$B2[[k]][ind, -1] + LL * rho$B2[[k]][ind, -1])
#         dth
#       }
#       derivbeta2norm <- function(k,l, U, L,r){
#         UU <- derivs2norm(U[, k], U[, l], r)
#         UL <- derivs2norm(U[, k], L[, l], r)
#         LU <- derivs2norm(L[, k], U[, l], r)
#         LL <- derivs2norm(L[, k], L[, l], r)
#         (UU - UL - LU + LL) * rho$x[[k]][ind, ]
#       }
#       derivcornorm <- function(k, l, r, U, L) {
#         -(corrderivnorm(r, x = U[, k], y = U[, l]) -
#             corrderivnorm(r, x = U[, k], y = L[, l]) -
#             corrderivnorm(r, x = L[, k], y = U[, l]) +
#             corrderivnorm(r, x = L[, k], y = L[, l]))
#       }
#       dtheta[ind,] <- do.call("cbind", lapply(1:rho$ndim, function(j){
#             if (j %in% comb){
#                   r <- sapply(sigmas[lev],'[', comb[1], comb[2])
#                   pr <- rectbiv.norm.prob(Uq[, c(j, comb[comb!=j])], Lq[, c(j, comb[comb!=j])], r)
#                   pr[pr < .Machine$double.eps] <- .Machine$double.eps
#                   derivtheta2norm(j, comb[comb!=j], U=Uq, L=Lq, r=r)/pr
#               } else {
#                 matrix(0, nrow = length(ind), ncol = rho$npar.theta.opt[j])
#               }  }))
#       dbeta[ind, ] <- do.call("cbind", lapply(1:rho$ndim, function(j){
#         if (j %in% comb){
#             r <- sapply(sigmas[lev],'[', comb[1], comb[2])
#             pr <- rectbiv.norm.prob(Uq[, c(j, comb[comb!=j])], Lq[, c(j, comb[comb!=j])], r)
#             pr[pr < .Machine$double.eps] <- .Machine$double.eps
#             derivbeta2norm(j, comb[comb!=j], Uq, Lq, r)/pr
#         } else {
#           matrix(0, nrow = length(ind), ncol = rho$p)
#         }
#       }))
#       poslev <- which(combn(rho$npar.cor, 2, simplify=F) %in% list(comb))
#       for (l in 1:rho$ncor.levels){
#         r <- sigmas[[l]][comb[1], comb[2]]
#         pr <- rectbiv.norm.prob(Uq[lev == l, comb], Lq[lev == l, comb], r)
#         pr[pr < .Machine$double.eps] <- .Machine$double.eps
#         dc <- rep(0, length(ind))
#         dc[lev == l] <- derivcornorm(comb[1], comb[2], r = r, Uq[lev == l,], Lq[lev == l, ])/pr
#         dcorr[ind, (l-1) * rho$npar.cor + poslev] <- dc
#       }
#     }
#   }
#       H_comb[[i]] <- crossprod(cbind(dtheta, dbeta, dcorr))
#   }
#   i<-1
#   Hi_comb <- list()
#   aaa <- Reduce("+", H_comb)
#   HH_comb <- Reduce("+", Hi_comb)
#   head(HH_comb)
#   str(H_comb)
#   H_comb[[1]][1:3,1:3]
#   H_comb[[2]][1:3,1:3]
#   H_comb[[3]][1:3,1:3]
#   Hnum[1:3,1:3]
#   aaa[1:3,1:3]
#   H_comb[[1]][4:6,4:6]
#   H_comb[[2]][4:6,4:6]
#   H_comb[[3]][4:6,4:6]
#   Hnum[4:6,4:6]
#   aaa[4:6,4:6]
#   H_comb[[1]][7:11,7:11]
#   H_comb[[2]][7:11,7:11]
#   H_comb[[3]][7:11,7:11]
#   round(Hnum[7:11,7:11],3)
#   aaa[7:11,7:11]
#   aaa[1:11, 1:11]
#   H_comb[[1]][12:15, 12:15]
#   H_comb[[2]][12:15, 12:15]
#   H_comb[[3]][12:15, 12:15]
#   round(Hnum[12:15, 12:15],3)
#   aaa[12:15, 12:15]
#   Hnum <- t(J.inv) %*% Ht %*% J.inv
#       head(aaa)
#       all.equal(aaa,HH_comb)
#       sum(solve(aaa) == rho$H.inv)
#       Hnum <- solve(rho$H.inv)
#       head(round(Hnum,3))
#       head(round(aaa,3))
#       Hnum[1:11, 1:11]
#       aaa[1:11, 1:11]
#       Hnum[12:20, 12:20]
#       aaa[12:20, 12:20]
#       Hnum[21:23, 21:23]
#       aaa[21:23, 21:23]
#       ## no constraints, nada !!!
#         r <- sapply(sigmas[lev],'[', comb[1], comb[2])
#         pr <- rectbiv.norm.prob(Uq[, c(j, comb[comb!=j])], Lq[, c(j, comb[comb!=j])], r)
#         dtheta[ind, ] <- derivtheta2norm(j, comb[comb!=j], U=Uq, L=Lq, r=r)/pr
#       dbeta[ind, ] <- do.call("cbind", lapply(1:rho$ndim, function(j){
#         combisj <- combis[sapply(combis, function(x) j %in% x)]
#         if (length(combisj) != 0) {
#           Reduce("+", lapply(combisj, function(comb){
#             r <- sapply(sigmas[lev],'[', comb[1], comb[2])
#             pr <- rectbiv.norm.prob(Uq[, c(j, comb[comb!=j])], Lq[, c(j, comb[comb!=j])], r)
#             pr[pr < .Machine$double.eps] <- .Machine$double.eps
#             derivbeta2norm(j, comb[comb!=j], Uq, Lq, r)/pr}))
#         } else {
#           matrix(0, nrow = length(ind), ncol = rho$p)
#         }
#       }))
#       poslev <- which(combn(rho$npar.cor, 2, simplify=F) %in% combis)
#       for (l in 1:rho$ncor.levels){
#         dcorr[ind, (l-1) * rho$npar.cor + poslev] <- sapply(combis, function(comb) {
#           r <- sigmas[[l]][comb[1], comb[2]]
#           pr <- rectbiv.norm.prob(Uq[lev == l, comb], Lq[lev == l, comb], r)
#           pr[pr < .Machine$double.eps] <- .Machine$double.eps
#           dc <- rep(0, length(ind))
#           dc[lev == l] <- derivcornorm(comb[1], comb[2], r = r, Uq[lev == l,], Lq[lev == l, ])/pr
#           dc
#         })
#       }
#     }
#   }
#   Vii <- cbind(dtheta, dbeta, dcorr)
#   return(Vii)
# }

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